2010-11 Issue 14 Loquitur

Page 6

Ken Hackett, president of Catholic Relief Services, laid out a plan at a conference at Villanova University on Nov. 8 how aid and development organizations like CRS can work with Haiti for a sustainable future. He stressed that Haiti was a poor country before the earthquake, it will be after the earthquake and it will continue to be in the years to come unless the correct steps are taken to help this nation build towards a sustainable future.

“When we talk about getting it right in Haiti, we’re not talking about spending a few years cleaning the place up and leaving behind a prosperous developed country with everyone nicely housed, fully employed and well fed and healthy. That ain’t it. That’s not going to happen,” Hackett said.

On Jan. 12, 2010 a catastrophic earthquake struck the country of Haiti just 16 miles from its capital city, Port-au-Prince. It measured 7.0 on the Richter scale, produced at least 52 aftershocks, claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people and left over one million individuals displaced.

“The immensity of the destruction, the many, many needs of the people, the total absence of a strong

HAITI, page 3

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Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in  Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive  immigration reform.

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:9/-&*-&*'/"*4-11"&'*(),,>*$%*'/"*#),,*&-%2"*P4)#)*/)&*4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group.

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Western powers contributed to Haiti’s economic instability

The earthquake of Jan. 12, 2010 was not the only force adding trauma to Haiti’s current demise. Countries like the U.S. and France have also played a serious role in its epic downfall.

This was the part of the message

brought forth by Johanna Berrigan and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton as they spoke to several Engagements in the Common Good classes at Cabrini College.

“Haiti has been subject to the destructive forces from outside and that has to change. Then Haiti will have a chance,” Gumbleton, auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Detriot, said.

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Berrigan and Gumbleton work directly

with the Kay Lasante Project, which is operating in St. Claire’s Parish in Port-auPrince.

Recently, President Bill Clinton publicly apologized for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported and subsidized U.S. rice during his time in office. Subsidies were given to U.S. farmers so they could

ECONOMIC, page 3

Swaziland visitors share story

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seven. Many children even have to raise themselves because HIV/ AIDS has taken both parents.

Two visitors from the impoverished African country brought their story to the college

this week. They are teachers at Cabrini Ministries, an orphanage in Swaziland that serves 120 orphans.


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The visit is another step in building a partnership between the college and Cabrini Ministries, following the summer visit of some college faculty and president Marie George.

Teachers Sharon Singleton and Simo Mamba have lived their entire lives in a country where 40 percent of the country is infected with HIV/AIDS, the highest percentage in the world.

AIDS has left many children of Swaziland orphaned.

“Like the saying goes, if you are not infected with AIDS, you are affected, because somebody in your family will have died of AIDS or will have AIDS,” Singleton said.

Both Singleton and Mamba are employees of Cabrini Ministries at St. Philip’s Mission. Two Cabrini sisters, Sr. Barbara Staley and Sr. Diane DalleMolle, MSC, run a hostel for the orphaned children that provides educational, childcare and health care services.

According to Singleton and Mamba, the orphans attend public school outside of the hostel and continue their education at the hostels after school program.

Both the public school teaching staff along with the students speaks SiSwati as their first language and English as their second. Out of the seven subjects taught in public school, only one is taught in SiSwati.

In addition, the literature the PARTNERSHIP, page 3

YOU SPEAK, WE LISTEN CABRINI COLLEGE Radnor, Pa Vol L, Issue 17 www.theloquitur.com         Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009 Pacemaker Winner      Thursday, March 25, 2010 Vol LI, Issue 21 !"#$%&"'()*%+,-(./0(123%4
!"#$%&%' */01)&/* *2)"3',0/ !"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. /0&1(,+.&23&(45.-(6'( 7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+: 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?> +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 <=(+(&E5))&E(&*(&56&/0&1(,+.F 7((G&!"#$%&"'()*#+"), !$##%&'()*+', Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 INSIDE Top fads 2010 See FEATURES, page 9 Black Swan receives widespread critical acclaim See A&E, page 11 Lady Cavs welcome new recruits for 2010-11 season See SPORTS, page 14 CRS president urges continued aid for Haiti ONE YEAR LATER A year after the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti last year, many are still living in tent cities across the nation. An outbreak of cholera has left the western hemisphere’s poorest nation in an even more desperate situation.
Ssarah luckert photo editor From left to right: President Dr. Marie Angelella George, Sharon Singleton, Simo Mamba, Dr. Beverly R. Bryde and Dr. Susan Pierson.
Few children in Swaziland can stay in school past
Radnor, Pa www theloquitur com Vol LII, Issue 14
johanna berrigan submitted photo


Numerous Cabrini students study abroad, mostly to the capitals of Europe, and some to Guatemala and Ecuador. This week however, two visitors have reversed the process to come from Africa to help us learn about their history, culture and lives.

Two employees of Cabrini Ministries in Swaziland, Africa left the continent for the first time in their lives to learn from the faculty and students at Cabrini College and more importantly, to teach us.

Sharon Singleton and Simo Mamba came to the college with plans to give us a glimpse of the life the people in Swaziland live. The small African nation is suffering from the AIDS epidemic with 40 percent of its population being infected. Swaziland is, in fact, the most infected country in the world.

As a result of these numbers, many of the children are left orphaned and vul-

Emerging partnership with Swaziland calls on students


Our own Cabrini sisters are working hard to help these children, but what are we as a college of Mother Cabrini herself doing to tend to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Swaziland?

The Loquitur would like to commend the several faculty members and trustees who have not only visited the Cabrini sisters in Swaziland, but have made immense efforts in helping the orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs.)

With all of the plans made by faculty however, The Loquitur feels it’s time the student population become more knowledgeable about the crisis at hand. Moreover, we as a student body need to take part in the transformation of the OVCs living at Cabrini Ministries hostel in Swaziland.

Education majors could tend to the illiteracy prob-

lems of the orphans by creating lesson plans appropriate to the education system used at the mission. Social work majors could perform case studies and ultimately provide childcare services for the children.

Business majors could help devise a strategy to help the funding at Cabrini Ministry. Marketing and communication majors could help document and advertise the dire need for assistance in the country.

To do this, we would have to learn much more about their culture and lives, so different from our own, so that we can apply our necessary skills to play a role in the advancing of the orphaned children.

Singleton and Mamba shared with the campus community during their visit how grateful they are for what the college has already given to Cabrini Ministries. They cannot talk enough about how

proud they are to be a part of the peaceful land of Swaziland. Singleton emphasized how it could be a paradise with its wealth in culture and its maintained peace. However, the AIDS epidemic is wiping out its people, leaving the children severally damaged--wearing them down physically, mentally and emotionally.

Cabrini’s mission is universal in all of its institutions across the world. We are called upon to accompany people of all walks of life on their journeys. As the Cabrini Mission Foundation states it, we should have “an active presence in people’s lives and sharing the love of God with all.”

The Loquitur asks the campus community and the student body especially to take a closer look at our college’s emerging partnership in Swaziland and what you can do to change the lives of the orphaned children.

Alumni/Senior Student Speed networking event

Network with alumni in their chosen fields of study.

Where?: The Mansion

6 p.m. - 8 p.m

When?: Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011

All students will have the chance to talk oneon-one with alumni to discuss major/career exploration, internship/externship possibilities and even potential job opportunities.


The Loquitur is Cabrini College’s weekly, student-produced campus newspaper. It is the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community.

The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.

Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.

Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.


The Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters should be less than 500 words. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and annoymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@googlegroups.com or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.


The Loquitur

2010-2011 Editorial Staff

EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava


NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace


A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka

A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin





SPORTS EDITOR Holly Prendergast

COPY EDITOR Rachael Renz


COPY EDITOR Liz Scopelliti


Facebook: LOQUITUR





PHOTO EDITOR Sarah Luckert

ADVISER Jerome Zurek

2 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 News

Additional disasters cripple Haiti Visit strengthens partnership between orphanage and Cabrini

HAITI, page 1

functioning government, the extent of the displacement and the difficulties of the coordination among those who were and still are responding [in Haiti]; they’re all part of this complex of factors that make Haiti really difficult,” Hackett said.

“Even before the earthquake in Haiti, it was already one of the poorest countries in the world,” Hackett said.

In addition to the earthquake that struck Haiti, they have even more recently experienced a tropical storm that left over five inches of rain on most of the country. Also, there is currently an outbreak of cholera, the first outbreak in 50 years, which has claimed over 1,000 lives.

With such catastrophes continually occurring, it seems as though it is virtually impossible for Haiti to even begin to climb on the ladder of development. In a nation with no productive education system, a lack of government and a completely failed health care system, it is apparent that merely short-term aid without a plan for long-term development is not the correct solution.

CRS alone raised $149 million from private contributions in the aftermath of the earthquake and it is only a portion of what has been raised throughout the international community. In the United States alone about $1.3 billion was raised to help Haiti in the efforts to rebuild following the earthquake.

“We have committed ourselves to build, however slow it’s going to be, those capabilities that will be sustained and lasting,” Hackett said. “Because the handout after handout does not generate empowerment and it does not increase the ability or the capacity that it breathes the sense of the dependency that we want to stop in Haiti.”



public schools are using is written in American English, different from the British English that is their second language.

