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Facebook vs. MySpace


for college students to connect and meet fellow classmates and communicate with old friends whose college is registered to


It is almost a guarantee that while Facebook. On this website you can only reading this article, many students on upload one photograph at a time and you this campus are connected to two of the must agree before the upload process most popular websites among the col- that the picture to be uploaded is not lege community, MySpace.com and pornographic. Facebook.com. Both websites are simi- Both websites are growing each day lar, but on the other hand, both were created to attract different age groups of people which makes it simple for students to distinguish which website they prefer to use when contacting or meeting friends.

MySpace.com, also known as MySpace, was founded by Tom Anderson, 29, and Chris DeWolfe, 39. This website is essentially an online hangout for anyone who can access the website. When signing up for this website, it allows you to upload l O photographs of yourself. Here's the trick: they can be ANY photograph of yourself, and MySpace basically has no limits as to how many clothes you have on or how many pieces of clothing you don't have on.

While Facebook.com, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, is a website designed


"Little is known what is known is kept secret." This credo belongs to the Alpha Delta Gamma (ADG) chapter that surfaced at Cabrini College during the 2004-2005 school year.

As most Cabrini College students are aware, fraternities and sororities are not permitted on campus. However, the select few individuals affiliated ~ith this socalled "brotherhood" have yet to face any disciplinary consequences. This may very well be due to the extreme secrecy this fraternity demands of its members.

with the addition of new members. MySpace is more flashy and fun; but Facebook is more personal and professional. Some students on campus have both MySpace and Facebook and have an opinion on both websites. Then there are other students who choose not to register for either Facebook or MySpace, such as Jessica Bailey, a junior elemen- tary education major, who says that they both seem pointless.

Bailey has a different outlook on these programs than most students. Jamie Ingman, a sophomore psychology major, says "I'll take Facebook over MySpace any day because I actually know the people on there whereas MySpace connects you to people across the country." Many students feel the same way but prefer MySpace more. Another sophomore, Jill Jackamonis, does not have the program MySpace but she says, "I really like MySpace, because the profiles are more appealing."

Both programs were established for the similar reasons. Most of all the wesites were developed to connect old friends and to meet new ones. No matter which website is your preference, they both are interesting, fun and absolutely addicting.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Best Week Ever: Alyssa's take on nutty news

Spirit, and Social." Yet a secret fraternity house, skulls and the initiation that is rumored to have taken place last year hardly seems like Christian tradition. However, this underground fraternity does raise a good question: should fraternities and sororities be permitted on campus?

Justin Rogers, a freshman bio/pre-med major, said, "It depends on the stigma that goes along with that frat. If they have a good reputation then it's okay, but if it's just another place for people to have parties, get drunk and have sex, then no." Many other students feel that fraternities and soronttes unite people and will bring the students together. Yet, when asked if they would ever become affiliated

Now, if this is with such an such a big secret, o r g a n i z at i o n , how is it that one their responses finds out about were quite the this fraternity?

PHOTOBY LAURENSHAAKEYcontrary. Another The credo Symbolssuch as this have been spotted on t-shirts aroundcam- freshman, who appeared in a pus. chooses to remain friend's AIM profile, also including a anonymous, said, "I definitely wouldn't join quote, "A skull above any other." When a fraternity ·.!don't need to pay for friends." confronted, his only response was, "Ah, I Although Cabrini may be tom on whether don't know what you're talking about. I'm or not fraternities and sororities should be not saying anything." Later that evening, allowed on campus, or what really happens the credo was nowhere to be found in.his inside ADG, one thing is for certain: the AIM profile. ADG is also promoted on t- secret is out. shirts, "We bust our skulls so we can bust Loquitur welcomes your comments on yours." this story. Please send your Historically, ADG is a Christian based comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com fraternity. According to their official web- Th e e di to rs w i 11 rev i e w yo u r site, "The five pillars that every AlphaDelt points each week and make corrections lives by are known as the Five S's: if warranted. Spiritual, Scholastic, Service, School


• Moore Bush Bashing- Filmmaker Michael Moore's next project is currently focused on Hurricane Katrina and what he sees as the Bush administration's lackadaisical response to the destruction of New Orleans. His camera's eye was on the prowl and was just waiting for the next big disaster to happen so he could make a lot of money off of it. Moore wants to make this movie because it is said that, "It has all the elements that made 'Fahrenheit 911' such a powerful film The political outrage, the human suffering, and the incredible footage." Moore wasted no time concocting a-letter to the president, accusing him of racism, oJ unfortunately having all our military in Iraq, and of staying on vacation while Hurricane Katrina destroyed some of the most prominent cities in the south. Bush claims that he couldn't find his galoshes so he decided to stay where it was dry.

Pledge Unconstitutional- A federal judge in California claimed that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools was unconstitutional. He then became full of himself and stated that he was going to issue an order to three California school districts to prohibit the daily reciting of the pledge. The U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that the pledge's reference to "one nation under God" violates children's right to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God." Karlton's next move is to change the US currency because it states "in God we trust" on it. Many seem to thinkhe is still sour at his fourth grade catholic school teacher, Sister Mary Rosetta, because she slapped him with a ruler we'll never know for sure.

• Fattest College- Imagine that the "freshman 15" lasted you throughout your whole college experience. That would really suck right? Well that is exactly what happened at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, which has been named the Number one fattest college in the United States by Men's Fitness magazine. The Men's Fitness magazine did a ranking of the fittest and fattest colleges, based on a survey they created of more than 10,000 university students from 660 campuses. Students were asked about their weight gain and their workout routines. They were also asked if they were involved in any type of campus sports or intramurals. In the end, Lafayette failed the test. We believe it's because the college's country fried chicken and mashed potatoes were too good too pass up when breakfast, lunch and dinner rolled around.

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