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‘Super Tuesday’ results
SUPER TUESDAY, page 1 maries and lost to President G. Bush, is currently in the lead and looks to stay in the lead.
On “Super Tuesday” McCain took nine states’ votes, while Mitt Romney, who has recently dropped out, took seven states. Mike Huckabee followed with five states and Ron Paul trailed with no states’ votes.
Currently McCain still remains in the lead with 723 delegate votes. Huckabee follows with 217 votes, and trailing behind is Paul with 16 delegate votes. In the primaries, the Republicans need a total of 1,191 delegate votes in order to win. McCain may hold a comfortable lead but still not enough to finish off his opponents.
Between all the voting that has been happening these past weeks, it seems the most popular party is that of the Democratic.
“The Democrats seem to be much more excited about the election,” said Madonna. The
Democratic Party has many advantages in this election then any other. “9/11 changed politics in a lot of ways. Before it didn’t matter because the U.S. was in charge of the world,” said Madonna.
Seeing the primaries unfold shows how crucial and close this race will be all the way to the end. “This election is about hugely important issues that will define what our country does nationally and internationally for decades,” said Madonna.
More and more people, even youths and minorities are voting because of the topics at hand.
“I’ve never seen anything like this election, just the crowds of people that come out are amazing,” said Larry Eichel, a senior writer and political analyst at the Inquirer, also a panelist at the World Affairs Council forum
“The primaries are groundbreaking this year. Many of us, including me, who are voting in their first election, can say that they got to vote in the first election where a woman and an African Ameri- can are running,” said Lauren Grassi, a junior social work major.
It is hard to predict the future of this election. There are still a few more states to vote; including Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania seems to be a very important state this time around in the primaries, which hasn’t happened in two decades. There are 188 delegates in Pennsylvania, which could turn the election up side down. Pennsylvania will have their primary elections on April 22, 2008.
“The interesting part of the election after ‘Super Tuesday’ is that it looks like Pennsylvania will matter,” Eichel said.
Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@googlegroups.com. The editors will review your comments each week and make corrections if warranted.
HACKETT, page 1
Hackett’s placement in the MCC is well fit as the MCC is a corporation designed to aid in the recovery, establishment and over all betterment of the poorest countries in the world. Much like CRS, the MCC considers economic growth to be a primary key in the fight against poverty. Hackett and Beah’s speeches for Founder’s Day: Transformations of the Heart are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. All are encouraged to attend.
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