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Mass Schedule
Sunday:7:00 p.m.
Tuesday:8:15 a.m.
Wednesday: 5:15 p.m.
Thursday:12:30 p.m.
The philosophy department proudly announces the chapter of the National Philosophy Honors Society, Phi Sigma Tau. The Cabrini Philosophy Honors Society is open to all students with the following qualification: three semesters of college work, average grade point average 3.38 or above and at least two philosophy courses with average grade of above 3.00. Interested students may contact any member of the department.
Comedians Coming Tuesday
The Late Night Players will be in the Grace Hall atrium Tuesday, March 14 at 8 p.m.
Attention Education Majors
The Center for Graduate and Professional Studies will offer the Math Praxis Test Prep Course for Level II: Content Knowledge. The course will be facilitated by Dr. Katie Acker of the math department and will meet from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 5, 19, 26, and May 3. The cost is $150. For help with questions or to request additional information, please contact Lisa LoMonaco, lml724@cabrini.edu or 610-902-8592.
National Collegiate Health Assessment
Just being involved and playing the game that you loved was all that mattered. If your team succeeded and maybe you won a championship here or there, it would make all that hard work worthwhile.
Now, however, that hard work has seemingly turned into cutting corners and quick solutions.
The steroids epidemic that has captured the attention of a nation, of a commissioner, and subsequently, the United States Congress, is a problem that is relatively new, yet immensely controversial.
The problem has come up in many of today’s professional sports, but none more frequently than the sport of baseball.
Hall-of-fame-caliber players like Jose Canseco, Mark McGuire, Rafael Palmeiro and Ken Caminiti (who died of drugrelated heart complications in October of 2004) have been placed under the microscope and interrogated about whether they
Most recently, San Francisco outfielder and third all-time homerun champ Barry Bonds has been subject to major investigation.
In the upcoming book “Game of Shadows,” by Mark FainaruWada and Lance Williams, Bonds’innermost secrets revolving around performance enhancing drugs, are seemingly revealed.
It is reported in the book that during the year Bonds broke Mark McGuire’s single-season homerun record, he was using at least two designer steroids at once, not to mention insulin, a human growth hormone, a fastacting testosterone and trenbolone, which is normally used to develop the muscle quality of cattle.
His daily routine would be part of a three-week cycle, which Bonds would demand be ready in advance so that no doses were missed.
The doses would come in every form imaginable, including injections, pills, liquid drops and even topical creams, which is the basis behind the BALCO, a performance-enhancing drug, scandal.
With the potential to break the all-time homerun record this season, Bonds could go down in history as one of the sport’s most storied athletes, in both a positive and negative manner.
Trailing the almost angelic in comparison, Hank Aaron by only 47 round-trippers, it shouldn’t be a surprise to many if he actually breaks the record, considering how he has played in recent years.
It is also apparent that after all the illegal activities that Bonds has allegedly been involved in, his body is beginning to break down after his 19 years in the league. In 2005, Bonds appeared in only 14 games and swung the bat 42 times because of nagging knee injuries.
If Bonds does break the record for most homeruns in a career, one can’t help but wonder if his name will be followed by an asterisk because his performance wasn’t all his, like his predecessors.
Complete the NCHAsurvey and be entered into a prize drawing for gift cards valued from $100 - $500! Random winners for all participants on the competition deadline, March 17. For more information contact: Health and Wellness Education at wellness@cabrini.edu
Cabrini College Click Campaign
From Feb. 13 to March 31, 2006 the finance club will sponsor the annual Click Campaign. This is a great way to help underdeveloped nations pull out of poverty. All you have to do is go to www.povertyfighters.com, and click Cabrini College. Please support Cabrini by Clicking twice a day. If there are any questions please contact Claudia at css722@cabrini.edu.
Free Philadelphia Wings Tickets
Cabrini’s radio station, WYBFThe Burn, is giving away four free passes to a Wings game. Each pass is for one reserved seat at any game the Wings play this 2006 season at the Wachovia Center The tickets are worth $27 each. Win by listening to various radio shows that will be giving them away.
“My twenty thrown down in my fist of rage, and the man to my left just folded down. Johnny doubled up with a Royal Flush. I had three jacks and a pair of nines.” Even music groups, such as O.A.R., and their quoted song “That Was a Crazy Game of Poker,” include gambling and poker situations in their lyrics. Poker and gambling is evident in just about every outlet of media on the planet. Online poker, The World Series of Poker on ESPN and billboard advertisements are platforms that have been flooding the media in recent years. Before the age of the Internet and online poker, the lottery and rub-off tickets were, and still are, popular forms of gambling. Gambling, especially poker gambling, has become an extremely popular activity.
Poker, more specifically, Texas Hold’em, is the most popular form of gambling. But do college students consider playing poker gambling?
“I don’tgamble, I just play,” Ian Lightcap, a junior English and communication major,said. “I’ll play with the chips, but for money,I’ll only play for like five bucks.” I would have to consider this gambling because it involves money and taking chances on getting the right cards. Ultimately,Ithink the word “gamble” strikes fear in younger gamblers because it has a negative connotation. By negative, I mean you always see the guy that lost all of his money on television talking about his problem and how people should know when to stop. Strangely, you never hear about the people who win.
Casinos don’t tell a person that they’ve had too much to drink or when it’s a good time to hang it up for the night. So, when does gambling become a problem? I think gambling is a problem when winning or losing makes or breaks your bank. Robert Murray, a business administration and human resource management major,expressed his thoughts on when gambling is a problem.
“You don’t know when to stop. Basically when a person doesn’t realize they have lost a lot more than desired, it’s. Situations like these lead gamblers to borrow and play with other people’s money. That becomes an entirely bigger issue,” Murray said.
Gambling is an issue that starts early in life. Kids see that it’san easy way to get money without working. However, it seems that at an early age a kid won’trealize what happens if you lose. Tommy Krukas, a junior criminal justice major,described his gambling roots. “I was a junior in high school. I began with a dice game called ‘C-lo.’It was like a gateway drug. Soon after,I went onto poker and then finally roulette. I like gambling because it’san easy way to make money. Whether it be poker, dice or sporting events, I love to take chances,” Krukas said. Some people love gambling no matter the consequences.
Is gambling the easy way out of life without working? I wouldn’t call it easy or even the best option, but there’s no saying that becoming a professional poker player isn’t out of the question for people. I would have to say that people who put it all out on the line are people who may work for a time and hope to make it big so they won’t have to work anymore.
“I think people who gamble to hit it big are people that don’t have a steady financial situation,” Tyler Sanford, a junior political science major, said. “They’re out there for the big game and the big win.” I think Tyler’s right and I’ve seen it before. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Just let it ride?”
Gambling is everywhere. I’m not saying that gambling is a bad thing, but I realized that a lot of people are involved in gambling. Whether college students think about it or not, the March Madness basketball tournament is getting closer every day. How many people do you know that participate in filling out a bracket? Now take that stat and compare it to how many people put money it. Most importantly, the odds aren’t in your favor. Just like Paul Newman said in “The Color of Money,” “Adollar won is twice as sweet as a dollar earned.”