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Lady Cavs optimistic

situation was horrendous and extremely contradictory.

It is one thing not to comment on a personnel matter but to provide two separate accounts regarding whose decision it ultimately was to fire Dzik is laughable.


It has been proven that the community will not sit by and allow certain actions to occur without answers. If the administration continues to act without fully acknowledging the potential negative backlash, they will continue to dig a hole so deep that they won’t be able to get out of it.

Although I doubt I will ever see a group hug with all parties involved with the Dzik-adminis-

The harsh reality is that Dzik will not be back with Cabrini, but that doesn’t mean a Dzik fan can’t celebrate his achievements by supporting the new direction of the men’s basketball program. If you were a true fan and friend of Dzik, you would know that he would like to see the men’s basketball program continue to succeed.

Although I can’t force anyone to set aside their feelings, I can only hope that attitudes towards certain individuals don’t directly hurt the entire community. It’s important to show support next year for the men’s basketball team and the college as a whole.

There are still good people at the college. Dzik knows it, so why don’t you?


The Cabrini softball team kicked of their spring fling weekend with a doubleheader against Immaculata University. They came into the game after losing both games to their doubleheader against King’s College on Wednesday. Player, Megan O’Brien believes that the losses to King’s College served as motivation to try to win this doubleheader.

“The losses definitely motivated us, because we don’t like to lose, and after the tough losses, we wanted to go out and perform together as a team on our own field,” O’Brien said.

The Lady Cavs came out strong in the first innings of the first game, and they remained dominant over Immaculata throughout the game. They dominated with an impressive victory with the score 10-2, Cabrini.

Unfortunately, the second game didnít go well for the Lady Cavs.

In the first three innings, the Lady Cavs were not getting the hits or runs they wanted and gave up runs to Immaculata. Immaculata had defeated Cabrini with a score of 8-2. Despite the second loss, the team still holds their heads up high, and they are proud of each other. Along with O’Brien, the rest of the team was disappointed with the loss. She expressed how the team did not expect to lose; she knows the heart was there, but says things didn’t go Cabrini’s way.

“The hear t was there, and everyone wanted to win, but we couldn’t give hit the ball,” O’Brien said.

Although the players displayed a lot of effort, Immaculata was able to get the hits and runs they needed to win the game. The next home game is another doubleheader against Cedar College on Friday at 1p.m.

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