1 minute read

Shopping now easy as watching television

Kristin Agostinelli Staff Writer




Scratch the mall, shopping from home is the new in thing. More and more consumers are shopping from the convenience of their home. Only now huge companies such as Home Shopping Network and Goldpocket Interactive have made it easier for the human population to become even lazier Instead of picking up the phone and dialing in to purchase a new item, or buy it off of eBay, consumers can control their impulse shopping through their remote of their television with the push of a button.

This new reform in this era of shopping calls for consumers to navigate through a shopping screen on their television through their remote. Developed by Goldpocket, this interactive shopping network will enable customers to buy what they want directly, rather than go through customer service personnel.

Although Interactive TV through the Home Shopping Network has not been released to the public yet, it is set to make its debut next month at NCTA’s 2005 National Show. Directions to use this new concoction are simple. Viewers simply scroll through the menu on their television screen using the left, right, up or down buttons, while being able to choose the size and color of the item. After selecting the item they want, customers are shown the final price, the shipping and handling fees, along with any taxes that are relevant and are then given a confirmation code that tell them they have officially purchased their desired item.

For now Goldpocket’s interactive media for shopping will only be intended for cable subscribers due to the number of digital boxes that are required for the communication between the cable subscriber and the network according to Reuters.

Professionals in the business are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Goldpocket Interactive and Home Shopping Network to make this system available to the public, yet there are still a few kinks to work out. Despite the popularity that this may draw forth, distributors still have to make sure the system works flawlessly, and is compatible with Home Shopping Network’s systems that are already in place. Also the fact that they need to control product distribution with what Home Shopping Network has available in stock


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