Thursday, March 31, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Radnor, Pa Radnor,.Pa.
Pacemaker Winner Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LII, Issue 23
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State legislators call for more education funding
Leach said. “It’ll mean the closing of some whole ERIC GIBBLE campuses. It is unnecesASST. NEWS EDITOR sary. It doesn’t make any By Eric Gibble ERG722@CABRINI.EDU budgetary sense.” News Editor Leach was referring Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in In order to help close to Penn State University Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive the projected $5 billion President Graham Spanimmigration reform. 2011-12 budget deficit, ier’s recent statement !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* Pennsylvania Gover- that in addition to raising 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* nor Tom Corbett has re- tuition, entire campuses :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* duced spending by over would be forced to shut ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 50 percent for public down. The 14 universi<$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* higher education fund- ties that comprise the '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* ing. This drastic cut has State System of Higher J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* raised bipartisan concerns Education would all face also present. amongst local lawmakers equal cuts across the L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* throughout the region. board under Corbett’s !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* “52 percent of the proposed budget. Baptist Church in Wayne. state funding is Their con:9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* a pretty big cut cerns are represident,” Norton said to the group. Interact and it’s an awflective of most DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* View pictures ful lot to absorb Pennsylvanians 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* of the rally in one year, esin the state. )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 and videos of pecially at this Nearly 80 perstate legislators D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* particular time cent oppose interviewed at (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* in March when THELOQUITUR.COM deep cuts to #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* students are public educasupport for an overhaul of immigration legislation. already starttion, according :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* ing to think about where to a survey by Franklin 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* they are going next year,” and Marshall College. %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= Chris Ross, state repreState representative 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* eric gibble / news editor sentative (R., Chester), Nick Miccarelli (R., Deland “No human can be illegal” at the rally. Protesters rally in Harrisburg against budget cuts proposed by Governor Tom Corbett to reduce funding of public said. aware County) expressed <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* higher education by 50 percent, as well as a 50 percent cut in grants for private higher-education institutions. Visiting the campus his hope to reduce the H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 on Friday, March 11, percentage of cuts to :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* lawmakers expressed higher education. change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. their distress over the “I think it hurts and I 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* challenges public higher think that we have to do By Danielle Alio and legislators to protest the drastic in institutional assistance$+*grants for ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* ]-&O)%-2* cuts of public higher education. private higher-education institutions education faces. State whatever we can to re- Managing Editor #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* Governor Tom Corbett’s 2011-12 from $30 million to $15 million. Senator Daylin Leach duce those cuts,” Miccaundocumented. budget proposal drops funding from Louis Lopez, Lock Haven Univer(D., Montgomery) stated relli said. By Eric Gibble :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* $465.2 million to $232.6 million, a sity major, came to )("* the rally to that making these cuts The cuts could also News Editor `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* history ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* T3"('$* 50 percent decrease, according to express his frustration. The cuts could would essentially mean force students to seek Hundreds of students gathered on the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy force him to drop out of college. abandoning education in more affordable the steps of Pennsylvania’s Capitol Center. the state. !$##%&'()*+', alongside professors, union leaders It also includes a 50 percent cut LEGISLATORS, page 3 “It’s catastrophic,” ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 RALLY, page 3 By Danielle Alio Managing Editor
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7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& Students rally on capitol steps against deep budget cuts 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D
Relay for Life !"#$%&"'()*%+,-(./0(123%4 Students develop clothing line !"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. raises $28,295.26
Frequency Fabrics embraces life’s beauty
+$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 Hough, a senior marketing By E$)(.* Trevor'$* Wallace :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* major, with friends Grace Beal, a News Editor 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* junior business major at West Vir$+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* For many college students, ginia University, and Jake Harris American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* pursuing their dreams and chantogether co-founded Frequency )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 neling their passion into their Fabrics in order to not only display the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* work are common aspirations but their talented artwork but also to '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* few are successful. However, Cospread their idea of Frequency to :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* lin Hough has done just that with all those willing to listen. alaina conturso / staff photographer &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 Frequency Fabrics, a clothing “Everybody has a different eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* Top teams: company centered on the idea that frequency. Everybody finds fresophomore accounting major and cochair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* 1. CAP Board 2. The Social Sciences 3. ResLife Relayers quency in a different way and at we all have a unique frequency in C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* $2,323.10 $1,356.24 $1,480.00 the same time frequency is a unius that makes us special. 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* Q",)>* <$(* heats up Is online dating a C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Theatre '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* '$* 4"%"W *'* 9/"* joke or a fairytale? with+($#* ‘Merrily We surpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* C)%2"(* D$2-"'>8* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* Roll Along’ \%* )..-'-$%* '$* '/"* '6$* 2$M2/)-(&* $+* '/"* "I"%'F* the Society are present during the event to oversee Perspectives, page 6 !)%-",,"* !-E)('$,$* )%.* L)'-"* L",,"(F* Q",)>* /).* the happenings and further the Society’s mission. `c*2$##-''""*#"#4"(&*'$*/",O*O,)%*'/"*+3%2'-$%8* A&E, page 8 9/"("*6"("*),&$*?b*'")#&*'/)'*O)('-2-O)'".*-%*Q",)>* !"#$%&'()*+', NOELLE WESTFALL STAFF WRITER
fied thing and it’s in everyone,” Hough said. The company’s clothing line is currently geared towards the action sports, musical, artistic and original thought community. However, the group knows there are people that would be attracted to their clothing and concepts outside of their current demographic. “We want people to understand FREQUENCY page 5
Lady Cav’s split with Baptist Bible
<=(+(&E5))&E(&*(&56&/0&1(,+.F& Sports, page 15
2 The Loquitur
One event that can be looked forward to every spring is the Cabrini College Theatre’s spring musical production. This year audiences will be able to enjoy the Steven Sondheim musical, “Merrily We Roll Along.” The Loquitur believes the theatre program at Cabrini is one of the most hardworking and dedicated programs we have seen. It works with its small space and produces extraordinary shows, creating full houses plus extra attendees every night. At times, more seats are added to our 80-seat theatre in order to accommodate more people. Last year’s production of “The 25th Annual Putnam Country Spelling Bee” fit over 100 people by placing audience members on the stage to watch the show. With “Spelling Bee,” placing audience members on the stage worked because of the story line and high level of audience participation. With “Mer-
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Cabrini’s Theatre seating not adequate for audience members
rily,” it’s different. It is impossible to fit more people than the theatre capacity allows due to the nature of the show and cast members entering and leaving from everywhere. The cast and crew work hours upon hours to perfect their lines, practice their blocking and work with props. It saddens the Loquitur to think that for how much hard work the cast and crew put in, there is only a tiny theatre for them to show off. Imagine what the productions here would be like if we had a giant stage. The theatre’s set designer designs marvelous sets for huge theatres and has pulled off many illusions with his designs. He leaves the audiences in amazement when they walk in. The current theatre has definitely served its purpose and has impacted the lives of many students, but the students and directors have outgrown the current space and deserve something more.
Yes, the saying rings true that “it’s the company that makes the theatre and not the building,” but the students and directors have poured their hearts and souls into these shows and they are limited by the space. The company is bursting with talent and it only gets better every year with their hard work and dedication. By performing a complex and difficult show such as “Merrily,” the company has excelled and has proven that they can do any show they put their minds to.The effect that the theatre has on some of the cast has made a lasting impact. Some have incorporated theatre skills into their futures after college. Now as a senior and four-year Cabrini theatre member, Maddie Iacobucci has been accepted into Villanova’s M.A. theatre program. Unfortunately, due to the space, the theatre group has to make sacrifices in that there
are certain shows they can’t produce. With a bigger space, there is no show that this talented group of people couldn’t perform, especially with their amazing director, Dr. Thomas Stretton, who dedicates countless hours to the theatre. Another tribute to the success of the theatre is Alpha Psi Omega, which is the new national theatre honors society. The new charter members recently held their induction ceremony that officially started the Cabrini chapter, Alpha Zeta Phi. The Loquitur feels that the theatre brings confidence to students who are a part of any show. We feel it brings all different kinds of people together. It is something that students are proud of when they complete a show. The theatre is a place where you make new friends along with being with the old. Cabrini, it’s time. Build a theatre.
