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Winter recreation


The air outside is crisp and hits you like a ton of bricks as you step outside. Winter has set in and made itself at home, blocking out the sun only to fill the skies with a morose grey. Cabrini’s Ski and Outdoor Club offers an array of activities for students to participate in all year round. So its time to get out from under your down comforter and head outside because the thrilling winter sports are just passing you by.


Joe Coyle, the associate director of admissions here at Cabrini for the past five years and is also the coordinator for the Ski and Outdoor Club and says that it is a great organization for students to meet and enjoy the great outdoors.

“We are trying to get kids to meet new people and to show people that there are other students on campus that enjoy the same activities,” he said.

With the winter olympics in gear,winter recreation is on the minds of many.Skiing and snowboarding prove to be a favorite activity among many students.Cabrini’s Ski and Outdoor Club offers an array of activities for students to participate in all year round.

E-mail Joseph Coyle,coordinator of the club,at joseph.coyle@cabrini.edu for more information.

Coyle helped to start the ski club five years ago which has now turned into more of an extreme sports club. He met some students during his first year at Cabrini who shared his love for outdoor activities and wanted to bring others together who shared this love too.

Since the club started, students have traveled the local ski resorts in Pennsylvania but has gone to Canada and gotten a cool taste of some real northern terrain.

The club has nearly doubled in participation in that last year alone and there are no signs that this craze is going to slow down.

Not only can Cabrini students participate but they can also bring along non-Cabrini students, brothers, sisters and friends from home.

If you aren’t into the popular winter activities of skiing and snowboarding just wait for the exciting spring activities to come.

“We’re going to try and do a paintball trip and a water rafting trip, again to try and get students off campus and have some fun during the weekends.”

So if you’re sitting in your lonely dorm room right now wondering what your going to do all weekend, get up and get outside! Sure it’s cold but nothing beats the warm rush you feel when your flying down the slopes with the icey air hitting your face.

For more information, please contact Joe Coyle— joseph.coyle@cabrini.edu.

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