“What makes us unable to maybe progress fast is because all the books that were getting from the donors, they are not associated with their culture,” Mamba said.

Cabrini’s president, three faculty and a trustee visited the mission last June.

This first stage in establishing a partnership between Cabrini College faculty and students with Cabrini Ministries has allowed Singleton and Mamba to be provided with cultural and educational experiences in the United States to implement into their education programs.

Professor Joseph Clark, assistant professor of education and member of the trip, said all components of the college’s academic departments would assist in the development of the orphanage in Swaziland.

“Coming back here we did layout what we thought were the essential components of a partnership with them,” Clark said. “We’re still in the first year of our partnership and we’ve already made some significant progress.”

Clark, along with George; Dr. Beverly Bryde, chair of the education department; Dr. Erin McLaughlin, assistant professor of business administration and Dr. George Weathersby, a member of the board of trustees, stayed in the drought-stricken region of the country for one week. They all were able to welcome Singleton and Mamba to this country for a mutually beneficial experience.

“Just bringing Sharon and Simo here…isn’t this a wonderful experience. They are very important players at Cabrini Ministries,” Clark said.

The college hopes to eventually have students visit Swazi-

Swaziland far behind U.S. in health

Figure A: The life expectancy in Swaziland is 47.97 years while in the U.S. it is 78.24.

Figure B: The number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in Swaziland is 66.71. In contrast, it is 6.14 per 1,000 live births in the U.S.

Figure C: The number of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Swaziland is 26.10%. in the U.S. it is 0.60%.

Source: CIA World Factbook

land as an immersion trip experience.

Mamba says the idea of having American college students visit the hostel would be a great influence on the children.

“We can be very glad if we can get some students here and visit so that our children can see how important it is to get yourself into books and read,” Mamba said.

The students attending public schools are faced with the challenge of not only learning in a second language, but the over populated classrooms are lacking school supplies.

“You find that in each class a teacher may be taking 80 students per class which makes it difficult for the students to grab the basics of each subject,” Mamba said.

According to Singleton, who is responsible for the childcare

component of the hostel, the children need more undivided attention to advance themselves in their education.

“When you sit with each of the kids they have a different story behind each and every one of them,” Singleton. “What we are focusing on strongly is reading and reading and reading! I don’t think we can have enough reading,” Singleton said.

The campus community welcomed Singleton and Mamba during the campus-wide reception hosted in the Mansion. Gene Castellano, vice president for marketing and communication; Ms. Shirley Dixon, assistant professor of education; President Marie George; Dr. Susan Pierson, assistant professor of education and Bryde all spoke on behalf of the college and its excitement of having the Swazi guests for the week.

The visit also included a campus-wide presentation in Widener Lecture Hall called “Educating Children in Swaziland” which allowed Singleton and Mamba to discuss their work with the orphaned children and the mission of Cabrini ministries.

Singleton and Mamba plan to return home with plans to further enhance the after-school program and ultimately the child care services.

“What I would like to say to a child is you’re not the only one that has lost somebody some of us have survived it. You may be born to be an orphan but that’s not the end. You can change things,” Singleton said.

“We can help them get the education and nobody can take the education away from them.”


Haitian people held back by economic policies of the west

ECONOMIC, page 1

undersell Haitian farmers. This slowly destroyed the agriculture of Haiti.

“Haiti has been, in a sense, abused by other countries who never wanted Haiti to survive as an independent, black democracy or republic,” Gumbleton said.

Gumbleton went on to explain that in 1986 Haiti was producing most of their own rice, importing only 7,000 tons into the country. By 1996, those numbers skyrocketed to 196,000 tons of rice, which were being imported from outside sources.

Haiti was also forced to pay interest on $500 million worth of loans that they did not even

receive due to its corrupt government. In 1825, France forced Haiti to repay $21 billion to slave owners whose African slaves were liberated. Haiti paid interest on this debt for more than 100 years.

Along with working on the Kay Lasante Project, Berrigan is also a member of the House of Grace Catholic Worker Community and a physician’s assistant.

Berrigan spoke about the Monsanto Company Project, which donated seeds to the people of Haiti so they could grow crops.

“It seemed like it was a great thing but it was not,” Berrigan said.

The Monsanto Company wanted control of all the crops

that were being grown along with all the profits. Each farmer would also be forced to purchase new seeds for each new season. Haitian farmers were enraged and protested immediately.

“What it’s coming back to is the concern of the profit of the company that is moving forward to help Haiti,” Berrigan said.

Now crippled and weak due to the destruction of the economy, Haiti is reliant on outside sources.

“Whenever aid becomes a serious component of the economy in any country, then it is a problem,” Todd Kaderabek, a Mission MANNA employee, said.

Mission MANNA is an organization that works to provide malnutrition relief, medical care

and education to improve the overall health in the small village of Montrouis and the areas that surround it.

“Our focus is on making Haitians self sufficient so that they in fact do not need us,” Kaderabek said.

After the earthquake nongovernmental organizations, aid organizations and humanitarian groups raced to the shores of Haiti to help. Berrigan agreed that in emergency situations that is necessary, but Berrigan feels that these organizations may be hindering the country rather than helping it in the long run.

“They become a band aid to the underlying problems that have never been addressed in Haiti and

which I see as a critical time in Haiti’s history where they could be addressed,” Berrigan said.

Gumbleton went on to explain that these organizations are providing humanitarian contributions to Haiti but it does not boost the Haitian economy, only the economy of other countries.

“The farmers make the rice. Then there are those who package it and those who transport it and they are all making money and Haiti gets nothing,” Gumbleton said. “It keeps Haiti poor, while countries that are supposedly helping Haiti are being enriched.”

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 3 News
Ngg27@cAbRINI EdU eric gibble Snews editor




Virus impacts Iran’s nuclear ambitions

A destructive computer virus has wiped out a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and helped delay Tehran’s ability to make its first nuclear arms.

According to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the country’s silence was broken about the worm’s impact on its enrichment program.

“Fortunately, our experts discovered it,” Ahmadinejad said.

REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On nyTImEs cOm | Jan. 16, 2011

President of Tunisia flees

After a month of mounting protests, Tunisia’s President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled his country to end his 23 year-long rule.

The downfall of Mr. Ben Ali marked the first time that widespread street protests had overthrown an Arab leader.

Many have called the uprising the first “WikiLeaks revolution.”

Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi announced that he was taking power as interim president.

Tunisia’s president’s newly acquired riches have been blamed for the corruption and the joblessness afflicting their country.

The civilians’ anger was taken

out on the mansion of a presidential relative. Looters took furniture and released a horse from its stable.

Rioters claim that it wasn’t the country’s economic problems they were protesting but it was the corruption of the first family.

REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On nyTImEs cOm | Jan. 14, 2011

After the recent shootings in Tucson, Az., no new gun control limit laws are expected to pass.


However, they are being proposed. Bills were being drafted to improve background checks and create gun-free zones around members of Congress. In addition, a ban on big-volume magazines that allowed the Tucson gunman to shoot 30 bullets without reloading is being drafted.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is keeping a low profile unlike other gun advocates. Other organizations have stated they are confident that passions would subside and their argument that Americans have a constitutional right to own guns would carry the day.

REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On nyTImEs cOm | Jan. 13, 2011

Mexican police force dismissed

In the Mexican town of Guadalupe Distrito Bravos, the last remaining police officer, Erika Gandara, is female. Her coworkers had all either quit or been killed.

Two days before Christmas a group of armed men took Gandara from her home and she has not been seen since.

REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On nyTImEs cOm | Jan. 12, 2011

KaTIE BOnannI sTaff WRITER Kb733@cAbRINI EdU

Two cars pulled from Schuylkill

A police marine unit and five tow trucks pulled a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee from the Schuylkill near the grandstand at Columbia Bridge.

Another car was found floating in the river near the same location along Kelly Drive.

The owners of each vehicle have been identified but the two-truck company said they were unable to contact either of them.

No one was found in either vehicle and police have not found anyone in the river.

Donald Griffith, 42, of Northeast Philadelphia is facing murder and weapon charges.

After a fender-bender with Jamill Ransome, 20, Griffith pulled a gun and fired repeatedly at Ransome, hitting him in the stomach.

Ransome was pronounced dead at Temple University Hospital.

Griffith complained to Magistrate Judge Timothy O’Brien that he was not able to make contact with his family since his arrest and claimed no one knew where he was.

Road rage leads to murder Fight erupts at SEPTA station

A fight broke out outside a West Philadelphia MarketFrankford El Station involving two groups of high school students.

David Hardy, CEO of Boy’s Latin, urged other students not to retaliate.

The students that were stabbed or slashed were from Boys’ Latin Philadelphia Charter School. Another was from West Philadelphia Catholic High.

