Oct. 28, 2005 issue 08 Loquitur

Page 4

P ublic support is slipping drastically concerning the U.S. i nvolvement over in Iraq.

According to CBS, “Americans reject financing the war through an increased federal deficit, and 62 percent would finance paying for the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast by cutting spending in Iraq.”

When America first took action over in Iraq in 2003, most U.S. citizens thought that the president was doing the correct thing. Polls from 2003 showed that 69 percent of Americans believed that the country did right by sending troops to Iraq, while 25 percent thought the U.S. should have stayed out of Iraq all together.

Since then, the percentage of people favoring the war has dropped drastically. As of right now, only 41 percent of people think that the United States should be at war while 55 percent say that U.S. forces should have stayed out, which is the highest figure to date.

Dr. James Hedtke, a professor of history and political science, said, “Two of the three reasons to enter war in Iraq were not valid. If support of the war goes down, so does the national morale. If we lose determination to continue war, we lose our will to use power.”

Those three reasons to enter war in Iraq were to move Al Quada out of Iraq, get rid of weapons of mass destruction and to bring down the regime and help the Iraqis establish a democracy At this point in time, two of the three have been unsuccessful, leaving only helping the Iraqis establish a democracy as the only positive.

“After Sept. 11, I felt that we had reason to be over there, and I think that everyone did. Since then, my opinion has changed. I don’t feel that our troops should be over there in mass numbers.

Br eas t cancer a war eness pr omoted on campus




The topic of breast cancer sparks the interest of many people, especially during October, the official month of breast cancer awareness. At Cabrini, there are a few things being done to promote awareness on campus, although there has been more involvement in the past.

Susan Fitzgerald, the health services coordinator, said she will make sure that on Oct. 24 and 31, the Health Hut will include information on breast cancer Also, she is going to purchase educational items about breast cancer to be hung in the residence halls.

Fitzgerald realizes that there could be more things done on campus during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Fitzgerald said, “We could do more to promote, but the media does an amazing job of promoting awareness.”

Fitzgerald commented on the idea that many college women don’t worry about breast cancer because there is a low occurrence of young women getting this type of can-


The rink ribbon,pictured above,is the official ribbon used for breast cancer awareness.

cer According to the World YWCA web site, breast tissue in younger women is dense, and it is hard to find cancerous cells with a mammogram because of the dense tissue.

However, the World YWCA web site also stated that it is becoming more common for women under 40 years of age to get breast cancer. The most common cases are found in women who have a history of breast cancer in their family.

This rising statitistic is one of the reasons why it is very impor-

tant for women to start giving themselves self-examinations starting at the age of 20. Fitzgerald said, “It is good to start self examinations early because this will get women into a good habit, so when they get older they will be used to examining themselves.”

Early detection is the key to fighting breast cancer. This is why self-examinations and mammograms are highly recommended. By checking up on themselves, women are helping to improve their chance of survival.

Breast cancer is a seriously fatal illness. According to the breast cancer site, each year about 182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 of the women diagnosed die from the cancer

Although there is a much higher occurrence of breast cancer in women, there is still a possibility that a man could get breast cancer. According to the breast cancer site, about 1,600 men will get breast cancer each year, resulting in approximately 400 deaths.

With all the awareness spread through our country, there are still many women who never

think once about the possibility of getting breast cancer.

According to the breast cancer site, about 13 million women, ages 40 and up, who reside in the United States, have never had a mammogram.

Breast cancer does not only affect the person who has it but also all of those who are close to them. Sophomore Christina Siderio, an elementary education major, reflected on the time her aunt suffered from breast cancer. Siderio said, “I know first hand how dangerous breast cancer is because my aunt had it. It was a scary time in the lives of my entire family and made us realize how important it is to detect breast cancer early.”

For more information: http://www.worldywcaorg.ac.ps iweb.com/young_womens/onth emove/yw2001/ may/cancer.htm

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Loquitur The Cabrini College’s Student Newspaper Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 Radnor, Pa. www.theLoquitur.com Vol XLVII, Issue 8 Sports Midnight Madness: bleed blue page 16 Perspectives Gas-guzzlers taking up too much space page 7 A&E Citizens benefit from Oprah, others page 10 Features Halloween costumes page 9 Inside S Suuppppoorrt t f foor r w waar r i in n I Irraaq q c coonnttiinnuuees s t to o d drroop p
Anti-war protesters demonstrate in front of the White House.Hundreds of other anti-war protesters were arrested for demonstrating without a permit. Iraq, page 3

The death toll for American soldier casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan has just reached 2,000. Sadly, the number will surpass 2,000, and there is no clear answer as to when this number will cease growing.

2,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters have been lost, yet the insurgency aggressively continues.

We have heard a plethora of different deadlines referring to when our troops will be sent home. Few of these deadlines have been met thus far, and the soldiers that do find a way home quickly are requested back into combat.

America has shown its doubt in the war in Iraq through different actions. Some actions are more outspoken, like anti-war protests, while other actions like below-quota recruitment numbers are not as loud, but equally painful.

Some opinions claim that American soldiers will have a presence in Iraq for the next 10 years. Such a long period surely causes pain in the hearts of the American people watching their loved ones being attacked on a daily basis. It hurts to imagine how many lives potentially could be lost if our troops were to stay for another 10 years.

At home in America, it is emotionally painful to watch the concern of a parent with a son or daughter fighting in Iraq. An empty hole remains in their hearts that will only be filled when their babies return home. Even if one may justify these emotions as part of the nature of war, the cause of this conflict has undoubtedly created controversy in the United States.

From the unsuccessful hunt for Osama bin Laden to our failure to find weapons of mass destruction, faith in our leadership has weakened since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. President Bush portrays himself as a confident figure with a clear message, but this message has been altered slightly on repeated occasions since 2001 to become something very different.

The one constant emotion throughout this war, however, has been the support of our troops. Although the Bush administration firmly denies the war in Iraq’s resemblance to the Vietnam War, the American public is not able to avoid contemplating such a thought. One thing for certain is that the American people must never look down upon its troops again.

Leadership in Iraq has been elected, a constitution has been drawn-up and Iraqi soldiers continue to be trained. These are all positive strides occurring in Iraq, even if they are highly criticized.

The troubling aspect is that for every positive action that takes place, just as many, if not more, negative offenses arise.

Whether or not the insurgency is too strong and if we will be able to overcome the terrorist attacks is a frightening thought that has entered the minds of the American people. This war has been quite different from the first war in Iraq, Operation Desert Storm, where American troops steamrolled Saddam Hussein’s regime.

The war we are involved in at the present is not just a war with Iraqi insurgents, but also recruited terrorists from all different sections of the Muslim world. The difficulty of defeating such an unknown enemy potentially could be devastating to American troops. We are at 2,000 soldier casualties right now The cause of action for the United States must be clarified and justified with the American people before the casualties continue any further

What is meant by this statement is that there are still many skeptical opinions concerning the motives of the United States’ involvement in the war. For example, many people still believe we are in Iraq for one reason: oil. Therefore, the leadership of our country should deliver the truth to the American people because they are the ones sacrificing their lives for the questionable cause.


Middle States report leads to Loquitur changes (Oct. 14, 2005)

Because of a mistake in the production process, an incorrect version of the story by Shawn Rice, “Middle States report leads to Loquitur changes,” was printed. The correct first paragraph should have been: “ The Loquitur’s publishing process has been restructured creating a delay in its online service to the Cabrini community. Editors will now postpone their web edition a week to address any comments or noted errors in content made by the public regarding the current print version of the Loquitur.”

An editor’s note was omitted from the end of the article. It said: “Shawn Rice was the editor-in-chief of the Loquitur last year.”

The correct version of the article will be published in the online edition this week.

Up‘til Dawn raising money and cancer awareness


Cabrini’s Up ‘til Dawn chapter is back again for another year, raising both money and awareness for children with cancer. The Up ‘til Dawn group is a nationalwide, student-run organization that raises money for the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

Like Up ‘til Dawn, St. Jude’s Hospital, l ocated in Memphis, Tenn., is also a nonprofit, pediatric-cancer center who never turns a child and their family away, even those that do not have the finances for treatment. The hospital even finds housing for the family while their child is being treated.

Francine Clement, a sophomore and sociology major, who is currently the executive director of Up‘til Dawn, visited St. Jude’s this past summer for a convention for Up ‘til Dawn leaders. She said that the children were just like normal kids, and it was one of the happiest places she had ever visited.

Up ‘til Dawn is holding their first event on Nov. 1, known as the all team meeting. Teams of five come to register and have a letter-writing party. “It’s a good time. There’s music, food and Cabrini’s radio station, the BURN, comes too,” Clement said.

Each member of the team writes letters to friends and family asking them to donate to the

cause. Most of the organization’s funds are made through these donations.

A lthough the night is an enjoyable time for the most part, there is also a very real and serious aspect of the night to remind students of the cause at hand. A college-age cancer survivor, who has been treated at St. Jude’s,

members trying to party and stay “up ‘til dawn.” The finale includes food, games and is open to the Cabrini community. At the end of the year, students who h ave raised the most money receive prizes and other incentives, but overall, the fundraising is a team effort.

comes to speak to the students and share his or her survival story.

For this year, Up ‘til Dawn is already in the works of planning fundraisers, such as dances, hot chocolate and pretzel sales and the upcoming poker night. The poker night will be held on Nov. 18 with a $20 to $25 admission, where students will be able to gamble with Monopoly money.

Like so many other students, Christina Moglioni, a sophomore elementary education major, became involved for the cause. Moglioni, who is currently the recreational chairman, said, “It’s a great opportunity for students to celebrate and live the life that these children are fighting for.”

On March 31, Up ‘til Dawn will hold their finale to celebrate what they accomplished all year. This is where the organization gets its name, by students and

2005-2006 Loquitur Staff

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Dr. Jerome Zurek

Last year Cabrini’s Up ‘til D awn chapter alone raised an outstanding $35,000. The 150 schools nationwide who participate in Up ‘til D awn together raised over $3 million. Clement, who participated in Up ‘til Dawn as a freshman, says it is a great way to meet people and get involved in the community. “Students are able to have fun, but at the same time know that they are saving children’s lives,” Clement said.

There is a much bigger world outside the small, peaceful Cabrini campus. Up ‘til Dawn is helping students see the bigger picture and work for the greater good. Moglioni said, “College g ets so busy, but by being involved in Up ‘til Dawn helps to open your eyes to the world.”

To obtain more information about Up ‘til Dawn, please contact of the office of student activities.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

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OurMission Statement

The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.

Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.

Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.

The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen

Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 peryearand is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editor are to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus orcommunity area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@cabrini.edu orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.

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2 | NEWS Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com EDITORIAL
“It’s a great opportunity for students to celebrate and live the life that these children are fighting for.”
-Christina Moglioni, recreational chairman

Cabrini awarded grant from W.W.Smith Charitable Trust

For 26 years the college has been able

The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust has awarded Cabrini College a $79,000 grant to support the W.W. Smith Scholars program for the 2005-2006 academic school year. This money is given to full-time undergraduate students who are financial aid eligible. Cabrini has been receiving funds from the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust for 26 years that total over $861,000.

