1 minute read


, to the stage nlll1lber9f songs they can play due to format clocks and pressure from the recordlabel to give a certain song a set nu,nber of 'spins' on the air," Mazzeo said. "This leads to tired, ovetdooe genres and play lists that cause the listen, in$ audience to quickly become bored."

In 2005, Phlladelprua•s modern rock station YlOO went off the air leaving listeners without any stations that play alternative rock music.


"From my observation, a lot of people are turning to satellite [radio] because they have the capability of listening to any type of genre of music at any given point of the day," Craig Vagell, communications center supervisor and general manager of WYBF-FM, said.

Other people in the radio industry including Adam Carolla, a radio personality who replaced Howard Stem on some Infinity-owned FM stations, and Yahoo's chief music executive both agree that "music will inevitably vanish from free radio."

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