The Loquitur is Cabrini College’s weekly, student-produced campus newspaper. It is the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off. Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis. Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters should be less than 500 words. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and annoymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
FOLLOW US Top: Cabrini’s theatre holds a maximum of 80 audience members. The cast of ‘Merrily We Roll Along’ practices their music with Director Thomas Stretton and Music Director Adeline Bethany. Bottom: Cast members run through lines on stage.
all photos jenna bertino / staff photographer
Facebook: LOQUITUR Twitter: @LOQWITTER
The Loquitur
2010-2011 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava MANAGING EDITOR Danielle Alio NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace NEWS EDITOR Eric Gibble A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin FEATURES EDITOR Justin Sillner
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 3
Students fear tuition hike next year with Corbett’s budget RALLY, page 1
eric gibble / news editor
Students from across Pennsylvania converge on the state capitol on March 28. They were joined by their faculty, parents, legislators and union leaders and called for an alternative to Governor Tom Corbett’s budget.
Community college enrollments could increase with budget cuts LEGISLATORS, page 1 education opportunities at community colleges. “Because students are not able to attend a university in the state system, they attend community college. More and more pressure is being placed on the community colleges to provide more programs for the students who can’t afford to go elsewhere,” Thomas Murt, state representative (R., Montgomery), said.
Murt also stated that funding for community colleges should be increased. However, if the budget is passed as it is, the community college allocations funding will be reduced by 10 percent. “It’s very important that we provide funding and opportunities for students across Pennsylvania, especially for our middle class and working class families to achieve higher education,” Murt said. If constituents are alarmed by the proposed cuts, State Representative Greg Vi-
Daylin Leach (D., Delaware county) “We should absolutely have a severance tax. Every other state has it. You wouldn’t have to cut college education by 50 percent if you have the Marcellus Shale tax.”
Thomas Murt (R., Montgomery county) “I am one of few Republicans who support that concept. I believe that most of this money should go towards environmental initiatives.”
tali (D., Delaware County) urged them to make their voices heard. “You have your state reps, your state senators and your governor and you need to communicate your thoughts to them in any way possible,” Vitali said. “A personal meeting with your state representative and state senator would be good starting points.”
Nick Miccarell (R., Delaware county) “Municipalities should be able to charge a fee to protect themselves.”
Greg Vitali (D., Delaware county) Vitali has introduced legislation calling for a tax. “We project in fiscal year 20112012 it’ll be about $200 million.”
“They [my parents] are right now working 12-hour days to put me and my sister through college and this is unacceptable. If this goes through, we can’t go to college. Everything that my parents would have done would have been for nothing,” Lopez said. Balancing work and her academic responsibilities is already a challenge for Shippensburg University social work graduate student Jamie Showers. She said the cuts would force her to re-evaluate completing her degree. “I already have to work part-time and have a grad assistant job on campus that gives me very little just to get school paid for. And already our tuition is being raised.” Showers also said her husband was helping her pay for education and these budget cuts would take a toll on their financial situation. “If tuition goes up even more I don’t even know how we’re going to be able to afford our home, our bills,” Showers said. “I don’t think that I would be able to finish one more year of school.” As Lopez and Showers stood alongside other public university students, leaders from these universities testified before the House Appropriations Committee on the consequences of the cuts on their schools. “There’s something wrong with a system that dedicates more funding to its corrections institutes than our educational institutes,” Frank Snyder, secretary-treasurer of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, said to the crowd. The animosity towards Corbett was evident with chants of “where is CorFrank Snyder bett?” and “cut Corbett” coming from the crowd, referring to him as the enemy of Pennsylvania. Kevin Mahoney, associate professor at Lock Haven University and vice president of their Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties chapter, expressed his disappointment with the governor. “He’s declared war on the citizens of Pennsylvania. He’s basically said, ‘No, we’re cutting off your future,’” Mahoney said. The debate should also move from cuts to revenue enhancements, according to Mahoney. “We don’t have a budget problem. We have a revenue problem,” Mahoney said. State Senator elect Judy Schwank (D., Berks) stated that Pennsylvania remains the only state among the top 15 natural gas producers without a natural gas extraction tax. “It’s not right. It’s not fair, not while we let gas drillers and big corporations get away with not paying their fair share too,” Schwank said. The crowd agreed with a reoccurring chant “tax our gas.” Showers noted the high environmental and infrastructure cost natural gas companies are imposing on the state. “There are multi-billion dollar companies that are actually being detrimental to our environment, to our state, that aren’t being taxed. That gap needs to be closed,” Showers said. The lack of investment in education concerns Showers because she fears the cuts will only bring a trickle-down effect. “Education is such a huge foundation for people to be able to get jobs, to get off welfare, to stay out of prison. It’s proactive rather than being reactive.”
4 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 31, 2011
GLOBAL & NATIONAL Rebels gain ground in Libya
Man accused of murdering Iraq war veteran
Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces retreated from Ajdabiya on Saturday, running with Libyan rebels in pursuit of their major victory since the weeklong air strikes. The progress of the rebels was the first sign that the allied attacks changed the course of the battle for control. Western leaders are discussing the military operations ability to protect the Libyan residents and the removal of Colonel Qaddafi from power. Read the original story on | March 27, 2011
Syrian police open on protesters During a protest in southern Syria, military troops opened fire. Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Dara’a and other cities were out in the streets protesting a state, which demonstrated a readiness to use lethal force. Human rights groups said 38 people had been killed by government forces. According to the Human Rights Watch Director, Syrian security forces are showing the same cruelty as their counterparts in surrounding Arab countries.
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force personnel prepare hot water for a temporary bathing facility. Japanese officials stated radioactive idoine has been detected in Tokyo’s water supply.
G.E. records record profits General Electric reported a worldwide profit of $14.2 billion and said $5.1 billion came from the U.S. The company’s percentage of profits being paid to the Internal Revenue Services has been at low rates for years. Its success is based on tax break lobbying and offshore profits.
Read the original story on | March 26, 2011
Read the original story on | March 25, 2011
Contaminated water supply Japanese officials warned that
infants in Tokyo and surrounding areas should not be given tap water after detecting radioactive iodine in Tokyo’s water supply. Authorities have pledged to supply bottled water to families with infants. “There is a high possibility that there has been a slight melting of the fuel rods,” Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said in the New York Times. Prime Minister Naoto Kan asked the public to avoid farm products from areas near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which was severely damaged by the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, according to the Japanese news media. Read the original story on | March 24, 2011
Obama: Allies to take lead After two men were rescused when their fighter jets crashed President Obama and leaders of Britain and France stepped up to work out an agreement on who would be in charge of military operations. Obama stated that the U.S. would step back within days from taking the leading role. Colonel Qaddafi’s followers showed no sign of ending their attacks. Read the original story on | March 23, 2011 jeny varughese
asst. a&e editor
Career Fair at Immaculata University Cabrini College, along with Rosemont College, Neumann, Eastern and Immaculata Universities will hold a career fair for full time, part time and seasonal jobs with government agencies and other employers from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 3 Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m.- 8 p.m. Academic Honors Convocation Come to the Grace Hall Atrium from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to see presentations on graduate and professional studies.
Friday, April 1 See sports calendar on page 14
Monday, April 4 Monday Mile Walk Meet at the Health Hut in the Marketplace and walk a healthy mile. Whoever walks the most Monday miles in the Spring will win a $50 gift card.
Read the original story on | March 27, 2011
73-year-old fails to post bail for accused rape A 73-year-old Chester County man accused of raping an 8-year-old girl was taken to Chester County Prison after failing to post $750,000 cash bail. Police said the man was asked to watch the girl after school on Wednesday and when the girl’s relatives arrived they found her being assaulted. The 8-year old was taken to Chester County hospital. Read the original story on | March 25, 2011
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, March 31
A Newark, Del., man was found guilty of first degree murder for brutally slaying a two-time Iraq veteran from Montgomery County. He faces life without parole. “It doesn’t change the outcome,” Peter Stropas, the victim’s older brother said in the Philadelphia Inquirer. “At least the person responsible is no longer free.” The victim was stabbed more than 70 times with an eight-inch butcherknife outside a Dunkin Donuts parking lot.
Saturday, April 2 Volunteer Service Join the Community Service Outreach Club and volunteer with Philabundance, the world’s largest hunger-relief program, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Melissa Frazier at
Tuesday, April 5 Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 8:15-9:15 a.m.
