2010-11 issue 04 Loquitur

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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009


Radnor,.Pa. Radnor, Pa

Pacemaker Winner


www.theloquitur.com www.theloquitur.com

Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17 Vol. LII, Issue 4

Social media !"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ essential in RISING FROM THE job search %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$


By Danielle Alio ASST. NEWSDeputy EDITOR Editor ERG722@CABRINI.EDU In today’s competitive job marHundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in ket, it is important to contact the Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive leading people in one’s field in orimmigration reform. der to finally achieve one’s dream !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* career. With today’s shift in tech4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* nology, it is a must for every college :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* student to be posting online some of ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 their important works and success<$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* es, no matter what the field in order '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* to promote their personal brand. J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* One’s personal brand is simply also present. who they are as a person and what L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* they have accomplished so far. It is +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* how one wants to be seen by potenBaptist Church in Wayne. tial employers. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* To many, social media may seem president,” Norton said to the group. difficult, confusing or too time conDO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* suming due to the already demand5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* ing college schedule. Some of the )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 most popular social media sites inD'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* clude Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* and blogs such as Wordpress and #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* Tumblr, just to name a few. support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. “College students have the best :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* opportunity out there to really cre2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* ate their own personal brand and be %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= able to sell themselves a lot better 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* to potential employers,” Melissa and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. Steven, associate editor at Gregory <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* FCA, which was recently ranked as H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 the No. 1 PR firm in Philadelphia, :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* said. “So if you are looking to get change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. a job, no matter what major, start a 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* blog.” ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* Most blogs are simple and easy #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* to use. Plus, they have a particular undocumented. word attached to them that makes :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* almost every college student happy: `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$* free. Almost all blogs are free and can contain one’s entire portfolio ERIC GIBBLE

Disaster gives student new outlook on life By Ransom Cozzillio Staff Writer

Cabrini students are constantly called to “do something extraordinary” with their lives and in their day-to-day actions. But what about “survive something extraordinary” or “rebuild something extraordinary?” That doesn’t exactly describe the mission statement or curriculum but that is exactly what was asked of junior communication major Mary Jacobs. Five years ago in August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged the southern coast of our country, killing thousands, displacing entire cities and causing billions of dollars in damages. Of the affected areas, none was hit harder than Jacobs’ hometown of New Orleans, La., which saw extensive flooding when the series of levees keeping the city above water broke in the wake of Katrina’s landfall. Having ridden out previous bad



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Mary Jacobs, junior communication major, stands in her basement that was destroyed during America’s most devastating natural disaster. Jacobs and her family fled New Orleans to stay with relatives in Arkansas during the hurricane.


!"#$%&"'()*%+,-(./0(123%4 INSIDE !"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. Cabrini teams up with Phillies

+$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* By Nicholas Guldin +$(* 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* Sports Editor $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* A sea of grey and red )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 shirts engulfed the seats bethe force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* hind the right field line of '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* Citizens Bank Park only a :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* few minutes before the open&""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 ing pitch. The smell of hot eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* dogs, peanuts and popcorn sophomore accounting major and co­chair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* filled the air. C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* Fans raced to their seats 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* as the Cabrini College chorus ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in appeared from the tunnel to ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* serenade the audience with ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 the National Anthem. Then ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(* there was an eruption from '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* '$* 4"%"W*'* 9/"* the crowd as the big screen surpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* C)%2"(* D$2-"'>8* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* +($#* read, “Cabrini Night at the \%* )..-'-$%* '$* '/"* '6$* 2$M2/)-(&* $+* '/"* "I"%'F* the Society are present during the event to oversee Phillies.” !)%-",,"* !-E)('$,$* )%.* L)'-"* L",,"(F* Q",)>* /).* EEEEnickthe happenings and further the Society’s mission. guilden / sports editor The Cabrini College `c*2$##-''""*#"#4"(&*'$*/",O*O,)%*'/"*+3%2'-$%8* Dr. Marie Angelella George and the Philly Phanatic kick-off Cabrini dance team made their way 9/"("*6"("*),&$*?b*'")#&*'/)'*O)('-2-O)'".*-%*Q",)>* Night at the Phillies. The night welcomes freshmen to Cabrini.!"#$%&'()*+', NOELLE WESTFALL STAFF WRITER

/0&1(,+.&23&(45.-(6'( to the field during the fifth inning where they performed a Michael Jackson tribute with the Philly Phanatic. “We look forward to dancing with the Phanatic at every ‘Cabrini Night’ but having the opportunity to dance on the field instead of on top of the dugout made the night that much more exciting,” Mallory Beach, dance team captain, said. Cabrini Night at the Phillies is a special way the college welcomes freshmen to the campus as a part of their orientation. “The Phillies game has become a tradition now at Cabrini.

Students trained on social justice News, page 3

Coexisting with your roommate Perspectives, page 6 Best first-date locations A&E, page 11 Lady cavs defeat Misericordia Sports, page 16

<=(+(&E5))&E(&*(&56&/0&1(,+.F& 7((G&!"#$%&"'()*#+"), PHILLIES, Page 9

page 2

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010



Editorial College students must notice the extreme poor As extreme poverty grips one sixth of our world’s population, extreme devastation including war, illness and political turmoil are haunting the lives of one billion people. All of these people live outside of the U.S., leaving developed countries like our own faced with what to do about the problem that is poverty. But why should Americans be concerned about poverty half way across the world when we have our own economic crisis burdening our citizens? The U.S. is experiencing its own poverty through our generation’s Great Depression. In addition, many of our fellow citizens are fighting in the war on terror, adding to our countries debt. Nevertheless, it is through our country’s efforts in addressing the problem of poverty in extremely impoverished places that we will eventually benefit from their growth. Americans often question why we should care enough about poverty elsewhere and furthermore, why we should need to do something to help. What these questioning people do not realize is that poverty leads to international insecurity. The Loquitur sees well-conceived foreign aid as a guiding hand in discovering and fixing the root causes of poverty. If our country’s foreign aid wealth had even a tiny fraction more money as the half trillion going to military each year, we may have something to work with. It is estimated that the U.S. spends 30 times more money on military assistance than what we give to poor countries. We are fighting instead of fixing and only hindering our country’s development while ignoring the root problem of poverty in poor countries. War breaks out as a result of vulnerability and desperation. People fight over precious land, minerals beneath the ground and dictatorship. Poor people who have nothing else to lose partake in vicious combat and even genocide because it is the only way to fight for their family’s survival. Without developed countries like the U.S. helping places around the world to become developed, violence and suffering will continue to happen. As college students and young adults who will be our country’s future generation of innovators, doctors and problem solvers, we must make ourselves aware of the harsh realities beyond our borders. Too many of us are isolated from the places in the world that need our help. It is our duty to utilize our education to help find a solution to poverty. It is not impossible. In fact, progress has been made that you may not even know about. Our world’s extreme poverty rate has decreased from five billion to just one billion people. We will be adults with our own families shortly after college. We cannot wait around to notice what is going on in the world. Instead we must be a part of the change that needs to happen now. More recently in current events, Sudan’s fate is soon to be decided. In a desperate time for the south of Sudan, their extremely impoverished citizens are inclined to vote to secede from the north. In doing so they will legally be able to profit off of their precious minerals. However, in a place where peace rarely exists, the north will not allow this to happen. A genocide is likely to take place, one that will compare to no other mass murder in Africa’s history. This potential catastrophe is a result of poverty. The fate of places like Sudan and many other extremely poor countries around the world is partly in our hands. We must take notice. We must lead by example and speak with the leaders of our country, starting with our senators to do something, anything to help the poorest people in the world. If we allow these happenings to go unnoticed, we will someday be cleaning up the huge mess of this generations neglect of the poor.

Job seekers utilize social media, promote portfolios SOCIAL MEDIA, Page 1

stood social media way more than I did so I had to learn really fast a lot about social media.” Within three months, Schembari quit her new job in order to start her own free-lance business because the Facebook advertisement generated a lot of contacts. If someone knows what field they want to pursue but do not know much about the field, social media can be a great platform for research. “I knew nothing about publishing, I just knew I wanted to be in publishing and everything I learned was because there are 20 publishing blogs online that are well read and I spent a lot of time reading those blogs. I got to know

