2010-11 Issue 26 Loquitur

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Thursday, April 28, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009


Radnor, Pa Radnor,.Pa.

Pacemaker Winner


Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LII, Issue 26

www.theloquitur.com www.theloquitur.com

Students !"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ partner with Swaz youth %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$By ERIC GIBBLE

Chelbi Mims Editor

ASST. NEWS EDITOR Asst. Features


Thisat past fourMall Cabrini Hundreds of thousands of people rallied the year, National in students, in of conjunction with Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support comprehensive their ECG 200 course, partnered immigration reform. with Cabrini Ministries to build !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0 *)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* a business to benefit the young 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* people at the Cabrini home for :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* orphans and the vulnerable chil("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 dren in Swaziland. <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* NikieG)&'"(%* McCabe, Dijana )%.* Ilic, '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* H%-I"(&-'>* Rita McKeown and Christine J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* Beehler started their charitable also present. business as a class'/"&"* project and L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* 1($3O&* now, after2$%1("1)%'* successfully raising !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* )'* C"%'(),* money for their cause, plan to Baptist Church in Wayne. continue work/)&* again next :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"*their P4)#)* 4"2$#"* year. president,” Norton said to the group. “When we;)/$%>* began constructing DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* +($#* R$&* this business; our objectives in5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* cluded successfully fundraising )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 for the launch of the business and D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* then creating a business plan,” (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* luckert / photo editor Dijana)%.* Ilic,6)%'".* sophomore market#)U$(F*sarah 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* '$* &/$6* /"(* ing major, said. Valedictorian Stephanie Iaccarino has maintained a 4.0 GPA during her college career. Iaccarino is involved in the honors program, stage support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. These -##-1()'-$%* four did this O($4,"#&* project as crew, theater, select chior, student teacher and is a future law student. :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* part of their ECG 200 course, 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* People, Planet, Profits, taught by %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= Dr. Erin McLaughlin, an assistant 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* professor of business, who spent and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. time in Swaziland last summer. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* The business will allow Swazi H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 “I am nervous because I view lutatorian of Kennedy-Kenrick it :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* extremely gratifying that the youth to sell crafts in American By Sarah Luckert this honor as a responsibility to Catholic High School in Norris- change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. selection committee sees what he fair trade markets through a webPhoto Editor the class of 2011,” Iaccarino town, Pa. for the Class of 2007. sees paternal bias. V"&'* C/"&'"(* site called Etsy. 9/"*without R)'-%$*the 2$##3%-'>* +($#* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* It took a plate of cheese fries said. “This speech is less about Iaccarino maintained around a ),$%1&-."* According to Iaccarino’s “The2$$(.-%)'$(* youth of Cabrini MinisC)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8*father, D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* $+* ]-&O)%-2* and her two best friends to calm me and more about the class as a 95 average cumulatively and was #-%-&'(>* Cabrini $+* represents exactly what 6)%'".* tries, will send D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* '$* Swaziland ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* their '/"* the nerves of Stephanie Iaccarino whole.” very active in both theatre and undocumented. he stresses in his life, being famcrafts to Cabrini College where as she waited to hear if she would Receiving the honor of vale- sports. Iaccarino carried her tal- ily-oriented. we will run their Etsy account for :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* be the class of 2011 valedictori- dictorian is something that any- ents and interests on through col- `aAbF=* “All!"T)3,* the pieces theO"(2"%'* puzzle )("* ;"X-2)%F* them and`@* ship the crafts to vari&)-.8*of:b@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$* an. Less than half an hour after one should be proud of. Iacca- lege where she was involved in are there, you just have to put in ous buyers. The crafts include Iaccarino auditioned for the role, rino credits her family, friends theatre, stage crew, choir and the the time to sort them all out and jewelry, toys, journals, bookshe received a phone call that put and professors for all of her life Center for Teaching and Learn- properly assemble them,”!$##%&'()*+', Anthomarks, etc. All profits earned ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 her at ease. achievements. ing. ny Iaccarino said. “It is what you will go directly back into the so“It was around 5:15 p.m. when make it to be.” cial business; there is no retailer my phone rang and I noticed it He believes Cabrini had a or middle man involved to take was the 902 number synonymous positive effect on his daughter away a percentage of the profit,” with Cabrini College,” Iaccarino because it taught her responsibilChristine Beehler, sophomore said. “Then Dr. Gingerich told ity. Her tells the story of how she business major, said. +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* NOELLE WESTFALL me the news and confirmed my had to give up playing volleyball Youth in Swaziland have E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER belief that I was going to be the to focus on other aspects of life a very bleak future. They are NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 valedictorian.” including academics. forced to take care of their sib:\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* Iaccarino, senior English and “Life is full of difficult choiclings and families and it is a con9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* secondary education major, was es, and one of the purposes of stant struggle for survival. HIV/ $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* ecstatic to receive the honor college, I believe, is to help AIDS has also plagued SwaziAmerican Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* and she began working on her “My parents gave me the inThroughout all four years, you reason out a difficult deciland and wiped out entire genera)%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 speech. “My speech is generally centive throughout my life to be Iaccarino maintained a 4.0 GPA sion,” Anthony Iaccarino said. tions. the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* about the concept of commence- the best that I could be,” Iaccari- and was inducted in several “Even though she was not able “Through Swazi’s Crafts for '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* ment and how it is a new begin- no said. “Because of them I have honor societies including Alpha to participate in a college sport, Care, we are constructing a so:C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* ning even though we are ending succeeded in so many things. Lambda Delta. she was able to do so much cial business that will guaran&""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 a chapter of our lives,” Iaccarino I attribute all of my success to Iaccarino’s parents, Anthony more.” tee sustainability in the lives of eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* said. them.” and Terry, were elated to find out Iaccarino’s mother, Terry, was youth in Swaziland. The youth sophomore accounting major and co­chair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* Iaccarino’s speech will be reIaccarino was academical- that their daughter was chosen one of the first people to receive will become self-reliant and will C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* vised by Dr. Thomas Stretton for ly successful throughout high from several other worthy can9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* VALEDICTORIAN, page 3 SWAZILAND, page 5 content and delivery. school and was honored as sa- didates. Anthony Iaccarino finds ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 “Small Town ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* Summer ‘11 C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(* Annual Spring '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* '$* 4"%"W *'* 9/"* Trio” Bucket List Concert surpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* C)%2"(* D$2-"'>8* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* +($#* \%* )..-'-$%* '$* '/"* '6$* 2$M2/)-(&* $+* '/"* "I"%'F* the Society are present during the event to oversee Features, Perspectives, A&E, page 14 !)%-",,"* !-E)('$,$* )%.* L)'-"* L",,"(F* Q",)>* /).* the happenings and further the Society’s mission. page 8 page 6 `c*2$##-''""*#"#4"(&*'$*/",O*O,)%*'/"*+3%2'-$%8* 9/"("*6"("*),&$*?b*'")#&*'/)'*O)('-2-O)'".*-%*Q",)>* !"#$%&'()*+',

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2 The Loquitur

Editorials: Cabrini College is a unique school and community for a number of well-known reasons such as the social justice curriculum, small class sizes and partnerships with organization such as the Philadelphia Phillies. A lesser-known distinctive characteristic of Cabrini is the valedictorian-selection process. In light of the approaching commencement ceremony for the Class of 2011 and the news article profiling the recently selected valedictorian, English and secondary education major Stephanie Iaccarino, the Loquitur believes Cabrini has the right idea about how to choose the most distinguished student speaking position. At most colleges and universities, the student with the overall highest GPA is automatically selected as the valedictorian. Cabrini, however, selects a number of students with the highest GPAs and asks them to submit their potential speeches to a board of faculty members for review. From there, the best speech is chosen, so it is possible that the selected speaker will not have the highest ovaverage of the class. While this may outrage some students, the Loquitur believes the valedictorian should be chosen by two criteria -- intelligence and hard work as evidenced by high grades and also by the ability to deliver a speech. Just because a student has the best GPA does not mean he or she is automatically the best can-

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cabrini believes education is more than just a number

didate for the job. Cabrini also takes into consideration the involvement of the student and the impact they have made on the Cabrini community. For example, in addition to her solid GPA, Iaccarino was heavily involved outside the classroom in activities such as chorus, theater and being a student ambassador. The Loquitur believes that if a student wants to be valedictorian, they need to exemplify Cabrini’s motto of “doing something extraordinary,” inside the classroom and out. To receive this honor from Cabrini, the student needs to have given back to the community and should be representative of the great accomplishments and contributions of the class over four years. As all of us students know, GPAs are a tricky business. We all know what it feels like to try and figure out how they are going to be weighted based on credits and honors. Is the right person for the role of valedictorian the person who got the 3.98 or the 3.97? Having the students submit speeches seems like a great way to differentiate between almost identical GPAs, as well as a great way to keep with Cabrini’s core beliefs of contributing to the community and making a difference, because it makes sure the top students have an equal chance and the ceremony is going to be the best it possibly can.

The Loquitur believes that a fiercer competition only brings about better results. If a student wants the honor, they are going to just have to work harder to get the best GPA and to write the best possible speech. Yes, maybe the student who had a .01 better average might be angry, but ultimately, everyone attending the ceremony will be thankful that the best speech was chosen. The valedictorian’s speech should be reflective of the journey of the past four years of the class as well as words of encouragement for the future. The speech is also for all the members of the community who have journeyed with the students, as well as families and friends. All of these people deserve their final memory of Cabrini to be positive and special. While many students may keep their eye on the prize of being valedictorian as motivation to do well in college, hardly any student would come in as a freshman and work themselves to the bone consistently for eight semesters just to be valedictorian and then proceed to not write the best speech. Therefore, despite some opinions of students, the Loquitur believes Cabrini does not do this to crush anyone’s dreams but to ensure for a great ceremony for all by having Cabrini’s best and brightest compete for this final top honor.