Grant issued to find alternative energy in genes The United States Department of Energy/ Joint Genome Institution awarded Cabrini a grant that will allow students to identify if genes can be used as an alternative source of energy. Students will be able to determine functions and identify why some genes lay dormant. Students will be able to submit their findings to GenBank which is an online publication for all sequence genome. Read the original story on | March 22, 2011 jeny varughese
asst. a&e editor
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 5
Clothing line taps into life’s frequency FREQUENCY, page 1 their frequency regardless of who they are, what age group they’re in or where they’re from. We want them to embrace Frequency,” Harris said. The idea of Frequency Fabrics originated back in high school for Hough, who knew there was more to life than sitting behind a desk from nine to five. “I knew I had to do something creative and entrepreneurial. I always kind of went my own way,” Hough said. Together, the group began designing artwork for skateboards and t-shirts but Frequency Fabrics, as they know it today, still hadn’t taken shape. After Harris had spent time away in Los Angeles, Ca., the group reunited and only less than a year ago Frequency Fabrics became what it is currently. “Once it came full circle for us, it kind of blew us away because we knew it was there the entire time, we just couldn’t put our fingers on it,” Hough said. Currently, Frequency Fabrics is working with Philadelphia Fashion Informant Magazine, which is a new magazine geared towards Philadelphia’s youth and promotes creativity, art, skateboarding and fashion. Tariq Stills, founder of PFI Magazine, expressed his excitement to be working with Frequency Fabrics and considers them to be a great addition to his magazine. “They’re fresh and new and I know that the vibrant colors on their t-shirts and the idea behind Frequency will appeal to my
market,” Stills said. Frequency Fabrics is relying on their artwork and word-of-mouth to promote their clothing line, which includes t-shirts, belts and a women’s line. “The sky is the limit for these guys. They can go anywhere they want to,” Stills said. “This is our time and we are going to do it peacefully, beautifully and constructively with everyone behind us. People want to feel what we have to give and I want people to feel that, I really do,” Harris said. The group’s mission statement, if not moving in concept, is moving in its honesty. “Whether it’s music, art, traveling or just being you, there is an intoxicating, beautiful energy that one strives to embrace in doing what they truly enjoy. This brilliant electricity, the epicenter of life’s infinite euphoria, is what we refer to as FREQUENCY.” Frequency Fabrics will be launching their website in the coming weeks, coinciding with their release of new t-shirt designs. Follow Frequency Fabrics on Twitter @FrequencyFabrix and follow PFI Magazine on Twitter @PFIMAGAZINE.
submitted photos / frequency fabrics
Above left: Shockwave Colorways Above right: No Holds Bar Bottom: Concept Art
American Red Cross surpasses goal in blood drive By Jimmy Crowell Asst. News Editor
jenna Bbertino / staff photohrapher
The blood drive held by the American Red Cross on March 21 collected 10 more pints of blood than the fall drive held on Oct. 29.
The American Red Cross held a blood drive in Grace Hall on Monday, March 21, that saw a small increase in attendance over the college’s fall blood drive on Oct. 29. According to Audrey Leavitt, senior manager of operations for the American Red Cross, the goal for this blood drive was 50 units of blood. The Oct. 29 2010 blood drive collected 45 units of blood, falling short of their goal of 60 units. In an email sent out to the college community, the American Red Cross reportedly collected 55 units, beating their goal of 50 units. The American Red Cross also said they separate the whole blood donations into three blood products: platelets, plasma and red blood cells. The March 21 drive was said to have helped save or sustain the lives of 165 area patients. Besides usually being more healthy than adults, Leavitt said the American Red Cross likes to target high school and college-aged people because if they can get them to start donating now, “they will hopefully develop a healthy and lifelong pattern of them donating blood.” Leavitt said she has seen and heard of many coming out and wanting to donate blood because of the disaster in Japan, however she knows there has not been a large demand for blood in that part of the world and the American Red Cross was not sending any blood there to her knowledge. Meghan Kay, junior psychology major, said she gives blood every opportunity she has had during the past four years. “Many don’t realize how helpful blood is,” Kay said. “Being in the military, I think that many people are not aware that blood often goes to military bases to help treat
wounded soldiers, not just sick patients in hospitals.” “I decided to give blood today because 30 seconds of my discomfort is so worth the three lives I could be saving,” Jamie Rago, senior social work and psychology major, said. “I honestly don’t see a reason why people shouldn’t donate blood. To me, there is no downside.” According to Leavitt, many students and adults get intimidated by blood donation through what she refers to as ‘white-coat syndrome,’ referring to the white coats that doctors wear. “Just the thought or sight of blood for some people turns them away,” Leavitt said. “Another reason may be that they had a bad experience donating blood or heard from a friend or family member that they had a bad experience donating blood.” Susan Fitzgerald, registered nurse and director of health services, said the college has held blood drives twice a year for more than 25 years and believes none of the blood drives held at the college have had low turnouts, citing that the Red Cross has been pleased with how successful blood drives have been in the past. “Sometimes we have fallen short of our goal, but given our campus’s size, our students do an amazing job in coming out every year to give blood,” Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald said the stated goal for the fall blood drives is usually less than the goal for spring blood drives due to colds and illnesses, which always defers potential blood donors. Joanne Mattoon, secretary for health services, said that Cabrini College is special because it brings the blood drive to the students, whereas at some other places the people have to seek out the blood drive. “It is so easy to donate blood if it is right outside your dorm,” Mattoon said.
6 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Online dating:
it’s no fairytale
By Chelbi Mims Asst. Features Editor
In today’s society, I love to shop for clothes online, order food online and watch television shows on the computer, but shopping for men online is a little awkward for me. What ever happened to meeting our future significant other in a nice coffee shop, the park or on the beach? When I grow old, I want to sit and tell my grandchildren a nice romantic story about how my husband and I met, not that I met him while I was surfing the web. Websites like, and have demoralized the fairytale stories of meeting significant others and put it on the same level as ordering a pizza or buying a pair of shoes. I think that sitting in front of a computer while changing my profile picture and updating my profile, then proceeding to look through pages and pages, seeing whose profile fits with my profile, takes out the fun and is not the equivalent to meeting people face-to-face. Profiles lack in substance and are static; reading one's profile tells me the surface of a person, not their true personality. I love awkward flirting and the nervousness I get when meeting someone “cute” for the first time. Then exchanging numbers with the person and thinking who is going to call whom first. Then finally having that first conversation getting to know someone. That’s how people should meet. Not because we both put that we love dogs on our profile.
Online-dating services can also be extremely unsafe. Although websites say they offer extreme protection by providing background checks, many stories have been told in the news about women meeting serial killers on online-dating services. People can fake identities online; there is a high chance of misrepresentation online. The man you think loves dogs and has a compatible profile may be the next “Craigslist Killer.” There is no way for you to tell who someone really is: anyone can write things about themselves. A man that seems to be a great person to talk with online can be a complete hermit in person, mainly because they may not be as sociable. The man you thought was a joy and amazing to talk to can only converse via email and chat messages - misrepresentation. Conversing through a few emails and instant messaging cannot tell you who a person really is. This is why I would rather meet people in person, because by a face-toface meeting, people cannot pretend to be someone they are not. When you meet someone traditionally, you are allowed to communicate more clearly by facial expressions and body language. When you meet someone in the traditional manner, you are able to spend time with that person and enjoy their company, not just enjoying their chats and emails. According to a study, online-dating services have had a $900 million increase since 2003. It has been proven that online dating has become the most popular way to meet people now, but unless I am old, gray and sitting in my house with 15 cats I will not believe in online dating.
Becoming the victim By Carol Dwyer Asst. Copy Editor
This semester, my engagements in the common good (ECG) class focuses on dating and domestic violence, as well as how to help victims of abuse. On Wednesday, March 16, my ECG class, taught by English professor Amy (DeBlasis) Persichetti, watched as signs were being hung up around room 358-A in Founders Hall. We found out that these signs would be part of an important activity in which they represented places where a domestic violence victim can go for safety and help. In the activity, each of us had to pretend that we were a 27 or 29-year-old woman with a 7-year-old son who suffers from asthma, a 4-year-old daughter and 5-year-old cat. We were supplied with a pack of cards in yellow and green, both colors varying in numbers from person to person. The yellow card was for “good will” and could be used at the signs, or “stations,” that didn’t cost any money. The green cards represented the money we had on hand while trying to seek a safe place to go with the children and cat. Everyone started at the “home” station, and awaited various domestic violence scenarios to be presented to us so we could decide what to do next. The scenarios included increasing concern about the husband’s violent behavior, shoving down a staircase, slamming the car door on a hand, the husband stalking while we stay at a family or friend’s home and even the husband being drunk while threatening to kill with a gun. Upon hearing each scenario, one at a time, getting worse and worse, we decided whether to stay at the “home” station or leave for safety. The other stations included family and friends, which cost one yellow good-will card. Going to the police cost three yellow cards. The option to go to a hotel cost five green-money cards, while an apartment cost four green cards. A shelter cost one yellow card; however, it had a “closed” sign on that station to complicate our options.