To apply for the grant money, Cabrini must first be invited and then write a grant proposal that s ays the college meets the requirements of the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust. According to Jean Jacobson, the director of corporate, foundation, and government relations, the applications to the Scholars program are b y invitation only to selected Philadelphia area colleges.

As stated by the Trust’s website, the g uidelines for the grant are that it is to be given to “full-time undergraduate students at accredited colleges and universities in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia coun-

to provide financial aid to students because of grant money

ties. Scholarships are to supplement existing levels of aid for lower income and middle income students who could not otherwise attend college or support a college education.”

Jacobson writes the grant application to the Trust each year requesting the funds. She describes the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust as a “very generous foundation that has made a huge difference to the Cabrini College community. The Trust has been a n important partner in the growth of Cabrini College, and its generous support has opened doors to the college for many students.”

funding for more than three years. Also, a representative from the Trust visits the college every two years to meet with the students who have received their funding.

Paula Gaughan, the coordinator of donor relations and stewardship, said that Cabrini College has a “very good relationship” with the Trust, and so the funding amount keeps going up. Last year the college received $79,000 that provided funding for 38 students.

The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust was created in the will of William Wikoff Smith and contributes money, in addition to the college scholarship program, to medical research and grants for food, clothing and shelter for nonprofits located in local counties.

es that the college has a need for this additional funding.

“The college has a long standing relationship with the Trust and has seen the funding grow for Cabrini because of the growth of the college. Over the years, 516 Cabrini students have benefited from the W.W Smith Scholars program.”

She said that the college has a long-standing relationship with the Trust and has seen the funding “grow for us because of the growth of the college. Over the years, 516 Cabrini students have benefited from the W.WSmith Scholars program.”

The grant application also details how the money will be used at the college, how it will benefit the students and establish-

O nce the college receives the money, it is handed over to financial aid to be distributed. The Trust itself doesn’t have very many restrictions for who the money is given to.

Mike Colahan, the director of financial aid, “likes the fact that W.W. Smith hasn’t put a lot of strings on it,” so he has some flexibility with who he can give

National support goes down for war

Iraq, page 1

We have soldiers over there dying and for what reason,” Matt McKinney, a sophomore English and communication major, said. “We are trying to enforce a government on another country, and I don’t think that it is right.”

Beau Nickerson, a sophomore business administration major, said, “I think we did the right thing by entering Iraq because there were things that had to be done. As of right now, I guess I still feel the same way, but there are some areas that you can argue with. Right now the Iraqis are voting on a proposed constitution that will bring democracy to Iraq which is a step in the right direction for that country and could hopefully limit our involvement over there.”

Many Americans are angry over the fact that soldiers are in Iraq, risking their lives for reasons that are not valid.

As of right now, it looks very certain that the proposed constitution, which the Iraqi people voted on during the weekend of Oct. 15 and 16, will be passed, considering over 60 percent of eligible voters came out to cast their ballots, despite the widespread threat of violence from insurgents.

For all that want the war to be

A proud supporter of the war in Iraq salutes the United States.At this point,the nation has mixed emotions on whether or not the war in Iraq is justified. over and for troops to start returning home, the voting on the constitution is a crucial step in that process. If passed and insurgency is tamed, it will enable the 150,000 U.S. troops to begin to withdraw, which will please a majority of Americans, if recent polls are correct.

According to Hedtke, this may be easier said than done. “No matter what happens, insurgency


is going to continue. It is a vicious cycle that we cannot get out of. The easy thing was entering war; the hard part is leaving,” Hedtke said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

the money to. Colahan does, however, require a 2.0 grade point average for a student to be considered for the funds, and the Trust asks that the students be from the Philadelphia area.

Private funding, like the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust, is distributed to financial aid students after all the government money and academic scholarships are applied and they still qualify for more money. Colahan said that it is “subjective decision making,” and there is no favoritism in deciding who gets the funds. It is simply based on need.

Students are required to write thank you notes to the Trust, and no student is allowed to have the

As indicated on the Trust’s website, they have awarded, as of September 2005, $1,033,000 to c ancer research, $516,000 to AIDS research, and $728,000 to area nonprofits, including the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey and the Child Abuse Prevention Effort.

Also, over $2.5 million is given annually to 29 universities and colleges in the Delaware Valley for the scholarship program.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com NEWS |3
PHOTOCOURTESYOFWWW WWCHARITABLETRUST ORG W.W.Smith is the founder of the charitable trust which has been granting Cabrini College money for 26 years.
-Jean Jacobson, the director of corporate, foundation, and government relations SPRINGBREAKFROMS569 BAHAMAS,CANCUN,ACAPULCO,JAMAICAI FREEPARTIES,FREEDRINKSI SignupearlVandsavel Organize a smallgroup andvouuavelFREE. Orbecomea CAMPUSREPand GETPAIDCOMMISSION oneachUipsold. Calltodavandgetstartedl 1-8OO-Gn-SUN-1

Cell phones: a call for driving accidents, cancer

Cell phones have spread in our society like wildfire in recent years, but they may be endangering us more than we realize, enough so that laws are being made to prevent their use. The United States had over 190 million cell phone users as of June 2005, compared to approximately 4.3 million in 1990.

And these aren’t your average phones. The days of the Zack Morris cell phone/hand-held computer are over. Every day it seems that these devices are getting smaller and more technologically advanced. However, when the lack of focus that comes with talking on the phone is combined with the concentration that driving a car entails, there are bound to be problems.

Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. The dialing process calls for an individual to take their eyes off of the road, which is obviously never a good idea. Furthermore, some people get so wrapped up, especially in an emotional phone call, that they completely lose the necessary focus to drive a car.

New York and New Jersey have already banned cell phone use in cars. Pennsylvania has allowed individual jurisdictions to make their own decisions on the topic, while Delaware has only banned the use of cell

school bus drivers. New York, which was the first state to enforce this much debated law, issues fines of $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second, and $500 for any offenses thereafter. New Jersey’s penalties are less, ranging from $100 to $250.

When asked if cell phone use in cars should be banned, Janette Mochnacz, a junior English and communication major, said, “I guess it depends on the circumstance, such as emergencies, but long conversations in the car are unnecessary and can be dangerous.”

Another debatable topic con-

cerning cell phones would be the health problems that they may or may not cause. What cannot be argued is that extreme exposure to radiofrequency radiation can have serious health effects. However, cell phones only put out a certain level of radiation, which many people believe not to be harmless.

Studies show there is no evidence that the low levels of radiofrequency radiation emitted by hand-held cellular phones cause cancer. On the other hand, others have argued that because of the length of time that some are on cell phones, the radiation could be taking its toll.

“There is no research supporting it,” Corinne Szymczak, a sophomore English and secondary education major, said. “If we could get cancer from cell phones, then we could get cancer from other things too, like microwaves,” Szymczak said.

The way that cell phones are running rapid these days, it seems that not many people are concerned about possible health hazards.

Maybe you have been bothered by that person at the movie theater who forgot to turn theirs off, or you hate listening to other people’s conversations everywhere you go. Maybe you hate

showing your parents how to use theirs. You encouraged them to “get with the times,” but you didn’t realize that you would be the one teaching them how to use the cell phone. It seems that those small problems with cell phones h ave been dwarfed by the amount of lives lost because of the attention that they demand, especially behind the wheel.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Mixed feelings across campus concerning honors program

The academic standard at Cabrini College has been elevated, as its catalyzing matriculation ceremony inducted 90 honors students on Aug. 24. While it is valid that the class of 2009 is the largest class Cabrini has ever seen numerically, its 600 freshmen as a whole are paving the way for a successful student output from Cabrini College.

Many have questioned whether or not an honors program is necessary in a college atmosphere and how proficient the honors program is. While some contest the program is an unfair mechanism of tracking students, others defend that it provides an outlet for an eager and dedicated group of learners.

“I think honors programs are needed in college. The honors program is used by colleges and universities as a tool of recruitment for better students. They have also become a useful way of attracting academically superior students to the campus,” Dr. Leonard Primiano, one of the three directors of the honors program, said.

Honors programs amongst colleges provide a way for each school to see the quality of students they are accepting and provide a projection of what those learners will achieve and aspire

to become in the future.

“I would say that honors programs are probably not necessary in a college atmosphere. However, they do provide a wider demographic profile in terms of talents and strengths among students. The honors program helps identify those students who are engaged in learning something new,” Dr. Charles McCormick, the dean of academic affairs and an additional director of the honors program, said.

“The honors program is overrated. I know of a few people who are in the honors program and have a lower GPAthan I do. The SATs should not determine whether you are in it,” Nicole Meyers, a sophomore nursing major, said.

McCormick explained that the process is two-fold. “There are two ways a student can enter the honors program. The first way a student can be accepted into the program is through the review of their SATs, GPA, and intangible strengths that the administration identifies. The other way a student is able to come into the program is by obtaining a recommendation letter by a full-time faculty member and then doing well in an interview conducted by Dr. Primiano and myself. There has to be evidence and effort that prove that you are an engaged and excited learner,” McCormick said.

Yet, the honors program is not meant to intimidate or project a negative message to anyone on campus.

There are 15 honors courses regularly offered every year. Many students question the level of difficulty of these honors courses.

“It is not that these courses are any more difficult than the rest of the courses offered here at Cabrini; it is that these courses are designed differently and have different content matter While traditional areas are discussed in a non-honors class, honors classes are about synthetic connections and a conceptual way of thinking,” McCormick said.

“I think they are rigorous and very challenging,” Primiano, who teaches both an honors and regular section of ‘The Search for Meaning’class, said.

McCormick said that “the goal is to create an intense motivation within the honor students.”

Primiano said that the workload is meant to be rigorous. “The faculty provides a heavier workload and expectations are more when one is in an honors class. Expectations for critical writing, speaking, reading, as well as thinking are higher. The assignments themselves are heavier in their conceptual content,” Primiano said.

Mary Kate Korp, the president of the freshmen class, is in

the honors program and is pleased with the learning communities which are new this year at Cabrini. Alearning community is two classes with paralleled subject material and the same role call. The community provides a comfort zone among the honors students, especially for the majority, which reside in the New Residence Hall.

“The honors community is not just a relationship that we have in our classes. Our living arrangements make it so as we are all very close with one another, and it is through these living arrangements that I feel we are very fortunate. Due to our housing set-up, we are able to get very close to one another, and our tight-knit relationship enriches my Cabrini College experience. I feel that first-year students that are enrolled in the honors program are more fortunate than the other first-year students, because we have a family-like atmosphere, and we feel like we have a place to belong,” Korp said.

Some students feel the administration should make the standards higher to be accepted into the honors program.

“I want to achieve a higher level of analytical thinking and perceptual means of solving problems. Upon arriving at Cabrini College, I realized that a number of the students who were admitted into the honors program

were not operating on the same level of intellectual thought as me,” Justin Rogers, a freshman who also lives in New Residence building, said.

John Casparro, the president of the honors council, thinks otherwise. “The honors program is a great opportunity for students to expand their educational experience here at Cabrini. The honors program is sponsoring many activities this year. One major trip is going to the Curtis Symphony Orchestra, which we are projecting for February. We volunteer at the Special Olympics, and take a bunch of trips to the Kimmel center for shows,” Casparro, the president for the second year, said.

