2009-10 Issue 10 Loquitur

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Thursday, 5, 2009 2009 Thursday, Nov. Feb. 19,


Radnor, Pa.

jen wozniak jlw729@cabrini.edu

Abused and depressed, Maria finally escaped her life as a sex slave in the United States after being trafficked here from a Latin American country. Although Maria was lucky enough to escape, she had little time to start rebuilding her life before finding out that her sister was murdered by her traffickers in her home country as punishment for her escape. This is the kind of control and fear instilled by human traffickers over the 27 million people enslaved in our world today. Human trafficking is a horrific crime in which people are taken by coercion, fraud or force and used for commercial sex work or forced, unpaid labor. “We think we got rid of slavery a long time ago but the truth is, it is alive and well. This is modern day slavery,” Sr. Terry Shields, board member, treasurer and founding member of Dawn’s Place, a safe house for trafficked women in Philadelphia, said. Trafficked victims, which include young children, are stripped of their innocence, hopes, dreams and dignity as they are forced to sell their bodies in the brothels of China, labor as household servants in India or are chained to sewing machines for 14 hours a day in California. They sew your clothes, make your chocolate, build pieces of your cell phone, serve you at restaurants and paint your nails at salons. “You could go into places in the United States and have no idea that the person helping you is enslaved,” Sr. Arlene Flaherty, justice and peace liaison for Catholic Relief Services, said. Most of these people will go years without seeing daylight, as they are kept in locked rooms where they only see other trafficked victims, their traffickers and their clients or customers. Often they are in foreign countries where they do not know the language and have no one to run to for help. They are beaten, raped, starved, drugged and humiliated daily. Human trafficking affects virtually every country in the world. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 80 percent of internationally trafficked victims are female and 70 percent are trafficked into the sex industry. Traffickers prey on the vulnerable- those living in


Pacemaker Winner Vol VolLI, L, Issue 10 17


Modern slavery exists in U.S. managing editor


T O N e l a s r o F

‘Not for sale’ visits campus


The ‘Not For Sale’ campaign works to educate people about the horrors of human trafficking, which is modern day slavery. It hopes to motivate people to be a “backyard abolisionist” and realize that this issue can be happening in their backyard and that they can do something about it.

danielle alio staff writer


Students learn in American history classes that slavery ended with the Union victory of the Civil War. It is shocking to know that slavery still occurs today with the modern day term known as human trafficking. David Batstone, author of “Not For Sale,” hosted a workshop and presentation about the modern slave trade for the summer reading convocation held on Nov. 2. “Philadelphia is one of the major ports where trafficking is brought into the United States,” Batstone said. Batstone now motivates people to investigate local trafficking cases. “I get every year a group of 20 to 25 students to work with me in a living-learning community and I transform them into social researchers,” Batstone said. “I send them out to interview journalists, domestic abuse shelters, records at city hall, police and they start coming back with data and with that data we entered documented cases that went under the radar.” Batstone gave the audience an example of a case that his students discovered in which 72 men from Thailand were trafficked into constructing a new bridge to connect San Francisco to Oakland, Ca. “When I say trafficked, it’s that they were brought over to another country or otherwise kept bondage for the purpose of exploiting their labor without receiving any real pay and they cannot leave,” Batstone said. Batstone defines human trafficking as involuntary servitude. Batstone’s students came upon a live case in which they investigated a massage parlor. Batstone went into the parlor with a hidden camera while his students stayed up all night outside with more cameras until they had enough evidence to shut the place down. After the workshop, Batstone, accompanied by musician Brant Menswar, gave a multimedia show to put local trafficking issues into perspective and to offer ways for people to help stop it. The winner of the student essay award, freshman Matthew Doyle, introduced Batstone and Menswar to the college community. Batstone said that he became passionate about the issue when it showed up in his backyard at a favorite restaurant that also





Human trafficking: global concern   When we think about slavery and cruelty inflicted upon humans most of us think back to the early history of our country. Most of us wouldn’t even dream of slavery and the trafficking of people happening in the United States today. The truth is, right now in our country, maybe even in your own town, human beings are being trafficked into forced labor and prostitution.   Human trafficking is a $10 billion industry. Anywhere from 700,000 to two million people are being forced into labor and prostitution each year. Though men, women and children are all being trafficked most of them are women and children. How is it that the numbers and facts about this issue are so undeniable but yet not many people know about it? Why do we pay attention to such trivial issues like the balloon boy when tragedies like this are going on in our backyard? What is being done about it and what can we do about it?   Even though any person could be at risk of being trafficked, groups of people with limited rights and protection are at the highest risk. Disadvantaged minority groups are hardest hit with these problems.   The hardest thing about dealing with trafficking is that it is not just happening in one area. Society’s economic and political forces have a big influence on human trafficking. Societies that devalue the life of a human being or view their citizens more as property than people are more likely to be involved in human trafficking because they can capitalize on a person’s lessened self-esteem and vulnerability.   Lack of employment options, increased economic disparity and rapid and severe economic decline in some countries are some of the main reasons trafficking occurs. These people in rebuilding countries are promised by slave traders that they will get good jobs and paint a great picture for their victims. Because they are poor and have hope for a better life they want to believe what they are told, unaware of what lies ahead of them.   Countries are minimizing social spending in order to put more money towards restructuring their economies. Advances in information technology around the world have made it easier for profits from criminal activity to be transferred and laundered. Many countries are also trying to reduce the cost of production, which leads to abusive labor practices and in most cases, slavery-like practices. Corruption in government and economic migration are also major causes of trafficking around the globe.   So how can we help to prevent this global problem? Trafficking can be lessened and prevented by economic development in poor countries. There also has to be a big change in our immigration system so people can legally come to our country to fill needed jobs and be able to live a better life than what they had. They should not have to submit themselves to dangerous illegal immigration to meet our country’s labor needs. When you are desperate to change your life circumstances it is easy to make decisions that could be detrimental.   We have the ability to create change and to make sure that people can come to our “land of opportunity” and have a chance like most of our ancestors had. We can lobby our Congress to fix the broken immigration system and not just build a high fence. We can lobby for long-term development to aid these poor countries that put people at risk. We can lobby for HIV/AIDS drugs to poor countries so that fewer children become orphan’s and vulnerable to exploitation.   We can’t deny that this is going on in our country and around the world. Even though it is extremely hard to stop trafficking as a college student we can still take action. Getting this issue out there for people to hear is an important first step in combating it. Our generation has the ability to get educated and make a difference. We have the power to do something and the responsibility to be aware.   To learn more about human trafficking and how you can join the fight against it visit the Catholic Relief Service’s site, www.crs.org and search for global migration and human trafficking. Also visit NotForSaleCampaign.org.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Reporter lectures about Catholic Church’s future ross salese staff writer


The demographics of the Catholic Church will soon shift into the southern countries of Uganda and Congo. These words of change were the focus of John L. Allen Jr.’s speech Tuesday, Oct. 27 held in the Cabrini College Mansion. The CNN Vatican reporter talked about the future of the Catholic Church. “You don’t hide your religion, you shout it,” Allen said. Allen’s thesis focused on the globalization of the Catholic faith. Allen predicted that by the year 2050, 3/5 of Catholics in the world would be in the southern hemisphere, and African countries will replace countries like Poland and Spain. “The importance of religion in the south is more predominate than Europe,” Allen said. Allen has traveled to 75 different countries and

interviewed thousands of ministers and bishops. He has also written 10 books and is currently working on another. “I thought the information he gave was very revealing, the megatrends he talked about look to be very important for the Catholic Church,” John Cordes, assistant professor of communication, said. Allen discussed four of the 10 mega-trends that he describes in his new book “The Upside Down Church” in his speech. “A mega-trend, by the way, does not have to be specifically Catholic, but rather something that affects Catholicism in a significant way,” Allen said. These trends included world church, Evangelical Catholic, globalization and the biotech evolution. Allen also expressed his views on human cloning, stem cell research and abortion. “As science expands its capacity to preserve life, where does the distinction lie between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’

measures, between a necessary defense of the right to life and a needless prolongation of suffering?” Allen said. Allen ended his lecture by noting that the old Catholic World, Europe and the U.S. need to help those in need. He further emphasized that it was up to the goverments of those coutries to help their people but “the Catholic Church should be a voice of reason,” and advocate social justice. Father Michael Bielecki agreed with the teaching of socal justice, especially to students. “If we can change our minds about the way we live the way we consume, we become aware that our lives frequently affect the lives of others,” Bielecki said. Allen hoped that his lecture could accomplished his main goal of “helping people realize that they will at one point face the judgement of god, and because of that will base their descisions to those who are in need.”

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Our Mission Statement

The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.   Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.   Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected. The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen. Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editor are to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus or community area. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus or community. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@googlegroups.com or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


Trafficking destroys human dignity SLAVERY, Page 1 extreme poverty. Women who are deprived of control over their own lives are especially vulnerable as are those trying to escape war or corruption. Women like Maria, whose story was provided by Shields, were approached by men and promised a new life of opportunity and wealth in a developed country, only to learn later they were deceived. “Where there is poverty and deprivation people take great risks in order to find jobs, and sometimes they fall into the hands of people who end up being traffickers,” Flaherty said. Women and children in developing countries who have little opportunities and no education to improve their lives or make money are most at risk, along with refugees who are looking for a better life. “Catholic Relief Services looks at all programs around the world in conflict areas, such as those affected by war or a natural disaster, because you need to be more vigilant in times of chaos.

When people are migrating it’s a chaotic situation and traffickers take advantage of that and abduct more women and children during this time,” Flaherty said. Trafficking is fueled by the demand of sex tourists, or people who will pay to have sex, and by the demand for products at cheap prices. “In our country, we want things at a cheap price with little care if the workers were violated or abused,” Flaherty said. “Students should support fair trade and fair labor practices to make sure people are working freely and receiving fair wages. Get involved with programs that support the poor… to help these vulnerable people have opportunities so that they don’t fall into this kind of life.” Another part of sexual trafficking is that there is a kind of culture of sexual exploitation. There is a market for pornography in the United States that makes it seem okay for women to be used as objects. “The demand for pornography is a large industry for young men who are consumers of commoditized and exploited

women,” Flaherty said. “The demand for this leads to the demand for strip joints and more.” Traffickers find vulnerable women and children to exploit inappropriately and illegally in order to meet the demands of people throughout the world. They make large sums of money by using free labor and collecting money from people paying for sex with the captive women and even children. Even if victims are rescued from this modern day slavery, they are left traumatized and their lives are shattered from the physical, mental and psychological abuse that they endured. “The big thing is for men to realize the implications of their actions on others. If there is a demand for this activity then there will be a supply, but it will come at the cost of human lives and dignity,” Shields said. “We need to work to help and give hope to people so that they can live life freely and to the fullest, which is what every human being deserves,” Flaherty said.