Whenever it did open, it only accepted a limited number of people. The foster care option also cost one yellow card. However, as one student found out from choosing that option, it meant the kids could eventually end up back with the abusive husband. The majority of those still at home finally left after the scenario came up that involved the husband being drunk and threatening with a gun. As we went to various stations, Persichetti and Laurel House representative Tommie Wilkins played the roles of whoever we went to. If someone went to the “police” station, they acted as police officers and told them how they could and could not help. It was frustrating for us as we acted out the roles of domestic violence victims and saw our options running out, depending on which cards and how many we had left. My classmates and I became increasingly unsure of what to do next in order to stay safe until the role-playing activity was over. This showed me that domestic violence victims need as many financial resources as possible to avoid going back to the abuser. Something needs to be done so that never becomes an option for anyone. However, this is what made it a very good activity. It showed me just how quickly the options run out for someone in this situation, especially on little to no money and with concerns of the safety of kids and a pet. We had to think about the son’s medical attention for asthma and related costs. We had to cover apartment expenses and basic necessities to survive. Persichetti and Wilkins also took on the roles of two gossipy women at a local bus stop. In one example of gossip, there was talk of the condition in which the kids are sent to school in old, ragged clothes. At this point, I had been staying at the family and friends station and had to buy the kids some clothes. It took my only two green money cards. I stayed at the same station throughout most of the activity, until Wilkins held up a sign that said, “welcome worn out.” With only a few yellow good-will cards left in my hand, I could not go anywhere that cost money. This meant that I had to go back to the “home” station and back to the abusive husband.
jamie santoro / perspectives editor
Yellow cards open the door to safe havens free-ofcharge; Other places to seek safety at come with a fee. Read on to find out about an ECG class activity on the options of domestic-violence victims. It was at that point of the activity that I realized how, in real life, this could be the moment at which a domestic violence victim also becomes a murder victim. As we learn to be advocates for victims of domestic violence, this activity will go a long way in helping us to understand them and think about what it’s like in their shoes. The ECG 300 class on dating and domestic violence is one that I recommend for those heading into 300-level undergraduate coursework. It directly shows how college students can help others through the studies they take on. Taking this class has been very eye-opening and I never thought I would learn so much about domestic violence and how I can help victims.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 7
: e m i t s a p n a c i r t r o e p s a t s Am u more than j The
By Jamie Santoro Perspectives Editor
It is my favorite time of year. Spring is beginning to bloom, summer is on the horizon and the Phillies season is about to begin. My history with the Phillies and sports in general is not a great one. Sports to me was torture. As a child, I played soccer and was a part of several swim teams, but never anything too serious. Organized sporting events were just things that kept me away from television or books, things that I would much rather be focusing on. Watching sports on television was even worse. I remember watching football games on Sunday nights with my dad and not understanding. “Alias” was on. Why weren’t we watching it? This was back in the day when TV shows weren’t online the next day, adding to my pain. The Phillies were an organization I never had a problem with. Unlike football in general. I don’t get it, it’s boring, lets not fight about it. My dad was never a really hardcore baseball guy, at least it never seemed like it. My love affair with the Phillies started at an older age. I will be honest, I was a bit of bandwagon-er to start off with. As the Phils scraped by in the 2007 season to win the NL East over the Mets, I couldn’t help but be interested. My lack of knowledge in the sport was my downfall and I gave up. The Phils didn’t continue much further that year so I didn’t miss much. The next year, as the Phillies began to exceed the previous years accomplishments, I began to pay attention. I began to watch games just as I was doing homework or messing around on my computer. This is when I slowly started to become a fan. As we all know, our good ol’ Phils went all the way that year. My fandom at that point, however, was not ravenous enough for me to be too excited. I did not
go to the parade, but I wanted to. More because I felt like it was an important moment for my city than anything else. In the course of that season, I really learned the rules and lingo of the American pastime. Just from observing and a bit of light googling, I was becoming a bit of an aficionado. I was really getting into it and enjoying it. More than just enjoying it, something about baseball really captivated me. I have always loved team sports. The thrill of competition. It’s not something I have ever been too good at but the adrenaline rush of a good game is like nothing else. When it comes to the Phils, I get choked up. That sounds incredibly lame but I have a deep connection with this team and what they represent. There is something about these guys that makes up the Phillies. They seem like amazing people. You get the undeniable feeling that they’re all friends. The “I would love to have a beer with them” factor is huge. It’s hard to put into words but I think it has something to do with the memories I have associated with the Phillies that really moves me. Phillies, to me, means warm air, tan skin, meeting new people to buy you beer, Citizens Bank Park and so much more. The ambience that the team gives is indescribable. More than anything, having a large group of people come together for one purpose, escape the daily grind and modern conveniences and just have fun. The Phillies represent the hopes and dreams of a blue-collar city, citizens who work too hard and get paid too little. The Phillies are what we need. My name is Jamie Santoro. I am in debt, over worked and tired. I am a Phillies fan.
Left: Chase Utley, Philadelphia second baseman. Center: Shane Victorino, Philadelphia centerfielder. Above: Jake Arrieta, Baltimore pitcher.
By Pat Gallagher Online Media Editor
If you knew that the team you were about to watch was going to lose would you still attend or turn on the game? Well this is a question that fans in Baltimore have long since answered and never even looked back. For 13 years residents of Maryland and a small following outside of the state, have been waiting for the Baltimore Orioles to return to the postseason or at least turn out a winning season. It has been since 2001, when Cal Ripken retired, that the Orioles have not been ranked higher than third in the American League East division. So then why is it, with all these troubles, that at 7:05 the O’s game is on thousands of Marylander’s TVs and there are thousands filtering in to Camden Yards? Well that’s simple, love and passion. Some people don’t understand how a person can “love” a sports franchise but it is a love that millions are swept into. It comes from that desire and rush of being a part of being something bigger than just any individual. It is all of those moments of happiness and despair. It is this love that brings a person to watch a team that consistently loses 80 to 90 games a year. It is this love that I witnessed my entire lifetime. From the moment that I knew baseball, I was an Orioles fan. This wasn’t because I knew anything about the history of the
team, or even what the team was like at the time, but solely because I was an eyewitness to the love that my family members gave to that very team. It was a given that at 7:05 every evening the television was set and my house was filled with the sounds of the ballpark. It is a sound that to this day brings me joy and happiness. The shear fact that my O’s will probably lose, has no influence on my decision to watch or cheer for them. What matters is the pride of staying loyal to a team that hasn’t made the playoffs since 1997. It is the act of holding your head high and wearing your O’s cap in the support for your club that has given you so many thrills and times of elation. Let it be said though, that the 2011 Orioles who are under their new skipper Buck Showalter, are on an upswing. With big off season acquisitions such as designated hitter Vladimir Guerrero, first baseman Derrek Lee and resigning righthanded pitcher Jeremy Guthrie this season has a new feeling and a new air sweeping through Baltimore. So to my Orioles, who always give Baltimore their very best and continue to electrify the sweet bay air surrounding the city, I say thank you! Thank you for always being that source of bliss during the summer heat and providing Maryland with a shinning example of America’s greatest pastime.
