Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
C a b r i n i
C o l l e g e
The Loquitur Y o u S p e a k, W e L i s t e n
Radnor, Pa.
Parents misjudge the cost of college YADIRA TOLEDO EVENTS EDITOR
Having a child attend college is a fundamental goal of many American parents. “As a mother, I always wanted the best for my daughter. I didn’t want to see her struggling at a job just to make $10 or $12 an hour; anybody could do that. From the very beginning, I wanted nothing but success for her. And, I’ve always seen education as a way for her to achieve that success,” said Danette Greene, parent of Sloan Harrison, a junior psychology major. Although, the pursuit of a college education is deeply encouraged and promoted, when it comes to saving for it, some parents simply fail to make the grade.
COLLEGE, page 3
Democrats rally for votes
The Democrats gave it one last big push before Election Day at Cabrini College. The Nerney Field House hosted former Vice President Al Gore, on Saturday, Nov. 4, as he and the Democratic candidates encouraged a crowd of more than 500 supporters to get out and vote. Gore was joined by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is to be elected speaker of the house, to endorse fellow Democrats Governor Ed Rendell, Bob Casey, senatorial candidate, and Joe Sestak, who is to replace Rep. Curt Weldon in the House of Representatives. Also on hand were local representatives including Connie Williams, Pennsylvania state senator, Daylin Leach of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives; and Bill George, the president of the AFL-CIO. The push was successful as the Democratic candidates swept the state on Nov. 7. Tuesday brought wins for Rendell, Casey and Sestak. Congressional candidate Jim Gerlach was the only
SPORTS Tennis Page 14
Former Vice President Al Gore, was one of the many speakers that appeared on campus Saturday, Nov. 4.
local Republican to win a national seat. Democrats also took control of the House of Representatives but as of Tuesday afternoon, the Senate was too close to call.
“I thought the rally was great because it was nice to see something that had to do with the Democratic Party. This area seems to be very Republican, so I was glad Cabrini let them use our
campus as a site. I had never been to a rally, so it was a great opportunity for me,” Nora Marchetto-Ryan, a senior psychology major, said. “Cabrini is happy to make its facilities available to candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties, as long as the event doesn’t negatively impact student life. Cabrini had offered the campus for an earlier event hosted by Republican Senator Rick Santorum with Rudolph Giuliani, and also extended an to Republican invitation Congressman Curt Weldon. Cabrini’s involvement in any of these political events is only to provide space,” Dan DiPrinzio, media relations manager, said. The majority of the rally was dedicated to promoting the qualifications of Casey and Sestak. And, even though he is running for re-election as well, Rendell devoted his speaking time to supporting the two candidates. Kristine Schmid, a senior history and political science major, thought the rally was a big success. “I thought it was pretty cool it was held here. I didn’t expect to see Casey and really cool to see
Campus utility expenses on the rise NEWS EDITOR
A&E Disney Movies Page 10
Vol XLVIII, Issue 10
Cabrini’s utility bills are on the rise, mainly due the new additions on campus including the creation of the Center for Science, Education and Technology, West Residence Hall and the new athletic turf field. “Due to Cabrini College’s recent growth, as well as the recent increases in energy, the cost for utilities has increased dramatically over the past five years,” Howard Holden, director of facilities, said. There was an immediate rise in the amount of energy used on campus when the SET Building was opened fall of 2005. Holden explained that the jump in energy that the SET Building caused is normal because of the nature of the building. Since this building is used for the sciences, air needs to be continuously passed through the building. The next additions to campus
that affected the energy usage were the unveilings of West Residence Hall at the beginning of this semester and the new athletic turf field following up later in the semester. The utility expense for the last fiscal year for energy was approximately $1,210,000. This amount breaks down to $800,000 for electricity, $350,000 for natural gas and $60,000 for fuel oil. “That amount of money is insane,” Jessica Jaxel, a sophomore elementary, special and early childhood education major, said. However, after giving more thought to the amount of money that was spent on utilities last year, Jaxel said, “I guess that high amount can be somewhat expected because I know a lot of people that never turn off their computers or lights in their rooms.” According to Holden, there are plans to cut the utility cost and save energy on campus.
The gauges seen above control the conditions inside the SET building from a specially engineered room on its roof. Last year Cabrini spent approximately $1.2 million on energy usage.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
New campus additions Parents fail to cover college costs affect utility expenses COLLEGE, page 3
spending Discretionary usually defers parents from investing money into a college fund, according to a survey conducted by Matthew Greenwald and Associates, a national polling firm. The survey showed that 95 percent of the 1,358 parents surveyed in August of 2006 said that they would pay some or all of their child’s college expenses. The results also displayed that in the past year a staggering 58 percent of the parents targeted spent more on dining-out than they had on saving for their child’s college education; meanwhile, 49 percent admitted to spending more on vacations. “My parents didn’t necessarily set aside a college fund for me, but they did make sure that when it was time for me to go off to college they wouldn’t have to struggle to pay my tuition. Basically, they didn’t do any lavish spending on
unnecessary items,” said Randall Reid, a junior accounting major. The research went on to show that not only are parents failing to save enough money to fund their child’s education, but that 87 percent of the parents surveyed were relying on scholarships and other grants to cover a portion of their child’s tuition. “During my senior year of high school we looked around for different scholarships. Even though I’m an athlete, we didn’t depend solely on athletic scholarships; we explored our options,” said Reid. Unlike Reid and his parents, 47 percent of the surveyed parents encouraged sports specifically to attain scholarships. As a high school student, Harrison was a member of the track team. Danette saw this as an opportunity to fund her daughter’s education. But, shortly before junior year Harrison decided to quit the team thereby squashing her mother’s hopes. “I encouraged Sloan’s participation on the track team. I believed that we would be able to
get a lot of financial aid that way. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the way I had planned,” said Greene. When it comes to financial aid and scholarships, many parents may be in for a rude awakening. Another survey conducted between August and September of 2006, showed that financial aid administrators think that most parents have a false sense of security that colleges will help cover the costs of their child’s education. They also said that 92 percent of parents overestimate the amount of scholarship and grant money their children will receive. “I wholeheartedly regret not saving as much as I would have like to. If I could undo the past, I would surely invest more of my money into a college fund for my daughter. A parent should never risk shortchanging their child especially on something as valuable as an education,” said Dannet.
Casey stressed that 8.3 million children do not have health insurance. The majority of the rally was spent as a platform to urge voters to vote Democrat. Pelosi did however focus on the Democrats plan of “Six for ’06.” In the first 100 hours of gaining control of Congress, Democrats promised that they will, in the first 100 hours, pass the 9/11 Commission recommendations, increase the
minimum wage, remove incentives for businesses to send American jobs overseas, to cut in half interest rates for student loans and to legalize stem cell research. The sixth promise is a long-term dedication to environmental awareness. “Pennsylvania is the number one state for renewable energy,” Gore said. Gore has been traveling the world promoting his film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” to educate people on the problem of global warming. Gore has been campaigning for the environment for almost 20 years and is responsible for making the Clinton administration “green.” Gore, along with the other speakers, commented on what a “beautiful institution” Cabrini was. He also touched on student loan interest rates and the importance of science education, both of which are issues that affect Cabrini students. In recent meetings with students, Dr. Antionette Iadarola, president of Cabrini College, strongly encouraged students to vote and urged them to know which issues the candidates stood for. “It is critical that students realize the importance of voting,” Iadarola said. “Voting is a precious right, and if we don’t exercise it, we’ll lose it. I cannot overemphasize the importance of voting.” Loquitur welcomes your comments and questions on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.
Rally brings in the votes for Democrats DEMOCRATS, page 1
Gore,” Schmid said. Having the rally held here is a great thing for the college…definitely a big accomplishment for the Cabrini.” Schmid is interning for Williams this semester. George said that 47 million Americans are uninsured, 34 million of whom are working Americans. Both Rendell and
The Nerney Field House at the Dixon Center was packed in attendance with supporters for the Democratic party.
NEWS | 3
This unit seen above, is on the roof the SET building, which controls the conditions inside the building, and is one factor in the increasing utility costs.
“As buildings are built, they are created with the most up-todate form of energy efficiency. West Residence Hall was built to be more energy efficient,” Holden said. Over last summer, Holden, along with others from the facilities department, went through each room of Woodcrest and the houses on campus with plans to update the buildings to be more energy efficient. All the lights in these buildings were changed to florescent light bulbs and each building was modernized with a more efficient heating system. According to Energy Star, fluorescent light bulbs use at least two-thirds less energy then incandescent bulbs to provide the same amount of light and last 10 times longer. Another step in the process to cut utility expenses on campus is adding better insulation to campus buildings; Grace Hall was renovated with new insulation last summer. Cabrini is in a process of an engineering study to help convert the entire campus over to high tension electricity. As of right now, the campus is on half high tension electricity and half standard distribution. According to Holden, high tension electricity is delivered
less expensively because it “arrives” at 13,200 volts. After the “arrival” of the electricity, Cabrini is responsible to “break it down” via transformers to the 120 volts the United States generally uses. “Cabrini will need to invest in an updated distribution system to help provide these savings. The Cabrini administration is supportive,” Holden said. To help save money, especially during the winter the months, dual fuel systems are used in two buildings on campus. Holden explained that dual fuel systems mean that both natural gas and oil can be burned in those systems. The college can choose to use whichever fuel is less expensive at the time. “We have plans to bring another building on dual fuel soon. We will continue to examine other buildings’ potential as well. Some may not be as cost effective,” Holden said. Holden encourages everyone to be conscientious when using electricity to help in the movement to cut cost and save electricity. Sarah Norfolk, a junior graphic design major, turns off the lights in her room every night to save electricity. Norfolk said, “Even through we [students] are not directly paying for the utility bills, we should still conserve energy.”
Primiano rimian m an ano n Peace Pins Sale starts this week All proceeds go toward Dr. Primiano’s medical expenses
2 | NEWS
Students fail to show interest in elections
With the election season just passing and Washington D.C. welcoming both new and old faces, the election seems to have done just that, pass through. For much of our generation, it is a complete out-of-body experience. We see it on the news. We see the signs and the ads. It has been plastered everywhere for months and it’s been hard to escape, but ironically young voters pay little attention to the elections. We subconsciously make our judgments but fail to take our opinions to the polls on Election Day. This past weekend, Cabrini held one of the last democratic rallies on the campaign trail with big players like former Vice President Al Gore, Governor Ed Rendell and other democratic hopefuls. Despite campus publicity, out of the 400 to 500 people in attendance, Cabrini students made up a mere handful at the rally. It can’t possibly be that every student on campus is a hardcore Republican and they were taking a stand by not attending. Passion for the rally failed to show while not a single student protestor attended outside of the Dixon Center to oppose the lefties. Political apathy is a growing problem with our generation. One of the main reasons college students opt not to vote is because many feel that they aren’t educated enough on the candidate’s positions and the issues to make a concise decision. Students are turned off by the endless ads that create animosity from one candidate to another. They find it difficult to sort through all the negativity to find the issues. Rendell and outsiders of the region said the races in Pennsylvania and New Jersey were among the dirtiest in the country. Politicians chose to use their ad time for bashing instead of addressing the issues. The phrase “change in Washington” means nothing if we don’t see a plan. The rare positive ads that we did see this election were directed at families and an older generation. It’s hard to relate. But nonvoters can’t place all the blame on the smear campaign. Educating ourselves on the candidates is part of our responsibility. Most local papers like the Philadelphia Inquirer break down the issues candidate by candidate for voters, just as each candidate’s web site does. The facts are out there, it’s a matter of making an effort to acquire them. Many young voters feel that if it isn’t a presidential election that it isn’t as important. We are the future of the country, yet we’re leaving the voting to our elders. If we go back to our middle school history lessons, we remember that each branch of government plays an equal part. Congress makes decisions on a daily basis that affect college students. They control federal funding for higher education, financial aid and interest rates on student loans. If we are discontent about an issue, our only chance to change it is to vote or someone who can change it. If students continue ignore politics, our voices will be continually swept to the side. Excuses like, “I don’t live in the district” or “I don’t know the candidates” just don’t cut it. Educate yourself, know your candidates and get involved. Election season has come and gone but there is always next time. Citizen in some countries die for the chance at democracy and the privilege to vote but Americans take the right for granted, especially those of our generation. Voting is our civic duty; we owe it to ourselves and our country to use the tools we have to initiate change.
