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Winter track sprints to finish season
The winter track team is now preparing for three major meets— the Collegiate Track Conference, ECAC and the NCAANational Championships. Unlike most of the other conferences, these three are distinguished because they are scored and there is a declared champion.
Coach Tom O’Hora described the meets and gave some background on the sport. “We compete in meets every weekend. These meets have several schools that compete at once. One or two are actually scored during the course of the year, but most are not. It is pretty much an individual sport.
The exceptions are the big meets like the Collegiate Track Conference, ECAC and the NCAANational Championships. They are scored and there’s a champion. Those meets are yet to come. The ECAC and national meets are ones that you must qualify for in advance of the meet. This is done by performing in prior meets where certain standards must be met.
Cabrini has done very well in that regard. We have several athletes who have qualified for both ECAC and Nationals.”
According to O’Hora, there