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Crystal ball will tell everything






Dying to know the future? See a psychic, they’ll tell it all!

Yes, maybe I am gullible but I’m a believer and that’s because I’ve seen the light. A psychic has predicted my future and what a future it is!

It was a particularly nice day when I strolled into Miss Young’s office in New Hope. As I walked through the doorway, I felt an unworldly good vibe and I knew I was at the right place.

My two aunts accompanied me; they’ve sought out the mother’s psychic services before, who’s since passed on.

The mysterious dark haired woman took me back to her table where she explained the different types of readings: palm, tarot cards, crystal ball.

I chose the reading which was the most expensive and most thorough, the crystal ball.

As I sat there in extreme anticipation the reading began. She stroked the crystal ball with her long polished fingernails as she peered inside.

She started off with my family’s medical history and told me that the high blood pressure on my mother’s side will skip me. Then it started to get juicy.

I will get married a few years after college and will have three boys.

Also, I will be working a lot with men; they’ll open a lot of doors for me.

So true; this summer I got an on-air job at a popular rock station in Scranton. Who hired me? Two males,


Before last semester, I felt very safe on campus. Being in the communications wing until 1 a.m. or later was the norm for me. I had a radio show 7 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday nights, which I was usually up there alone.

That all changed towards the end of the semester when a man I didn’t know, followed me into the radio station. The radio station doors are handicap accessible so they stay open for 10 seconds and then close automatically. I had gotten up to use the bathroom, and when I keyed myself in, he slipped in behind me. I sat down behind the board where the DJ sits, he sat across from me.

My heart stopped. Here was this man I had never seen before sitting across from me in the radio station, talking to me like nothing was out of the ordinary.

ured I was dead. Here was this man, I had never seen on campus before, talking to me about killing someone, and asking me to step out of someone’s line of vision. I quickly said no, that I had to finish my radio show.

He decided that he had enough and told me he was leaving, however, he would try to come back next week so maybe I could get him on the air. He left the studio. I watched him leave the communications wing and ran into the production studio where Kara was working. I broke down, hysterically sobbing. Kara said she did not worry because she thought I knew the man, that if she would have known that I was in potential danger she would have came over and gotten me out of that situation.

I have never been so scared in my life. In a situation like that, you can only think the worst.

101 questions ran through my mind after the situation. Who was this man? Why was he on campus? Why was he in the communications wing? How did he get here? Why was it okay for him to just follow me in? My questions were never answered.

plus almost all my coworkers are men!

Shocked? There’s more. She said that I went through a big change earlier in the year, a change of scenery and who I surround myself with, and that I adjusted wonderfully.

Last year was my freshman year. Coming to Cabrini was a big step. How more right could she be?

Wait, wait there’s still more. She told me to look for someone with the initial of the letter M.

This woman with the monumental talent said it could be in any of this person’s names, such as middle or last name. My boyfriend, who is a Cabrini student, middle name from confirmation is Matthew.

Since this life-changing experience I’ve been anxiously awaiting my next visit. This summer I contemplated seeing a psychic on the boardwalk, but I wasn’t sure if it would be quite as accurate. Never the less, my psychic knew what she was talking about.

He asked me questions. I tried to dodge them as much as possible but it wasn’t working. He made me guess his age, he was 26, and when I asked him his name, he lied, told me it was another name and then laughed and told me his real name.

He began talking to me, intensely, about the War in Iraq, stating that he would never kill anyone, however, if he had to, he would. He continued to go into graphic detail of how he would kill someone.

I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do, where to turn. In retrospect, I could have picked up the phone, IMed someone on the computer, text messaged a friend, or even called over to my friend Kara Schneider who was in the adjoining production studio working on a project, but none of that came to mind.

He asked me to take him back to the CD wall. I froze. The CD wall was a whole separate room and if I left Kara’s vision, I fig-

So, do I still spend my nights in the communication wing? Not alone. I will not walk back to my room in the dark anymore. I will not find myself alone on campus anymore.

I work at the mall on weekday nights. When I come home from work around 11:30 p.m. I have to park in Dixon and walk to West Res. I don’t do it by myself. I make a friend come with me or we meet half way.

So do I feel safe on campus? To an extent. Do I protect myself and observe my surroundings more carefully? You better believe I do. Do I feel that campus security should be upped? Hell yes. There should be something done, especially in the communications wing, for students who do projects late at night.

Thank God, Kara was in the other room and could keep an eye out on me. What would have happened if I was by myself, no security cameras or any other precautions taken? I would, and still do, hate to think of what could have happened.


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