3 minute read

Well-rounded education leaves no fun in major

demics in college?

Don’t get me wrong, helping people is great and everything, but forcing people to do it kind of takes away from it. People should want to help others out of the kindness of their own heart, not because they are being forced to.


ner can attend church?

You may read this and feel that I am following the wrong path in my life but I am comfortable with where I am. I feel it is important to question our faith. Even if one’s decision is to entirely take a break from religion.

Joining a certain religious denomination is not what makes us a good person but acting kindly towards others while spreading love and peace.

College has taught me the importance of being at ease with oneself first. Then once one finds their own inner peace and awakening they can help other people.

Life really isn’t about what religious background you are, but about how you treat other people. We live on this earth for a very small amount of time. I want to live my life to the fullest, and learn as much as I can along the way.

My initial feelings of panic and insecurity that I felt when walking into the chapel began to disappear as Father Michael spoke and the choir sang.

I even began to enjoy Mass as the strong sense of community and the loving atmosphere made me feel right at home.

My trip to Mass made me really think about my faith. Although I did enjoy attending Mass, in the end I do not feel I am ready to attend each week.

Cabrini College is a Catholic college. The Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of Saint Joseph on campus has mass on Sundays at 7 p.m., Tuesdays at 8:15 a.m., Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.

At this point in my life I need to concentrate on myself and learn what kind of person I want to be.

This may seem selfish but without a strong sense of inner peace I have found it difficult to help others. Cabrini community: take your time with your faith. Explore life. Find your true passion. Love one another and work to become fully alive. Work to reach total enlightenment.



It’s scheduling time again.

You know what that means, getting up at the crack of dawn, yelling at your computer, and most importantly, making sure you sign up for the right classes.

I feel like I’m so behind on my requirements to graduate. I then realized, I’m really not, I just have way too many requirements.

I feel Cabrini expects us to do a lot to receive that diploma.

First off, we are required to perform community service in order to graduate. I thought we were supposed to concentrate on our aca-

I’m also not a fan of the fact that we have to take so many required courses. Didn’t we get our fill of math and science in high school?

I don’t mind history that much, but math is just a waste of time. I know, we’re always going to need it or something like that. I highly doubt I’m going to need math besides multiplication, addition, subtraction or division in my lifetime.

Alright, maybe a rare occurrence will come up where I need to know so geometric formula. In this situation, I simply call a friend of mine who likes math.

Science has always been my favorite class, well, my favorite class to practice my doodling skills in. I just think all of it is a little boring.

I understand Cabrini wants us to leave here having been fully educated and getting ready to go out and serve the world. Wouldn’t we serve the world better by taking classes in our major?

Think about it, we should get as many classes that go with our major in as possible. Employers will be so impressed when they see how many we have taken and how well we have done with them.

Adding unimportant classes we will never use again just takes away less time for us to study for our major classes and allows us to take fewer classes for our major.

Sounds like a waste of time if you ask me.

So when I was finalizing my schedule I sighed as I reluctantly put down my Intro to Italian course, as well as my Ecology course. When will this endless list of required classes end?

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