Thursday, Jan. 20 Friday, Jan. 21 Saturday, Jan. 22
Jan. 25 Monday, Jan. 24 Sunday, Jan. 23
in the
Chapel of St. Joesph from 8:15 a.m.9:15 a.m.
night coffee house
your musical talents from 9 p.m.-11 p.m. in Jazzman’s Cafe. The winner will have the opportunity to open for Matt Santry at Milkboy Coffee in Ardmore, Pa.
information session First-year and transfer students are invited to attend an information session regarding financial aid and the admissions process from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. A campus tour will conclude the session.
the Bruckmann Memo-
p.m. Print it where you want it Get your picture taken with friends and have it printed on a tee shirt, tote bag or mouse pad for free in Founder’s Hall lobby from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. 4 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 News
Mass Celebrate mass
Opening mic
Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joesph from 7 p.m.- 8 p.m. Mass Celebrate mass in
of St. Joesph from 12:15
Bill Hileman hugs a family member during the “Together We Thrive” ceremony in Tucson, Az. His wife Susan brought the youngest victim, 9-year-old Christina Green, to meet Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On PhILLy cOm | Jan. 16, 2011
REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On PhILLy cOm | Jan. 16, 2011
REad ThE ORIgInaL sTORy On PhILLy cOm | Jan. 15, 2011 KaTIE BOnannI sTaff WRITER Kb733@cAbRINI EdU
New gun control limits not expected

Students embark on Ecuador excursion, face hardships

During Christmas break eight Cabrini students traveled to Duran, Ecuador, through a retreat program called Rostro de Cristo, to experience poverty first-hand and to see the face of Christ in the people of Duran, Ecuador.

Students traveled to Ecuador under the guidance of Christa Grzeskowiak, a Cabrini campus minister, to immerse themselves in the cultural and economic reality of the people in Duran, Ecuador. Also, the students worked with the volunteers of Rostro de Cristo in afterschool programs that catered to neighborhood children.

“Why these kids, why are they put in these situations or the lifestyles they live? It didn’t matter how little they had, no one could take away their manners,” Maureen Browne, junior special education major, said.

While students Manuela DeOliveira, Tim Rooney, Lindsay Anderson, Ashley Natale, Maureen Browne, Felicia Melvin and Nick Kaminski, and group leaders Christa Grzeskowiak and Colleen Poole remained healthy and well, junior Sapphire Griffin became sick three days into the trip. After receiving two IV’s from a local clinic, Griffin still complained about having stomach pains and was taken to a hospital in the city of Guayaquil.

“I didn’t know Sapphire before the trip, but I found myself crying and I didn’t know why. We became our own community and just losing that person for the week was like a family member becoming sick,” Brown said.

Griffin had to receive abdominal surgery in Ecuador as the rest of her group-mates continued on with the trip.

“My intestine was caught in my hernia. So they had to do an emergency surgery because I wasn’t going to make it,” Griffin said.

The group recalled how discouraging and unforunate the setback was.

“I was shocked that we had to continue.

It put a little damper on the whole experience. It was sad because she wasn’t going to be with us,” Nick Kaminski, senior psychology and sociology major, said.

In spite of the roadblock, the group leaders helped to guide the students and ease their worries. The group came together and overcame this major obstacle.

“Although Sapphire became sick I felt motivated by our leaders. They made me excited to live in the moment and experience everything,” Lindsay Anderson, junior exercise science major, said.

“It was cool to see all of us come together and become a family for a week. It was awesome having meals together and spending free time together. What happened with Sapphire really made us strong and we were all there for each other,” Anderson said.

Early medical treatment was given to Griffin and she was taken care of by the group leaders and volunteers who were members of Rostro de Cristo.

“We were lucky to have the clinic around the corner. It was easy to get treatment, but the hospital was beyond anything the impoverished neighborhoods could receive. The clinic in Duran only offered so much,” Christa Grzeskowiak, campus minster, said.

“We don’t realize how lucky we are. You have to go to the pharmacy and buy the IV if you need it. We have so much here and still complain about it. It humbles you,” Kaminski said.

“I felt that being on the trip, with our group, made us look at each other. It made us see each other’s spirit, and we learned to appreciate each person as they are,” Griffin said. “We saw beauty, and when you see beauty you can’t help but to love. I thought that the reaction to my surgery was unreal. I felt loved. And it amazed me how much you can learn to love a person in just a couple of days. I appreciated it.”


Congo rape victims aided by counselor

As of right now 1,100 women are being raped each month in the Congo. That is why Amy Ernst, a rape crisis counselor, has dedicated her time to helping the victims in that area.

Ernst recently spent six months in the Congo learning about the pain and suffering the Congolese people are going through. She spent time interviewing soldiers and helping rape victims to help find a solution to the ongoing terror in the country.

“I saw something that had a story of a woman in the Congo and at the end it gave some statistics and it said that it was the place in greatest need in terms of sexual violence right now. So I felt moved to go there so I went,” Ernst said.

Not only is Ernst a rape crisis counselor, she is a also medical

Non-profit career fair to be held at Bryn Mawr College

For the last six years, Bryn Mawr College has hosted the Philadelphia Not-For-Profit Career Fair which gives students in the area an opportunity to discover different career opportunities in not-for-profit organizations.

This year will be no different.

Bryn Mawr College will again host this career fair on Friday, Feb. 25 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., with over 65 non-profit of employers expected to attend.

There is no advanced registration and the event is free.

“All students and alumni are welcome to attend,” Nancy Hutchison, director of cooperative education and career services at Cabrini College, said. “Last year, there were well over 1,000 people and we are expecting about that same number this year.”

Some of the many organizations that will be in attendance this year are the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S Department of Labor, Cuddle My Kids, The Peace Corps, Friends Seminary, Education Works, Child Guidance Resource Center and Campus Philly.

According to Hutchison, about 90 percent of graduating Cabrini students are usually employed or in graduate school six months after graduation. She also said that a lot of them have found success because of career fairs.

Hutchison says it is very beneficial for students to attend due to the fragile economy and the rise of networking.

“I’d like people to think more about giving a year or two of service,” Hutchison said. “With the way the economy is right now and the quantity of jobs, students really need to take advantage of every opportunity and start building relationships while they are sophomores and juniors.”

advocate in Chicago.

“I have studied sexual violence since college and have always been really passionate about it,” Ernst said.

When Ernst first arrived in the Congo there was a 57 yearold-woman who had been raped and was very sick. The woman had been raped in her home by

There’s just no judicial system or structure. It’s purely chaos.” Ernst helped the woman get to a treatment center but after about three weeks the woman passed away. Ernst continued to help more rape victims throughout the Congo.

“I was just getting really frustrated and wanted to con-

FRDC soldier who was being watched by his supervisor. When asked about rape the supervisor stepped in and told Ernst that the soldiers do not rape women because if they did they would be blindfolded and shot.

“It was absolutely a huge lie,” Ernst said. “I had just left a village where I was working with women raped by FRDC soldier. His group was the one in that area.”

Something that may also encourage students to attend this career fair is the “Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program,” which was created for students to work full-time in public service jobs. Under this program, students can qualify to have the remaining balance on federal student loans wiped out after they make 120 payments on loans under certain repayment plans.

“You may not be making any income but if it’s going to help you pay off your loans, why not go for it?” Hutchison said.

a man who paid off the mayor and was walking around the city free with no repercussions.

“There’s absolutely no authority figures in the area. Even the governmental soldiers are involved,” Ernst said. “They’re raping women and stealing from people and killing them.

front someone and see how they would react to me,” Ernst said. “You have to handle it very carefully because soldiers have guns and they have no one to really keep track of them. They would definitely kill you if you asked the wrong questions.”

Ernst approached a young

Since returning to the U.S. after spending six months in the Congo, Ernst has returned to the Congo to help more rape victims and learn how we can help spread awareness to people around the world.

“Not a lot of people know about what is going on in the Congo,” Ernst said. “People knowing is how you get people moving in terms of taking action.”

Hutchison stressed that networking is what will help students become successful in the modern day.

“It’s all about social networking now,” Hutchison said. “Usually at career fairs, employers don’t have formal interviews on the spot. However, if you come in looking and acting professional and have a bunch of resumes ready, you could be called back for a more formal interview later that day. It has happened before.”

For more information, visit www. cabrini.edu/careerservices.

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 5 News
Sapphire Griffin (lower left), junior psychology major, works with children in Duran, Ecuador. Students immersed themselves in the extreme poverty of the nation. christa grzeskowiak Ssubmitted photo
Ajm332@cAbRINI EdU
“Soldiers ... have guns and they have no one to really keep track of them. They would definitely kill you if you asked the wrong questions.”

Arizona shootings raise questions on gun control and hostility between right and left

The recent slaughter in Tucson, Az., created a firestorm of controversy. Unfortunately, the far-left has attacked Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity as those responsible for the killer’s motives.

Equating the re-election process with crosshairs and targets is inappropriate. We pride ourselves in the peaceful transitions of power that occur every few years. Violent political rhetoric has no place in American politics, period.

This discussion has drowned out an even more important debate-one that must be seriously debated in this country: gun control.

Mass shootings are nothing new to our country.

Dressed as Santa Claus, Bruce Pardo killed nine people at a Christmas party in 2008. In 2007, there were two massacres. thiry-two people died at the hands of Cho Seung-hui, an estranged student at Virginia Tech. Eight people died in Omaha, Neb. when Robert Hawkins opened fire in a shopping mall. In 2005, Jeff Weise killed seven people at Red Lake High School in Minnesota.

The killer in each of these shootings committed suicide, and the majority of them had severe mental illnesses.

Jared Loughner, the man behind the

gun in Tucson shootings, can be grouped in the mentally disturbed category. He was unable to enter the military because of his brushes with the law, drug use and other mental issues.