the job and what steps they took to get it. “Make the message personalincluding the all-important reized. There is nothing worse than sume. There is almost no limit getting a cut and paste email,” to what one can put in their blog. Schembari said. “I would ask for Video clips, audio pieces, writing advice. I wouldn’t ask to pass samples and photography are just along my resume; I wasn’t aska few of the many portfolio pieces ing them to do anything for me. It that are commonly found on a was nice to get their stories and a blog site. lot of them I am still friends with.” “You have the control over For a simple site, Twitter has how employers are going to see a lot of influence when it comes you and you can really market to networking. There are countthat to what you want that to be,” less ways to use Twitter and the Steven said. 140-character-limit to attract emA phrase that rings true in many ployers. On Schembari’s website, cases when it comes to finding a MarianLibrarian.com, she has a job is “it’s not what you know, it’s blog post entitled “Eight Reasons who you know.” Networking is No One is Following You on Twitvery close to becoming a college ter.” student’s best friend. Some In this post, she stresses students may have contacts the importance of completand already established reing everything on one’s lationships with people in It’s free, it’s at your Twitter account. It is imtheir desired field because finger tips, it’s incredibly portant to have a Twitter of their parents. Many are avatar, one’s full name and easy to use and it makes not as lucky and must form location as well as a spethese relationships on their you more marketable.” cific bio. Schembari spoke own, which was the case about the importance of the for social media consultant Twitter bio. The bio is one Marian Schembari, who started networking by buying a those people who wrote those of the first things a new follower Facebook ad that are pay-per- blogs and commented on those will look at; therefore, it cannot be blogs. Everyone who was active ambiguous or generic. click. Starting a blog or diving head“What I did was I targeted on those blogs and on LinkedIn, I employers; specific employers,” got in touch with them and made first into social media may be inmy own network of people,” timidating because there are a lot Schembari said. Many do not know that the ads Schembari said. “Now, that net- of options out there but the outon a profile sidebar can be used to work is huge for the simple rea- come has countless benefits. “It’s free, it’s at your finger their networking advantage. Cre- son that social media allows you ating a Facebook ad about your- to meet people that you wouldn’t tips, it’s incredibly easy to use and it makes you more marketable, so self and your interests may show have met otherwise.” LinkedIn is another free social there is really no reason not to use up on a future employer’s sidebar networking site that can be more it,” Steven said. on their Facebook account. “Think of it as a networking “I ended up in a couple of than beneficial. A way to make weeks getting like 100 emails a good contact on LinkedIn is to event,” Schembari said. “Everyfrom publishers and within two search for people who already one knows that networking is the weeks I had a job of a publicist,” have the job you are looking for, most important way to do anyShembari said. “Social media specifically those who just got thing. You need to know people.” worked really well, but because of that job. Then the user sends them dla37@cabrini.edu those ads, people thought I under- a message asking how they got




The Loquitur

2010-2011 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava DEPUTY EDITOR Danielle Alio MANAGING EDITOR Michelle Costa NEWS EDITOR Eric Gibble NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin



Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


page 3


CRS trains students on campus By Chris Sarvadi Staff Writer By Eric Gibble News Editor Catholic Relief Services Ambassadors from Cabrini College and Villanova University were educated on their five social justice issues including fair trade and microfinance, HIV/AIDS, migration, human trafficking and food and water security. CRS, a partner of Cabrini College, held its annual student advocacy and ambassador training in Cabrini’s own Grace Hall on Friday, Sept. 17. CRS Ambassadors work to bring awareness to college campuses on these social justice topics. Popular events that have occurred in the past include the annual Fair Trade Walleyball Tournament and various lobbying efforts in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. “CRS partners with Cabrini and Villanova, working with students to help them grow in awareness in global issues and help them take what they learn and share it with others by engaging the ambassadors in advocacy and enhancing their ability to engage others on the important issues. The whole idea of CRS is that we are all one family,” Candice Harris, CRS advocacy program officer, said. Over the course of the day, students broke into their five issue groups and were educated on each

issue for over an hour by CRS experts in Baltimore via Skype. “The training is just the beginning of our efforts. Over the course of the year, CRS Ambassadors will be involved in various advocacy projects that will bring awareness to the Cabrini College community on these issues,” Eric Gibble, senior communication major and CRS Ambassadors president, said. Manhattan Ishimi, junior chemical engineer major from Villanova, was excited to see the solidarity between students and the promotion of the common good. “It is really good to see college students coming together to promote justice and advocacy rather than just charity. Not just in a college community scale but in a worldly scale working with CRS Global. Not only is it an opportunity to help others but also one to open our hearts,” Ishimi said. Sr. Arlene Flaherty, CRS Justice and Peace Partnership Liaison, who works mostly with CRS Global and college programs, was excited about the turn out. “It was really good and the level of commitment was high. It’s not always about the quantity but more so the quality,” Flaherty said. The Justice Matters curriculum enacted in 2009 is now a requirement for all Cabrini freshmen. The program has distinguished Cabrini from other higher education colleges in the nation. “Cabrini and the commitment

By Sarah Luckert Staff Writer

jerry zurek / submitted photo

Sr. Arlene Flaherty, CRS Justice and Peace Partnership Liaison, speaks with students regarding the potential Sudan crisis. they have to global issues, a commitment from the president, now engages all their students in a global education,” Flaherty said. CRS is not only able to respond to the ongoing issues of hunger but also ones of significant proportions such as the 2006 tsunami and the devastating earthquake that occurred in Haiti this past January. “As the situation rises, we as an organization see an opportunity to prevent massive death and destruction rather than to react and respond to it,” Flaherty said. The main conference was

about raising awareness for the up and coming crisis in Sudan. CRS is planning to mobilize students to work with other groups in the area to bring media attention to the potential political instability in Sudan. “CRS challenges students to be the key to helping solve the world’s problems because they are the key to change in the world that we live in,” Flaherty said. “The difference in Sudan verses Rwanda in the terms of genocide is that this one is preventable.” cms384@cabrini.edu

SIFE aids students for business world By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor In order to connect with business leaders while helping out in the community, the Cabrini business department started Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), an international non-profit organization that encourages students to have “a head for business, and a heart for the world.” SIFE is in its first year at Cabrini and already has big plans for those involved in the organization. SIFE started when business professors Ann Servey and Erin McLaughlin discussed the idea of starting a SIFE organization on campus. SIFE poses obvious benefits for Cabrini business students because the mission of both SIFE and Cabrini coincide. “There is a link between Cabrini’s mission and the mission of SIFE and when you look at the mission statement, it says a head for business, a heart for the world,” McLaughlin said. That mission is closely linked to Cabrini’s “education of the heart.” “When you think of Cabrini’s

tagline, education of the heart, in Swaziland, helping them sell it is a no-brainer,” McLaughlin arts and crafts while planning said. “It makes perfect sense to for their futures. The Cabrini see the connection and to offer a SIFE group will be in charge of program like this to Cabrini stu- making a business plan and then dents.” implementing it and creating a The hope is that through website to sell the crafts so the SIFE, students will be able to ap- orphans will be better able to ply business concepts learned in plan for their future, such as savclass and use it in a positive way ing for college or starting their to empower those in need. So own businesses. far, there are “Many seven projchildren in ect teams, Swaziland which comlive in expose of aptreme povBeing involved proximately erty and are in SIFE can open four students orphans, havup many career each. These ing lost one opportunities we teams will of both pardidn’t have before.” work with ents to AIDS. organizaThe goal is to tions such as establish an Philadelphia Cares and Crabby economically viable small enCreek to do various service proj- terprise for the children, to make ects that will benefit people re- bracelets and journals to sell and gionally, nationally and globally. set up a small savings account for By partnering with these out- their future,” Jamie Trommelen, side organizations, students will sophomore accounting major and be working on projects that have president of SIFE, said. to do with topics such as environTrommelen is looking formental sustainability and micro- ward to making a difference in lending. someone else’s life, as well as One group, led by McLaugh- seeing the service projects put lin, will be working with orphans into action. Aside from making

ECG class offers new opportunity

a difference, being involved in SIFE is an excellent networking opportunity for students. “Being involved in SIFE brings us into contact with colleges and universities and many leading companies who support the SIFE organization,” Trommelen said. “Being involved in SIFE can open up many career opportunities we didn’t have before.” McLaughlin feels that students will reap many benefits from being involved in this organization. “You have the obvious benefits that they are learning to get involved in helping others in need, working with communities, the positive feelings of helping others. Another aspect is competing with others students regionally, nationally and potentially globally at some point on their projects,” McLaughlin said. At the moment, SIFE is composed of mostly accounting and business students but Trommelen hopes to expand it to a campus-wide organization available to students in all majors. mjm374@cabrini.edu

Finding a solution for the homeless is the goal that Linda Panetta, Engagements in the Common Good professor, hopes to reach with her 200level class filled with sophomore students. Panetta, a photojournalist and founder of Optical Realities Photography, teaches the course Solidarity in Action that helps students become involved in the community specifically through the issue of homelessness. After three short weeks of the course, Panetta has brought in four speakers who helped clear up basic questions of homelessness. “I really did choose this course because I knew I would have the opportunity to do something I had never ever done before,” Marcelle Crist, sophomore criminal justice major, said. According to the students involved, the opportunity to listen to different people with different backgrounds and education took the learning experience to a whole new level. “This class may be a lot of work but it’s different. We are not sitting in class all day writing essays. We are exploring the world around us and I don’t think many others get this opportunity,” Emma McNamara, sophomore secondary education major, said. Will O’Brien and Nicki Olivia, volunteer coordinators, were able to meet with the students to discuss Project H.O.M.E. (Housing, Opportunities for Employment, Medical Care and Education), an organization designed to put homeless people into their own place of residency and provide opportunities for them. Tony Medwid, director of community life at Bethesda Project, partner of Project H.O.M.E., made an appearance to the class to inform students about their organization. Both organizations are two places where students can choose to complete their community service. Panetta plans to focus her semester-long course on the core values of the homeless organizations and the speakers brought to the curriculum. The course has several more plans for helping the homeless people of the Philadelphia area and follows the centralized theme of H.O.M.E. that is “none of us are home until all of us are home.” skl37@cabrini.edu

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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010





By Eion O’Neill Staff Writer

By Eion O’Neill Staff Writer

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal falters

N.A.A.C.P. president opposes bill

By 56 to 43, the Senate voted against the annual Pentagon authorization bill that had a provision attached that would repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.” This policy does not allow gays or lesbians to openly serve in the military. This is the first time in 48 years that the defense bill has not been approved.