Dawn’s Place provides safe haven for abused jen wozniak managing editor


Sex trafficking rings have been identified right here in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. The Coalition for Peace and Justice in Philadelphia created a committee on human trafficking that educated individuals about this horrifying issue. This committee wanted to do more than just talking about the issue. They wanted to be hands-on. They worked with religious sisters, Catholic Social Services and lawyers who worked with women trafficked for sex work in the Philadelphia area. The result was Dawn’s Place, a safe place for women who have been affected by sexual exploitation, to heal and recover from the abuses they have suffered in order to create a new life.

Dawn’s Place has dealt with 10 women since April, and has the capacity to house nine women at a time. It is currently home to two women arrested for prostitution and two women trafficked from Latin America. “These are women that want to get out of that life. We assist them with opportunities and programs to help them leave that life, which includes helping with benefits, the English language for international women, health concerns, contacting family and finding job placement, but in the meantime the most important thing is providing a safe, caring place,” Sr. Terry Shields, board member, treasurer and founding member of Dawn’s Place, said. Dawn’s Place is the only known residence for trafficked women on the East Coast. If interested in volunteering at Dawn’s Place, contact Mary Laver at mlaver@cabrini.edu.

NOT FOR SALE campaign at cabrini

“There are more than 27 million slaves in the world today.”


David Batstone, head of the ‘Not for Sale Campaign,’ informed Cabrini students on the issues surrounding human trafficking.

‘Not For Sale’ exposes local trafficking NOT FOR SALE, Page 1 turned out to be a trafficking site. The community was taught that the slave trade is worth about $32 billion annually and that 800,000 to 900,000 people are sold a year. Batstone said that out of the people who are sold, 80 percent are female and 50 percent are children. Batstone explained about a program developed to inform consumers about products that are fair trade. “Free 2 Work came

out of that goal to provide supply chain transparency and deliver it to the average consumer and reward those companies who would change their behavior on their production so that they ensure free labor,” Batstone said. Batstone and Menswar pointed out a shocking fact in that if one purchases chocolate candy, most likely they are contributing to modern day slavery since 70 percent of cocoa beans come from Ghana and 12,000 to 15,000 child slaves are used to pick the beans. Batstone closed with how

the students and faculty can get involved with fighting modern slavery. “There is not a profession, vocation, interest or passion that you have that cannot be used to change the world today,” Batstone said. “We don’t need to be aware of another social problem because we are aware already,” Batstone said. “We need to be engaged in it.” The last thing Batstone and Menswar did was take a quick poll of who in the community would like to start becoming actively involved in the issue. Almost

everyone raised their hands when it came to signing up for the “Not For Sale” Facebook group. More raised their hands for starting a fair trade chocolate fundraiser. A few students said they wanted to be an intern with Batstone’s campaign out in California. Emily Orso, freshman early childhood and special education major, was one of those students. “What made me decide to go to California was the fact that sex trafficking was found in Berwyn on Lancaster Ave. That’s not too far away from Cabrini. This case

was a few years ago, but still, like David said, ‘Slave trafficking is in our own backyards’ and here is the reality, it was in my own backyard,” Orso said. “After Batstone’s presentation it became more clear that I could do more than just sit and feel sorry for the people impacted by the slave trade. I could actually do something. Things are still being sorted out about when I will go to California but I’m planning to apply for an internship very soon.”



Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

This Week





Thursday, November 5


Deadline to register for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults discussion group. This group is for both Catholics and non-Catholics who are curious about the faith and are searching for deeper meaning. Contact: Fr. Michael Bielecki 610-902-8438

Stimulus statistics released paul skow staff writer


The Obama administration released information on the recent stimulus on Friday, Oct. 30, revealing that the majority of jobs created were in education. Over 640,000 jobs were estimated to have been

created, with 325,000 of them being education jobs. Without this stimulus, many teachers would have lost their jobs. The stimulus was originally aimed at occupations like construction work, where there was a significant, but less effective, increase of 80,000 jobs.

paul skow pws722@cabrini.edu

One of the worst bombings in the last two years occurred in Baghdad, Iraq on Sunday, Oct. 25. The perpetrators passed through several security checkpoints.


Obama rallies for former N.J. governor paul skow staff writer


Baghdad bombing ignites security precaution doubts staff writer

Friday, November 6

President Obama visited New Jersey on Sunday, Nov. 1, rallying for fellow Democrat

Governor John Corzine in Newark and Camden. Corzine is the only Democrat up for reelection this year and is considered by Obama to be an integral part of the Democratic party.

Obama hopes to create for Corzine much of the same interest that helped to get him elected last year, as Corzine is up against stiff competition Republican candidate Chris Christie. Christie won.

Bomb kills over 100 people in Pakistan

Then they continued to set off two car bombs. It is estimated that the paul skow attack left 155 people dead staff writer pws722@cabrini.edu and wounded 500 others. The bombing leaves doubt as to whether or Secretary of State not there are enough Hillary Clinton was in safety precautions being Pakistan on Wednesday, taken at Iraqi checkpoints. Oct. 27, when a car bomb was detonated,

killing nearly 100 people. The attack took place in Peshawar, a city about 90 miles from Islamabad, where Clinton was meeting with government officials. The bombing targeted innocent people,

including women and children, which Clinton condemned. She called the bombers “cowardly” and said “they know they are on the losing side of history.”

The Direct Marketing Educational Foundation at the McGraw Hill Conference Center in New York City will host an annual Student Career Forum. It is open to all those who are interested in or exploring marketing as a career option. Register at www.directworks. org/students/scf/default.aspx.

Saturday, November 7 Retrace the footsteps of Mother Cabrini in honor of her feast day at the shrine in New York City and St. Cabrini Nursing Home in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. The cost will be $25 and will include transportation, lunch, snacks and beverages. Time: 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Contact: Joan Kleckner 610902-8416

CAMPUS Cabrini week will commemorate college founders, name, tradition & REGION

Sunday, November 8

Cabrini Week is annual celebration our tradition. It helps the community remember our

Monday, November 9

patrick gallagher staff writer


College to host blood drive patrick gallagher staff writer


The American Red Cross is coming to Cabrini College on Monday, Nov. 9. There is always a need for donating blood. Every minute of every day

somebody needs blood. The donating center will be in the Grace Hall Atrium. Students can make an appointment by either contacting Health Services at 610-902-8531 or by signing up online at www.pleasegiveblood. o r g / d o n a t e .

Theater offers new production patrick gallagher staff writer


“The Complete History of AmericaAbridged” is the most recent production from the Cabrini College Theatre. The play is a collection

of humorous skits that portray American history. Anyone is welcome and all tickets are free. A ticket will be necessary for admission. Tickets will be sold at the door or can be purchased by calling 610-902-8328.

an of

founders and Cabrini’s namesake, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. There are a lot of different events going on each day throughout the college. These events vary from the Black and White

Gala to the International Food Festival. On Tuesday, Nov. 11, Cabrini Day is celebrated with lectures and Honor Ceremonies. All classes until 4:30 p.m. are cancelled on that day in celebration.

Philadelphia SEPTA goes on strike amanda carson news editor


SEPTA’s Philadelphia city bus, subway and trolley services threatened to go on

strike this past weekend. While the company continued with its services for the two World Series games, it is now on strike. SEPTA services are not available in Philadelphia but are in its suburbs.

SEPTA’s are still To are no company willing

regional rails in operation. date there signs that officials are to negotiate.


Celebrate Sunday in Philadelphia by purchasing $2 SEPTA passes in the SEaL office. Contact: Amber LaJeunesse 610-902-8755

Pre-registration begins for seniors. Contact: Registrar 610-9028546

Tuesday, November 10 Cabrini Day, classes cancelled until 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November11 Leader Lecture Series will feature “Sports, Spirituality & Ethics.” It will take place in the Iadarola Center for Science, Education and Technology Lecture Hall. Time: 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. Contact: Dr. Dennis Dougherty 610-902-8396


Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


‘Andrea’s Voice’ raises awareness for bulimia nervosa michelle costa staff writer



Senior Beth Briggs talked about her experiences in Ethiopia while interning for Catholic Relief Services this summer.