“This year, Dr. Dunbar, Dr. Primiano and myself hope to create a better and more intentional plan for the next several years of the honors program. We hope to acquire more grant money so as we can offer the honors students more opportunities and attract another group of avid learners to our campus,” said McCormick.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com 4 | NEWS
KYLE FOLEY/PHOTO STAFF Driver Pat Tiberio and his passenger Ian McDonald illustrate how distracting a cell phone conversation can be while driving. phones by

Alumni lend support and advice

A panel of alumni give freshmen insight on declaring a major

“If you can make money doing something you love, well, isn’t that what people dream of?”

Vincent Martino said to the collaboration of freshman gathered in the Mansion on Sunday, Oct. 16. Martino and several other Cabrini alumni returned to the college in the hope of sharing their wisdom with the class of 2009.

The panelists ranged from having degrees in education to instructional design and technology. Also, the graduation dates spanned from 1998 up to as recently as 2005. However, their advice paralleled each other’s in many ways.

Selecting a major can be a

very stressful and intimidating process. Signing your name on that carbon paper is probably one of the most important and lifedefining events you will participate in during your academic career. However, the general consensus among the panelists was that it is acceptable at this point in your young adult life not to have a major.

The advice given to the undecided freshman was rich in applicability.

Jenne Castellini, a 2005 graduate and education major, encouraged students who are torn between majors to talk to professors in the field and to take a diverse amount of courses to better help discover your passion. The freshmen were advised to maintain a strong portfolio, and diversify their field placement.

Beerrnnaannkke e a as s t thhe e n neexxt t F Feed d

Professionalizing yourself is key in any field when applying for any job. The students were also urged to maintain strong relationships with their professors, due to the fact that is how many of these alumni managed to obtain jobs post-graduation.

Vincent DeFruscio, an English and communication major on the panel, said, “The biggest mistake you can make as a freshman is not getting involved with the school. Do not disregard what your professors tell you, but know yourself better than anyone else and go with your instinct.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Graduate and Professional School Fair

Event: Meet with reps from 100+ Graduate & Professional School Programs nationwide

Location: Amtrack 30th Street

Station, Philadelphia (3001 Market St), North Waiting Room

Date: Friday, Nov. 4, 2005

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Alan Greenspan isn’t leaving his job as Federal Reserve chairman until January, but George Bush has already announced his choice for a successor to the 79-year-old outgoing chief.

Ben Bernanke, 51, is a former Princeton University economist and former governor of the Federal Reserve.He is now chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisors and is widely considered a well-qualified and “safe” choice, especially in light of the widespread opposition to Bush’s nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court.

“My first priority will be to maintain continuity with the policy and policy strategies under the Greenspan era,” said Bernanke in a joint appearance with the president today, according to msnbc.com.

Iraqi Kurdistan hit by bombs

There have been several bomb explosions in the largely-Kurdish city of Sulaymaniyah in north-eastern Iraq since the charter has been approved, officials say.

One bomb exploded outside a building, housing the provincial security ministry in charge of the Kurdish militia groups, the peshmerga. Nine people were killed and four injured by the explosion.

Two others were wounded in an earlier attack on the convoy of a senior Kurdish politician. Militants have increased their attacks in Iraq since the referendum on the draft constitution on Oct. 15. Iraqi electoral officials announced on Tuesday that the charter had been approved, according to bbc.com.

Wal-Mart getting bigger

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. plans to open 270 to 280 super centers in the next year and add more than 60 million square feet to its total retail space, an increase of more than 8 percent.

The world’s biggest retailer, which faces increasing opposition to its rapid expansion, particularly in urban areas, said it would open between 20 and 30 discount stores, which are smaller than the super centers.

Wal-Mart plans to open 30 to 40 Sam’s Club warehouse stores, which start in February, and 15 to 20 of its smaller Neighborhood Market grocery stores. Its international unit plans 220 to 230 new stores. The retailer said that of the 550 to 600 total stores to be opened next year, about 215 will be relocated or expanded, including some 160 super centers that will be converted from smaller discount stores, according to cnn.com.

Girl, 8, kills bear

There’s a new hunting legend in the mountains of Western Maryland. Born to the woods, she’s 8 years old, with a steady trigger finger that put two bullets into a black bear’s chest cavity Monday, according to her and her father and grand-uncle, who were hunting with her.

State officials backed the claim by Sierra Stiles and credited her with the first kill of Maryland’s second bear season since hunting the animals resumed after a half-century ban. Maryland Department of Natural Resources officials shook their heads in amazement at the news that the first hunter to bag a bear was a third-grade girl from Kitzmiller, on Maryland’s border with West Virginia, according to msnbc.com.

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com NEWS | 5
MELISSA STEVEN/PERSPECTIVES EDITOR Freshman Whitney Green reads thecourse catalog and tries to decide on a major.
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Vandalism, theft, pulling fire alarms:

Tell on your friends Keep your lips sealed

At Cabrini, the fire alarm is pulled one too many times by the wise guys who are apparently looking for attention from their friends or trying to be the “cool kid.” I can remember the alarm being pulled more than a handful of times in Xavier my freshman year. I used to just try and stay in my room until public safety kicked me out because I figured it was someone trying to have a good time by bothering everyone else. I understand at times there are fire drills, but they are needed for public safety to know the fastest ways to evacuate students from danger.

I am sure most of you upperclassmen and even lowerclassmen may recall times this year or in the past years when the fire alarm has been pulled more than once and most likely by the same person. If you do know who it is, which most of the time people do, then you would most likely not even move from your room.

There are many people who know the sneak pulling the red boxed alarm in the dormitory hallways and after awhile I am sure it makes you angry. What if it is your friend? Do you rat them out or keep it to yourself? In my own case, I would probably keep it to myself but after awhile, I would want it to stop and let the dirt out. Waking up that late at night to nonsense may make it hard to go back to sleep or even be able to wake up for a morning class. Most times public safety may have to act like cops. In a way, they are the law and have to enforce the rules. When they see people being suspicious or even knowing who the friends of the culprit are, they may take action on you to find out the truth. What if they threatened you into getting in trouble, wouldn’t you tell? Most of the time, when you get into trouble, it goes on your record.

Letting public safety know the truth leads to the future of waking up to the fire alarm scared that it could be something wrong and not laughing and thinking, not that kid again! Telling on your friend is only giving them a write up and keeping yourself from having trouble in the future with public safety and also the school. We are in college now. If you saw someone stealing money from work, for example, and your boss confronts you and threatens your job, wouldn’t you tell him?

Pulling fire alarms shows the

childness and immaturity that some students may still have. If you do not get caught or in trouble for foolish things or pranks like pulling the fire alarm, then you will never learn from your mistakes. I remember when the one kid who pulled alarms got in trouble and kept doing it until he got in serious trouble. If you really do not want your friends to get into deep trouble, and you know they are going to do something wrong, try and talk them out of it. Think of something better to do that wouldn’t worry everyone else.

Pulling the fire alarm is not that funny of a joke. I could understand if you pulled like a senior prank or wrote stuff on your friends door for fun and wouldn’t tell, then that is understandable. When you are putting peoples lives at risks by having them think it is all a big joke and not worrying about the real consequences, then that is something you should get in trouble for no matter who is telling on you. Being a friend is like being a brother or a sister, but when your siblings were picking on you when you were younger, weren’t you telling your parents because it was bothering you? Of course, everybody did that! Being a snitch is sometimes not a bad thing. You do not have to tell on people all the time and be that person. Some people have their own opinions about things and you should always just follow what you feel is the right thing to do.

So, I am not exactly saying, run! your buddies, hurry up! I am saying do what you think is the right thing to do and for own safety when you hear that alarm in the middle of the night, it bothers you and you know the culprit, let authority know to keep yourself out of trouble and most of all out of danger!

In order to coexist in college, a bond must be fused between roommates and friends in order to concoct a friendship. But, what if you see your roommate walk up to the brand new SET building and shatter a window? Okay, you hate this guy to begin with. As you see the glass shatter all over the place in the whirlwind of impact and watch glass fluttering in people’s eyes all the way down in the Xavier hall parking lot, you remember you have to live with this clown for the rest of the year. Everybody makes mistakes. Remember when you were young and the “good” kid always told your mom or dad when you did something bad? Who ever liked that kid anyway? At least I didn’t, and so it goes. Don’t rat out your friends or roommates even if you don’t like them; don’t defy trust.

sVSeeing as though your roommate thinks he is Captain America and can do whatever he pleases at whoever’s expense, don’t be the thorn in his side. Let the merrymaker have his fun. As you think about it more and more, the buffoon will continue his relentless vandalizing of other statuesque buildings with value. You watch your troubled roommate spray his initials on the windows next to the cafeteria. Finally, on the door of the mansion he carves his name into the door, for he is a legendary

ter. He had you fooled by his mastery, to think his name on the mansion door wasn’t enough, and now this!

Soon enough, even the school newspaper is covering the tracks of this phantom vandal on campus. You begin to feel guilty for you are the only student on campus that knows who the vandal is. Then something hits you. All of a sudden you’re turning into the “good” bad guy by not turning him in. Soon, public safety will be snooping in your direction.

This situation can go in two directions. You can crack and have everyone pissed off at you, or you can be villainous and watch the dogs close on your roommate and his antics. Even so, you can take pleasure in watching public safety uncover his name on the mansion door and get closer and closer to busting the vile fiend. Even with public safety’s brand new offroad vehicles and technological advances, they are closing in month by month as quickly as they can. You decide to take the role as the devil’s advocate and keep quiet, it’d be more fun this way, right? Patience is key. Yes, retribution shall be yours!

Finally, you receive a phone call from George Stroud looking for your roommate. You tell him he’s at class, he laughs and gives you a message for the swashbuckler meet George in his office today at 4:00. Ah darn, 4:10 career development: you won’t be back in time to wish him well.

Later you return to your dorm and it turns out your roommate got kicked out of school. This is the greatest news. Wow, you think to yourself I guess good things do come to those who wait. Feeling ecstatic and masterfully accomplished, you can fall asleep tonight and not wake up in the morning with shaving cream in your face.

See what happens when you don’t rat out people you hate?

Eventually they get what they deserve. If you know somebody that commits a murder, by all means come forth, but stupid school internal things shouldn’t be publicized. That’s what we have public safety for, right?

Finally, the true raw message I’m trying to get across is that students should just mind their own business. You don’t want to turn heads that don’t need to be turned, especially at an institution this small.

6 | PERSPECTIVES www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
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Gas guzzlers taking up too much space

safest records, while SUVs are about as risky as the average midsize or large car, and are no safer than many compact and subcompact models.”

curities with big toys and big trucks. I think this probably has more to do with the number of trucks in the parking lot than the actual need to carry stuff around.

as the sun into my three mirrors. So if you’re riding my butt, I’m just going to have to go slower because my corneas have been burnt like toast.

Dorm issues piling up

In these days of the three-dollar-gallon of gas, I find myself wondering, “What do you carry around in that truck, your ego?” I cannot imagine why anyone would want to put upwards of $50 in their gas tank, especially when you could be spending it on all of this season’s cute shoes?

Soccer moms tend to say that their big two-parking-space SUVs make them feel safe. Well, the five stars in frontal crash tests are in-class.