The Loquitur is Cabrini College’s weekly, student-produced campus newspaper. It is the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off. Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis. Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters should be less than 500 words. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and annoymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@googlegroups.com or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.




Facebook: LOQUITUR Twitter: @LOQWITTER

The Loquitur

2010-2011 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava MANAGING EDITOR Danielle Alio NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace NEWS EDITOR Eric Gibble A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin FEATURES EDITOR Justin Sillner



Thursday, April 28, 2011


The Loquitur 3

Actress, ambassador, honors student has bright future VALEDITORIAN, page 1

stephanie iaccarino / submitted photo

Valedictorian Stephanie Iaccarino poses for a photograph with her father Anthony Iaccarino.

the news about Iaccarino’s valedictorian honor. Terry Iaccarino believes her daughter took advantage of all the many different diverse classes and extracurricular activities Cabrini has to offer, especially the theatre program and singing at Sunday Mass. “I know that Stephanie is grateful for all of the experiences she has had over the past four years,” Terry Iaccarino said. “It seemed as if it went by in a flash. It is a part of her life that I know she will never forget and nor will I.” After college Iaccarino has plans of pursuing teaching, law or music. Her family is planning on being there for her no matter what. “Steph has the complete sup-

port of her father and I as well as the rest of our family,” Terry Iaccarino said. “With some of God’s graces and a touch of humility I know that in my heart she will be a well-rounded successful person.” Iaccarino will debut her valedictorian speech Sunday, May 15, during the graduation of the Cabrini College class of 2011. “I just hope that I am able to represent the class as best I can and give the class some final thoughts that will linger with them as they prepare for a new part of their lives to begin,” Iaccarino said. ski37@cabrini.edu

Love 146 vistis Cabrini, advocates to abolish sex trade By Natalie Crawford Asst. Copy Editor “Some colleagues and I were working for a non-profit at the time and had seen some things first hand that required a response,” Lamont Hiebert, Love 146 CoFounder and the Director of U.S. Prevention, said. “We heard a lot about human trafficking and exploitation so we took a trip with some under cover investigators to South East Asia. We witnessed children ages 8 to 16 years-old being sold for sex about five to 10 times a night,” “When we first went into the one particular brothel where numbers were pinned to the girls’ dresses, we noticed a lot of the girls didn’t seem to have much life left in their eyes. Their eyes were glazed over, some were watching children’s cartoons but this one girl with the No. 146 had a lot of fight left in her eyes. There was still life left in her. We decided that we would fight for her and what she represents.” That is how Love 146 began its quest. Love 146 is an organization that started in 2002. Its mission is to protect, defend, restore and empower those millions of children, women and men that have been forced into sex slavery and exploitation. Love 146 strives to work toward an abolition movement through rescue, prevention and aftercare solutions. One of the ways Love 146 educates awareness is through school presentations. During National Human Trafficking week, which was March 14-18, Cabrini College dedicated the whole week advocating to the Cabrini community through a series of activities every day of the week. On Wednesday, March 16, Love 146 presented its mission through lecture, slide shows, pictures and music to Cabrini. “My favorite audiences are colleges because high school students tend to have enthusiasm, but not the ability to fully understand and to make the life choices that where they can become leaders,” Hiebert said. “When I look at college students I see plenty of students that can become leaders in this fight.” Love 146’s appearance at Cabrini was not just a small speech about human trafficking. It was an event supported by on -campus human trafficking ambassadors, Cabrini’s fraternity, a concert performance from Hiebert and an on-campus band named Small Town Trio. Small Town Trio opened for the event. The band consists

of three sophomores from Cabrini, all of whom were personally asked to play for this event. “I know Danielle who runs the event and she asked us to play for this event.,” Rick Tumminello, sophomore biology major, said. “We knew it was a good cause and with our freshman class we had to read the book ‘Not for Sale,’ so we already knew about the topic and we figured it would be a great event to play for.” Cabrini’s only fraternity, Alpha Delta Gamma, co-sponsored this event. They attended and assisted in all of the events during that week. For five weeks before this event, the frat, along with Danielle DiBartolo, head CRS Human Trafficking ambassador, were doing research on what events to have and what special speakers should attend. Besides just attending the events, some took pictures at each one. For the Love 146 event, Anthony Sestito wrote a rap about human trafficking and played it for the audience. “Danielle gave me info to go off of and I just sat down and wrote the rap,” Sestito, freshman communication major, said. “Even though this is a serious topic, I did have fun writing the rap and producing it. It was played during the concert before Lamont performed.” Prior to this event, a majority of the people had no idea that this was happening in the United States, let alone this area. “All of this really brought to my attention and I learned things that I never would even imagine,” Mark Chila, senior marketing major and president of the fraternity, said. “I didn’t realize that this was happening in all of the areas and in the areas that are so close to us, especially at the King of Prussia Mall. We need to find a way to stop it. This was an eye-opening event for all of us.” Turns out that statistics were done and more students didn’t know about human trafficking than those that knew. Hiebert started out his performance by singing and playing guitar to a song that he wrote on his own. He has been a musician all of his life and produced two albums about human trafficking, justice and restoration. “Music is a natural fit for me,” Hiebert said. “Music helps keep me sane as well. I never truly recognize my thoughts until I sit down on the piano or sit down with my guitar and write music.”


Love 146 is an organization that started in 2002. Its mission is to protect, defend, restore and empower those millions of children, women and men that have been forced into sex slavery and exploitation. Before Hiebert became involved with non-profit organizations for human trafficking, subconsciously he would write songs about it, in his early 20s. There is a particular reason why this was happening. “I’m a survivor of child abuse myself and just the thought of someone else not being able to move forward. I’m a survivor that lives a great life. I want to give victims the opportunity to become survivors and then survivors to become overcomers and leaders in this fight,” Hiebert said. Hiebert made an emotional connection with his audience that day. There was not one person in that room that was taking their eyes off of what he was showing them. He showed pictures, videos and music videos for his songs that he has written. People were speechless. “This was extra credit for my social psychology class but I’m really glad I came because it was absolutely amazing,” Taylor Bonanni, sophomore psychology major, said. “I knew about human trafficking by watching the movie “Taken” and

“Slumdog Millionaire.” I knew the psychological effects on the girls would be traumatizing. These girls think that this is their own fault. I learned how important it is for people to do the right thing and stand up for what is right. Lamont really did that with his music. He said he could have been a famous musician and live the rock star life, but instead he went out for the aftercare of girls that were trafficked.” There was not anyone who beat what Hiebert accomplished that day at Cabrini. This takes bravery, inspiration and inner strength to dedicate your life to help those that cannot help themselves. All just because of one little girl with the No. 146 on her dress and the look of fight in her eyes. “We don’t know what happened to love 146, we don’t know her name, we don’t know anything about her, but were doing this in her honor and what she represents,” Hiebert said. “I think she would be incredibly happy to know that people are fighting in her honor.” ngc24@cabrini.edu


4 The Loquitur

Thursday, April 28, 2011



GLOBAL & NATIONAL Yemen president offers to leave

REGION & CAMPUS Commencement Speakers Announced

Yemen’s embattled president said that he would cede power if certain conditions were met, including immunity for him and his family. Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh said that he accepted a proposal by Arab mediators that would shift power to his deputy 30 days from the signing of a formal agreement.

On Sunday, May 15, Cabrini College will celebrate its 51st Commencement exercises. Sister Mary Scullion and Joan Dawson McConnon, cofounders of Project H.O.M.E., will receive honorary doctor of humane letters degrees at Cabrini College’s undergraduate Commencement at 10 a.m., with McConnon addressing bachelor’s degree candidates. James Capolupo, D.M.A., superintendent of the Springfield Delaware County School District, will address Cabrini’s 3:30 p.m. graduate Commencement, and also will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters degree.

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | April 23, 2011

Dozens killed in uprisings around Syria Security forces in Syria met thousands of demonstrators with live ammunition after noon prayers on Friday, killing at least 81 people in the bloodiest day of the five-week-old Syrian uprising. Cries for vengeance intersected with calls for the government’s fall, marking a potentially dangerous new dynamic in the revolt. “We want revenge, and we want blood,” said Abu Mohamed, a protester in Azra, a southern town that had the highest death toll Friday.


Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets during Friday prayers in Sanaa, Yemen, to demand the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Economists say stimulus disappointing

US senator to resign amid inquiry

Warlord pledges to disarm forces

Sen. John Ensign announced Thursday evening that he was resigning. The Nevada Republican was the subject of an ethics investigation related to his affair with the wife of a former top aide. Ensign’s resignation marks the final chapter in the career of a politician who a few even thought might reach the White House, but who instead got caught up in a particularly salacious Washington scandal.

An Ivory Coast renegade warlord said that he was ready to lay down his arms as ordered by the new president, but that it would take time. The warlord, Ibrahim Coulibaly, commands a heavily armed stronghold within Abobo, a poor neighborhood in Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s largest city. President Alassane Ouattara on Friday ordered Mr. Coulibaly, who led two coups in Ivory Coast, to disarm or be forced to do so.