The military likely did not allow him to enter because they did not want a psycho behind the trigger of a gun.

If Loughner was unqualified to handle assault weapons in the military, why would the state of Arizona allow him to buy not only a 9-mm handgun but also an extended magazine, which held 30 rounds of ammunition?

The popular argument that “guns don’t kill people, people with evil intent kill people” may be true. Yet we give people with evil intent the capability to purchase a gun just as easily as buying groceries at a supermarket.

The Second Amendment is clear: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Its purpose was to ensure that the American people could defend themselves against an oppressive government.

Arizona has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the nation. It is one of three states in the nation that do not require a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Consequently, they also rank eighth in the rate of gun deaths per capita.

In Arizona, a teenager is more likely to die of a gunshot wounds than from all natural causes of death combined. From 1995 to 2005, 1,114 Arizona children under the age of 20 were killed by firearms according to the Arizona Firearm Injury and Prevention Coalition.

That may have made sense in 1791, but technology has progressed a tremendous

amount since that time. In the face of fighter jets, tanks, flamethrowers and an array of bombs, is your handgun going to be useful?

Firearm violence not only costs lives in Arizona but taxpayer dollars across the country. In 2008 the Public Services Research Institute found that firearm homicide and assault cost federal, state and local governments $4.7 billion annually.

When lost productivity is included, lost quality of life, and pain and suffering are added to medical costs, estimates escalated to between $20 billion to $100 billion.

This debate should not be taken lighly due to the precarious nature of balancing the rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution and the public safety of Americans. At the end of the day, the latter must come first. Nine-year-old Christina Green, the youngest victim in the Tucson shooting, was never able to execute all of her rights guaranteed by the Constitution because of a madman with a gun.

If one is qualified to own a gun and can use it properly, there is no reason they should not be able to purchase a gun. Unfortunately there are too many occurrences where people are able to use the Second Amendment against our country.

erg722@cabrini edu

President Barack Obama addresses the crowd at the “Together We Thrive” program at the University of Arizona, honoring the victims of the Tucson shooting rampage that claimed the lives of six people and wounded more than a dozen others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Education in America: in need of rescuing

Coming from a magnet school in a nice suburb that was greatly funded by the city government, I knew nothing about the failing public school system until watching the documentary “Waiting for Superman.”

I did not know many students go through the school system and graduate high school with a 7th grade reading level.

I did not know that many teachers do not care about the progress of their students because they will get paid whether students pass or fail.

I did not know that only 55 percent of students in America graduate high school.

The movie documented the lives of five students all from different races and different states. Their parents strived to get them the best education possible but when it comes to a humiliating lottery system, picking of schools, the cost of private schools and the commute to a good school is a strain on the entire family.

Many of the parents goal in life is to see their children go to school and succeed but that rarely happens because of the school system.

The movie scanned a map of the U.S., which showed the reading and math levels across the country, all below average. Washington D.C., the capital of the U.S., has the worst graduate rate and the worst math and reading level. In the city where senators, members of the house and the President work and reside, it doesn’t make sense that children cannot get a decent education.

The movie was directing the problem with education on teachers. They said that many teachers receive tenure after two years and stop caring.

These teachers are protected from losing their job so they don’t care about the education of the students, how

the teachers spend their time during school or how they treat students.

They call this the lemon dance, there are some teachers that the school doesn’t want but they are fired so these teachers go from school to school to school every year.

The movie also narrowed in on Michelle Rhee’s fight to change rules for unions and tenure. Rhee told a story of trying to end the tenor of teachers and being bashed. She told the teachers she would raise their pay if they voted to end tenor. She was out-voted and ostrasized.

The teachers union is portrayed as the villain in the movie because they have become too complacent and are not thinking about the next generation.

After watching this movie people may either feel depressed or it could provoke people to do something to change this epidemic.

The failing education system is a huge problem for America and the fact that this is not a well-known issue is a problem for not only our generation but also many generations after us.

This widespread problem is dragging America into a technology, job opportunity and complete global opposition predicament that we may never be gone if people do not do something about it.

The Wolfington Center has programs such as Teen Motivators and connections with an organization called The First Suburbs to help students and changed education reform.

These organizations and clubs need to be better known on campus because at the end of the day it comes down to the kids that are suffering. Not only are the school system failing students but their environment is also failing them.

Their parents work three and four jobs to support them so they take care for themselves and crime is horrid on the streets. This is why dropping out is such an easy answer for many students.

cam376@cabrini edu

6 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Perspectives
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
The poster for “Waiting for Superman” sets the scene. Bright hopeful students stuck in the desolate education system. Teachers looking just to get paid are creating a handicapped youth.

What eReaders mean for the future of good old-fashioned books and fans

I knew this was coming. I knew everything would change and I hate it. Why must eReaders brainwash the newest generation of readers? Is it pure laziness? Is it convenience? Is there a sudden lack of love for the tangible book?

Plain and simple, I hate eReaders. For one, one of my favorite stores is Barnes and Noble. I completely and utterly love going to Barnes and Noble, buying a tall hot chocolate and browsing the Fiction and Literature section. I find my monthly and sometimes weekly trip to be relaxing and entertaining, all at the same time.

The fact that everyone and their mother are buying Nooks, Kindles or any other eReader is heartbreaking.

I suppose it’s because they are convenient and society today is obsessed with any new electronic merchandise they can get their hands on. Buying an eReader takes away from the entire experience of buying a book. Turning on your eReader, purchasing a book and then electronically flipping through the pages, now how robotic is that?

Another reason why I hate eReaders is because I feel very passionate about bookcases. I know, it sounds weird and a bit pretentious. But, one of my dreams since I was little was to have a built-in

bookcase that has the shelves embedded into the walls. I imagined having a high ladder that you can reach books on the tenth shelf without a problem.

To me, displaying my books on my bookcase is a conversation starter and in one way, almost a trophy shelf. I love collecting the books I have read and putting them on my bookcase. I’ve had friends in my room who say, “Wow, you’ve read Atlas Shrugged?” and it starts not only a conversation but also a connection. You can’t display your books on an eReader! What kind of connection can you make with someone over a Kindle or Nook?

When people buy these eReaders, they are essentially ending the world of book retail. Yes, Barnes and Noble owns the Nook so they are bringing in annual revenue but that cannot last forever.

Eventually, the Nook will become the main source for reading and Barnes and Noble won’t be needed. Reports say that stores like Barnes and Noble and Borders will be completely out of business within the next 10 years.

And suppose I was forced to buy an eReader because believe me, this purchase will not be voluntary. Can I transport the books I have already purchased to the eReader? I easily have 100 plus books, so what value is an eReader to me?

One of the Nook commercials

shows a mother and child using the Nook to “read” a children’s story. The Nook is shown to have the capabilities of having an automated voice to read to the child when they tap on a word or phrase.

Now, I understand that this tool can assist in teaching children to read but from what I personally understood from this commercial is that it can also handicap children’s reading abilities. Children will become complacent and will in laziness, tap on an entire story and have it read to them without actually learning to read effectively.

Some of my favorite memories include my father and me cuddling up on the couch, reading Goosebumps books together while my father pretended to be scared and I actually was.

Or when my mother would put a book under my pillow instead of money when I lost a tooth. Which brings me to another point. You can never give a person a book for the holidays or on a whim. They would take every literary memory I have except the actual content. I think everyone needs to take a breath and think before purchasing an eReader. Are these products really worth it or do we believe they are because society today is more dependent on technology than ever?

rr724@cabrini edu


• Manufactured by Barnes & Noble

• 6 in. screen

• Full color

• 8 GB

• Built-in WiFi

• $249


• Manufactured by Apple

• 9.7 in. screen

• Full color

• 16GB - 64GB

• $499 - $829

Kindle DX

• Manufactured by Amazon

• 9.7 in. screen

• Black and white

• 4GB

• $489 Ssource: mct

New year, new annoyances

This is without a doubt the worst time of the year. Not because of the mountains of snow or the pale ghostly person who looks back at me in the mirror each day. It is the New Year’s gym-goers. Nothing makes me more mad than walking into the gym during January and February and having to wait for a treadmill.

I get so angry when I have to wait while a group of guys talks about last night and does about one rep per machine. Good for those who truly want to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle, but seriously, if you have to do your makeup before you go to the gym, please stop wasting my time. It is going to sweat off anyway!

I have been an avid gym rat for about four years. Each December I begin to dread the following two months. I won’t say that I am self conscious of myself at the gym but with the gym being so crowded with people who don’t really give a damn, it is irritable and makes me somewhat uncomfortable.

It may seem as if I have a hostile view on things but I basically live at the gym. I know the people who go there, as creepy as it sounds. There are those who I have seen shed weight, bulk up, fall off the wagon, become scary thin, you name it. I may not know them by name but month after month, we’re all there for the same purpose.

Each year, and you may be one of them, people make New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier and run a marathon or something along those lines. Each Jan. 2, I see that line out the door filled with people waiting to sign up for their membership and it sometimes makes me dread it enough to just turn around and run home. There are some of those people who stick with it and become passionate about exercise. Those are the people who are still sweating it out come March.