A bill in the New Jersey legislature allowing students in failing school districts the opportunity to receive a scholarship to attend other public or private schools is not receiving the support of James Harris, the president of the New Jersey N.A.A.C.P. According to Harris, the proposal would not allow adequate state funding to provide for inner city schools in which the majority of the student body is either African American or Hispanic. The bill, called the Opportunity Scholarship Act, was presented in May of 2010 and was approved by the Economic Growth Committee. “It would be interesting to see how many of these predominantly white school districts will welcome students from districts like Camden,” Harris said in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Read original story on NYTimes. com | Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010

Food bill in the freezer Fixing the nation’s food safety system in the wake of recalls of everything from spinach to peanut butter is still a priority of President Obama and politicians across the spectrum. Yet a bill in the Senate vowing to protect consumers has been stalled despite the House passing its own version. The bill, which received the rubber stamp of both consumers and the industry, still sits because


Robin Bolster-Grant of Santa Cruz, Calif. was kicked out of the military due to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. The repeal of the policy was shot down on Tuesday in a 56-43 vote. of a tight Senate schedule, disputes over costs and an internet campaign taken off by advocates of farmers in Congress. In its current state, the bill may have to wait until November to be voted on. Read original story on NYTimes. com | Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010

Missing Calif. women and children found Five women and eight children who belonged to a Califor-

nia religious group were found safe Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. The group originally went missing Saturday, Sept. 18 and raised concerns of a mass suicide after the women’s husbands brought letters to authorities that contained wording that hinted suicide. The women and children were all found unharmed praying on blankets at a park in Palmdale, Calif. The cult members were immigrants from El Salvador and their presumed leader Reyna Marisol Chicas, 33, allegedly never passed the fifth grade. Read original story on NYTimes. com | Sunday, Sept. 19,2010

Iran wants trade for American Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadineijad is demanding that eight Iranians detained by the U.S. be released after Sarah Shourd was returned to the U.S. Shroud was captured last year after accidentally hiking across the border from northern Iraq into Iran. Read original story on NYTimes. com | Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010 ego722@cabrini.edu

THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Sept. 23 Getting to Know Your Roommate P.A.R.T.Y. sponsors a game that helps you to get to know your roommate in the Xavier Hall Great Room from 8 p.m.-9 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 26 Mass Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joesph, 7 p.m.-8 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 24 Cabrini Family Weekend Sept. 24-26 Visit www.cabrini.edu/FamilyWeekend for detailed information.

Monday, Sept. 27 $2 SEPTA Passes for Fast Track Philly Pick up your $2 round-trip ticket that sends you to Philadelphia.

Saturday, Sept. 25 Saturday Information Session An information session on campus activities will be held in Widener Center Lecture Hall from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. for first-year and perspective students.

Tuesday, Sept. 28 Early Bird BINGO Join SEaL from 5 p.m.-6 p.m. in Jazzman’s Cafe and win various prizes.

Read Original Story on Philly. com | Saturday, Sept. 18

Cabrini’s new mascot unveiled Cabrini’s new mascot was unveiled at new student movein on Aug. 19. The mascot made its rounds with the Philly Phanatic, increasing morale among new students, their families and returning students and staff. The new Cavalier was the creation of two Cabrini graphic design graduates, Brian Birdsall, ’10 who designed the mascot costume and Anthony Casazza, ’10, who created the new mascot logo. The new Cavalier designs follow the redesigned Department of athletics and recreation logo created in 2007. Read Original Story on Cabrini. edu | Saturday, Sept. 19, 2010


Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


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Veteran advocates for international aid By Michelle Costa Managing Editor Tom Collins, a 33-year United States veteran who recently retired as a colonel, shared his experiences with Cabrini students on Sept. 2, discussing his military involvement in developing countries. He spoke of the poverty-stricken conditions that have continued to stick in his mind and have ultimately changed his life. Much of his military career was spent in the special forces but as a father of six children, one a student at Cabrini College, he realized that his age and family lifestyle was no longer suited for such activities and applied for a new position. Collins was soon boarding planes as the captain of Civil Affairs. His mission was to organize civilian centers in war zones. Collins’ stories could have been days worth of information, rich in detail and emotionally challenging. Haiti was the focus of Collins’ talk and not a single detail went uncovered. He was stationed in Haiti to protect civilians in refugee camps after a coup d’etat in the 1990s. When entering Haiti, the military holds two main agendas. One is to assist Non-Government

Ttom collins / submitted photo

After being stationed in Haiti in the 1990s, retired Colonel Tom Collins left with a new view of third world countries. He still struggles understanding why the country lacks basic necessities. -al Organizations in their work and the other is to keep the country’s government well involved. While in small villages throughout Haiti, Collins’ team focused on long-term goals. The main goal was to provide needed security to civilians. Collins’ new humanitarian role shaped his perspective and helped him to realize that a country only 600 miles from the U.S. was closer to an imaginative hell

than what some call a home. “The Haitian people deserved credit for waking up every day,” Collins said. The harsh smells of “charcoal and dung” were the permanent stenches while Collins traveled throughout Haiti. Setting up military-controlled medical stations was nothing short of nerve wracking and confusing. At sunrise, Collins and his

troops would form a line amongst those who were on the verge of death. The job was to maintain peace and structure while the desperate people of Haiti waited to be seen by a medical professional. “A green ribbon was tied from the front of the line to the middle. Those people were guaranteed to be seen. The middle portion of the line was identified with yellow ribbon. They were ‘maybes’

to be seen by medical experts. The end of the line, identified with a red ribbon, was an absolute no. That’s when chaos broke out,” Collins said. Each patient that was seen was given the same three basic treatments: one to treat malariarelated infections, another for bacterial illness and one to control diarrhea caused by parasites. If the diagnosis was beyond the control of these basic antibiotics, the doctors were given blank and disgusted stares, for the child in their arms were to die. “It was giving these parents a personal death sentence for their child,” Collins said. The idea of people traveling across war-infested villages to get treatment was impossible and simply not an answer. Every time Collins helped, he was willing to face the consequences that came each time a helping hand was extended. “I’m a smart person. I can read. I should have known about this crisis but I didn’t until I saw it,” Collins said. Today, over 10 years since Collins has been in Haiti, he continues to struggle with the idea of how a country can lack such basic needs and resources.


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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010



The weapon of choice in the fight for justice Our world is a big place. Every day I am reminded of that. I’m reminded that there are a million problems with a million people shouting about it but with only one answer. Every day I hear the facts: this many people die of this disease and this many people go hungry in this country. Every day I look at my two hands and am ashamed at how little I do. I am sitting pretty at a By Jamie Santoro fantastic private college spending Perspectives Editor money I don’t have. I could take these loans and fly to Haiti with a planeload of medical supplies. I could cure diseases that, in America, require a simple cocktail of antibiotics. I could really change things. Maybe it’s just me but I always feel like I need to do more. Cabrini’s “Justice Matters” program has been a blessing and a curse for me. I felt like there was a whole world I had no idea about until I came here, yet it left a hole in me. It’s like I took a class in “you feel heartless, don’t you? 101.” In the last few months, I learned a difficult lesson. We were reading a book in my ECG class (Faces of Justice) about a woman who left her life in suburbia to go on a mission in Haiti. She had no medical or political background, just a full heart. At first the book infuriated me. I was annoyed with this woman. She went to Haiti and watched it burn. She was selfish and was trying to better know herself. I thought of all the stories I’ve heard about Haiti, both before and after the earthquake; children living under tarps, diseases that are a mere bother to an American are a death sentence in the steamy mountains of Haiti. She was sitting there wallowing in her own indecisiveness as millions suffered. I was waiting to be bombarded with information. I wanted the numbers: who was hungry? Why? What was the agriculture like? How stable is the government? Who is in charge? I never really got to answer those questions because my epiphany came first. All of the sudden I realized that this woman had done the most important thing for the people of Haiti. She got my attention. Granted, I already had knowledge of the area but it was just that: knowledge. There was no emotional connection. All I saw was a people suffering. I didn’t know these people. The greatest weapon in the fight against injustice is awareness. The perfect way to make a big change in the world is to get people talking. Dedicated people at the heart of an issue or conflict get the word out initially. Intellectuals who have a handle on the world’s events pick up on this and go to the closest media outlet, whether it’s The New York Times or their Twitter account. Young professionals and college students pick up on it and teach themselves the issues. Then we have the most important job. We have to get everyone else’s attention, whether we’re just talking to our families at the dinner table or we’re organizing rallies and hosting speakers. This campus has so many opportunities to change the world. Just by deciding to attend you opened up your potential. Through groups like the Catholic Relief Services


Women in Southern Sudan vote in the nations first multi-party election in 22 years. These women will also help decide whether the south will succede in another vote this January.

