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Agoodclass goes a long way

going to certain classes. From my personal experience, I have fortunately had more classes I have enjoyed than not.

interest in “Paradise Lost” sparked not only my interest but the interest of the majority of the class.




One of the best parts of college is that students get to take many classes that are directed toward their major.This would lead many students to enjoy the majority of their classes. However,this is not always the case. Iknow many students who dread

My favorite class that I have had at Cabrini was The Creation, The Fall and The Redemption, taught by Dr. Marilyn Johnson, a professor of English. This class was the most interesting and productive class I’ve attended in my time at Cabrini.

Wefocused on the writer John Milton and his work “Paradise Lost.” I fell in love with this epic poem, so I enjoyed discussing it in class. Johnson loved “Paradise Lost” and this made me have a stronger desire to read it and see if I enjoyed this work as much as she did. I believe her

I’m an English and communication major, so I was expecting to enjoy this English class. I am pleased to say that The Creation, The Fall and The Redemption exceeded my expectations. I was enlightened by the class and also intrigued by the works we read and discussions we had.

If I had found the materials we read for this class to be boring, of course I would not have enjoyed this class nearly as much. I got lucky because “Paradise Lost” turned out to be one of my favorite works.

Ibelieve there are also many other factors that make me or any other student like or dislike a class. Obviously the subject of the class takes on a big role in determining how enjoyable it will be to students. I think that the format of the class also plays ahuge role in the likeliness of the class. In The Creation, The Fall and The Redemption I was required to write essays. Personally,this was great because when it comes to being graded I would rather write an essay than by any other means.

Johnson also influenced my opinion of the class. Professors can help or hurt a student’sview of a class. There are many different teaching styles, grading methods and rules among the professors at Cabrini. I was thrilled with Johnson’s grading methods, the materials that she chose for our class to study and most of all her attitude towards class.

The Creation, The Fall and The Redemption was the first English class that I took at Cabrini. I am happy to say that it left me with a great first impression of the English classes. Because I enjoyed this class so much, I am taking another English class this semester with Johnson. This goes to show that good professors pay off.

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