3 minute read
College to host government career information fair
Cabrini College will be hosting a SEPCHE Government Career Information Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 20 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. Representatives from federal, state and local government offices will be presented.
According to Federal Jobs Net, within the next 10 years thousands of government employees from the baby-boomer generation will be retiring, opening countless job opportunities. Over the next two years alone, 200,000 people will be hired for federal jobs.
Coinciding with this huge turnover, the government has been trying to change its image and is looking for “young people out of college with dynamic and engaging personalities to hire,”
Nancy Hutchison, director of co-op and career services, said.
With internships, co-ops, seasonal as well as full-time jobs being offered, the career fair is appealing for all students and not just limited to graduating seniors. Positions are available in all majors.
“This is a great way to start networking,” Hutchison said. “Even as a freshman or a sophomore, this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to talk with potential employers.”
Employers from agencies such as the FBI, New Jersey State Police, Naval Inventory Control Point and the Department of the Treasury will be in attendance along with many others.
Michelle Canavan, a junior biology major, plans on attending the career fair. “Being a junior, I need to start looking for internships and jobs because before I know it, I’ll be graduating,” Canavan said.
Applying for a government position is a lengthy process. Through this career fair, Cabrini students are being offered an easier foot in the door. “If it’s here, why not take advantage of it?” Hutchison said.
Attire for this event is business casual. Students should come dressed looking neat and clean. The office of Co-op and Career Services recommends that students bring at least a dozen professionally developed resumes.
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