2 minute read
‘Growing pains’painless for Rooymans residents
The Rooymans Center, which housed counseling services, tutoring center and nurse’s office in the past, is now home to 18 freshman males and one resident adviser.
The Rooymans Center, built in 1967, originally called Council Hall, was not always used for offices before its recent renovation. The building was actually erected as a residence hall.
The decision to return the Rooymans Center to a residence hall came late last semester, when Laura Shapella, the assistant director of Residence Life and other members of the Residence Life Office realized exactly how many freshmen were enrolling to Cabrini.
Roommates Scott Dietrich, a freshman business administration major, and Doug Will, a freshman fine arts major, feel lucky to live in the Rooymans Center. While touring campus as high school seniors, they had no idea that living in the Rooymans Center was even an option. “It was never even mentioned on the tour,” Dietrich said.
“I like it even though it’s all guys,” Dietrich said, “Everything is new and it’s right in the middle of campus.”
“The rooms are about the same size as the Woodcrest rooms, only we have two people living in our rooms and there are three people living in those rooms,” Will said. “People come and hang out here; it’s fun,” he said.
When asked about the smell of medical supplies from the former nurse’s office, the roommates say the only thing that smells is the odor from some of the sports players after practice.
The Health Center and tutoring center, which was previously located in the Rooymans Center, have been moved to the basement of Founder’s Hall. The counseling center moved into Grace Hall
According to Shapella, the Rooymans Center is most likely to remain a residence hall, even after West Residence Hall is completed.
The enrolled freshman class for the 2005-2006 school year is the biggest incoming freshman class in the history of Cabrini College. The conversion of the Rooymans Center is not the only change made to the residence halls on campus. Many lounges have been converted into dorm rooms to support the demand for residency on campus. Shapella said, “I understand that it is difficult to lose lounge space, but I
Shapella said that more students accepted admission at Cabrini this year than ever before and this is proof that the college is moving in the right direction.
“As a department we are proud that so many students want housing, so we are going to do everything we can to accommodate those requests and make adjustments,” she said.
The fact that Cabrini is growing is wonderful, according to Shapella. She said, “Anytime a college is in a period of transition, there are bound to be some growing pains, but everyone is working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible.”
“We are moving forward, we will have a new residence hall by the next academic year and hopefully students will be able to see how these changes and growths are only going to benefit Cabrini as a whole in the future,” Shapella said.
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