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | April 21, 2011

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | April 23, 2011

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | April 22, 2011

The US Federal Reserve’s effort to spur a recovery has been experimental, yet most Americans are not feeling any noticeable difference. The Fed says growth remains slow, jobs remain scarce, and with the debt purchases scheduled to end in June, the Fed must now decide what comes next. Read the original story on NYTimes.com | April 24, 2011

James Crowell Asst. News Editor jfc46@cabrini.edu

THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, April 28 Fifth Annual Undergraduate Arts, Research, and Scholarship Symposium Come celebrate the scholarly and creative accomplishments of our undergraduates through poster sessions and oral presentations. There will be no classes on Thursday, so everyone can attend and support the accomplishments of Cabrini’s students.

Friday, April 29 Purse Sale Starting at 9:30 a.m., the Dance Team is selling purses in Jazzmans Cafe to help victims of human trafficking.

Bill would foster city animalcontrol efforts Dog owners in Philadelphia either don’t know or don’t care that the city requires them to buy a license, but a far-reaching animal-control bill that City Council is expected to pass this week aims to address those issues by making dog licensing much more common. Read the original story on Philly.com | April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 30 Sports See page 14 for a list of all Cavalier games and times

Car Wash The Dance and Roller Hockey teams will have a campus-wide car wash in the lower Dixon Center parking lot.

Cabrini College Dance Company Starting at 8 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium, everyone is welcome to attend a free performance by the Cabrini College Dance Company.

Sunday, May 1

Monday, May 2

Tuesday, May 3

Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Last Day of Classes The Spring 2011 semester ends and marks the last day to declare pass or fail. For information on declaring pass/fail, visit www.cabrini.edu/Registrar and for the full Academic Calendar, visit www.cabrini.edu/ AcademicCalendar.

Final Examinations From May 3 to May 9, final exams for the Spring 2011 semester will occur. For more information about finals, visit www.cabrini.edu/Finals.

Cabrini College Chorus Spring Concert Starting at 3 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium, everyone is welcome to attend a free performance from Cabrini’s Chorus.

Read the original story on Cabrini.edu | April 14, 2011

Easter parade celebrated along South Street At the 80th annual Easter Parade in Philadelphia on Sunday afternoon, a couple hundred adults and children turned out for the parade festivities. Read the original story on Philly.com | April 24, 2011

James Crowell Asst. News Editor jfc46@cabrini.edu


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Loquitur 5

ECG class bridges African youth to self-sufficiency SWAZILAND, page 1 have a way to earn a living for themselves and their loved ones,” Nikie McCabe, sophomore biology major, said. The four women also held a fundraiser on campus to raise money for the start up of the business. They sold bracelets with the colors of the Swaziland flag. The bracelets were sold in March in the marketplace and are available in small, medium and large. McCabe said with every purchase, the group gave away a pamphlet with information regarding the affect HIV/AIDS has had in Swaziland and the orphans and vulnerable children that need assistance immediately. The group is now working toward moving forward with the business. They will help run the Etsy office with Dr. McLaughlin. They have set up an account with the business office for Swazi’s Crafts for the Care where they can keep track of their finances. “We want this social business to grow to help the greatest number of children,” Rita McKeown, sophomore business administration major, said. The four were also recognized for their hard work in a March 25 SIFE competition where they competed and took home trophies for “Rookie of the Year” and “Second Runner-up.” “This competition is held every year, so we hope Cabrini College students participate each year and showcase their projects like our social business, Swazi’s Crafts for Care.” Ilic said. cam376@cabrini.edu

By Danielle McLaughlin A&E Editor

nikie mccabe / submitted photo

Coloful braclets, made by ECG 200 students Nikie McCabe, Dijana Ilic, Rita McKeowm and Christine Beehler, are sold to raise money for Swaziland.


Students present their posters to attendies during a past undergraduate symposium among their peers in the Iadarola Center Lobby.

Symposium gives undergrads real-life experience By Melanie Greenberg Asst. Managing Editor Cabrini College will be celebrating the scholarly and creative accomplishments of undergraduate students on Thursday, April 28. Poster sessions, oral presentations and performances by students will be presented to showcase research and artistic material done over the course of the year. The fifth annual Undergraduate Arts, Research and Scholarship Symposium will take place between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The poster session will take place in the Dixon Center from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The remaining presentations will take place in classrooms for the rest of the afternoon. Students will not have classes on Symposium day so that students, faculty, staff, parents,

Adult Day Center helps those with Dementia

alumni and selected high school students can view the accomplishments of Cabrini students. “The Symposium helped me to gain experience with data and experiments,” Nick Kaminski, senior psychology major, said. “It’s good preparation for graduate school or a professional job. We are able to display our data and research and showcase our knowledge regarding the materials.” Those participating in the Symposium had to gain approval from a faculty mentor in order to become eligible to present. “Prepping and researching for the Symposium helped me with my time management skills,” Dijana Ilic, sophomore marketing major, said. “There was a certain amount of work to be done each week for our project and we had to meet our goals efficiently.”

Students from varying majors present work they have compiled through the year. The Cabrini College Journal of Undergraduate Research Editorial Board views abstracts and papers completed by students after the Symposium. The Editorial Board selects work that demonstrates the efforts of students. “It taught me how to research and compile information on one topic for months,” John Solewin, senior political science major, said. “I learned how to concentrate on one topic and maybe I can focus on a problem in the world by dedicating time to that.” The Board dedicates themselves to discovery, promotion and publication of the work done annually by Cabrini undergraduates. Each of the articles chosen exemplify one or more of the following accomplishments:

An original research project, unique contribution to the scholarship of the students field, a new interpretation of an intellectually important problem, phenomenon or text. Any work that shows academic seriousness, intellectual ambition or artistic merit is also taken into consideration for the Board. “I definitely benefited from this year’s research because I was able to use my knowledge of business to help people overseas in Swaziland,” Ilic said. “I was able to contribute in making a business plan for Swazi youth. I got the chance to help individuals in a country plagued with HIV/AIDS create a future for themselves and their families.” mmg65@cabrini.edu

When first stepping foot into the Main Line Adult Day Center (MLADC), I was unsure of what I would find. I was greeted by the sound of a piano playing the tune of, “When The Saints Go Marching In,” and the sound of faint singing in the background. Pat Barton is the director of the Main Line Adult Day Center, whose mission is to make sure everyone that attends has a meaningful day. Barton is an educated woman whose interest with dementia patients started as a young Girl Scout. Ever since Barton visited the local nursing home in her hometown for a Girl Scout trip, she knew that she wanted to help the elderly and those in need. The cheery atmosphere and high spirits of the MLADC set the stage for the beginning of any meaningful day and the hope is that each of the attendees will take something away from their daily experience. The best way to describe MLADC is a day-care for adults. Much like a daycare, everyone who attends MLADC is on a set schedule. But, instead of “snack time” and “nap time” there’s “cognitive exercises” and “chair exercises.” “Due to the services we provide, families are able to stay together, caregivers are able to work and relax and maintain a lower stress level, which improves their ability to provide care,” Barton said. “Seeing our members active and engaged in their lives even with their existing cognitive and physical limitations is the best part of my day,” Barton said. Dementia, which is the loss of normal brain function and can have an effect on a person’s memory, judgment, thinking patterns and behavior, is something Barton is accustomed to interacting with. MLADC provides an environment for people with this disease to relate to one another and build relationships. Most of the people attending MLADC are elderly and are very dependent upon others to get through the day. Many dementia sufferers struggle to get through basic tasks such as eating and using the bathroom. Barton is surely doing something remarkable by helping those who struggle to remember, build memories and relationships everyday. dem59@cabrini.edu


6 The Loquitur

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Double standards still prevalent By Dana Drake By Demee Genther By Teresa Anthony By Mike Gallagher Guest Writers Have you ever wondered why you have been held to a standard that’s gender specific? Double standards are the unjust application of different sets of principles for similar situations. There are double standards everywhere; in the classroom, sports teams, work place and in our everyday lives. These could be as simple as putting makeup on, getting dressed in the morning, all the way to men living up to be a great athlete. There are also different standards for sexual activities; for example, men are rewarded for heterosexual activities, while women are judged in degrading ways for similar behavior. Along with these, studies have also shown others ways in which double standards are present in everyday in life whether we face them directly or not. Women are usually held to more double standards than men; some of them include that, “Men can usually assume that when they go out in public they wont be sexually assaulted or harassed just because they’re male, and if they are victimized, they won’t be asked to explain what they were doing there,” (Privilege, Power, and Difference). Generally wom-

en have to be more concerned with their appearance and are held to a higher standard for what they have to look like. If they are not up to par with the stereotype, they are judged. Men on the other hand are able to dress as they want and are less likely to be judged for what they look like. To go along with the quote, women have to be more careful as to how they dress and how they look to the public. If women are to dress more provocatively, they are more likely to be judged as a sex object more than just a women. This then leads to more women being taken advantage of even, and even after harassment, women are still looked at wrongly for dressing inappropriately. Men, on the other hand deal with different double standards and they are affected in different ways. Men feel as though they need to be more sexually active in order to gain more masculinity and respect (Sahl, Daniel). This can be a problem with men that are not willing to do so and will then be looked at differently for not being a man. Lastly, there is a double standard that’s had a huge impact on men, they are looked at as though they are supposed to be athletic and feel the pressure to go to the gym and always be active. This can affect ones self-esteem if that skill is not upheld. In education, things are different. Boys are more likely to be looked at as lazy where as the girls seem to be the ones always put-


ting forth the effort. After higher education is completed, there is a double standard that men are more likely to be successful in higher end jobs such as in government and or law; whereas women are more likely to become secretaries, nurses or teachers. “In most professions and upper-level occupation, men are held to a lower standard than women. It is easier for a good but not great male lawyer to make partner than it is for a comparable woman,” (Privilege, Power

and Difference). These are again, all double standards that are opinionated; there are obviously exceptions to all of these. But again, times are changing and these standards are changing as well. Men and women all over are attempting to prove these wrong.


