Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Radnor,.Pa. Radnor, Pa
Pacemaker Winner
Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17 Vol. LII, Issue 7
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Obama rallies base in Philly By Eric Gibble News Editor
President Barack Obama blasted critics and defended his own policies before a crowd of over 18,000 at the “Moving America Forward” rally in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. He said that the Republicans in Congress were focusing their time on attacking him rather than resolving issues for the middle class. Sunday, Oct. 10 marked his first public visit to Philadelphia since the 2004 election. Obama stood alongside Vice President Joe Biden in an effort to mobilize the local Democratic base before the Nov. 2 midterm elections. “Before I was inaugurated, and before Joe was inaugurated, we had lost 4 million jobs in the six months before that.” Obama said. “Before our economic policies were set into place, we had lost nearly 8 million jobs because of their policies.” Obama advocated for the working class, hoping to relate to the people of Germantown, where nearly 25 percent live below the federal poverty level. He cited legislation regulating Wall Street and the healthcare reform bill as examples. “You can’t stand by and let special interests drown out the voices of the American people. Philadelphia, that’s why I need you to work just as hard in this election as you did in the last election,” Obama said. While he said corporate interests and lobbyists were trying to sidetrack his agenda, his
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. W*X-%1* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* Rutgers University students hold a candlelight vigil for Tyler Clementi,:V-'/$3'* 18, who took his'/"* own,)6&* life '/)'* after)("* being filmed having sexual relations 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* with another male student. Clementi is just one of five gay teens that committed suicide after facing harassment in recent weeks. %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* as “different” or “not normal.” #-%-&'(>* Brown, $+* 13,D'8* took theirC/3(2/F* own 6)%'".* beaten and by nine men 51%"&* '$* robbed ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* By Danielle Alio These may have been the lives this past month because on Saturday, Oct. 9. This is undocumented. Deputy Editor feelings felt by the recent teens they were either verbally or the type of behavior that can :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* Imagine waking up every- who took their own lives be- `aAbF=* physically assaulted for O"(2"%'* being )("* destroy one’s `@* selfO"(2"%'* esteem )("* andT3"('$* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* ;"X-2)%F* day feeling isolated and alone. cause they were bullied. homosexual. cause the feeling of loneliness Imagine having to face others Tyler Clementi, 18, Billy More recently, there have with nowhere to turn for help. everyday who torment and tor- Lucas, 15, Seth Walsh, 13, been hate crimes in the Bronx !$##%&'()*+', ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 ture individuals whom they see Justin Aaberg, 15 and Asher where three gay men were BULLYING, Page 3
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Suicides raise concerns 7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D
Harassment leads to gay teens taking their own lives
!"#$%&"'()*%+,-(./0(123%4 INSIDE See DEMOCRATS, Page 5
!"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. Alpha Delta Gamma /0&1(,+.&23&(45.-(6'( arrives at Cabrini
+$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* NW 66@ CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 Racism or safety? The NCAA :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* weighs in on the debate 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(*page /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* See PERSPECTIVES, 7 $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* the college they can get students By Trevor Wallace American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$*involved, 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* regardless if they)%.* are Philly community walks to News Editor 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* a part of ADG, with community cure breast cancer the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* outreach and ADG sponsored See FEATURES, page 8 '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8Alpha Delta Gamma, #$'/"(F* Cabrini 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* events on campus.4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* T"$O,"* 6)%'*first '$*official )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* College’s on-campus “We will be involved in a lot Fall must-haves for the "I"(>$%"8* season &""* O($1("&&* )%.* /)I"* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 fraternity, is -'* promoting their five of Cabrini activities. If there’s See A&E, page#)."* 11 '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* eliminated from our community,” S’s Katie Keller, social,:D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* of service, school spir- an event, we’ll be there. You sophomore accounting major and -#O$(')%'* to '$* 2$#"* ,-7"*Relay '/-&* 4"2)3&"* will '$* see"I"%'&* us. For for Life it, cochair scholasticof and-'Y&* spirituality Mid-season C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 we plan on creating an Alpha Cabrini’s students.>$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* breakdown 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* '6$* Delta Gamma team&#$7-%1* and walking “We fight the stereotypical See ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in fraternity; the ‘Animal House.’ during the event,” Chila said. SPORTS, ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* Prospective students who We+3%.&* are very service-oriented and page 16 ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F*spread '/"* "I"%'* /).*we Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 what have to other want to be members of ADG can ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* Q",)>* <$(* look2$,,"1"&* forward to/$&'* a strong brotherpeople. We love C$##3%-'-"&* giving back )%.* '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"*with 2$3%'(>* and helping out R-+"* people. Everyhood ADG.'$* 4"%"W*'* 9/"* surpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* +($#* one loves going out to drinkC)%2"(* but D$2-"'>8* “We want guys with charac\%* )..-'-$%* '$* '/"* '6$* 2$M2/)-(&*there’s $+* '/"* more "I"%'F*than the Society are present during the event to oversee that,” Mark ter that are in it for the bond of !)%-",,"* !-E)('$,$* )%.* L)'-"* L",,"(F* Q",)>* /).* ofthe happenings and further the Society’s mission. Chila, president ADG, said. the brotherhood as opposed to `c*2$##-''""*#"#4"(&*'$*/",O*O,)%*'/"*+3%2'-$%8* ADG hopes that because they other reasons,” Nick Kaminski, 9/"("*6"("*),&$*?b*'")#&*'/)'*O)('-2-O)'".*-%*Q",)>* !"#$%&'()*+', are now officially recognized by service chair and secretary of NOELLE WESTFALL STAFF WRITER
PATRpatrick gallagher / online media editor
Members of Alpha Delta Gamma present Dr. Marie Angelella George with flowers as ADG becomes Cabrini’s first fraternity.
<=(+(&E5))&E(&*(&56&/0&1(,+.F& ADG, said. “We look for people that aren’t trying to boost their resumé. We are looking for quality guys,” Chila said.
ADG hopes to break free of the stereotypical views of other fraternities.
2 The Loquitur
Editorials: Through years of perseverance, a number of male students have succeeded in getting the college approval of the first official fraternity at Cabrini College. This milestone is one that many students in years past have tried to obtain but have never achieved. Alpha Delta Gamma, the fraternity’s chapter, has finally convinced the college to give its approval to a fraternity. Because Greek organizations often are believed to foster exclusivity and carry the stereotype of frat-house behavior, it is understandable as to why it has taken so long to gain approval. Nevertheless, this fraternity has molded its mission around five key components: service, social, school spirit, scholastic and spirituality.
We congratulate the fraternity on its achievement because of all of the hard work and determination put in to obtain official status on campus. The fraternity is also seeking a new
Fraternity should receive on-campus housing
would be more effective if they lived in the same residence. The college has Living and Learning Communities to allow students with the same interests to live together and engage in
The Loquitur supports the fraternity’s request to occupy the vacant Sullivan house as its residence. goal for on-campus housing. The Loquitur supports the fraternity’s request to occupy the vacant Sullivan house as its residence. The men have organized and fulfilled their task to serve the community both inside and outside the gates of the college. They believe their mission
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
activities on a particular theme. Similarly, the fraternity house can offer its members ways to explore their goals together in a communal living situation. This fraternity encourages and represents Cabrini’s mission statement that is “dedicated to academic excellence,
leadership development, and a commitment to social justice.” Considering their social group follows the mission of Cabrini, shouldn’t they be able to reside on campus and carry out these commitments? The Loquitur sees living together as a way to promote not only camaraderie but also an environment that allows peers to build their futures on the same moral standards. We should encourage the concept of a fraternity house on campus as an appealing selling point for prospective students, a way for student peers to study and interact together on a regular basis and most importantly as a place where the members can organize for the common good.
Practicum courses offer experience over credits A distinctive quality of a Cabrini education is its emphasis on experiential learning. If you talk to friends at other colleges, you find we have many opportunities to learn from real-life experience and not just from books and lectures in the classroom. Our ECG courses offer numerous opportunities to learn about real-life problems from experts in the field. Real-life experiential learning is an important part of many majors like education, social work, science, communication and business. Throughout our four years at Cabrini, we will enroll in the standard classes that are for three college credits. As we advance in college and in our major, we have the opportunity to take co-ops and many types of practicum and experiential learning opportunities. These learning opportunities demand
much out-of-class work and offer less than three credits. But these real-life experiences are often the most valuable education we receive. Education majors are required to complete a certain amount of hours to their field experience at designated schools in the area. Science majors must take a certain amount of lab courses that offer far less credit than a lecture course but demand a lot more work. Many social work majors have considerable field experience requiring many off-campus responsibilities. Communication majors have many practicum courses. Our newspaper publication requires much outside work in addition to the journalism coursework. Cabrini’s radio station offers a one credit practicum class that demands many hours of dedication including a two-hour radio
show, attendance at events and promotional work. One credit may seem like an unfair amount, but the lasting benefits are the highlight of the work. The benefits of real-life experiential learning allows us to develop skills that we cannot master in a classroom. Experiential courses demand a certain amount of hours a week outside of the course that allow us to improve performance of our major. All of these real-world courses are intended to allow students to build their skills and ultimately professional expertise in a way that cannot be matched by any lecture or coursework. College is meant to prepare us for life after graduation and the opportunities that a Cabrini education affords us will give us a definite competitive edge over graduates who did not get these opportunities.
Annual tournament promotes Fair Trade By Justin Sillner Features Editor
PATRjerry zurek / submitted photo
The annual Fair Trade Wallyball tournament excites students about fair trade is the highlight of Fair Trade month at Cabrini.
