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Perspectives Perspectives Race to the White House
Barack Obama is the candidate who has been preaching change since day one of his campaign.
The immigration crisis, rising national debt, lack of a healthcare plan and an economic downturn are just a few of the problems that need immediate action, which Obama has promised to deliver. From his days living in Chicago trying to improve poor neighborhoods, he has never changed his stance and has continued his unwavering position that he is simply trying to change this country for the better.
comes to picking a president. We have serious issues that face our country that if left in the wrong hands could spell disaster.
Not and one or two important speeches really doesn’t add up to an outstanding resume. I mean, how could he have a red-hot resume when he’s only been in politics for 12 years.
Obama has proven through his campaign that this is the time for change and he means it. Boasting that he can not only fix what’s been broken but also change the entire climate of Washington, which in my opinion is long overdue. Politicians need to remember that they serve the people, the voters who put them there rather than the lobbyists who have no business on Capitol Hill in the first place.
Close your eyes. Now, picture you’re on the beach. You look to your left and there is Hillary Clinton, in a bikini. Look to your right, and there is Barack Obama in his swim trunks. Now, no questions about it, Obama is sure to look better in a bathing suit than Clinton, however, is that all he is good at – looking better than his opponent?
Obama is a dreamer. Someone who hopes for the best but doesn’t have any evidence to support him or his campaign. However, he does have a confidence about him that makes him seem like he knows what he’s talking about. Just wait until he has to resurrect these plans, that’s when his charm and good looks won’t be able to help him.