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History symposium speakers to bring lessons from the past
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
The 400th Anniversary of Jamestown and the 225th of The Battle of Yorktown will be presented from five different points of view at Cabrini on Nov. 11. The History Club is bringing speakers to share with us their expertise about these important aspects of America’s history. Speaking about Jamestown will be Lisa Doak, who graduated from Cabrini in 2000 and has since gone on to work at The Colonial National Historical Park in Virginia. When she suggested to Dr. James Hedtke, professor of history, that this year’s symposium be about these anniversaries, she hardly expected to be asked to present. Doak is part of the Jamestown Glasshouse, one of the few standing buildings from the 1700s. She will be discussing the significance of the use of glassblowing in the colony. “I really want to make [the celebration of these anniversaries] expand out of Virginia,” Doak said. “People [in Virginia] know about it and it is huge. I hope that this will be an outlet for this to be understood better in this area.” “It’s part of being at a college [to be] exposed to scholars from outside of our community, who are tops in their field,” said Hedtke about the symposium. Hedtke also went onto say that “[These] are two important anniversaries that really shaped
who the American people are. As an American, you can learn a little something more about your background.” And that doesn’t even begin to describe everything there is to know. The settlement of Jamestown is a story rich in legend; for many, the names Pocahontas and John Smith spring to mind. But the colony was so much more than that. The colonists experienced many hardships, including starvation and conflict with the Native Americans. The Battle of Yorktown is considered one of the most important battles of the American Revolution. In the battle, George Washington and Count de Rochambau, of the French, attacked General Cornwallis’ camp in Yorktown, Va. Cornwallis soon surrendered, ensuring an American victory in the revolution. Along with Doak, other speak-
A reenactment of the Battle of Yorktown provides people with the sense of what war was like when the earlier times of our country faced war.
2006-2007 Loquitur Staff Editorial Staff
Editor in Chief Managing Editor Copy Editor News Editor News Editor A & E Editor A & E Editor Features Editor Perspectives Editor Sports Editor Sports Editor Photography Editor Web Editor Events Editor Writing Coach Graphic Designer Adviser
ers include Beverly Straube, F.S.A. who has been featured in “National Geographic,” “Nova” and other national programs. Gregory Urwin, Ph.D., who was part of the Washington series on The History Channel and is a professor at Temple University. Michael Litterst, a public affairs officer at the Colonial National Historical Park, and has also been a park ranger at Gettysburg, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Manassas. Melanie Perrault, Ph. D., who has also contributed to documentaries on The History Channel and is an associate professor at Salisbury University. Admission is free to Cabrini students, faculty and staff and is $15 for visitors. Students can also take the course for one credit. Sign up in the registrar’s office for HIS400 Z. A continental breakfast and full lunch will be included.
Amanda Finnegan Elizabeth Brachelli Stacey Turnbull Katherine Brachelli Brittany Liberatore Matt Donato Nicoletta Sabella Ashley Randazzo Daina Havens Jason Radka Patricia Sheehan Dan Squire Shane Evans Yadira Toledo Meghan Hurley Charlie Grugan Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff Writers
Kaitlin Barr Monica Burke Jessica Chesko Christina Cimmino Katherine Clark Ashley Cook David Damiano Jennifer Davis John Fennell Ryan Grugan Jessica Hagerty Jamie Hufnagle Elizabeth Kerstetter Brittany Lavin
Elizabeth Lavin Colin Mason Pat McGowan Kasey Minnick Karli Morello Nicole Osuch Vickie Papageorge Megan Pellegrino Jillian Smith Brittany Such Jackie Turchi Grayce Turnbach Diana Vilares
Our Mission Statement
The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to effect change on campus and off. Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 4,000 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis. Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected. The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen
Loquitur is a newspaper written, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editor are to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus or community area. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus or community. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
New campus additions Parents fail to cover college costs affect utility expenses COLLEGE, page 3
spending Discretionary usually defers parents from investing money into a college fund, according to a survey conducted by Matthew Greenwald and Associates, a national polling firm. The survey showed that 95 percent of the 1,358 parents surveyed in August of 2006 said that they would pay some or all of their child’s college expenses. The results also displayed that in the past year a staggering 58 percent of the parents targeted spent more on dining-out than they had on saving for their child’s college education; meanwhile, 49 percent admitted to spending more on vacations. “My parents didn’t necessarily set aside a college fund for me, but they did make sure that when it was time for me to go off to college they wouldn’t have to struggle to pay my tuition. Basically, they didn’t do any lavish spending on
unnecessary items,” said Randall Reid, a junior accounting major. The research went on to show that not only are parents failing to save enough money to fund their child’s education, but that 87 percent of the parents surveyed were relying on scholarships and other grants to cover a portion of their child’s tuition. “During my senior year of high school we looked around for different scholarships. Even though I’m an athlete, we didn’t depend solely on athletic scholarships; we explored our options,” said Reid. Unlike Reid and his parents, 47 percent of the surveyed parents encouraged sports specifically to attain scholarships. As a high school student, Harrison was a member of the track team. Danette saw this as an opportunity to fund her daughter’s education. But, shortly before junior year Harrison decided to quit the team thereby squashing her mother’s hopes. “I encouraged Sloan’s participation on the track team. I believed that we would be able to
get a lot of financial aid that way. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the way I had planned,” said Greene. When it comes to financial aid and scholarships, many parents may be in for a rude awakening. Another survey conducted between August and September of 2006, showed that financial aid administrators think that most parents have a false sense of security that colleges will help cover the costs of their child’s education. They also said that 92 percent of parents overestimate the amount of scholarship and grant money their children will receive. “I wholeheartedly regret not saving as much as I would have like to. If I could undo the past, I would surely invest more of my money into a college fund for my daughter. A parent should never risk shortchanging their child especially on something as valuable as an education,” said Dannet.
Casey stressed that 8.3 million children do not have health insurance. The majority of the rally was spent as a platform to urge voters to vote Democrat. Pelosi did however focus on the Democrats plan of “Six for ’06.” In the first 100 hours of gaining control of Congress, Democrats promised that they will, in the first 100 hours, pass the 9/11 Commission recommendations, increase the
minimum wage, remove incentives for businesses to send American jobs overseas, to cut in half interest rates for student loans and to legalize stem cell research. The sixth promise is a long-term dedication to environmental awareness. “Pennsylvania is the number one state for renewable energy,” Gore said. Gore has been traveling the world promoting his film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” to educate people on the problem of global warming. Gore has been campaigning for the environment for almost 20 years and is responsible for making the Clinton administration “green.” Gore, along with the other speakers, commented on what a “beautiful institution” Cabrini was. He also touched on student loan interest rates and the importance of science education, both of which are issues that affect Cabrini students. In recent meetings with students, Dr. Antionette Iadarola, president of Cabrini College, strongly encouraged students to vote and urged them to know which issues the candidates stood for. “It is critical that students realize the importance of voting,” Iadarola said. “Voting is a precious right, and if we don’t exercise it, we’ll lose it. I cannot overemphasize the importance of voting.” Loquitur welcomes your comments and questions on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.
Rally brings in the votes for Democrats DEMOCRATS, page 1
Gore,” Schmid said. Having the rally held here is a great thing for the college…definitely a big accomplishment for the Cabrini.” Schmid is interning for Williams this semester. George said that 47 million Americans are uninsured, 34 million of whom are working Americans. Both Rendell and
The Nerney Field House at the Dixon Center was packed in attendance with supporters for the Democratic party.
NEWS | 3
This unit seen above, is on the roof the SET building, which controls the conditions inside the building, and is one factor in the increasing utility costs.
“As buildings are built, they are created with the most up-todate form of energy efficiency. West Residence Hall was built to be more energy efficient,” Holden said. Over last summer, Holden, along with others from the facilities department, went through each room of Woodcrest and the houses on campus with plans to update the buildings to be more energy efficient. All the lights in these buildings were changed to florescent light bulbs and each building was modernized with a more efficient heating system. According to Energy Star, fluorescent light bulbs use at least two-thirds less energy then incandescent bulbs to provide the same amount of light and last 10 times longer. Another step in the process to cut utility expenses on campus is adding better insulation to campus buildings; Grace Hall was renovated with new insulation last summer. Cabrini is in a process of an engineering study to help convert the entire campus over to high tension electricity. As of right now, the campus is on half high tension electricity and half standard distribution. According to Holden, high tension electricity is delivered
less expensively because it “arrives” at 13,200 volts. After the “arrival” of the electricity, Cabrini is responsible to “break it down” via transformers to the 120 volts the United States generally uses. “Cabrini will need to invest in an updated distribution system to help provide these savings. The Cabrini administration is supportive,” Holden said. To help save money, especially during the winter the months, dual fuel systems are used in two buildings on campus. Holden explained that dual fuel systems mean that both natural gas and oil can be burned in those systems. The college can choose to use whichever fuel is less expensive at the time. “We have plans to bring another building on dual fuel soon. We will continue to examine other buildings’ potential as well. Some may not be as cost effective,” Holden said. Holden encourages everyone to be conscientious when using electricity to help in the movement to cut cost and save electricity. Sarah Norfolk, a junior graphic design major, turns off the lights in her room every night to save electricity. Norfolk said, “Even through we [students] are not directly paying for the utility bills, we should still conserve energy.”