October is Fair Trade month and on the 25th, students will be participating in Cabrini’s annual Wallyball Tournament. The Fair Trade CRS Ambassadors and the Finance Association host the Wallyball Tournament every year. “The Wallyball Tournament isn’t done to raise money. It’s more of an event to promote Fair Trade and get students excited about how they can make better financial choices to support
the workers,” Kerry Allaire, senior education major and CRS Fair Trade Ambassador, said. There will be two rounds played before the actual tournament from Oct. 18 to Oct. 19. Fair Trade banana splits will be served in in the Marketplace before the game. The top two teams from the first round will move on to the championships. The championship game will be played on Monday, Oct. 25, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The Loquitur is Cabrini College’s weekly, student-produced campus newspaper. It is the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off. Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis. Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters should be less than 500 words. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and annoymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
Facebook: LOQUITUR Twitter: @LOQWITTER
The Loquitur
2010-2011 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava DEPUTY EDITOR Danielle Alio MANAGING EDITOR Michelle Costa NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace NEWS EDITOR Eric Gibble A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The Loquitur 3
Sister offers New Missionary Vision By Trevor Wallace News Editor Reminding us all of the love and generosity we must give forth as members of Cabrini College, Sister Patricia Spillane, the superior general of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, presented this idea to Cabrini College’s faculty and staff with the sisters’ New Missionary Vision. The New Missionary Vision includes new and creative forms of charity and love, new spaces of missionary activity and strategic planning and constant discernment. The sisters “go where life is most threatened. Dealing with the resources we have, we use them to the maximum where it is most needed,” Spillane said. Joan Neal, vice president of institutional effectiveness, introduced Spillane with the importance of educating the heart and how it fits into the New Missionary Vision. “The heart is the place where the currents of what we are and what we are not yet cross. It is the locus of personal authenticity, the holistic force that shapes what we really are. It is at the core of community, mutuality and solidarity,” Neal said. According to Spillane, education of the heart is a large part of the new vision. Along with this education comes the will to do good. Quoting Paul from 1 Corinthians, Spillane explained that Paul’s words are the “do’s and don’ts of education of the heart.” “Love is always patient and kind, never jealous or boastful or conceited, never rude or selfish. It does not easily get offended or resentful,” Spillane said. The love that Spillane spoke of is a love for others that not only exists in words but also in action and in deeds. “All of us sisters and laity are called
lauren sliva / online media editor
Sister Patricia Spillane spoke of spreading love, kindness, courage and wisdom as part of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus’ new vision. to a genuine relationship with all types of people that is respectful, inclusive and mutually enriching,” Spillane said. “How are we going to mentor young people... if we don’t know what makes us
tick, what makes us hate, love or paranoid? We need insight into ourselves. How can you help people to grow unless you already understand your own growth? We owe it to ourselves to become in-
trepid missionaries... so that we can become the best selves that we can be,” Spillane said. Education of the heart allows for aspects of the New Missionary Vision to take place.The new vision also calls for more missionary activity, which has already begun to take shape in Swaziland with Cabrini College’s assistance in the sisters’ work treating AIDS and HIV. “Our New Missionary Vision, which is organic, is based upon the fact that we try it, we get experience, we evaluate it, we see if it works. If it doesn’t work we tweak it and change it. It’s something alive and dynamic that changes through the years,” Spillane said. Strategic planning and constant discernment are another focus of the New Missionary Vision. “Prophetic planning will help us create a path to the future that can be focused, doable and sustainable. It holds us accountable to carry out in actuality what we have promised each other to do,” Spillane said. Dr. Marie Angelella George referred to Cabrini’s own mission statement and the sisters’ new statement can come together. “It’s okay if we have different faiths, or maybe no faith. We are here to contribute in our unique and collective ways to this wonderful mission and education of the heart,” George said. “Cabrini College has great potential to be an agent of transformation. Being a part of Cabrini is more than a job,” Spillane said. “It is also an invitation to the transformation of life. I am sure it is your [faculty and staff] hope that every student that comes to Cabrini College emerges transformed in some way. The transformation is both internal and external. Both a lasting and a contagious transformation.”
LGBT face harrassment at ‘alarming rates’ Ninety percent of gay teens face verbal, physical harassment or assault BULLYING, Page 1 According to Dara Herskovits of Cabrini’s Counseling and Psychological Services, suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds and the second leading cause of death among college students. The most common cause of suicide is untreated depression in which there is a link between bullying and depression. “Bullying against lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) students continues to occur at an alarming rate,” Herskovits said. “In general, anyone who is perceived as different from the norm may become the target of bullying.” Ninety percent of students this past year who have identified themselves as LGBT experienced some form of bullying. In breaking down the 90 percent, 66 percent had been abused verbally, 16 percent had been physically harassed and 8 percent were assaulted according to Herskovits. “People pick on other people to make themselves feel stronger,” Dr. Melissa Terlecki, assis-
tant professor of psychology, said. “People see faults in other people that they may have in themselves and it’s much harder for you to identify faults in yourself so you pick them out in other people. That makes you feel stronger. Putting down other people makes you feel better.” Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University, took his life by jumping off of the George Wa s h i n g t o n Bridge after his roommate secretly filmed and posted online a video of Clementi with another man. “Suicide is huge. Usually people who contemplate suicide have been contemplating it for a while and usually there is a series of events that lead up to someone wanting to commit suicide and not just one thing, but this sounds very drastic so it could have just been the fact that this video came
out and went viral versus a whole list of things that were going on in his [Clementi’s] social life,” Terlecki said. Adolescents who are LGBT are more than twice as likely than heterosexuals to fall into a depression and contemplate or commit suicide. Because of all the recent deaths and attacks, students
is like him and I’m sure at one point in time, I was him,” Byll Monahan, Cabrini College alumnus Class of 2010 and founder of Cabrini’s Sanctuary, said. Monahan is currently living and working as a full-time-volunteer with youth in crisis, including children within the LGBT community at a youth shelter agency called Covenant House in Detroit, Mich. He is teaching life skills and helping the youth get jobs and proper housing. He is also working one-on-one with individuals and helping them with emotional and spiritual needs. “It’s funny that all of these things have started happening now,” Monahan said. “It was a week before the first suicide that I heard about a YouTube movement called, ‘It Gets Better!’ where young men and women video record their testimonies about how they have survived all
“Life doesn’t get easier; I’d be lying if I were to say otherwise but it does get better. Talk to someone if you are being harassed for being different.” as well as celebrities are coming together nation-wide to stop these events from occurring. “I was affected by this in a very personal sense, because whether or not I knew the boy [Clementi], I know someone who
of the discrimination and harassment they have faced over the years during their journeys as members of the LGBT community.” This movement, launched by author Dan Savage, has influenced many to start rallying against anti-gay actions including celebrities such as Kristin Cavallari, Daniel Radcliffe and Anne Hathaway. Monahan plans to post his testimony for all to see very soon. “Love yourself and do what you love,” Monahan said. “Surround yourself with different varieties of good people and trust that they will support you and your decisions in life and always remember that life is so worth living, despite the bullies.” “Life doesn’t get easier; I’d be lying if I were to say otherwise but it does get better. Talk to someone if you are being harassed for being different. You do not have to put up with that. You deserve better than that,” Monahan said.
4 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor
By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor
Concrete business on trial for fraud
Republicans expected to make gains In this year’s election, it appears that Republicans are positioned to take over the majority of governors’ seats in the country. This shift is due to a number of issues, mainly the new health care law and new presidential policies. Currently, Democrats hold 26 governorships while Republicans hold 24. Republicans hold the upper hand in many of the crucial battlegrounds this election.
tention over the past few months.
Read the original story on | Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010
Read the original story on | saturday, Oct. 9, 2010
Thirty-three Chilean miners were freed from the San Jose Mine after spending 66 days underground on Tuesday, Oct. 11. This was the longest period of time miners have been trapped.
Supply line Chilean miners attacked escape freed A number of tanker trucks after 66 days destined for Afghanistan for After two difficult months, the drill working to free 33 Chilean miners struck air. The miners have been trapped for 66 days, the longest period of time that miners have survived a collapse. This latest breakthrough was an important step in the efforts toward freeing the men. The country of Chile has caught much of the world’s at-
NATO troops were set fire in western Pakistan. This marked the third attack on supplies since the border between the two countries was shut down last week. As a result of the latest attack, the U.S. government extended an apology to Pakistan. Read the original story on | Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010
Oversight leads to U.S. attack Afghan forces with ties to the Taliban were hired to protect American military bases in the country, causing a surprise attack on U.S. forces. The oversight from the Pentagon on the Afghan forces is nonexistent, leading to violent insurgency in the country. Read the original story on | Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010
Imprisoned activist receives Nobel Prize Liu Xiaobo, a literary critic and political essayist, was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize despite being repeatedly jailed by the Chinese government for his efforts. Xiaobo was awarded the prize for “his long and nonviolent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.” Read the original story on | Friday, Oct. 8, 2010
Boaters found alive in boat Six boaters were found alive in their boat, which was disabled 120 miles off the coast of Atlantic City, N.J. Due to how far off the coast the boat was, officials say it may take several days before it is back on shore.
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Oct. 14 Think Pink Celebration A “Pinkalicious” lunch menu is provided by Cabrini dining services. Receive a blood pressure check to be entered into a prize drawing in the Marketplace from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 17 Mass Celebrate mass from 7 p.m.-8 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 15 Wings and Wii East Residence Hall hosts wings and Wii with CAP Board at 8 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 18 Fat Talk Free Week The Body Image Coalition challenges Cabrini’s community to go a week without discussing their weight in a negative light. Sign the banner on Monday, Oct. 18 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Lobby of Founder’s Hall
Saturday, Oct. 16 Saturday Information Session Prospective first year and transfer students will discover how Cabrini can help them launch their careers in the Widener Center Lecture Hall from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 19 BINGO Jazzman’s Cafe hosts BINGO from 9 p.m.-10 p.m.