Ambassadors program and ECG classes, changing the world is in your grasp. So now I am taking this opportunity to change the world. In about 100 days, the African nation of Sudan may be no more. The south is voting to secede and become its own nation. If it breaks away from the north, the north loses control of the oil deposits across the Southern Sudan. The relationship between the north and south is not good and not just because of the oil. The north is mostly Muslim Arabs and the capital city is located there. They have the power. The south is home to poorer Africans, mostly Christians and animists. They have no voice and are taken advantage of. Their secession could cause the largest conflict in Africa’s history. That paragraph may enlighten one person. Armed with knowledge, that one person has the potential to do anything. You may call it the butterfly effect or advocacy. To me it’s the only way we can make this world better. We can change the world. It might not feel like it or it might not feel like we can do much but if we keep our minds and our hearts open, we can conquer anything. ajs343@cabrini.edu

What is

The Business? Find out Tuesdays at 7 p.m. only at wybf.com

Big brother getting too big Since when is a cop sneaking onto your driveway in the middle of the night not considered a violation of your privacy, even when they suspect you of doing something illegal? Well, in Virginia, California, Oregon and six other western states, they By Olivia Torrence don’t believe that there Staff Writer is such a thing as a violation of your privacy. In these states it is legal that, with resonable doubt, police can place a GPS unit on a suspects vehicle. The cops in these states have been secretly placing GPS devices on the cars of people who they think or know are big-time drug dealers and registered sex offenders. Because of this, more people are going to jail who actually need to be there. In my opinion, if what these cops are doing is going to make the world a better place, then so be it. But many people believe otherwise and are against this whole idea. The majority of people think that the world is going to turn into exactly what George Orwell predicted in “1984”: a totalitarian state. Isn’t it a violation of privacy when someone sells drugs on the corner of the street where your children play? We obviously don’t even want to get started on sex offenders. I think people need to look at the big picture here. All anyone wants is “world peace.” Well, we’re never going to reach this goal if everyone’s out running around doing as they please. That’s why these cops are trying to make the world a better place, not only for themselves but for everyone. The main argument is that the car being in your driveway is not considered being on private property. Leaving your car in the driveway is basically asking the cops to tamper with it. If you don’t want your car to be messed with, keep it in the garage. The funny thing about this issue is that these GPS devices have only been placed in the cars of people who have taken part in crimes before or when they are investigating a possible crime, not private citizens who are just trying to go about their daily lives. So yet again, what’s the problem? The problem is the word “warrant.” The police need this to do everything in their field of work: to bust down someone’s door, to arrest them, to go through their personal belongings. They should need a warrant to secretly place a GPS on people’s cars. I guess we’ll see what happens when this case reaches the Supreme Court. What will the Supreme Court decide? Put more criminals behind bars that belong there or let them run wild because random people in this world feel violated? I don’t know about anyone else but after hearing both sides of the debate, I don’t think I mind the police trying to do their job to make this world safer. If this person wants to be a criminal then they are putting themselves at risk anyway. Why should anyone else care? I like the quote from Russ Belville from CNN that said, “Your car on private property isn’t private. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Orwell was right.” oat722@cabrini.edu

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


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Roommate issues shape college experience Imagine having a roommate who bothers you and does not know where to draw the line. Sometimes your roommate may play loud music or invite a large amount of friends over without prior permission. We By Brandon Kroeckel all know someStaff Writer one that has some sort of roommate problem. The question is how do we handle such a common issue? A great way to start off the year is to draft your own version of a roommate agreement prior to moving in. Include what you and your roommate agree to, such as cleanliness, respect for your roommate’s property and what to do while they’re doing homework. Also, create a code of conduct for visitors and how you will respect quiet hours. When drafting a roommate agreement, make sure to be as specific as possible. A lot of roommate arguments are too broad. For example, when discussing visitation, make sure you create a code of conduct and explain when visitors can and cannot visit and so on. Communication is key when getting along with your roommate. Keep your ground. If you have an issue with your roommate, speak up, but nicely of course. Some conflicts may arise when roommates are too lenient or too “in your face” about situations that could occur. Respect your roommate’s space. Everyone needs his or her space. If your roommate asks you to give them their space,

give them their space. Sometimes people just need to be left alone when they’re going through a rough time. Ask and you shall receive, sometimes. Have respect for your roommate’s property. Do you want to play with their iPad? What about storing something in their refrigerator? Ask your roommate for permission first. If you use their items without prior consent, bad things may happen. Think before mct you speak. You may be really Most college students have never shared a room before. That sudden change can lead to friction, to say good friends the least. internet. Your roommate may not appreci- standard, refer them to the handbook and with your roommate but watch what you ate the fact that you may feel left out or talk to them about how the issue can be say because you may not know everything offended without even confronting them in prevented in the future. about them. Some arguments may stem the first place. If all fails, talk to residence life to see from comments that were not intended Having a class together with your room- how they can assist you. The professionto be hostile. You may have a couple of mate may help improve your relationship ally trained staff will work with you and brothers and sisters while your roommate with them. If you are unsure of an assign- help assist you with any issues you may is an only child or maybe your parents are ment that is due or need assistance for a have in the residence halls. divorced while your roommate’s are still project, maybe your roommate can give Laying the law down with your roomtogether. You probably do not know the you a hand. Working together as a team can mate may be difficult but hopefully some complete background of your roommate strengthen relationships. of these tips will help if any issues were to outside the dorm. When in doubt, refer to the Cabrini Col- arise. Hopefully there won’t be. Along with the “think before you lege Community Standards Handbook. If speak” theme, watch what you post on the you feel that your roommate is violating a bjk66@cabrini.edu

Is Paris Hilton famous for getting arrested? By Elizabeth Scopelliti Copy Editor What’s white, powder-like and small enough to fit in a baggy? According to Paris Hilton, a stick of gum. It was just another night in Paris (pardon my pun) when Ms. Hotel Heiress herself was pulled over by the police outside of a Las Vegas hotel. Her nightclub-mogul boyfriend Cy Waits failed a sobriety test that had been given by a motorcycle officer, who requested he take the test after reportedly smelling traces of marijuana smoke. While Paris waited ever-so-patiently for her boyfriend to finish his test so they could ride into the sunset, she went into her Chanel bag to reach for her lip balm. But uh-oh… the tiny bag containing her “gum” fell out right in front of the police lieutenant! This little princess claimed that the Chanel bag was not hers… ha ha ha. Oh, I suppose your boyfriend wasn’t drunk either. This isn’t the first time the “Simple Life” star has been arrested. Actually, this isn’t even the first time this summer. Bravo, Paris. That’s pretty impressive. Back in July, she was arrested for supposedly smoking pot in South Africa during the World Cup. It was definitely one of her finer moments. What celebutant wouldn’t smoke weed at the biggest soccer game in the world? Obviously only the dumb ones. Anyway, news broke that Ms. Hilton was charged for possession of cocaine and will have to serve a one-year jail


Americans across the country are following the Heiress’ bad track record and poking fun at her recent arrest. sentence. But not to worry Paris enthusiasts, she will not actually have to report to jail as long as she complies with her plea agreement. This includes a $2,000 fine, 200 hours of community service and the completion of an outpatient drug program. So will this soon to be 30-year-old celebrity, solely fa-

mous for being famous, ever get her act together? I guess only time will tell. Word to the wise: don’t hold your breath. ems83@cabrini.edu

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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


Student reflects on Katrina tragedy KATRINA, Page 1 Jacobs recounts the approach and passing of Katrina as a relatively mundane affair. “My family would normally stay for storms,” Jacobs said. “They are usually a false alarm anyway. For Katrina we stayed until the last day, until they made evacuation mandatory. We weren’t going to break the law, so we left.” For the time being, Jacobs and her immediate family went to stay with her godmother in Arkansas while the storm blew over. They, much like others fleeing the coast as Katrina approached, expected a brief break from normalcy, not the arduous, uphill battle that would soon unfold. “I packed for two or three days, not months,” Jacobs recalls. It would soon become apparent that the passage of the storm was not the end to the ordeal. “Katrina hit, passed over, the next day was beautiful outside. Then the city started filling up with water,” Jacobs said, referring to the flooding that would slowly overtake New Orleans in the wake of the massive levee failures. “I will always remember where I was when I heard that the levees broke,” Jacobs said. “We were in a café in Arkansas when we overheard someone saying that the levees had given way.” The disaster had just begun. Jacobs remembers her immediate fears upon hearing of the flooding. “All of my family had evacuated but I had friends that I knew were still in the city that still hadn’t evacuated. I had no way of getting in touch with them,” Jacobs said. “The cell phone towers and landlines were down. I spent a week of not knowing.” From the fateful day that the levees broke, Jacobs spent 18 months away from her home in New Orleans. Six of those months were spent living without her parents and three months were spent at a small private school where she says she didn’t fit in. “There were so many displaced Katrina kids at that school. There was just no sympathy for us,” Jacobs said. Even after their house was rebuilt on the same land as her former home in New Orleans, normalcy was not restored. “The local grocery store I would walk to as a kid was leveled now,” Jacobs said. “My neigh-

mary jacobs/submitted photo

Jacobs’ father, Richard Jacobs, stands outside their house days after the hurricane passed. borhood then was just lots around us where people hadn’t been able to move back.” According to Jacobs, things are still not completely recovered today. “People are still struggling with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and rebuilding the city. My neighbor is still in a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) trailer.” The biggest reminder left in her life was more personal though. “My best friend at the time never moved back to New Orleans,” Jacobs said. “She moved to North Carolina. I only see her once a year now. That was the hardest part; you’re not supposed to lose a best friend like that.” In spite of all she has come through, Jacobs seems to be less prone to sadness and regret than she does resentment. Jacobs feels resentment at all the mismanagement that took place before and during the disaster. “I see how corrupt it was, engineers not

preparing the city for a storm like this. I’m more angry at it now. It wasn’t a natural disaster so much as a human disaster,” Jacobs said. “I no longer have a childhood house, school, grocery store, not because of time but because of poor management.” In addition to the unstable levee system that caused the severe flooding, there are horror stories from the supposedly failed rescue plan for those left in New Orleans. “Everyone that could leave, left. Those that stayed did so because they couldn’t leave,” Jacobs said. “People died because they were unlucky. Maybe they just couldn’t afford a bus ticket. There were people stuck in their attics as the water rose being told by 911 operators that no one was coming for them.” Nevertheless, Jacobs sees a bronze lining in this sea of mistakes. “The lack of aid and preparation was so disturbing but it’s important for our history. If we forget what happened, we will repeat it,” Jacobs said.