CRS intern shares experiences in Ethiopia meghan murphy staff writer


Ethiopia, particularly in the lower level areas, has a history of drought and agricultural difficulties. Due to erratic and/or little rainfall, many farmers struggle to produce sufficient crops. This was the main point made by a Cabrini senior who interned in Ethiopia with Catholic Relief Services this summer. Beth Briggs, senior psychology and sociology major, gave a presentation on her trip to Ethiopia, Wednesday, Oct. 28, in the Wolfington Center. For the attendees to become familiar with the Ethiopian culture, Dr. Mary Laver, director of International Partnerships, provided Ethiopian sandwiches and coffee. CRS hosts internships for eight weeks of work for undergraduate students interested in international work. Briggs was one student given the opportunity to work with the Productive Safety Net Program and Small Scale Irrigation. The work involved with these two programs was the type of work a graduate student would be given. This summer marked the last available overseas internships through CRS for undergraduate students. CRS will continue internships for graduate students, however. “I think it’s a great program and I’m disappointed it discontinued. So many people say they want to make change and Beth is one that really will,” Jamie Tadrzynski, sophomore

history and education major, said. Small scale irrigation systems have been installed in the central and northern parts of the country where CRS has been operating. PSNP has been placed where the most food insecure households are located in order for the residents to receive food aid. According to their physical capabilities, the ones receiving the aid will work in public works or direct support beneficiaries. In return they receive a certain amount of food aid. Briggs’ role as an international intern was to conduct two case studies: quantitative assessment on small irrigation systems and qualitative assessment based on graduation from the government’s safety net program. In order for her to conduct the studies, Briggs was able to explore three field visits. Briggs shadowed the food security team and conducted the case studies in Megacha and Dire Dawa. She also had the chance to visit the area of Addis Ababa, the most heavily populated city in Ethiopia. Briggs’ first case study was to evaluate the effectiveness of small scale irrigation systems in reducing food insecurity. In order to collect data, 10 to 43 households were randomly selected and a questionnaire was distributed to the head of the household or the spouse. According to the questionnaires, the majority of the spouses had an increase in income, increase in assets, increase in female decision making and a decrease of food insecurity for months. The second case study was conducted to evaluate the impact

of PSNP, and to evaluate the application qualifications for PSNP. Current beneficiaries and graduates of the program from 2007, 2008 and 2009 were interviewed for the research. In order for a beneficiary to graduate in the region of Oromiya, they must have an income of 18,000 Ethiopian Birr, had a livestock of three to 10 animals and they must have proved that their crop growing had improved by 10 to 15 percent. Graduation for these beneficiaries would have been impossible if they did not receive help from those of different programs. Before July 2009, there was a concern of graduating 50 percent of the beneficiaries. “We really view these opportunities not only as a chance for CRS but for students to learn in the developing world. They get the opportunity to work effectively with the local culture,” Laver said. “It’s wonderful she had this great opportunity. I’m confident she will take with her the impressions she gained and make use of them in the future,” Sister Christine Marie Baltas said. The future of food security lies in the hands of the chronic drought, corruption of the government and global climate change. Briggs realized that after her trip she was able to see herself having a future in international development because of the work she was able to take part in over the course of eight weeks. “I finally connected my academic work with interests in international development,” Briggs said.

Forum highlights faculty research rachael renz staff writer


Four Cabrini professors have been conducting self-inspired research and on Thursday, Oct. 29 the annual faculty forum was held in the Grace Hall Boardroom, where each professor had the opportunity to show their findings. Each professor has been examining their choice of matter and has great plans to continue their research. The professors who were participating had developed a presentation and some brought in props and handouts for the listeners. Dr. Carrie Nielsen, assistant professor of biology, conducted research over this past summer on different soils, eutrophication and nitrate. Nielsen’s presentation was titled “Beneath our Feet: Examining the Effects of Campus Landscape,” and explained the research that she performed

along with students Christopher Catagnus and Lynda Kaufmann. “Nitrification is the rate at which nitrate is produced in soil,” Christopher Catagnus, junior biology major, said. “Our goals for our experiment are to get a lab to carry out our experiments and maintain unmanaged and managed soils,” Nielsen said. Dr. David Dunbar, associate professor of biology, spoke to the audience of students and faculty of his research. His presentation was titled “Living Life on the Wild Side.” Over the duration of his research, Dunbar has been focusing on a microorganism named halophiles which are microorganisms that live and grow in high-salt environments. Another faculty member to demonstrate her analysis was Dr. Melinda Harrison, associate professor of chemistry. Her team of researchers included Bruce Beaver and two Cabrini students, Kayla Messer and Derreck Shenk. Their presentation

was titled “Perfecting the Art of Wine Making: What’s in the barrel?” After so many winemakers reproducing their wine, they eventually want to maximize their profits with their production, which happens to be wine barrels. Harrison explained that wine is aged in oak barrels and is enhanced with the addition of vanilla, oak and spicey overtones. “Ellagitannins gives wine its distinct taste and smell,” Shenk said. Dr. Paul Wright, associate professor of English, titled his presentation “Voices Blended.” Wright has a love for Shakespeare and it has inspired him to research and teach William Shakespeare’s works of art; one work of art being “Coriolanus.” “Coriolanus” is a Shakesperian tragedy and also his last effort at tragic mode. “I love this play and I have researched and analyzed it for many years. Most people believe that the main character is the enemy himself, but I believe Rome to be,” Wright said.


Cabrini’s Body Image Coalition has extended its services by providing guest speakers to the college community. The purpose of the speakers is to help students come to peace with one’s body and form an overall acceptance. On Nov. 3 “Andrea’s Voice” was presented on behalf of those involved in this organization. Tom and Doris Smeltzer’s daughter, Andrea, died in 1999 at the age of 19, after a one-year battle with bulimia nervosa. They now travel around the country and speak with high schools and colleges about her death. The importance of understanding the complexity of these illnesses is to fully grasp that eating disorders are not the cause of death, but yet the mental and physical battle they have on one’s body. “Their mission is to promote awareness and understanding of eating disorders and related issues,” Lisa Stockton, vice president of the Body Image Coalition said. Doris Smeltzer authored a book called “Andrea’s Voice...Silenced by Bulimia.” The book includes Andrea’s poetry, letters and journal entries. “I think it is important for students to attend this presentation, because they need to be aware of the prevalence of eating disorders among college students,” Stockton said. Statistics show that there is a large growth of these developing diseases and if education is not provided, young people will continue to fall into the trap of these harmful cycles.

I believe we all are beautiful in our own way and that is a belief I hope to pass on.” Stockton said college campuses are a breeding ground for disordered eating habits. Bit Hess, president of the group, said the Body Image Coalition is a group that is devoted to promoting healthy body image around campus and elsewhere, because so many Americans, young or old, male or female, feel unnecessary pressure to look a certain way due to the standards that are projected in the media and society. “I think that young adult women are more perceptive of societal messages that convey to them the apparent importance of being thin. This is an issue that is very important to me, and I would like more people in our community to become aware of it,” Stockton said. Hess hopes that the guest speakers will impact the college community and serve as an example that can lead individuals away from making unhealthy decisions regarding their body image. Andrea Sussel, who is now the club adviser and a counselor, and who works with the Counseling and Psychological Services office in Grace Hall started the Body Image Coalition three years ago. The Body Image Coalition usually meets once a month in the library. The club aims to provide education and support for people so they can make healthy and positive choices that allow them to feel comfortable in their skin. The Body Image Coalition welcomes new members and encourages anyone who feels he or she has a problem with body image to formally contact Counseling and Psychological Services. “I would be happy knowing we helped at least one person realize how beautiful they are, because I believe we all are beautiful in our own way and that is a belief I hope to pass on,” Hess said.




Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Sarah Silverman angers Catholic Church...again IN MY OPINION

jamie santoro staff writer


Comedian Sarah Silverman has proposed a new way of ending world hunger. No, you read that correctly. Sarah Silverman, star and creator of “The Sarah Silverman Project” and vicious funny lady, has a new theory on ending world hunger, an issue that has plagued the world for hundreds of years. It gets better. Her plan? Sell the Vatican. You know, the city-state and H.Q. of the Catholic Church. She

wants to sell it. Before we classify this as an insane idea, let us think about it. What is one group in the world that has millions in property, antiques and straight cash? Well there are a lot, but the Catholic Church is one of them. While I have never personally been to the Vatican everyone knows it’s basically a palace. I saw “Angels & Demons,” and I know that it’s more than what’s necessary for a bunch of priests. The Vatican is worth something. Silverman states in the video that, “You preach to live humbly and I totally agree so maybe now it’s time to move out of your house that is a city.” She has a point. Does the Catholic Church need a castle to call home? Do they need their own country? In actuality, this plan won’t really pan out. The Vatican’s worth was estimated at $900 million in 2004, which was before

the economy went south. Also, on the business side, the Vatican has seen deficits in the past two years averaging just over a million in the red. The UN gives out $7.9 billion in food-based aid a year so $900 million will only make a dent. We have to take into account the fact the Catholic Church would never consider selling their crown jewel. The Church’s opinion on this? Well, the Vatican declined to comment, but my favorite organization, The Catholic League, was quick to respond. They called the attacks “filthily diatribe.” The crazies, I mean Catholics, at the league also say that Silverman would never go after the heads of Judaism or Islam. Not to sound like a 13-year-old girl but… duh. They don’t flaunt their wealth like Catholics do. In all of this there is one thing that people need to understand. This is meant to be funny, people! Sarah

Silverman is a comedian not an economist. This video is hilarious! Maybe there is an indirect reference to molestation. Maybe she discusses the lack of Arby’s in Ethiopia. Maybe she calls the Pope a “caped crusader.” It is all done in the vein of comedy. Silverman wants to rile people up. I recommend checking out the video and making your own conclusions. In my eyes, it’s a funny video that asks some interesting questions. I’m not surprised that people’s feathers are ruffled. Anytime you mention the Church and the sentence doesn’t include “praise thee” you’re in trouble. Comedy always seems to be lost on the holy. Now, take away all the deep thought. Sarah Silverman wanted to piss off the Church, simple as that. Amen.


Comedian Sarah Silverman is widely known for her controversial stand-up acts, which have often pushed the limits of a variety of religious groups.

Swine flu vaccine offers peace of mind IN MY OPINION

alexandra pittinsky staff writer


Since this summer, H1N1 influenza mania, better known as “swine flu,” has taken over the United States. Now there is a vaccine for the swine flu virus. The swine flu is different from the common flu because it is a different strain of the virus. However, the symptoms for the swine flu are quite similar to the symptoms of the common flu. The symptoms are cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, runny nose, fatigue, a fever over 100 degrees and in some cases nausea or vomiting. Typically, people over the age of 60 are at an extremely low risk of getting the virus whereas pregnant women are at a much higher risk

rate of getting the virus. Young adults, who are not usually largely affected by the seasonal flu, are at a higher risk of getting the swine flu. People infected with the virus are contagious one day before getting sick, and up to seven days after that. All across the United States, elementary schools, high schools and college campuses have been forced to shut their doors for one week, due to the rise of swine flu cases. Now, there is something we can do to protect ourselves from the swine flu. There is now a vaccine that is in its first year trial to fight against the virus. The purpose of a vaccine is to give a weakened form of the virus so that the body can have a chance to attack it and then in turn, make your body immune to it. Because this is the first year for the swine flu virus I do not know if I trust it. I am skeptical because I do not know anyone personally who has gotten the vaccine. However, I do believe that the vaccine is necessary. So far 1,000 people have died in the United States and 20,000 more have been hospitalized.