A conspiracy involving a concrete business and a Filipino man’s minority status is ending its run after 15 years of being unraveled. The concrete business used the man’s status to win contracts from clients and over time became Pennsylvania’s most beneficial recipient of the U.S. government’s disadvantaged business program. Read the original story on | Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010
Lower Merion district settles Students and legal representatives will receive $610,000 in a settlement reached between them and Lower Merion School District. The settlement puts an end to a suit filed against the district in regards to members of the district spying on students through webcams on computers provided by the district. Read the original story on | Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010
Man arrested for streaking The man who was arrested for streaking at President Obama’s rally in Germantown was trying to win a $1 million prize offered over the Internet. The prize was offered to the first person who could successfully streak in front of the president, with a certain website URL written on their chest. Read the original story on | Monday, Oct. 11, 2010
Spencer Studios offers senior portraits
Senior portraits will be offered from Oct. 25-29. Spencer Studios will be on hand during those days to take both casual and formal portraits of seniors. To register for a session, visit the SEaL office or email
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The Loquitur 5
Historic landmark set to be demolished in Philly By Kelsey Kastrava Editor in Chief Added to the historic register as a Philadelphia landmark in 2009, a vote was passed last month to permit the demolition of the Church of Assumption by the Philadelphia Historical Commission. The Catholic Church, located on the corner of 11th street and Spring Garden street, is owned by Siloam, a social service agency that offers its services to those suffering from HIV/AIDS. Siloam claims that they do not have the $1.5 million to stabilize the structure, let alone restore it. “There is no anger in the recent vote to demo,” Wayne Spilove, chair of the Pennsylvania Historical Commission, said in a phone interview. “And I’m not criticizing the board for their decision. They are all qualified, diverse, reasonable people.” However, Spilove feels that the church should remain standing. “Once the economy comes back, the church may come back if money goes into it to become restored,” Spilove said. “It would be terrible to see surface lots in place of what used to be this church.” Since the vote, community members and neighborhood associations have filed an appeal to reconsider. According to Spilove, the primary entity fighting for preservation of the building is Andrew Palewski, community member and contractor, who happens to specialize in historic landmarks. “Palewski submitted the nomination to be listed on the historic register in March 2009,” Spilove said. “Then that August the owner of the church filed for financial hardship.” “The owner was only legally obligated to protect the outside, not the inside,” Palewski said in a phone interview. “The owner’s interior demolition tore apart the inside of the building.”
Palewski was involved from the beginning. His nomination to recognize the church as a historic landmark has led him to continue to be involved through the appeal of its recent notice of demolition. Palewski resides in the West Poplar neighborhood just feet from the building and says if the church is restored, the community is considering an adaptive reuse for the building. “A restaurant, community theater or a gathering space, which is something that is kind of needed in the West Poplar and Callowhill neighborhoods,” Palewski said of the possibilities he and his community hope to see. The Callowhill Neighborhood Association vice president, Sarah McEneaney, says she has been involved with the church since Palewski submitted it to be on the historic register. “I got involved when Andy submitted it [the church] on the historic register and I also attended the hardship hearing,” McEneaney said in a phone interview, on the initial hearing that addressed the owner’s financial hardship. When asked if this is a typical situation that happens in the Callowhill Neighborhood Association, McEneaney said it was the first time the association has run in to this problem but she is not surprised. “Unfortunately in Philadelphia this happens often and without notice,” McEneaney said. “I think the Philadelphia Historical Commission’s role is to keep and maintain Philadelphia’s history.” McEneaney filed the appeal last month and expects to hear back from Philadelphia’s Licenses & Inspections Review in the next few weeks. If appealed, McEneaney doesn’t have a specific restoration use in mind. “I don’t feel like that’s for us to say,” McEneaney said. “I would like to just
Democrats defend policies DEMOCRATS, Page 1
kelsey kastrava / editor in chief
The Church of Assumption, built in 1848, is the last existing structure built by renowned architect Patrick Charles Keely. see it have a new life, to see it stay in the neighborhood.” Spilove agrees, adding that the development close to this site is positive. “There is enough activity to bring life back to the corridor,” Spilove said. “A church with such magnitude and beauty, there has to be a use for it,” Spilove said. “Money can be raised to stabilize it until a better path of use can be deter-
mined.” The fate of the tallest structure in north Philadelphia is still to be determined. For more information on the preservation of the Church of Assumption and the upcoming rally, contact Ben Leech of the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia at
criticism was mainly directed towards Capitol Hill. “If I said the sky was blue, they said no. If I said there were fish in the sea, they said no. They figured if Obama fails, then we win,” Obama said. Addressing concerns over being able to bring change, the President said that it would take time to change the policies enacted by the previous administration. “You didn’t elect me to do what was easy, you elected me to do what was right,” Obama said. “You sent me there to solve problems and now, 20 months later, we no longer face the possibility of a second depression.” Other notable political leaders at the rally included Governor Ed Rendell, Senator Bob Casey and Mayor Michael Nutter. The Democrats’ candidate for Senate, Joe Sestak, along with their candidate for governor, Dan Onorato, also spoke at the rally. “I ask you all, more than anything, remember you just don’t vote once for change. You keep fighting for change,” Congressman Joe Sestak said. With an approval rating of less than 50 percent, Obama has campaigned less for Democrats during this year’s midterm elections. Senior political science major John Solewin was surprised that Obama was defending himself. “It was certainly more about rallying the troops than campaigning,” Solewin said. “The Democratic leaders in Pennsylvania and Obama did a good job of rallying their base in Philadelphia.” Solewin believed Obama was trying to focus on the former President George W. Bush’s policies in order to take the attention off of his unpopular legislation. Bush’s final approval rating in a CBS News/New York Times poll was 22 percent. Two more “Moving America Forward” rallies will be held in Ohio on Oct. 17 and Las Vegas, Nev. on Oct. 22.
Fraternity focused on academics, community FRATERNITY, Page 1 “I think a lot of people think of being Greek as not being involved with school. But I think we give a new definition to that because we are both geek and Greek,” Kaminski said. Members of ADG attend mandatory study sessions with other members of ADG so that support stays strong along with academics within ADG. “We are trying to better ourselves as students and as brothers before we have to go out into the real world,” Chila said. As part of their community outreach agenda, members are already participating in service within areas stricken with poverty in Philadelphia.
Stella Maris Parish in Philadelphia has received much needed assistance from ADG in preparing events that give members of the community food, clothes and even shelter. Sister Veronica of Stella Maris Parish is extremely grateful for ADG’s help within the parish’s community. “We need people like this who can help carry the big things around and prepare for larger events,” Veronica said. As ADG settles onto Cabrini’s campus,
housing for the fraternity has become an issue. They are currently looking for offcampus housing but have also expressed interest in living on campus. “We’re trying to petition for the fraternity to live in House 7 since it’s vacant. This way, the fraternity would be closer to school and pledges would have an immediate place to meet,” Chila said. Being a member of ADG has proven to be extremely beneficial to many of its
“We are trying to better ourselves as students and as brothers before we have to go out into the real world.”
brothers. For some it allows members to meet new people and provides others with a sense of unity. “I was searching for a kind of bond I hadn’t found at Cabrini yet. After joining this fraternity, I have many brothers that respect me and I respect them,” Joe Horton, historian for ADG, said. “I considered myself to be a little individualistic, so I wanted to be part of a group that I can to learn to be for the group and have a group that I can lean on. That sense of brotherhood is important,” Kaminski said. Visit ADG’s national web site at
page 10
Thursday, August 27, 2010
6 The Loquitur
On the Give me a By Melanie Greenberg ton of work Staff Writer to do, no time, a filled planner and one credit? Many students can sympathize with me on this one. If a person was to walk into the communication wing Monday nights, it could be filled with frenzied journalists, photographers, video crews and radio personnel. Actually, come in at any point during the day and likely the wing will be a crowded place. Many students will be close to tears or ready to snap at the first person who looks at them the wrong way. One class that I have found is very timeconsuming and stressful is my radio practicum course. An hour and fifteen minutes is dedicated each Monday night to learning the ways of radio style news, laws and history. Two hours a week are dedicated to a radio show of our style choice. I’m not going to lie, Sunday nights may be my favorite two hours of the week. Wait, let me rephrase that. Sunday nights may be my favorite required time of the week. Once a week, I broadcast a sporting event, on top of the events, homework and production hours put in. I know I am not the only student struggling to keep up. At this point, you would probably think I hate my major. As much as I complain and as often as I sit and stare at my planner wondering how in the world I will get my work done, I do love it. Once the assignment or event is over, I can breathe a sigh of relief. And then I do it all over again. To be in control of a show people actually listen to and actually enjoy is amazing. I love the feeling of being accom-
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The highs and lows radio: of a practicum
plished after broadcasting a game but it is very hard to be dedicated to a course which requires so much and rewards so little. It is like asking someone to spend all their money on clothing and never wear a single item. There are other courses that offer one credit such as yoga, pilates, ballet and modern dance. These courses require attendance once a week. Compare those hour and 15-minute courses to an hour and 15 minutes, two hours, events and a game. Let’s look at this even closer. As a communication major, we are all required to attend a professional development course three to four times a semester with various guest speakers. Only two papers are asked of us. This course is worth half a credit. Practicum courses are meant to be like an internship. Typically in U.S. colleges, one credit equals two hours of study time. However, an internship requires eight hours of work per week per credit. Practicum courses are intended to provide college students with real-life experience, similar to an internship. As great as real-life experience is for preparing for the professional world, I already take 14 and a half credits and have two jobs. When I enrolled in this class I was not aware of the workload. I expected two hours of work, but got nearly quadruple that. I believe the experience will be worth it in the end. The friends I have made by bonding through the amount of work will be there for me until senior year and maybe beyond. I am ready to do the work we are given and enjoy the opportunity I am given to experience hands-on type courses. I am just positive that my time and energy wants to see more than just one credit on my transcript.
sarah luckert / staff photographer
The radio station is quite literally hands on from the beginning.