Summe r 2011 Bucke t Lis t By Holly Prendergast Sports Editor

swimming in the ocean all day? It is a nice escape from reality for one day and a quick easy trip to enjoy with your friends! . Fist Pump in Seaside Heights, N.J. Okay, so this one is a tad corny. Since I will be turning 21 this July, and most of my friends will be also, one of the main things on our to-do list for this summer is to hit the famous clubs Bamboo and Karma like the oh so classy cast of the “Jersey Shore.” While this may not appeal to everyone, I know that I definitely, at least once in my life, have to experience the guidos, guidettes and juiceheads that Seaside Heights has to offer, and what a better time to do it than this summer. . What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas … Okay, not really – Something that I have always wanted to do, or at least since about the age of 18, to go to Las Vegas. Although I have never gambled before and I probably won’t get too crazy, okay I lied maybe just a little crazy, I cannot wait to


With my last summer before graduating college quickly approaching, I decided to compile somewhat of a short bucket list for the summer of 2011, of places to go, things to do and just different ways to have fun. . Go to the beach – Obviously this is on many people’s to-do list for the summer, and of course it is going to be on mine. While I already have a trip planned for Ocean City, Md. for the last week of July with friends, I also want to take as many day trips as possible to Ocean City, N.J. and Sea Isle City. What more could you ask for than lying on the beach and



go to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday this summer. While I do want to go out and go to the clubs to see what all the hype is about, I also have other things on my Vegas to-do list. They include everything from seeing the Beatles Cirque du Soleil act, to the Madame Tussauds wax museum, to the rollercoaster that goes through the New York New York hotel. While this trip isn’t for everyone or might not be in everyone’s budget for this summer, I think it is a place that everyone should get to experience at least once in his or her lives. Happy birthday to me! . Cake Boss – So for the last two years one of my best friends and I have been saying that we are going to visit the famous Carlo’s Bakery that is featured on TLC’s hit show “Cake Boss,” and every year we have failed. However, this summer it is one of the first things on our list because not only will it be fun, but it will be one of the least expensive things to do this sum-


mer. One hour and a half drive, the price of a few cupcakes and hopefully meeting Buddy and we will have ourselves possibly one of the best days of our summer! . Phightin’ Phils’ – Last but certainly not least the one, or should I say about 15 things that I will be doing this summer, is going to Phillies games at Citizens Bank Park to cheer on the always beloved Philadelphia Phillies. While the prices of games and parking has gone up slightly, going to Phillies games is and always will be one of my favorite things to do in the summer. There is nothing like going to a Phillies game on a warm June, July or August night to cheer on everyone’s favorite team. This activity has been something that my friends and I have been doing since our junior year in high school, and hopefully it is something that we continue to do for the rest of our lives.



Aall photos mct

Here are some of the fun things you can try out with your friends this summer.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Loquitur 7

Deleting Facebook during finals By Sarah Luckert Photo Editor

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that a Facebook addict with a 4.0 GPA is not a common occurrence. So, for the rest of us, sometimes drastic measures must be taken to ensure we do the best we can to stay in school. Sometimes it takes a responsible student to give up their most prized possession to do what is best for them. So go ahead listen to your mom and make good choices; delete your Facebook. If you think about it, it’s kind of a win-win. All the time you used to waste on Facebook will soon come back into your life miraculously. Obviously, it will be your responsibility to use that newlyfound time to actually make those flash cards, write those essays and prepare for those presentations. So here is your chance to give a little, your precious Facebook and get a lot, your life back. If you don’t think I am absurd and you actually made it this far you can stop crying because you are in luck. When you delete your Facebook it is never a permanent thing, unless you are brave

enough to take the steps to delete your account forever. For those of us not willing to go to those measures, we have another choice. Let me clarify, when you go to your account settings there is an option to “deactivate” your account, which ends up being the same exact thing as deleting it. By clicking the deactivate button,

nothing is permanent. Don’t be distracted by the few tricks Facebook has inplace to try and keep you. Instantly after clicking the deactivate button, you are going to be bombarded with a few photographs of your friends with captions that say “Henry will miss you.” Stay strong and you will be fine.

friends and nobody will be able to view your profile. Let’s say you feel bad that once you deactivated your Facebook account, your poor grandmother Millie’s friends just went from five to four. She is probably pretty upset and believe me you don’t want that but no worries. There is a alternative way to get around this. Just pick someone you trust, your roommate, your best friend or maybe even your teacher if they are really willing to help you do well, and have them change your password. They have to swear they won’t tell you and you have to make sure they don’t forget it. This is pretty much perfect because you won’t be able to just log back on whenever you want and after finals you can just switch it back. With so many distractions in your life, there is no reason to allow something as simple as Facebook to be the reason why you failed all of your finals. So now it’s your turn to do what is best for you. Delete your Facebook. Happy studying.


you are temporarily logging out of Facebook until you make the decision to log back in, after finals I hope. The moment you decide to log back in, you’re back in the world of Facebook like nothing ever even happened. To actually take the steps and delete your account, you have to find a link buried in the online help; until then

Now I know you are thinking, if you deactivate your account and all you have to do is log back in then what is the purpose? The answer is yes, you will be able to just log back in but while your account is deactivated you will not receive all of those notifications from your friends because the reality is you don’t have any


Kingswood Apartments is no place to call home By Eleni Antipas Staff Writer

Kingswood Apartments seemed like a great choice when I first moved to King of Prussia. The complex is close to campus, many of my friends live there and the rent is reasonable. However, what the management at Kingswood Apartments does not tell prospective tenants is that once you move in they will no longer help to fix any of the problems you will have or even respond to your emails or phone calls. When I first moved- in the paint on the walls was dripping on the floor even though they pushed back my move in date twice to “fix-up” the apartment. I noticed that the front door was cracked from top to bottom. When I called to ask them to fix these problems they responded by saying that other apartments in the complex were much worse off than mine and that they cannot be expected to rush over for minor problems. This is a minor problem? I would say that the door having a huge crack in it is a major safety issue. I was excited to move to a complex that had a gym. While thinking about whether or not to spend the money on the gym membership, I asked to take a tour of the gym. However, every time I asked for a tour there was no one available to show me around. So, I decided to purchase the membership anyway,

and inevitably I regretted it just as I regret ever signing my lease. The gym consists of approximately six cardio machines, three of which are permanently out of order, and one weight station. If a person is lucky enough to get on one of the three working treadmills, they will have to get past the stench of mildew that fills the room. Finally, I am convinced that the televisions are just for show, but on a rare day when one of the televisions is working I can assure you that the audio adaptors will not work.

the power outage was just as frustrating for her as it was for me. I find this pretty hard to believe considering that the woman was getting paid to handle phone calls and she got to go home to a place that provides heat and electricity, which I believe is a necessity in the middle of February. Since Kingswood Apartments finds it difficult to offer heat and electricity, I probably should not have expected much from the maintenance team. I do not know the specific duties of the maintenance team, but I can tell you that cleanliness does not seem to be their goal. For example, the laundry room in my building is completely disgusting. There are clumps of dust all along the floor and the two working washing machines have laundry detergent all over them. The washing machines themselves will definitely take my money, but paying does not always prompt the machines to start washing. . The dryers take at least two cycles before the clothes are actually dry, which of course costs more money. They allow tenants to smoke in all of the buildings so I suggest purchasing a gas mask if you plan on walking through the smoke filled hallways. None of my neighbors bother to pick up after their dogs so there are always fresh piles of animal waste on my lawn. Lastly, there are no time limits for making loud noise and I am certain that the people who live above me are auditioning for “Stomp.”

“When I called to ask them to fix

these problems they responded by saying that other apartments in the complex were much worse off than mine and that they cannot be expected to rush over ”

There have been three power outtages since I’ve moved in. The last power outage lasted 48 hours and management, being completely indifferent to their tenants needs, offered people without power free pizza. When I told them that pizza was not going to make up for the $200 worth of groceries that I had to throw out, they told me that they were not responsible. The woman I spoke to, who clearly has no experience in customer service, told me that


Can I have fries with that attitude? By Ransom Cozzillio Assistant News Editor

I, like many college kids, make ends meet by working at a restaurant. I knew when joining the ranks of food service that it was a relatively thankless job. But, I did not realize that it would put me in such a unique position to see the worst of what normal society has to offer. I want to bring light to the idiots, the people who walk in like they own the place, ignore the hosts’ greetings and the “see host to be seated” sign, then snidely retort, “Well, I assume I can just sit wherever I want!?” Have you ever been to a nonMcDonalds restaurant where you could do that? If not, then no, you can’t. I’m talking about the people who rudely demand to see a manager as soon as they heard that the wait is longer than 15 minutes. Honestly, if we had room, we’d seat you. There is no conspiracy to just avoid sitting you in particular, sir or madam. What you see is what we have. If it looks full, it probably is. There is no secret room in the back for VIPs so calm down. I’m talking about the people who retort with “Oh, well I have a reservation.” That’s interesting, considering, as part of company policy, we don’t take reservations. Nice try though. I’m really, really talking about the people who order something, eat half of it if not more then complain. Don’t worry, I’m not blowing that last issue out of proportion. I’ve seen people order a shrimp pasta dish (with the word “shrimp” in the name), eat most of it, then go to a manager incensed because they are allergic to shrimp. Yes, this has actually happened, more than once in fact. I apologize if I’m just coming off as bitter. I realize that courtesy towards those in the service industry is inconvenient and that you could fill a book with the things most people don’t know about restaurant work. For example, most servers only make $2.80 an hour. Before working with them, I had no idea. I propose the following solution: everyone should have to work in a restaurant in their teenage years. Congress, work with me on this please. No one wants to be ignorant, and we in the restaurants don’t want to deal with ignorant people. I realize that the legal process is a convoluted one, we are willing to wait. In the mean time however, if you don’t know how to go to a restaurant appropriately, just stay home. And no, we don’t deliver. Thanks, come again. rjc72@cabrini.edu


8 The Loquitur

alaina conturso / staff photographer

Small Town Trio consists of Dave Jacobson, Stefano Cosini and Ricky Tuminello. The bands big inspirations are Dave Matthews Band and Mumford and Sons

Thursday, April 28 2011

seal / submitted photo

Small Town Trio originated in Dixon House and has performed at Cabrini’s open Mic Night, Relay for Life and Human Trafficking Awareness night.