President Barack Obama has declared the H1N1 virus a national emergency. The CDC recommends that people get the seasonal influenza vaccination first and then the H1N1 vaccination when it becomes available at their doctor or a local registered site. I discussed the topic with my parents and they strongly suggest that it would be a good investment for me to get the H1N1 influenza vaccine and they said that if the virus affected people their age they would get it as well. In general, we can protect ourselves with hand sanitizers and simply by being cautious of germs and people who might have a cold or cough. If you are interested in the vaccine, the CDC has identified five groups of people who are most vulnerable to complications from the H1N1 virus. Those five groups include pregnant women, health care providers and EMS personnel, parents or caregivers of children younger than six months of age, persons six months to 24 years of age and those younger than 60 years of age with certain underlying

medical conditions. Currently, the initial shipments of the vaccine have been placed for Pennsylvania providers, and the Pennsylvania Department of Health is working with these private

providers to reach certain populations most in need. In the meantime, contact your health care provider or school district to see if the vaccine has arrived. As larger quantities of the vaccine arrive in

the commonwealth, the Department of Health has said it will have public vaccination sites as an additional means to receive the vaccination.


In the midst of swine flu mania, students are questioning whether or not getting the H1N1 vaccine is really worth the possible risk of taking part in a first-time vaccination. Vaccinations are being offered on certain campuses and, for some students, at work for a discounted price.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Co-ed dorm rooms create new distraction for Syracuse students IN MY OPINION

holly prendergast staff writer


Syracuse University in Syracuse, N.Y. has recently announced that starting in the fall 2010 semester they will be piloting co-ed suite dorm rooms. The rooms will have two bedrooms, one for the male and one for the female with a common area room. In this pilot program, 74 students will be selected at random to participate if they wish. I do not think that this is a good idea for Syracuse University to propose. Yes, they are just moving along with the times and things are changing, but I just think that this is taking things too far. I think that this will promote promiscuity and I think that it will only act as a distraction for the students. I do understand that many people have friends who are of the opposite sex that they would like to live with, but I feel as though more people will be trying to live with their significant other. I also understand



that people should have the right to live with whomever they choose, but I feel that living with a significant other while in a college campus setting will only cause problems. Imagine if two people who were living together, and were dating, then they break up and want nothing to do with one another. What is residence life supposed to do? Accommodate them and place them in different housing just because they have broken up? I feel that this program will cause more problems than happiness. I also do not think that this is a good idea because I think that many parents and guardians will be against this policy. Syracuse University is a very reputable institution, and I personally think that by instating this program, they will have less applicants. I think that by allowing this program, many parents will be discouraging their children from applying to this school. By allowing co-ed suites at Syracuse University, I think that many people will become distracted and it will only further complicate living situations. Living with someone of the same sex is stressful enough with all of the differences that two people have, but imagine two people of the opposite sex living together. I feel that it will cause two much drama and unnecessary drama at that.

Living with someone of the opposite sex is acceptable; however, I do not think that it is acceptable in a college campus setting. College is about learning, getting a degree and having fun. I do not think that living with someone of the opposite sex is necessary to fulfill any of these aspects. All in all, I think that living with someone of the opposite sex can wait until after college life. I think that by living with someone of the opposite sex, there will only be distractions, drama and unnecessary problems. I think that if Syracuse University were smart they would not institute this program because I think that in the end it will only cause preventable problems that never have to occur.

What’s your perspective? Send us your questions or comments to: Loqperspec@ googlegroups.com

600 miles away from home:

Cabrini student values lessons learned at Cabrini


lauren sliva staff writer


It can take me anywhere from 10 to 12 hours, depending on traffic, construction, and which highway I take, for me to get home. I get asked the question “Why Cabrini?” a lot, and when I say a lot, it basically means everyone. I chose to go far from home based on a feeling. It felt like it was a good choice and basically the campus reminded me of wooded Michigan; which led me to experience a life that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. Living 600 and someodd miles doesn’t make it easy to go home on the weekends, or plan fun get-away trips with high school friends or even visit my own family. Living far from home may be hard but I don’t mind it. I’ve experienced driving for 12 hours straight in the boring farmland of Pa. praying not to fall asleep. Also, I

have been on a train for 15 hours, telling myself never again, and on a plane by myself for the first time. This was all in about a three month span of being away from home. Freshman year I had the biggest culture shock of my life. I got to meet New Yorkers and Philly fanatics for the first time. I got to experience them when they cheer for the Phillies, the Eagles, the Flyers and the Giants, and how loud these fans can be on a “quiet” day. I used to think they were insane. I was lost. I came to school not knowing where anything was, not knowing anyone at the school or in the area around me, and the person that lived the closest to me lived in the Carolinas. During my first semester I was sure that I was going to transfer and head back to the Midwest. Through all my confusion, I had learned to take care of myself; I couldn’t spend money on small things or go out to eat because it was a long way home for handouts or food shopping. I literally lived on $5 for the majority of my first year. Granted, I cried my eyes out a couple of times just wanting to go back to what I was familiar with, which was the laidback people of Michigan. However, it was because the trips home were few and far between that I came to appreciate and

like Pa. Grand Rapids didn’t have much for me and I was having more fun in Radnor. I have come to love being far from home. I have grown closer with my family and seem to have learned more about them from being away from them rather than living with them. I have learned to rely on myself to get things done, even though I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t get help from my parents. I still see my family during the holidays and I still talk to them, thanks to the internet and my cellphone. The only difference is that I don’t go home on the weekends or run home when I feel homesick. My mom always told me, “You have a moment to cry but then you have to suck it up,” because for me to go home is about $200 away, and me living on $5 will only get me a train ticket to the airport. Living far away is an experience. I know that I will always be a midwest girl, it’s home and will always be home. But I’d rather say that I have lived in the all different parts of the country then say I have only lived in one place and never experienced living with crazy people in a crazy city.

Tobacco should butt out of campuses IN MY OPINION

keara corbin staff writer


Students are smoking and chewing tobacco all over the world. I personally think it’s outrageous, especially chewing tobacco. Snuff is another form of tobacco; it is finely ground tobacco that when in dry form, is sniffed up the nose. Chewing tobacco is use of smokeless tobacco which causes cancer in humans.

The association between smokeless tobacco use and cancer is strongest for cancers of the oral cavity. Oral cancer has been shown to occur several times more frequently among snuff dippers than among non-tobacco users. Tobacco is the leading cause of cancer and death overall, the question is, why is it still legal? People believe these drugs are not as dangerous as those so called real drugs. Bullshit, you develop all types of problems such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, coronary artery disease; and the list goes on. Tobacco is highly addictive. It is considered mood and behavior altering. Tobacco is believed to have an addictive potential comparable to alcohol, cocaine, and morphine. Why would you want to use a drug that is

comparable to cocaine? People know the facts and still take part in this disfigurement of their bodies. I think the problems should begin to stop on campuses first. We as a youth should stop it because it would be easier for our generation to bring this problem to an end. If no one buys the product the tobacco industry will slowly decrease. We are keeping this tobacco industry afloat; the population of smokers is amongst the age groups of 18-25 are in the greatest percentile. I feel that the use of tobacco needs to be closely looked upon to become illegal. The number of death caused by this product is way too high. I know money is the main component in the tobacco industry but, in that case, you should have kept some

of the real drugs legal. I feel that something needs to be done to stop the addiction to cigarettes and all other types of tobacco. We all know that smoking causes lung cancer but there are those of us who do not have a care in the world about it saying it’s their way of releasing stress and whatever other excuse they have, but the minute disaster strikes, it’s lets sue the manufacturer for producing a disease and selling it legally to the people. If you feel strongly about the use of tobacco you won’t wait for something bad to happen to you in order to quit smoking.


Cigarettes and tobacco products are present on campuses, and some are vying for a ban for health reasons.



Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


Dodgeball raises cancer awareness for students eric gibble staff writer


Students gathered beneath the lights of the tennis courts to participate in a battle that would determine the best dodgeball team at Cabrini on Thursday, Oct. 22. However, the competition was not the only reason students came to compete. “We want to reinforce that we’re here for a good time and a good cause,” Orlin Jespersen, assistant director of athletics, said to the excited teams before the tournament began. The dodgeball tournament for cancer awareness was held to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The event brought 36 players together on an unusually warm fall night and raised $500. Kyle Roth, sophomore undeclared major, was the brainchild behind it all. For his “Leadership of the Heart” class freshman year, Roth developed the dodgeball tournament idea as a service project. This year, faculty director for the living and learning community, Sharmon Bryant, approached Roth about bringing his project to life. “This year she approached me again and still wanted to do it. That’s where the ball started rolling,” Roth said. He admitted that he was nervous about the turnout for the event. “I was really one of the doubters that thought there were only going to be about five people,” Roth said. After seeing the potential that Roth’s idea had, Bryant wanted to implement it. “I’ve had some personal interface with the disease,” Bryant said. She had her own scare with

lymphoma this past summer. “It was really a nice effort that involved members of the campus community,” Bryant said. The inspiration behind Roth’s project is his younger cousin, Sean Beatty. Beatty first began to complain about his muscles hurting. After a doctor’s visit, Beatty was diagnosed with leukemia. “It was hard to see him. I remember doing another charity event, Light the Night, and when we were leaving no one could touch him. No one could give him a hug or a kiss,” Roth said. Beatty had to withdraw from school due to his extended hospital visits and intense chemo treatments. A week before his birthday on Aug. 14, 2003, Beatty passed away. “He loved fishing, soccer, and he liked to be an older brother,” Roth said. Other students were inspired by the event and shared similar stories of relatives who were affected by cancer. Sophomore business administration major Dianne Walmsley’s mother passed away in 1993 after being diagnosed with lung and throat cancer. “We dodged for life tonight,” Walmsley said. Other students participated in the event simply to raise awareness to help the cause. “I’ve had relatives that have had cancer, but no one I’m really close to. We just want to find a cure and save more lives,” Brother Dominic Whetzel, sophomore English major, said. “I did this for charity, a little bit of peer pressure and to have fun,” Whetzel said. “I’m a swimmer, not a runner. But, I’d definitely do it again.” Additional tables were set up throughout the campus to raise


Team Target’s Megan Fasano, Dianne Walmsley, Lisa Somers, Jeryl Lehmuller, Mackenzie Stewart and Jacky McDermott dodged for a good cause.


