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Cavalier fans celebrate Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness amplified the excitement of the pre-Halloween weekend on Saturday, Oct. 29.
The Dixon Center echoed with crowds of screaming students and pop music blaring. Walking into the entrance students were greeted with rally towels, compliments of the college radio station, WYBF The Burn. Free hot buffalo wings, chicken fingers, chocolate chip cookies, candy, chips, cotton candy and various soft drinks were offered for anybody who stopped in. SGA, WYBF, the swim team and the cheerleading squad were among some of the groups to set up tables in the entrance of the Center. Besides food, there were free t-shirt giveaways, music CDs and fundraisers.
Inside the gymnasium were separate sections in the bleachers for each class. About 180 students were in attendance. Looking in from outside, the freshmen sat on the far right, sophomores to the left, juniors to the left of the sophomores and seniors against the left scoreboard wall. “It was like a huge pep rally, but a lot different from high school,” Jillian Smith, a freshman English and communication major, said.
The events started off with the faculty versus staff basketball game. In between that game and the men and women’s varsity team game, there was the threepoint-shootout contest, Joe Zahn as the dueling DJ winner, the hot- shot contest and the cheerleaders’ performance. After the varsity team’s game, there was the halfcourt shot contest followed by the dance team’sroutine.
“My favorite part was just the crowd. They really loved us,” Kristie Dafnis, a freshman undecided major and dance team member, said.
As the night proceeded, the stands filled up with more students, friends and families. “I think that more people showed up than I expected to be here,”
George Post, a sophomore English and communication major, said.
Many of the freshmen and newcomers were impressed and described the event as fun, energizing and noisy. “It was my first one, so it was a lot of fun,” Lauren Tindall, a sophomore nursing major, said. While the first-timers thought the event to be highly enjoyable, others who have previously been to other Midnight Madnesses felt it fell behind in comparison.
“I didn’t like it as much. I thought there were more fun things to do other years. I knew they took crazy pictures of you and they had laser tag before, but it was still fun,” Sue Francek, a senior elementary education major, said. Francek as well as others also mentioned the fact they thought that the whole event was a tad unorganized.
Several students were amazed to see the improvement of the cheerleading squad compared to last year. “It helped the cheer- leading squad because everyone had this picture of us from last year being terrible and not being able to do a whole lot. Then, with the help from Midnight Madness, we were able to show everyone that we’re really good this year and that we can do things that are a lot tougher than what they could do last year. Also, it helped us out financially by selling megaphones with candy,” Smith, a member of the cheerleading squad, said.
“My favorite part was when they called out the cheerleaders because my roommate is a cheerleader, and I really want to support her,” Jessica McDermott, a junior English and communication major, said.
“I liked the cheerleading team. I thought they did a very good job compared to last year. I loved Derrick, but I wish he had danced,” Francek said.
Overall the students were entertained and lively. “I thought it was all amazing!” Tindall said.
Post said, “It was awesome. I’m glad that I came.”
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