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Iraqi refugees: war at home, nowhere to go


On September 11, 2001 the United States stood still. America lost 2,998 casualties that day and a whole nation wept for the loss of these innocent lives.


March 20, 2003, President Bush launched the invasion of Iraq. Since then, tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed and more than 4 million have had to flee their homes.

America had a taste of the chaos, confusion and uncertainty of a future when both the Twin Towers were struck and crumbled to the ground. The attacks lasted a matter of minutes but of course the aftermath lingered for months. The Iraq war, on the other hand, just reached its fifth year anniversary.

ever worked for taken from you in a matter of seconds? More importantly could you imagine being in a situation where you were actually scared enough to drop everything and leave with only yourself and your family? These civilians are now refugees hiding in countries illegally because anywhere is better than where they came from.

Now think about how you felt on 9/11. The nation opened their hearts and grieved for all 2,998 victims of that attack. We grieved because we saw ourselves in those people. We saw each victim as a mother, a father, a wife, a husband, a friend and so on. It could have happened that day to anyone traveling on a plane, in a New York City building or in any building for that matter.

Pain, suffering and fear are the same no matter what nationality, race, religion or homeland you are from. There is damage being done to people who do not deserve it and it is up to us to lend a hand.


Recently for a class I was given a challenge to monitor my usage of water for one week. Then for the next week, significantly reduce the amount of water that I use comfortably in order to help the environment.

I discovered that I am careless. Due to the other results in my class, I discovered we care very little about the extent we excessively use our water resources. Out of 30 people, about five were under the average water usage amount (900-1300 gallons of water a week).

Those 30 people reflect the demographic of college students here at Cabrini.

This year, recycling cans were placed throughout campus in an effort to support the ecosystem by recycling bottles, cans and paper instead of throwing

Let’s face the facts, human beings as a whole use the environment to their advantage. Most of the time they do not stop to think about how much water is swirling down the drain, whether it’s in the sink, toilet or shower drain.

During my study, I noticed in the morning when I went through my daily routine of taking a shower, brushing my teeth, washing my face and making my coffee, I did not think about how much water I used.

Upon concluding the study I realized that odds are I won’t think about any altruistic measures to save the environment unless someone mentions it.

Just because it is almost spring time doesn’t mean I have to suddenly change my routine.

I think that the campus is helping people think less about the measures they have to take to protect the environment by providing easy access to recycle bins.

Otherwise, how long will people like me pay attention to everything I have to do for my part? Just throughout the one part of the year where everybody else focuses on it as well?

Instead of pushing for unrealistic changes in morning routines, I think a good step would be to have a general awareness campaign every month as a reminder for those of us who are too busy to stop and think about the horrible people we’re being towards the environment.

We’re not careless. It’s merely that the majority of the population is misinformed about our own imperfections.

Five years the United States has been at war in the Middle East. Therefore, for five years the innocent civilians of Iraq have been living in limbo uncertain of what will happen from hour to hour, day-to-day.

The uncertainty has caused many Iraqi civilians to flee their homes in fear of their lives. What some Americans don’t realize is the seriousness of this situation. Iraqis are targeted because of religious affiliation, economic status and their profession. These are middle class citizens - professors, doctors, hairdressers and so forth - forced out of their homeland by armed conflict that threatens and kills.

The education system in Iraq that was once prestigious is now non-existent.

Could you imagine getting everything you

We first need to learn about the situation, and then advocate to authorities for change. Just in Lebanon, there are 50,000 Iraqi refugees living in a country about the size of Connecticut.

The United States has taken in a mere 4,135 total Iraqi refugees since the 2007 fiscal year to March 2008. At the end of the Vietnam war we were able to take in 150,000 Vietnamese each year. Why so few Iraqis?

Let’s be serious here, Iraq is unlivable for the 2 million Iraqi citizens who have left the country and the 2 million that have been displaced from their homes within the country. The most powerful nation in the world sheltered only 4,135 civilians from the violence, 4,135. The statistics are in and America needs to step up.

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