In spite of all that has happened, Jacobs, who says she is thankful that she didn’t lose anyone in the flood, still returns home when not at school. Jacobs says Katrina has had some profound and positive impacts on her outlook. “Being able to witness not just my experience but my whole city’s experience puts things in a bigger perspective. People put so much worth on what they have,” Jacobs said. “When you are forced to think about your attachment to the material world in such a real way, it can’t help but change you. When people lost parents and pets, what does something like a bike mean?” Jacobs wants to make it known that she is proud of her hometown and the devastation they have risen from. “I don’t want people to pity me or my city, I want them to learn,” Jacobs said. “I take away from this a new appreciation for the places I’m in, the people I meet and the time I get to spend with them.” rjc72@cabrini.edu

Under the radar: places to go on the Main Line By Joe Cahill Staff Writer Wynnewood Lanes is a great local bowling alley that offers “Rock-N-Bowl” late-night, black-light bowling on Friday and weekends. For students 21 and older, Wynnewood Lanes is BYOB and has a small bar adjacent to the lanes. “Rock-N-Bowl” amounts to tons of fun, whether it be for dates or just hanging out with friends. Wynnewood Lanes is located on 2228 Haverford Rd., Ardmore, PA 19003

joe cahill/staff writer

Elevation Burger is located on 50 E. Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096-2013 Elevation Burger uses USDA-certified organic, grass fed, free-range beef that is ground on-premises along with 100 percent pure olive oil. These changes make for nutritious burgers you have to taste to believe.

joe cahill/staff writer

MaggieMoo’s is located on 50 E. Wynnewood Rd # 9, Wynnewood, PA 19096-2013 Maggie Moo’s specializes in using fine ingredients in their ice cream. Offering unique flavors like red velvet and fudge, Maggie Moo’s ice cream is unbeatable. joe cahill/staff writer


Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


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Cabrini College night at the

nick guldin/sports editor

The Cabrini College Chorus sang the National Anthem on Friday, Sept. 17 at the Cabrini Night at the Phillies game.

nick guldin/sports editor

Stephen Balshi, recipient of the auctioned first pitch, stands with the Philly Phanatic and Cabrini Cavalier.

Cabrini celebrates partnership with the Phillies PHILLIES, Page 1 “It is a way for freshmen to get a taste of what we have here and the relationship we have with the Phillies,” Amber LaJeunesse, assistant director of Student Engagement and Leadership, said . Over the past four years, Cabrini took the initiative to form a strong relationship with the Philadelphia Phillies organization. Although other companies and organizations have a game dedicated to them, Scott Nickle, manager of advertising and sales for the Phillies, claims that the relationship with Cabrini is one of the strongest. “The partnership we have with Cabrini is different because it’s a university. Cabrini brings a lot of energy and there is a great fit between the two,” Nickle said. Along with Cabrini Night, the Phillies organization also participates in freshman move-in day. The Philly Phanatic entertains all of the freshmen and their families as they move in on their first day. “We really have no partnership to the extent we have with Cabrini and we hope to enhance it as the years go by,” Nickle said. The freshmen receive free tickets, purchased by the college, for the game and also receive a free tshirt that they wear to represent Cabrini. “The Phillies game is a great idea. I think it is a

good thing that Cabrini is doing,” James Lindsay, freshman business administration major, said.

We really have no partnership to the extent we have with Cabrini and we hope to enhance it as the years go by.” During orientation, Cabrini has many activities to help the freshmen get involved as well as mingle

with their peers but the Phillies game seems to be the favorite. “I’m really having a great time. I definitely want to come again,” Sarah Barret, freshman exercise science major, said. “It’s nice that Cabrini does all of this for the new students.” LaJeunesse feels like the correlation with the Phillies and Cabrini Night attracts people to the campus. “People looking from the outside in want to get involved with it and be a part of the partnership.” The freshmen aren’t the only ones reaping the benefits of this partnership. Upperclassmen and faculty can buy tickets as well at a discounted price. This allows the whole campus to get involved and enjoy the festivities of the evening. “I keep coming back year after year because it is a fun night out with all my friends and a fun night to enjoy the Phils,” Kevin McAvoy, junior business administration major, said. ngg27@cabrini.edu

Check out more pictures and videos of Cabrini Night at the Phillies at www.theloquitur.com

nick guldin/sports editor

nick guldin/sports editor

Freshmen Samantha DiMambro, Sarah Barratt, Maggie McElroy and Emily Dagney enjoy themselves as they attended their first Cabrini Night at the Phillies.

Upperclassmen students Chris Hiser, Ryan Redmond and Dana Sciamarelli continue to attend Cabrini Night year after year at Citizens Bank Park.

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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


Arts & Entertainment

Must-watch TV shows of the season By Jamie Santoro Perspectives Editor The shows you should watch: 1. “Lonestar” - One of the few Drama entries this year, “Lonestar” is Fox’s attempt to combine the heat of “Gossip Girl” and the nostalgia of “Dallas.” Bob Allen, played by newcomer James Wolk, is leading a double life: one in the fast-paced world of big oil and one trying to make it through the day to day. Juggling two lives and two women in different parts of Texas makes for a top show you should be watching this fall. Featuring Adrianna Palicki and Jon Voight, “Lonestar “premieres Sept. 21 on Fox. 2. “Raising Hope” - A playedout concept: immature man finds out he has a kid and raises it with his rag-tag family. This show also has superb writing and an amazing cast (and by amazing cast I mean Martha Plimpton (she sings.) This is a tired formula done right. “Raising Hope” premieres Sept. 21 on Fox. 3. “Hawaii Five-0” - Every season needs a reboot right? Well this season is a new take on the classic cop drama. A special unit of police deal with high-level crimes on the gorgeous beaches of Hawaii. One

of the show’s best assets is its cast, featuring a who’s who of some of the biggest cult shows of the past five years: Alex O’Laughlin of the gone-too-soon cult favorite “Moonlight,” Daniel Dae Kim of “Lost” and Grace Park from “Battlestar Galactica” plus Scott Caan make up the force. Hawaii Five-0 premieres Sept. 20 on CBS. 4. “Boardwalk Empire” - Before Al Capone and every other notable gangster, there was Knucky Thompson. Martin Scorcese brings you a period piece about the rise of gangsters in the Prohibition era of Atlantic City. No, it’s not a movie but it looks like it. HBO’s deep pockets and ability to draw the big names help this new series sail above and beyond others. Starring Steve Buscemi and Michael Pitt, “Boardwalk Empire” premeries Sept. 19 on HBO. 5. “Running Wilde” - Two stars who will always be associated with certain characters from the past are back with a new laugh from Fox. Will Arrnet (“Arrested Development”) and Keri Russell (“Felicity”) star in a show about dumb rich people, sort of. Arrnet is that dumb rich person, who hires former crush and humanitarian, played by Russell, to run his charity. Cue the funny. “Running Wilde” premieres

Sept. 21 on Fox. The shows you’re not watching but should be: 1. “Mad Men” - Every week a new episode of “Mad Men” is like a new movie. It’s like watching a perfect little play. Emmy voters have agreed for the last three years that this is the best drama on television, which was proven evident after its third win a few weeks ago at the Emmy’s. The last two episodes of “Mad Men,” “The Suitcase” and “The Summer Man,” are the best pieces of television to be put on the air since “The West Wing.” Mad Men is on Sunday nights on AMC. 2. “House” - A lot of people do watch this show but still not enough. A medical procedural at its core but more importantly, the best character drama on air. It involves a group of doctors too smart for their own good, psychologically pulling each other apart half the time, while the rest of the time they bicker over the most nauseating and questionable illnesses. A consistently great show that, even after seven seasons, still has people excited. “House” airs Mondays on Fox. 3. “Life UneXpected” - A concept that has been done millions of times has been done again: teen pregnancy. Stop the eye rolling.

This show is cute without causing a headache, funny without trying too hard and refreshingly honest. Most teen dramas hit the same bumps every time but this show avoids them with grace and ease. Easily the best new show of last season, so let’s try and keep it around for another, okay? “Life UneXpected” airs Tuesdays on The CW. 4. “Dexter” - A serial killer to love. After the best season finale of any show in a long time, Dex is back this fall. Last season ended with a bang thanks to fearless writers and a network with a lot of promise. Michael C. Hall is one of the best actors on television and it is most likely because of this show. The writers always leave a little more to want and always have viewers coming back for more. “Dexter” airs Sundays on Showtime. 5. “30 Rock”/”Parks & Recreation/“Community” - Dear America, we all love “The Office.” But meet the rest of NBC’s Thursday lineup. They’re great. Honestly, they’re all funnier than “The Office.” Sorry but it’s true. Especially “Parks & Recreation and Community,” two newer shows that have really found their footing. ajs343@cabrini.edu

What’s your most anticipated season premiere?

By Melissa Szymborzki Staff Writer

Name: Christine Adolf Age: 21 Major: Communication Most anticipated season premiere: “NCIS L.A.” Why: “This season will be the second season of ‘NCIS L.A.,’ which is a spinoff of another one of my favorites, ‘NCIS.’”

Name: Alyssa Sookiasian Age: 20 Major:Elementary/special education Most anticipated season premiere: “One Tree Hill” Why: “Since the seventh grade I’ve been watching this show. Last season’s finale ended with a big cliff hanger. I’m anxious to see what happens next.”