Primiano rimian m an ano n Peace Pins Sale starts this week All proceeds go toward Dr. Primiano’s medical expenses
Valley Forge accepts first female cadets 4 | NEWS
Valley Forge Military College accepted the first female cadets to the institution for the 2006-2007 academic year. After a great deal of discussion with the Valley Forge Military Academy Foundation Board of Trustees, 10 females were accepted to the college and it is anticipated that the female applications and enrollment for the 2007-2008 academic year will increase greatly. Jennifer Myers, director of marketing and communications for the academy and college, said, “There are three significant reasons for the decision that was made to enroll women in the college. The first is that it is the right thing to do.” The service academies and private military colleges have made this transition, and as a response it has displayed the diversity in the institution. Shaen Johnson, sophomore mathematics major said, “I think it’s a step in the right direction for the college. By not being solely
for males, it’s a bigger step towards equality for men and women. If a female wants to go to a military college, they should be able to.” The gender assimilation is that nearly 50 percent of the college graduates enter the military or a service academy within three years. Through the Early Commissioning Program, the Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps program, and the Service Academy Preparatory Program, Myers said, “Valley Forge has established a credible and vital relationship with the military. In order to continue to grow this relationship, they need to make fundamental changes that make the College a bona fide military institution.” The decision to allow females to enroll in the college was just the change that was needed. All of the females reside separately from the males in Rose Hall. Myers said, “This arrangement allows for separate facilities for male and female cadets while our barracks are being renovated.”
The females are treated with the same attitude as the men in the college. Myers said, “They are fully assimilated within the Corps of Cadets.” They follow the same routine as each and every cadet in the college. An article in the Wayne Suburban spoke of the daily routines of the students at the college, which differs from the normal college experience but the females are willing and ready to take on the challenge this opportunity brings forth. Amanda Arnold, sophomore mathematics and secondary education major said, “The decision to allow females to enroll definitely shows the strides women are taking in society today and also shows the importance of equality between men and women. Cabrini was once female dominated which is the opposite and look at the progress we’ve made.” The responses received after this historical event that has taken place for the college are all very optimistic. Myers said, “A majority of the cadets, alumni, staff and
Students test mice for cancer research KARLI MORELLO STAFF WRITER
Assistant professor of biology Dr. David Dunbar and students, senior biology and Spanish major, Allison Superneau and fourth year biological sciences major Ashley Mayer, are testing genes in two mice to understand what genes are involved with abnormal mammary glands. The group has been working on these experiments since December 2004. The two mice that are being tested are slightly different. One mouse has normal genes and the other has abnormal ones, specifically its mammary gland, which is equivalent to a breast. The experiments will show which gene in the abnormal mouse over or under expresses a protein that causes the abnormality in the mammary glands. The group is paying close attention to which gene is showing abnormalities and how it relates to human breast cancer. Thus far, the group has found one gene known to science but do not have enough information about their other findings to scientifically identify them. The main question used as a motive is whether or not the unidentified genes are related to breast cancer. Dunbar came up with this experiment along with his wife, Dr. Maureen Dunbar, a professor at Penn State University. Dunbar of Penn State is a molecular biologist and with their knowledge, they were able to come up with an experiment that both colleges could support. Cabrini owns a Real Time PCR machine, which assists with gene sequences and shows if a gene is being expressed at a higher rate in an abnormal mouse. Penn State on the other hand has
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
At Valley Forge Military Academy females now have the same opportunity as the males, because they have accepted female cadets for the first time.
faculty have been supportive of the decision to enroll women at Valley Forge. They know it was the right thing to do.” From waking up early, going to classes and participating in
Embryonic cells produce insulin MEGAN PELLEGRINO STAFF WRITER
Senior biology major and Spanish major, Allison Superneau, and fourth year biological sciences major Ashley Mayer, are testing genes in two mice to understand what genes are involved with abnormal mammary glands
all of the tools and supplies necessary to complete experiments. If the group needs supplies, Dunbar of Penn State has them shipped over immediately. Only one other company has a RTPCR machine so the group is very fortunate to have it at their fingertips. Mayer teamed up with David Dunbar in December 2005 and Superneau this past summer. Due to Dunbar’s grant writing, the women were able to receive payment during the summer months for their work. Now, during the semester, both will use their experiments and findings as their senior theses. Both Superneau and Mayer opt to live close to campus in order to take advantage of this opportunity. With Superneau’s hometown being New Orleans, La. and Mayer being from Delaware, they choose time in the
lab over time with their family. “Allison and I both feel grateful to have this opportunity. It’s not normal undergrad work and people we tell about it think that we are graduate students,” Mayer said. “The fact that Cabrini gave us this opportunity is amazing.” “For a school this size, it is incredible that we are able to have the advantages that we do,” Superneau said. Both women agreed that Dunbar is an advocate and motivation in their experiments and are all enthusiastic about their work. Dunbar quoted a famous scientist, James Watson, by saying, “You don’t have as many competing things in your life at this age and you have time to do science, so why not take advantage?” The group considers themselves very lucky to further their knowledge in the comfort of their own college campus.
drills, the females will be standing next to the men and getting the education and opportunities they deserve and the college will be experiencing the beginning of a new era.
Recently, scientists at Novocell, a California biotechnology company, reported that they had developed a process turning embryonic cells into pancreatic cells that will in turn produce insulin. This discovery will control or even put a stop to diabetes. A diabetic’s pancreas cannot produce an adequate amount of insulin. If a pancreas does not have enough insulin, the body will not use sugar properly. Since diabetics cannot produce sugars properly, the body will end up turning other energies, like fats and proteins, and attempt to use these energies as sugars. This malfunction in diabetics leads to many different symptoms including dehydration, pH imbalances, or even cardiovascular problems. The development made by Novocell can in turn cure or at the least manage diabetes. Novocell has come up with a treatment in which the embryonic cells can be transformed. The Novocell method though has not fully matured, According to the New York Times. Novocell has not been able to vary their insulin production in response to the levels of glucose the patients body needs. Instead, the insulin created in the cells is constantly at the same level. Therefore, the treatment does not look at how much glucose the patient
needs to make. Even though more work is needed on the Novocell treatment, it is ultimately going to become an easier treatment to come by than the current treatments available. Some people view using human embryos is morally wrong, while, others who feel that embryonic stem cell research is a very promising program in order to save lives. “Many times the argument boils down to where a person feels human life begins and when a souls enters a human form,” Dr. David Dunbar associate professor of biology said. “Clearly there are ethical issues associated with stem cell use, but many people don’t know that stem cells have been used for decades in treating disease,” Dr. Kimberly Boyd associate professor of biology said. Adult stem cells, found in bone marrow, have been used for over 40 years and have treated various illnesses. Boyd states in 2001 that embryonic stem cells have been used to treat illnesses. Embryonic stem cells are more useful than adult stem cells because they can be produced into any type of tissue in the body. They are unlike adult stem cells, which are limited to their uses. Embryonic stem cells give the opportunity to do just what is being done at Novocell. “Clearly, I think there is a great potential,” Boyd said.
Death toll reaches new high Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
The death toll for the month of October has now hit 102, as of Oct. 31. The death toll has not been this high since October 2005, according to “Insurgents in Iraq have been launching almost hourly attacks on Iraqi and United States military targets as well as civilians in a relentless wave of violence,” stated the BBC news website. Ramadan, the holy month in Muslim religion, takes place during the month of October. says that the insurgents are using this holy month as a way provoke the most violent month of the war in two years. John E. Lindros, adjunct business administrator professor, said, “That’s like saying Christmas causes sectarian violence between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.” He means he doesn’t believe that Ramadan is the cause of this violence. Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, adjunct history professor, said, “Ramadan is a holy time and perpetrators may just be using it as an excuse for more violence.” “The Shiites are not suddenly going to set aside differences that have been going on for centuries and start signing ‘Kum-bay-ah’ just because the US thinks they should,” Lindros said. Dr. Jolyon Girard, history professor, said, “So long as American forces remain in Iraq, they will be subject to violence.” With the increase of violence, President Bush had announced that there is a possibility that more troops may be Iraq-bound. More than 40 percent of the U.S. Army’s active-duty troops have not served in Afghanistan or Iraq, but one-fifth has done multiple tours. “My cousin, Dan Fleming, is currently in his third tour of duty over in Iraq,” Erin Rafferty, a freshman undeclared major, said. “My best friend is leaving in January,” Rafferty said. “My biggest fear is that with both of them being over there at the same time there is a good chance that one of them will come home in a body bag.” “I do not think that the U.S .should have invaded Iraq in the first place and I pray for peace
H u s s e i n receives death sentence
NEWS | 5
There have been many attacks between the Iraqi and United States military resulting in many causalities.
Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death by hanging. Many Iraqis reacted with jubilation to Saddam Hussein’s death sentence Sunday, while others took to the streets in protest. That is where as many as 2,000 people protested Sunday’s verdict and sentence against the former Iraqi leader. President Bush called the verdict “a milestone in the Iraqi people’s efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law.” In the next10 days, the court will forward the cases of Hussein and three other defendants to the appellate chamber of the Iraqi High Tribunal. Bush said “It’s a major achievement for Iraq’s young democracy and its constitutional government.” North Korea returns to nuclear disarmament
North Korea agreed on Tuesday Oct. 31, to return to the sixnation nuclear disarmament talks just three weeks after it conducted its first test of a nuclear device. North Korea agreed fourteen months ago to dismantle its nuclear programs, but it is still hard to determine the sequence and timing of the incentives it expects in return. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher R. Hill stated, “There was the potential for “substantial progress” in resolving an issue that has raised tensions throughout the region, including the possibility of a nuclear arms race.” U.S. officials were privately puzzled by the mercurial government’s change of heart, though they said they hope the universal condemnation of North Korea’s nuclear test and the swift imposition of U.N. sanctions had played a role. U.S. forces Macao to freeze North Korean assets
For the month of October, 102 American soldiers were killed. The death toll has not been this high since October of 2005.
every day,” Sullivan said. Rochelle Beaser, adjunct history professor said, “President Bush said that the current policy will continue even if only his wife and his dog, Barney, agree with it. I am not clear what our policy is, but whatever it is, it costs lives and money and world respect. I
certainly hope Barney and Laura get upset pretty soon.” “It will probably continue to worsen before it actually comes to an end,” Kelly Cotton, sophomore exercise science major, said. With the United States midterm elections quickly approaching, many believe that this may be a cause as to why these insurgents are increasing the amounts of violence in Iraq. According to BBC, United States Vice President Dick Cheney has said that insurgents in Iraq have increased their attacks in order to influence the upcoming US mid-term elections. On the, Cheney said in an interview with Fox news that the insurgents believe “they can break the will of the American people,” and “that’s what they’re trying to do.” Loquitur welcomes your comments and questions on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.
U.S. pressure forced Macao this year to freeze North Korean assets in one of its banks, and then foiled North Korea’s panicky attempts to find friendly bankers in Vietnam, Mongolia, Singapore and Europe. After North Korea’s Oct. 9 nuclear test, China ordered some of its major banks to cease financial transactions with the country. Since funds have been ordered to come to a halt it appears to have played a key role in North Korea’s decision. North Korea has requested to speak with the six-nations over its nuclear ambitions. North Korean officials said that as part of the talks, they wanted to raise the issue of lifting financial sanctions. Iraqi document website shut down
Website Last March, the federal government set up a Web site to make public many archives of Iraqi documents captured during the war. The Bush administration under the Congressional Republicans said, “ They hoped to “leverage the Internet” to find new evidence of the prewar dangers posed by Saddam Hussein.” In recent weeks, the government has shut down the Web site after The New York Times asked about complaints from weapons experts and arms-control officials. These sites posted some documents that weapons experts say constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb. A spokesman for the director of national intelligence said access to the site had been suspended “pending a review to ensure its content is appropriate for public viewing.” Army National Guard and Reserve plan for deployment
The Army’s National Guard and Reserve are preparing for possible new and accelerated call-ups, do to high demand for U.S. troops in Iraq. Two Army National Guard combat brigades with about 7,000 troops have been recognized for rotational plans for possible deployment back to Iraq. Next year, the number of Army Guard soldiers stationed in Iraq will be well over 6,000. Pentagon stated to launch a new wave of involuntary reserves soldiers have a 24-month limit on time deployed overseas.