8 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 31, 2011 Aall photos submitted by bart mcdermott
Living past HIV By Melanie Greenberg Asst. Managing Editor Swallowing 53 pills a day. Living life by time and medication. Attending over 100 funerals in the span of two years. This is the life Bart McDermott led after being diagnosed HIV positive. His HIV diagnosis in 1989 seemed like a death sentence. “Everyone around me was just giving up, cashing in bonds and moving to Palm Springs,” McDermott said. Instead of treating it like a terminal disease, McDermott decided to treat HIV as a chronic disease, which can be managed. McDermott would visualize his body as the game of Pacman. He was Pacman and he decided to devour HIV and fight. “What is the option to fighting HIV? Dying. Hello. What is the better option?” McDermott said. When he was in his late 20s, McDermott lived a dangerous lifestyle. McDermott had been maintaining a lifestyle filled with parties, late nights, drugs and unprotected sex. He realized if he was going to survive, he had to change. Surviving as a normal person with HIV and AIDs is possible. Living with HIV and AIDs without a lifestyle change is not possible. “I knew my life would change drastically,” McDermott said. Once he was diagnosed, he immediately began to look ahead to the future. “It wasn’t an ‘Oh my God I can’t believe this is happening moment.’ It was more ‘Okay, now what,’” McDermott said. McDermott’s first partner, Michael, refused to change his lifestyle. He was dead within three years of diagnosis. McDermott did not tell his family right away of his medical status. He had always been a personal person and being sick was not going to change that. “I told them they were going to have to make this about me and not them. They can’t hop on a plane every time I get sick,” McDermott said. “I can’t worry and stress about how they’re dealing when I need to worry about me.” Being a former swimmer, runner and recent bicyclist, McDermott believes his active lifestyle helps him to maintain his health. His love for fresh food, cooking and exer-
McDermott has been living with HIV for 22 years and continues to lead a regular lifestyle.
cise has allowed McDermott to survive living with HIV without medication. After taking 53 pills a day to survive, McDermott became tired of feeling like a sick person. Every time he changed his medicine, he would be hit with waves of nausea, fatigue and rashes. “Drugs are toxic. I love not being on medication. You’re not popping a handful of pills twice a day. Psychologically you feel better because you don’t feel like you have HIV,” McDermott said. “I remember how mad people were about us not sending pills to Africa but they didn’t have watches,” MaryEllen Kane, sister of McDermott, said. “It was hard enough for Bart to remember when to take his pills. They couldn’t take 53 pills a day without time.” McDermott tested a year off of medication in 1997. By
1980s, Kaposi sarcoma was the most common cause of death. KS is a cancer-like disease that shows up as lesions. “I believe some people need medication for the rest of their life but I disagree with medical advice that everyone needs it,” McDermott said. “I’ve always had a positive frame of mind and because of my past, I think my immune system is strong enough.” The immune system becomes weaker as a person’s T cells drop. T cells are at the core of immunity. Picture them like soldiers who search out and destroy the enemy. At one point, McDermott’s T cells dropped to 176. Any lower than 200 and a person is considered to have fullblown AIDs. With medication and the perseverance to become healthy once again, McDermott’s T cells rose. “If there’s anyone who can outlast this, it’s me. I don’t know why I was so arrogant but I had no other choice,” McDermott said. After bouncing back to above a 200 T cell count, McDermott no longer considers himself to have AIDs. He believes if the immune system can grow stronger, there is no reason to still be diagnosed with If there’s anyone AIDs. who can outlast this, it’s Involvement with activism has always been imme. i don’t know why i was so portant to McDermott. In 1996 he volunteered for The San Francisco AIDS Foundation. SFAF comarrogant but i had no other bines innovative programs for HIV prevention and choice.” care by reaching out to the community and raising awareness and support for those in need. 1999, he was back on medication. During the year 2001, “One of the reasons I am seeing my 55th birthday is due McDermott decided to stop taking medication again. Nine to the help I received from the SF AIDs Foundation in the years went by and McDermott led a normal life in San 1990s,” McDermott said on Life Cycle’s website. “ThankFrancisco as a patent lawyer, healthy and more alive than fully, I have been healthy for some time now. But I know ever. others who are not as fortunate, and I must give back as “I believe the drugs will kill me,” McDermott said. well as give forward.” “Drugs wear the system down.” When on medication, McHe continues to support research to help find a cure Dermott does not even catch the common cold only seems for HIV and AIDs by riding in AIDs Life Cycle, a seven like an upside. day ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. McDermott’s On medication, his own immune system is put to sleep goal this year is to raise $3,000 in support. and so he is unable to fight any disease or infection on his McDermott only looks ahead in life. He has buried own. three partners. He has outlasted a disease longer than MagSeven pills a day is now what helps McDermott rebuild ic Johnson and continues to spread awareness. McDermott his immune system. says the passion and will he has for life is all thanks to his The most common misconception about HIV and AIDs parents and family. is that a person dies from AIDs when in reality the immune “I owe a lot to my parents. I got dealt the right deck of system is so weakened they cannot fight off common in- cards,” McDermott said. “I got lucky.” fections or colds. When HIV and AIDs first became prominent in the
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 9
Activist fights for rights, American dream By Felicia Melvin Web Editor Imagine having a 3.9 GPA and not being able to apply for financial aid, not being able to get a driver’s license, and having to pay triple the amount in tuition of what other students pay. These are the some of the disadvantages that many undocumented students face in the United States, a place they consider their home. “It wasn’t until my junior year in high school, that I realized what it meant to be undocumented,” Maria Marroquin, organizer of Dream Activist Pennsylvania, said. Dream Activist is a multicultural, migrant youth-led, social media hub for the movement to pass the DREAM Act and pursue the enactment of other forms of legislation that aim to mend the broken immigration system. Marroquin came to the United States at the age of 13. Her parents decided to leave their native country of Peru in order for Marroquin and her siblings to receive education. “When I was in Peru my parents had to take me out of school because they couldn’t pay for it. We were struggling financially. My parents told me we were going to Disney World,” Marroquin said. Marroquin enrolled in high school and struggled with making friends and learning the English language. “My parents enrolled me in high school in the 9th grade. I didn’t have any friends. I would cry myself to sleep wishing I could go back to Peru,” Marroquin said. Eventually Marroquin learned English and began to excel in school. She graduated high school with a 3.5 GPA. Although Marroquin managed the grades to attend college and the GPA to apply for scholarships, her legal status kept her from her dream of attending a four-year university. “After high school I really didn’t know what to do. I was scared and frustrated that I couldn’t continue on with my education, so I started working at a pizza place. And then I realized after a year, I need to figure out a way for me to go to college,” Marroquin said. “I applied to Montgomery County Community College so I had to apply as an international student, which is triple the tuition a regular student has to pay. It took me about five years to graduate with my associates degree in social sciences. I graduated with a 3.98 GPA,” Marroquin said. Marroquin’s parents have worked in the United States and have paid taxes since their arrival. “My mom is a nanny and my dad works at a hotel. They work hard and they
kelsey alvino/asst. perspectives editor
Marroquin has been politically engaged throughout the United States fighting for the DREAM Act. pay taxes every single year,” Marroquin said. “They do that because they want to. They want to contribute to this country.” “The IRS takes your money and they don’t recognize you as a person. My mother won’t receive social security. Undocumented immigrants cannot apply for welfare or receive food stamps,” Marroquin said. Similar to many other college students across the country, Marroquin has goals and dreams that can benefit this country. She wants to challenge the current immigration reform and help other students like herself. “My goal is to transfer to a four-year college and finish my bachelor’s degree as a political science major. I want to go to law school and I want to be an immigration lawyer. That is my dream and I cannot do that because of my status,” Marroquin said.
Alongside Maria there are many other undocumented students who work with Dream Activist, who have similar stories to work for immigration reform and the passing of the Dream Act all over the country. “We have a lot of very educated talented folks here in the U.S. We have folks that work with us working on their Ph.D.s, but they’re undocumented, and these are people that want to give back, but the only thing holding them back is their legal status,” Mohammad Abdollahi, Dream Activist organizer in Michigan, said. “Before I started reading about immigration, becoming involved and advocating for immigrants, I thought that they should just simply get in line,” Eric Gibble, seniorcommunication major, said. “I didn’t understand why they couldn’t go through the legal process. I came to realize that there was no line and the legal process is flawed and it needs to be changed.” Organizing has been a key factor in pushing the DREAM Act for the Dream Activist. “For us, the concept of organizing is really about showing undocumented youth and allies the collective resources that we have in our stories as well as, the lives we live. And how we can come together with all of those resources to get essentially what we want, in this case we want the DREAM Act,” Abdollahi said. “We’re all humans. Who has the right to deny higher education? We all want to learn. It’s something so natural,” Dayana Rebolledo, Michigan organizer, said. “I think Maria is extremely brave and ambitious in whats she wants, and she is not going to give up until she gets what she wants, and that is the DREAM Act,” Maureen Browne, secondary education major, said. “People should support them. They are not hurting anybody. They are extremely hard working. Most of them came here when they were younger, and they did not decide to come here. They are a part of this country.” Marroquin is a leader in the fight of higher education for undocumented youth and immigrant reform. She considers this country her home and will not give up on her dreams. “We grew up in this country and we consider this country our home. It’s difficult but I know I cannot give up on my education. That’s what parents came here for,” Marroquin said.