My sister happens to be one of those people I applaud in March. She lost probably close to 20 pounds over the past year. Granted she did have me showing her how to use the machines properly and it is always easier to stay motivated when someone else is pushing you.

Let’s get another thing straight. If a person decides to exercise, make sure what is being done, is done correctly. I can deal with waiting around to use a certain machine if the user is actually doing the exercise correctly, and let me tell you they better be sweating. What I cannot deal with is a person doing something so completely wrong. I wish I could just tell them that what you’re doing could very well hurt them and make them unable to walk in the morning, or is doing absolutely nothing and they are just wasting everyone’s time.

Now I really sound bitchy so I give my congratulations to the 12 percent of those who make their New Year’s resolutions and keep them. According to psychologist Emily VonSonnenberg, most have given up their resolutions by June. What puzzles me is the fact that people don’t want to keep feeling accomplished after sweating it out for an hour or so.

Maybe reading this may piss someone off just enough to encourage them to prove me wrong and lose that extra five pounds or just keep healthy and I say, good for you. I’d rather the gym be crowded with people who try and succeed than those who just stare in the mirror at themselves for 45 minutes.

mmg65@cabrini edu

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 7 Perspectives
Shown is the volume of online searches for the term “gym.” As you can see there is an obvious increase at the beginning of every year as resolutions are made.
Google Trends
Source :
The big three in eReaders
Classes are full in January sometimes pushing the regulars out. At least for the month.

TOP fads of 2010

silly bandz

In 2010, elementary school kids found a new way to decorate their wrists. This came in the form of the popular bracelets, Silly Bandz. Silly Bandz come in a number of shapes, colors and categories. Kids traded the hundreds of different kinds of bands with other students and they became the “beanie babies” of the new decade.

jersey shore

The show Jersey Shore took Seaside Heights, N.J.. Miami, Fla. and reality television by storm in 2010 with its wild nights of partying and outrageous drama. Now in their third season, the cast of the popular TV show will continue to top ratings and shock viewers with more drama in store this season.


Imagine being in your high school and all of a sudden, everyone breaks out in song. The show Glee focuses on a high school’s glee club. The show has covered artists from Katy Perry to Jay-Z. They have had many guest appearences and themed episodes that included music inspired by popular artists such as Britney Spears and Lady GaGa.


Twitter flew onto the scene in 2010 with a total of 190 million users and an estimated 95 million tweets per day. It gives users the opportunity to network and follow their favorite celebrities. Twitter allows users to express what they are feeling, where they are going and and what they are doing in 140 characters or less.

3D movies

2010 was the year for 3D movies. It seemed that every movie of 2010 was played in 3D. From Avatar to Alice in Wonderland, 3D movies will continue to be popular with the latest invention of a 3D television. More movies that were shown in 3D in 2010 were Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part One and Toy Story 3.

8 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Features

touch screens

In 2010, technology companies released a large majority of touch screen devices like iPads, iPhones, Androids, cell phones and eReaders.

toy story 3

The highly anticipated Toy Story 3 hit theaters in 2010 making it the highest grossing movie of the year at more than $415 million. Toy Story 3 played in 4,028 theaters and played for 24 weeks.


Women all over put their jeans away and rushed to stores to purchase jeggings, pants that are a combination of jeans and leggings. They are a comfy alternative to jeans which are perfect for going to class or a night out.

four loko

Four Loko took colleges and parties by storm in 2010 with its mixture of alcohol and caffeine. After many accidents and a few deaths, Four Loko was taken off the shelves.

justin bieber

Sixteen-year-old Justin Bieber hopped on the music scene in 2010 with his first full-length album, “My World 2.0.” With his famous hair and catchy teen love songs, Bieber has gained much success. With his success Bieber has cancelled performances due to many safety precautions and outrageous crowds. Combined with guitar playing, singing and dancing, Bieber has proved to be the all-around musician.

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 9 Features

A hidden treasure in Wayne

A local store sells “fruitful” items

A tiny corner shop in Wayne is easy to pass by but The Pear Tree is a shop worth stepping into.

Warm and welcoming are the first words that come to mind.

Deanna Muth, winner of the 2008 Best of Philly award, completely renovated the store and opened in early 2007.

Muth worked for Vanguard before finding her passion for selling meaningful gifts.

Each of her employees is like family and contributes to the shop in different ways.

One of the women is a photographer who sells her art and another woman is an interior decorator.

“If I have to be away from home, I’d like it to feel like home,” Muth said of the homey atmosphere.

The Pear Tree is a shop filled with endless amounts of gifts for every type of person.

Customers could spend hours browsing and still find something new and exciting.

Among some of the items sold are jewelry, many collections made by local jewelry makers, photos, blankets, vases, home décor, novelty shot glasses and the list goes on and on.

Before renovations, the space was in extremely bad shape although a customer would never guess that only four years ago there was barely a floor.

Many of the windows are original pieces from the same time the building was built in 1922. The modern feel mixed with a touch of history makes the store a unique setting.

Each season, the shop is overhauled and redecorated to fit the occasions.

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, candy hearts and the color red are scattered about the store.

Muth opened The Pear Tree after her youngest daughter left for college. She had worked in a shop in Stone Harbor, N.J., while vacationing in the summers.

Muth discovered a passion for helping people find the perfect gift.

“I don’t sell anything I don’t love,” Muth said. “No matter what side of the track people are from, I wanted them to feel joy no matter what they can spend.”

The idea for the name came to Muth in a dream.

“It sounds corny but I envisioned a pear tree one night and had no idea what it meant until we signed the lease,” Muth said.

The shop features a painted pear tree on the wall, done by an artist friend of Muth’s as well as paintings of pears and a poem in the shape of a pear.

Each customer is treated as a friend.

The sense of ease and friendliness Muth exudes makes a customer want to come back even just

Application of the week: Angry Birds

Have you ever wanted to sling shot a bird at a pig? If you have, then Angry Birds is the game for you.

It is the No. 1 paid game and app in over 50 countries and one of the most addicting games out there.

Angry Birds was first released in December 2009 and for Apple’s iOS and is now designed for any type of touch screen smart phone.

liz krupka/a&e editor

The Pear Tree sells many different household items and also some other unique pieces of jewelry and art.

to say hello and browse.

“There is a quote by Maya Angelou I live by,” Muth said. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Once you step into the shop, the thought of what new items could appear will draw you back in time and time again.

Located next to the Wayne train

station and surrounded by restaurants, The Pear Tree can take you away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life by simply stepping in and taking time to view all it has to offer.

The Pear Tree


133 N. Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087

mmg65@cabrini edu

Resolving for a better year

New Year’s resolutions: frequently made, rarely kept.

Once the holidays are over, many people turn their attention inwards and try to focus on what gifts they can give to themselves in the new year.

Most people do this in the form of making New Year’s resolutions, which is when people resolve to commit to making a change that

will affect their lives for the better starting on the first day of the new year.

A recent study from The University of Scranton of 282 people found that after one month only 64 percent of people were still committed to their resolutions a month after making them and only 46 percent were still committed to their resolutions after six months.

This begs to ask many questions. Why do so many New Year’s resolutions fail? How can people

make more attainable resolutions? And how can we assure such resolutions are kept?

Members of the Cabrini community had a lot to say about New Year’s Resolutions.

“New Year’s resolutions should be relevant to your life and help you; if so, kudos. But if it’s trivial and materialistic it probably won’t work,” Adrienne Keer, sophomore English major, said.

Other people also agreed that making resolutions that are practical are ultimately also more beneficial. “If it’s something easy and attainable people will stick to it,” Matt Stewart, senior communication major, said.

According to Yahoo!’s Associated Content, some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions include quitting smoking, losing weight, becoming more organized, reducing stress and finding ways to save money.

Some, like Megan Hawkinson, junior special and elementary education major, stick with these more traditional resolutions. “I always say that I’ll eat healthier and exercise and I do, for the first week or two but then I get busy and I end up going back and forth,” she said.

Still, others make more unconventional resolutions. “The only New Year’s resolutions I’ve ever

kept thus far was at Christmas when my husband bought me a book filled with 365 Sudoku puzzles. I do one a night. Now if only I could incorporate exercise,” Diane Devanney, Cabrini math professor, said.

There are some people who have shunned the practice of making New Year’s resolutions all together. The same study from The University of Scranton reported that only 40 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and people at Cabrini College are no exception.

“I honestly don’t have any New Year’s resolutions. I don’t have the time,” Megan Conroy, manager of the Cabrini College bookstore, said.

Lisa Ratmansky, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning said, “I don’t think I believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think instead I believe in resolving to focus on what one cares about each and everyday.”

The object of the game is for players to try to get back golden eggs that were stolen by a group of evil pigs while using a sling shot that launches the bird.

On each level, the pigs are enclosed by different structures made of things like stone, ice or wood. To get to the next level and retrieve the eggs, the gamer must destroy the structure and eliminate the pigs.

As the levels get higher, more and different types of birds are used.

For example, in the beginning levels, only the basic red bird is used but as the player advances, so does the type of bird.

It could have more powers or there could be more of them. Points are awarded for each pig defeated and bonus points are awarded for any birds not used.

Players can attempt the level as many times as they want to get a better score.