Name: Nick Casey Age: 20 Major: Accounting Most anticipated season premiere: “The Buried Life” Why: “I’m very excited to see what they do next on their ‘bucket list’ and who they give back to this season.”

Name: Ian Arayata Age: 20 Major: Accounting Most anticipated season premiere: “Boardwalk Empire” Why: “This is ‘Boardwalk Empire’s first season and it looks badass and interesting because it has to do with gangsters and prohibition.”

Name: Jenna Bertino Age: 19 Major: Educational studies Most anticipated season premiere: “Glee” Why: “The story plot is very easy to relate to, the musical talent is very good and it’s also very comical.”

Name: Ashley Osbun Age: 18 Major: English Most anticipated season premiere: “Gossip Girl” Why: “I find it funny to watch the drama unfold because a lot of the story plot situations would not happen in real life or in the real world.”

Application of the week: Lucky By Elizabeth Krupka A&E Editor

Lucky. Sound familiar to you? Lucky Magazine has released an application for smartphones that helps you shop. Most amazing thing about this application? It is 100 percent free. The long name for the application is Lucky-at-your-service. However, most users just call it Lucky. With this application you can do multiple things. First, you can take a picture of an item that you want and it will Google search it for you. Then Lucky will tell you where else you can purchase the item and how much cheaper it will be. Next, it can track down the nearest store that has the item (if of course you need it for that night) and put it on reserve. You can also star an item and the application will notify you when your item goes on sale. Another awesome part about this application is the fact that you can order an item right from your phone. Lastly, having the application can give the user some discounts that others in the store may not receive. Some of the stores that work with the Lucky application include Neimen Marcus and BlueFly. This application is taking off, especially because of fashion week in New York City. Lucky is worth the download to make your shopping life easier. No more guessing. If something you want is at a store, just click on Lucky and it will do the work for you!


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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010

Arts & Entertainment

Make it a date

on the Main Line

By Katie Bonnani Staff Writer

katie parks /staff photographer

katie parks /staff photographer

Anthony Wayne Movie Theater

Boat House When Cabrini College freshman Callan Dill was asked what her ideal date location around campus would be, she responded with a football game and dinner at the Boat House Restaurant. Flanigan’s Boat House is located off of Lancaster Avenue in Wayne, Pa. According to their Web site, they are a casual restaurant with a pub-like atmosphere where you will find good food and a variety of drafts on tap. The Boat House serves everything from seafood to burgers.

katie parks /staff photographer

The Great American Pub This is a great choice for your first date because it offers both outdoor and indoor seating. Sarah Snyder, a bartender at the Great American Pub, said that she sees a lot of blind dates who come into the restaurant to have a few drinks at the bar and later move to a table for dinner. According to Snyder, “The Great American Pub is a great place for your first date because of its convenient location next to the train station. Students from Cabrini and other schools can easily get a ride here.” The Pub is a great spot for anyone to go on their first date and it’s located right down the road from the Boat House.

The Anthony Wayne movie theater located on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne, Pa. is also a great place to go on a first date. It offers many of the movies that are currently in the box office. Most students prefer to purchase $2 movie tickets from the SEaL office. The most convenient part about the Anthony Wayne Theater is the fact that multiple restaurants and shops are surround it’s. It is easy to plan an entire fun-filled day around the movie theater and the best part is you only have to walk a couple feet to get from place to place.

katie parks / staff photographer

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse If you are looking for an upscale restaurant to take your date, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne, Pa. is a great place to go. Their menu offers everything from steak to seafood as well as a gluten free menu. They also have quite an impressive wine list, which features over 100 different kinds of wine. This steakhouse has won several awards such as the Best Restaurant Bar, Best of the Main Line and Best Steakhouse. You might want to save this place for special occasions but it is definitely a restaurant that should be visited. kb733@cabrini.edu

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


page 12

Arts & Entertainment By Carol Dwyer Staff Writer

Stud of the Week

“Gossip Girl Here..”

Movie Review: “Takers”

The Beatles were featured in a big way on the pages of two Rolling Stone special edition books. The classic band had the most songs voted into Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time.” Following that, an entire special edition of Rolling Stone was dedicated to the best songs by The Beatles. That is why The Beatles, with multiple generations of fans, made the Loquitur’s choice for Stud of the Week. By Carol Dwyer Staff Writer

Dud of the Week

James Franco returns to the screen in the biopic film genre in “12 Hours.” According to IMDB.com, Franco once starred as Hollywood icon James Dean. However, “12 Hours” is not about a celebrity. Think along the lines of Emile Hirsch's adventurer-meets-danger role in the 2007 film “Into the Wild.”

Lady GaGa struck a Lady Liberty pose, which appeared on the cover of V Magazine with designer Marc Jacobs. Often in skimpy attire, the “Poker Face” pop star once again is underwear-clad as the historic statue. In recent years, female pop stars have been nearly naked so this is nothing new to the world. That is why Lady GaGa is the Loquitur’s pick for Dud of the Week.




Producers Will Packer, left, and Tip “T.I.” Harris on the set of the movie “Takers.” By Chelbi Mims Staff Writer If you like action, a star-studded cast and suspense all in one, then “Takers,” starring T.I., Zoe Saldona, Chris Brown, Paul Walker and Idris Elba, is a must see. “The movie was one of the best heist-action movies I’ve seen in a while. I was skeptical about Chris Brown and T.I. making the transition from musicians to a big acting debut but they were phenomenal,” Shae Mcpherson, sophomore exercise science major, said. The movie features five men constructing a plan to rob a bank after their colleagues are released from prison for the involvement in other successful robberies. The basic plot of the movie was not phenomenal but the acting made this film a favorite among many. “I thought the movie was epic and the ending was wild,” Anders Aronson, sophomore exercise science major, said. Although critics gave “Takers” awful reviews and doubted the success of the film, it generated significantly more money than its competing film, “ The Last Exorcism,” which premiered the same


weekend. It surprised many by becoming the No. 1 movie two weeks in a row, bringing in $39 million. The movie was also a comeback for two very popular celebrities who suffered recent scrutiny from the media. T.I. and Chris Brown both overcame issues in their personal lives and recaptured their fans by the success of this film. By the looks of it, the public has forgiven both men and supported this movie. From the action-packed drama to the deceitful trickery, “ Ta k e r s ” keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting more the entire time. Many have called this movie a modern day “Oceans 11” but the film certainly delivers individuality that separates it from the rest.

surprised many by becoming the No. 1 movie two weeks in a row.”

Ssarah luckert / staff writer

Name: Adriana Scotto Age: 18 Major: Undecided Tell us about your outfit: “I normally don’t wear clothing that lacks color but the beading at the top of my shirt seems to make up for it.” Favorite part of your outfit: “I love leggings. They really are the perfect mix between comfortable and chic.”


Local movie theaters recently hinted at some mystery this fall on NBC with trailers for “The Event.” Whatever the event is, it will take an eye for details in the show's plot to figure it out. Viewers, be ready to bring out your inner sleuth while following characters up to the event itself. “The Mentalist” season three begins later this month on CBS with more surprising twists in crime-solving drama. Between cases, mentalist Patrick Jane’s personal nemesis is out there bringing suspense to any face-to-face encounter. Tune in and find out how Jane (Simon Baker) puts the pieces together in his own way. Reality show fans will not be at a loss for more new episodes focused on the daily lives of reality stars. The Kardashians, Snooki and friends and plenty of others will be back this year for their loyal followers. This is sure to bring on the gossip about what the “Jersey Shore” cast is up to. cdwyerpj@gmail.com


Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010

page 13


Weekly Sports Update

Player Profile: Troy Allen

By Pat Gallagher Online Editor

Reid names Vick new starting quarterback The 284-yard-passing, two-touchdown and 37-yard-rushing performance Michael Vick displayed on Sunday vs. the Detroit Lions still was enough to sway head coach Andy Reid to name him the starter. After Kevin Kolb left the game with a concussion in the first game of the season, it was Vick who stepped up and led the charge against Green Bay. The injury proved to be a concussion that would sideline Kolb for last Sunday’s game. This gave the starting job to Michael Vick who hadn’t started since 2006 for the Atlanta Falcons. Vick proved himself on Sunday in the game against Detroit by showing his arm and flashing his speed that made him so successful. On Tuesday, Sept. 21, Reid officially announced that Vick would be the starting quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles until further notice. Read original story from ESPN | Monday, Sept. 21, 2010

Manning bowl pits Peyton vs. Eli in

cabrini college athletic department

By Eleni Antipas Staff Writer

brotherly showdown This past Sunday night was Manning night. The Manning brothers met in Indianapolis for a showdown that had all of the nations attention. Peyton Manning, four time NFL MVP winner, Super Bowl MVP and 13-year veteran, faced his younger brother Eli, Super Bowl XLII champion and seventh year starter. This is the second meeting of the brother duo. In their first meeting, the Colts had a tougher time closing the door on little brother but still pulled out a 26-21 win. This years Manning bowl started with the Colts proving the Super Bowl hangover wrong by continuing their sweet success on both sides of the ball. Read original story from ESPN | Monday, Sept. 20, 2010

Starting pitching leads strong into postseason Philadelphia has built one of the scariest pitching rotations in the entire major league. In their recent series against their division foe, the Atlanta Braves, Philadelphia rolled out their big three. On the mound on Monday was Cole Hamels, followed by Roy Halladay on Tuesday and Roy Oswalt on Wednesday. This is the three-headed monster that has been leading the Phils’ starting rotation. This rotation has made Philadelphia one of the most feared teams in the league. Read original story from ESPN | Monday, Sept. 20, 2010