People who know me might call me a masochist. They might call me a glutton for punishment; a cog in a thankless machine in a constant state of change. I’ve spent countless days, nights and weekends cooped up in the mostly windowless, vacant halls of the East Wing in Founders Hall, rendering video, recording, interviewing and yes— even screaming. I’ve torn my hair out and yelled at computer screens. At times in my four years at Cabrini, I’ve driven my body to the point of physical and mental exhaustion—all for classes that grant me one or two credits each. This is the life of a communication major. This is the life I live and I have never in my life been happier. Don’t think of me as crazy, which, granted, I very well might be. If anything, I’m impassioned and dedicated to what I do. Saying that my major hasn’t given me, or anyone, anything in return for hard work is simply asinine. For almost three years now, I’ve been involved with Cabrini’s radio station, 89.1 WYBF-FM “The Burn.” I started out taking the introduction course, moved through the ranks of a DJ and general member of the station’s staff, rose to assistant production director and, shortly followed by being appointed production director. I went from creating sound bites and working with equipment behind the scenes to where I am now, working as the station’s music director. In that time, I have been extremely blessed and privileged enough to see my hard work pay off in the form of a Philadelphia March of Dimes Achievement in Radio award and a College Broadcasters Inc., national nomination for a documentary I helped create, along with fellow senior communication majors Gianna Shikitino and Kerri Dougherty. Radio is a practicum, a term often misunderstood by many. A practicum is not a normal class. At no point in radio have we examined texts by Sartre or Camus to discuss themes of existential philosophy and literary techniques. Why would we? We’re involved with the organization and management of a noncommercial, FCClicensed radio station. Typical classes might follow international business ethics By Joe Cahill Staff Writer
or study the future tenses of verbs in foreign tongues. Radio, like most practicums, is not a common class. Practicums are more like internships as opposed to classes. By their very nature, they require duties outside of the classroom and are meant as professional experience as opposed to strict academic learning. These are not by any means exclusive to communication majors. The Education Practicum, more commonly known as Student Teaching, is the largest practicum on campus. According to the Cabrini College Student Handbook, students enrolled in Student Teaching must complete 40 hours of work for fifteen weeks, totaling 600 hours of in-class work. This does not take into account grading, tutoring, traffic or other obligations tied to teaching that exist outside of the standard required times. For this, education majors earn a total of 12 credits. If one follows the normal path for radio for four years, they end up with 14 credits. Labs and practicums are something those who work hard at truly appreciate. “Labs are the most worthwhile part of courses,” Frank Bearoff, senior chemistry, biotechnology and molecular biology triple-major, said. “They put theory into terms that are more easily understood. I tend to learn most from the labs and my independent study has been the best part of my education here. I’ve developed marketable skills in my field and in the end, I will acquire career skills.” To liken radio or any other practicum to yoga or another throwaway one-credit course is a bold-faced insult to the hard work that I and others have done and continue to do here at Cabrini College. I’m sure that if I did a sun salutation every day for my four years of college, I would have a more toned, svelte physique. None of it, however, would give me professional skills that I can use when applying to jobs when I graduate. Individuals who can’t handle the work of these courses simply shouldn’t take them. They are, as I can attest, a lot of work. Credit-wise, the college has given me what I need. My major and my classes have given me so much more. If you’re a hard worker and you dedicate yourself to what you love, like I along with so many others have done over the years, I promise that perseverance will pay off more than you can ever imagine.
89.1 WYBF FM The Burn
is always playing your favortie songs
for more info and to listen live head to
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The Loquitur 7
We can do more: being eco-friendly on campus As the world By Diana Campeggio around us beStaff Writer gins to adapt to a greener attitude, students at Cabrini are putting a great deal of thought into their Ugg boots and lacrosse games. They seem blinded and uncultured to the choices they make and how those choices are affecting our planet. If you need proof, look into any trashcan on campus and I bet you will find recyclable paper and plastic bottles in abundance. But it comes down to more than that. I don’t believe that students here really understand, or care, what the consequences of their decisions are. These are choices that we make each and every day, from what we choose to drink to where we choose to do our shopping. Students at this college seem to be ignorant to the fact that we, as humans, are more rapidly than ever destroying the world in which we are living. Cabrini prides itself in producing students who are world citizens and are aware of serious, problematic events, but students here seem to lack consideration for what their decisions are doing to the planet. They say that Cabrini constructs a “justice matters” curriculum but what about the justice of the planet? Isn’t that also as important? As a generation of young people who have the stereotype of having little interest in world events outside of their own, why not begin learning about what we, as students, can do to reduce our carbon footprint and aid in making the world a greener place. Students are kidding themselves when they defend their economic state by saying they unplug unused electrical cords and turn off lights they aren’t using. That should be second nature by now. People need to be considering their actions and
putting a lot more thought into the decisions they make. Like I stated before, walk past any trashcan on campus and I guarantee that you will find paper and plastic bottles inside. Walk into any classroom and many students have plastic water bottles sitting next to them. It is ridiculous to me that people even buy plastic bottles of water anymore after it has been reported that a large amount of them sit in landfills for 10-plus years. If you consider that more than half of the campus drinks one bottle of water a day, you begin to see how this quickly adds up in landfills around the world. G e t an ecofriendly, reusable water bottle and a Brita filter and you are set for life. You save money and you help save the planet. It’s a win-win. By the time people begin to make responsible decisions it will be too late. Then they will be asking what they can do to reverse the condition of the planet. Start now and start making a difference. Part of this is the college’s fault. There are many places on campus where the only choice is a trashcan because there are not recycling bins in sight, but students need to make a conscious decision to make a difference and not to take the easy way out. I also don’t think that as a campus we understand that when you buy cheap clothing, produce or other goods they need to be transported from those far away places
they are made. Not only are you promoting non-American goods and the outsourcing of jobs but a serious amount of energy is wasted in transporting these goods to the U.S. By buying local foods and products, you are not requiring the amount of energy in transportation. In buying organic products, you know that no chemicals were used and sprayed on your product, which you would otherwise ingest. These sound like senseless things and nitpicking ideas. When you build them up, they make a difference in how much we pollute our planet. As a college, we lack the motivation to care about becoming a greener campus. Though some professors are promoting a paperless curriculum, many still shovel out packets and packets of papers and don’t even try to reuse them. I have been in classes where they hand out a four-page article and after the class was over, 90 percent of the students walk past the trashcan, not recycle bin, and throw those four pages away. This is a waste and does not promote environmental consideration at any means. It is not just the students who are to blame here. It’s the 21st century and technology that is at our fingertips. Schools all over the country are increasing the emphasis they put into these environmental concerns and they are leaving Cabrini in the dust. I did my teaching field experience in a private high school that had a green house worked into their science program and students grew fruits
and vegetables for them to take home and enjoy. Colleges across the country are installing solar panels, green roofs and gray water systems. There are so many things that we could do to create a greener environment for our Cabrini students but the college seems to be putting no emphasis on these ideas. As a campus community, we should be rallying for solar panels on top of campus buildings and composting food scraps from the cafeteria. I think that students need to wake up and realize that they are directly contributing to the economic problem that is destroying our planet. They need to know that when you throw your plastic bag or water bottle into the trash, it sits in landfills for longer than you could imagine. Our planet has a limited water supply and every time you take an hour-long shower, you are wasting gallons of water that could be reused in toilets and watering plants. As a community, we need to understand these things so that we can demand that our campus needs to limit the amount of resources they waste. Until the people say they want a change, nothing will be changed. When it is all said and done, I don’t think that anyone is perfect at being as eco-friendly as possible, even myself. But at least I feel that I understand the consequences of my actions and know where my clothes and food come from and where they will end up when I am done with them. If students put as much thought and effort into making greener choices then they did checking Facebook, then I think, as a campus, we would be in much better shape economically.
The NCAA weighs in on sickle-cell debate When student-athletes are dying, shouldn’t someone step in? Or could that precaution be inherently racist? In a potentially controversial but grossly under-reported decision, the NCAA has decided to implement a system for testing its athletes for sicklecell trait. This trait, which causes a deformation in some red blood cells, can be dangerous when such a person is placed under athletic and aerobic strain. As justification, it has been noted that eight NCAA football players have died in the past decade as a result of sickle-cell complications on the football field. It would appear that this new system of testing is merely designed to protect the players and avoid liability for the schools and the NCAA as a whole. While not officially stated yet, students testing positive may be made ineligible to play to avoid possible complications. However, what may fall unnoticed is that the sickle-cell trait is almost exclusively prevalent in African-Americans (and those of African descent) and is virtually nonexistent in American Caucasians. This fact, some would argue, makes such a precautionary test automatically loaded against African-American athletes, and therefore racist. After all, how can a test be fair if you already know that By Ransom Cozzillio Staff Writer
only African-Americans are going to “fail?” With a student’s athletic career on the line isn’t this obviously racist? No. To the casual observer or the overlyracially sensitive, this may seem to discriminate against African-American studentathletes. But we must realize that there is a difference between “racist” and “unfair but justified.” This is obvious when we can take a mct charged word like “race” out of the equation Now that the NCAA requires testing for sickle cell, some athletes’ for a minute. Take, for example, insurance careers will stop before they really even start. rates. On an individual level, is it “fair” that about liability, it also shows that its callousness is coloryoung males have higher car insurance rates than anyone blind. If any athlete wants to play, sickle-cell trait or not, else, including young females? Not really, but considering they can. young males get in more accidents than any other demoUnfortunately, this whole possible controversy really graphic, the higher rate is certainly justified. points back to how hypersensitive the business of race So, is it fair that, due to testing, several African-Amermakes us. That is not to say that we shouldn’t think about ican college athletes will surely be forced to stop playing it and strive for fairness. while no white players will? Perhaps not. But given that But when a program that is formed as a response to doing nothing would probably lead to more deaths, enyoung men dying on the football field comes under fire for forced testing is certainly reasonable. being racist, we need to examine our motives. Not everyIn fact, the NCAA, in a grand showing of its lack of althing that involves race is racist. This, as it turns out, is just truism, has actually made this testing less biased. Athletes a plain old case of the NCAA and affiliated colleges proare actually allowed to opt out of testing as long as they tecting themselves and their interests. There are certainly sign a waiver indemnifying the NCAA of liability. racial battles to fight with NCAA but this isn’t it. So while this shows that the NCAA doesn’t necessarily care about the health of their athletes as much as it cares
8 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Affordable and local Japanese cuisine By Natalie Crawford Staff Writer Open seven days a week, Sushi Land offers a lunch and dinner menu that includes appetizers, sushi platters and rolls. However, it is known for its uniquely named sushi and special rolls that bring in all the college students. “When I go to Sushi Land I usually order the dragon roll and salmon roll with soup and salad on the side,” Meghan Murphy, senior business and marketing major, said. With names like Lancaster roll, pink lady roll, Lion King roll, Villanova roll and crazy monkey roll, how can
all photos: michelle costa/ managing editor
Sushi Land offers a wide variety of sushi rolls and other Japanese Cuisine at an affordable price. It is located on Lancaster Avenue in Bryn Mawr.