When the game was released in 2009, it had just only one episode called “Poached Eggs,” which contained three themed groups of levels each with 21 levels.

Since then, it has come out with four other episodes.

The newest one was released right before Christmas to celebrate the game’s first year in the Apple Store.

Angry Birds is free for most phones, but can be purchased for $.99 for the upgraded version.

In December 2010, in honor of the one-year anniversary of the release of Angry Birds, Rovio Mobile announced that the game had been downloaded 50 million times, with more than 12 million on iOS devices and 10 million on Android.

10 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Arts & Entertainment
amr724@cabrini edu
aac55@cabrini edu
Resolutions are made for the new year in hopes for a better tomorrow


The psychological thriller that allows audiences to delve into the world of fine arts

Ballet is known for beauty and gracefulness. The ability to move with confidence and projection without any flaw is the goal for any performer.

In the new movie, Black Swan, striving for the goal of perfection pushes a young performer to be perfect by any means that she can.

Ballet is a dance that requires a lot of dedication, enduring practices and strenuous physical discipline.

For all of the hard work, the end product is very rewarding.

From the director, Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan focuses on a young performer Nina Sayers, portrayed by Natalie Portman.

Sayers is a hard-working dancer and finds the opportunity to dance in the ballet classic, Swan Lake.

The artistic director of the New York City Ballet Company, Thomas Leroy, portrayed by Vincent Cassel, pushes Sayers to her highest potential.

He uses sexuality to direct Sayers through her dancing. Although her dancing is perfectly timed, practiced and well thought through, Sayers is lacking the emotional connection to her dancing that could later inspire audiences.

Leroy tells Sayers to perfect her dance, to let impulse and flaw into it.

Sayers is a timid, uptight, prim and a polished individual, which makes her a perfect choice for the white swan.

Her downfall? A history of constant scratching, an act caused from a belief of her own imperfections.

She lives with her retired ballerina mother, Erica, portrayed by Barbara Hershey, who heavily supports her daughter’s career.

Leroy finds that Sayers, although perfect for the white swan, is having difficulties mastering the black swan, which represents a darker image.

Leroy points out the newest member of the company, Lily, portrayed by Mila Kunis.

Thomas suggests that Lily is more seductive and devious like the black swan. Thomas’s talk of Lily’s seductiveness is to trigger Sayer to loosen up and to imply possible competition for her.

Sayer sees Lily as a rival but also as the key to finding out what she has to do to perfect the black swan character.

An easy-going Lily tells Sayer she needs to simply relax.

The two expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship.

Soon, Sayer begins to become more in touch with her dark side losing all grasp on reality, going through a wild night of partying, drugs and imaginative girl on girl with Lily.

She finds herself stopping at nothing to be perfect.

Sayer finds freedom within self-destruction and loses herself to find perfection for her role in the production.

Aronofsky directs a without-a-doubt masterpiece.

His vision of the ballet company may be close to unrealistic but he creates a story of determination and insanity through his twisted visuals, sounds and precise editing.

Aronofsky has also directed Golden Globe winner, The Wrestler, and is working on two new titles, The Wolverine and Machine Man.

Portman delivers an amazing performance playing both the villain and the victim.

She puts the viewers in Sayers head and makes us feel what she is thinking.

The audience will follow the steps of Sayer’s journey from being an ambitious young ballerina to a crazy woman striving to be the perfect performer.

Aronofsky helps show the audience the paranoia and the rising insanity in Sayers’s character.

The movie’s final scene is that of the opening night performance of Swan Lake.

Sayer pulls off an equal mix of both the white swan and the black swan and delivers a memorable performance; one that you could say is perfect.

Black Swan is nominated for four Golden Globe Awards including Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress and Best Picture.

The film is also nominated for 12 Critic’s Choice Awards, more that any movie in history. jjs333@cabrini

The Black Swan is now playing at theaters near you.

King of Prussia Stadium

16 Theater

Bryn Mawr Film Institute

Regal Edgemont Square

Regal Plymouth Meeting

Ritz East

For more information and for showtimes please visit: www.movietickets.com

The Loquitur 11 Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Arts & Entertainment

Reality Check: Friends with benefits

It’s a common winter scenario: you’re snuggled up watching a movie with a significant other.

Potentially getting a little something something (if you know what I mean) before, during or even after.

This describes the seemingly perfect world of friends with benefits.

Typically, people who fall into the friends with benefits category were either friends before and don’t want to ruin the friendship, they are both attracted to each other but don’t want to date or they dated and broke up.

The cycle of a friend with benefits relationship goes a little something like this: talk a little, hang out occasionally and get down to business often.

This usually repeats as often as both people agree to it.

This type of friendship is something that happens more often than not (like that is hard to believe.)

However, this type of “friendship” also ends badly, more often than not.

It isn’t impossible to have the benefits of a relationship without the emotional attachment from either party, but it usually doesn’t happen that way.

To hang out the way a couple does without the emotional support of an actual relationship is hard to balance.

It takes someone who can unattach themselves from their emotional connections to the person they are “benefitting” from.

One party usually gets more attached to the other and multiple heated arguments about how that wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

Then the question of if the relationship was worth all of the pent up emotions arises.

However, the same hurt feelings happen in dating relationships as well, making a friends with benefits relationship seemingly identical to a serious relationship.

Friends with benefits has both it’s pros and cons, however, if you do choose to embark on this road.

Remember to try and keep feelings out of it, because with the outspoken feelings everything gets messy.

Then all you have to do is get down to business.

efk722@cabrini edu

Welcome to theWest

To the younger generation, the film True Grit may seem like a new take on the Western genre but in fact the Coen brothers’ (Fargo, The Big Lebowski) latest film is an updated and impressively produced adaptation of the novel and John Wayne film of the same name.

Unlike most other Western films, the protagonist is a 14-year-old girl named Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) who sets out to avenge her father’s death.

While in town in Arkansas, wrapping her father’s affairs in which she heckles with businessmen and carries out seemingly masculine tasks for the time of the film, she also looks to find the perfect U.S. Marshal that will find her father’s killer, a ruthless man named Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin) who killed him and stole his horse and possessions.

She is given a few names of marshals that could take up the case and ultimately decides that she is going with an equally ruthless, one-eyed marshal named Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges) whose sight problem is not his only character flaw.

Also in town is Texas Ranger LaBoeuf (Matt Damon) who is searching for Chaney for committing a crime in that state.

After twisting Cogburn’s arm and paying him a $50 fee, the U.S. Marshal takes on the case, reluctantly, with Ranger

LaBoeuf and Mattie in tow.

The two men brush off the girl until she ultimately proves herself to them and they bond.

The film’s trailer makes it out to be a shoot ‘em up kind of film but in reality it is more of a novel come to life than a stereotypical gun-drawn western.

The film itself is drawn out and moviegoers who are looking for constant moments of excitement

might get bored rather quickly but if they stick with the story, they’ll be rewarded.

The ending of the film is also a bit of an emotional surprise.

This is a warning to the members of macho nation, you will cry and it’s okay to do so.

The final scenes don’t exactly depict the cowboys going off into the sunset in a stereotypical way.

The acting in the film is solid,

although at some points, Hailee Steinfeld’s performance is exaggerated and it seems like she is acting more in a middle school play than a blockbuster film.

Those moments, however, are few and far between and it appears that Steinfeld will be a force to be reckoned with in Hollywood in the coming years.

Damon, who has done wonders in films such as The Departed and The Bourne Supremacy, is hardly present in his role as Ranger LaBoeuf.

Damon, undoubtedly, is the arrogant, pompous ranger that his counterpart despsises.

Bridges, who also worked with the Coen Brothers in the 1998 film, The Big Lebowski, is back with the sibling team for a reason.

What’s that reason, you ask? He’s fantastic as Rooster Cogburn and highlights his flaws to a “T.”

Cogburn is an alcoholic and Bridges certainly puts on a show with his antics.

Everything from shooting at the glass bottles in the air to the stupor is believable.

Anyone can be drunk but it takes a special type of acting to play drunk and Bridges nails it.

While the film has been out since before Christmas, local theaters such as Clearview’s Anthony Wayne and the UA King of Prussia still have showtimes available.

If you do ultimately miss this film in theatres, add it to your Netflix or rent it at Blockbuster.

It’s worth every moment even if right away it does not seem it.