The University of Michigan found that “SUVs are no safer for their drivers than cars. Popular midsize cars, minivans and import luxury cars have the

When you compare the safety to their SUVs to a minivan, the SUVs come up short. I don’t blame you though; the advertising is aimed right at you to make you believe that they are the safest. But they’re not, so, do you really have that many ballerina shoes and soccer balls to carry around?

I see pick-up trucks in the commuter parking lot all the time. I wonder, how many hay bails and two-by-fours need transportation in Radnor by a student or professor? Maybe because of all the books we need to buy for school, you need all of that towing capacity, but my Elantra seems to handle it well.

Even the on-campus security has trucks and SUVs. I wonder what they keep in there: bodies of intoxicated students?

There is the age-old joke of men compensating for their inse-

If the environment could talk, it would have something to say about our lane-hogging obsessions too. The Hummer gets about nine miles to the gallon, information which is guarded by Arnold Schwarzenegger, no doubt. I found that statistic at www.codepinkalert.org, because it was no where to be found on Hummer’s website.

When I hear my grandmother complain about her $54 tank, I can’t help but not care because she just bought an SUV, totally by choice. Her excuse is the snow, but she doesn’t have anywhere to go. Is she going to work on the days that it snows? No, so sit at home and enjoy the peace of being retired.

The other reason I have a thing against big cars is that they tend to be annoying to us little people on the road. Their lights reflect the same amount of light

I also find that most people who drive large vehicles cannot keep them on one side of the road. Their vehicles are always coming onto the opposite side because they don’t want to scratch their right-side mirror on a tree branch. My father, an avid truck man, always told me that he pays his taxes and is taking his half out of the middle. Comical, until you are the car he’s passing.

By the way, I don’t claim to be a green-peace saint. I don’t have a hybrid, and I drive almost a hundred miles a day. So, please don’t run me down in the commuter parking lot, I’m confident that your big, manly truck could do it.

When you graduate, get a good job and decide to buy a new car, drive smaller and live larger, with money left over for shoes.

Cabrini students living at Valley Forge want out

Abroken window screen, clogged drains and a hardly-heated building is not what I am paying for with tuition. Trying to contact facilities numerous times with no sign of a response is a trying task, and with the vast array of problems that my room has accumulated, our patience is running thin and the aggravation is ever building.

I live in house 3, which happens to be well kept and very clean in comparison to other housing facilities on campus, yet little things are slowly starting to break and become much larger issues for us as the residents of our room.


One of the best parts of going away to college is living on campus. Unfortunately, at Cabrini, this year’s transfer students did not get this opportunity Due to limited housing on Cabrini’s campus, transfer students are forced to live in Valley Forge dorms for this entire semester, and most likely spring semester too.

I would be extremely upset if I had to live, basically off cam-

pus, when I am a resident student. The conditions in the Valley Forge dorms are not the best. Granted, the Cabrini students living at Valley Forge do pay a lesser room and board fee. But I would rather pay for full room and board and live on campus, than save money and live in the dorms the transfer students are living in.

The Cabrini students living at Valley Forge lived for over a month without cable. I know there could be bigger problems, but you have to remember there is not much for them to do in their rooms; considering they are far away from their fellow Cabrini students.

Also, they had to go days with no hot water This may not see to be a huge problem either But think about it, I don’t remember the last time I had to go days

without hot water living on Cabrini’s campus.

I have learned that the majority of the Cabrini students residing on Valley Forge do not like living there. They constantly complain to their area coordinator, but it doesn’t seem like much is done. I’ve heard some say they feel like they were put up there and forgotten.

I am so happy that I am one of the lucky students that get to live on my own campus. I understand that the students living at Valley Forge are transfer students, but they are still a part of Cabrini and should be treated like they are.

The walk alone from Cabrini campus to Valley Forge is enough to make me feel thankful for my room on campus. There is a shuttle that takes the students to their rooms at Valley Forge but

the shuttle runs on a schedule that doesn’t match up with some of the students’schedules. If students are left to walk, they have to walk a long distance, sometimes in the dark.

I do not think this is fair, considering that one of the benefits of going to Cabrini is the small campus and short distances between buildings. The students residing at Valley Forge obviously don’t reap this benefit.

I feel that Cabrini needs to put a better limit on the amount of students they are accepting. It is wonderful that more and more people want to come here, but every student should be able to benefit equally on Cabrini campus. Until this is made possible, I believe Cabrini should accept the amount of students that this campus can accommodate.

Concerts;a source ofenjoyment and a good time

because I only got to go to about three concerts. This past month, though, I did get to see the Foo Fighters perform with Weezer.

Everyone has a particular passion in life, something that makes them so happy and gives them something to look forward to. For me, it’s seeing my favorite bands in concert.

Most people see me as a nice, quiet and polite girl, but get me into a concert and I am the complete opposite. I do not go to them like every week, but I save my money and wait for those six or seven shows a year that I live for. This past year was a sad one

This was the first time I got to see the Foo Fighters live. I had already seen Weezer, and so I was looking forward to this concert very much. The great thing about concerts is how everyone there is in such a great mood.

You get down to the stadiums a couple of hours early and start tailgating, and you meet up with your friends and even make some new ones with the people partying in the car next to you. Everyone just wants to have a good time, and you feed off one another’s energy.

When we got to the parking lot, it was cold and rainy, but no one cared; we were there to have a good time and so that’s what we did. This was my first concert also being 21, so I took full

advantage of the fact that I could finally buy beer inside the Wachovia Center

First, Weezer went on and they were incredible. They got the crowd so pumped up that I was almost exhausted from jumping up and down and singing by the time the Foo Fighters took the stage.

After that 30-minute wait for the Foo Fighters to go on, it was finally time. The curtain rose on the stage and the first strum of the guitar was heard. Everyone went insane, including me.

I don’t know about you, but I am obsessed with the lead singer, Dave Grohl. Talk about talent, because he has so much. No one was in their chair as soon as they started playing. They were electrifying; you couldn’t stand still because you were almost forced into getting into the music.

The best part of the whole

show was when Grohl put one spotlight on himself and the other on his wife in the crowd and sang “Everlong” to her If you’re a fan of the Foo Fighters, you know that this is one of their greatest songs as well as their most romantic. He started out singing it with just him playing the guitar, and then the band sounded in at the end to make it sound very epic and just awesome. You couldn’t help but feel touched by such an amazing performance.

It is acceptable at concerts to let yourself go and get a little crazy. You have no excuse not to. Scream as loud as you want, dance however you care to and make friends with people who you will never see again.

The Foo Fighters did just that. Singing every lyric to every song left me with no voice the next day, but it was well worth it.

The idea that I am paying large amounts of money to live on campus makes me feel that I should be given at least some sort of contact back regarding when they are planning on fixing our room problems. Even if things such as a drain or screen are my nut in comparison to other’s issues they probably face on a day to day basis, it is still annoying and very frustrating. Such problems aren’t even issues our RA can address. She has been very helpful, yet the other people who can lead us in the right direction to fix these problems are the people who have yet to even e-mail us back.

Waking up every morning with cold seeping through our windows because of a missing screen that fell out of our window by itself is not a pleasure and will drastically get worse with the winter season that is quickly coming. I just hope to get these issues fixed soon, so I will continue to contact the facilities department in order to resolve these problems.

I think that if you’re paying this much money not only for an education, but for housing, you should at least have decent heat and a working shower

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com PERSPECTIVES | 7



Cabrini’s campus, though eerie and full of ghost stories, surprisingly doesn’t faze students who reside on this 112-acre wooded campus. Could it be the eerie atmosphere the campus provides during the fall season or the haunting ghost stories many students begin to hear their freshman year at Cabrini? One thing most students can agree with is

that Cabrini’s historical Mansion is one of the spookiest sights on campus.

“I think every old house lends itself to the idea of ghosts, especially a magnificent estate like this one,” Martha Dale, the coordinator of historical exhibits for the 50th anniversary on the Mansion at Cabrini, said. Many students have heard stories in the past about the Paul family and the Dorrance family who have resided here in the past. There were many different

types of ghost stories such as a very familiar one of a young girl ghost appearing in front of Woodcrest dressed in white or blue when the first snowfall approaches Cabrini’s campus. The reason this ghosts is said to appear on our campus is because she apparently committed suicide from the balcony of the mansion.

A lthough this ghost story seems haunting, it is very doubtful that this ghosts exists. Dale said, “However, I don’t know of anything in particular that hap-

Midnight M Madness s s sttrikes a again


Midnight Madness is fast approaching and the anticipation can be felt throughout Cabrini College. As one of the most exciting and entertaining nights on the college’s calendar, Midnight Madness is the kick-off to the basketball season countrywide. With a host of events and activities that changes with each passing year, this year’s rendition on the 29th of this month is sure to delight all of the Cavalier faithful.

Since basketball is one of the most popular sports at Cabrini, it is obvious that the Dixon Center will have its hands full with the influx of students for the event.

Assistant Athletic Director Jeff Falardeau is the man in charge of the festivities this year, and he thinks this year will be a great time for everyone,

“We are extremely excited for this year ’s Midnight Madness.

We have implemented plenty of activities for our student community, and it will be interesting to see what type of attendance we will receive on Saturday night.

There has been a big push for more late night & weekend pro-

pened at Woodcrest that might have given rise to our ghost stories. It’s important to emphasis that they have no basis in fact as far as we know.” Dale added, “We are in touch with both the Paul family and the Dorrance family, and all their daughters are accounted for!”

Being that the mansion is an old historical home, it can seem “creepy” to many people, Dale says she has never had an “encounter.” “In my 27 years in the Mansion I have spent many

evening hours here, sometimes alone in the house (except for the nuns who used to live in the Convent area,) but have never felt any kind of presence.”

Bill Cassidy, a sophomore English and communication major, said, “One night I heard that a ghost was typing on a girl’s computer in Xavier, but that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Many students also feel the same as Cassidy. Francine Clement, a sophomore sociology major, said, “I don’t believe in ghosts at Cabrini. I think people overexaggerate their stories. I lived in Woodcrest last year on the third floor, and I’ve never had anything happen to me.”

Even if someone is a believer in ghosts or not, this campus can definitely lead one to believe that spirits are present.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

M i d n i g h t M a d n n e s s A c t i v i t i e s

gramming, so we are optimistic the campus community will come out and support our teams.”

unlike any other and its origins are just as strange and diverse as the actual dressing up in a costume and knocking on someone’s door, hoping they have Three Musketeers bars, as part of Oct. 31.

because she gets to “dress up as anything I want and also because I get as much candy as I can possibly eat,” Nave said, which is always a good thing.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send

your comments to:


The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

9:00-10:15 p.m. - Midnight Munchies (Dixon Center Lobby)

We all did it. We came home from school on that fall day, rushed through dinner, and ran upstairs to get ready. We applied face paint, zipped up costumes and made sure we didn’t lose that orange basket for all the candy we would receive and eat for the next two weeks. After a couple of pictures in the living room, we were out, rain or shine. It was Halloween, and we were going trick or treating. No one ever really asks the question, “Where did Halloween come from?” It is an odd holiday

H alloween gets its origin from Europe, dating back many centuries ago, before the Romans adopted Christianity. The Roman where pagans and worshiped many gods and on Oct. 31, they had a special feast to honor the goddess of fruit trees, Pomona. Years later the Druids, who where an order of Celtic priests native to Britain, added the honoring of Samhain, the lord of the dead, to the feast. The Druids taught that on the night of Oct. 31 the lord of the dead summoned the dead and wicked spirits and souls that were believed to live in the bodies of animals. They truly believed that ghosts, witches, fairies and elves would come out to harm them. The Druids feared these spirits and on the 31st, they sacrificed their gods, hoping they would protect them. The Druids also considered cats to be the reincarnated souls of people who had been evil in their past life and that is why it is believed that ghosts, witches and black cats are symbols of our modern day Halloween celebration. But the story isn’t over yet. The middle ages approached

and the Roman Catholic Church changed from pagan to Christianity and by doing so they kept all of the pagan holidays and considered them to now be Christian feasts. Christians tried to keep Oct. 31 holy. Now instead of praying to many gods, Christians honored the death of saints on Nov. 1 and called the new holiday “Day of All Saints,” making the prior night “All Hallow’s Evening,” which was abbreviated to Halloween.