Pictured are the winners of the tournament, Team 6. Each player received a trophy and the team earned the title of dodgeball champs. money. Students who did not participate but came by to watch could also donate and received a bracelet. Members of Team 6 ended up being the winners after the

deciding game was over and they were each awarded with their own trophies. But, at the end of the night, there were no losers. “It was great. There was a lot of friendly team competition,”

Walmsley said. “But our team will have to strategize more next time.”

Hockenberry impressed by Cabrini students noelle westfall staff writer


New assistant professor of political science, Shelby Hockenberry, has made a splash at Cabrini College with her passion for teaching and intense lectures. She currently teaches classes that include current events, state and local politics and public administration and policy. She keeps students intrigued with her wide variety of teaching methods. “My favorite thing about teaching is when I can share what I have learned from my experience working on the practical side of politics in policy to academia and seeing the students make connections on how they can use these principles in their own lives or research,” Hockenberry said. Hockenberry received her Bachelor’s degree from Gettysburg College, master’s degree in American studies from Georgetown University and a second master’s degree

in international relations. Hockenberry also receieved a doctorate in international relations from the University of Delaware. In the past, she has worked primarily in health policy and environmental policy, at the state, federal and international levels in Washington D.C. and throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Before coming to Cabrini, she coordinated policy research at the Center for Marine Policy and the Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, both housed at the University of Delaware, where she oversaw multiple research projects that ranged in scope from Delaware to New York to Europe and Vietnam. When Hockenberry was applying for the job of assistant professor of political science, she was up against some steep competition. The interview process included giving a lecture to students from the political science major and performing interviews with them students

and a panel of faculty and staff. “I think that she set herself apart from the other candidates, because she understood the mission of the college,” Dr. James Hedtke, chair of the history and political science department, said. “[The lecture] was well received by the students. I think she also did well with the one-on-one in the interview process.” “I’ve been very impressed


Hockenberry is new to the Cabrini political science department.

so far with the students; I think they are really impressive,” Hockenberry said, “They ask very inquisitive, thoughtful questions in class and they really have a sense of their place in the world, how they can make a difference. They clearly have a zest for learning. I would say the students are definitely top notch.” In just a few short months, Hockenberry has made herself a staple in the political science department at Cabrini, giving students from all majors the opportunity to see the world and politics with more depth than they ever had before. “Prof. Hockenberry keeps the class interested by mixing up her lectures,” Christopher Blake, senior English and communication major, said. “She doesn’t only lecture, but also allows the class to voice their opinions, work with other students and learn from interactive lessons.” Hockenberry’s small office includes lots of books, several

posters from major international policy conferences and research efforts she planned with the center, and lots of memorabilia from her journeys. She loves to travel and has been to many countries including France, England, Italy, Singapore, Portugal, Vietnam and especially enjoys the Caribbean, where Jamaica is herfavorite place to see. Hockenberry is a movie buff and loves to read a variety of books including political science, biographies and novels. Besides teaching, another love of Hockenberry’s is music. She was a classically trained cellist from a young age and still finds time to play in her spare time. “If students are interested in learning about epidemic global policy issues throughout the world then they should definitely take this class,” Amanda Alves, junior history and secondary education major, said of Hockenberry’s current events class.


Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009



Tattoos allow people to express Pressure can affect emotion, beliefs through body art young adults daily alexandra pittinsky

trevor wallace

staff writer

staff writer



From the early Egyptians to today’s popular Miami Ink artwork, tattoos have been a part of society and have allowed people to express experience or emotions through them. It can be a simple “I love Mom” on the side of the arm, or a full body set of tattoos that make someone look like a cheetah. Most people wouldn’t go that far. Instead people tend to find that happy medium and settle for something on a more personal level. “To me, a tattoo is a symbol of what I stand for. It’s a big deal,” Eliot Bartlett, junior history and arts major, said. Bartlett had thought for some time before getting his first tattoo. He decided on the Delta sign, which means change. Bartlett liked the idea of tattoos so much that he decided to get four more, including a grenade with the accompanying lyrics from “Against Me.” “This is advancement, this is entertainment,” Bartlett said. On another note, Bartlett had another piece done depicting a man throwing a bouquet of flowers (instead of a Molotov cocktail), which symbolizes the peace needed to balance war, represented with the grenade. However, there is one distaste Bartlett has regarding tattoos. “For girls, tramp stamps are not attractive,” Bartlett said. So what about those who don’t have tattoos? Have they not gotten around to getting one, or is there another reason? For Jessica Haurin, junior psychology major, she feels there’s more to it than having ink under your skin. “A tattoo is too lasting, and for something like that to always


Justin Bolonski, the owner of Integrity Tattoo, is pictured tattooing customer Trevor Columbo. be there, I feel after some time it wouldn’t be what it used to mean to me,” Haurin said. Some people have taken tattoos to the next level, using their skills as an artist to open their own shop. Justin Bolonski, owner of Integrity Tattoo, has been a professional tattoo artist for the past 18 years. A self-taught artist, Bolonski knew at age 12 that he wanted his entire body covered in ink. “People hang pictures on the walls of their houses. I figure I might as well put some pictures on my skin,” Bolonski said. Many of Bolonski’s tattoos are intricate designs that capture the eye. However, he does have one that holds meaning to it, and it’s his daughter’s name. It also happens to be on the side of his head. Bolonski knows the lasting effects of tattoos. He sometimes warns customers not to follow through with their tattoo, because many of his customers come back a year later asking him to remove it. In his field of work, long and tedious hours of sketching and brainstorming are not uncommon.

To aspiring tattoo artists, Bolonski throws a caution flag. “You have to love what you do, because you will lose your social life. The day it stops being fun for me is the day I stop tattooing,” Bolonski said. Integrity Tattoo, located in Royersford, Pa., is an attractive shop complete with every tattoo magazine to help customers get a better feel for what they are looking for. If you feel your body is a canvas, stop in and say hello. Who knows, maybe you’ll walk out with some fresh ink.


This is one of Integrity Tattoo’s signature posters.

Students volunteer as teen motivators alyssa davies staff writer


It’s every student’s anticipation and every parent’s vision for their child to college. For most it’s expected, however, for others it’s just a dream. Financial and domestic problems keep the students from St. Francis of Assisi of Norristown from acquiring any hope of moving on to further education after high school. With little intuition or motivation, these students give up on the fight and just ride out the rest of their educational career. Cabrini’s teen motivators have been working alongside St. Francis of Assisi to show these students that college is not out of their reach. Every Friday, they spend time with seventh and eighth graders to answer questions and prepare them for high school.

“They go into high school thinking it’s the end of the road,” Stephen Eberle, coordinator of Community Partnerships, said, The teen motivators are run by a group of four Cabrini students, Kerry Allaire, Lindsey Anderson, Megan Conte and Matt Slutz. As a service learning part of the course, Dr. Beverly Bryde’s class joins them every week. On the fourth week of the month, the students bring the kids of St. Francis to Cabrini’s campus. “Teen motivators bring the students to campus to show them what college has to offer,” Allaire, junior elementary education major, said. The volunteers show them what life is really like in college by doing activities such as sitting in the classroom, eating in the cafeteria, learning about Cabrini’s newspaper, the Loquitur, and playing different sports in the gym. During this program, they take

the time to show the students what colleges are really looking for. The Cabrini students also share their experience of high school and tell the students what type of courses will help them in applying for college. It’s really important that these students see that high school is not the end of the road. With a lot of ambition and a little guidance, anyone can overcome anything. Even though these students are brought up with many disadvantages, it doesn’t mean that they should deny themselves of a college education. Teen motivators have been nothing but successful in their mission to open up the minds and show the students that they are capable of so much more.

As if being an adolescent isn’t hard enough, college students try to maintain jobs, relationships and extracurricular activities, all while trying to keep their parents happy by earning decent grades. “It seemed difficult at first, especially when I was a freshman here at Cabrini,” Kourtney Spak, sophomore psychology major, said. “I never thought I’d be able to get my work done and go to practices and matches. I knew tennis consumed a lot of time, three or more hours for each match. But to be honest, after classes started, my worries went away. I realized I had a lot more time than I thought, and I was able to get everything done on time. It’s really all about time management, and knowing which priorities come first.” Today, the added pressure of the economic downfall weighs heavy on students’ backs. Most students even need to work one or two jobs to help their parents with the pricey annual tuition. “I’m president of the history club, I’m on SGA and I’m the men’s basketball team manager as well. Balancing everything that’s going on while also managing my grades and working to pay my own bills is a huge weight on my back,” said Charlene Guzman, history and secondary education double major. As if the strenuous economic status weren’t

enough, students try to enroll in challenging majors, planning for their futures. “My schedule is extremely hectic. Not only am I enrolled in very challenging courses, I also have to always try my hardest being a pre-med student in order to get into the dental school I want to attend. I always have to be aware of my priorities and put other things aside, such as having a huge social life like most students,” Ashton Kazlo, premed major, said. On the other hand, some people learn to juggle their activities more effectively because they learn how to manage their time better. “I actually feel less stressed when I’m in season because you have to put in place time management. Even last year as a freshman it was nice having a structured schedule of classes then practice because I knew right after that I would have to get my work done. It works out nicely and helps you maintain a healthy schedule,” Alexis DiCamillo, undecided major, said. Whatever your method for trying to maintain a nonchaotic life, remember it will not help to get overwhelmed and stressed. Some students are simply just enrolled in too many courses and too many clubs or extracurricular activities. Take a step back and think to yourself, “is it going to help if I work myself up about this?” It is normal to feel a little or a lot of pressure in college but simply reevaluate everything on your plate and make a few changes to better suit you.






