5 minute read
Bottles harm environment
IN MY OPINION with you.
I bet you didn’t know that just drinking from bottled water instead of tap water was part of such a controversy. I know I didn’t.
Every time you pick up a bottle of water to drink, you probably don’t realize you’re contributing to one of the 30 million bottles a day that has to be tossed out and then recycled.
This process of recycling all those glass and plastic bottles takes up tons of gallons of oil and gasoline to ship them to the recycling plants. Whether or not you realize it, this causes a lot of pollution to our environment.
I feel like everyone drinks bottled water. I bet more than half the students on our campus walk around every day with a bottle of water in their school bag. Go and walk around the city streets; people are always carrying them. It’s just the most convenient way to always have water
The only thing I thought I was doing was making in more convenient for myself to have something to drink easily and not have to find a sink every time I needed or wanted water. That would really get to be a pain in the neck after awhile.
As an athlete, I definitely find it easier to just go to the grocery store, pick up a case of water for about six or seven dollars and put it in my refrigerator. Then for practices and games, I just have to grab a bottle before I go and I am on my way.
Did you know that last year, almost two million tons of plastic was used to make bottles for water? This manufacturing of plastic uses a huge amount of petroleum which pollutes the air we breathe.
This makes me think, if everyone continues to drink from bottles more and more when they want water, we are just harming the environment even more. I know that when I’m running around on that soccer field,
In My Opinion
I don’t want the air I’m taking in to be polluted.
An average person could probably go through at least one or two bottles of water a day. That’s a lot of plastic to be shipped around if you think about how many bottles that one person will go through in an entire month.
Think about it. Is having that bottled water really that important? Try buying a Brita purifier to clean your tap water for you. I know a lot of people now tend to have one in the dorm rooms other campuses, and telling them our current situation with hardly receiving any information, they were blown away. They made a few good points, and one of them is this. Regardless of Cabrini being a private four-year college, we participate in federal financial aid programs for students
According to the Student Right-to-Know Act and the Clery Act, any college or university that participates in financial aid programs has to disclose information about campus safety policies and procedures and provide annual statistics of certain crimes occurring on campus.
Getting turned away from information to help the well being of the campus is ridiculous.
We’re not trying to make people look bad, like they’re not doing their jobs. All we want to do is report the news that affects Cabrini.
People don’t feel safe having no idea of what’s happening on their campus. Receiving an uninformative email that there were a few thefts around campus doesn’t give anyone assurance.
Hopefully we get some new information soon.
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor
Ill feelings rise from alumni about Iadarola’s message
To the Editor: nizations a year while at Carbini and participated in a few Alumni functions after graduation and to this day I am sure she still has no idea who I am.
Holy freaking cow?!
Can it be true?! Has the wicked witch of the campus decided to step down?
This can’t be.
This has to be some sort of ploy by Cabrini to try to have the Alumni stand up and take note and hopefully begin donating back to the Campus. I can tell you one thing, as an Alum, the soon to be Ex-Prez was one reason I would never donate a cent to Cabrini as long as she was there.
I understand that “we,” America, do not want foreigners here because of the job market. But at one time ancestors of all of our families were immigrants; that is why America is called “the melting pot”.
So I am split between this decision but leaning more towards not letting them over just because I want a job and I want everyone in America to have one too.
Allowing immigrants to come to the United States would allow more diversity, as well as more jobs in the hospitality and restau- rant business. Without having immigrants over in the United States we have no one to fill those jobs, even though Americans get first choice of any job.
The National Restaurant Association had forecasts of a 15 percent increase in the job market in the next decade, which will benefit any immigrants coming into the country.
But the federal government projects only a 10 percent growth. This growth would be for the people be- so they can just refill it.
You could be one of those people who will continue to drink bottled water just because it’s more convenient, like me.
To at least help a little, try cutting the amount of bottled water in half that you purchase and start refilling your old ones with tap. This will not only save you have the money you spend on bottled water each year, it will help keep the air you breathe everyday, a whole lot cleaner.
She was the worst. She hated when anyone did not share her ideas, God forbid someone had an opinion of their own, or even worse someone actually be respected and loved more than her, see Coach Dzik.
I worked in 3-4 orga-
This truly is a great day in Cabrini history; the campus is free of her reign of ignorance to the student and those precious teachers who put students first and her agenda second. It is just a shame so many good teachers, coaches, advisors and ministers had to leave before they could see this day. I can only hope the next President takes note and does NOT follow in her footsteps and carves out a path of their very own.
- Jared Schierbaum, Class of 1999
tween the ages of 16 to 24.
In America anything that is “illegal” is unacceptable or wrong.
Americans having this view of immigrants as being unacceptable and more of a hassle is something that would have to be overcome.
The citizens of America are worried about if more immigrants migrate to the United States, there could possibly be a lack of employment. As well, the demand for houses will in- crease by about 18 million dollars.
If the United States government decides to allow more immigrants over to the United States then tax dollars will have to be raised. As well as a plan to create more visas; the ones that exist currently are only for the established. There is a huge blockage and lack of funds when it comes to immigration.
I currently stand at a cross-road when this issue comes about; because
I know each and everyone of our families came either from a country other than North America.
So at one point in our history we were all immigrants and had to fight our way into this country. I know the times have changed but if America can afford it and if there are enough jobs; should more visas be created?
I would say yes, change is always good.