We now know where the witches, ghosts and cats come from, but what about pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns and trick or treating? Well, Google tells us that these traditions come from Ireland. Irish farmers would wander around the village begging for food telling people, “You treat me, or else I will trick you!”

And a poor man named Jack started the pumpkin carving trend. Jack was not allowed to enter heaven, due to the sins he had committed and unable to enter hell, due to the tricks he had played on the devil; therefore, he was condemned to wandering the earth with his lantern for eternity. The Irish feared Jack’s punishment causing them to hollow out pumpkins and place lights inside to scare evil spirits away.

Regardless of its historical context, Halloween is celebrated by millions across the world.

Sophomore psychology major Lindsay Nave likes Halloween

“We are extremely excited forthis years Midnight Madness. We have implemented plenty of activities forourstudent community...”

The night boasts a chockerblocked lineup full of activities from its beginning at 10 p.m., with the student/faculty basketball game to the finale by the dance team leading up until midnight. There is even an hour of “Midnight Munchies” preceding the event for those puckish Cav heads out there.

Allison Sachs, a junior business administration major, considers Midnight Madness one of the best nights during the school year.

“I love Midnight Madness! I really like watching the basketball team play, and it’s basically the first chance we all get. It’s also cool because I get to spend time with all my friends and it’s really funny to see the faculty play some of the team and other students,” Sachs said.

Allison’s excitement is shared by the majority of the upperclassman here at Cabrini, but for the freshman here on campus, it’s a totally new experience.

“It’s going to be something new for me because we didn’t have them in high school. I love basketball, and it’s going to be fun to have everyone there to cheer on the team as they start their season. Also, everyone will be there, instead of going home which is what I’m really looking forward to,”Jennifer Campbell, an English and communication major, said. She seems to have the opinion of the freshman nailed down. Being it is their first one, obviously, their anticipation is very high.

Many of Cabrini College’s faithful have their calendars circled for Oct. 29, and for good reason. This year’s Midnight Madness is shaping up to be an excellent time for everyone involved, and with the excitement level this high, it should be lots of fun.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

10:00-10:15 p.m. - Faculty/Staff basketball game

10:20-10:40 p.m. - 3 pt. Shootout (5 girls & 5 boys) (Capboard & SGA)

10:20-10:50 p.m. - Dueling DJ contest

10:40-11:00 p.m. - Hot Shot Contest (5 girls & 5 boys) (Capboard & SGA)

11:00-11:10 p.m. - Cheerleaders

11:10-11:30 p.m. - Men & Women’s Varsity Team Game

11:30-11:45 p.m. - Half Court Shot Contest

11:45-12:00 a.m. - Dance Team

Halloween costumes

its new trend: more sex please!

Although there have been costumes questionable up until now, this is the first time that publics are now invited to bask in their own sexiness, even if it is for one night.

English and communication

major Amanda Stout says her and her friends have their Halloween costumes all set. They will be the cast of “The Wizard of Oz” with a bit more sex-appeal. That means shorter skirts and a little bit more skin showing for these girls, but who could complain? Who better to play an adult game of dress-up with than with a group of your closest friends?


Halloween welcomes a sexy spin to this year’s festivities. Costumes like “The Little Mermaid” and “Tinkerbelle” have a new feverishly hot look to them. Popular demand is not all about sexy costumes, there are still some popular, but not-so-sexy, costumes available.

There are many popular costumes that aren’t too over-the-top

for this year. For women, some top costumes include flappers from the 1920s, belly dancers, super heroes and various Disney characters. For men, the popular choices are characters from the Matrix motion picture, the traditional vampires, ghouls and the ever-so-famous Scream character, according to http://couponing.about.com/cs/to ppicks/a/halloween2003.htm.

The newer generation of Halloween costumes has proclaimed

This year, just like every year, there are some very creative and humorous costumes for those who want to really step outside the box this year. Costumes like these include a beer keg, a kissing booth, a mail order bride and a pimp. These costumes will not only make you the talk of the campus, but will make you a legacy for Halloweens to come!

Sophomore Jennifer Fang is planning on enjoying her Halloween in the threads of a kitty cat. Fang said, “Nothing too over the top, some black stuff on my face for whiskers and a nose and ears and a tail.” It is a pretty sim-

ple costume for those who are not looking to be the center of attention. Just enough to be the cat’s meow.

Having a hard time to decide what to do for this year’s party?

Great group costumes will do the trick. Costumes like Grease’s “Pink Ladies” will be perfect for any party, or even dressing up like some of the Disney princesses would be a nice idea for friends to do together.

Couples can even enjoy Halloween in their own special way by choosing a theme for both of them. Popular costumes to suit you and your significant other are Ozzy and Sharon Osborne, Shrek and Fiona, Austin Powers and

Felicity Shagwell, Danny and Sandy from Grease and Batman and Catwoman, according to http://www.costumecraze.com/Co uples-Costumes.html.

Though trends this year for Halloween are hot and steamy, there are other choices to pick from. Don’t run from this holiday; the ghosts, goblins and vampires might get you anyway!

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Q u o t e o o f t h e W e e k
FEATURES 9 8 | FEATURES www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan
h i s t o r y o f h a l l o w e e n h i s t o r y o f h a l l o w e e n
KELLY MURPHY STAFF WRITER KAM736@CABRINI EDU COURTESYOFCABRINICOLLEGE The mansion on campus holds history and beauty,as well as ghost legends and stories that remain alive for students year after year.
C a b r i n i ’ s m a n n s s i o n : G h o s t s t o r i e s s t i l l f f l o a t a r o u n n d c a m p u s
KRT KRT --------------------------------tEATURES--------------------------------

A rts & E ntertainm ent

Oprah, others provide hope

Two child molesters were nabbed as a result of the “Oprah Show” that aired on Tuesday, Oct. 18. It showed several wanted child molesters’pictures with Opera offering a $100,000 reward of her own money for information leading to their arrests.

Within 48 hours of the program, two of the suspects were recognized by show viewers and turned into the police. The individuals were promptly arrested. Oprah’s efforts represent just one of the many contributions that celebrities are now making to society by using their fame and fortunes to promote issues and causes.

Oprah Winfrey told her audience, “It was as clear to me as if God himself spoke … that this is what I’m supposed to do, with your help, America.”

The two molesters caught by Oprah viewers were Niles Scott who was arrested in Belize, Central America and William Davis who was caught in Indiana. Both men were wanted for sexual assault crimes against children.

The two viewers that captured the molesters were featured on a later show where they received their rewards and told their stories of how they recognized the men. One viewer Karie Miller

recognized one of the suspects on Winfrey’s show as the man living just upstairs from her family which includes three children. After seeing the show, Miller said, “I dropped my coffee. I said, ‘No, no, that can’t be him.’But, it’s him. It’s most definitely him.

I’ve been feeling very guilty that I let someone like that get close to my family, and get close to my children; that I ignored what was in my heart.”

Oprah who is personally a survivor of child abuse said, “This is a full circle moment for me; for me to have been raped at 9 years old.”

Kim Blacka, a senior graphic design major, said “I think it’s great that stars can go public with their struggles to help others and to bring awareness to the issue.”

Over 10 million Americans a day tune in to watch the “Opera Show” that gives her a lot of control and power to influence viewers and to bring awareness to important issues. Winfrey’s other contributions include an Angel Network which is supported by viewer donations that’s been used to build over 200 homes for Habitat for Humanity and has sent 150 students to college.

Celebrities that have used their fame to aid others include actors, actresses, athletes, singers and TVpersonalities.

Jason Stouch, a history and political science major, said, “Celebrities are influential people

and they should use it to their advantage.”

Afew well known celebrities that have taken advantage of their status include U2 lead singer Bono, Michael J. Fox and Katie Couric. Additional celebrities that are using their names and influence are Pamela Anderson for animal rights and Jeff Gordan who support children with serious and chronic illnesses, Michael J. Fox, who personally suffers from Parkinson’s disease which affects the body’s nervous system, set up his own foundation to increase public awareness of the disease and raise funds for research.

Katie Couric from the “Today Show” supports awareness and early detection of Colon Cancer, which is a disease that she lost her husband Jay Monahan to. She is also a cofounder of The National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance.

Bono from U2 who is very vocal in supporting many human rights and political issues participates in foundations such as Greenpeace, War Child and Amnesty International which provide aid to environmental issues, human rights, and to aid children affected by wars.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

The Fugees take it easy

After almost a decade of silence, the Fugees have spoken once again. The Fugees, who include Lauryn Hill, Wyclef Jean and Pras Michel, have had more hits than one. Now, with another hit on the way, the trio and their groups label, Sony Records, has set a date in late December for their new untitled album.

Even though being reunited more than a handful of times in the last year, no new material has been produced since it’s 1996 album “The Score,” which sold 5.7 million copies. “The Score” featured ‘Ready or Not,’‘FuGee-La,’‘Killing me Softly,’and ‘No Women No Cry.’

The groups first new single in almost 10 years, “Take it Easy,” debuted on urban radio only a few weeks ago. The Fugees have been recording for about two months. They first reunited last year after making a surprise appearance at Dave Chappelle’s

block party in Brooklyn. The show was supposed to only be performed by Lauryn Hill until Wyclef and Pras joined her on stage. In June, the trio opened the Fifth Annual BETAwards, and have been growing closer ever since.

On ‘Take it Easy,’the trio exchange verses, with Hill showing a speedy spoken-word flow, while Clef and Pras use a more traditional delivery A semi-preview into the song, “I got moxie, I’m so damn cocky/Industry tried to block me like cops and paparazzi,” Hill raps. Later in the song she says, “We ‘bout to reconcile.”

After the Fugee’s went their separate ways about nine years ago, Pras Michel found his fame with Ghetto Superstar, Lauryn Hill won five grammy’s for The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and Clef released five solo albums.

In an interview with Rolling Stone Wyclef said, “You’ve got three individuals that have grown musically.” He continues, “But we’re always on the same page

that’s the magic of the Fugees.”

Pras and Hill had originally formed a group together while attending the same high school in New Jersey and Pras’ cousin Clef eventually joined in. Originally known as the Tranziator Crew, the trio changed their name to Fugees (short for Refugees, in reference to their Caribbean roots.)

The band mixes styles of hiphop, rap, reggae, Caribbean and R&B to create their style of music. If you like the Fugees’ mixture of styles then you should keep a look out for the upcoming album coming out in late December.