12 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Arts & Entertainment
mct True Grit is
modern Wild West movie that has blown away fans
must see.
and is a
1. Hold It Against MeBritney Spears 2. Grenade-Bruno Mars 3.What the Hell-Avril Lavigne 4.Firework-Katy Perry 5.This Time(Dirty Bit)Black Eyed Peas 1. Entertainment- Be Safe! 2. How to & Style- Fitness Puppy 3. Sports- FC Barcelona-Messi 4.News and Politics- Toowoomba Flood 5. Music- The Best Thing About Me Is You- Ricky Martin 1.True Grit 2. Little Fockers 3. Season of the Witch 4. TRON: Legacy 5. Black Swan
Itunes Downloads Most Watched Videos Box Office Flicks ego722@cabrini edu
olivia torrence / staff writer/ oat722@cabrini.edu

Jets soar past patriots

The New York Jets advanced to their second-consecutive A.F.C. Championship game after squashing the New England Patriots, 28-21. Coach Rex Ryan said the Jan. 16 game was the secondmost important game in the team’s franchise history, second only to the Jets’ appearance in Superbowl III. Quarterback Mark Sanchez led the team in an underdog victory after a commanding performance in the fourth quarter, completing a fade to receiver Santonio Holmes to bring the team to 21-11. Bart Scott, Jets linebacker, was ecstatic after the win during an interview with Sal Palaontonio. He claimed that nobody believed in them and now they proved that they can beat the best. Along with the great rivalry between these two powerful organizations, the game was also significant due to the amount of trash talking that occured before the game. Jets defensive back Antonio Cromartie called out Tom Brady by calling him a profane word. Patriots wide receiver Wes Welker was removied from his starting position by Coach Bill Belichick after he participated in the some press conference antics earlier in the week. From the very beginning it was a game to remember. The Jets now face Pittsburgh for the A.F.C. Championship, and potentially their first Superbowl since 1968. Read Original Story at NYTimes | Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011

Clippers Cut lakers streak short

The Clippers managed to put a halt on the Laker’s seven-game winning streak, winning 99-92. The win was tainted, however, as competition between Blake Griffin and Lamar Odom escalated into a brawl resulting in four ejections. Griffin scored 18 points and 15 rebounds while Eric Gordon walked away with 30 points. Despite Kobe Bryant’s 27 points and nine rebounds, the Lakers couldn’t touch the Clippers in the fourth quarter. The win marks the Clippers’ ninth consecutive win in 13 games. Read Original Story at SportsIllustrated | Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011

FranCisCo signs with phillies

The Philadelphia Phillies bypassed salary arbitration to sign outfielder Ben Francisco to a one-year, $1.175 million contract. Francisco, 29, swung .268 with a total of six home runs and 28 RBIs in last season’s 88 games. He has accumulated a .263 batting average, 39 home runs and 140 RBIs in his career. Francisco’s new contract with the Phillies includes performance and award bonuses. “I feel like I can go out there and do great things,” said Francisco. “I want to go out there and show them that I can.” Kyle Kendrick, right-hander for the Phillies, is now the sole team member up for salary arbitration. Read Original Story at MLB.com | Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011

Flyers hold onto lead to beat rangers

The Philadelphia Flyers hosted New York Rangers Sunday night and skated away with a 3-2 win late in the third period. After leading into the third period of the game 3-0 with goals scored by Jeff Carter, Ville Leino, and captain Mike Richards, the Fly-boys watched that the lead slowly diminish when the Rangers Wojtek Wolski and Derek Stepan each scored a goal against goaltender Brian Boucher to make it a one goal game late in the period. However, Philadelphia was able to hold off the Rangers and continue on their battle to become first in the league over the Vancouver Canucks. Vancouver leads the league with a total of 64 points while the Philadelphia Flyers are right on their tail with a total of 63. The Flyers have five more upcoming games before the NHL All Star break the last weekend of January. Read original story from NHL.com | Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011

washington state suspends reggie Moore

Head coach Ken Bone has indefinitely suspended Reggie Moore, point guard for the Washington State Cougars. Moore received two misdemeanor citations in December for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The citations came after a Dec. 11 search of Moore’s dorm room, according to Whitman County Prosectors. Moore faces charges that carry minimums of one day in jail and fines ranging from $250-$5000. Read original story from ESPN | Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011

Player Profile: Julie Bonomo


Bonomo’s father cited many positive life-long returns for his daughter's talent in basketball.

"Basketball has taught Julie invaluable life lessons of time management, commitment, dedication, team skills and interpersonal skills that will help her in all of her future endeavors," Bonomo said. "Especially law school."

As any proud parents would have, Mr. and Mrs. Bonomo have many favorite memories of their daughter's accomplishments.

Lady Cavs' senior player on the basketball team is Julie Bonomo who comes from Saint Mary's High School in Manhassett, N.Y. Her story of athletic talent began with involvement in competitive dance, which Bonomo cites as something that helped toward playing basketball.

"Dance helped me a lot with being light on my feet, having balance and being able to be flexible so I didn't get hurt as easily," Bonomo said.

With the support and encouragement of family, Bonomo eventually made a switch from the art of dance to shooting hoops on the court.

"My father was the main reason why I got involved with basketball," Bonomo said. "Once I started to play sports, my dad encouraged me to pursue basketball more."

To someone on the outside of dance or sports, such a switch may seem like an easy one to make and adjust to. However, Bonomo recalled a great difference in focus between the two physically demanding pursuits.

"The transition was hard because in dance you're taught to have poise and grace," Bonomo said. "And with basketball you're taught to play hard and not worry about what you look like when doing what you have to do."

As a marketing major, Bonomo's career goals reflect the idea of working to get a job done as well. Bonomo said that she is in the process of applying to law schools.

"I'm looking into medical malpractice law and sports agency law," Bonomo said.

Bonomo's father also provided insight into the athletic abilities that his daughter possesses and leads the Lady Cavs basketball team with.

"Julie has always displayed a talent for basketball, but over the years she has grown to be a complete player on both sides of the ball," Anthony Bonomo said. "She has become an all-around player and brings an intensity level especially on defense that is not often

sionate about basketball and will do anything for her teammates."

Taylor McGarvey, one of Bonomo's sophomore teammates, provided a few examples of what makes her important to the team.

"Because we are a young team, eight freshmen and three sophomores, we really look up to her," McGarvey said. "She is driven, determined and hard-working. If there is a problem or a concern, none of us hesitate to confide in Julie."

"We both will always remember her winning a championship in high school and when she scored her 1000th point, as well as all of the special moments at Cabrini," Bonomo said. "While she has won many individual awards, it's the team ones she is most proud of and that's what makes her special."

Bonomo's coach and teammates agree whole-heartedly for her as a person and as an athlete.

"Julie is a great leader and example for her younger teammates," Kate Pearson, head women's basketball coach, said. "She is the hardest-working player on the team, which helps them understand the value of work ethic and

McGarvey pointed out an important connection between Bonomo's senior year coming to a close and how the team should view their sport.

"As she gets closer to the end of her senior season, she constantly is reminding us not to take any practices or games for granted because it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it will be over before you know it," McGarvey said.

Although basketball is known for its very tall athletes, McGarvey said of Bonomo why it isn't always about height.

"Julie is one of the smallest players on the court, but always plays with the biggest heart," McGarvey said. "She really has no fear on the court and will take on some of the bigger and stronger players. Overall, she is an excellent player, a great leader and captain and also a good friend."

the importance of giving it your all."

These examples are only a few ways in which Pearson sees Bonomo as an asset to the Lady Cavs basketball team.

"She helps motivate her teammates in practice to push each other to get better and in games she continually picks her teammates up on the court," Pearson said. "She is the loudest cheering when she is on the bench."

As the sole senior on her team this year, Bonomo holds the job of role model to her younger teammates.

"The younger players continually look to Julie for guidance and support both on and off the court," Pearson said.

Pearson named the 3-point shoot, defensive intensity and outstanding hustle as a few of Bonomo's best skills for the game.

"It has been her willingness to take on a great deal of responsibility as the only senior on a team with many new faces that has had the biggest impact overall," Pearson said.

Junior teammate Laura Caron said that Bonomo is a great leader on and off the court, a great captain, teammate and friend.

"She is a very hard worker and pushes us to be the best we can be," Caron said. "Julie is very pas-

While her family, coach and teammates see her as a basketball star for Cabrini, Bonomo named Ray Allen of the Boston Celtics as one of her personal favorites.

"He has been playing for so long and yet he is still composed and has a great shot," Bonomo said. "I love the way he plays the game and uses his knowledge and experience to his advantage. The only reason I cheer for the Celtics is because of Ray Allen."

When it comes down to her own basketball game, Bonomo continues to strengthen her skills in many ways.

"The things I do that help me as a basketball player would be always working hard, never giving up, keeping a positive attitude and always remembering why I play the game," Bonomo said.

The leadership which Bonomo shows her coach and teammates also comes through in her advice for future athletes.

"I would just tell younger athletes to enjoy the moment and play hard each and every game," Bonomo said. "Never let anyone tell you you can't do something and always be ready to rise to a challenge." cdwyerpj@gmail com

Weekly Sports Update
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 13 Sports
jwc722@cabrini edu
“The younger players continually look to Julie for guidance and support both on and off the court.”

Lady Cavs welcome

#12 Amanda Cundari

Height: 5’3”

Position: Guard

Cundari, a guard for the team, has spent the last 10 years focusing her life around basketball. After a push from her parents at a young age, basketball became a large part of Cundari’s life and she played on several travel and AU teams. “It just stuck,” Cundari said. Cundari, a communication major, from Howell, N.J., attended Howell High School where she played as a guard for four years. After being recruited to play for Cabrini, Cundari favored the small-school feeling of the campus.

Cundaris’ love for the game is very strong and she enjoys the fun she has playing. “I enjoyed scrimmaging and being able to play freely, I just love the game,” Cundari said. She also enjoys being able to play with her teammates and the friendships that have been created on this team. Cundari values her teammates and the amount of time they spend, on and off the court, has made them become very close.

