2 minute read
There are very few faculty and staff members remaining who remember Cabrini's more humble beginnings, and Mike Caranfa is one of them. In his 33 years at Cabrini, Caranfa )las been witness to many changes to the campus and its student body, and he will take his history and experiences with him when he retires at the end of the semester.
Caranfa began his career at Cabrini in 1973 as Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and he was promoted shortly afterward to !)irector of the Physical Plant. Caranfa worked his way up through the roles of Chief Physical Plant Officer and Chief Facilites Officer. During this time, he managed all construction projects and ran the Facilities Department. Finally, Caranfa took on his current position as Director of Construction and Renovation in 2001.
When Caranfa started his career at Cabrini, many of the buildings and areas the campus community is so familiar with today did not exist. Buildings and residence halls such as the Widener Center, Dixon Center, Xaiver, New Residence Hall, The Cabrini Apartment Complex and others were nonexistent. Over the years, Caranfa has overseen the construction of some of these various buildings and the growth of Cabrini as a college.
Since the position of Director of Construction and Renovation was created in 2001, Caranfa has managed more than $45 million in construction and renovation projects for Cabrini College. And· this is in addition to $35 million in projects he managed before that position was created. Recently, Caranfa has been hard at work overseeing the construction of the brand new West Residence Hall, which will be his final project at Cabrini.
Caranfa plans to relax and enjoy some quality time with his wife after he retires. "I have worked here over half my life, and Cabrini is part of my soul. I will miss the people very much, but I want to enjoy my retirement while I am still strong and
2005-2006Loquitur Staff
healthy," Caranfa said.
Cabrini however will be losing a valued member of its administration and a man who has done a great deal for the growth and improvement of Cabrini. The many beautiful buildings and residence halls that stand on the scenic campus will be a lasting memorial to this treasured member of the Cabrini community.
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