Friday, Nov. 10 , 2006
In fall fashion: white is alright
Philly’s Fans do it best
Three young Phillies' fans get a cool squirt of water from the Phillie Phanatic during the seventh inning stretch at the DodgersPhillies game at Citizen's Bank Park on Thursday, July 21, 2005.
Philadelphia is a city known for a lot of things—its cheese steaks (served on an Amoroso roll, preferably “wit whiz”), the Liberty Bell, Rocky’s famous run up the Art Museum’s steps and brotherly love just to name a few. But there are days when the love isn’t so brotherly and a cheese steak is the greatest thing to ever touch your lips and those glorious days are known as game days. Sure, Philly hasn’t housed a title for any of its
sports in more than 20 years, but a true Philly fan knows that the game is about more than that. For me, it’s about walking into any Chickie’s and Pete’s on a Sunday afternoon during football season and feeling at home listening to the Eagles chant. It’s about buying dollar dogs at a Phillies game and mastering the skill of dividing your attention between Chase Utley and the mega screen to make sure you’re not the idiot with food on your face if the camera decides to come find you. Or, maybe it’s about spending $100 on your first Flyers jersey at the arena because you’re so excited to go to the game that getting it cheaper somewhere else never crossed your mind. Or, is it about getting some of your favorite people together to watch a Sixer’s game and finding yourself standing up during overtime because you can’t take watching it sitting down?
Self-proclaimed “Huge Philly Fan” Steve Trednick, a junior sociology/criminal justice major, said that a Philly fan is “a person who is willing to watch the game until the very end. Even if the team is struggling, they just tough it out.” He also sets aside Philly fans from all the rest, “ Philly fans are the best! You can’t get any better than them! They’ll let you know when you’re doing well, and you better believe that they’ll let you know when you suck.” “ I’m not a huge Philly fan, but when I’d go to a Flyers game, you’re damn right I joined in on the festivities,” said sophomore accounting major Gerard McEvilly. “How could I not? It was absolutely insane. The people and the energy just took you in and you knew it was going to be a good game even before it started!” To my unwelcoming ears, I’ve heard some pishposh that suggests that Philadelphia sports fans
aren’t loyal to their teams and that they turn on their players. But the people that have this hysterical idea of Philadelphia’s fans don’t understand the Philly attitude. It’s simple. Philadelphians are straightforward by nature; they tell it like it is. There’s no room for sugarcoating when it comes to sports, and that’s especially true for Philly fans. It’s common knowledge that when a game is lost the team might fall victim to some form of mockery. Even the players know it’s coming. But the beauty in all of this is that the same fan that once was outraged by a disappointing season is guaranteed to be right back in the same seat, same time next year with a season ticket in hand ready to duke it out just one more round, knowing that a real Philly fan doesn’t understand what it’s like to give up.
Did we pin point your view point? If you have something to say, E-mail your opinion to:
Please include: your full name, year, major and E-mail address with your opinion in 150 words or less.
In this months issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine there is a beautiful lay-out of white skirts, shoes, belts, purses, sunglasses, jewelry and lacy tops that are all a part of this month’s fall fashion catalog of clothes to wear. I know, it sounds like heaven to me too. The best BRITTANY SUCH part is you can never be STAFF WRITER ridiculed again for not being BAS726@CABRINI.EDU up-to-date with your fashion instincts. Many people think that The new fall clothes and the color white is only ap- accessories look better with propriate between Memo- the more white you chose to rial Day and Labor Day, and wear and the different comthey limit their wardrobe to binations you will come up dark colors during the fall with on your own. and winter months. White is definitely a The truth is that crisp color that should be taken white is always in, and wear- advantage of, and not only ing white shows your fash- on your wedding day. ion expertise. Don’t just The idea of wear your being critiwhites with cized for other color; wearing white the whole puras the leaves pose of this fall, or snow is fall fashion is on the ground, to wear white is out the door. with your Fall fashion other whites. for 2006 welThe color comes the white is very color white versatile and with open makes you arms, and aclook like a ces s o r izin g very careful your white and cheerful with more individual. white shows The imthat you know portant factor how to dress behind this well, and with fashion is to MCT style and class. A model shows off her white wear your I have al- linen skirt topped with a cami, whites that ways enjoyed and sweater, accented with a are new, silver braided belt. wearing a crisp, clean pair of crisp designer Miss and fresh. Take your expenSixty jeans and a clean sive whites to the cleaners, white sweater or polo dur- and do a little shopping to ing the chilly seasons, and dress up your wardrobe. It’s have always heard from simple and fun and now you friends that I looked great have an excuse for doing but I shouldn’t wear white what is that I’m sure you past Labor Day or before were once tempted to do— Memorial Day. wear a ton of white. Whoever made this rule Wearing white should be must have been afraid to fun, and the most important wear white and tried to limit accessory is a smile and a its existence. White is obvi- lot of confidence. ously a hard color to pull Wearing white will not off. To wear the color white only make you look like a you obviously have to be a fashion expert, but it will pretty clean person and in also show that you are a pretty good shape. The confident person, and have good part is that if you can nothing to prove but that pull this off, white is your you’re being you. new best friend and it will The best part is you make you look fresh, and don’t have to worry about totally new. unintelligent criticism to “Crisp white is always in, bring down your day, and but this season’s fresh twist is this is because you are the about wearing it with white, one who is on top of the white…and more white,” style game, not the person said Cosmopolitan Fashion wearing boring old brown. Editor Karen Larrain.
Scary turns to gory in recent movies Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
In the past month, there has been a variety of scary movies that have been on television and new scary movies have been coming out in theaters. The older movies have a more mental scare factor to them, while the newer movies just add some suffering and gore to make things scary. Since technology has increased throughout the years, editing movies has become a lot easier. Technology has decreased a director’s ability to actually think up a scary movie plot. Instead, they think of the most gruesome things and
make it into a movie. These types of movies are not scaring the audience; they are grossing them out to the point of being scared. Most of these new films have turned horror into suffering. In the past few months, I have seen many new scary movies. I saw “House of a Thousand Corpse,” “The Devil’s Rejects,” “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” plus many more. I am a huge scary movie buff; however, I get very scared while watching them. After seeing these movies that have been nothing but gore and violence, I’ve noticed that I am not as scared anymore. I am still deciding on whether or not to see “Saw III.” I am scared of how gory it will be. I find myself closing my eyes because I am disgusted by the gore, not because I am scared. Even though I knew these movies were going to be mostly all gore and suffering, I still choose to see them because sometimes there is a good story line be
hind all of the killing and suffering. It is just that these films should not be labeled as horror when they are really just action packed films with lots of killings. The human suffering within a lot of these new films is becoming more and more realistic due to newer graphics within technology. I know the producers are producing these films for entertainment purposes only, but sometimes there are scenes that are just too gruesome to watch. I think one of the most gruesome and human suffering movies I have seen would be “Hostage.” The movie shows numerous amounts of the most gruesome human suffering. It was so bad that the guy friends I was with had to cover their eyes in disgust. Basically the way the human suffering that is conveyed in these films may be taken too far in some cases. Like me, many of my friends are huge scary movie buffs. They have also
seen many of these types of films. We always seem to go to them not really thinking about how gruesome it will be. When I asked them their opinions on this topic, most of them began to notice how true it is that the violence in these movies has become more gruesome and
within other popular movies. These new horror films have been very successful in the theaters, but I don’t think most people are going there in the hope of seeing a scary movie; instead they are going to be entertained by violence. Don’t get me wrong, I
seen numerous have amounts of these gruesome films, but I have been noticing how much more violence is being used in the “horror” films. It is a very frustrating thing for me since I love to be scared by movies and these types of films are just not cutting it for me.
they have developed a process to turn human embryonic stem cells into pancreatic cells that can produce insulin and other hormones. While this news is quite controversial, it comes as a relief to me as someone who has grown up with grandparents with diabetes. Diseases such as diabetes are due to problems that occur somewhere in the process of our genetic make up. Studying normal cell de-
velopment will allow doctors to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of cells and hopefully fix cells that cause health issues such as diabetes. Diabetes is not the only medical condition that would benefit from stem cell research. Many medical conditions including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease would greatly benefit from stem cell research. Personally, I believe sci-
entist should be able to conduct stem cell research because the research could cure medical conditions such as diabetes. Diabetes has negatively affected my grandparents’ health and I worry that one day I too will be diagnosed with diabetes. My family is not alone. According to the American Diabetes Association 20.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. There are two major types of diabetes. Type 1 is
a result from the body’s failure to produce insulin. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 5-10 percent of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes. The second major type of diabetes is Type 2, which results when a person’s body is insulin resistant or in other words does not properly use insulin. While obesity and lack of exercise are major indicators of diabetes, genetics play a major role. Stem cell research would help in this area. Pluripotent stem cells come from human embryos and fetal tissue. The controversy lies in the fact that the stem cells are taken from an early stage embryonic cell. People that believe fetus and embryos have moral rights are against stem cell research. However, as heated as this ethical issue may be, using a fetus or embryo for good, such as stem cell research, could help future generations combat deadly diseases instead of letting it go to waste. What has to be done first and foremost in order to use stem cell research for good, we must first ethically reason what is right. Pursuing research at this time is like opening up Pan-
dora’s Box. While I think stem cell research is good in that it could help doctors to understand curing diseases better, I do feel that human nature is to take it too far. I believe that God gave us a great mind and the ability to think and that if doctors are to gain a better understanding in the way stem cells work they may be able to improve the functioning of certain organs like the pancreas in a diabetic’s case by inserting cells developed by stem cells. The real question that lies is if doctors have the right to be making the decision of who has the right to life. The biotechnology company Novocell made a big stride in finding a treatment for Type 1 diabetes. This news is very encouraging for people that have diabetes in their genetic background and have lost relatives due to the disease like myself. There is not a single person that is not affected by a disease that could not benefit from stem cell research. Stem cell research would allow for enormous medical growth and help people to live healthier stronger lives.
A scene from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning," depicts the gory nature of many popular horror movies currently in theaters.
Stem cell research saves lives and ends suffering
A California biotechnology company, Novocell, has just released news that
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) take part in a news conference in Washington, Monday, July 17, 2006 on stem cell research.