Taking the extra mile:
students travel time large factor in education
either arrive home later or arrive to school late and teachers don’t believe that our trains are late,” Mikal said. With a student body of 1,600 and two-thirds of students living on campus. Cabrini has a large number of commutFor students enrolled in morning classes, an 8:15 class ers traveling to and from school each day but very few usually requires the student on campus to wake up around students travel taking public transportation. Cabrini is 30 7:45. The student driving to campus wakes up around 7. minutes driving distance from Phildelphia but Mikal and Phil and Mikal Brisbon, public transportation commuters, Phil travel three hours to and from school daily. wake up at 5 in order to make it to their 8:15 class on time. Mikal and Phil chose to attend Cabrini because it was “There have been days when we would walk to school financially suitable. from the R5 train station and see the Cabrini shuttle drive “I am glad I did past us,” Mikal, freshman not attend Drexel. I graphic design major, said. don’t think I would Mornings for Phil and I’m glad i didn’t attend have gotten the Mikal begin early and end same college exdrexel; i don’t think i would have late in the night. From perience as I did their home in West Philagotten the same college experience at Cabrini,”Mikal delphia, they walk to the as i did at cabrini.” said. Overbrook train station and Aside from going usually leave their homes at to classes, Mikal and Phil 6:30. Their train, the R5, comes at usually spend their days doing homework in the library. 6:59 and the Cabrini shuttle comes at 7:35 on an ideal day. Mikal takes guitar lessons on campus and Phil plays bass. “The worst thing is when the train is late because it’s a Both are members of the Black Student Union and Phil is a domino effect. When the train is late we miss the shuttle member of the fashion club. and in conclusion we miss our 8:15 class,” Mikal said. They have found friends who allow them to stay over During the winter months traveling to and from school night if they miss their train or shuttle. became even harder for the twins. Mikal says being at Cabrini brought his life full circle. “It was really hard because as long as there was snow on “Even though getting to school may be a little rough the ground, trains were extremely late. Waiting in the cold on some days, I enjoy campus. A lot of my life is here. I for long periods of time made me sick multiple times,” have made great friends and my grades are pretty decent,” Phil, freshman graphic design major, said. Mikal said. Mikal and Phil leave campus on the 8:46 shuttle and The twins live in a sizable family and said it is difficult arrive at the R5 train at 8:55. The train then comes at 9:18 to go home and study or do homework when their mom is and they arrive home around 10:15. making them do chores. “Our days are run by times, if we miss one time we will By Chelbi Mims Asst. Features Editor
“To live on campus would give more focus to my life and my responsibilities,” Mikal said. Mikal received good news in early March. He will be a
A day in the life of the Brisbon Twins -Wake up at: 5:00 a.m. -Leave home at 6:30 a.m. -Train arrives at 6:59 a.m -Cabrini shuttle arrives at 7:35 a.m -Leave Cabrini campus: 8:46 p.m. -Arrive at Train Station: 8:55 p.m. -Train arrives: 9:18 p.m. -Arrive home at 10:15 p.m.
10 The Loquitur
ehind the scenes of any great theater production there is a staff that envisions the show, down to every last detail. Dr. Thomas Stretton has been helping Cabrini run the theater department for years. It was one of the first things that he got involved with when joining the education staff here. When other people wouldn’t consider spending full weekends at Cabrini, he is devoting his time to the students who are interested in honing a craft, other than sports. “I chose to help with the plays because I love the theater. I believe it is a powerful and important way for people to come together to celebrate and learn about the human experience. Every live performance is a unique and a highly personal event for each audience and cast. When an audience and a show connect, the result is magic,” Stretton said. The rehearsals for the play and drama are extremely time consuming. The cast practices Tuesday, Thursday and all day on Saturdays. Then the week before the performance, they practice everyday until they get every line perfectly on cue. However, the students don’t just see Stretton as a man who is going to help them with their lines. He is genuinely interested in other parts of their lives, helping them to become not only better actors and actresses, but wellrounded people. “Dr. Stretton has been an extraordinary influence in my life. He guided me from being a student with C and D averages to being an A student. I owe him a great deal. I have also seen how he has positively affected others, not just in his time at the college but throughout his long, successful career and personal life. He has made a real difference in my life by sharing with me his love of theater and by allowing me to get a rare look at the total behind-the-scenes experience of Cabrini College Theater,” Michael Krencicki, senior disability advocacy support major, said. It is not only students who give these rave reviews on Stretton and his talents. His peers and co-workers also have the same admiration for this enthusiastic man. “I have developed much respect and admiration for Dr. Stretton. He is a role model, a wealth of knowledge and one of the most generous people I know. His passion for theater is contagious and it is truly overwhelming to think about the amount of people he has impacted over the years,” Michael J Hartman, co-choreographer of “Merrily We Roll Along,” said. When it comes down to it, Stretton just hopes that everyone will come and support the students who have worked hard on the show. The time and commitment don’t seem to phase him, truly making him an important man behind the curtain. BY ELIZABETH KRUPKA, A&E EDITOR EFK722@CABRINI.EDU
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Merrily We CAST
Michael Krencicki as
Franklin Shepard
Sam Hallowell as Joe Josephson
Danielle Alio as Meg Kincaid
Phil Haggerty as Charley Kringas
Maddie Iacobucci as
Gussie Carnegie
Stephanie Iaccarino as
Beth Spencer
Michelle McDermott as Justin Sillner as Bunker/TV Newsman Dory
Doug Wiebe as Terry/Mr. Spencer
Anie Jamgochian as TV Newswoman
Amanda Battaglia as Ensemble
Allie Jeter as K.T.
Courtney Alio as Evelyn
Eion O’Neill as RU/Photographer
Kait Finegan as Mary Flynn
Katie Juliana as Scotty
Kyle Johnson as Tyler
Michael Hartle as Jerome
Gabrielle Bruno as Mrs. Spencer
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Arts & Entertainment
The Loquitur 11
Roll Along... Synopsis
By Danielle Alio Managing Editor This spring, the Cabrini College Theater will be presenting “Merrily We Roll Along,” by Steven Sondheim. The musical is unlike many other shows in that it is played going backward in time. The very first scene of the show is the finale and the finale is the very first scene of the story. The show is about three friends’ journey through life achieving all of their hopes and dreams. But do these achievements leave them with the lives they really wanted? The show opens at a Hollywood premiere party in 1976 at the home of producer Franklin Shepherd, played by senior
Michael Krencicki. At the party, Shepherd is surrounded by some of the biggest celebrities and socialites of the time as well as his best friend, Mary Flynn, played by sophomore Kate Finegan. The audience soon learns that Shepherd’s life as a Hollywood superstar is not as glamorous as one of the opening numbers makes it out to be. His long-time friendship with Flynn seems to be on the rocks as well as his second marriage to Broadway legend, Gussie Carnegie, played by senior Maddie Iacobucci. The audience witnesses an abrupt ending to the Hollywood party that consisted of both ultimate success and misery. The cast then poses a question to the audience in the form of a transition that takes
them back in time saying, “how did you get to be here?” This question is carried though the rest of the play revealing the exact moments in Shepherd’s life that led him to the fateful Hollywood party. The next scene, three years before the first scene, introduces the audience to Shepherd’s third long-time friend and partner in composing music, Charlie Kringas. This scene takes place in a television studio during a news broadcast that quickly takes a turn for the worst for both Shepherd and Kringas, ending their friendship. Audience members are then taken on a journey even further back in time through the defining moments and people in Shepherd, Kringas and Flynn’s lives that brought them to where they are in the pres-
ent. The show ends with the three friends on a rooftop during a landmark time in history in the year 1957 when they are just starting to realize their hopes and dreams for the future. “Merrily We Roll Along” opens in the Grace Hall Theater Wednesday, March 30 at 8 p.m. and runs April 1 and April 2 at 8 p.m. and April 3 at 2 p.m. It then runs the following weekend, Thursday, April 7, April 8 and April 9 at 8 p.m. The show closes with a performance on Sunday, April 10 at 2 p.m. All tickets are free.
