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Fall ‘07: The dos & don’ts of fashion
Fall is here and as always, fashions are changing as often as the seasons. This fall is no exception. Times are changing and so is the fashion world.
Gray Gray is the new black. But, black hides our flaws, so therefore black never goes out of style. We all know that, don’t we?
Retro styles
Some styles are retro. Don’t be afraid to mix styles and accessories from the ‘20s, ‘30s and even the ‘50s. Decades of style can mesh well, if done properly.
Poof skirts
Whether you hate them or love them, the modern tu-tu has made it to the mainstream. There is no escaping now.
Cover your legs
Dust off your tights, nylons and leg warmers. Bare legs in skirts are out, so cover up ladies.

Big buckled belts with tunic tops seem to be making a come back. Saddle up for the fall.
Layer everything from clothing to jew- elry. It’s not a ploy by designers and retailers to get you to buy double the clothing. It’s just the “in” thing to do right now. Allow some room for creativity.
Booties, or better known as ankle boots, are the “it” shoe of the season this year. Shoes with color, patterns and animal prints act as eye candy. Choose wisely.
Sweater Dresses
An oldie but goodie. The ‘80s may not have been the best decade for fashion trends, but sweater dresses seem to be oneof the few styles from the past that are finding their way back onto shelves in department stores.