8 I FEATURES LIZ LAVIN STAFF WRITER EAL723@CABRINI.EDU Body piercing has been popular in America since the days of the hippies. While the history of body piercing can be traced back to ancient times and spiritual meanings, it is safe to say that in this day and age, getting something pierced is more about image than carrying out your family’s ancient rituals. But your piercing experience may not leave you with the fresh new look you were hoping for. Of course, you can get a piercing and have no problems with it. Junior English and communication major, Brian Fairman has both his lip and eyebrow pierced. He got them pierced at the same time and has never had any problem with either. Although you want your piercing to leave you with a hot new look, you may experience some minor inconveniences. Yvonne Meyer, sophomore English and communication major, used to have four piercings; her lip, tongue, nose and ears. She now has only two, her lip and tongue. One night while lying down and talking, she started choking on the ball of her tongue piercing and swallowed it. She says the situation sounds worse than it actually was, but she had to go back to the place where she got it pierced and replace the ball. The jewelry you pierce your body with may also make a huge difference. In the world of body piercing, the more expensive the jewelry, the safer it will be on your body. Well, most of the time. Sarah Gaglione, sophomore biology and pre-medicine major, has had her nose pierced twice and her cartilage once. Her nose piercings were three months apart. When she first got it pierced, the parlor only had one stud they could pierce it with. It was not healing properly, so she changed the stud and had no problem until a few weeks later
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
For art’s sake
BodyArt The good, the bad and the ugly
Piercings have been a highly popular form of expression since the early 1960s. Younger generations are fasinted with a variety of body piercings including nose, labret and nose bridge piercings, as seen above.
when it still did not heal. The skin around the piercing was turning pink, almost as if her skin was growing around the piercing. She took it out and it healed. Thinking the problem was with the stone they had first used and the fact that she had changed the piercing too soon Gaglione pierced the other side of her nose. The same thing hap-
pened again; the skin turned pink and no amount of disinfect helped. She eventually took that piercing out and it healed as well. When she got her cartilage pierced a year ago, the skin around the back of the piercing started turning pink again. Gaglione asked the piercer why but he told her to just keep cleaning it. Again, no amount of cleaning worked and that pierc-
Brian Fairman pictured here, shows off his labret piercing and his eyebrow ring. Both piercing have become quite popular for many older high school students and college students.
ing had to come out too. She now thinks she is allergic to the metals used in piercing parlors. It is not uncommon for your body to reject a piercing. Senior chemistry and secondary education major Karen Randazzo had a similar problem with her belly button piercing. She had it pierced and her body rejected it so she took it out, leaving her with a bad scar.
After a year and a half, she decided it would be safe to get it re-pierced, so she did. “My body rejected it again,” she said. “The skin between the metal and my body was getting smaller, like my body was actually pushing the piercing out. My scar is even worse now.” One of the most popular piercing locations for females is the ears. Kasey
Minnick, sophomore English and communication major, has her first, second and third holes pierced. She pierced her third holes toward the end of the summer two years ago. She started her fall sports soon after her piercing and was constantly taking her earrings out and putting them back in. They never healed properly and she eventually noticed a huge black ring forming around one earring. When she took the earring out, the black ring turned pink. The ring then turned into a bubble on the back of her ear. One day last year the bubble popped and Minnick could not stop the flow of blood that started. After visiting the doctor, she discovered that the piercing parlor had actually pierced through an oil well. Unfortunately, she was two years too late. “The doctor said I could sue the ear-piercing place, but they wouldn’t believe that [my problem] was from the piercing because it was so long after I had it done,” she said. The only way to fix her ear is through surgery. So what is the motivation behind getting a piercing? The most fascinating part may be that no one really knows. For some, it is the idea of celebrating a new stage in your life. “I had just turned 18 and wanted something for it. I wanted something that wasn’t permanent like a tattoo and that no one could really see,” Randazzo said. For others, the best part is the spontaneity. “All of my piercings were random,” Meyer said. “Every time, my friends and I were just driving past a piercing parlor and my friends would be like, ‘Hey, let’s get something pierced!’” Others simply like the look. “It’s more about aesthetic reasons,” Fairman said. “I guess it shows a sense of individuality…but mainly I just like the way they look.”
Yvonne Meyer has her tounge pierced as well as her lower lip. There are many controversies surrounding tounge piercings due to what it can do to a personʼs oral hygine that should be looked into before having the piercing done.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
Vegeterian lifestyle hard to come by for students BRITTANY LAVIN STAFF WRITER
When senior sociology and psychology major Laura Barber walks into Jazzman’s Café and looks over the selection of food, she always opts for the salad without the chicken or the veggie quesadilla. Not because she’s on a diet, but because she is one of the few vegetarians at Cabrini today. Barber has been a vegetarian for six years due to her strong belief in animal rights. “ Ve g a n i s m would be my ideal,” Barber said, “ b u t i t ’ s hard to h e r e because of the menu selection.” Barber rarely eats in the cafeteria due to the conflicts with her schedule. She generally buys food for her apartment and eats there. However, when she does get a chance to eat in the cafeteria, she finds that the staff is very receptive. “Chef Rodney always makes sure to ask if I’m finding something to eat.” She said, referring to Chef Rodney Stockett, Cabrini’s executive chef. “There aren’t many vegetarians at Cabrini, but the important thing is that we are able to accommodate them,” Stockett said. Vegetarian meals that the cafeteria offers include veggie burgers, vegetarian soups, tofu and the option of with or without meat at the pasta and red-hot bars. “They know me and the staff,” Stockett said. “It’s important that they feel comfortable enough to speak up when they want something different. We’re flexible.” According to Barber, the most difficult part of being a vegetarian is getting enough protein. A
way around that is soy protein, which is a good alternative to meat or poultry. “Vegetarian chicken is made of soy,” she said. “Basically, if you’re allergic to soy you can’t be a vegetarian.” Tofu, made from soy milk, is another alternative. “It can be bland, but it all depends on how you cook it.” Barber’s favorite meals include soy macaroni and cheese, tofu stir-fry and tofu brownies. According to, surveys have found that 1 percent to 2.8 percent of adults in t h e United States are vegetarians. H o w e v e r , there are common misMCT conceptions. “There are a lot of stereotypes,” Barber said. “People think that I’m a feminist or just on a diet, but they’re wrong. It’s a lifestyle, not a diet.” However, she also said that the people in her life are very open to it. Her roommates love the tofu brownies and her fiancé, whom Barber describes as “the classic carnivore,” is very supportive. “I’m not forcing my lifestyle on anyone or trying to change the world,” she said. “I’m just doing what I feel.” What she feels can be summed up in a quote by Alice Walker, “The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than blacks were made for whites or women made for men.” Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@googlegroups.c om. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
The herbs pictured here can be used for dieting, digestive purposes or headaches. Although all of them are not guaranteed to work, they still are kept in high regard for the help they do provide in situations.
Home remedies prove to be benifical PAT MCGOWAN STAFF WRITER
Soups, special medicines and other actions are all considered home remedies. There are many different home remedies from around the world. Maybe tryingsome of these remedies will help cure the suffering felt during the changing seasons. People say that there is no cure for the common cold. In China, however, there is an interesting way of making cold medicine. Take Coca-Cola and put it in a pan, squeeze a lemon over it and add ginger. Mix and boil the concoction and let it cool off, then drink and the cold should go away. Going out on a date but have bad acne? If there is a tea tree around that won’t be a problem. Dab a cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply it to our acne, it works by drying the skin and getting rid of the oil that causes acne. Stress is a major part of college life, but there is a
way to alleviate some of that stress. A simple hot cup of milk, honey and cinnamon can help calm one down. Body odor causing trouble? This remedy from Peru can help, mix one cup of maple syrup with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Add 10 fireflies to the mixture then apply to armpit area and leave it for 30 minutes. After 30, minutes take a shower and the body odor should be gone for three months. Another odd remedy comes from the U.S. and applies to burns. If you burn yourself toothpaste can help. Toothpaste can nullify the pain and help the burn heal faster. Another remedy is good for Band-Aids aren’t around. This Canadian remedy calls for the use of a pinch of cayenne pepper. Put the cayenne on whatever is bleeding and the bleeding will stop almost immediately. Laura Muto, a first year grad student and secondary education major, remem-
bers two home remedies that were practiced in her home. For colds, the person with the cold would be placed on someone’s knee and their back would be hit. This would help get rid of the mucus in one’s body. The second remedy that Muto knew of is for sore throats. Simply gargle some warm salt water. This could help with sore throats. Another sore throat remedy comes from England. It is a mixture of black pepper powder and warm water. Once it gargles it makes the sore throat much better, but one may have to gargle again the next day to completely get rid of the sore throat. Getting gum stuck in your hair can be a very annoying experience, but don’t cut your hair to get rid of it. Put margarine in your hair and work the margarine a little. The margarine dissolves the gum making it easier to pull off, and once done, just wash your hair. Ever get sick and can’t
stop vomiting? The Philippines have a way to help. Boil white rice in water and add garlic and salt while cooking, and it should come out like soup. The garlic and salt help you feel better and the water will help with dehydration. Have a bad memory? People in Singapore have a way to solve your problems. Chew about four or five gingko leaves will help and can also help with diabetes. Need an energy boost? There is a Korean mixture that is readily available in the U.S. Take some tomatoes, oranges and onions, cut them up and put them in a blender. Drink this two days a week and your energy will be increased. These are just some of the many home remedies that can be found around the world. Try some of these out the next time you have a chance, they may be better than what you are using.
10 I A&E
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
What is the best Disney movie of all time?
“My favorite is definitely ‘The Little Mermaid’ because I love the whole under the sea idea.”
Lindsay McClatchy, sophomore marketing major
“‘Nightmare before Christmas;’ because its very artistic and the music is awesome.”
Andy Stettler, sophomore accounting major
Of course, everyone can remember watching Disney movies and singing along to just about every song throughout it. Even you boys know you’ve done it more than a few times. Growing up, Disney movies were an addiction for almost every child. Who hasn’t seen “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast” or “The Little Mermaid”? These classic movies are a part of our generation and most of them are being remastered for generations to come. Even as adults, Disney movies allow us to forget
“I love ‘101 Dalmatians’ because I like dogs’.”
Amanda Murphy, senior business major
about real life and use our imaginations for once. I mean, who ever thought an elephant could fly? Only in “Dumbo.” The happily-ever-after endings give us hope that maybe everything in real life will work out someday. So ladies, waiting for your Prince Charming may take some time. Just be patient. Our sensitivity is triggered during the sad parts of the movies, such as Mufasa’s
“I like the ‘Fox and the Hound’ because it was the first and only Disney movie I’ve ever seen.” Mike Pompi, sophomore business major
“My favorite Disney movie of all time is ‘Beauty and the Beast’ because I was in the play when I was little.” Lynn
O’Reilly, freshman psychology major
death in “The Lion King.” This proves to us that life isn’t always perfect. Now, I know in this case two fictional characters are involved, but our hearts are still broken and we continue to hold back our tears. Magic carpets, fairy godmothers, flying children, talking toys and dancing broomsticks: Who couldn’t love Disney? As far as I am concerned, Disney movies are still the majority in my movie collection. From as early as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” to as recent as “Finding Nemo,” I own them all and continue to watch them regularly because my childhood addiction
“My favorite Disney movie is ‘Aladdin,’ because I love magic carpets.” John Bonar, junior history and political science major
has not yet fizz l e d away.
Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
After two years of marriage and the birth of their two children, Britney Spears has filed for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline Nov. 6. In the petition filed by Spears, she states that the couple had “irreconcilable differences.” As for the children, Spears asked for full custody and of their children Sean Preston, one-year old, and Jayden James, two-months old. Federline will receive visitation rights. Spears is not seeking spousal support from her soon-to-be ex-husband. “That makes me so happy. If Nick [Lachey] and Jessica [Simpson] can’t make it, there’s no way Kevin and Britney could,” Marie Elena Cantrambone, a sophomore special education major, said. “Britney can do way better,” sophomore education major Kayla Moran said. The thing that is one everyone’s mind is what is going to happen with Spears and her money? The prenuptial agreement is ironclad according to Federline will be recieving $30 thousand a month for half the length of the marriage union.
Spears, 24, whose body has snapped back into shape since the birth of her second son, surprised the audience of the David Letterman Show on Nov. 6 to show off her “new self” prior to
the a n nouncement of the divorce. She was also seen at Rockefeller Center in New York City, N.Y. ice skating only hours after filing the papers. This was a big week for Federline. Not only was this divorce filed,
but his debut album, “Playing with Fire” was released. According to People Magazine, Federline was still trying to stop the rumors of problems in his marriage. “I don’t waste any energy thinking about these things. I don’t get caught up in it.” Christina Moglioni, a junior education major, said, “There’s always something about Kevin and Britney in the papers and magazines. Its always going back and forth saying they are on and off. This is just their off week.” The news of Spears and Federline was not the first celebrity break-up of the week. Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon announced their separation after seven years of marriage. The couple stared together in the 1997 film, “Cruel Intentions” and married shortly after. This is Spears’ second marriage that has ended in divorce. Her first marriage was to her long-time friend, Jason Alexander. The couple was married for a total of 55 hours and had an annulment only eight months prior to her marriage to Federline. Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
RHCP burns up the stage Music
A&E I 11
After a very colorful and distorted Mars Volta got off of the stage, the night began. It started out as a face off between bassist Michael Balzary a.k.a. Flea and guitarist John Frusciante. There were no flashing lights, no backup dancers, no special effects; just the bass and guitar. With eyes peeled on Flea and Frusciante’s dueling, no one saw drummer Chad Smith sneak up behind his set and start pounding his skins. In minutes, the opening guitar to “Can’t Stop” came in blaring with lead singer Anthony Kiedis jumping erratically onto the stage. The Red Hot Chili Peppers played Philadelphia’s Wachovia Center for two shows on Oct. 23 and Oct. 24 for their newest album, “Stadium Arcadium,” which has been a hit since its debut on May 9. “Can’t Stop” was immediately followed by “Dani California,” “Scar Tissue” and “Charlie.” They played songs off of “The Uplift Mofo Party Plan,” “Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik,” “Californication,” “By The Way,” and “Stadium Arcadium.” One of the highlights of the show was John Frusciante’s rendition of Simon and Garfunkel’s “For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her.” Frusciante has released quite a few solo albums during his leave from the band in the mid ’90s and seeing him perform gives credit to his talents. The last song before the encore, “By the Way,” led into the crowds praise. There was not one second of silence during those few minutes; the crowd was on their feet fiening for more. Their encore answered the crowds plead for more. They were rewarded with “Soul to Squeeze” and, finally, “Give it Away.” Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
Michael Balzary (top), aka Flea, the bassist of RHCP attends the Musicares 2005 Person Of The Year Tribute To Brian Wilson. Anthony Kiedis (right), lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, performs on the grounds of Slane Castle in Ireland.
Nip/Tuck dissects the competition
The controversial show keeps loyal audiences enthralled JEN DAVIS
Dr. Christian Troy, played by Julian McMahon, at the 4th Annual “Ten” Fashion Show.
Julia McNamara, played by Joely Richardson, at the 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards.
Viewers scramble to their televisions to tune into the Nip/Tuck drama series every Tuesday night at 10 p.m. Indeed, the insightful and wild personalities of each and every character help to create the unforgettable episodes. The Fox network is the provider for the show in which a vast majority of students can’t seem to get enough of. “This show is so exciting. The unexpected and unrealistic always manages to hold my attention,” sophomore English and communication major Meghan Reilly said. While many are commonly familiar with the nature of the show, some choose not to partake in the Tuesday night Nip/Tuck extravaganzas. Ben Curry, a freshman undecided major, said, “I have not watched the show. I do not enjoy watching people get cut open.” Nip/Tuck is set in south Florida. Doctors Sean McNamara, played by Dylan Walsh, and Christian Troy, played by Julian McMahon, take pleasure in their medial practice. Being the ideal plastic surgeons, they live lives of utter perfection. These two plastic surgeons have vowed to do their best to mend the damage of the mysterious serial killer called the Carver. However, reworking the physical cruelty brought upon their patients becomes much more difficult. Problems arise within their medical practice, family and friends which send them for a whirl. Sean McNamara struggles with his moral standards and complications with his family. The husband to Julia, played by
Joely Richardson and the father of now three children Sean is faced with the responsibility of a lifetime. He attempts to manage his practice, the inevitable changes in his son Matt, his youngest daughter, and the handicap of his newborn son. Sean without a doubt pays the price for his mistakes. Handsome, wealthy womanizer Christian Troy continues to live his life on the edge. Both men and women cannot help but fall to his each and every word. “The guy is a straight pimp,” freshman undecided major Anthony Mazza said. Through confidence and sexual power, Christian runs a life of excellence. Women find themselves craving his sparkly smile and smooth words. “Christian is the man, he does what he wants and gets away with it,” Reilly said. Made up of a variety of characters and filled with a multitude of personalities, other students take the time to recognize the sincere individuals. “I actually like Liz, because she is honest and straight forward,” sophomore special education major Lauren Tice said. Now partaking in season four, Nip/Tuck continues to provide the excitement viewers desire. The discrepancy in characters depict the unavoidably startling and unexpected. Next week partake in the experience of Nip/Tuck as the outrageous and scandalous will only continue without your consent Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
dynasty goes under for good STACEY TURNBULL
Tower Records, which was one of the highest ranked entertainment retailers, declared bankruptcy for the second time in the past two years. They company has been sold to the Great American Group, a Los Angelus liquidation firm, for $134.3 million according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Great American Group does not plan on keeping the chain. The company outbid Trans World Entertainment who planned on keeping the Tower Records label to save some of the stores from closing. Great American Group did not buy the chain for the label; they are liquidating the company, selling off all of the merchandise and closing the stores. “This is not an easy decision,” Judge Brendan Shannon said. Shannon noted that the Tower debtors and other parties had agreed the bidding process was conducted fairly. With a debt coming close to the amount of $200 million, the 46-year-old chain filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the end of August. They first declared bankruptcy due to a large drop in sales. This claim last bankruptcy claim was for the same reason. Tower Records revenue fell from $476.1 million in 2005 to $430 million in 2006 according to This $46.1 million drop caused the 89 stores across the United States to sell its assets through an auction, which ended this past October. The reason for the drop in record sales? It is because of the decrease in sales of actual albums and compact discs according to industry analysts. Because of the easy accessibility to music via the Internet and Apple iTunes, album sales fell 7.8 percent in 2005 while downloading grew 200 percent. There is also a high competition with stores such as K-mart, Target and WalMart who sell CDs at a discounted price. If the bid for Tower records had gone in the opposite direction, Trans World planned to consolidate Tower with the other chains they had recently acquired, such as Sam Goody, to put the merchandise under the mall-based chain FYE. Tower records also has asked the Judge to fire the founder of the company Russell Solomon who led the retail company for more that 40 years according to the Associated Press. Solomon has not objected to the ending of his employment. He was paid over $600 thousand. Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
CD Reviews:
12 I A&E
Timberlake lusts
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
MCR busts
Electric Factory
11/ 12 New Found Glory New Found Glory has been touring the U.S. all fall and will perform at 7 p.m. They will be performing songs from their latest album, “Coming Home,” along with many other fan favorites. Opening acts will include Cartel and The Early November.
Theatre of the Living Arts
11/14 Papa Roach Zippo Hot Tours presents Papa Roach in concert. This post-grunge group will be performing songs from their latest album, “The Paramour Sessions.” The concert is an all-weather event. Tickets are $22.50 and the show begins at 7:30 p.m.
Tower Theatre
11/12 Lionel Richie Live Nation presents Lionel Richie at 8 p.m. at the Tower Theatre. Richie, who on the first third of his fall tour, will charge fans $55 for orchestra seating and $75 for the pit. Tickets are still available. Many of the songs to be performed will be from his latest album, “Coming Home.”
11/10 Babel Director: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Stars: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett Coming to theatres Nov. 10, Babel is a story of what happens when different worlds and cultures collide. After an accident occurs with a young boy and his stolen rifle, American couple, (Pitt and Blanchett), a Mexican nanny and a deaf Japanese teenager find themselves in a situation that quickly becomes out of control.
Come Early Morning Director: Joey Lauren Adams Stars: Ashley Judd “Come Early Morning” is a romantic comedy. Judd, whose character has a very large sex drive, along with a drinking problem, spends the movie learning life lesson from a man whom she actually has feelings for. This film is not yet rated.
11/14 John Tucker Must Die Director: Betty Thomas Stars: Sophia Bush, Brittany Snow Coming to VHS and DVD is the PG-13 rated story of revenge. The movie, a comedy, follows multiple girls who have each been cheated on by the same guy. Stars also include Jesse Metcalfe and Ashanti.
11/15 The Nine 10 p.m. ABC Television most talked about new show airs on Wednesdays on ABC. “The Nine” takes the prize for the most watched drama this season. Nine people are taken hostage in a bank for 52 hours and surprisingly, the show revolves little around those 52 hours. The focus is on flashbacks to show how the trauma brought the nine people together. “The Nine” is an hour-long show.
11/16 Ugly Betty 8 p.m. ABC ABC’s other prized possession, “Ugly Betty,” airs every Thursday. The show is a ‘dramedy’ that follows the not-so-good-looking Betty to the workplace. Betty is hired to work for a high-profile fashion magazine because she is the only one who the editor-in-chief can keep himself from sleeping with.
Justin Timberlake leaves his days as a boy-band member in the past with the release of his new album, “FutureSex/LoveSounds.” With help from Timbaland, Timberlake’s sophomore album exceeds expectations and delivers a mix of songs. “My Love,” featuring T.I., is typical Timberlake material with lyrics like “I can see us holding hands, walking on the beach, our toes in the sand.” The majority of the songs on the album are dance-pop but it does include ballads such as “All Over Again (Another Song)” and “Until the End of Time.” The tell-it-like-itis “What Goes Around Comes Around” seems like a follow-up to Timberlake’s “Cry Me A River” that was released off of his “Justi-
fied” album, with lyrics such as “Should’ve known better when you came around, that you were going to make me cry.” The one big slipup is presented in “Damn Girl,” featuring Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas. It has the tendency to be more annoying than enjoyable, although it barely takes away from the album. This album shows how Timberlake has matured since the release of his debut album and even more so since his days as a boyband member. While many were not sure if Timberlake could live up to the expectations set for his sophomore album, the album speaks for itself. Timberlake has proven that he has what it takes to be the new king of pop and if he continues to produce albums like this one, he may be taking the throne for quite a while.
