1 minute read
Campus wide blackout leaves students in the dark
In My Opinion
Cabrini College was left in the dark. On Monday, Nov. 28, we were left with no power around campus.
The whole night felt very mysterious and spooky. The wind was gusting all around us. There was a thick layer of fog that had rolled in, making it very difficult to see anything.
The weather was very misty, cold and rainy. Suddenly I heard a big boom and the lights went out. Everything went completely pitch black.
My lights, my computer, my telephone and my television all were without power.
Not knowing what had happened I stumbled over a few things on the floor of my dorm room and finally got a hold of a small handheld flashlight. I opened the door to my dorm room and found my neighbors frantically worrying about what had just happened.
We all decided to walk out into the extremely dark and dangerous hallways to see what had happened. All of the RAs living in my building of East Residence alerted us to stay clear of the stairways and return immediately back to our rooms until we heard further instructions.
At this point I began to feel nervous inside and started to worry a little bit.
I had no way of finding out what exactly was going on.
I decided to use my cell phone and call up our oncampus public safety. I had asked if they knew why our power had gone out and how long it will be until it will return.
I was told from Public Safety to just relax and stay calm, because they were investigating the situation. Public Safety seemed unaware why it was out, but told me that hopefully the power would resume soon.
Although I still did not get any direct information from anyone, I realized that just by the tone of the public safety officer’s voice, everything was under control and was going to be ok.
I was glad I called and felt reassured that people do care about us on campus.
With nothing to do but just sit in the dark with our