10 A&E

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

‘FirstGlance’ film festival showcases inspiring filmmakers’ work kerri dougherty staff writer


After much anticipation, the annual “FirstGlance” independent film festival took place at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia from Oct. 22 to Oct. 25. It was a great turnout for the 12th annual film festival, as crowds of people rushed to the scene on all nights of the event. The film festival featured different kinds of projects as the screen rolled feature lengths, feature documentaries, short narratives, mini-docs, student shorts, music videos and animation. In 1996, “FirstGlance” was created in a small basement by one of Philadelphia’s own and Temple University Alumni, Bill Ostroff. Ostroff originally lived in Philadelphia, then decided to expand his horizons with a huge move to Los Angeles. He successfully held the festival in both cities. Recently, Ostroff has decided to move back to Philadelphia in hopes to hold a film festival that takes place more than once a year. “With $300 out of my own pocket, we started our own festival. We put a couple of our own projects in, along with some other people’s films and suddenly made a profit. We held the festival in a theater space, in two little rooms with 40 seats each for three nights. In total, we showed about 20 projects,” Ostroff said. Many people were attracted to this event. It was a great opportunity to head out and watch films. The film festival was also a great opportunity for aspiring directors and filmmakers because they got the chance to meet with multiple directors and really have some one-on-one time with them. The majority of the directors there were interested in what the audience had to say and they were accepting any criticism in exchange

for a better learning experience for themselves. The audience voted on “Best of the Fest.” It was an all around interacting event where people were sharing ideas and receiving comments on their work. Many took it as a learning experience. “I came here tonight to get a glimpse of how a film festival

works. I am interested in participating in many film festivals, but I do not have the confidence just yet to share my work, but after tonight, seeing the crowd and how everyone was so interested in everybody’s ideas, it just made me think that no idea is a bad idea and I regret not trying to get my stuff out there,” Tim Nolan, freshman

from Temple University, film and media arts major, said. One interesting film that touched the hearts of the audience was a film about the Civil War and how influential it was on the American society. Film director, John Foley of Producers Management Television and a Temple University graduate of1974, radio

television major just got back into film five-years ago. Foley had a lot to say about the filmmaking process and some interesting tips for any filmmaker. “Documentaries are different than a feature. With a documentary you have to follow where the story takes you. With the film I presented tonight about the civil war, it started getting interesting when the cast met with a historical decent. We found the granddaughter of a flag bearer in the Civil War and it was an amazing experience. When we arrived at the scene of the flag, she instantly got emotional and as the cameras were rolling, chills were just shooting down our spines,” Foley said. When asked how they found the granddaughter of the Civil War flag bearer by someone in the audience, Foley explained the story. “When we were on the hunt to find someone of historical decent, Google came through and saved us. We also worked with the Smithsonian museum in Washington, D.C. Things started getting very stressful as to finding out information for the movie. I continued to call the senator of Washington for help and he finally came through,” Foley said.“The film took two-and-half years to create. It takes a lot of patience, but the turnout is very rewarding. I relied on the kindness of strangers. It cost about $25,000 cash and $150,000 in favors to produce this film.”


This graphic is from another film festival called “Angry Film Festival.” FirstGlance was held on Oct. 22.

Childhood book comes alive in new feature film joe demarzio staff writer


“Where the Wild Things Are” brought in $32.7 million on its opening weekend in United States movie theaters. The film is adapted from the classic children’s book, written by Maurice Sendak in 1963. The almost perfect live-action adaption of the book was directed by Spike Jonze and was released in theaters everywhere on Oct. 16. Unlike the children’s novel, the film version of the story is geared toward an older audience. The tone of the movie is a lot darker than the book was, with the narrative extremely to the point. The movie starts off with a little, happy-go-lucky boy named Max who sometimes feels like people do not understand him as best as they could. In the beginning of the movie, he bites his mother after a confrontation in front of her boyfriend and makes

an attempt to run away. His attempt becomes successful when he makes a run for it into the forest, and he stumbles upon a boat. The journey begins when the boat sets sail into the darkness and arrives on a deserted island, or so he thought. He sees a bunch of strange creatures, ones that he has never seen before, creatures that are called “wild things.” Surprisingly enough, when Max meets the “wild things” he is not frightened. He approaches them with a great deed of courage; this is when he starts to tell them lies. He tells the “wild things” that they cannot eat him because he has magical powers, and that he was the king of his land where he came from. The “wild things” believe him and make him king of the island. “The movie was really cute. It evolved from the book without making it too cheesy. I can’t wait to see it again,” Maureen Hammond, sophomore biology major, said. Apparently, many people

agreed, since it had a $53.5 million gross income after two weeks in theaters. The journey does not stop there though. Max and the “wild things” experience exciting adventures over the course of their time together. The movie differs from the book because it is less about the child, and more about being a child. “It was the best movie I have seen in awhile and it made me want to be a kid again. When my friends dragged me to see it, I thought I was going to hate it, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised,” Megan Hawkinson, sophomore education major, said. The crowd-pleasing movie adaption also uses unique style, music and costumes. “Where the Wild Things Are,” is a must see movie of 2009.

Max Reeds plays the main character, Max, with a big imagination.



Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Events from Nov. 5-Nov. 15 justin sillner staff writer

Hypnotist Saleish puts Cabrini students in a trance maria mcdonald staff writer



Thursday-Saturday Nov. 5- Nov. 7 Thursday, Friday, Sunday Nov. 12 - 15 “The Complete History of America: Abridged” The Cabrini College Theatre presents a comedy that parodies America’s past. Tickets are free, but required for admission. Tickets are available at the door or by calling 610-902-8328. Time: 8 p.m. Location: Cabrini College Theatre (Grace Hall) Saturday, Nov. 7 Annual Black & White Gala Kick off Cabrini week with the Gala in the mansion. Tickets are available in the SEaL Office. $10 for students and $15 for guests. Time: 8 p.m. Location: Mansion Tuesday, Nov. 10 Cabrini Day Classes will be cancelled until 4:30 p.m. and a variety of presentations and speeches will be held around the topic of human trafficking. For the full schedule, go to www.cabrini.edu. Time: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Location: Cabrini College campus Wednesday, Nov. 11 Mr. & Ms. Cabrini Paegent Come see the new Mr. & Mrs. Cabrini crowned in a talent competition. Time: 8 p.m. Location: Grace Hall Atrium Wednesday, Nov. 11 International Food Festival Come sample food from around the world at this FREE event. Time: 2 p.m. Location: Founder’s Hall, third floor

A&E 11

A magic show with a comedic twist kicked off Freak Week at Cabrini, with Saleish the hypnotist. On Monday, Oct. 26, Campus Activities and Planning Board presented the well-known hypnotist to Cabrini’s campus. Although Saleish was scheduled last year, CAP Board thought they should keep him on for this year. “One of the girls on CAP last year recommended him and this year everyone wanted a hypnotist. Plus, it’s not something you see every day,” Lauren Sliva, sophomore communication major, said. Sliva, who is a member of CAP Board, planned the event. Sliva and the CAP Board provided attendees with popcorn, coffee and soda. Though this event took a lot of planning, admission was free. Sliva made sure the word got around campus with the help of flyers and advertisements. Saleish told the audience that his show would be based purely on audience participation and the more cooperative the audience was the better the show would be. Almost all of the seats were filled as Saleish took the stage and provided

the audience with the three rules of his show. “You will not get naked, you will not reveal your deepest secrets and everything else is fair game,” Saleish said. “Afterwards you will feel amazing, I promise you this.” About 15 Cabrini students volunteered and took the stage sitting down behind Saleish. He told them to close their eyes and to listen to the sound of his voice. He assured them they would remember everything they do while hypnotized. As the audience watched the volunteers fall into Saleish’s trance and begin to feel “warm and tingly.” “This is something different, not like a singer like they usually have and it goes with the Halloween, freaky theme,” Emily Fiore, sophomore secondary education major, said. The show lasted about an hour and throughout the duration of Saleish’s show he put them to sleep and woke them multiple times. The code word he used to put the volunteers back into a trance was, “sleep.” While they were asleep, Saleish would describe situations that they were in. For example, he would say the temperature was dropping outside and the volunteers would start shivering. Another scenario he gave was that they were about to blast off in a rocket ship. Some participants

got very into the hypnosis even holding onto their seats as he yelled “blast off!” The reactions of the volunteers varied, some looked concentrated, while others were laughing uncontrollably. Saleish compared the process to ‘being stoned because sometimes people get the giggles.’ “Getting hypnotized was definitely the most out of this world experience, I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It was really cool to be so out-of-control over my own body,” Cristin Joy, junior elementary education major, said. Saleish’s combination of comedy and hypnosis won over the crowd at Cabrini College.

For any comments or concerns about this article, email LoqAE@ googlegroups. com

‘The Complete History of America: Abridged’ brings political humor to the Cabrini stage alyssa mentzer staff writer


Anticipated to be the funniest and most outrageous show performed on stage, “The Complete History of America: Abridged,” performed by the Cabrini College Theatre, is sure to be a spectacle uncommon for Cabrini playgoers. The satire is about 90 minutes long, with 22 scenes and 165 props used throughout the play. “It’s a very zany take on American history from the beginning to the present, but is also, underneath all the craziness and comedy, a lot of accuracy about American history. It’s really a crazy, funny, kind of wild evening,” Dr. Thomas Stretton, assistant professor of education and director of Cabrini College theatre, said. “The Complete History of America: Abridged” is a fast-paced play that moves from one part of history to another. The play makes fun of people like George Washington and George W. Bush and satirizes controversial issues like the Watergate scandal. The goal of the show is to not only give the audience an accurate timeline of historical events, but to have fun while doing it. Nothing is off-limits in this play. “This play is a spoof on American history, just taking a comedic look from the exploration of North America through the present day,” Shannon Winters, senior English secondary education major, said. The play was originally written and performed by Adam Long, Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor. However, 11 of Cabrini’s actors will be taking the stage as an ensemble to perform the various different characters from history. “Everybody has a whole host of roles because we are running back

and forth all the time playing various characters or various scenes, there is no specific lead in this show. It is more of an ensemble cast,” Joe Kinpflen, senior political science and history major, said. The play is a series of vaudeville sketches that are expected to have the audience full of laughter. “This show is an outrageous comedy. Some of the critics, where it is played, have said it’s like the ‘Daily Show,’ being hosted by the Marx brothers,” Stretton said. “The Complete History of America: Abridged” will debut tonight on Nov. 5. at 8 p.m. Students, faculty, parents and friends will also be able to enjoy the play on Nov. 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 15 in the Cabrini College Theatre in Grace Hall. The tickets are free. The actors of the play have high hopes for the show and urge everyone to come out and see the performance. “Come ready to laugh and prepare to be offended, if you are easily offended because it is not politically correct. It’s very funny, but it is definitely not politically correct,” Kinpflen said.