this not attract a younger crowd? “I usually get spider roll, unagi and Philly roll. Another roll that Sushi Land has that is absolutely incredible is the Lion King roll. If you go there and get anything but sushi, you’re missing out,” Jake Verterano, Cabrini College alumnus, said over an online interview. Verterano has been to Sushi Land numerous times throughout his college years at Cabrini. Every time he has been there the food has been “flawless.” Most of these rolls include tuna, salmon, yellowtail, crabmeat, cucumber and avocado. For the month of October, Sushi Land shows off its Halloween spirit by having a Halloween roll. Inside the roll is spicy crabmeat, crunch, tuna and salmon. Everything at Sushi Land is reasonably priced. This is why college students keep coming back. Sushi is a very popular food so when students are craving it, they immediately go to Sushi Land not just because the food is delicious but because it is affordable for everyone. Appetizers, which consist of dumplings, beef, steamed vegetables, soup and salads only cost between $1.50 and $8.50. Sushi rolls cost any where between $2.95 and $10.95. This is ideal for college students who have a budget on what they can spend. “The food at Sushi Land is fresh. I’ve never had a bad experience there. If you’re going out with your friends and want to go to a nice and casual restaurant, I recommend Sushi Land. It’s a fun environment and it’s where college students go. I would definitely call it a hot spot,” Murphy said. College students from all over, including Cabrini, love
to get off campus for a night and have a nice dinner with friends. “I’ve only been there twice; once with my cousin and the other time with my parents. It’s a fun atmosphere because it’s more of a younger crowd,” Taylor Bonnani, sophomore psychology major, said. Another great addition is that Sushi Land is B.Y.O.B. This idea is very appealing to college students 21 and up. Sushi Land knew older students would love the fact that they could bring their own alcoholic beverage while they eat. “It was fun because a lot of Villanova students were there. Girls were doing a ‘girls night out’ so they brought wine,” Bonnani said. You can visit Sushi Land’s website, www.sushiland. us. It shows directions from northwest Philadelphia, south Philadelphia and from New Jersey. The website also gives you their contact information such as their telephone number and address and of course their menu. “I’ll be honest, Sushi Land is some of the best sushi I’ve ever had. I’m not so much sure if it’s the sushi, even though it is astoundingly delicious, but it’s the memories attached to the restaurant. Sushi Land is the perfect college-type restaurant to explore new foods and enjoy the company of those important in your life,” Verterano said.
Saving money while saving your social life By Laura Hancq Staff Writer Students living on their own at college are constantly tempted and pressured to spend money. All the basic college essentials such as food and books can cost intimidating amounts. A strong social life also does not come without a hefty price tag. Luckily, many colleges and universities realize that the majority of students do not have excess funds. The institutions try to assist by having strong activity planning committees that provide outings and events at little or no cost to the students directly. However, most colleges do have an activity fee as part of tuition, so it is still coming at some cost. At Cabrini, students are lucky to have a strong activity planning committee. The Campus Activities and Planning Board (CAP) is committed to offering fun and interesting events to students during the week, as well as on weekends. Emily Fiore, CAP Board vice president, along with the rest of the committee, has been hard at work planning affordable activities and trips for this year. “All of the events we run on campus, with the exception of events where we serve a dinner, are free,” Fiore said. “Most of the trips we run require students to pay a discounted rate.” Fiore also said that the events that are free usually get a higher attendance. This proves that the money aspect of an activity is of high importance to students. Cabrini’s office of Student Engagement and Leadership (SEaL) offers discounted movie tickets, as well as comedians, musicians and even trips to Broadway. They also assist students in finding cheap off-campus activities on
their website. Students who want to make sure they have enough money for all the things they want to do need to make sure they keep track of their accounts. Often college students do not follow up on bank statements or keep track of receipts but having control and knowledge of the account leads to smarter decisions. “Balance is really important when it comes to spending money at college,” Mark Grubb, freshman communication major, said. “You can have a social life but it’s really important to make sure you have enough money for the necessities. If you spend it all on the weekends, you’re
“You can have a social life but it’s really important to make sure you have enough money for the necessities.” going to be really unhappy when you have nothing left for things you want or need in order to get by during the school week.” Students who are looking to save on campus essentials in order to have more money for a social life have many options available. The bookstore offers the option of renting texts and buying used books instead of buying full-priced texts. Taking the time to sell books back to the bookstore or on a website can result in extra cash at the end of a hard semester. Specifically at Cabrini, the campus shuttle runs to many places in the surrounding areas so students can save on gas money. For those who prefer to drive, carpooling is a great way to save because it alternates whose gas is being used. “I have my car on campus and almost all of my friends
do too,” Courtney Haugh, sophomore education major, said. “We try to take turns being the drivers, so the same person doesn’t always have to use their gas. It leaves us with more money to spend when we get there.” Food can be a money pit for hungry college students. However, Cabrini students are very fortunate that meal exchange is offered. Students can get $3 for breakfast and $5 for lunch and dinner. This means that if a student can’t make it to the marketplace for a meal, it is not necessary for them to spend extra pocket money at Jazzman’s or Sandella’s because the meal plan can still be used. A popular off-campus restaurant is Peace A Pizza with locations in King of Prussia and Wayne. A plain cheese slice costs $2.39 while a 16-inch pie costs $12.49. If you go with a bunch of friends, it makes much more sense to get the pie and share. It’s cheaper and will provide leftovers. Many local eateries such as Domino’s, American Pie and Campus Corner supply menus to Cabrini that come stock full of coupons specifically for college students. Taking advantage of these as well as making smart decisions when being out can lead to a larger savings account. Follow the classic motto of spend less than you earn. College students want to avoid debt at all costs. Don’t have the mindset that you’ll pay it off after college because in a tricky job market, there are never any guarantees. Visit for more information.
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The Loquitur 9
PAINT THE TOWN PINK: Men and women come together
By Rachael Renz Copy Editor
On Sunday, Oct. 10, hundreds of citizens from the Tri-State area joined together on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum to “Make Strides Against Breast Cancer” hosted by the American Cancer Society. The organization’s slogan, “Making strides towards a world with more birthdays” inspired many to register for the race and donate to the cause. Participating in the walk were companies, teams and lone participants. Among these teams were families who were walking for important men and women in their lives who have been affected by breast cancer. Together, the entire population of walkers raised $219,315.26 towards breast cancer research. Around the art museum were several tents set up for volunteers,
survivors and registration. Amid these tents were also areas for the Eagles, TD Bank, Siemens, Verna and Associates, the American Cancer Society and 95.7 Ben FM. These companies and organizations were the top-fundraising teams. Besides raising money for a phenomenal cause, these associations were selling promotional tshirts, pens, pins and also giving away free items. The route of the walk was 2.5 miles up and back on Martin Luther King Drive. For the hundreds of people who walked for their loved ones and fundraised in their names, this race brought faith and hope that there will one day be a world with more birthdays and eventually a world without breast cancer.
to battle breast cancer
The arch of balloons marked the entrance to the walk. The walk began in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum and continued 2.5 miles down MLK Drive.
all photos: rachael renz/ copy editor
Participants gather on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum to “Make Strides Against Breast Cancer” hosted by the American Cancer Society. Pictured above is Team Marauders, one of the many teams partaking in the walk.