The Fugees had left fans hanging years ago. Now, “Everybody that’s been holding their breath should start letting their breaths go,” Wyclef said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

10 | A&E www.theloquitur.comFriday, Oct. 28, 2005
Oprah Winfrey helped catch two child molesters with the help of her popular talk show.Winfrey offered $100,000 of her own money as a reward.

C o v e r s t o p l l e a s e a l l

“This Bird Has Flown: A40th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles’RubberSoul”

The Beatles’“Rubber Soul” was orginally released in 1965, and was known for featuring the classics “Michelle,” “Nowhere Man,” “Drive My Car” and “In My Life.” Present day, the fortieth anniversary tribute entitled “This Bird Has Flown” mirrors the original UK version of the “Rubber Soul” album. Contributors to the album include artists such as the Donnas, Ben Lee, Ted Leo, Cowboy Junkies, Rhett Miller and the Fiery Furnaces.

C o n c e r t B e a t s


1. The Donnas - “Drive My Car”

2. The Fiery Furnaces - “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown”

3. Dar Williams - “You Won’t See Me”

4. Low - “Nowhere Man”

5. Yonder Mountain String Band - “Think For Yourself”

6. Mindy Smith - “The Word”

7. Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals - “Michelle”

8. Sufjan Stevens - “What Goes On”

9. Rhett Miller - “Girl”

10. Ted Leo - “I’m Looking Through You”

11. Ben Lee - “In My Life”

12. Ben Kweller featuring Albert Hammond Jr. - “Wait”

13. Nellie McKay - “If I Needed Someone”

14. Cowboy Junkies - “Run For Your Life”

“Listen to Bob Dylan: ATribute”

Bob Dylan defines what it is to be a legend. His music has influenced numerous generations of musicians as well as securing a fan base that transcends generational gaps. Now a double disc, entitled “Listen to Bob Dylan: ATribute Album,” has the intentions of gaining even more fans for Dylan. Featuring new interpretations of Dylan’s classics, the disc was brought together mainly by Drive-Thru records owner Stefanie Reines. The tribute album features modern day musicians such as Something Corporate, RX Bandits, Jason Mraz and the Format. You can find out more about the tribute album at www.drivethrurecrods.com.

Friday, Oct. 28

Audioslave / Seether / 30 Seconds to Mars at 7:30 p.m. at Tweeter Center

County X County / Grammar Debate / Aberdeen City / Like a Fax at 9:00 p.m. at they Khyber Bar

Hanson / Pat McGee Ban at 7:00 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre

Slipknot / As I Lay Dying / Unearth at 8:30 p.m. at the Electric Factory

Monday, Oct. 31

Opeth / Nevermore at 8:00 p.m. at the Theatre of the Living Arts

Veruca Salt / Lovemakers / Porselain / Dig Jelly at 7:00 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre

Tuesday, Nov. 1

Avenged Sevenfold / Saosin / Death by Stereo / Opiate for the Masses at 6:00 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre

Tracklisting Disc 1:

01. Steel Train -“Don’t Think Twice (It’s Alright)”

02. Anberlin - “Like a Rolling Stone”

03. Roark -“Mr. Tambourine Man”

04. Socratic-“Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With

Saturday, Oct. 29

Stryper / House of Heroes / Primadonnaz at 8:00 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre

Sunday, Oct. 30

Prairie Dog Flesh / Miminokoto / Racecar at 8:00 p.m. at the Khyber Bar

Chris Arter Band / Snowden / Chimes and Gardens / Gold Fiber at 8:00 p.m. at the Khyber Bar

Wednesday, Nov. 2

Ben Folds / Fray at 8:30 p.m. at the Electric Factory

Mark Kozelek, aka Sun Kil Moon, has created yet another masterpiece showcasing his instrumental arranging wizardry. Entitled “Tiny Cities,” the new album is actually a collection of eleven Modest Mouse covers. All songs are new interpretations by Kozelek and feature brand new instrumentations.

Relient K / MxPx / Rufio / Over It at 9:00 p.m. at the Electric Factory

Swithcfoot / Eisley / Reeve Oliver at 6:30 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre

Thursday, Nov. 3

Shout Out Louds / Essex Green / Sun at 9:-00 p.m. at the Theatre of the Living Arts

Undergirl / Prisoners / Wholesale Suicide / Pony Pants at 9:00 p.m. at The Khyber Bar

A&E | 11 www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 21, 2005
House of Fools -“Blowin’In The Wind” 06. As Tall As Lions -“Girl Of The North Country” 07. Jenoah -“Man In Me” 08. Cerys Matthews -“I Believe In You” 09. The Format -”Simple Twist of Fate”
Jason Mraz -“A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” Sun Kil Moon - “Tiny Cities”
01. “Exit Does Not Exist” 02. “Tiny Cities Made of Ashes” 03. “Neverending Math Equation” 04. “Space Travel Is Boring” 05. “Dramamine” 06. “Jesus Christ Was An Only Child” 07. “Four Fingered Fisherman” 08. “Grey Ice Water” 09. “Convenient Parking” 10. “Trucker’s Atlas” 11. “Ocean Breathes Salty”

C Coonncceerrt t r reevviieeww: : R Roob b T Thhoommaas s

The lights dimmed, the music started and the audience began screaming with anxiety. Rob Thomas took the stage and the crowd went wild.

“What’s up Philllllllaaaay?” he asked as he grabbed the microphone with one hand. Even though the theatre was relatively small and intimate, the love and excitement could have filled thousands of football fields and then some.

The concert, held on Oct. 8, at the Tower Theatre in Upper Darby, PA, was one that rocked every person in the audience. His upbeat, enthusiastic songs with his down-to-earth style and lyrics truly made everyone engaged with the music. Didn’t know the words? You tapped your foot and waved your arms in the air. Didn’t know the beat? It didn’t matter. The music lifted the spirits of everyone, while not a soul was standing still.

Rob Thomas performed a lot of his new songs off his debut album “Something To Be” however, he also sang a number of songs that were popular when he was the lead singer of Matchbox 20.

He showed off his talent, not only his extraordinary voice, but his guitar and piano-playing skills as well. He weaved his performances in such a way that he got you standing, dancing and screaming so that your throat felt numb, and then slowed it down with his acoustic songs and profound lyrics. His passion seemed to project into the audience and grabbed the essence of everyone in the place.

Every song on his new CD sounds like a potential hit. He might have a new haircut, a new style, and no Matchbox 20 band behind him on stage, but he most certainly still has his exceptional voice and ability to write beautiful and fun songs. It was the best concert I have been to so far, and I plan on going to as many concerts of his as I can.

When a singer sounds better live than on the radio or CD player, that’s when you know they’ve got it. Rob Thomas, you’ve got it, and I don’t want you to “Be Lonely No More” either!

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Standing at a jam-packed bar on any given Friday or Saturday night, a young adult looking to see where the party’s at usually can’t see much past that when it comes to the actual contents of the drinks they order or what it really is they’re paying for in the meantime.

“Everything from draft beer to liquor and even wine aren’t always exactly what you order,” a bartender at Cavanaugh’s on the Riverdeck in Philadelphia said. She continued to say that cheaper liquor is typically used for most drinks even when the better liquor is specified, but that topshelf prices still apply so that the bartenders can keep the difference and split it all up at the end of the night since they share tips.

Atypical night in tips for a nightclub bartender can be anywhere from between $200 dollars up to as much as $600 dollars depending on the crowd, the music and yes, how good the bartender is at getting your money.

“I see a group of guys standing at the bar and ask them who’s ready for shots. I put a round of Jager-bombs on the bar and just throw a price at them. It’s usually too packed and they’re usually too loaded by then to bother questioning the price,” the anonymous Delaware Ave. bartender went on to say.

Binge drinking is very popular among people between the ages of 18-22 and bartenders throughout the city of Philadelphia see it as the perfect opportunity to make them say, “cha-chiiing.”

Not only should money concern the half-buzzed, but also exactly what they’re drinking. It’s important to keep in mind that bartenders could care less what it is their customers really prefer when they’re slammed.

Another bartender in the city had this to say about ordering drinks in packed clubs.

“You should keep your drinks simple and not get too fancy One thing that everyone learns when it comes to bartending is ‘when you can’t think just make

it pink.’And that same notion doesn’t just apply for cosmopolitans, which by the way shouldn’t be ordered with top-shelf vodka because the citrus in the cranberry juice dilutes the distilled liquor. If a customer orders a Miller Light draft, but that keg happens to be kicked, chances are they’re drinking Budweiser and have no clue. When asked why that is the ready and willing bartender explained that it’s just easier to pour a beer than go back and explain it’s not available.

That could explain all those massive headaches in the morning for draft beer drinkers.

Another Old City bartender said, “Come midnight, I have a good idea of who is tipping and who is sitting. I make the cheap drinkers wait behind good tippers and then I overcharge the cheap drinkers and pocket the difference. It really is a game. My customers may be out with their buddies having a good time, but I’m doing just fine playing their game.”

Even more importantly, it’s important to always ask for an itemized receipt if using a credit card for a tab.

“Some bartenders are too good at what they do for their own

good,” the beer slinger from Cav’s said. “They start to get ballsy after awhile and learn how to play with checks. If someone runs a tab and pays cash then the bartender can swipe your card right on their bill to pocket the dinero. I see it happen all the time.”

And remember when out boozing back that little pigs get fed, but big pigs get slaughtered. So, just take it easy and let the good times roll carefully and responsibly

“There’s nothing more hilarious than a girl who’s obviously bombed and all over the place. Right before it gets busy we sometimes take bets on who the first girl to get wasted and start acting crazy is. You’d be amazed at how often we’re right,” the bartender said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

12 | A&E www.theloquitur.comFriday, Oct. 28, 2005
Bartenders exposed: behind the scenes of the other 9 to 5
JILL MILLAM / FEATURES EDITOR Rob Thomas performed a lot of his news songs off of his debut album,Something To Be,however,he also sang a number of songs that were popular when he was the lead singer of Matchbox 20. KRT The drinks shown above could have been ordered as topshelf drinks,but unless your a vodka conossiuer,how can you really tell what brand it is?

Students: take advantage of the Dixon Center

Most people who have hit the gym once or twice like to think that they are making good use of the gym, but the facts completely disagree.

Orlin Jespersen, intramurals and recreational director, said they rarely see new faces at the gym.

“We have a core of students that use it consistently, but it is something we want to see more of,” Jespersen said. “We offer a lot, and the community use is big, but we want to see more student use.”

The swipe card system at the Dixon Center helps determine who is coming and going. Aside from the athletic teams using it regularly, the majority of the student population uses the gym sporadically, if at all.

Jespersen heads the recreational aspect of the Dixon Center and is always open to new

suggestions and urges people with new ideas to come to him and he will try to accommodate them.

Along with Jespersen, Tracey Krakowiak, fitness director at the Dixon Center, helps to split the tasks of the Dixon Center. While Jespersen heads intramural activities, Krakowiak holds aerobics classes and runs the health fair, for which a date has not yet been set.

C raig Warrington, a junior accounting major, regularly uses the gym.

“I work out to get in shape for the ladies and to relieve stress. I lift weights three days a week and either run or play basketball three days a week,” Warrington said.

