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Colleges push for smoking ban
Smoking bans are becoming more and more popular and the focus is now being directed towards college campuses. There is increasing talk among colleges to ban smoking altogether for the sake of non-smokers’ health.
Cigarette smoke is a danger to everyones health and non-smokers feel that they should not be subjected to such dangers in the first place.
“Health services feels strongly that smoking, includ- ing second-hand smoke, is the number one preventable cause of so many illnesses and diseases in our country,” college nurse Susan Fitzgerald said.
Cabrini has made some visible efforts to help regulate the smoking patterns on the campus already. They have posted signs informing students, faculty and staff where smoking is absolutely prohibited in an attempt to keep cigarette smoke away from the entrance to many buildings.
Pushes to make colleges, businesses, hospitals and other facilities smoke-free come from organizations and indi- viduals who are educated in the area of smoke-related illnesses.
“I can understand having designated smoking areas but to ban smoking from the entire campus would be ridiculous,” sophomore elementary and special education major Julie Lanigan said.
There have been numerous studies that show how harmful smoking is for a person’s health. The goal is to continue to educate people and enforce non-smoking laws even more.
Colleges that have gone completely smoke-free are generally community colleges. It is easier to enforce these rules due to the fact that these colleges are for commuters only, rather than housing a large number of residents.
There still are some colleges that have made it a point to make their campuses smokefree. One smoke-free campus is Cabrini’s neighboring school, Eastern University.
“Cabrini College, with the help of several on-campus committees, has been reviewing our current smoking policy and looking ahead to better enforcement and improved education,” Fitzgerald said in response to what Cabrini is doing to address this issue.
Some of the most recent smok- ing bans have taken place in Philadelphia bars and restaurants. People felt they should be able to eat and drink without having to choke on other people’s bad habit.
The ban went into effect on Monday, Sept. 25, 2006 and it included all workplaces, galleries, sports facilities, restaurants and most bars.
The new smoking ban also prohibited smoking outside of these facilities within a distance of up to 20 feet. In order to get people to comply with the new regulations there are fines that range from $25 to $300 if people break the rules.