10 The Loquitur
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
hady Maple highlights weekend activity board
more special education major, said. CAP board brings in new ideas to engage students on campus and takes trips to surrounding areas. JaCabrini Activities and Program- mie Santoro, Emily Fiore and Peter ming board took an indulging and Morrison, members of CAP Board, exciting trip to Shady Maple Smor- worked together to put this event gasbord in Lancaster, Pa. The word into motion. “buffet” does not do the variety of They orchestrated this event to food offered at Shady Maple Smor- give students some time off camgasboard justice. pus and get another outlook on a Walking into Shady Maple different environment. Smorgasbord can be fairly over“We chose Shady Maple bewhelming because of the amount cause a lot of Cabrini students go of food offered and the endless there so we knew it would be a servings. good turnout. Roughly 20 people The different kinds of food con- came to the event... considering sists of grits and eggs, scrapple, the fact buses left campus at 8 a.m., biscuits and gravy, that was not waffles, donuts, “Most people went a bad turnfruits, yogurts, ham Fiore, back for three or four out,” and eggs, tarts and vice presivarious types of pan- servings because dent of CAP cakes including blue- there was not enough Board, said. berry, banana nut, “I used room on their plate .” chocolate and many to go when I more. was younger The pancake bar with my somewhat resembles an ice cream family. It lives up to its acclaim I shop. An endless amount of top- was still excited to go,” Kimberly pings are offered and the sky is the Carlson, junior political science limit when it comes to creativity major, said. with pancakes. Something unique about the After everyone enjoyed the Shady Maple Smorgasboard is breakfast courses, the lunch tables that they offer parking for Amish became available. horse and buggies since the Smor“The food was really good but gasboard is located in Lancaster it was hard to narrow it down be- County, a well-known Amish comcause there were so many selec- munity. tions. The atmosphere was busy Shady Maple has been in exisbut family oriented. I can defi- tence since 1970. Most cooks come nitely see my friends and I going in at 4 a.m. to begin preparing food back, ” Donald Powell, sophomore and people stay overnight to cook criminology major, said. the meat for the next day. It is a Most people went back for three family attraction known all across or four servings because there was Pennsylvania. not enough room on their plate to “I have never been to Shady enjoy everything they wanted. Maple but it is a really big tourist “I had such a hard time trying to attraction in Lancaster, especially decide where to start and what to on Saturday mornings,” Mary Kate eat,” Chelsea Cornacchia, sopho- Miller, sophomore psychology By Chelbi Mims Staff Writer
Application of the week: Nike + iPod By: Kelsey Alvino Staff Writer
kelsey kastrava / editor in chief
Junior Brittany Hume enjoys the buffet breakfast served at Shady Maple. major and a resident of Lancaster employee in the Shady Maple gift shop, said. county, said. Many Cabrini students enjoyed Shady Maple also has a 40,000foot gift shop, which includes fur- the gift shop as much as the food. niture, candles, rugs, toys, posters Most students left with memoraand much more. There are a variety bilia from the gift shop. “I bought a lime green tie dye of homemade products as well as items you could find at your local tee shirt that said ‘Amish country’ with a horse and buggy on the front Wal-Mart. “A lot of the food is made by and a bonnet,” Mimi Moore, junior employees in the farm market and history and American studies, said. the furniture is delivered from crafts man in the area,” Jason Ruhl,
This iPod application will have you running to the nearest shoe store to pick up your new pair of Nike running shoes. When you download the Nike+GPS app to your iPod touch or iPhone, it tracks your workout easily both indoors and outdoors and without a sensor. The app records your pace, distance, calories burned and the route you run with the iPhone’s GPS. The built-in GPS will track where you are going and where you have already been. Then it is uploaded to Nikeplus. com. As you run, you receive voice feedback for how well you are doing and you are also able to set goals for yourself. Motivational messages from Nike’s top athletes will push you to achieve your goals and also celebrate with words of encouragement when you reach them. If you happen to find yourself lost on your run, don’t worry. The application’s GPS has a map that tracks exactly where you started and where you have run to. To give you that extra motivational boost when you are nearing the end of your run, customize your “PowerSong” and activate it when needed. In customer ratings, Nike+GPS receives four stars. It is definitely worth $1.99 as opposed to the old Nike+iPod sport kit that could be purchased for $30. This app comes highly recommended because you can listen to music, while the app records your running times and maps out your routes with various distances, elevations and average speeds.
kelsey kastrava / editor in chief
Shady Maple is not only a place to eat your meals, there are all sorts of holiday decorations that are available for purchase.
Arts & Entertainment
11 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Fall must havesfor the season Thigh-high boots
These have become a favorite with many women. Whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a heel or a flat, these boots are comfortable and sleek. They provide a great look and protection from the cold air, day or night.
Red lips The attention-grabbing but eloquent red lip screams style. With numerous shades of red you are sure to find the one that fits you and your outfit best. Make sure to apply a moisturizer before your pick of lipstick to guarantee a long-lasting effect.
Leather jackets Leather jackets are a must-have this fall. Making a comeback to the current wardrobe, these jackets now come with more flair and style than ever. Find favorites from leather motorcycle jackets to bright-colored bomber jackets.
3 4
Copper tones Designers look to bronze and golds to bring shine to the dull colors of the fall. Gold and bronze tones are a nice pop when it comes to nail polish, shoes and accessories.
Military accents A huge contrast to the latest trends comes from the military style that is increasing in popularity. Boots, pants and jackets are a few favorites that are emerging this fall, with small military accents to provide a tough yet chic look.
Dark denim Dark denim is always flattering. The dark wash is more appropriate for fall, unlike light-colored jeans that tend to wash out your skin tone.
Lace Lace done right can look edgy and eloquent at night and flirty and feminine during the day. For daytime colors stick with tans and pastels. At night go for a black lace.
Belted waist The belted waist is a simple way to update and give life to your outfit. You can belt your jacket, dress and long sweaters. This looks gives you a figure under your heavy fall clothing.
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Blazers A sexy and sophisticated look that is easy to wear. Solid white, black and grey blazers are the go-to choices. A blazer is a great key wardrobe piece for a day-to-night look. Pair your blazer with dark skinny denim during the day and a sexy tank top for the night.
Sparkle Before, sequins were worn for special occasions only. Now they are attached to casual daily-wear outfits as well. Sequins are now being added to cardigans and skirts, in a effort to update some older looks. Subtle hints (like adding a broach or decorated sweater) look great but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t overdo it and look like a disco ball.
By: Kelsey Alvino Staff Writer all photoes from mct
Arts & Entertainment
12 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Movie Review: “Life as we Know It”
“Gossip Girl Here...”
By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor The much-anticipated movie, “Life as We Know It,” premiered in theaters on Friday, Oct. 8. With the perfect combination of comedy and emotional drama, the movie draws viewers in, making them feel as if they have a personal connection to the characters. The film stars Katherine Heigl, who plays regimented bakery owner Holly Berenson and Josh Duhamel, known as “Messer” throughout the movie, who is an up-and-coming sports director and ladies man. The two, who have absolutely nothing in common besides their best friends, are constantly bumping heads after being set up on a blind date, which ended in the pair vowing to never see each other again. Despite their dislike for one another, the two are forced to constantly spend time together because of their best friends, Peter and Alison Novak. Peter and Messer are inseparable just as Alison and Holly are. The only thing that Holly and Messer have in common is their love for the Novak’s one-yearold daughter, Sophie. Both play a very instrumental role in the life of Sophie and are present for every monumental event in the little girl’s life. The up-beat tone of the movie changes briefly when the Novak’s are killed tragically in a car accident. Overcome with grief, Holly
By: Sarah Luckert Staff Writer
Pauly’s Entourage
Josh Duhamel at the premiere of “Life as we Know It,” in New York City Friday, Oct. 8. and Messer face a shocking reality when they are informed that their friends have left dual guardianship to the both of them, forcing them to work out their own issues and come together to raise Sophie. The remainder of the movie deals with the pair trying to work out their personal differences while being attentive parents at the same time. Although the two struggle at first with their own personality conflicts, it is both funny and inspirational to see them come together to better the life of Sophie, who although young, is still grieving the loss of both of her parents. The more time Holly and Messer spend together, the more their
relationships develops. Just when things seem to be going good with the two of them, Messer is forced to make a life-changing decision that puts a strain on the entire family. The timing is bad because Holly is beginning to fall in love with Messer. “Life as we Know It” provides viewers with the perfect combination of comedy and heart-warming scenes along with a few tearjerkers as well. While Heigl plays her typical “can’t get a man” character, her and Duhamel make for a dynamic duo in the movie. Sophie, who is actually played by three triplet sisters, plays a very difficult role bril-
liantly. It is clear that the three little girls who play Sophie have a good connection to the adult actors. Although the majority of the movie is predictable from the previews, it is still a good-quality romantic comedy that is sure to be well liked by all viewing audiences.
One of television’s favorite stars, Paul “DJ Pauly D” Delveccio, is not taking a step away from the MTV hit show “Jersey Shore,” but instead coming out with his very own new show, “Pauly’s Entourage.” DJ Pauly D has already started filming with his road manager, Big Mike, his bodyguard, Jerry, and his best friend, Jason. The show is said to follow Pauly D’s music career as a DJ. It starts out in his hometown in Rhode Island and continues to the permanent filming location in Las Vegas. This will not interfere with filming the “Jersey Shore.”
Kutcher vs. Bieber
Classroom Chic Name: Kate Freyvogel
Trend Alert:
Major: Marketing
Ribbon Belt
Minor: Sports Marketing Year: Sophomore Tell us about your outfit: “I wear this outfit to class because it is comfortable and still fashionable.” Favorite part of your outfit: “My favorite part is my belt because it is colorful and it reminds me of summertime. It also has my two favorite colorspink and green.”
A ribbon belt can add a splash of color to any outfit. It is a great way to dress up a neutral colored shirt or can also be used to accent any article of clothing. Ribbon belts can be found in an array of colors, patterns and textures.
katie bonanni / staff writer
Step over Ashton Kutcher, Justin Bieber is now taking the lead. Kutcher, host of the retired MTV show “Punk’d,” may be handing off his beloved line “You’ve just been punk’d” to the teen superstar. Sources say the new show will be very similar to Kutcher’s “Punk’d” but it will bring some different aspects to the table. Polls on the internet are asking fans if they think this role would be good for Bieber. “Punk’d” is known for everything from making singer and actor Justin Timberlake cry to showing an enraged side of rapper Jadakiss.