My Chemical Romance has presented a new sound with the release of their new album, “The Black Parade.” The album starts off with the sound of a heart monitor beeping and an acoustic guitar slowly making its way in. The words “Now come one, come all to this tragic affair” are the initial words heard on the first track called “The End.” The first track, which is more of an introductory track, sets the tone for the rest of the album and makes an abrubt fade into the next track titled “Dead!” MCR has taken a different turn with this album, combining punk-rock with theatrical pop. The lryics on the album tend to be depressing, with a theme centering largely around death. The band has done many interviews explaining that the album is about a young man dying of cancer in a hospital bed who flashes
back on his life at the moment of his death. The lyrics in the track “Sleep” are disturbing. A tape-recorded voice begins by describing the physical feeling of death. The song continues saying, “So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye and sleep.” Ultimately, the album is different from the music that fans of My Chemical Romance have heard from them in the past. Overall, the album was a tad too depressing for my taste. I was not a fan before listening to the album and I am not one now. Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
Campus radio station hosts coffee shop show MEGAN KUTULIS GUEST WRITER
On Nov. 2, WYBF “The Burn” hosted a concert in Jazzman’s featuring The Glad Version with solo artist Billy Roach. Jillian Smith, sophomore English and communications major and WYBF Promotions director, was in charge of the event. “I messaged The Glad Version on MySpace on a whim and they got back to me right away and said they could be here Nov. 2. I was estatic!” Smith said. As the WYBF staff finished setting up the stage, both Roach and the band mingled with the audience and took pictures with fans. Roach, a native of Pennsylvania, took the stage first and stunned the audience with an acoustic guitar per-
Billy Roach puts on a show for the audience at Jazzmanʼs.
formance with his song “How the West Was Won.” After a round of applause, he thanked an audience of about 20 people and continued with other songs including “Sleepwalking” and “I Am.” His performance prompted a standing
ovation and many members of the audience picked up a copy of his CD on the way out. The Glad Version, an indie rock band, took the stage shortly after Roach’s performance. Originally from Minnesota, the band
arrived at Cabrini from a performance in Ohio. Despite some technical difficulties at the beginning of the performance, the band delivered an amazing show. The coffee shop atmosphere allowed a small but enthusiastic audience to relax after a long day of classes. Their songs included selections such as “1980,” “North Star,” and “Beautiful Skeleton.” Like Roach, the band sold their CDs, “Smile Pretty, Make Nice” and “Lights out North Star,” at the end of their performance, and both gave out their Myspace addresses where more of their music could be found. “It was an intimate setting and went better than I ever imagined! WYBF plans to bring both performances back sometime in the near future,” Smith said.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
Chargers Merriman will serve 4 game suspension
Shawne Merriman of the San Diego Chargers has opted out his appeal to serve a 4 game suspension for violating the NFL steroid policy.
Shawne Merriman of the San Diego Chargers has become the most recent player to violate the National Football League’s drug policy. After failing the NFL’s random drug test for steroids, Merriman was given a four-game suspension starting on Oct. 23. Immediately upon hearing that he had failed, Merriman apologized to his fans and teammates and said that he will appeal the suspension. By appealing the suspension, Merriman will continue to play in the NFL until the arraignment, which is scheduled to take place on Nov. 11. Because this was his first offense, Merriman was only given a four-game suspension. Merriman said that he had been taking the supplement for over a year and a half, and because it has never showed up on drug tests in the past, he continued to use. Merriman failed both the “A” and “B” samples of his drug test. This determines that it was definitely steroids and not an over-the-counter supplement. In recent days, it has been discovered the Merriman has decided to take the suspension even though he is still trying to prove he is innocent. Merriman and his attorneys will not reveal the name of the drug because they plan to take the case to court. The Chargers are one of the best defenses in the league, and Merriman is a strong contributor to that. Merriman was among the league leader in sacks up until the time he will serve his suspension. The team is scheduled to play some difficult teams in the month of December, such as division rivals the Denver Broncos and the Kansas City Chiefs. By taking the suspension, he will be back in action to play on Dec. 3 against the Buffalo Bills, one week before Denver. The NFL has had some serious problems regarding players failing drug tests in the past. The most popular story came in the July 2004 when Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams abruptly retired from the game. Williams was one of the leagues most premier players, and this came as a
shock to the world of sports. Williams is now nearly a permanent athlete in the Canadian Football league, which housed Boston College great and New England Patriots back up Doug Flutie. It was later determined that Williams decided to retire because he wanted to continually smoke marijuana. After a year of smoking, Williams was in desperate need of a paycheck and decided to rejoin the team. Even after a year off, Williams still had to serve a four-game violation. The NFL is not the only league where players are facing a tremendous amount of scrutiny. The Major League Baseball association has had its share of problems in the past regarding steroids. Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa and retired greats such as Mark McGuire and Rafael Palmeiro have all been called to the Supreme Court to testify about using steroids. All of these players were asked to testify because former baseball player Jose Canseco wrote in his book, “Juiced,” that he has supplied many players with steroids and even admitted that he went as far as injecting the syringe into them. So what has happened to professional athletes recently? If they continue to apologize to the team and fans about being suspended for a drug violation, then why do they continue to offend? Merriman stated all along that he wanted to do what was best for the team. And on Oct. 31, he decided to drop his appeal. Has he learned his lesson about taking performance enhancing drugs? Or does he just want to play so he can receive another paycheck? Time will only tell what is going to happen with professional sports but one thing’s for sure, no matter what, they will all have to take a drug test and the outcome will make or break the season of those players. The steroid policy hasn’t only be instated to maintain physical fairness in football as well as other professional sports, but to instill fear in players to keep them clean and off the syringe. The Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
Merriman will return from his appeal on Dec. 3 against Buffalo.
Women’s tennis seizes third straight PAC championship
14 I Sports
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
The The womenʼs womenʼs tennis tennis team team finish finish their their season season with with an an 11 11 win win 00 loss loss PAC PAC record. record.
Right: Right: Sophomore Sophomore Dina Dina DiTaranto DiTaranto is is part part of of womenʼs womenʼs tennis tennis PAC PAC champions. champions.
Cabrini’s women’s tennis team has wrapped up a successful season as Pennsylvania Athletic Conference champions for the third year running. The Lady Cavaliers overall record is 12-4-0 and is undefeated in the PAC with a record of 11-0-0. Cabrini holds the second-longest streak in the conference history. The team won against Arcadia on Saturday, Oct. 7th, which “sealed the deal” for Cabrini’s undefeated streak. Captain Caitlin Scott, a senior marketing major who plays in second singles and second doubles said, “The team did wonderfully this season. It was the third year that we won the conference and that was our goal. Gwynedd-Mercy, Marywood and Misericordia were our biggest matches this season. Winning those matches meant we won the conference. Everyone just played their hearts out.” Scott, as well as, Carolyn Wilson, junior English and secondary education major; Amy Sarbaugh, junior business administration and marketing major; Nicole Pontious, a freshman elementary education major; and Dina DiTaranto, a sophomore fine arts and graphic designs major, all made the PAC Women’s Tennis first team. According to the Cabrini College Athletics website, Cabrini won five of the nine gold medals that were given at the Allentown West End Racquet, which hosted the PAC Individual Championships. Wilson is the only PAC champion who won in both singles and doubles. Wilson said, “We won 5sets of gold medals, one in doubles and four in singles. This is the biggest year that we walked with that many medals.” Jackie Creighton, a senior elementary educa-
Tigers pitcher wins gold glove
Despite several errors made during the World Series, Kenny Rogers, pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, still won a Gold Glove. There was a lot of suspicion surrounding Rogers during the Series because of a dark smudge on his left hand during the first inning of game two. It is still unknown whether the smudge was dirt or pine tar, a sticky substance used to better grip the ball during cold weather. The St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa did not demand a check; he simply wanted the smudge removed from Rogers’ hand Gold Gloves have been presented since 1957 and are voted on by managers and coaches before the end of the regular season. This is Rogers’ fifth Gold Glove. Source:
Hornets rout Rockets in home opener
In their first home-opener in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina, the Hornets triumphed over the Houston Rockets. The Hornets made 51 percent of their shots during the opening two periods and by halftime they had a 48-42 lead over the Rockets. Forward David West played a leading role by scoring 22 points while Chris Paul made 16 assists. Then, with about nine minutes to go in the game, the Rockets’ Luther Head won the Rockets a 77-76 lead. The Hornets quickly caught up with a rebound and dunk from Tyson Chandler. In the final seconds of the game, Peja Stojakovic hit five three-pointers. The Hornets won 96-90 in their third victory in three games. Source:
Strahan injures foot
Defense player for the New York Giants, Michael Strahan, sprained his right foot Sunday during their victory over the Houston Texans. The injury occurred in the second quarter of the game when Strahan said his foot got caught in the field turf at Giants Stadium. An MRI and a CAT scan on Monday morning confirmed that Strahan sustained a sprain to the ligament connecting the Lisfranc joint of his right foot. His injury is not as serious as other injuries involving the Lisfranc joint but he will have to use crutches for at least a week. Injuries to the foot are very unpredictable and a player could be out for more than a month but Giants’ head trainer Ronnie Barnes hopes that Strahan will return in two to four weeks. The Giants are already without several defensive players due to other injuries. The team will have to find a replacement for Strahan, perhaps Adrian Awasom, a former practice squad player. They have until next Sunday when they will face the Bears. Source:
tion major, who plays fifth singles and third doubles said, “I think this year was really important because we have not lost a PAC match since my sophomore year and we have stayed undefeated this whole time. Wilson, who plays third singles and first doubles, said, “I think the reason why we win is because we train the hardest. When I came on as a freshman our talent was always a step above everyone else and we are just a really strong team.” Many of the players on the women’s tennis team attribute their wins to how close their team is and how they truly exemplify teamwork. “My doubles partner was Jackie Creighton, she and all the girls on the team were all really helpful,” Pontious said. Scott said, “We are a family; we are all nine sisters.” As for next year, many of the remaining players on the team hope to go for a fourth PAC win. “I know next year I will be in a leadership position but it will be difficult because we are losing Jackie and Caitlin but, it’s going to be my senior year and I want to win and go out with a bang.” As for now, the team is excited because the have received their first bid to go to NCAA division three nationals, hosted by University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, which will take place in May 2007. Scott said, “What we wanted more than anything was to go to nationals, we just wanted it so bad.” The Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.
