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Cutting A's causing a craze


Princeton University has stirred much controversy cutting down the number of A's given to its student body.

The "A-slashing" is part of Princeton's new grading initiative started in Apr. of 2004. The policy had an original goal of reducing the percentage of students receiving A's from 55 percent to 35 percent.

So far, the percentages of A's have been cut-down substantially. In some majors, the A's given to students have fallen as much as 10 percent. Princeton administrators expect to meet the mark of 35 percent by the end this school year.

Whether or not other schools will follow this policy is debatable. A few Ivy League schools have "showed interest" in the Princeton policy and plan to adopt similar programs, Karen W. Arenson of the New York Times reported.

One can only imagine what tougher grading would do at a school like Cabrini. It also would be interesting to see the percentage of Ns deliberated to students at the school. For the most part, Cabrini students have expressed an opinion completely against a change like the one issued at Princeton. The students at Princeton, however, have not been too upset with the new effort to trim the amount of A's given.

There are many different arguments criticizing the policy. A sample disagreement voiced by students would be that the reduction of A's would hurt them in the future when trying to apply for additional schooling or an occupation.

Also, there is a fear among teachers that their student approval may suffer if they are forced to reduce the number of A's, a statement provided by Karen W. Arenson of the New York Times. Another argument is that instructors should not solely focus on a letter grade. Many believe that the actual letter grade is not most important. The learning and development of the student is what is paramount.

The negativity received by this policy, however, does not outweigh the positive results cutting A's have gotten. Under the policy, students are simply pushed to work harder. Many administrators at Princeton have stated that it is, "important to separate a student's good work from their very best," Arenson of the New York Times also reported. Many believe the thought of students truly applying themselves is an aspect of education that has been lost over the years.

At Cabrini, it is certain that a stricter grading policy would motivate and challenge students to reach a higher level of academic achievement.

No matter how much some students may hate to admit it, there is no better feeling than receiving an "A" in a class with a cumbersome workload. That feeling of accomplishment, independence and power cannot be rivaled.

Many times, however, we come across classes where there is a substantial amount of work to be done, and you complete it all, only to find out that someone who did half the work you did received an "A" as well. For this reason, maybe it is necessary for America to increase the difficulty of getting higher grades.

Many times in recent history our educational system has been subjected to scrutiny from foreign countries. A little push to the children of America to work harder cannot hurt us, it will just help us to compete against other countries and ourselves.

Flu vaccinations made accessible


There will be approximately 97 million flu vaccines made for the upcoming flu season, according to the American College of Physicians website. Cabrini College will have 150 of those vaccines on hand for students, faculty and staff. Sue Fitzgerald, the college nurse, estimates that around 100 people will come to get vaccinated.

The flu vaccine will be available starting Oct. 17 for priority groups and then Oct. 24 for the general public. The cost for vaccination is $20. Fitzgerald said that the vaccine is offered as a public service to the college. This is not part of any insurance plan, but the paperwork will be available for reimbursements.

Amanda Wanstall, a junior sociology/criminal justice major, says she will be getting the flu vaccine because she "doesn't want to get the flu." She said she wouldn't normally go out and get the vaccine but it's "easily accessible at the college."

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu is "a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses." Symptoms include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The CDC also states that between five percent and 20 percent of the population gets the flu each year.

Besides the vaccine, Fitzgerald says the best way to prevent the flu is by "hand washing, hand washing and then washing your hands again" and to "stay home when you are sick." It is especially important on a college campus where there are so many people all living in one place. major, is considering getting the flu vaccine now that he knows it is available at Cabrini. It's seems an easy solution to keep from getting sick so he figures he will, "give it a shot." He also said he would wait to get the vaccine to give the high-risk groups a chance to get it first. ·'I would wait because I never needed it in the past, these people need it more than I do," Pino said.

The CDC recommends the same including covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and using a hand sanitizer when soap is not available.

Also, the CDC states that there are some people who should not be vaccinated. This group includes people who have severe allergies to chicken eggs or who severely reacted to a previous vaccination and children less than 6 months old. Also anyone who is experiencing flu-like symptoms should wait for them to subside before getting the vaccine.

The flu vaccine was made available at Cabrini on Oct. 17

Germs can live on doorknobs and computer keyboards in the form of respiratory droplets and is transmitted when someone touches those places and then touches their mouth or nose.

The flu vaccine is not required for all people. According to the CDC, the high-risk priority group who should get vaccinated every year includes people 65 years and older, people who live in nursing homes, women who will be pregnant during the flu season, children 6 to 23 months old and anyone who has constant contact with people who are high-risk.

John Pino, a junior English/secondary education


Since there was a vaccine shortage last year, there are predictions that there will an early rush to get the vaccines for the upcoming flu season. About.com advises for people to "also remember that many people are going to remember the problems getting flu shots last year and many doctor's offices are going to have a hard time getting kids shots in so short a time. so plan early for when your child can get his flu shot."

Lisa Defino, a senior elementary education major, won't be getting a flu vaccine this year because she doesn't feel at risk, "but maybe when I graduate and become a teacher and are surrounded by young children all day, I will consider getting the vaccine" Defino said.

Deidre Beadle, Tiffany Dublin, Kyle Foley, Becca Gallagher,Maura Gertz, Talia Giordano, Noel Kirkner, Lori-Ann Litchmore,Chris Loringer, Bruce MacLelland,Megan Milliken, Jeffery Outterbridge, Matt Robinson,Allison Sachs, Caroline Smith, and MarciaWeinstein

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