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Gentle push becomes polite shove for students
Freshman students annually arrive at Cabrini, taking a giant leap in order to better-qualify themselves for future employers. The sole purpose of gaining knowledge is crucial, but for many, the purpose of receiving a college education is to achieve a position at an occupation that is enjoyable as well as profitable.
From the first day of freshman year, students share future aspirations and faritasy dreams with each other. Students reassure each other an encourage each other's pursuit of their goals
The school provides advisers for those uncertain students who need guidance in selecting courses. Advisors also aid those students with clear-cut ambitions by bringing-to-light the path of courses and internships required to achieve success.
What is there to do, however, for the students who enroll in school wary of what the future holds? Time flies duringfreshman year and before the developing student realizes it, the gentle push to select a major transforms into a polite shove. Adapting to "college Jife" is no longer the main priority. Suddenly, figuring out the future steals center stage.
What can Cabrini do to help the "lost" students who did not have a set plan since senior year of high school?
A questionable practice has crept in over the last year or two. Students are pre-enrolled in courses before arriving rather than meeting with advisers over the summer. One would assume that the school would want advisers to sit down with undecided students before placing them in class. After all, the students are abo~t to engage in a $100,000 investment with the school.
For those who have not decided on a major before freshman year, most courses selected for them are core requirements essential to graduation. These classes, however, do not usually help a lost student to explore options. Taking mathematics, language and science courses rarely help a student decide on a major.
Instead of taking all those required courses, freshmen should take various introductory courses in diverse fields' to uncover a potential interest. Of course, students may find they are· not interested in these exploratory courses but chances are that a good adviser would hit on good possibilities for most students.
Loquitur urges the administration to review the decision to pre-package the selection of courses, especially for the undecided students. Nothing beats a face-to face meeting over the summer with an adviser of an undecided student.
Students have to do their part also. Student opinion of assistance from advisers varies, but many students' experience with advisers has been positive. If an adviser is difficult to locate or unhelpful, it is imperative that a student finds time to meet with the advisor or requests a new advisor. Slacking and complacency should not jeopardize the amount of money at stake.
Students must escape the lazy quagmire commonly referred to as student dorms. Study and search for the future, because you are the only one who can decide your future. Strive to compete or else you will be left in the dust. College is meant to be an amazing experience, but you cannot blame an adviser for not figuring out your future. Happy Holidays.