Small Town Trio rocks in a big way By Chelbi Mims Asst. Features Editor Small Town Trio began by three talented musicians placed next door to each other in Dixon House in early 2010. It has now expanded into a unique band performing at campus events. The band consists of members Stefano, rhythm guitarist, Ricky, vocals and guitarist and Dave, cajon, which is a box that sounds like a snare drum but not nearly as loud, and drums. “We usually play alternative rock, light rock, etc. My big inspiration are Dave Matthews Band, and Mumford and Sons,” Dave Jacobson, sophomore math major, said.

The band has played three shows together, open mic night, sex trafficking awareness week and Relay for Life. “Small Town Trio is more a couple of guys having fun than an official band I suppose,” Rick Tuminello, sophomore business major. “We don’t plan on making it big; we are just having fun.” A Relay for Life committee member and the band’s RA reached out to the band and asked them to perform. The band went on-stage around midnight at Relay for Life and got the crowd excited and awake with their songs by Blink-182 and Dave Matthews Band. “I heard them for the first time at Relay for Life and they did a great cover at a Blink 182 song, I’m a fan,” Emmy Murdock, freshman education major, said.

The band name, Small Town Trio, has no specific meaning behind it. They just wanted to come up with something catchy and neat. “Small Town Trio is kind of a simple name for a simple band, we are three guys from small towns that love playing music,”Tuminello said. The band practices in the basement of Dixon House or Cosini’s room and many of their friends join them to hang out and listen to music. “The best part of being a fan of Small Town Trio is watching my friends succeed and having fun while doing something they enjoy,” Morgan Ann, sophomore education major, said. cam376@cabrini.edu

Students find ways to create a ‘Pleasant’ Environment By Nick LaRosa Asst. Sports Editor The art of searching for off-campus housing while in college often requires time, patience and the ability to work around a tight budget. If that is not enough, some students have to worry about finding neighbors who accept them for who they are: college students. Just minutes away from the campus of Cabrini College you will find Mount Pleasant, a small, close-knit community that has been a part of the Tredyffrin Township landscape for centuries. Students from Cabrini recognize the community’s historic nature but still want to experience the freedom of living off campus. Unfortunately, some residents seem to be closed-minded toward college students due to the common stereotypes, such as being disorderly and reckless, associated with this age group. “I definitely feel it is a close-knit community and everyone knows each other,” Samantha Bokoski, senior communication major, said. “However, I feel they do not give college students a chance before judging them.” Bokoski moved into the Mount Pleasant community in the summer of 2010 with fellow Cabrini students Lauren Karaszkiewicz and Christina Flood. The three are the only college students on their street and have had a few issues with long-time residents in the community. Flood, senior communication major,

recalls a summer party in 2010 in which police were called to the scene. “There were only about 25 people present and we were not loud, but a neighbor still called the cops and they just told us to keep it down,” Flood said. “This makes me think that the people of this neighborhood simply do not want college kids living here, even though we are very respectful and not loud.” Partying in particular is one thing that many long-time residents may voice their concerns about. However, according to Bokoski, unruly parties have not been a large problem in the community. “Ido not beleive to have had any loud mct parties,” Bokoski said. “I feel college Mount Pleasant is a historic community in Tredyffrin Township which is minstudents have been very respectful of the utes from Cabrini. Cabrini students have begun to move into the neighborhood families surrounding them.” and feel unwelcome by some neighbors. “If we have parties we make sure the noise is not too noticeable outside,” Karaszkiewicz said. “If we have people so unique is its diversity – residents who “Living in a house off campus is much come over we make sure that they park in have lived in the community for decades cheaper,” Flood said. “It is definitely our driveway.” and college students looking for a temposomething that students should look into rary place to reside. for their junior and senior years.” “I think that if a long-time resident Just remember, be a good neighbor and wants to meet the new neighbor, they can try to acquaint yourself with the commuintroduce themselves,” Flood said. nity. “Two of our neighbors actually came “Students need to be mindful of where over and introduced themselves when we they live,” Bokoski said. “Just because first moved in,” Karaszkiewicz said. “If you are college students does not give that opportunity comes up [to introduce you the right to blast music at all hours yourself] just say hello.” and disrupt people. I feel as long as you As exciting as the freedom of livare mindful of the people around you, you ing off-campus can be, there is never an will be fine.” Mount Pleasant is certainly only one of excuse to become a distraction. Every the many local communities students can person is a part of their respective comnal42@cabrini.edu look to when searching for off-campus munity and should receive equal treatment housing. What makes Mount Pleasant from their surrounding counterparts.

“If we have parties

we make sure the noise is not too noticeable outside.”


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Loquitur 9

amy rodden / submitted photo

Sophomore, Amy Rodden and Finance Dan Ferrell have been engaged for two years.

amy rodden / submitted photo

Rodden and Ferrell met through mutual friends and hope to get married after Rodden finishes college.

Love knows no age:

student embarks on life-long relationship

By Sarah Luckert Photo Editor They met by pure happenstance. Two young students, Amy Rodden and Dan Ferrell didn’t know that five days after they met they would begin a relationship that would eventually lead to an engagement. On Aug. 4, 2007, Rodden and Ferrell were introduced to each other for the first time. From then on the initial connection they shared only blossomed and flourished. Rodden was hoping for her 19th birthday, Ferrell would plan a great celebration. He told her they would be spending the day at the aquarium. Little did she know he had much more planned. “I was obviously ecstatic about going to the aquarium and as soon as we walked in the door I rushed right to the sea turtles,” Rodden said. “I was maneuvering my way through the crowds as quickly as I could and I had no idea, until afterwards, the amount of stress I had been putting Dan under.” When they arrived at the exhibit, they waited for the sea turtles to make their way to where they were looking. “For me, it was taking much too long so I decided to move towards them and we wandered off to a smaller window,” Rodden said. As Rodden and Ferrell were standing right in front of the window, two turtles slowly swam by.

“I was absolutely in love with the sight of those turtles,” Rodden said. “I was concentrating so hard on the view, that when Dan asked me if I had wanted to see the gift he got me for my birthday I completely ignored him.” Suddenly, Rodden looked over at Ferrell as he knelt down on one knee, and asked Rodden to marry him. “I began to unexplainably cry after I said yes,” Rodden said. “Although I was so happy, my crying caused mass confusion for the children around us in the aquarium.” Rodden and Ferrell both understand the controversy about being engaged at such a young age but they are both confident about their relationship. “I do not believe that there is much reason for us to wait to be engaged,” Rodden said. “We do plan on taking our time before we get married. Being young and in love makes it difficult to receive everyone’s approval, including family and friends. The couple began dating during the summer before Rodden’s junior year of high school and Ferrell’s sophomore year at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, in Lancaster, Pa. Some of the young couple’s friends wanted to voice to them that they thought that dating wouldn’t be in their best interests. “Obviously, we refused to listen to their advice on dating and long distance relationships,” Rodden said, “and look, we have been together ever since.”

Obstacles are bound to occur in anyone’s life but Rodden and Ferrell have stayed strong throughout everything. With the help of fate, Rodden and Ferrell share many of the same interests that turn out to be the glue to their relationship. “We both find interest in many of the same things,” Rodden said. “But it’s the differences that we have that make our relationship what it is.” Both individuals have a lot of responsibilities including work and school. “Dan doesn’t attend Cabrini and at times it can be difficult,” Rodden said. “Dan lives close enough to campus that when there are events he always tries to come.” At the very least Rodden and Ferrell see each other five times a week, some days for short periods of time. “We both have obligations that require our complete attention, and we have a mutual understanding about that,” Rodden said. As far as plans for a wedding go, Rodden and Ferrell have decided to wait until they can devote enough time to planning the entire ceremony and reception. “The only absolute thing that we have planned out for sure is that we will be married by Dan’s father who is a deacon and has the ability to marry his children,” Rodden said. skl37@cabrini.edu

Express Yourself

When is a good time to get married ?

Dan Terenick, senior information systems major “Late 20’s and 30’s. When you find someone it just happens”

Mary Jacobs, junior English major

Starlene Soler, freshman communications major

“People should get married when there is equal rights for everyone. Marriage is nonsense.”

“Around 23; you need to be mature and responsible.”

Greg Robinson, freshman political science major “19 and up but only if it’s true love.”