Warrington is a commuter and says that being a commuter does make it harder to get to the gym, and he is usually calling people to find out the Center’s hours.

Danielle Murphy, a freshman psychology, sociology and religious studies major uses the gym because she has bad knees and is

This week in sports:

working to strengthen the muscles.

“I work out as often as I can, but it is usually only once a week because of my workload,” Murphy said. “Alot of times I’ll plan on going to the gym then don’t because of homework.”

The Dixon Center’s hours are posted in numerous places- on the door of the Dixon Center, at the front desk of the Center and on Cabrini’s websites.

All of the various activities that the Dixon Center offers are posted there as well. The directors of the Dixon Center strongly urge students to come and utilize everything they have to offer; from up-to-date equipment to aerobics classes to intramural sports.

Loqutiur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your thoughts each week and make corrections if warranted.

Men’s soccer still fight for strong season

Despite the cross-street rivalry, Cabrini lost to Eastern University, leaving them with a 2-6 record in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.

Men’s soccer fought fiercely against nationally-ranked Eastern, but eventually fell with a final score of 3-1.

Fifteen minutes into the first, Eastern flexed its muscle when Lance Burris, a sophomore forward, scored. Cabrini’s defense kept them in the game by keeping the score at 1-0 at halftime.

Eastern scored early in the second half to put Cabrini down by two. The goal came off of a corner kick by senior, Mahaish Alexander, and was finished by senior midfielder, Daniel Carvalho. Eastern’s men were very vocal and ran like a finely tuned machine. Cabrini kept up well but could not put one away until there was only five minutes to go.

With 5:42 left in the game, No. 9 forward, Brent Benner, rallied his team by taking on Eastern’s goalie, Brandon Ziegler, knocking the ball loose and putting it away.

Cabrini’s newly renewed spirit was crushed when Carvalho set Bryce Plummer up for the third Eastern goal which clinched the game. Cabrini’s defense was playing a man down because in an effort to tie the game, they had moved three forwards up top.

Brent Benner earned his tenth goal of the season, and his scor-

ing streak stretched to seven matches.

Eastern outshot Cabrini 26-9 but Cabrini’s defense, Robinson, Blaney, Gilchrist and goalie, Hinkelmon kept Cabrini in the game by stifling their success to only three goals.

Colin Hinkelmon kept Cabrini spirits up by keeping the team vocal. Captain Ian McDonald did the same from the sidelines because of a stress fracture in his right shin. He stood by the coach and helped push the men.

Cabrini frustration showed in the game when Dave Malosiecki received a yellowcard for language. Joe Rotan also got one for having words with the referee.

Brent Benner was also warned for a shove.

Eastern fans came out in big numbers along with Cabrini fans to see the rivals go at it. Cabrini’s dance team had sold shirts that read, “Friends don’t let friends go to Eastern” and they could be seen on the sidelines. Eastern’s women’s soccer showed up together in uniform.

Jen Pyott, a pre-nursing sophomore, and Cabrini fan, thought they were playing really well and said, “They have great spirit.”

Joe Zullo, a mathematics sophomore, said, “Next year they will be a lot better. This year is a rebuilding year.”

Eastern stands at ninth in the country according to a poll put


The Philadelphia 76ers trounced the New York Knicks on Tuesday, Oct. 18 on the Knicks home-court, Madison Square Garden, with a final of 114 to 99 at the end of regulation.

The Sixers dominated the Knicks throughout the majority of this game, often holding an average lead of approximately 15 points—particularly in the second half. At one point of the game, the Sixers were even ahead by 29 points.

Some Knicks fans, and an article on the NBA.com, put some of the blame on the fact that Knicks coach Larry Brown did not attend this game. As the article said, “New York Knicks coach Larry Brown took the night off. So did his team.”

Next week on the the 76ers schedule are the Cavaliers, Nets, the Knicks again and the Spurs, all in preseason games.

Jerome McDougle

The Eagles defensive end Jerome McDougle will not be playing in the 2005 season due to emergency surgery for an internal hernia caused by a gunshot wound injury.

During late July, three masked men shot McDougle in the stomach while attempting to rob him. After this incident, McDougle was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center, where after surgery, McDougle was considered to be in good condition.

McDougle was supposed to return to the game on Monday, Oct. 18 but thanks to this hernia he won’t be playing for a long time. The hernia was caused by adhesions and scar tissue from his surgery for the gunshot wound. Eagles coach Andy Reid and the rest of the team wished McDougle the best of luck with his surgery in a statement they released.

out by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. They also ranked No. two in the NCAADivision three midAtlantic region.

When the rivals met last year, Cabrini walked across the street together and met the opposition on Eastern terf. Cabrini came out on top with a final score of 1-0, although Eastern had outshot them 14-4.

Barry Magagna was able to put the Cavaliers on top with the only goal.

The rivalry and frustration showed last year as well with two yellow cards and one red card being given out.

The cross-street rivalry continues, this year Eastern went home with the victory.

Cabrini’s record now stands at 4-11-2 overall and 2-6 within the PAC.

The men face Ursinus on Monday, Oct 24 in a non-league match. The men then travel on Oct. 29 to Arcadia, which is ranked number 20 in the nation’s NSCAApoll.

Loqutiur welcomes your comments on this story Please send your comments to Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your thoughts each week and make corrections if warranted.

Turner Stevenson

Flyers’ right wing player Turner Stevenson underwent surgery for a hip injury on Tuesday Oct. 18. This injury may keep Stevenson out of play for two to three months.

According to Flyers Head Coach Ken Hitchcock, Stevenson probably got injured during his last game against the New Jersey Devils. Stevenson took a cortisone injection to help ease the pain. While it made Stevenson feel good enough to play, a hit he took during a game with the Pittsburgh Penguins rendered him unable to continue.

Stevenson’s’ surgery will be held in the Byrd at Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. This is the second major injury in Stevenson’s career; the first being a knee injury that Stevenson expects may have contributed to his current hip injury


After a meeting with Yankees owner, George Steinbrenner, Joe Torre has decided to return as Yankees manager for his 11th season.

Apparently Torre was considering retiring after his contract ran out in 2007, and the fact that the Yankees were knocked out of the playoffs this year didn’t help. Torre was described as “tired,” “exhausted,” and “uncertain of his future.”

However, after speaking with Steinbrenner and Yankees president Randy Levine, Torre decided to stay on for his 11th season managing the Yankees. According to the Associated Press, this conversation started with “We want you back” and continued for an hour.

Torre became manger of the Yankees in 1995 after previously managing the Cardinals. He has been manager for 10 straight seasons since then.

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com SPORTS 13

Lady Cavs anxious for PAC playoffs


Don’t be mistaken this Halloween if the Cabrini College Women’s field hockey team shows up at your door not dressed up as athletes but as potential champions. All fingers are pointing to the win column as the Cabrini Woman’s Field Hockey team silences the critics.

In doing so, the Cavaliers have raised their PAC record to a highly respectable 7-2. Undoubtedly, Cabrini’s intense recent doubleovertime victory over Haverford has provided a boost in the team’s ambitions for taking the PAC championship this year. The Cavaliers are thirsty for victory on the weekend’s eve of Halloween.

Cabrini will host an unknown foe next week as the PAC playoffs reach Cavalier territory. Comradery and team closure are only a few of the traits adopted by the women this season.

Allison Sachs, junior business major, had a very simplistic strategy when the topic of being successful comes up.

“Go out and win,” Sachs said. “Give it our best and go play as a team. If we bring our strength and talent we should be able to win.”

As an individual player, Sachs believes if she brings her speed, the “a-game” and 110 percent of her effort to the field, so that she will be helping out her teammates to the fullest of her ability.

There is no “age-slur” that can be placed on the field hockey team this year. Cabrini’s squad this year has a well-balanced mix of underclassmen and upperclassmen. In light of this, the continuity of incoming classes should keep the age dispersal even, therefore never making the team too old or too young. This is key as the seasons progress and future teams arrive at Cabrini.

Field hockey players have a knack for preparing themselves for games mentally and physically. Having a fierce mentality a long with a strong physical body, the grassroots for a solid player is constructed.

“Mentally, If I keep playing the way I’ve been playing, then I believe I’ll do well in the games. As a team if we can play up to our

Women’s tennis pumped for PAC finals

potential, then we will be successful,” junior communications major Megan Farrell said. “Physically just keeping healthy, trying not to get sick.” Staying healthy may be a very important yet overlooked factor this fall, for the flu virus is beginning its path down the east coast.

Every athletic team endures losses and thrives on wins. It can be considered important for an athlete to evaluate his/herself after a season whether it be winning or losing. When Farrell was questioned about the event of a playoff loss, her answer was shocking. “I don’t even want to think about it.” Subliminal confidence and appropriate oblivion is portrayed in these few words as the Cavaliers look to finish their season this week against Neumann and Gwynedd-Mercy. The PAC first round begins on Sat. Oct. 29th.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.

Freshman fifteen

Months after we moved-in and weeks after waving goodbye to our parents, the taste freedom of independence has morphed into the taste of fastfood. We have grown tired of the cafeteria meals and long for the comfort of home-cooked meals. Yet, for many this desire will have to be off until Thanksgiving. So, in search of that comfort and great taste, we turn to something just as familiar, fast-foods.

As college students, we are always on the move. Between our class schedules, jobs, extracurricular activities and social lives it is difficult to fit in the time for nutritional meals. Instead, we eat what people on the run normally eat: unhealthy foods.

Included in the weekly routines of many Cabrini students, including my own, is at least a once a week mid-night run to the local WaWa for a hoagie, a slushy or a quart of iced-tea. We know that those items are not exactly the healthiest things to eat, but most of us have no other choice.

So, whether it may be a PopTart, a bag of chips, a cup-ofnoodles or simply delivered fast-foods, the point is they are delicious, time-saving and convenient. All in all, the truth is, these snacks always appear to be more appealing than the

healthier cafeteria food. Though the cafeteria may provide us with a healthier food-choice, it surely does not give us a tastier one.

Therefore, as students, most of us fail to favor healthy foods. Instead, we prefer to pick our foods based essentially on tastevalue. As a result, we often endup settling for the fatty and greasy meals, rather than the more nutritionally balanced foods.

With regards to the lack in good healthy meals, it is no wonder why so many individuals put on weight during their college years. Before I entered college, I always considered the “Freshmen 15” to be a complete myth. But, after two years of the college experience I fully understand why this phrase was created.

It is not accurate by any means. All freshmen do not gain 15 pounds, but for the most part most college students gain some amount of weight during their first year. It is a direct result of our eating habits. I mean, we can not continue to snack constantly, eat take-out almost every single night and exercise very minimally without expecting some sort of weight-gain. In all honesty we lead unhealthy lives due to our poor eating habits.

Personally, I put on five pounds during my first year of college. Though in the eyes of many I was lucky because I only gained five pounds, the truth of the matter is those five pounds, as small of an amount as it may seem, were still unhealthy. The

The Cabrini women’s tennis team are the reigning champions of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference by winning against Marywood on October 19. A6-3 win boosted the team into winning the PAC championships for a second year in a row.

Many of the players agreed that Marywood was their biggest competition.

“Marywood, they’ve won the conference for something like 12 out of the past 15 years, something outrageous like that, and they were really mad that we won last year. So this year, they were pretty much out to defend what they thought was their title last year.” Rachel Shore, senior special education/elementary education major said.