For more celebrity gossip, go to
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Weekly Sports Update By Nick LaRosa Staff Writer
The Loquitur 13
Player Profile: Annmarie Kolla
Colts defeat Chiefs 19-9 The Indianapolis Colts defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 19-9 on Sunday, Oct. 10. Prior to losing, the Chiefs had been the only undefeated team in the league. Colts quarterback Peyton Manning failed to throw a touchdown pass but running back Mike Hart stepped up and scored the only touchdown of the game in the fourth quarter. Both teams relied heavily on their kickers, with Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri tallying four field goals and Chiefs kicker Ryan Succop kicking three successful field goals. The Chiefs loss means that no team will start the season 4-0 this year, something that has not happened since 1970. Read original story from ESPN | Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010
No. 1 Alabama upset by No. 19 South Carolina
No. 1 Alabama lost to South Carolina by a score of 35-21 on Saturday, Oct. 9. The loss by Alabama was their first since 2008, snapping a streak of 19-consecutive victories. South Carolina had a 21-3 lead at one point before the Crimson Tide came back to cut the lead to one touchdown. South Carolina quarterback Stephen Garcia threw three touchdown passes while running back Marcus Lattimore picked up 93 yards and two touchdowns. Alabama running back Mark Ingram, last year’s Heisman Trophy winner, had 41 rushing yards in the loss. The win against Alabama was also South Carolina’s first ever victory in football against a No. 1 ranked team. Read original story from ESPN | Saturday, Oct. 9, 2010
Miami Heat’s “Big 3” play first game together The Miami Heat’s trio of LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh made their highly anticipated debut in a preseason game against the Detroit Pistons on Tuesday, Oct. 5. After Wade resigned with the Heat in July, free agent stars LeBron James and Chris Bosh signed with Miami to form the “Big 3.” The Heat looked impressive in their 105-89 preseason win against the Pistons, despite playing without Wade, who injured his hamstring for most of the game. James tallied 18 points in the game while Chris Bosh scored 20 of his own. Despite only being a preseason game, fans packed the American Airlines Arena to catch a glimpse of what may be one of the best NBA teams this year. Read original story from ESPN | Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010
Roy Halladay throws second no-hitter in MLB postseason history Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay became the second person to throw a no-hitter in MLB postseason history in a 4-0 win over Cincinnati on Wednesday, Oct. 6. The only other nohitter in MLB postseason history was a perfect game, thrown by New York Yankees pitcher Don Larsen in the 1956 World Series. Halladay also had a perfect game against the Florida Marlins in the regular season, making him the fifth pitcher to have two no-hitters in one season. The Phillies gave Halladay all the run support he needed early on, scoring their four runs in the first two innings of the game. Overall, Halladay walked only one batter in the game and struck out eight Reds batters while throwing 104 pitches, the majority of which were strikes. Read original story from the Phillies website | Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010
Flyers fall to Blues 2-1 in overtime The Philadelphia Flyers lost 2-1 to the St. Louis Blues on Saturday, Oct. 9 at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis. The game ended when Blues defenseman Carlo Colaiacovo shot the puck by Flyers goaltender Brian Boucher early into the overtime period. The Blues led for much of the game thanks to an early goal by Brad Boyes off a deflection. Danny Briere of the Flyers scored his second goal of the season to tie the game at one in the third period. Boucher made 23 saves in his first start for the Flyers this season while Blues goalie Jaroslav Halak made 29 saves in his St. Louis debut. Read original story from ESPN | Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010
cabrini college athletics
By Olivia Torrence Staff Writer Who is the comedian, soon-tobe teacher and star soccer player at Cabrini College? Her name is Annmarie Kolla. Kolla has been playing soccer since she was in the 2nd grade, along with softball and basketball. Out of the three, soccer is the only one she plays at the collegiate level and it is her favorite sport. Choosing Cabrini was an easy decision for Kolla. She knew that she could play soccer here at the Divison III level. After meeting with Ken Prothero, the head coach of the women’s soccer team, she knew instantly that she wanted to come and be a part of the Cabrini women’s soccer team. “Ken was just so nice and made the school and the team look so appealing. He made it so that I
couldn’t say no and go somewhere else,” Kolla said. “Annmarie has the great balance of being funny at practice but also knowing when to work hard,” Ken Prothero, head coach, said. “She makes practice fun and makes everyone want to be there. She is one of the funniest girls I know.” During games, Kolla knows when to be serious and how to get the job done. Last year alone, Kolla had four game-winning goals for the Lady Cavaliers. This is including the game winning goal in overtime to win the CSAC championship against Marywood. So far this year, she has two game-
“Cabrini has been one of the best experiences of my life. I love the team and we get along great.” winning goals under her belt. Kolla is an elementary education major. She has always had a special spot for children and has always wanted to be a teacher. With only 12 credits this semester, she is excited to start student teaching in the spring. Although Kolla has always wanted to be an elementary education teacher, she wasn’t such a great elementary student herself. “She never really cared about school in elementary school. She just always cared about athletics and being the funny girl that she is,” Lori Kolla, Annmaries’ mother, said. Gianna Porretta has been Kol-
la’s roommate for three years and says that she wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’ve become best friends. She always keeps things entertaining and is always fun to be around. Anyone who knows her, knows that there is never a dull day with her,” Porretta said. Although Kolla has been playing soccer since 2nd grade, she still enjoys every minute of it. Some people get to college and think that soccer isn’t fun anymore or it’s not what they want to do. That hasn’t stopped Kolla. She has pre-game individual and team rituals before every single game. Her individual rituals consist of getting ready and putting her clothes in the same exact order. She also wears the same sports bra, underwear and socks for both home and away games. Every night before a game she listens to a playlist on her iTunes called the bedtime playlist. It consists of over 300 songs that put her to sleep, but she usually doesn’t make it past song four. As for the team ritual, everyone on the team writes on their arms in permanent marker. They write things to get them pumped up for the game such as “got your back” and “never give up.” “Yes, I still love it. Every team is a new experience. Cabrini has been one of the best experiences of my life. I love the team and we get along great,” Kolla said.
What is your favorite thing about October postseason baseball? By Nick LaRosa Staff Writer Jeff Young sophomore
“It’s all about the Phillies. After losing to the Yankees last year, this is their chance to win with the big three of Roy Halladay, Cole Hamels and Roy Oswalt.”
Brianna Conner English and secondary education major
“The city [of Philadelphia] coming together and the celebrations when they win.”
Joseph Stafford senior history major
“How each team handles pressure. Seeing who steps up and plays well.” mct
14 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Cavs suffer tough loss in double overtime Collins scored three goals to propel the Cavaliers to victory and left them with a record of 4-8-0. Cabrini was undoubtedly out The Cabrini men’s soccer team dominant. They out shot Keystone suffered a heart breaking 3-2 loss in 15-7 for the match and goalkeeper double overtime against Centenary Eric Nowicki came up big when College at Edith Robb Dixon Field he was needed the most. He made on Tuesday, Oct. 5. The loss ended a spectacular diving stop during the Cavalier’s three game winning the second half to keep what was streak, which put their record at 3-8Cabrini’s one goal lead at that 0. point. Junior forward Eric Collins, “After a few days of rough the Cavaliers' leading scorer, got practices we realized that we Cabrini on the board within the needed to play with more heart very first minute of the game. He and desire and we did against found an opening inside the box and Keystone,” Johnson said. fired a shot from the near post off a Nowicki played all but 5 minpass from freshman midfielder C.J. utes of the game. He was relieved Doherty that beat Centenary’s junior in the final five minutes by senior goalkeeper Jason Rogers. goalkeeper Mike Viscariello. The fans and players roared in Sophomore midfielder Pat excitement as Collins was mobbed Wehring scored his first goal of at mid-field by his teammates in celthe season in minute 81 and put ebration. the Cavaliers up 3-1 off a re-start. The Cavaliers put another goal Troy Allen earned his first assist on the board in minute 31 of the first of the season on the play. carol dwyer / staff writer half, when freshman midfielder TayThe first of Collins’ three goals Junior Eric Collins races for the ball during the match again Centenary College. Collins leads lor Scarpino scored his first career came in minute 11 of the first half, the Cavaliers with eight goals so far this season in only 12 games. goal off a flick feed from sophomore which put Cabrini up 1-0 at that midfielder Ryan Juhring. Junior point. His second goal, which Cabrini 13-12. Kyle Johnson also earned an assist on the throw in. proved to be the game-winner, came in the minute 57 off a This was Cabrini’s first loss in over a year against a That was about as good as it got for the Cavaliers, as it feed from Doherty and his assist was his third of the year. Colonial States Athletic Conference opponent. The loss was all Centenary from that point on. Collins’ final goal put the game away for good in minsnapped their CSAC 10-match winning streak. Centenary’s Jimmy Corey scored in minute 38 to bring ute 84 off a feed from senior back Mitchel Snodgrass. All Despite the heart breaker, Cabrini managed to recover the Cyclones within a goal going into the half. Daniel Berof Collins’ eight goals this season have come in the last in commanding fashion. niz assisted Corey’s goal. five matches. “It was hard to regroup after that game,” Kyle Johnson, Berniz then tied the game in minute 70 when he took Cabrini’s next game is Saturday, Oct. 16 against Gwynjunior back, said. “The coaches told us that even though a pass from junior back Kyle Thompson and beat Cabrini edd-Mercy College. It will be their fifth straight game at you want something, you’re not going to get it. So if we freshman goalkeeper Eric Nowicki. Edith Robb Dixon Field. want to win we have to go out there and prove that we Thompson scored the overtime winner in minute 103 want it more than anyone else.” when he took a corner kick feed from junior forward Eric That is exactly what they did in their next game. Pinnella. On Saturday, Oct. 9, the Cavs beat CSAC opponent Centenary’s Reid Meeker and Mike Burke received the Keystone College 4-1 at Edith Robb Dixon Field. Once only yellow cards of the match. Centenary also out-shot again, it was Eric Collins who led the way for Cabrini. By Jesse Gaunce Staff Writer
Cavalier The Dixon Center improves Calendar track and fitness center Thursday, Oct. 14
By Eleni Antipas Staff Writer
7 p.m. Volleyball @ Moravian
Friday, Oct. 15 No Events
Saturday, Oct. 16
11 a.m. Field Hockey vs. Gwynedd-Mercy 1 p.m.W Soccer @ Keystone 1:30 p.m.Volleyball vs. Centenary 3 p.m. M Soccer vs. Keystone
Sunday, Oct. 17 No Events
Monday, Oct. 18
12:30 p.m. Golf @ Muhlenberg
Tuesday, Oct. 19
12:30 p.m. Golf @ Messiah Invitational 4:30 p.m. W Soccer vs. College of Notre Dame
Wednesday, Oct. 20
4 p.m. M Soccer @ Neumann 4 p.m. Field Hockey @ College of Notre Dame
This year the 64,000-square-foot Dixon Center has received a new track, free weights and treadmills. “Everyone seems to enjoy the new equipment. The new treadmills catch people's eye because they have the Cabrini Cavaliers logo on them,” Jessica Huda, fitness director and assistant coach of the Cabrini women's soccer team, said. According to Orlin Jespersen, assistant director of recreation, the track had not been replaced in 12 years and was in need of great repair. The fitness center's benches had become torn and cracked and the free weights were purchased in 1998. Huda said that the treadmills are on a three-year-replacement cycle. The fitness center has an annual budget that allows the staff to assess which areas need the most improvement. Jespersen explained that special projects like the track require a year-long process. The staff must put out bids to different companies. Then they submit the request and it is reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Huda, who has been the fitness director for the past four years, has found that the most popular aspect of the Dixon Center is the fitness center. In the past four years there has been an influx of students utilizing the facility. The busiest times of the year at the fitness center are in August when students return to campus and January when students begin making New Year's resolutions. Throughout the school year the fitness center is bustling between the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. “The Dixon Center attracts so many students because of the quality of the equipment, the convenient access and the staff is welcoming and helpful,” Jespersen said.