#33 Leithe Faison

Height: 5’7”

Position: Guard

This political science major values the fun of the game of basketball over all else. Faison, a guard on the team, grew up in Lebanon, P.A., where she played basketball for 10 years, primarily outside of any sports organizations. She then attended Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon where she played basketball for two of the four years there.

Faison grew interested in basketball because of her love for a particular player. “I thought Allen Iverson was the greatest player in the world and I wanted to be the female version of him,” Faison said.

Faison values the experience she is getting by playing for Cabrini and building the friendships on the team. To Faison, the girls on the team make playing worthwhile and the fun of playing the game is what makes her such a dedicated player on the team. Being able to balance schoolwork and her practice schedule is something that Faison continues to keep under control. “Being able to play basketball in college is a privilege and you need to get school work out of the way in order to enjoy it,” Faison said.

#23 MaryKate McCann

Height: 5’5”

Position: Guard

McCann, a guard on the team, has found the time in her college career to balance basketball practices, schoolwork and working two jobs. Unlike some of the other players on the team, McCann works at a local pizzeria, Pat’s Pizza of Drexel Hill, as well as spends time babysitting for extra money. To balance all of her responsibilities, McCann said she has to prioritize and make many sacrifices to get what is important out of the way.

McCann, a communication major, has been playing basketball since she was five years old and came from a family of female basketball athletes. Her aunt and mother influenced McCann to begin playing at a young age and the game stuck with her. She attended Archbishop Carroll High School of Radnor, where she played as a guard for all four years.

McCann is a commuter to Cabrini and after being recruited by Cabrini coaches, she enjoys the idea of staying close to her hometown of Drexel Hill. Upon joining the team, McCann found it easy to get to know the players on the team, on and off the court. She enjoys working together with her teammates during a game.

“When you are on a team, you get to know people faster,” McCann said.

#20 Maggie McElroy

Height: 5’11”

Position: Forward

Coming from a family of athletes, basketball was something that seemed to come naturally to McElroy. A Baltimore, M.D., native, McElroy, a forward for the team, has spent the last 14 years playing basketball throughout different teams in Baltimore, including her high school team at Maryvale Prep in Brooklandville, M.D.

After visiting Cabrini College, McElroy fell in love with the small-school atmosphere of the college and after meeting with the coaching staff, she made the decision that Cabrini was where she wanted to play. McElroy values the competitive nature of the game, as well as building a family within her teammates. In her time at Cabrini, the team has played games in Madison Square Garden, as well as several games in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The traveling is the something that McElroy enjoys most about playing for Cabrini.

Balancing a rigorous practice schedule with school work is something that has helped McElroy with time management skills. “You just need to learn time management and find the time to have a social life,” McElroy said.

14 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Sports

class of 2014

Height: 5’10”

Position: Forward

Petronaci, a forward on the team and business major, lives for the adrenaline rush that pulses through her while she is on the basketball court. She describes herself as emotional about the games she plays and the excitement she feels while on the court. Petronaci’s father, who was a coach for a local team, is credited for introducing her to the sport of basketball. “My father was really big into coaching basketball so he just threw me in,” Petronaci said. She has been playing basketball for 14 years in her hometown of Verona, N.J., and attended Verona High School, where she continued to play. Upon visiting Cabrini, Petronaci instantly felt comfortable. “I didn’t feel like I was just being recruited. I felt like Coach Kate wanted me on her team,” Petronaci said.

Petronaci appreciates the bond she has gained with her teammates and has enjoyed becoming a family with them.

Michelle Petronaci #10 Annie Rivituso #35

Height: 5’10”

Position: Guard/Forward

Having a father for a basketball coach influenced Rivituso to become interested in the game of basketball at a young age. After her father pushed her sister to play, Rivituso followed suit and also has been playing for the past 15 years of her life. She attended St. Mark’s High School in Wilmington, D.E., where she played as a guard and forward. This early education major became interested in Cabrini after being recruited by the coaching staff. Rivituso was first influenced by the great education programs that exist at Cabrini, and then was won over by the campus. Traveling with the Cavaliers to play in both San Juan, Puerto Rico and Madison Square Garden has been the most memorable experiences since the start of the her freshman year Rivituso describes herself as a competitive person and fell in love with the competitive nature of the games. “When I’m on the basketball court, I forget everything and can get all my frustrations out,” Rivituso said.

Brittany Sandone #22

Height: 5’5”

Position: Guard

Sandone, an elementary education major, has spent practically her entire life involved in the game of basketball, being that she has been playing since the age of 4. Influenced by older cousins that had played, Sandone has had basketball in her life since she was a child growing up in Harleysville, Pa. Sandone attended Souderton High School and played as a guard for all four years there. Once she was recruited, Sandone toured the campus and fell in love with the basketball program. “I talked to coach and I loved the way that she runs her program, so it seemed like a perfect fit,” Sandone said. Being part of the basketball team made the transition from high school to college smoother for Sandone and she found it easier to feel at home. “I think that being on a team made it easier to meet people than just coming to a school,” Sandone said.

Sandone loves the competition of the game of basketball and found it easy to balance both a social life and a practice schedule. “The group of basketball girls are my social life,” Sandone said.

Colleen Stewart #21

Height: 5’10”

Position: Forward

The love of basketball runs in Stewart’s family and this exercise science major developed an interest for the game at a young age. Stewart, a forward for the team, is an Eastchester, N.Y., native and has been playing basketball for 14 years. She attended Eastchester High School in her hometown and played as a forward there for four years.

The feeling of winning a game and her competitive nature is what drives Stewart, as well as the connection she has with her teammates. She enjoys the camaraderie of the women’s team. “The girls made it easy to transition coming from high school and not knowing anyone and we have a lot of fun together,” Stewart said.

After being recruited, Stewart toured Cabrini and enjoyed both the coaches and atmosphere of the campus. She also was interested in the opportunities that Cabrini offered for her. Stewart continues to keep her priorities straight and focuses on getting her schoolwork out of the way so she can place all her attention on playing the game.

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The Loquitur 15 Sports
Diana Campeggio/Staff Writer/dcc59@cabrini.edu

ABOVE: On Dec. 23, 2010 the Philadelphia Phillies surprised their fans with an early Christmas present by picking up all-star pitcher Cliff Lee from the free agent market. Lee was a member of the Phillies for the 2009 season after being traded from the Cleveland Indians. Following a one-year stint with the Texas Rangers in 2010, the Phillies jumped on the opportunity to have Lee back as a member of the club. Lee signed a five-year $120 million contract.

RIGHT: On May 29, 2010 Roy Halladay achieved the greatest accomplishment that every pitcher dreams about. In a game against the Florida Marlins in Miami, Halladay completed the 20th perfect game in Major League Baseball. In addition to completing a perfect game, Halladay also pitched the first post season no hitter since 1956 against the Cincinnati Reds.

ABOVE: Michael Vick started the 2010 season as a back-up and finished an MVP candidate. He finished the best season of his life throwing 21 touchdown passes. He threw for over 3,000 yards and completed 62.6 percent of his passes this season. Vick led the Birds to the first round of the playoffs where they lost to the Green Bay Packers.

TOP 2010 Sports Moments in Philadelphia

The year of 2010 served as an impressive one for the many different teams representing the city of Philadelphia. Exciting moments for fans ranged from Roy Halladay’s perfect game against the Florida Marlins to the drafting of Evan Turner to the 76ers as the second overall pick of the National Basketball Association’s 2010 draft. Whether it was a memorable moment in football with the Eagles or an unexpected win with the Flyers in hockey, the different teams of Philadelphia kept the year of 2010 a memorable one for their dedicated fans.

LEFT: On June 24, 2010 the 76ers drafted Evan Turner, a guard out of Ohio State University. So far this season, Turner has 271 points and is averaging 7.1 points per game.

BELOW: On May 14, 2010 the Flyers became only the third team in National Hockey League history to come back and win a game in a seven-game series after being in a 3-0 deficit. The Flyers went on to beat the Boston Bruins in the second round of the NHL Playoffs (4-3.)

16 The Loquitur Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 Sports
Holly Prendergast/Sports Editor/hmp35@cabrini.edu all photos mct

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Articles inside

class of 2014

page 15

Lady Cavs welcome

page 14

Player Profile: Julie Bonomo

page 13

Welcome to theWest

pages 12-13

Reality Check: Friends with benefits

page 12

BlackSwan The psychological thriller that allows audiences to delve into the world of fine arts

page 11

Resolving for a better year

page 10

Application of the week: Angry Birds

page 10

A hidden treasure in Wayne A local store sells “fruitful” items

page 10

four loko

page 9

jersey shore

pages 8-9

New year, new annoyances

page 7

What eReaders mean for the future of good old-fashioned books and fans

page 7

Education in America: in need of rescuing

page 6

Arizona shootings raise questions on gun control and hostility between right and left

page 6

Non-profit career fair to be held at Bryn Mawr College

page 5

Congo rape victims aided by counselor

page 5

Students embark on Ecuador excursion, face hardships

page 5


page 4

Haitian people held back by economic policies of the west

page 3

Swaziland far behind U.S. in health

page 3

Additional disasters cripple Haiti Visit strengthens partnership between orphanage and Cabrini

page 3

Alumni/Senior Student Speed networking event

page 2

Emerging partnership with Swaziland calls on students

page 2

Swaziland visitors share story

pages 1-2
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