O’Leary gains the position of women’s swim team captain
stroke, and she has broken the school record for the butterfly, in the 200 meter, 400 meter and 800 meter free relays. She is a CMF724@CABRINI.EDU five-time Cabrini Classic Champ, which When you think of swimming, you prob- is a meet that Cabrini founded that consists ably picture children splashing around at of four teams. It was created to help the the local swim swimmers club. However, measure their it’s not all fun times and and games for keep them junior educaconsistent. tion major, As she proM e g h a n gresses in her O’Leary, the school year, junior captain she continues of Cabrini’s to have more women’s swim responsibiliteam. Her reties with the sponsibilities underclassconsist of overmen and she is seeing study constantly hall hours, motalking to retivating the cruits. team and makO’Leary ing sure the said that her swim team favorite part of members are swimming is working to “setting a goal their individual and reaching abilities. it.” She thrives O’Leary has on the thrill of been swimhaving the ming on the time to break a team since record, being freshman year, able to train and she has for it, and then proven her finally breakabilities to being it. O’Leary DAN SQUIRE/PHOTO EDITOR come the jun- Megan OʼLeary has been named the swim team captain. is a very deterior captain of the She has been on the swim team since her freshman year. mined young team. woman who has She began the sport when she was six set many goals for her life, and clearly enyears old. O’Leary, who was born in West joys watching herself be put to the test by Chester, Pa., says, “I grew up around the accomplishing all of her dreams. ocean, so it was important”. O’Leary also She has proven herself in preseason, owes her love of swimming to her father, which took place in mid-September of this who swam in college at Pittsburgh Univer- year. O’Leary, along with her teammates, sity. had to do a strenuous amount of distance O’Leary’s favorite stroke is the butterfly swimming in the water. CATHY FINIO
Results Men’s soccer was overall (12-7-0) and in conference (4-5-0). Women’s soccer was overall (11-6-3) and in conference (8-1-1) Women’s field hockey was overall (7-11) and in conference (7-4-0) Women’s volleyball was overall (1810-0) and in conference (7-4-0) Women’s volleyball was overall (12-4-0) and in conference (11-0-0)
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
Men’s XC: The men’s cross-country team earned third place out of a total of eight teams at the 15th annual Pennsylvania Athletic Conference Championship. Junior Chris Sweeney, a junior accounting major, finished fifth and earned first-team all-PAC for the second year in a row. He finished the race in 29:52. Freshman Chris Stein, a business administration major, finished 21st overall, senior Zach Furlong administration business major, finished 30th, freshman English and communication major, Joe Santow finished 35th, freshman Brian Zarley exercise science and health promotion major, finished 40th and sophomore accounting major, Dan Giang ended in 54th place in the Championship race. The NCAA Mid-East Regional meet on Saturday, Nov. 11 at Waynesburg College. After that, the team will look forward to the NCAA Division III Nationals on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the Voice of America Park in Mason, Ohio. Women’s XC: The women’s cross-country team earned sixth place out of a total of nine schools at the 15th annual PAC. Junior exersice science and health
promotion major, Carolyn Roberts won her second straight silver medal and her third overall medal in her three years running for Cabrini. Finishing in her season-high 20th place was freshman education major, Samantha Gerke. Freshman Jess Borgia finished 32nd, sophomore Katie Fick finished 59th, freshman psychology major, Nailah Smith finished 61st, and freshman biology major, Christiana Taylor ended in 71st place in the Championship race. Still to come this season, the team will attend the NCAA Mid-East Regional meet on Saturday, Nov.11 at Waynesburg College. After that, the team will look forward to the NCAA Division III Nationals on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the Voice of America Park in Mason, Ohio. Men’s Soccer: On Oct. 28, the men’s soccer team lost all hopes at making playoffs this season. The team lost 4-3 against Misericordia. The men more then doubled their wins after the 2005 season. Women’s Soccer: In the semi-finals playoff game on Nov. 1, the women’s soccer team lost 1-0 to Misericordia. Senior education major, Emillie Greto, who is known as the team’s playmaker, suffered a sprained ankle in the first half. Although she came back in the
second half, she was at halfspeed and the team couldn’t get that one goal needed to tie the game. Women’s Field Hockey: This season, the women’s field hockey team made playoffs for the 10th year in a row which ties them for the league record with Eastern for most playoff appearances. The team was the number six team and fell short to Misericordia 4-0 in the game on Oct. 28. Women’s Volleyball: On Nov. 2, the very young women’s volleyball team fell short in their playoff game against Eastern. In the first game, they lost 30-17, in the second, were embarrassed 30-11 but in the third, Cabrini fought back. The Cavaliers lost 30-28 in the last game, giving Eastern a near scare. Women’s Tennis: From Oct. 20-22, the women’s tennis team racked up five of the nine available gold medals at the PAC which earned them a first place victory for the third straight year in a row. Sophomore graphics design major, Dina DiTaranto and junior Carolyn Wilson won the doubles match after having a 9-0 season together. The women also captured four of six available gold’s in the singles titles matches. It was the largest one-day medal haul in Cabrini’s history.
Opening liturgy
The campus community is invited to take part in the opening liturgy for Cabrini week, which will be held on Sunday, Nov. 12, in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel. Services are scheduled to begin promptly at 7 p.m. For more information please contact Laura Gorgol at (610) 902-8225 or via e-mail at Open mic night
In the spirit of Cabrini week, there will be an open mic night held in Jazzman’s on Monday, Nov. 13. The festivities will begin at 8 p.m. For more information please contact Ashley Shoenfelt at (610) 902-8461 or via email at Film: An Inconvenient Truth
On Thursday, Nov. 16 there will be a showing of the 2006 film, “An Inconvenient Truth” featuring Al Gore. Students interested in attending this event should head towards Grace Hall at 6 p.m. For more information please contact Anne Filippone at (610) 902-8407. Student activities movie series:
The office of student activities is sponsoring a movie series commencing at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16 in the Widener Lecture Hall. The movie of the night will be “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby,” starring Will Ferrell. For more information please contact Ashley Shoenfelt at (610) 9028461 or via e-mail at Psychic fair
Baseball: America’s pastime Baseball is considered by many to be Americas pastime.
There are many things that are synonymous with the United States and American culture. Things like apple pie, Ford and Chevrolet, Coca-Cola and baseball. They are part of what makes us American and are things that many other cultures around the world try to emulate. Well, in recent years, one of those things has fallen from the forefront of what’s most important to this country, and it’s not anything dietary or automotive. Baseball, which for years has been known as “America’s Sport,” is drifting further and further into sporting meritocracy behind the new pass time that Americans devote their time, football. The Super Bowl, which is the pinnacle of pro football in this country, has always been a spectacle in itself, which captured the eyes of millions across the nation. The commercials, the halftime show and yes, the game, have always been a thing in which Americans and people across the
world have devoted one Sunday a year to partaking in. But there are 19 other Sundays in a football season that in prior years that took a backseat to the endless summers of the baseball season. Baseball has been part of our countries tradition for years. At the beginning of the last century, baseball was the dominant sport. That continued all the way through the great wars and onwards. The entire country was captivated by it’s majesty and eloquence of the game, something that wasn’t rivaled by any sport in the country. Not only was baseball huge in this country, it was huge in the outlying nations around the U.S. Largely popular in the Caribbean and other islands, baseball players migrated to the U.S. with hopes of making it in the big leagues, as this country was and still is Mecca for professional play. But lately, baseball has had trouble drawing the crowds it once did to the games. Had trouble keeping people entertained for 162 games. But most importantly, had trouble marketing America’s game. All the while, the NFL slowly gained
momentum and began to make its presence felt in the television ratings and in the advertising side of things, not to mention the fact that basically league-wide, the seats were filled every Sunday. This was something that Major League Baseball couldn’t compete with, and still can’t. Under the crafty and extremely wise leadership of former commissioner Paul Tagliabue, the NFL has overtaken the MLB in basically all phases of popularity and has firmly planted itself as the most marketable and loved sport in this country. Despite the history and the tradition that baseball brings to this country and all that it already has contributed, it’s name is being removed from the list of things that this country is known for…and football has taken it’s place. The country is enamored by the fast paced and hostile showdowns that the 32 NFL teams have weekly from September until January, and that feeling will be in place for many years into the future, and the sport of baseball can only hope to keep the pace.
The mansion will be hosting an ultimate psychic fair. On Friday, Nov. 17 students will be able to receive a personal numerology reading, a tarot card reading or have their palm read. This event will begin at 8 p.m. and will continue until 11 p.m. Big prize bingo
Jazzman’s will be hosting a night of big prize bingo sponsored by the office of student activities on Monday, Nov. 20 at 9 p.m. The prizes include electronics such as, radios, dvd’s and much more. For more information please contact Ashley Shoenfelt at (610) 902-8461 or via e-mail at Who’s who in American college’s and universities award
Seniors who are prospective graduates for May 2007 and who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are invited to apply for the 2006-2007 Who’s Who Award. Application information can be obtained in the office of student development, which is located on the first floor of the Widener Center. The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday, Nov. 28.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006
SPORTS The men’s team is on a mission, to get back to
the top of the PAC “where they belong.”
The menʼs basketball team huddles around Coach Macciocca during a recent practice. Right: Junior captain Greg Clifton looks
on at practice. The menʼs team has no
senior members this year, but the team believes they are bigger and faster.
Men’s basketball has goals to capture PAC championships CHRISTINE BLOM GUEST WRITER
Junior Matt Betz dunks the ball during practice to prepare for the upcoming games.
With the loss of three senior starters, the men’s basketball team has a season of rebuilding ahead of them. Between the help of junior captains Randy Reid and Greg Clifton teaming up with the stellar coaching staff this year, the Cavaliers are bound to forge ahead, straight to the top of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. “This year is going to be a big year,” Saleem Brown, Asst. Men’s Basketball coach, said. “We have new players who are ready and willing to learn and who are happy to be apart of bring the winning tradition back to Cabrini but we have to rebuild the chemistry first.” Working as a team, the men of Cabrini have welcomed seven new “brothers” to their basketball family. “We have a lot of new faces this year and they are still adjusting to a new system that is new to them,” Reid said. “Progress for everyone has been great due to hard work.” Even though they have welcomed freshman and transfer students to the team they will never fill the shoes of Anthony Bennett, Jim Good and Jim McMahon. “With the seniors gone, we lost a lot of leadership and offense,” Reid said. “But, we have a lot of players, old and new, ready to fill those shoes.” “Even though we lost three guys last year, this year we are bigger and faster,” Brown said. “We have more depth, more speed and most of all, more strength.” This season will be a tough one, especially with the schedule that has been created. The season will open at home for the
Cavaliers on Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. They will team-up against Penn State – Berks County. After that, they will face three of their PAC rivals later as they battle College of Misericordia, Marywood University and Wesley College. Last season, as the Cavaliers fell to Arcadia in a devastating loss of 60-59 in the final seconds of the game, the missed the chance to go the playoffs by one point. This year, their goal is to get to the championship. “I think this season is going to be tough because Cabrini is the most hunted team in the PAC,” Brown said. “No matter what our record is and no matter what we are ranked, every school always wants to beat the Cavaliers.” “We have a very tough season ahead of us this year,” Reid said. “As a team we are focused on improving last year’s record and winning the PAC which gives us the opportunity to compete in the National Championship.” This season the Cavs are looking to amp up the enthusiasm coming from the fans. “This year when opposing teams come into the field house, we want them to come into a gym full of ruthless Cabrini fans, which will also help to motivate the guys on and make it feel like we have the sixth man advantage,” Brown said. “This season we are on a mission,” Brown continued. “ We want to get Cabrini back on top of the PAC where they belong.
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