“I like the new treadmills because they are a lot easier to use than the old ones,” Jessica Hubal, sophomore mathematics major, said. “The old treadmills had a 5K button which I really liked,” Dolan Ott, sophomore education major, said. According to the Cabrini College website, the fitness center also features 18-station resistance-training area, ellipticals, Stairmasters upright and recumbent bicycles and a Concept 2 rower. “What I am most proud of is the variety of equipment that the fitness center has to offer,” Huda said. The Dixon Center provides students with the opportunity to participate in yoga, Pilates, sculpting, dance, Zumba, spinning, water-aerobics and self-defense classes. The center also offers personal training sessions. There are basketball and squash courts. Students can enjoy playing volleyball and dodge-ball. Indoor rock-climbing is also available at the Dixon Center. “I take a lot of pride in all of the new programs that the staff of the Dixon Center has brought to the campus,” Jespersen said. According to Jespersen, within the next year students can also expect to see new carpeting and flooring. “Overall the students really take care of the equipment and treat it like it is their own,” Huda said.
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
The Loquitur 15
Lady Cavs defeat Philadelphia Biblical 7-2 By Jimmy Crowell Staff Writer The women’s tennis team triumphed over CSAC opponent Philadelphia Biblical University 7-2 to further the Cavs winning streak to five matches, resulting in a current season record of 13-2. The Cavaliers won the majority of their doubles and singles matches in one of the last regular season matches against the Crimson Eagles at the Dixon Courts on Saturday, Oct. 9. Despite winning overall, the Cavs thought they could have done better. Freshman Katie Kennedy, communication major, said the team played very aggressively in the doubles and singles matches. Kennedy said her and others played consistently. “We were trying to get the ball before they could; make them make the mistakes.” “We did okay [today] but we have played better,” John Magee, head coach of Cabrini’s women’s tennis team, said. When asked how she would rate her performance, Gabriela Durand, sophomore criminology major, said, “Pretty good but there is always something you can improve
upon.” The doubles matches were a sweep in Cabrini’s favor. Kennedy and junior human resource major, Alexis DiCamillo, were victorious in their match 8-3, making that their fifth straight doubles win. Durand and Adriana Scotto
“The number one thing [to remember] in tennis is ‘Give yourself a chance to win.’” won in their match 8-2. Some players believed that keeping a certain mindset and mentally preparing for the game made a difference. “My biggest strength is my mental game,” DiCamillo said. “If you can keep it together mentally, you can pull
through and win.” “My mental game was better than it has been,” Durand said. According to Durand, she was able to maintain control over the tennis ball and keep it moving. Going into the game, Durand said she had an aggressive mindset and that being able to read your opponent is key in tennis matches. “The No. 1 thing in tennis is give yourself a chance to win,” Magee said. Focusing on the fundamentals, not getting to involved in the individual matches as a coach, being mentally sharp, being focused, being committed to winning and not getting to technical are all things Magee said were important to remember going into the post season. DiCamillo, Durand, freshman Victoria Nastala and Kennedy all won their singles matches against the Crimson Eagles at their last home game for the regular season. As Cabrini has its last regular season match at the College of Notre Dame on Oct. 13, Kennedy summed up what the women’s tennis team must do to succeed in the finals. “We need to stay focused,” Kennedy said. “We are determined to do well in the playoffs.”
nick casey / staff photographer
Freshman Katie Kennedy and junior Alexis DiCamillo prepare to receive the serve during their doubles match against Philadelphia Biblical.
nick casey / staff photographer
Freshman Adriana Scotto hits a backhand shot towards her opponent during her singles match.
Field hockey beats No. 2 Keystone College By Melanie Greenberg Staff Writer Cabrini women’s field hockey defeated the Keystone College Giants 3-1 on Saturday, Oct. 9. The Cavaliers triumphed over the second-ranked team in the CSAC division. “We don’t pay attention to conference rankings. Every game is the big game. We play like it is the championship,” Julie Smith, assistant coach, said. Field hockey is a game of quick-changing possession but the Lady Cavs kept consistent control over the ball. Senior mid-fielder Allie Rodolico used her strong drives to keep the ball in Cabrini’s possession. Junior forward Lauren Alessi scored her team-leading sixth goal in the first half of the game. Struggling to get a goal after two corner hits, Alessi fought through a crowd of players to score the first goal of the game. “We are all leaders. We are strong as a team,” Alessi, said. Keystone College’s sophomore forward Hope Krolewski used her speed to race up the field but Cabrini’s defense was able to stop her from getting a shot on goal.
Both teams struggled with possession for the remainder of the first half. By halftime, Cabrini had six shots on goal. In the second half, Keystone started with the ball but Cabrini quickly took control. The Lady Cavs rarely let the ball cross midfield for the first 10 minutes of the second half.
The Cavaliers quickly pushed up the field and did not allow the tied game to break their stride. A Cabrini corner resulted in a quick shot, passing every defender before they could react. Sophomore mid-fielder Taylor McGarvey scored her first goal of the season, taking back the lead.
“If we play the way we can, and work up to our potential, we can definitely take the title again.” The Keystone fans loudly questioned the referees’ calls. Finally their demands were answered. A series of penalty hits for Keystone helped to push the ball up field in their favor. A corner was just what Keystone needed to tie the game. Junior forward Brackney Brotzman drove the ball into the goal after a corner play to set up a perfect shot. Senior goalie Caitlin Donahue saved three attempts on goal and only allowed Brotzman’s goal.
Another goal was scored with 5 minutes left in the game. Senior back Courtney Davis assisted the final goal, passing the ball from the top of the arc to senior mid-fielder Shannon Mulhern. The extra goal added reassurance and the Lady Cavs were able to celebrate their third-straight win against a CSAC opponent. Freshman mid-fielder Erin McLaughlin said there are a lot of standards expected to be met playing as a freshman a year after
winning the CSAC division. “We have the potential to win again. A lot of the returning players know what we have to do to win and we all learn from each other,” McLaughlin said. Alessi said playing with a young team is great because everyone learns from each other. “Everyone works together and it helps to mesh the team. You get to learn everyone’s styles and play off of that.” Alessi believes the team has potential to take the championship again but “I don’t want to jinx it,” she said. “We just want top six.” “If we play the way we can, and work up to our potential, we can definitely take the title again,” Smith said. With such a young team, coach Jackie Neary has the potential to train her team to work up to its potential for many seasons to come.
16 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Inside Look:
Cavaliers mid-season review Women’s Soccer
Coach’s Quote:
“I think the season has been amazing so far,” Ken Prothero, head coach, said. “Everyone’s playing very well and many kids have stepped up since we’ve lost so many seniors in the past two years. We just have to keep playing our game and not get distracted by other team’s scores or standings. The girls just have to continue to play hard and stay focused.”
Record: 10-3
Key Players: Kara Hinklemon, Annmarie Kolla, Gianna Poretta,
jimmy crowell / staff writer
Coach’s Quote:
“At first I didn’t want to say that this would be a re-building year,” , Glen Jaskelewicz, head coach, said. “We had four all league players returning. However once they all started to get injured, like Troy Allen and King Saah, I thought it might become one. We’ve had a lot of people really step up after the injuries.”
Record: 4-8 Key Players: Troy Allen, Eric Collins
Mandy Edwards
Men’s Soccer
taylor crist / staff photographer
Coach’s Quote:
“The season has been a lot better than we expected since we picked up so many new players,” Eric Shaefer, head coach, said. “It’s almost a brand new team with new faces and new responsibilities and everyone is accepting the challenge and looking for another championship.”
Record: 17-4
Key Players: Stephanie Recklau, Courtney Abel, Alaina Clark
cabrini college athletic department
Women’s Tennis
Coach’s Quote:
“We’ve improved dramatically since last season. We have three new freshmen [Katie Kennedy, Adrianna Scotto and Victoria Nastala] who are a big part of the improvement,” John Magee, head coach, said. “We are a young team doing very well. We just need to prepare properly and play well [in the playoffs]. I want the team to really enjoy the playoffs and the whole experience.”
Record: 13-2
Key Players: Alexis DiCamillo, Gabriella Durand, Michelle Lettmann
Field Hockey
nick casey / staff photographer
Coach’s Quote:
“I think it was a good learning experience during September,” Jackie Neary, head coach of 15 years, said. “We’re hoping the mistakes we made in September can be cleaned up in October. We just have to play aggressive, in-your-face hockey. Hard work will pay off.”
Record: 6-4
Key Players: Lauren Alessi, Maura Gordon, Caitlin Donohue
katie parks / staff photographer
By Allie Rodolico Staff Writer