“We were so hyped up going into that match, we knew we needed to (and would) win.”

Caitlin Scott captain and junior marketing major said.

team members feel that four courts to play on is not enough for home games. Many other schools have six or more courts. Recently, one of Cabrini’s courts was resurfaced, leaving the team with only three courts to play on.

The tennis team only has one senior player, but five new freshmen this season. With only one player leaving, the team will not change much in the years to come. “This season we have a very young team. That being said, we’ve done extremely well and come very far this season.” Scott, who has been playing tennis since seventh grade, said.

“I never thought that I would make such close friends with the girls on the team. It was a nice surprise.” freshman Lisa Rodgers said.

weight gained was all fat; if I had gained several pounds do to muscle growth than that would have been healthy.

At that point, I decided to do what most self-conscious females do when the scale reads a number that they have declared unfavorable. I went straight to the gym. For approximately one month, I adhered to a healthy routine. I cut-down my intake of unhealthy foods and I worked-out at the gym once a day for an hour

This only lasted me a month, before I succumbed to temptations of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, WaWa and so forth. However, the time I spent going to the gym daily was enough to show me that weight issues run rampant through-out this college, as I am sure they do throughout the nation.

I believe, that weight and nutritional issues will always exist on college campuses. It is a result of the hectic life-style that many of us lead as students. I also believe that we, as students, should start taking better care of ourselves. Too often, we reach for what is easy, convenient and tasty, we need to cater to our health rather than our taste-buds.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.

Although Scott was ready for the match and had her heart set on winning, problems with wind and unfamiliar courts had influence in her falling behind to 4-1. She realized how important it was for her to win this match for her team and redeemed herself by pulling the score up to 8-6 the first set and 6-3 in the second.

In the championship, there are nine matches going on at once: three doubles, and six singles. Each match is one point. Along with Scott’s win, three more singles matches were won by Dina DiTaranto, Carolyn Wilson and Jackie Creighton. Two of the three doubles matches were won by partners DiTaranto and Scott, and Wilson and Rodgers.

The girls got ready for their undefeated season in midAugust, a couple of weeks before classes started. They were doing drills and ran a lot. Their schedule currently during the season consists of six days of practice from about 3:15-5:45 p.m. On days where the weather is inclement, they practice indoors at the Radnor Raquet Club.

In the fall season, some of

Shore, the only senior player, has a herniated disk from a car accident. As a result she has gone from playing singles to playing doubles. Although she cannot play as much as she hoped to this year, she still will end her last year with a good taste in her mouth. “It was really fun. The team is really close.” Shore said. “Since this is my senior year, it was kind of like I’ve only got three weeks left in my entire tennis career. [Now] I’ve only got one week left; it’s a lot more emotional.” Shore has been playing for about 11 years.

The overall season was successful according to the players. “[It was] very good. We all get along and everyone played their best.” Daniella Rende, freshman pre-physical therapy major, said.

When asked what the goal is for next year, many of the players were determined to win PACs again. Scott said, “Hopefully our team will grow and we will build ourselves up to be an even better team. Our coach is constantly looking for new players to bring in and hopefully add even more depth and strength to the team.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.

14 SPORTS www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 28, 2005

Soccer seniors prep for final two games as Cavaliers

Cabrini College women’s soccer has had a rough start to their season.Now, with only two games left, they have a chance of clenching their spot in the playoffs. The Lady Cavs’two senior captains, Nicole Niedermeier and Christine Kedra, are ready to make every contribution to bring the team to the top. Both being from Philadelphia, they were rivals in high school, now coming together to lead their team to victory. The following is an interview done with these star players as they finish out their final season as Cavaliers.

How long have you been playing soccer?

Niedermeier:Since I was six years old.

Kedra: Since I was five.

What position do you play?

Kedra: halfback or fullback

Niedermeier: sweeper

What made you start playing soccer?

Kedra: I’ve been playing for 16 years. My parents signed me up for indoor soccer when I was little and I have been playing ever since.

Niedermeier: Istarted because I seemed to like it and I seemed okay at it.

What are yourgoals forthe rest of yourtime at Cabrini, both academically and athletically?

Kedra: Academically,Iwould like to graduate with Honors. Athletically and with two games left, we still have hope for the playoffs.

Niedermeier: Iwould like to graduate this year, and for soccer, I want to win our last games and hopefully still be in a playoff game.

How many goals and assists do you have?

Kedra: Ionly have one goal but I don’t know how many assists I have.

Niedermeier: Idon’t have any goals and I had maybe one last year but I have been named All PAC player every year since my sophomore year.

What do you hope to see the team accomplish forthe remainderof this season?

Kedra: It’s been a tough, challenging season. Despite our record, Ihope the team finishes the season feeling proud of themselves. Niedermeier: Well, making the playoffs would be awesome!

You Pick Three

Each week, two staff writers will be picking which team they believe will come out on top for three of the NFLgames. It is strictly their opinion and a record will be kept.

This week’s games:

Game 1: Eagles vs. Broncos

Game 2: Bills vs. Patriots

Game 3: Ravens vs. Steelers


Cabrini College student organizations and athletic teams are making the holiday spirit last the whole year by adopting community partners that help benefit children at risk ...

What is your group doing?

Falcone’s picks

Game 1: Broncos

Game 2: Patriots

Game 3: Ravens

Record: 8-1

Donato’s picks

Game 1: Eagles

Game 2: Patriots

Game 3: Steelers

Record: 5-4

Radka’s picks

Game 1: Eagles

Game 2: Bills

Game 3: Steelers

Record: 6-3

This week in sports history:

Oct. 21,1967

In hockey,the North Stars, who had gone 0-2-2 in a season-opening fourgame road trip, defeat the California Golden Seals 3-1 before an announced crowd of 12,951 in their home debut at Met Center.

Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 www.theloquitur.com SPORTS 15
r1stmas A Vear!
Contact Krystal Layne at knl722 • i.edu / ext 5174 Grou s need to ick ro •ect for fall se1nester Attention Seniors! Who's Who Award Applications! If you are a senior graduating in May 2006 and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and you didn't receive the recent mailing from Student Development about applying for the Who's Who in American Colleges & Universities Award, please come to the Student Development Office, 1st floor Widener Center to pick up the application material OR Contact Snezana Ilic at ext. 8416 or Sa i722@ca bri n i .edu DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS IS: NOVEMBER 7, 2005



Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness is just around the corner and is adding a new hype to Cabrini’s atmosphere. It is one of the biggest functions of the year where men and women’s basketball, cheerleading and the dance teams have already started practicing for the big event.

Matthew Macciocca, the men’s head basketball coach, says that he is excited for the upcoming season kick-off at Midnight Madness. Macciocca who has coached at De Sales and Wake Forest Universities, was the assistant coach at the United State Merchant Marine Academy for four years prior to coming to Cabrini.

“I want the students to come and see and be apart of the basketball family. I believe that the student body is very important and I want the students to try and come to every game.”

The men’s basketball team had their first practice Friday, Oct. 14 at midnight. The practice went on until about 2 a.m., which really got the guys in gear for the season to come.

This year, Midnight Madness will have more contests, great food and more prizes to be given out. Also, the faculty, men’s and women’s games will be significantly shorter than last year in order to add more activities for

Friday, Oct. 28

• CAPBroad Street Scare, details TBA

• Women’s tennis PAC championships, West End Racquet Club, TBA

S aturday, Oct. 29

• SGAsponsors Midnight Madness, Dixon Center, 9 p.m.

• Cross CountryPAC Championships at Belmont Plateau, TBA

• Women’s field hockey PAC first round, TBA

• Women’s tennis PAC championships, West End Racquet Club, TBA

• Women’s volleyballl vs. College Misericordia, 1 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 30

• Mass 7 p.m., Bruckman Chapel of St. Joseph

• Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week begins

Monday, Oct. 31

• Health Hut Topic, Cold and Flu prevention, Founder ’s Hall

students to participate in.

The women’s basketball team is also looking forward to the Midnight Madness events to come.

Head coach Bobbi Morgan is entering her 19th season as a head coach and anticipates the season with the women’s basketball team. Morgan and the assistant coaches, Fran Burbidge, Kate Pierangeli and Caroline Tarves are all ready to see what the girls can do.

The team has four starters returning from last season, two of which have made a big impact on the team. Sophomore sociology/criminal justice major, Sam Hartling received the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference Rookie of the Year award last year and Sharae Middlebrook, a sophomore English and communication major, received an honorable mention All-PAC last season.

Captains Jackie Yoder and Jen Skursky are also back with a vengeance to help piece together the new team.

“There will intense competition for playing time this year,” Morgan said.

The Cabrini cheerleaders have been practicing six times a week in order to get ready for Midnight Madness. The squad has been dedicated and summer through fall, they have toned their tumbling skills by going to gymnastics.

Sophomore biology major,

Nicole Meyers is one of the three captains and says that the squad is looking really good. Meyers is excited for Midnight Madness to come so they can show off their new routines.

“Well I don’t want to jinx us, but we look really good this year and expect a very positive reaction from people this year We have been working really hard to try new stunts and bring new aspects of cheerleading into the routines,” Meyers said.

Meyers also said the cheerleading squad will be selling megaphones at Madness this year so the crowd can be extra loud.

The other two captains of the squad, sophomore American studies/Spanish major, Meg Eller and sophomore elementary education and early childhood major, Elana Kousisis as well as Meyers have noticed some new freshman additions to the squad that have stood out.

Freshman elementary education major, Melissa Barrett, freshmen business administration/Spanish major, Lizzie Kerrigan, freshman English and communication/ educational studies major, Jillian Smith and freshman business administration major Derrick Horn have all had a big and positive impact on the squad.

“We hope more people come to the basketball games this year and help us cheer on the guys too,” Meyers said.

Junior finance major, Christine McLaughlin and senior ele-

mentary education/early childhood education major, Kimberly Larentowicz, are captains of the Cabrini dance team. They have been on the team for three years and both are ecstatic about the dance team’s new routine that will be unveiled at Midnight Madness.

“We’re very proud of our team because they are very dedicated and the new and returning members have really meshed well together; everyone has been coming to practices and has been working very hard,” Larentowicz said.

“Everyone has been very respectful towards us being that we are new captains this year and we’re just really excited about it,” McLaughlin added.

The 25 girl team started practices the second week in September and they will present a new routine with different choreography at Midnight Madness.

“I want this place to have the kind of atmosphere and aura where opposing teams are afraid to come in here and when they do they aren’t mentally prepared because our student body will be all over them,” Macciocca said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur @yahoogroups.com

The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Tuesday, Nov. 1

•Women’s volleyball first round of PAC tournament, TBA

Wednesday, Nov. 2

• Men’s soccer PAC seminfinals, TBA

• Women’s field hockey PAC semifinals, TBA

• Women’s soccer PAC semifinals, TBA

Thursday, Nov. 3

• Women’s volleyball PAC semifinals, TBA

Forothercampus information call the Student Activities Office at X8410 Cabrini spor ts hotline:(610)902-8799 Calendar
JESS WEBB/ PHOTO EDITOR JESS WEBB/ PHOTO EDITOR Both men’s and women’s basketball teams prepare for their debut at Midnight Madness on Oct.29.

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