Elizabeth Krupka/A&E
The cast of the 2011 spring production of “Merrily We Roll Along” during the March 28 dress rehearsal. The musical opens on March 30 at 8 p.m. at the Grace Hall Theater.
Arts & Entertainment
12 The Loquitur
Reality Check: Bar Etiquette By Jamie Santoro Perspectives Editor Life is good. I am 21 and 4 months old and I have discovered something. Bars are pretty cool. What isn’t cool? Bad bar etiquette. Dear 21 year olds, going to bars is different from drinking in your dorm room. There are rules. First and foremost, tip your bartender. If you do not tip your bartender after your first drink, do not expect to be served again anytime soon. Bartenders are bitter people. Or you could do what I do, ask your female friend with the lowest-cut top to find a male bartender. For those of you lucky enough to have boobs, enjoy the free drinks. Leading me to my second point, conduct with the opposite sex. Alright, talk to the guys first. Where to start. Okay, so if you are interested in a girl that you do not know, just talk to her. Some bars are better for that than others. No matter what you do, never just dance up on a girl. There is no excuse for mild sexual assaults on people. Buy a girl a drink. It is a great way to break the ice and begin a conversation. Many relationships have started over a martini. Well, be honest, I mean a beer. When you buy a girl a drink, there is no need for lines or clever pitches. Honesty is best. Say you’re nervous, say that you’ve never done this before. It will work because it will make the girl feel special, like she was so captivating you had to do something. If you can make a girl feel that way, you’re in. Girls are lucky at bars, there isn’t much pressure for them. The general atmosphere at most bars is girls having fun with their girlfriends, just kicking back and guys in a tizzy watching them, trying to get their attention. I hate this National-Geographic-on-the-African-plains feeling bars have. “Mean Girls” was right when they compared a high school cafeteria to an animal battlefield, but it works better in this scenario. This is why going to bars shouldn’t be a competition. It shouldn’t be how many numbers can I get (I blame “Jersey Shore” for this among other things), it should be about fun with your friends. Work hard, play hard. Not work hard, work harder.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Nintendo has gone 3D By Chris Sarvadi Staff Writer Nintendo’s newest installment of their beloved Gameboy handheld system is finally here in the form of the Nintendo 3DS. The 3DS features a brand new 3D screen, which you do not have to wear glasses to see. In the same form factor as the whole Dual Screen family, it has a familiar shape and feel. That is where the common places end. A whole new operating system really sets this system apart from its predecessors. The OS looks and feels like the Wii’s but less complete; some of the functions such as the internet browser are not there yet, but have a shortcut for it on the home screen. Seems like Nintendo would have been better off just releasing a system update, which is a new feature. The screen’s resolutions both have been upgraded from previous models (400 x 240 on top, 320 x 240 on bottom, versus the Nintendo DS’s 256 x 192 screens). The higher resolution screen is a nice upgrade to the original models. The top screen features a glasses free 3D technology that you are able to toggle on and off with a slider on the right hand side. The effect is neat but does seem to tire your eyes much faster than an ordinary screen. The 3DS plays all the original DS games but unlike its predecessors, it takes away the Gameboy Advance game slot, making the GBA a piece of gaming history. The 3DS’s performance with the original DS games is great, but the load times are a bit longer and the higher resolution screen does stretch out the games a bit. But with a slight trick holding down start and select while loading the game, the 3DS plays the games in their native resolution. But with any new system, the specs are nice but it is all about the games. Bundled with the system are a few games that show off the technology of the system and ones to make friends. Augmented Reality games utilize the AR cards that came with the system and it’s a really cool way of showing off the 3D effect
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that the system can do. Street Pass Mii Plaza allows you to find people around you with a 3DS. Once you find people, you can share your Wii and play a simple adventure game to resource them. You are also able to solve puzzles with them as well. Although the launch titles are underwhelming at best, there are a few stand-out games. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition is the standout among the launch titles. It supplies you with an array of your favorite fighters to some you did not even know existed in the Street Fighter universe. With the lack of buttons on the 3DS versus a game pad for an Xbox or Playstation, Capcom uses the touch screen as a short-cut for combos in pro mode and special attacks in lite mode, giving you the ability to pull off those combos with a touch of a button. The 3D effect is used partially well, with an over the shoulder view giving a nice depth to the game but purists will not like this and play in the original arcade view. Pilotwings Resort, the latest installment of Nintendo’s adored series Pilotwings is set in a familiar place on Wuhu Island, where Wii Sports resort is set. Pilotwings is a flight simulator where you fly planes, rocketbelts and hang-gliders in a
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series of challenges from flying through rings to shooting targets. Some who have played Wii Sports Resort may find the reuse of Wuhu a bore, but others may find it’s a nice place to explore all over again. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Shadow Wars is a turn-based game like the highly popular Advance Wars series. Although under the Clancy name, the game is not a shooter and has nothing to do with any of the other Ghost Recon series games. Although a little repetitive, this is an entertaining game for those looking for a 3DS launch title. The 3DS is a nice refresh of the very popular DS family and will likely be king of handhelds for quite some time. This system is for someone who owns a lot of DS titles and does not need the GBA slot as well as the early adopters. Although the launch titles are few and far between, the future line-up looks compelling with Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D and the beloved Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of Time 3D. The Nintendo 3DS gets a 4 out of 5 stars. CMS384@CABRINI.EDU
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⁄ .
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 13
sarah luckert / photo editor
Determined ‘Trenlax,’ clutch player for Cavs By Laura Hancq Asst. Managing Editor Dan Terenick might be commonly known as the senior midfielder for Cabrini’s men’s lacrosse team, but to his teammates, he is known as “Trenlax,” one of the most clutch players on the squad. “I have played with Trenlax for many years now. Nobody gets yelled at more than him to get up, go out and get a goal that we need,” Mark Hamilton, senior midfielder, said. Terenick has been a valuable player for the Cavs since his freshman year. Before Cabrini, he played four years of lacrosse at Ridley High School. He chose to continue his career at Cabrini because it’s close to home and he was really impressed with the coaching staff. Part of Terenick’s determination on the field comes from the pain of seeing his football career end due to knee surgery while in highschool. Luckily, he did not have to give up lacrosse, which has always been his other passion. “I played football since I was a kid, so seeing that end was really hard,” Terenick
said. “I started playing lacrosse when I was in seventh grade and as soon as I picked up the stick, I knew it was going to stay with me.” Terenick credits his lacrosse coaches at Ridley, coach Flynn and coach Ellers, as having the most impact on his athletic career. “They were always there from the beginning and taught me everything I know about the game,” Terenick said. “They really molded me into who I am today.” Who he is today, as described by his teammates, is one passionate person with a big heart, as well as a great player and friend. “I’ve known him since my freshman year and consider him to be someone of good character who carries themselves with the utmost respect,” Bryan Churchey, senior midfielder, said. “Dan’s always been a great teammate to me and to everyone else on the team. He’s always trying to encourage others and keep a positive attitude on the sideline. He’s easy to talk to and ask advice from.” Hamilton said that Terenick is the kind of guy who is always up for a good joke,
movie quote or even to go fishing after practice. Also according to Hamilton, the other players on the team only make up a small portion of his supporters within the Cabrini community. “Trenlax’s loyal fan club is unmatched to anything I have seen in lacrosse, last year he might have had 20-25 people who came to a game just to see him play,” Hamilton said. Part of the reason he has such a loyal following is because according to Churchey, watching him on the field is really exciting. His style is “dodge and shoot to score,” which can give the Cavs that offensive spark at any time. Terenick has modeled his style of play after Matt McKinney, a Cabrini lacrosse alum and former Ridley player. “He was a senior on the team when I came on as a freshman here at Cabrini,” Terenick said. “He taught me the ropes and we had that bond both being from Ridley. I really wanted to be like him on the field.” Terenick is not the only former Ridley player on the current Cabrini roster. Brian Hill, junior attack, John McSorley, junior defense, and Tim Greiner, sophomore mid-
fielder, are all Ridley alum. “We have a special bond, all being from Ridley, and we carry that over onto the field,” Terenick said. “Part of that chemistry is I always look for Hill in the crease to set him up for a goal.” Terenick will be leaving the Cavs behind as a graduating senior. He is an information systems major but has an open mind for his career after graduation. He will definitely keep playing lacrosse in men’s leagues and will look to get into coaching at the highschool level or higher. Terenick will be missed by his teammates upon graduation, but he will have a lasting mark on Cabrini for more than just his lacrosse game. “He was the only other player besides myself that went to the food shelter with our coach and managers to drop off food for those less fortunate,” Churchey said. “That really said a lot to me about who he was as a person, always willing to help others.”
