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Arts & Entert ainment Fool’s Fest is yet another sucessful show at Cabrini


Good things happen in pairs. That’s just the feeling that radiated from the Grace Hall Atrium as Fool’s Fest went underway, sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA). As Kill Jensen, Hey Hey, Arcas to Ursa and Altrucide prepared their sets in that order, the crowd began to surround the front of the nonexistent stage. Egg crates held up the speakers on both of sides of the crowd as they tried to get as close as possible to the bands.


Kill Jensen came out as the first set and as the guitar riffs flew some of the students and friends of the bands started to mosh to the band’s music. Kill Jensen is made up of Mike short, vocals, Ry White, guitar, Greg Felock, bass, Etn, drums and Justin on guitar. The band hails from the Philadelphia area and is making a name for themselves in the local hardcore music scene.

After Kill Jensen completed their set, Hey Hey really got the crowd moving as they began their set. Their hardcore music blared out of the amps and drumbeats rattled and reverberated off the walls of Grace Hall, Friday night.

Mark, Ian, Dan, Taylor and Bill are the members of Hey Hey, a screamo band that has a hint of dance to them.

The vocal range of Ian Johnson was steady and sang amazing lyrics while guitarists Taylor Moyer and Danny Mink used their phenomenal talents to keep the music flowing. Mark Quinlar beat the hell out of his drums bringing the back up to the band as a cutting edge drummer.

This is the second concert of this nature that has occurred on Cabrini’s campus. Arcas to Ursa were the next performers to go on stage. This band consists of RJ McNamee, bassist, Trevor Martin, piano and vocals, Jonathan Lyons, drummer, Mike Rossi, vocals and Shane Werley, guitarist and vocals. Arcas to

Ursa was started three years ago and now the band is moving up in world of the local music scene. Their EPis now on sale.

Last but not least, Altrucide hit the stage. Altrucide consists of Cabrini College’s very own Dave Spina, Jeff Foley, Dave Capece, Marty Shea and Paul Nasella. Their performance riveted the crowd in Grace Hall and capped off the end to a perfect night.

Spina’s vocal talents, Foley’s and

Capece’s guitar skills, Shea’s bass talents and Nasella’s drumming skills brought heavy harmonies and crushing lyrics to their performance as the end of the concert dwindled down. As they make their way through the local scene, all of these bands have one thing in common. Alove for hardcore music and the passion to strive and continue to play on.

Philadelphia-based Kill Jensen kicked off Fool’s Fest with their catchy breakdowns and mosh-worthy set.Although still a new band,Kill Jensen is making quite a name for themselves in the local hardcore scene .

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