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RelocatingU.S.jobs Bushasks U.S.tolook pastlraa· bloodshed
The year was 1988, and Avnee Ingle was just a 5-year old Indian girl awaiting her father's return from one of his numerous visits to America for an engineering position. Graduating from a highly regarded university in India, Mr. Ingle was an exceptional student in search of employment in the United States.
"He was originally recruited by a German engineering company," Avnee recalled. "After a few months there, he found another job in Tanzania, Africa."
Mr. Ingle accepted these various positions with the constant goal of finding work in America in the back of his mind.
Being bounced around from India to Germany and then to Tanzania, Africa, was a game of hop-scotch no solid family would have amusement playing.
In 1988, howev~r, Mr. Ingle was ahead of his time. This period was when the groundwork for monster technological corporations, such as Microsoft, was just being laid. "Windows" was the up-and-corning attraction for many software engineers and technological wizards. The possibilities for the computer age were endless, and-help was need- ed from the most gifted scientists and engineers around the world, no matter how far the search could be.
The technological society was embarking upon a process of "flattening," a term dubbed by expert writer on global~zation, Thomas Friedman. By flattening, Friedman means that the world is no longer round, and a level playing field is emerging for all businesses, no ma,tterwhat the geographical location.
Mr. Ingle continued his quest to remove his family from an India that Avnee describes as an overpopulated and polluted area. A cleaner, safer and more organized America was the environment Mr. Ingle wanted for his children.
After numerous trips to the U.S., Mr. Ingle finally got word from a friend of an engineering position that was available in America. An assured engineering position in the U.S. would allow Mr.Ingle and his family to begin their lives together in his premeditated dream.
As technology advanced, broadband cables became the Earth's neck tie and wrapped around the world to connect countries oceans away form each other. As a result, a kick-boxer in Wyoming could communicate with a fellow martial arts lover in
Thailand with a simple click.
Once the leaders of America's business world gripped the importance of such developments, the word "outsourcing" became an everyday word for the everyday citizen. The basic concept of outsourcing is better work for cheaper labor. As a result, computer, telemarketing, engineering and scientific research were just a few of the positions flying to countries like India and China quicker than an American's attention span.
Friedman has made a career out of stressing the urgency of globalization to the American citizens. At the present time, people such as Mr.Ingle no longer fret to find a job in America; American corporations are fretting to find him. The corporation will now accommodate their needs, due to superior work ethic, scientific excellence and mathematical knowledge.
Avnee Ingle now enjoys a college education in America quite different from her father.
However Americanized she might be, Avnee still realizes the importance of education, as she hopes to eventually get her Master's degree to ensure a safe position incapable of being shipped to another country.just as many have before.
Beginning the fourth year of an unpopular war, President Bush defended his Iraq record against skeptical questioning. - He said he could "understand people being disheartened" but appealed Americans to look beyond the bloodshed and see signs of progress.
Bush fielded questions for nearly an hour at the City aub, a forum known for its tough interrogations of world leaders, Not only was he grilled on lraq, but he also was asked to justify his warrantless wiretapping program, U.S. relations with.Pakistan and his domestic priorities.
One difference wasthat,in Iraq, there was a series of UN. Security Council resolutions that basically held the Iraqi government to account, which Saddam Hussein ignored," Bush said. Still, he said that Iran was a concern, on the question of nuclear weapons and on its role in Iraq.
FBI agent slams bossesat Mous.,aouitrial
FBI agent Harry Samit of Minneapolis, who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001, testified that he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot, but "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks.
Samit originally testified as a government witness on March 9, but his day-long cross examination by defense attorney Edward MacMahon was the strongeSt moment so far for the court-appointed lawyersdefending Moussaoui. The 37-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan descent is the only person charged in this country in connection with al-Qaida's Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Bird Ou likely in US. this year
Bush administration officials said on Monday it was "increasingly likely" that bird flu could be detected in the United States this year but added it may not mean the start of a human pandemic.
Speaking to reporters, Interior Secretary Gale Norton, Agriculture Secretary M'tlceJohanns and Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt unveiled a plan to increase monitoring of migratory birds that are likely to bring the bird flu virus to U.S. shores.
"It is increasingly likely that we will detect the highly pathogenic H5Nl strain of avian flu in birds within the U.S. borders, possibly as early as this year," Norton said.
Top foreignaffairsenvoysmap out Iran strategy
Six senior foreign affairs officials from U .N. Security Council powers and Germany tried to devise a future strategy on Iran's nuclear aims, as Tehran vowed to resist efforts to undermine its plans.
The session comes after the.Council has struggled for nearly two wee.ksto issue a statement telling Iran to stop uranium-enrichment efforts the West believes are a cover for bomb-making.
While a majority of the 15-nation Security Council backs the United States, Britain and France, permanent wuncil members Russia arid Qrina distrust any language they feel will lead to sanctions and diminish the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. The draft statement does not threaten punitive measures.