Check out this week’s webdition of “Loqation” on www.theloquitur.com ARIELLE FRISCIA/A&E EDITOR

“The Complete History of America: Abridged,” is being shown at the Cabrini College Theatre in Grace Hall.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


12 A&E

Checking out what’s happening at 89.1 WYBF-FM ‘The Burn’ WYBF DJ in spotlight: ‘Rockin’ Out with Paul Skow’ in WYBF on-air studio megan conte staff writer


The Cabrini College radio station, WYBF was one of the reasons why senior English and communication major, Paul Skow, wanted to attend Cabrini. “Rockin’ Out with Paul Skow” is a weekly WYBF-FM radio show. Paul Skow’s show is on Wednesdays from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. During Skow’s freshman year, he took the preliminary radio class. During Skow’s sophomore year, he was majoring in business. He hated accounting and felt that he wasn’t good at it, which was his reason for going back to communication. During his junior year, he officially became part of the WYBF staff. “I started last year and everyone had a name for their show already and I couldn’t think of one. The first two weeks I was nameless then I thought of ‘Rockin’ Out with Paul Skow.’ I asked Heather, who is the general manager of WYBF, and she thought it was good and the name stuck, and I have been using it ever since,” Skow said. WYBF is a variety station, but most of the staff plays Top 40 music. Skow is one of the few DJs who plays rock music on WYBF, which is his favorite. “I am really into music and like rock, so that’s what I play on my show,” Skow said. During the show, Skow doesn’t like playing the same music. He is always looking for new music and bands to give a fresh show for listeners each week. “I usually start off with something brand new that just came out

or high energy to get the show going,” Skow said. Sometimes Skow will begin his show with a plan to play certain songs. People will call in with requests, which Skow says makes the show diverse. During his show he will play about half CDs and half music that has been uploaded to the computer. There is a variety of music on the computer and thousands of songs. The program that is used for the music is called Dalet. “People will call in, Facebook or go to the WYBF Web site to request music they want to hear,” Skow said. There are certain guidelines that WYBF follows. The DJs play a legal ID at the top of every hour and a public service announcement, which is required by the Federal Communication Commision Besides that, the DJs can play whatever they want. The public service announcements, legal IDs and liners are all prerecorded, but there is a binder of public service announcements, which the DJ reads on air during their show. Skow pre-records promos for his personal show. Skow started promoting himself by telling friends and family to check out his show. Over time he has developed a pretty good fan base and now has a fan page on Facebook, which he recently made. When Skow graduates, he would like to continue in radio in some form or possibly be a music journalist. Join his fan page on Facebook, “Rockin’ Out with Paul Skow.”


Pictured is Paul Skow, who is currently Assistant Music Director at WYBF.


Cabrini students gathered at the Mansion after the scavenger hunt.

WYBF hosts annual Spooky Scavenger Hunt during Freak Week danielle mclaughlin staff writer


Rain and candy were in abundance as groups of students filled the mansion on Oct. 27 for Cabrini’s annual Spooky Scavenger Hunt. This scavenger hunt has been a fouryear tradition at Cabrini around Halloween time. Cabrini’s own 89.1 WYBF-FM “The Burn” is responsible for hosting the event. “I like this event because it’s a unique event on campus that gets students involved on a different level and it gets everyone roaming around campus, maybe going into different places they normally wouldn’t be allowed to go. It’s just a really fun event,” Heather Fullerton, general manager of WYBF, said. Every student participating met at the mansion at 8 p.m. Teams were composed of two to four players and were required to be back at the mansion by 9:30 p.m. whether they finished finding all of the items on the list or not. If teams were back later than 9:30 p.m. they were disqualified. Many students involved in the scavenger hunt were hoping to win the grand prize of four tickets to the Bates Motel. Other students were involved for the fun experience. Besides the tickets to the Bates Motel, there were also goodie bags filled with candy as well as gifts from Cabrini’s radio station. These bags were provided for everyone that participated. It was a sight to see as students ran around campus in the rain, fulfilling tasks such as, “Take a picture by the reflection pond,” or “Take a picture of 12 packets of ketchup.”

There were 52 tasks each team had to complete and take a picture of. Some objects were average everyday objects while others were extremely specific such as, “Take a picture of the smallest dorm on campus.” Each task was worth a certain amount of points. The points for each task were calculated by a member of the WYBF staff. Even though the rain was coming down, it barely put a damper on the good time had at the Spooky Scavenger Hunt. “I heard this event is exciting, even though it’s raining and there is a lot of mud. I decided to participate because it seems like a good opportunity to get out and do something fun,” Melissa Cipollini, junior communication major, said. Spooky Scavenger Hunt is definitely a tradition that WYBF will continue to host year after year because of its popularity. It is a great way to kick of the Halloween festivities for the week. Spooky Scavenger Hunt is part of Cabrini’s Freak Week. Festivities took place during freak week include, a hypnotist, Lolla-no-Booza, Capture the Clue mystery dinner in the mansion and the showing of “The Orphan” with pumpkin decorating. Halloween week is an exciting week at Cabrini College and Spooky Scavenger Hunt is a muchloved tradition. “I thought the Spooky Scavenger Hunt sounded really fun and I heard other people talk about how fun it is, and even though it’s raining I still had a really good time,” Lauren Karaszkiewicz, junior marketing major, said.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


Which Phillies player performed best in the postseason?



Troy Allen: sophomore buisness

shane johnson

allison gentry

graduate student


education major

elementary education major

“I would definitely say Ruiz because he has been giving the lineup a lot of support and has a good batting average.”

“I would say Werth. He comes in strong and gets the job done.”

danielle serino

becca rothemich



secondary education major

special education major

“Ryan Howard because he hits really well and has had six or seven homeruns in the playoffs so far.”

“You can always count on Ryan Howard to hit us up when we’re down.”

administration major - First Team All-Conference Jason Moran: senior communication major First Team All-Conference Brian Raffle: senior business administration major - First Team All- Conference Brian Moran: senior political science major First Team All-Conference Eric Collins: sophomore accounting major First Team All-Conference Bryan Johnson: senior exercise science and health promotion major - First Team AllConference King Saah: sophomore graphic design major Second Team All-Conference Kyle Johnson: sophomore early elementary education major- Honorable Mention Andrew Jacobs: senior business administraion major - CSAC Sportsmanship

Women’s Tennis

Michelle Lettmann:

Sophomore graphic design major - CSAC Sportsmanship Award

The Year

Stephanie Recklau: junior pre-med majorPlayer of The Year, First Team All-Conference

Traci Beltz: senior exercise science and

brian bell sophomore

criminology major

criminology major

“Howard comes in the clutch and always gets the big shot.”

“I have to go with Cliff Lee. He’s pitching lights out.”

kelsey kastrava/ staff writer

and health promotion major - First Team AllConference Brianna Conner: junior English major Second Team All-Conference Sabina DeGisi: senior English/ communication major - Second Team AllConference Maddy Edwards: freshman early elementary education major -Honorable Mention Annmarie Kolla: junior educational studies major - Honorable Mention, CSAC Sportsmanship Award Jenna Laufenberg: senior social work major - Honorable Mention Dana Nardello: elementary and special education major - Honorable Mention Gianna Poretta: Junior educational studies major - Honorable Mention

mathematics major - Honorable Mention Singles

Eric Schaefer: 3rd year coach - Coach of


major - First Team All-Conference

Sam Thompson: sophomore exercise science

Gabriela Durand: freshman


ed mcQuade

Women’s Soccer

Amanda Ribakusky: senior marketing

health promotion major - First Team AllConference Lizzie Williams: senior biology major First Team All-Conference Alexis Doss: sophomore educational studies major - Second Team All-Conference Courtney Abel: sophomore chemistry major - Second Team All-Conference Megan Ryan: freshman exercise science and health promotion major - Honorable Mention Beth Gillespie: sophomore mathematics major - CSAC Sportsmanship Award

Field Hockey

Lauren Alessi: sophomore political

science major - First Team All-Conference Maura Gordon: sophomore exercise science and health promotion major - First Team All-Conference Allie Rodolico: junior communication major - First Team All-Conference, CSAC Sportsmanship Award Lynda Kaufmann: senior biology major- Second Team All-Conference Desiree Umosella: junior criminology major - Second Team All-Conference Courtney Davis: junior educational studies major -Honorable Mention Caitlin Donahue: junior criminology major - Honorable Mention

Recklau named player of the year nicholas guldin staff writer


At 6 feet 2 inches, Stephanie Recklau seems like the typical athlete who was born and raised to play volleyball. However, this is not the case for Recklau, junior pre-med major. “My family wasn’t really into sports when I was growing up,” Recklau said. Her younger brother was interested in computers, while her sister was interested in art. In middle school Recklau played basketball, softball and soccer. In high school she continued her basketball career,


but began playing volleyball. “I loved volleyball, but I didn’t think I’d be good enough to play in college,” Recklau said. To her surprise, a college volleyball scout, who was originally looking at someone else,

approached her with an offer to play for Cabrini. Recklau was taken back by the offer but accepted with ease, extending her volleyball career into college. It didn’t take long for Recklau’s skill and dominance on the court to be noticed. She was named “Rookie of the Year” as a freshman in the Colonial States Athletic Conference and in the same year, she was ranked the 39th best player in the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The country music fan from Holland, Pa., who has hopes of becoming a doctor one day, continues to dominate as a junior as well. Recklau has been announced as the player with the

fifth highest hitting percentage in NCAA, as well as the 50 best player in blocking. Recklau didnt hesitate before saying, “My team is awesome and I couldn’t have done any of this without them.” “This is a team sport and these girls really show how teamwork pays off. That is a great lesson for anybody to learn,” Mary Recklau, mother of Stephanie, said. Cabrini, as a team, is 11 in hitting and 33 in blocking according to the NCAA. These statistics show that the Cabrini volleyball team, which is now 21-6, is hardworking. The team is also 9-0 in the CSAC and plans on making a run in the playoffs.

