2 minute read
enioritis IC Sin
Fifty nine. That is the number of days left until seniors are scheduled to graduate. Amazing, isn't it? The very idea of finishing college in less than two months causes many students to get excited and nervous at the same time.
Imagine, after walking on the stage to receive your diploma you tum around to see the path of your bright future in the near distance. You're taking a glimpse into your new life, what you have been working vigorously towards for the past four years. Now you are in the real world.
So, why is it that nobody wants to wait anymore? The diagnosis is senioritis.
With winter winding down and spring popping up just for a couple days at a time, it's hard for seniors to concentrate on finishing up the school year.
"I definitely have senioritis," Mary Oschell, a senior elementary education major, said. "I feel like the semester is never going to end and I know that I have work to do and yet I just don't do it," she said. OSchell said that she was tom between being sad to leave Cabrini and being excited for graduation.
Jessica Marella, a senior English and communication major, said, "I don't have as much motivation as I used to in doing my work. I just want to spend time with my roommates instead of doing work."
Ojher students felt that they are not less driven to complete work. "I can't say that I am less motivated in my work ethic but I am definitely anxious for graduation to come," Rebecca Simeone, a senior graphic design major, said. Simeone was shocked at how fast the semester has gone by. She said that the reality of the situation is starting to settle in.
"I think if I just had classes right now instead of teaching, I would probably have senioritis worse than I already do," Sue Francek, a senior elementary education major, said. Francek student teaches this semester. She
Eric Campbell, a senior graphic design major, shows serious symptoms of senioritls with graduation looming in the near future. felt that she had worse senioritis in high school because she did not like it as much as she likes Cabrini.
As far as plans for the future, many students are looking for jobs right after graduation.
"Hopefully I'll be teaching at some lovely little school in New Jersey somewhere closeby where I live, so the commute is not far," Oschell said.
"Right now I am looking for a for me. I will miss the fun job in public relations," Marella times and friends I made here!" said.
Simeone said, "My plans for after gradation aren't concrete, but the sky's the limit."
All agreed that the four years went by in a flash and all were sad that it is corning to an end.
Francek said, "I am so sad to leave Cabrini because I loved it. It was a really great experience
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