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New online withdraw system is in effect
Is there a class on your schedule that is just not working out?
Well, now Cabrini College offers an online program for course withdrawals. Life just became a whole lot more convenient.
Students will not have to complete the traditional process of filling out a withdrawal form, meeting with their faculty adviser and finally delivering a signed transcript to the registrar’s office. Instead, withdrawing from a course can be as easy as the click of your mouse.
Chris Socienski, sophomore management information systems major, said, “This will be much more convenient, but I don’t know if I will trust the computer.” He later added, “I’ll probably use it anyway. I have to drop history.”
The new program will allow students to contact their faculty adviser online through an auto- matic email. Then the adviser will either approve or request the student to “See Adviser.” Lastly, the email will be sent to the registrar’s office for completion and they will notify the student, adviser, and professor of the withdrawal.
Nancy Hutchinson, director of cooperative education and career services, said “I would want to have a conversation with the student, and exhaust all possibilities before they made the decision to withdraw from a class.”
In addition, Hutchinson said, “As an adviser I do not want to lose the personal contact with a student. I am in favor of the new program if it simplifies the process and helps various offices.
If not then we will just have to go back to the drawing boards.”
The success of the new online course withdrawal system is going to be placed on the shoulders of faculty advisers checking their emails on a regular basis. Joseph Coyle, associate director of admissions, said, “A part-time faculty adviser might not be able to check his email regularly. This would be okay if a student tried to withdraw from a course early on, but a problem if time was running out.”
Another problem students could run into would be regretting that they actually withdrew from the course. M. Frances Harkness, the assistant registrar, said, “If students withdrew spontaneously and then think it’s a mistake we can work with them to change it. Sometimes in the heat of the moment students withdraw due to fear of failure.”
Dr. Nicholas Uliano, assistant professor of Spanish, said, “Virtual contact with the adviser is an important first step in the new process-as there may be times in which a face-to-face meeting may still be necessary. However, I see the new online course withdrawal system as a positive step in the facilitation of routine course withdrawals.”
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A report released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor sites that over 4,000 American jobs were cut from July to August, the first major fall in employment rates since 2003. Most of these cuts were in companies connected to the housing industry, such as construction and manufacturing. The job slump has been predicted for months due to the failing housing industry; this current report caused stock priced to fall significantly and sparked greater fears of a nationwide economic recession than ever before. Reports by the Federal Reserve indicate that the odds of economic recession in the next year are now up 25-50%, putting greater pressure on the government to improve the weakening housing industry before it negatively impacts the country’s economy as a whole.
Report Criticizes Airport Security
A recent government investigation indicates that the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) plan for detecting and removing bombs from airplane cargo holds is hardly sufficient. The report claims that the main weaknesses in TSA’s system are providing too few and improperly trained cargo inspectors, an ineffective database to track violations, and slack regulations for screening cargo being put onto passenger planes. Another major cause of concern was the lack of individually inspecting oversized cargo that arrives at an airport because it does not fit into standard bomb detecting devices. Authorities conclude that TSA “increases the opportunities to put explosives, incendiaries, and other dangerous devices in passenger aircraft.”