Arts & Entertainment

10 The Loquitur

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chorus prepares for spring concert By Danielle Alio Managing Editor By Justin Sillner Features Editor As the school year comes to a close, the Cabrini College Chorus has been rehearsing for its annual spring concert. This year the concert is going to be held on May 1 at 3 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. The concert is free and attendees can expect to hear music from different genres. The chorus has been rehearsing a few opera pieces to sing at the concert. These pieces include the “Triumphal Chorus” from the opera “Aida,” “Anvil Chorus” from the opera “Il Travatore” and the “Regina Coeli” from “Cavalleria Rusticana.” The chorus will also sing a few pieces from the musicals “Ragtime” and “Finian’s Rainbow.” The select choir, the Chorale, will also be performing at the concert. They will be singing a variety of songs including a few Duke Ellington pieces. Dr. Adeline Bethany, the chorus instructor, has grown up around music. Since the age of 9 years old, music has always been a part of her. “My father played the violin, my sister played the violin and sang. I played the piano and vio-

lin. There was always music in my house. It has always been part of my life,” Bethany said. Her involvement with the chorus here at Cabrini College began in 1980. Upon arrival, Bethany recalls it being very small. “It was all women when I first became involved. There were only about 15 of us then,” Bethany said. As the instructor of the chorus, Bethany has taken many opportunities and has made the chorus into a highly respected organization on campus. “I think we have raised the bar this semester with introducing opera choruses. I know it was a challenge, but everyone is going to be proud that they did it,” Bethany said. The songs selected for the concert include some of Bethany’s favorite opera choruses, including the Regina Coeli. Something that Bethany looks forward to every year is the school’s annual Christmas concert. “There is an aura about it that is special. I love singing all the music that is either religious or secular that relates to that time of the year,” Bethany said. One compliment that Bethany enjoys hearing the most is that the audience was able to understand the words. “If you’re singing a song you’re conveying a message, diction and

Google Shopper By Katie Bonanni Staff Writer

Limo,” has near-indecipherable, distorted vocals and pays homage to Grohl’s fondness for heavy metal. Other musicians have no doubt influenced “Wasting Light.” “Arlandria” is a perfect blend of Foo Fighters material and that of Them Crooked Vultures, a side supergroup comprised of Grohl, Queens of the Stone Age guitarist and front man Josh Homme, and Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones. The track “Dear Rosemary” features back-up vocals by Bob Mould, front man for punk rock bands Husker Du and Sugar. Grohl not only honors his past in the punk rock scene, but, for the first time in Foo Fighters’ history, his years in Nirvana as well. Nirvana bassist Krist Noveselic is featured on the slower, darker track “I Should Have Known,” a song many have interpreted as Grohl’s pentup anguish over the death of friend and former bandmate, Kurt Cobain. “Wasting Light” succeeds on every level. Sonically, the album is stellar. The band’s old-school methods trump some of the best of modern rock and alternative. Lyrically, Grohl pens some of his bestcrafted material. “Wasting Light” is best summed up in the album’s final track, “Walk.” The Foo Fighters returned to their roots, and have learned to walk again.

Google Shopper is this week’s hottest app. When downloaded to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Android, it helps you find millions of products by scanning a bar code, taking a picture of a DVD, book, CD or video game. You can also say the name of a product and it will help you find the best price online. Essentially, it is a mobile search engine for products. It lets you compare prices, read reviews and make your decision before you ever have to open your wallet. Google Shopper provides detailed product information. It can find prices, reviews and specs. It can help you find nearby stores, then call them to get directions. This app can go as far as checking on the inventory at any particular store. If you find something you want to share with your friends, just click the link to post to Gmail, Facebook or Twitter. If you want a companion to help you with your purchasing decision, download Google Shopper for your smart phone. On Apple.com, one satisfied customer called Google Shopper “Alien Technology from the future.” Another user said that the search is just plain awesome. This app’s speed and accuracy at taking photos will blow your mind away. It connects directly to “Google Shopping.” The app’s history list allows you to return to any past search if you change your mind and decide to buy a product. You can also mark your favorite products with a gold star. This app has been available to Android users for over a year now, but a free version was just made available to iPhone users. Google Shopper is a part of a growing list of similar mobile apps such as “Price Check app,” “Scandit” and “RedLaser.” Users who have tried all of these apps have said that Google Shopper is the easiest and most efficient mobile shopping app out there.



danielle alio / submitted photo

Cabrini’s chorus rehearses pieces for their upcoming annual performance on May 1 at 3 p.m. in Grace Hall Atrium. articulation is critical. You have to understand the words,” Bethany said. Bethany has worked with many seniors during their four years at Cabrini. Her message to the upcoming graduates is one that she feels will benefit them all. “Continue singing. Your life will take you in many different directions, but eventually it will find you again. You can’t turn it off. It’s a part of your being,” Bethany said. As a devoted music lover, Bethany shares her enthusiasm with her students. Enjoyment is key. “You enjoy singing, that’s why

you take chorus. In my syllabus, my prime objective is the enjoyment of music through singing. That’s what my students do. They enjoy it,” Bethany said. Next semester, the chorus will be accepting new members for credit or non-credit. The chorus meets and rehearses in the Widener Lecture Hall every Monday night from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Bethany encourages all to come and sing as a member of the chorus. dla37@cabrini.edu jjs333@cabrini.edu

Foo Fighters bring back the ‘90s By Joe Cahill Staff Writer The Democrats are in the White House, Britney Spears is at the top of the charts, Beavis and Butthead and Pee-Wee Herman air on television and independent artists are getting mainstream appeal. The ‘90s are back, and with them they’ve brought a true Foo Fighters’ album. “Wasting Light,” the band’s seventh album, marks a return to the grunge and alternative sound that fans and critics alike have not heard since 1997’s “The Colour and the Shape.” In an interview with NME magazine, front man and guitarist Dave Grohl said, “After performing for 85,000 people [at Wembley Stadium], you wonder where you go from there.” Grohl’s answer was to record and mix an album entirely in his garage. “Wasting Light” was recorded on reel-toreel tape machines, the same process Grohl himself used when creating the first Foo Fighters album. Abandoning modern day techniques even more, no computers were used whatsoever in the album’s recording or production processes. All of these backward leaps pay off in what is ultimately one of the best-sounding rock albums of the last decade. Because the band was forced to play every song as best as possible,

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The Foo Fighters released their seventh album “Wasting Light” this year. the album’s inherent honesty shines through with every crisp guitar chord and drum beat. The songs themselves are some of the best the band has produced. Fans of Foo Fighters’ acoustic and lighter work, though, will have little to satisfy them. “Wasting Light” packs a punch, and never lets go. Tracks such as “Bridges Burning” and “Miss the Misery” are hard rock songs with heavy drums and guitar from band members Taylor Hawkins and Chris Shiflett. The heaviest song on the album, “White

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Arts & Entertainment

The Loquitur 11

Summer in the City What’s going on this summer in Philadelphia

First Friday When?

The first Friday of every month from 5-9 p.m.


Taste of Philadelphia When?

June 24 at 5 p.m., and June 25 and 26 at 11 a.m.


Marc Chagall Exhibition When?

March 1 to July 10


Concerts in the Park When?

Aug. 11, 18, and 25 at 7 p.m.


Old City

Penn’s Landing

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Rittenhouse Square





Though many areas now do a First Friday event, on first Fridays in Old City the streets fill with art lovers looking for a glimpse into the art scene in Philly. The neighborhood is stuffed with 40-plus galleries who take part in the event. People are encouraged to wander the streets in search of some great art, and grab a bite to eat at one of the many great restaurants located along the blocks. Most of the action is located between Front and Third and Market and Vine Streets.

This is the fifth year that Taste of Philadelphia has consumed the city, and every year they include more and more restaurants to the festivities. This event is free to enter, though some restaurants charge a low rate for their food. Walk along the waterfront and taste some of the most popular restaurants in the city, while listening to local musical performances. On Saturday night, stick around for a concert and firework displays. This event kicks off Wawa Welcome America!

July 4th Celebration

New Kids on the Block & Backstreet Boys


July 4 from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.



July 4 from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.


“Paris Through the Window: Marc Chagall and His Circle” showcases the work of Marc Chagall with more than 70 paintings, sculptures and a mix of other media. This collection was all conceived in or inspired by Paris, France during the 20th century, which is evident by his avant-garde style and feel. The exhibit is free after regular admission to the museum.

Spend your Wednesday night listening to free music in the park for their annual “Concerts in the Park” series. Sponsored by Philadelphia Weekly, the concerts feature a variety of artists from different musical genres, from country to rock. Bring a blanket and some food and enjoy a picnic on the greens before the concerts begin. The line-up for these events will be posted once the summer arrives.

Dave Matthews Screenings Band Caravan Under the Stars When?

June 24 to 26



Thursday nights from July 1 to Aug. 26


Philadelphia Museum of Art & Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Wells Fargo Center

Bader Field in Atlantic City, N.J.

Penn’s Landing





This Fourth of July celebration is held every year near the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The afternoon is filled with a patriotic festival, Party of the Parkway, complete with food and festivities, with a parade running through historic Philadelphia. As the day continues, a free concert by Philly’s very own, The Roots, will take place on the art museum steps. The night is concluded with fireworks, which are estimated to begin at 10:30 p.m. This is a Wawa Welcome America! Event.

New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) and the Backstreet Boys (BSB) will be gracing Philly with their presence at a one-nightonly concert at the Wells Fargo Center. The return of the two bands in their combined concert tour will be sure to remind fans of their love for a good boy band. Tickets range from $32 to $92 with tickets still available for purchase online.

