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9/11 Four years later Construction in the face of destruction


Thenation scrambles to aid Hurricane Katrina victims and support troops overseas, but four years later, victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are still in the minds of Americans.


This unprecedented terrorist attack left Americans struggling for answers. The acts of violence woke up the nation, raised awareness of terrorism and sparked immediate patriotism.

ACNN reader said, “We call it the 10/11 syndrome. What was normal on the 10th was gone forever on the 11th.”

The two tragedies strike home and play off one another because of their disastrous and heartbreaking effects. Yet, despite the recent catastrophe in Louisiana caused by Hurricane Katrina, the United States is working towards rebuilding New York as well.

Much debate surrounded whether the new sculptures should reach the same heights as the once-standing World Trade Center buildings.

Seven teams of architects proposed nine World Trade Center designs by Dec. 18, 2002, to fill the spaces where the towers once stood.

The Studio Daniel Libeskind design was selected as the winner on Feb. 26, 2003, according to the Associated Press and CNN.

However, the physical rebuild has had Donald Trump in the middle of the construction, proposing the idea of creating Twin Tower replicas, similar to the original buildings attacked four years ago. According to CNN, officials in charge of rebuilding quickly trumped his idea.

Families of 9/11 victims protested the cultural structures ofthe rebuilding project. According to CNN, the families feared a loss of the “memorial feel” to ground zero with the addition of cultural monuments.

Amuseum dedicated to the terrorism almost four years ago was opened Sept. 7, according to the Washington Post.

Aproposition was made to engrave names of 9/11 victims from New Jersey “randomly” on stainless steel slabs along the Hudson River, according to CNN.

Locally, Cabrini students continued their learning and adapted to studying abroad in a post-9/11 world.

Students of all ages wondered if traveling abroad would be aborted or if vacations would no longer stand.

Four years later, Cabrini students are traveling more than ever. The terrorism against the United States has left Americans working to unite and rebuild.

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