Far from the golden sand beaches of Oahu, Hawaiian native Troy Allen began playing soccer at 3 years old while living on an Air Force base. At 8 years old he moved to Oklahoma where he played for an indoor soccer club team. His inherent talent for soccer continued to evolve when he relocated, for a third time, to Olney, Pa. and became a forward for Olney Valley High School. Troy Allen, senior business administration major, is a defender for the Cabrini Cavaliers men’s soccer team. His decision to attend Cabrini College was not difficult

once he met assistant coach Rob Dallas. “Coach Dallas has really helped me improve my style because he’s not only the assistant coach, he is also the defensive coach,” Allen said. Allen’s passion for soccer can be seen both on and off the field. Last season he made the All-Conference team. He also enjoys all of the amenities that come with being a Cabrini College soccer player. For example, traveling with the team has allowed him to see many different parts of the country. Being on the soccer team allows Allen to meet a lot of people on campus. He enjoys when fellow students approach him to discuss games throughout the season. “One of my most memorable moments was when we beat Eastern last season in front of a huge crowd,” Allen said. As a student-athlete, Allen has an extremely demanding schedule. The men’s soccer team holds mandatory practices daily and he is currently enrolled in six classes. However, even with a limited amount of time, he manages to complete his school work and give 100 percent to his team. “The biggest challenge I am faced with right now is playing with an ankle injury. It’s a gradeone sprain,” Allen said. In his free time, Allen loves hanging out with his friends and teammates. He describes the team

as being very close. Allen likes to relax watching television shows, such as Tosh.O and Entourage. The ESPN channel is a staple in Allen’s home. He especially enjoys watching Carles Puyol and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, his two favorite soccer players. Upon graduating from Cabrini College this May, Allen plans to return to Oahu, Hawaii where his mother and his older sister Michelle currently reside. In Hawaii, Allen plans to pursue a career in business and will most likely work for his step-father’s company. Allen is looking forward to moving back to Hawaii. He misses the scenic beaches and the excitement of deep-sea spear fishing. However, he is not ready to giveup the college lifestyle or his favorite Philly cheesesteaks from Steve’s Prince of Steaks. Currently, Allen is focused on having a great final season with the Cabrini Cavaliers. He continues to work hard to perfect his technique. Allen relies on the encouragement and advice of his coaches, teammates and family. “My dad is my biggest supporter because he comes to every game and he'll tell me how it is, what I need to work on and what I do wrong,” Allen said. epa722@cabrini.edu

Which team do you think will win the CSAC Championship? By Olivia Torrence Staff Writer

US soccer star struts’ face on FIFA cover The most recent FIFA-‘11 cover has moved away from the stars in Europe and has come across the pond. Landon Donovan, U.S. soccer star, was chosen to be highlighted on the FIFA 2011 video game cover. It is a huge accomplishment that a U.S. player was chosen, mainly because soccer has just recently gained more fans with the World Cup this past summer. Read original story from ESPN | Friday, Aug. 20, 2010

Saints lose important ingredient to Super Bowl recipe New Orleans running back Reggie Bush has a fractured right fibula that may keep him out for up to six weeks. Bush’s skill comes mostly from his speed and quickness, something that theDonovan Saints truly valued.might No doubt have made Bush McNabb not the playSaints in Washington’s seaan to their and awithout him they21,may come sonasset opener? Phillyoffense fans take look. On Aug. McNabb across many scheming “He’s had injuries sprained his ankle duringissues. a preseason gameleg against thebefore Baltiand is neverExpecting a quick healer. Even the when he’s back, it genmoreheRavens. to practice next week, McNabb erally beeninata least couple before he injury gets into found has himself boot aand then games an air cast. The doesa rhythm,” Inc. Matt Williamson, said. After theirhave Supera look like Scouts it is getting better but Redskin fans already Bowl victory lastthey season, theexperiencing Saints were all praying health preview of what may be seasonforwith the across the board but the blow of Bush’s injury may be too aging quarterback. much to handle. Read original story from ESPN | Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010 pjg725@cabrini.edu ngg27@cabrini.edu

Marla Giaimo Freshman Education Major

Tyler McNee Freshman Undeclared Major

Amanda DiDomenica Freshman Education Major

“Women’s soccer is looking good so far this year. They look like they have a good chance to win conference.”

“I think women’s soccer is going to win the CSAC this year. They are already dominating so far this season.”

“I also believe women’s soccer will win their conference. They have been doing so good so far this season.”

For more information on the women’s soccer team, visit the Cabrini College Athletic website at www.cabriniathletics.com.

page 14


Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


Lady Cavs shutout Cedar Crest 7-0 By Nick LaRosa Staff Writer The women’s soccer team defeated CSAC opponent Cedar Crest 7-0 to improve their season record to 6-1. The victory on Saturday, Sept. 18 was also the Cavaliers’ first CSAC win this year. “Getting our first CSAC win is huge since we are in a battle for a top-six spot in the conference,” coach Ken Prothero, in his ninth season with the team, said. “It’s a good way to rebound from our last game, a loss to No. 22 Eastern.” The Cavaliers played a relentless game at Edith Robb Dixon Field, outshooting Cedar Crest 43-1, including 28-1 in the first period alone. Sophomores Dana Drake and Alex Tralie, who scored twice, accounted for Cabrini’s first three goals of the afternoon. The second period of the game was no different as senior Brianna Conner scored the team’s fourth goal of the game less than a minute into the second period. Junior Kara Hinkelmon, who assisted on both of Tralie’s goals in the first period, scored her second goal of the season to increase the lead to five goals. Junior Amy Loesser and senior Gianna Porretta scored the final two goals of the afternoon for Cabrini. Porretta, who played goal in the first half and stopped one shot, scored her goal on a breakaway. Freshman Sarah Means replaced Por-

nick larosa / staff writer

Junior midfielder Sammy Thompson passes the ball off to teammate, junior forward, Kara Hinklemon in attempts to move the ball toward the goal. retta in net in the second period and did not face any shots from Cedar Crest. After winning the CSAC championship last season, the Cavaliers understand that they have high expectations. “We’re off to a great start and we hope to make the playoffs and see what happens from there,” Porretta said in a message on Facebook. “This is going to be a very tough year. There are a lot of good

teams in our conference but we really want this championship. We’re just taking one game at a time and we know we can’t take any team we play lightly.” Junior exercise science and health promotion major Sammy Thompson, who is third on the team with eight points, echoed Porretta’s optimism about the season. “We have a very athletic team and we expect big things out of everyone and so

far, none of us have been disappointed,” Thompson said, via Facebook. After Saturday’s win against Cedar Crest, the Lady Cavs have now won five of their games this season by shutout. In seven games overall, the women’s soccer team has outscored their opponents by a margin of 20-3. “We have to feed off this win and go into Arcadia and play with a higher intensity,” Thompson said. If the women’s soccer team hopes to repeat as CSAC champions, team chemistry will most likely play a large role. The Cavaliers have players from all different class years and skill levels on their roster. “We’re also an extremely close team on and off the field. I think that this is very important and is going to be a key to our success this year,” Porretta said. If the start to this season is any indication, the Lady Cavs should be one of the top teams in their conference. “We need to win the games that we can,” Prothero said. “This year we want to be one of the top teams in our conference and reach the championship. We definitely have the talent to do that.” nal42@cabrini.edu

Men’s soccer falls to Eastern in overtime By Jesse Gaunce Staff Writer In a back-and-forth affair between two heated rivals, the Eastern University Eagles men’s soccer team prevailed over Cabrini in overtime, 1-0. The score told the story, showing that it was as close of a game as most people will see. Both goalies were on top of their game but Eastern’s John Crowder got the better of Cabrini’s Eric Nowicki. Nowicki stopped three shots that day while Crowder stopped six. The loss leaves Cabrini at a record of 0-7-0, while Eastern improved to 3-2-1. The deciding goal of the match came four minutes into overtime, when Eastern senior midfielder Phil Manuta’s header from freshman Caleb McMain snuck by Nowicki.

“Whenever you play Eastern, no matter what sport it is, it’s always a huge game,” Abiu Santos, sophomore midfielder, said. “Our record wasn’t very good coming in and we really wanted to improve on it. It just didn’t happen. We played our hearts out and we couldn’t make the plays.” The Cavaliers not only lost the match but they may have lost one of their biggest assets. Midway through the second half, senior midfielder King Saah hurt his left foot on a diving attempt to break up a play. He was helped off the field by an Eastern player and one of Cabrini’s trainers. He did not return to the game. “Losing King is huge,” coach Glen Jaskelewicz, said. “When you lose a key component like that, it really changes the outcome of the game and the personnel on the field. When we played Rutgers-Camden, we were up



1-0 with him out there. He gets a concussion, we lose 3-1. We were tied 0-0 today, he gets hurt again and we lost. I think that really shows how valuable he is to us.” This was the third straight one-goal game between the two teams. The Cabrini offense totaled 10 shots on goal while Eastern totaled 12. The only shot Eastern took in the overtime period proved to be the winner. Jim Mattock, Gabe Kuhn and Taylor Scarpino were all hit with one yellow card each for Cabrini during the match. This was the only meeting of the regular season between the teams. Cabrini will try to rewrite their winless streak on Wednesday, Sept. 22, when they hit the road to take on non-conference opponent Franklin & Marshall College at 7 p.m.