This is not your typical Dave Matthews Band summer concert. Each night DMB will put on a headlining show, with a diverse collection of acts during the day. The Caravan includes artists such as The Flaming Lips, O.A.R, Dr. Dog, Fitz and the Tantrums, and Damian Marley, as well as DMB themselves. The band will be traveling to Governors Island, New York City, stopping in Atlantic City on the way. Tickets, as well as full travel packages, can be purchased online. Tickets are still available, but must be purchased as a 3-day pass. Gates open at 11 a.m. each morning and concerts plan to go well into the night.

Every Thursday night during the summer, sit back and enjoy some of the most recent blockbuster hits right along the Delaware River. This is a free movie event, with a themed activity prior to the showing. The movies include “Twilight: New Moon,” “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” “The Blind Side,” and several others.

diana campeggio / asst. a&e editor dcc59@cabrini.edu

Good Luck During Finals Week! john krupka

Arts & Entertainment

12 The Loquitur

About the author: Sara Gruen

‘Water for Elephants’ remains true to award-winning novel By Rachael Renz Copy Editor

By Diana Campeggio Asst. A&E Editor Sara Gruen, best known for her bestselling novel, “Water for Elephants,” found herself at a cross road in her life. After moving to the United States from Canada in 1999, she was laid off two years later from her technical writing job and found herself with some time on her hands. She published her first novel, “Riding Lessons,” in 2004 to showcase her love for animals. The novel follows the tragic struggle of Annemarie Zimmer, an Olympic equestrian contender who’s riding career is destroyed after a tragic accident, and her horse Harry. It provides a glimpse into the life of Annemarie 20 years later as she returns to her dying father’s horse farm, bringing her now adolescent daughter to a place of unresolved memories. “Riding Lessons” was a USA Today best-seller. Next Gruen published her second novel, “Flying Changes,” which continues the story of Annemarie and her family. Annemarie must deal with her daughter’s own aspirations to be an Olympic rider while her own relationship with her man is growing adrift. The book illustrates how a family must deal with changes as people continue to grow older. Gruen’s third and most popular book, “Water for Elephants” was published in 2006 and instantly became a beloved book by audiences. The book was a #1 New York Times bestseller and has had over 3 million copies printed worldwide. The book is also available in 44 languages. Her most recent book, “Ape House,” showcases Gruen’s interest and love for apes and the disappearance of them in the wild. The book features the Bonobo ape, which is captured from a language laboratory and is used on a television show. Though all of her books showcase her love for animals of all kinds, “Ape House” really illustrates a passion of Gruen’s. She has studied linguistics used to communicate with apes and has a life-long fascination for apes, including Bonobo apes. Gruen is also an advocate for several animal organizations, including The Lola Ya Bonobo sanctuary and The Great Ape Trust. Gruen now lives in the south with her husband and sons, and a houseful of animals and pets. Dcc59@cabrini.edu

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The much-anticipated film, “Water for Elephants,” was released on Friday, April 22, approximately five years after the No.1 New York Times best-seller by Sara Gruen was published. The novel, which was rated a best-seller by other publications and voted favorite book of 2006, is a love story while simultaneously adding a sense of historical adventure. This story is not only endearing but is also original and unique. Watching or reading a dramatic love story that takes place on a moving train, housing an overabundance of animals and people is anything but cliche. The main character, Jacob Jankowski played by Robert Pattinson, is about to graduate from Cornell University at the age of 23. He arrived to class one morning, about to take his final exam, when he is told that both of his parents were in a fatal car accident. Jankowski ends up not completing the exam and rushes home. But this isn’t the only obstacle Jankowski faces. During this time, the prohibition and Great Depression were in full swing. Jankowski ended up losing his parents, his fathers’ veterinary practice and his home because his parents were in debt from paying for his education. Jankowski felt he had no other choice but to run, so he packed a suitcase and never looked back. After walking for miles on train tracks, he heard a train nearing his direction. Jankowski decided

to jump on the train and hoped it would take him far. This is when Jankowski and Marlena, played by Reese Witherspoon, story begins. The train Jankowski jumped on ended up being the “Benzini Brother’s Most Spectacular Show on Earth,” otherwise known as one of the most popular traveling circuses. Because of his veterinary skills, Jankowski is hired for $9 a week as the circus’ veterinarian. It just so happens that Marlena, a beautiful performer who is the No. 1 act with her horse show, works side by side with Jankowski. Jankowski and Marlena end up spending a lot of time with each other, tending to her beloved horses and teaching Rosie, the show’s new elephant, tricks. The two end up falling in love, but Marlena’s husband August, played by Christoph Waltz, is the boss and a dangerous man known for throwing men off the moving train and beating animals. The basis of the rest of the movie and book is living with a traveling circus, hiding a relationship, taking care of the animals and avoiding August at all costs. Witherspoon and Pattinson have an undeniable chemistry on screen that was filled with love and fear. Both complimented each other well, but I cannot give full credit to them. Waltz, who is otherwise known for his character Hans Landa in “Inglourious Bastards,” shocks audiences again with his brooding anger and violent behavior. The trio’s relationship left

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Robert Pattinson successfully breaks from his vampire persona and instead plays the troubled and lovesick Jacob Jankowski. me in awe. Each of their performances were impeccable and the outcome from each relationship was memorable in both the book and film. Not only was the acting wonderful, but the fashion was admirable as well. The film, set in the 30’s, commonly used three-piece suits and fashionable dresses. The performers also sported very detailed costumes, the women wearing small clothing with sequins and the men wearing velvet suits. Although Pattinson has starred in several other films, his role in “Water for Elephants” has finally broken him from the “Twilight” stigma that has been hovering

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over his career for the past three years. I am extremely eager to see what his next move will be, that is, after the “Twilight” saga is complete. As for Witherspoon, her work never ceases to amaze me. Her talent shined through as she played Marlena and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a nominee for an Oscar in the future. “Water for Elephants” grossed over $16.8 million its opening weekend and has earned the No. 3 spot in the box office, because not only did Sara Gruen write a fantastic novel, but the wonderfully chosen cast and crew also did justice to Gruen’s work of art. rr724@cabrini.edu

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jeny varughese / asst. a&e editor


Thursday, April 28, 2011


The Loquitur 13

jenay smith / asst. photo editor

Senior Cavalier ends career with milestone season By Laura Hancq Asst. Managing Editor Paul Skulski, senior midfielder and captain for Cabrini’s men’s lacrosse team, picked up a lacrosse stick for the first time in seventh grade. He hasn’t wanted to put it down since. “I played tons of sports when I was younger but as soon as I started playing lacrosse, I knew it was going to be with me for a long time,” Skulski said. Cabrini teammate and junior defenseman John McSorley describes Skulski as being a true athlete at his core. “Paul is one of the most athletic people that I have ever been around in my entire life,” McSorley said. “He is the type of kid that can pick up something for the first time and make it look like he has been doing it for years.” Skulski played lacrosse throughout his four years of high school at Garnet Valley. He knew he wanted to continue his career at the college level and chose to do so at Cabrini for many reasons. “I liked Cabrini because it was local and known for having a great lacrosse program,” Skulski said. “I also knew some guys on the team so that made me feel comfortable. Coach Colfer really reached out to me and made sure we had a lot of contact.” Skulski credits coach Colfer as a big influence on his

success and his high school coach, Pat Ryan, for building him into the player he is today. “Coach Ryan gave me a great foundation and coach Colfer has really fine-tuned my skills and turned me into a strong college player,” Skulski said. His coaches haven’t been the only influences on his career. He has always looked to his older brother, M.J., as an example in life and in sports. “My older brother M.J. played lacrosse, so I started when he did. I always wanted to be just like him,” Skulski said. Now, Skulski gets to return the favor because as a senior, he is known as a big brother figure for the younger players on the team. “Paul leads by example on and off the field,” McSorley said. “I think that the young guys look up to him on the offensive side of the ball the most.” Skulski tries to be an effective leader through stressing the importance of teamwork. He believes that the team has made great strides in meshing together since the beginning of the season and has truly come together as a unit. “I feel like there is really a bright future in store for the Cabrini lacrosse program,” Skulski said. “Lots of the younger guys have been scoring the goals and really stepping up, so I only see the team getting better in the future.” By being such a dominant force for the Cavs, Skuls-

ki challenges the other players on the team to raise their game to the next level. “He is someone that I have been looking up to since I became his teammate three years ago and the guy I like to go against in practice everyday to try and make myself a better player,” McSorley said. Skulski has his eyes on winning the conference and leading the Cavs to playoff victories. His dream playoff matchup would be against local rival Haverford in order to get revenge for a heartbreaking loss in the beginning of the season. Skulski is a marketing major and will be interning this summer. He has an open mind for his career after graduating from Cabrini, but he knows lacrosse will always be a part of his life, whether it’s as a Cavalier or not. The team will definitely feel the loss of Skulski after he graduates. He has over 100 career goals and 200 career points as a Cavalier. However, the legacy he leaves will be about a lot more than lacrosse. “As great of a player as Paul is on the field, he is an even better friend off the field,” McSorley said. “He is the type of guy that would do anything for anyone. He always has a smile on his face and wants to have fun.” lch23@cabrini.edu


