1 minute read

Drunk driving a no-brainer

The fact that citizens of the United States still climb behind the wheel after a night of drinking is absolutely baffling. The rules and practices of yesterday are quite different in the world today. Driving under the influence and vehicular homicide are two terms that have become very familiar to the average American.

In the past, D.U.I.’s and related offenses were not as stricly enforced as they are at the present time. The consequenses weren’t as severe.


The penalties for such actions grow greater and greater each day. In a culture obsessed with lawsuits, liability is something every person must think of before putting the keys in the ignition after a drink.

Causing an accident after having just one beer could put someone behind bars for years, depending on the level of harm caused.

If you injure someone while driving under the influence, it is almost as if the world crumbles before your very eyes. Not only does one have to deal with the guilt of causing harm upon another, but one must also face a lawsuit and the legal implications.

Constantly flirting with driving under the influence charges is an action strongly discouraged. Afew beers give drivers a false sense of confidence and the feeling that they are capable of handling the wheel. This confidence must be ignored, however. The respect of others, a job and possibly worse are all factors we must consider Don’t do it.

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