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Students,employers on Facebook IN MY OPINION
whether a person is worth hiring.
social networking profile?
Social networking websites like Facebook and Myspace are ways in which many college students can keep in touch with friends and just have fun while online. Now however, it seems the fun is over as employers have started using these sites to see
I’ll be first to admit that I probably go on Facebook and Myspace more than I should. Whether it’s to contact a friend or just out of mere boredom, there I am. But now that I know that my profiles could potentially keep me from getting work when I graduate, I’m starting to wonder if I should delete them and start from scratch.
Part of me thinks that it isn’t a big deal. I can just make new profiles and everything will be fine. However, another part of me thinks it isn’t fair. Why should potential employers judge my work ethic or anyone else’s based on a
Employers may look at a student’s profile and decipher how much time they spend on a certain site to see how productive a person is.
Employers can also look at a student’s activities and interests and see if they are right for the job. Problems may occur when looking at pictures, though, should a student have too many “partying pics” posted.
As a rule, I am selective about the pictures I post on my profiles and what I allow to be tagged, but others may not think to be so careful. These sites are supposed to be fun and students shouldn’t have to worry about whether that picture of them at the bar will cost them a job.
Some students may see this as an invasion of privacy. It’s unfair for any person to judge a person’s social life and compare it to their academic or work life. They are two separate things and should remain so.
As someone who is looking into summer internships, I don’t want to have to worry about what might cost me a placement.
Once something goes up on the internet it’s out there for the world to see. It shouldn’t be an issue, but it will still affect the way a person is perceived.