14 The Loquitur

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The brotherhood of mixed martial arts By Nick LaRosa Asst. Sports Editor Juniors Ryan Sankey and Ryan Bunda share much more than the same first name. They share the bond and time commitment that goes along with the practice of mixed martial arts. Mixed martial arts cover a variety of disciplines ranging from boxing and wrestling to Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Sankey and Bunda have been active in training but are still approximately two years away from being ready to participate in an actual fight. Being involved in MMA may seem like a dream come true for Sankey and Bunda, but they know how difficult it is to get their foot in the door or, quite literally, the cage. “People always say they want to do UFC, but they don’t know all of the steps,” Sankey, communication major, said. “Once people find out about it they want to learn about it because its not something a normal person walks around knowing.” Bunda and Sankey both reside in Bucks County, Pa. and crossed paths with each other when training at area gyms. The fact that they both attend Cabrini only adds to the bond they have already developed. Sankey inherits his interest in the sport

from family; his older brother was an MMA fighter and his father holds a fivedegree black belt. Bunda, on the other hand, sees his training as a way to prepare for the future. “It’s good to have some type of martial art in you,” Bunda, criminology major, said. “My brother is a police officer and my future is being in law enforcement.” Even though MMA is typically a oneon-one sport, there is still a need for teamwork and support from others. This even involves group gatherings, usually at Applebee’s, to discuss tactics and give each other advice. “We have a table with anywhere from eight to 12 or 15 people,” Sankey said. “But we don’t just talk about this and that, we actually watch [UFC] and talk about pointers that will help you in the long run.” If not for the team and all of its components, success in MMA would be much harder to come by, according to Sankey. “You have training partners, coaches, people who watch over your diet,” Sankey said. “It’s really a big thing. You can’t make it in the sport without other people.” The two have received tremendous support from family and friends and are making it a priority to stay in shape. Bunda wrestled for five years before arriving at

Cavalier Calendar Thursday, April 28

3 p.m. Softball @ Philadelphia Biblical University 4 p.m. M Tennis @ King’s College

Friday, April 29

11 a.m. Golf CSAC Championship Day One

Saturday, April 30

8:30 a.m. Golf CSAC Campionship Day Two 12 p.m. M Tennis vs. Baptist Bible College 12 p.m. Softball at Cedar Crest College 1 p.m. M Lacrosse @ Immaculata University 1 p.m. W Lacrosse TBA

For more information on Cabrini Athletics, including playoff schedules for men’s lacrosse, women’s lacrosse, men’s tennis and softball, please go online to CabriniAthletics.com.

nick larosa / asst. sports editor

Juniors Ryan Sankey, left, and Ryan Bunda spend much of their time together training for the chance to one day participate in a cage fight. Cabrini and Sankey was a member of the Cavaliers men’s lacrosse team. “You have to be in shape and when you start out you’re not going to be in shape and you’re not going to be used to it,” Sankey said. “It’s a fun sport but you have to stick with it.” Training is the key to Sankey and Bunda’s success in the future of mixed martial arts. Even with no official cage fights under their belts, the two feel they have already stepped inside the cage. “I don’t want to say that we haven’t had

any fights already because we count our friends’ fights as our fights,” Bunda said. “We’re scouting who they’re fighting and pointing things out. It’s not just them fighting, it’s our whole team fighting.” Through all of the training so far, Sankey and Bunda have developed a bond for the sport that can never be broken and a friendship that goes beyond cage fighting. “Me and Ryan,” Sankey said with a playful punch to the arm of Bunda, “we’ll be training partners for life now.” nal42@cabrini.edu

This week in sports Flyers beat Buffalo 5-2 in Game 7 of first round The Philadelphia Flyers rallied from a 3-2 series deficit to defeat the Buffalo Sabres by a score of 5-2 and move on to the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Braydon Coburn, Danny Briere and James van Riemsdyk scored the first three goals for the Flyers in the game. Briere’s goal was his sixth of the series. The Flyers jumped out to a 4-0 lead and Buffalo goaltender Ryan Miller was pulled after Ville Leino’s third-period goal. Miller made 24 saves on 28 shots and was replaced by Jhonas Enroth. Brian Boucher didn’t surrender a goal until the third period when Tyler Myers and Brad Boyes scored for the Sabres. Boucher made 26 saves to lead Philadelphia to victory.

Sixers beat Heat 86-82 to avoid sweep Lou Williams drained a crucial 3-pointer with under a minute to play and the Philadelphia 76ers are taking their talents back to South Beach with a 86-82 victory over the heavily-favored Miami Heat on Sunday, April 24. The Sixers have been in this series all the way with the exception of the blow-out loss in Game 2. They were up for much of Game 3 and lost the lead mid-way through the fourth quarter. That looked like it was going to be the case in Game 4, but they held on and cut Miami’s series lead to 3-1. Game 5 will be Wednesday, April 27 in Miami.

Canadiens force Game 7 with 2-1 win over Boston The Montreal Canadiens defeated the Boston Bruins 2-1 on Tuesday, April 26 to force Game 7. Goaltender Carey Price made 31 saves for the Canadiens in the victory. Price stopped all 11 shots he saw in the third period and was backed by goals from Mike Cammalleri and Brian Gionta. Both goals came on the powerplay and Gionta’s goal in the second period proved to be the game winner. Tim Thomas made 25 saves for the Bruins in the loss. Despite outshooting Montreal by a margin of 32-27, Dennis Seidenberg was the only Boston player to score. Game 7 will be in Boston on Wednesday, April 27.

Chicago edges Canucks 4-3, erase 3-0 deficit The defending Stanley Cup champion Chicago Blackhawks rallied in Game 6 against the Vancouver Canucks by a 4-3 final on Sunday, April 24. The game had a strange twist before it even started. Canucks star goaltender Robert Luongo was benched in favor of back-up Cory Schneider. Schneider was injured in the third period of Game 6 and was replaced by Luongo. Blackhawks rookie forward Ben Smith scored the winner in overtime to force a Game 7 in Vancouver on Tuesday, April 26. After being down 0-3 in the series, the Blackhawks have found that Stanley Cup-winning formula again and have rallied furiously to come back in the series. This marks the second consecutive year that a team has rallied from an 0-3 series deficit to force a Game 7.

Celtics complete sweep of Knicks The Boston Celtics defeated the New York Knicks 101-89 on Sunday, April 24. The Celtics won the series 4-0. It was their first playoff sweep since 1992 and the fifth in team history. The Celtics had a 23-point lead cut to four points in the fourth quarter, but held on behind Kevin Garnett’s 26 points and 10 rebounds. The Celtics are the first team in this year’s playoffs to reach the second round and await the winner of the 76ers-Heat series. by jesse gaunce / asst. copy editor / jtg45@cabrini.edu

Thursday, April 28, 2011


The Loquitur 15


16 The Loquitur

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Phillies staying phaithful to fans By Olivia Torrence Staff Writer The Easter “Halladay” was celebrated with a Phillies’ fourgame sweep against the San Diego Padres. Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay recorded a career-high 14 strikeouts in the April 24 win. Centerfielder Shane Victorino also recorded his first inside-the-park home run in the victory against the Padres on Sunday. Through April 24, the Phillies are now 15-6 on the season. With two sweeps already under their belt against the Padres and the home opener against the Astros, the Phillies are well on

their way to another fantastic season. The four ace pitchers, Hamels, Lee, Halladay and Oswalt, have owned up to all the Phillies hype so far this season. Halladay leads the team with 39 strikeouts and Lee isn’t far behind with 27 strikeouts, Hamels has a close 26 strikeouts and Oswalt is at 21 strikeouts. Although these four ace pitchers get all the attention, Joe Blanton, Ryan Madson and Kyle Kendrick have also helped the Phillies to their 15 victories. Pitching has not been a problem for the Phillies in the past couple of post-season appearances, but the hitting was sub-par.

What do Cabrini students think about the Phillies? dana nardello senior education major

“The Phillies are off to a great start this season. With so many great players I think they’ll have another successful season. Hopefully we can win another World Series.”

brianna conner senior education major

“We look pretty strong considering the injuries and trades they had to undergo since last season. They’re building a promising season with an early successful start.”

ABOVE: After winning the Cy Young Award last season, Roy Halladay is looking for another strong season. RIGHT: Are there more fireworks in the future for the Philadelphia Phillies? The Phils have made the playoffs in four-consecutive seasons. all photos courtesy of mct

This year the Phillies have started off averaging over 4 runs per game. Power hitters for the Phillies have been first basemen Ryan Howard with 19 RBIs, third basemen Placido Polanco with 15 and right fielder Ben Francisco with 12. With Utley on the DL and Werth being traded to the Nationals, Philadelphia was in a slight panic before the season started. John Mayberry Jr., and Francisco have stepped up and really gave the Phillies hope for a promising season. Mayberry has a .350 batting average which is the third highest batting average on the team. Francisco has a .263 batting aver-

age and three home runs. The Phillies started off the year by playing the Astros, Mets, Braves, Nationals, Marlins, Brewers and Padres. Until the series against the Brewers, the Phillies were one of few teams to not lose backto-back games so far this season. That was short-lived when the Phillies lost two straight to the Brewers. Recently, left-handed pitcher J.C Romero and right-handed pitcher Jose Contreras were placed on the 15-day disabled list. Romero has a strained right calf and Contreras has a strained right elbow. Phillies fans aren’t letting that

get in their way in their hopes for a successful 2011 season. So far, the Phillies are on top of the National League East division. The Marlins are second in the division being two games behind the Phillies and are trailed by the Nationals and the Braves. The New York Mets are in last place with a 9-13 record. The Phillies’ next home series is against the Mets this upcoming weekend, April 29-May 1. Then they kick off two three-game series against the Nationals and the Braves, all at home. For more Phillies information, please visit www.phillies.com. oat722@cabrini.edu

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