The women’s volleyball team is currently approaching the end of a well-played season and Recklau can’t help but be a little sad that these upcoming games will be the last she plays with her senior teammates. “It’s really upsetting that the three seniors are leaving, not only because they are great teammates, but because they are also three of my best friends,” Recklau said.“I know that we will continue to stay in touch, but the team dynamic will not be the same without them. Right now, we are really focused on the end of the season and hopefully coming home with a CSAC league win.”



Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Field hockey loses in final minutes lauren sliva staff writer



Bridget Bergen attempts to block the ball from the opposing player.

The field hockey team lost in the final minutes to Alvernia University on Thursday, Oct. 26, with a final score of 1-2. “Overall the game was good, we just wanted more people to score,” Jackie Neary, head coach, said. “I would have loved it if they moved the ball more.” The Cavaliers started the game off well, with Lindsey Atzeks, freshman forward, scoring the first goal. “Once I was in the circle, my mentality was to shoot and hope that it either went in, or someone helped tap it in,” Atzeks, elementary education major, said. Atzeks scored with nearly four minutes on the clock, with no tallied assist in the first half. However, they couldn’t keep up the rhythm. The Cavaliers en-


tered the second half with a one goal lead only to become tied after the 38 minute and be out shot 22-11. “Lindsey has had an outstanding season,” Neary said. “But I would like to be having more people scoring.” Caitlin Donahue, junior goalkeeper, left the game with 15 saves for the Cavaliers, while Alvernia’s goalkeeper, Amber Edy, had only eight saves. In addition to this game being the last home game for the season, seniors Bridget Bergen and Lynda Kaufmann had their very last home game for their college career. For the entire season, Bergen, special education major, has made two goals and Kaufmann, biology major, has guided the team with four defensive saves. Neary called the game a “prep game” for their first CSAC game against Marywood University. “The Alvernia game was a

good way to learn what the girls need to focus on,” Neary said. The team will enter the conference playoffs as the fourth seed, Marywood being the fifth seed. “I hope to knock Marywood out of the way,” Neary said. “We beat them last year and we are anticipating a hard entrance from them.” The field hockey team hosted the quarter final game on the Edith Robb turf field on Oct. 31. They won with midfielder, Maura Gordon, sophomore exercise science and health promotion major, making the only goal of the game in the fourth. The Cavaliers outshot Marywood 24-13. Gordon and Atzeks each led the team with four shots. Donahue had 12 saves, while Marywood’s goalkeeper, Jamie Bowman had 17 saves to the Pacers’ loss.

Check out more sports on Loqation, Cabrini’s webdition on www.theloquitur.com

Desiree Umosella passes the ball to a teammate during a game.

This week in sports

elizabeth krupka staff writer


Salary cap in NBA puts crunch on team numbers

Several teams are taking a major hit with the salary cap that the NBA has called for. The Eastern Conference has projected a $52 to $53 million cap. The Western Conference, however, is expected to drop to $51-52 million dollar budget. This budget cut is going to crunch the pay and number of members on the teams. Golfer Ian Poutler notches first victory in almost two years British golfer, Ian Poutler, shot a 72 to clinch the Singapore Open on Sunday, Nov. 1. Poutler finished the $5 million Open shooting 10 under par, edging out China’s Liang Wenchong from grasping the title. Poutler hit a middle-of-the-week slump, but rebounded to finish. Olympic torch makes its way to Canada Protestors lined up to try to disrupt the relay of the Olympic torch. Days after, Olympic torchbearers ran and rode to get the torch to the safe destination. It will take 106 days to get the torch to its safe haven to begin the Olympics on Feb. 12, 2010. The torch will pave its way through more than 1,000 communities before arriving for the Vancouver Olympic Games.

Upcoming Games Thursday, Nov. 5 Men’s Soccer- Home, Semifinals @ 4 p.m. Women’s Volleyball- Home, Semifinals @ 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6 No games Saturday, Nov. 7 Women’s Cross Country- Home, CSAC Championship @ 10 a.m. Men’s Cross Country- Home, CSAC Championship @ 11 a.m. Women’s Field Hockey- Home, Final @ 12 p.m. Men’s Swim- @ Kings College @ 1 p.m. Women’s Swim- @ Kings College @ 1 p.m. Women’s Soccer- Home, Final @ 3 p.m. Men’s Soccer- Home, Final @ 6 p.m. Women’s Volleyball- Home, Final TBA Sunday, Nov. 8 No games Monday, Nov. 9 No games Tuesday, Nov. 10 No games

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


What’s on your mind?

Fake fans

megan kutulis deputy editor


I’ll be the first person to admit that Phillies Phever is contagious. As a selfproclaimed Red Sox fan (calm down) I’ve caught my fair share of criticism for rooting for the Phils during the postseason, and appropriately so. Any team vying for a World Series win, any win, against the Yankees is a friend of mine. But besides dealing with the criticisms of you true Phillies phans out there, I’ve had to deal with something a lot worse: the dreaded baseball “fan.” You’ve seen them; they sit next to you in your 9:40. They’re the stranger across the table in Jazzman’s, they’re the friend on Facebook you wish you never accepted. They’re the first one to put up their “GoOoO PhIlLSsSsSsS!” status after the first homerun, and they’re the only ones who don’t understand why you can’t come out of a deep depression for at least 12 hours after a tough loss, or a loss in general.

Typical symptoms of these faux fans include false tales of emotional breakdowns after Lidge’s pitch in game five and voicing their very basic knowledge of baseball terminology. This doesn’t just apply to bandwagon Phillies fans, it applies to anyone who’s decided that knowing how many bases there are and having a general idea of where the strike zone is what makes them a baseball fan. Next time we’re biting our fingernails during Jimmy Rollins’ NLCS game four home run in the bottom of the ninth or watching A-Rod whine about a few stray pitches, don’t be that one in the background trying to impress us with the vocab you learned in this week’s sports section. It’s the most high stress situation we’ve come across all week, and your comments aren’t helping. Am I asking that everyone out there learn the ins and outs of baseball? Of course not. I realize that not everyone looks forward to Red October like I do, and I know that for you newcomers, it can be a tough game to understand. But, if you’re still asking questions like, “Wait, why is he walking to the base?” and “What’s pop-up mean?” (both real questions, mind you) then you should probably keep your mouth shut and learn the game and leave the discussion for the real fans.

Vote your choice for Mr. and Miss Cabrini!


Cavaliers continue seven game streak taylor crist staff writer tlc52@cabrini.edu

The men’s soccer team defeated Keystone College on Saturday, Oct. 31 with a final score of 5-0. The Cavaliers’ win contributed to their seventh consecutive unbeaten streak. Not only did the Cavaliers go into the game with a positive outlook, they also went in acknowledging the team’s nine seniors. With the start of the whistle, the Cavs kept an impressive offense against the Keystone Giants. Within less than six minutes, senior midfielder Brian Raffle scored the first goal of the game with an assist from senior midfielder Brian Moran. Less than two minutes after the first goal, senior forward Mike Giunta scored the second

goal for the Cavs after receiving a pass from senior forward Justin McCall. After half time, junior forward Steve Reynolds acted on a pass from sophomore Eric Collins to supply the team its third goal. Brian Johnson, senior goalkeeper, contributed greatly to the Cavaliers’ victory during the first half. Making one save, Johnson kept the Keystone Giants off the scoreboard during 45 minutes of action. Senior midfielder Evan Hanauer added to the defeat with a goal from an assist by Moran. Within only five minutes left in the second half, the Cavs earned their fifth and final goal by Raffle, who tallied his second goal of the team. Following intermission, the Cabrini Cavs remained determined and confident to shut out the Keystone Giants.

Mike Viscarielle continued the defeat during the second half with three save, making it impossible for the Giants to get on the scoreboard. The win was a great way to end the 2009 regular season and the game showed the dedication of the team’s nine seniors on senior day. The senior class has been a part of 57 victories during their four years playing for Cabrini. “It was a good end to the regular season. It was an important win and we can use the momentum going into the playoffs,” Moran, senior history major, said. On Thursday, Nov. 5, the semifinal round games will be held, followed by the championship match on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Immaculata University.


Sophomore back Jim Mattock fights for possession against a Keystone player.

Look for PENNY WARS in Jazzman’s through Tuesday Nov. 10


Senior Jason Moran moves the ball down the field. Moran was one of the nine seniors playing in the game.


Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009


Off-the-wall experience for Cabrini students meghan mcsloy staff writer



Offering an opportunity to get off campus and experience some high adventure activities, the Dixon Center runs trips at little to no charge for students. Events take place weekly, while others are run sporadically throughout the semester. Each Wednesday, groups of students take a trip to the Philadelphia Rock Gym, which is located in Oaks, Pa. Buses leave the Dixon lot at 6:45 p.m. All Cabrini students are welcome to attend and climb the rock wall for free. For those who are unable to attend the Wednesday trip, free passes are available for pick-up in the Dixon Center. “Passes are available so that if people can’t go rock climbing on Wednesdays, they can pick up a pass at the front desk.

However, the only day there will be transportation available is on Wednesday evenings,” Orlin Jespersen, assistant director of recreation, said. In addition to the weekly rock climbing trip, other high adventure activities were offered this semester and more are in the works for the spring. Popular activities that were run this semester included hiking on the Appalachian Trail, surfing lessons, the popular canopy tour, whitewater rafting and paintballing. Because of the many requests, an extreme adventure weekend is being planned for next semester. “An extreme adventure weekend is in the works that will take place in western Maryland sometime in the spring,” Jespersen said. Details will be available soon concerning the specifics of the trip. In addition to the adventure

weekend, other trips similar to the ones offered this semester will be available once again in the spring. While participation varies from trip to trip, students generally find these activities to be fun. “We’ve had as many as 15 for rock climbing and as little as two. Some trips have as little as two to three participants while other have numbers close to 20,” Jespersen said. Experience is not required to participate in the trips and students are urged to give it a try. “I want to reinforce the you don’t have to be experienced. It gives you a chance to get out and try it. You are not committed to more than a day and if you try it and don’t like it, you are not tied down. It is good to at least get out and try something new,” Jespersen said.




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