14 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Cavs dominate Shenandoah 19-1 By Jesse Gaunce Asst. Copy Editor The Cabrini men’s lacrosse team continued its dominance over CSAC opponents with a 19-1 beat down of the Shenandoah University Hornets at Sprint Field on Saturday, March 26. With the win, No. 17 Cabrini extended the longest conference winning streak in the nation to 78 games. Including the postseason, Cabrini has won 97 straight games dating back to the 2001 season. The win leaves Cabrini with a record of 4-3 and a 1-0 record in conference play while the Hornets have yet to win a game, as they drop to 0-8 on the season. Cabrini is tied with Immaculata University for first place in the CSAC conference while Shenandoah remains in the cellar. Cabrini dominated in every aspect of the game. The Cavs came roaring out of the gate to begin the game and never looked back. They scored the first four goals of the game before Shenandoah senior attackman Mac Hedrick scored the lone goal for the Hornets. The Cavaliers closed out the game going on a 15-0 run. Cabrini was able to spread the wealth on offense in a convincing manner. They out-shot Shenandoah 46-12 for the afternoon and saw 16 players notch at least one point. “Being that it was our first conference game of the year
Cavalier Calendar
we knew we had to come out and show the league who we are,” Bryan Churchey, senior midfielder, said. “We wanted to make a statement against them and 19-1 is a pretty big statement win to open our conference.” Senior attackman Paul Skulski and junior attackman Brian Hill led the way for the Cavaliers offense; scoring three goals each. Skulski and Hill scored the first two goals of the game, which were unassisted. Skulski would later add an assist on junior midfielder Joe Arrell’s goal in the 3rd period. Senior midfielder Dan Terenick, sophomore midfielder Jeff Crosby and freshman attackman Matt Biegel also had nice days offensively, each chipping in two goals with Terenick and Biegel both adding an assist. Sophomore goalkeeper Erick Zarzecki played a very solid game, picking up four saves in his 22nd consecutive start. Zarzecki’s record improved to 4-3. After the first two periods, he was lifted in place of freshman Steve Oppenheimer, who along with sophomore Kevin Gallagher shut out Shenandoah the rest of the way. “Coach Colfer tells us that these types of games present us with a different type of challenge and that challenge is to stay sharp and stay focused against teams we know we are superior to,” Churchey said. “I was really glad that everyone on our team got to play, that’s the biggest positive of playing some of these CSAC teams everyone on the
roster whose worked hard at practice gets a chance to go out there and play.” Hornets goalkeeper Andrew Fleischmann took the loss, allowing 13 goals and collecting nine saves. The win also included a few firsts for a few of the Cavs. Senior longstick midfielder Anthony Mazza, freshman midfielder Peter Mantzouris and freshman attackman Ryan Edmond all scored their first career goals. Junior attackman Drew Brady also recorded his first goal in the contest. Cabrini held a 46-27 advantage in groundballs on the afternoon, with junior defenseman John McSorley leading the charge. McSorley secured seven groundballs, which led the team. Cabrini also won 12-of-23 face-off attempts. Seniors Mike Gurenlian and Joe Strain led the way in the faceoff department. Gueranlian went 4-for-8 and Strain went 3-for-5. The Cavaliers will have a few days off before returning home to face CSAC rival Neumann University on Wednesday, March 30 at Edith Robb Dixon Field. Game time will be at 3:30 p.m., as the Cavaliers will look to extend their CSAC winning streak to 98 games.
Your thoughts: What famous athlete would you want to eat dinner with?
Thursday, March 31
3:30 p.m. M Tennis vs. Eastern
Friday, April 1
3 p.m. Softball vs. Rosemont 4 p.m. M Tennis @ King’s College
Saturday, April 2
12 p.m. Softball @ Notre Dame 1 p.m. M Lacrosse vs. Whittier 1 p.m. W Lacrosse @ Notre Dame 1 p.m. M Tennis @ Marywood mct
Sunday, April 3 No events
Monday, April 4
1 p.m. Golf @ Swarthmore
Tuesday, April 5
12:30 p.m. Golf @ Immaculata 4 p.m. W Lacrosse @ Gwynedd-Mercy
Alaina Claire
Nicole Oulouhojian
freshman exercise science
sophomore marketing major
“Misty May-Treanor because she is arguably the best player ever.”
Mallory Beach junior
special education major
“I have to say Tom Brady because he knows how to win and he’s good looking.”
“Probably Michael Vick because I want to hear his story.”
Wednesday, April 6
3:30 p.m. M Lacrosse vs. Gwynedd-Mercy 3:30 p.m. M Tennis @ Neumann
Lamar Fisher /staff writer /
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Loquitur 15
Lady Cavs snap losing streak, crush Immaculata By Nick Guldin Sports Editor After a string of rough losses to open the season, the women’s lacrosse team found its first win of the 2011 season. On March 28, the Lady Cavs trumped Colonial State Athletic Conference opponent Immaculata University with a score of 20-10 at the Edith Robb Dixon Field. “We hope these difficult games that we opened up with will teach us a lot for the month of April,” head coach Jackie Neary said. “Our ultimate goal is to be in the CSAC championship game.” With more appearances like this, the Blue and White may find their way to the CSAC championship quicker than many may think. After being held to only 10 goals in the first four games of the season, the offense came out hungry, taking a quick 8-2 lead at the 14:32 mark of the first half. “This game was a huge win for us to definitely boost our confidence a little bit,” Julie Bonomo, senior midfielder, said. Sophomore attack Christina Pasquariello scored threestraight goals in less than a three-minute stretch leaving the Mighty Macs defense dazed and confused. “We just needed to get that win under our belt. We worked the ball around and took our time to get it in,” Pasquariello said. “Goals will come, you just have to wait
ABOVE: Junior midfielder Katie Slonaker cradles the ball, while looking towards the goal for an open offensive player. RIGHT: Senior defender Julie Bonomo crosses midfield in pursuit of the Immaculata goal during their 20-10 victory on Monday, March 28. BOTTOM: Senior midfielder Francesca Pizzigoni trots down the field towards the goal while looking for an open player to pass the ball to.
all photos taken by nick guldin/ sports editor
for them.” Pasquariello finished the game with five goals.
“We hope these difficult games that we opened with will teach us a lot for the month of April.” Senior attack Jamie O’Hanlon led all scorers with eight total points, scoring five goals and notching three assists.
On top of her amazing offensive play she also led the Blue and White with six groundballs. “It’s a brand-new team this year so we all had to get to know each other,” O’Hanlon said. “The first four games were rough but we got a couple more practices in and we got to know each other better. That’s all we needed.” Not far behind her was senior attack Gabrielle Gorbey who scored a total of seven points off of three goals and four assists. Seven of the Lady Cavs scored at least one goal in this CSAC battle. At halftime, Cabrini led with a score of 13-5 with a 2210 shot advantage. With 10:49 left in the second half, the Lady Cavs raised their lead to its highest point of 11 goals paving their way to victory. “We made the hustle plays today to help the offense get the ball,” Bonomo said. In the final seconds of the game, Pasquareillo iced the cake on a great offensive day for the Blue and White with the final goal of the game off of a feed from O’Hanlon. The last game the Lady Cavs scored more than 20 goals was in the 2010 CSAC Championship game against Gwynedd-Mercy College where they scored a whopping 24 goals in the 24-12 victory. Cabrini heads to Baltimore, Md. on April 2, to face CSAC opponent The College of Notre Dame.
16 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Softball splits with Baptist Bible The Cavalierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s softball team split two games with Baptist Bible College on Saturday, March 26. After falling 9-4 in the first game, the Cavs rebounded to win the second game by a score of 9-7. Junior shortstop Sammy Thompson had two hits in the first game and pitcher Marcelle Crist surrendered four-earned runs and recorded six strikeouts. In the second game of the doubleheader, third baseman Ryan McDonough, catcher Chrissy Squillace and outfielder Pam Mechling each drove in two runs. Sophomore Kristin Whitmore recorded her first victory of the season for Cabrini.
dan ross / staff photographer