For more information on the Men’s Soccer Team visit the Cabrini Athletic website at www.cabriniathletics.com






11 a.m. M Soccer @ Rosemont


11 a.m. Field Hockey vs. Marywood

3:30 p.m. W Tennis vs. Gwynedd-Mercy

Noon W Tennis @ Immaculata

No Games Scheduled


7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Widener

Noon M Tennis vs. Alvernia 12:15 p.m.M&W Cross Country @ Philly Metro Meet 1:30 p.m. W Soccer vs. Marywood 4 p.m. Volleyball vs. Baptist Bible

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


page 15


New Dixon Center employee excited for change

melanie greenberg / staff writer

Andrew West, new coordinator of Dixon Center facilities and operations. By Melanie Greenberg Staff Writer Andrew West, new coordinator of the Dixon Center facilities and operations, is ready to make some changes. Anxious to start building upon the athletic and recreational programs at the Dixon Center, West is ready to utilize his many different experiences. West felt confident coming to Cabrini because of his prior experience at two very large recreational programs. “For me, it was intimidating not know-

ing what to expect because things are run differently here. I felt like I was prepared,” West said. After earning his undergraduate degree in business administration and sports studies at Central Michigan University, West went on to earn a master’s degree in education at Ohio University. While in his last year at Ohio, West became the supervisor of recreation. Considering himself “an encyclopedia of useless knowledge when it comes to sports,” West is excited to combine all of his experience into one job. Job searching after graduation led West to two different interviews that did not work out. West’s skills range from advising student athletes to teaching different courses like sports economics and hopefully a sports history course in the future. “It kind of combines the hodgepodge of experience I have gained and helped me build on it,” West said. “This job really popped out at me because it is rare to find a position that combines recreation and athletics,” West said. Working with Orlin Jespersen, assistant director of recreation, has allowed him to

experience more creative opportunities. “Orlin is really open to pushing the recreational program forward,” West said. West is also ready to change student employee responsibilities. “I really want to make the students accountable. I want to make it like a real job for them so they really get real life experience,” West said. “He is really turning the Dixon Center around,” Greg Zabel, junior secondary education major and Dixon Center employee, said. “He seems to know what he’s doing and seems to love it. He takes great pride in this job and is trying to make the Dixon Center even better than it was before,” Mike Marchitto, also an employee at the Dixon Center, said. Senior biology major Tara Milito said the organization is much better since West arrived. “A lot more of the members are getting the hang of scanning in regularly,” she said. “The new ID system that has recently been implemented is to make it easier for community members, staff and faculty to enter and renew memberships without

trouble,” Dominic Farrello, senior exercise science major, said. The differences in the two large universities West worked at before are not only in the recreational department. Cabrini has no football team, which actually interested him. “When schools have a football team they dominate that culture. Teams are equally represented here. It is nice to see women’s teams get just as much recognition as men’s teams at Cabrini,” West said. West’s ideas to make the Dixon Center better are endless. However he wants to get comfortable in the job and the cultural difference the East Coast offers before major changes are made. mmg65@cabrini.edu


more information about the Dixon Center, visit www.cabrini.edu

Fitness classes make it easy to stay in shape By Jimmy Crowell Staff Writer Are you looking for a great, fun and free way to stay in shape? Look no further then attending one of the many fitness classes that are offered at the Dixon Center, Cabrini College's sports and recreation complex. “I think it is extremely important [to stay in shape], not only for your physical health but also for your mental and emotional health as well,” Jessica Huda, Cabrini’s fitness coordinator and assistant women's soccer coach, said via an email interview. Getting healthy, keeping fit and staying in shape are often important factors on a college student’s mind. “Everyone is different and everyone’s needs are different. However, a college student typically has more time to work out then an adult who is trying to balance a full-time job, family, etc.,” Huda said. There are several fitness class-


es on campus, including yoga, Zumba, spinning, water aerobics and several variations thereof. “So with this extra time, a college student should take advantage of it and make working out a top priority,” Huda said. “There are so many little things that someone can do throughout the day that will help their fitness. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Instead of emailing or making a phone call, step away from your desk and visit the person face to face,” Huda said. One of the more popular classes here on campus is the Zumba class. “Zumba is latin-inspired dance where each dance targets different parts of the body for a fullbody workout,” Kim Carlson, junior history and political science major and Zumba instructor, said.


“People enjoy Zumba because they enjoy learning the dances and feeling like they are working out and having fun at the same time,” Carlson said.

Zumba fitness program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms with easy-tofollow moves, so that anyone can join a Zumba class and have fun while getting a workout.” Zumba classes are taught in 105 countries, have sold millions of DVDs and have 7.5 million participants taking classes every week worldwide. Lisa Gomez, junior exercise science major, is no stranger to staying fit and being in the gym. “[Zumba] helps me to work out and I love being active,” Gomez said. “I started last year when she [Kim] started it. We laugh and do mistakes and that’s fine. If I make a mistake I just keep moving and you do the exercise.”

I think it is extremely “important [to stay in shape], not only for your physical health but also for your mental and emotional health as well.” “The average class is 25 to 35 people but it varies depending on people’s schedules,” Carlson said. She said that as the year goes on, the Zumba class attendance picks up. According to Zumba.com, “a



28 Tuesday 3:30 p.m. W Tennis vs. Eastern

No Games Scheduled

"The most important thing [about taking a Zumba class is] not to look at it as a workout but more like a dance party. Zumba classes are for everyone and anyone, people of all shapes, sizes and ages," Carlson said. Carlson then added that she started taking Zumba classes two summers ago at her gym by her home and really enjoyed it. “The great thing about all of our classes is that they are good for someone just starting out or someone who has been working out for awhile. So there is no need to be scared about taking a certain class because you won’t be able to keep up. You do what you can do,” Huda said. “The classes are very popular. We have a great showing for each and every one of them. I’m really happy with the amount of participation because it shows me that people are interested in health and fitness,” Huda said. jfc46@cabrini.edu



3:30 p.m. W Tennis vs. Baptist Bible 4 p.m. M Soccer vs. Widener

No Games Scheduled 7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Cedar Crest

6:30 p.m. Field Hockey vs. Neumann 6:30 p.m. W Soccer @ Neumann

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010


page 16


Field hockey beats Misericordia 4-0

rachael renz / copy editor

rachael renz / copy editor

Senior Allie Rodolico passes the ball off to a teammate after running down the field against Misericordia’s defense.

By Rachael Renz Copy Editor For the first time in four years the Lady Cavs prevailed over the Misericordia Cougars 4-0 on Saturday, Sept. 18 making their record 3-3. The 70-minute game was played with great intensity from all players, starters and bench. “I sort of played off the fact that they haven’t beaten Misericordia to make them want the win. I asked the seniors if they really wanted to graduate being beaten by them again,” coach Jackie Neary said. With three losses for the season, the Lady Cavs went into Saturday’s game with anticipation and determination due to the past games played against the Cougars. In minute 10 of the game, two goals were scored against Misericordia’s goalkeeper Grace Riker, including junior forward Stephanie Campanaro’s penalty-stroke goal in the fourth minute. Within the next 6 minutes of the first half, junior forward Lauren Alessi provided her first of two goals of the game. Besides the win, communication on the field was one of the team’s biggest triumphs of the day. “They had excellent communication skills, which has

Junior Lauren Alessi keeps the ball in control to maintain possession during the game against Misericordia.

been one of our hurdles in past games. It’s easy to play when you’re winning but in difficult game situations communication is key,” Neary said. “The girls played high-level aggressive field hockey the entire game against Misericordia and had no let downs.” Since Cabrini hasn’t won against Misericordia in four years, many players were eager to play against them. “It felt amazing to beat Misericordia. Our team hasn’t beat Misery since I’ve been here and last year we didn't play our best game against them so it was a really huge victory to finally beat them, especially by as much as we did,” Allie Rodolico, senior defensive back, said. Only minutes into the second half, junior midfielder Maura Gordon scored against the Cougars bringing the scoreboard to 4-0 where it stayed for the remainder of the game. Senior goalkeeper Caitlin Donahue played a solid 61 minutes and let no ball get past her. Sophomore goalkeeper Vicky King relieved Donahue and kept the shutout score. For freshmen that are new to the team and haven’t played against Misericordia, this win was just as much appreciated. “During the Misericordia game we finally got it together and put a bunch of goals in and I feel like that is

rachael renz / copy editor

Senior Courney Davis fights with a Misericordia defender for possession of the ball.

exactly what we needed. If we keep up the hard work there is no doubt we can win the CSAC title again and I would love to be a part of that,” Samantha LaMaina, freshman defensive back, said. Neary looks forward to another CSAC title but feels she needs to instill one mindset in her team for the remainder of the season. “I’ve been using one word in particular this season: focus. To be focused and determined the entire game, not one half,” Neary said. Although the teams record is 3-3, the Lady Cavs are still a threat and more determined than ever to come back with another title. “We have all been working hard to getting our ‘game shape’ back so this week going into the conference games should be exciting to revisit some teams who are looking to knock us out of our spot,” Shannon Mulhern, senior center midfield, said. “With a target on our back no game is going to be easy and we are going to have to play every game like it is the championship game because everyone is out for keeps this season.” rr724@cabrini.edu

rachael renz / copy editor

Junior Stephanie Campanaro maintains pressure on the Misericordia defender as they try to make their way to the goal.

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