Oct. 27, 2011 Issue 08 Loquitur

Page 1

Zombie Survival Gudie

Ghost Hunters

Men’s Soccer

Perspectives, page 6

A&E, page 12

Sports, page 16

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009



Radnor, Pa . Radnor, Pa.

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Pacemaker Winner Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LIII, Issue 8

Bussiness for sustained growth; !"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$

Swaziland: SIFE combats poverty %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor BY RANSOM COZZILLIO News Editor

McLaughlin, assistant professor of business administration, became more involved in teaching her students about Fair Trade rather than free trade. The Cabrini Ministries were in need of help with education and childcare and the idea was to provide help for them, but also to help students create and become global citizens of the world. Faculty wanted students to become exposed to Swaziland and the issues there to create a wellrounded student. From that trip, the partnership was strengthened to accomplish goals on each end. “One of the things we struggle with here and write about each week and reflect and pray about and strive to teach is the difference between social justice and charity,” Susan Pierson, assistant professor of education, said. “Part of being involved in this partnership is that in some small way we are to bring about social justice.” Staley stopped to visit students and faculty on her way to advocate in Washington, D.C. While speaking on Oct. 18, she addressed the positive impact the partnership, particularly Swazi’s Crafts for Care, is making on the lives of OVC. “I think Sister Barbara coming to speak with us just inspired us to keep going with the project because it’s draining to do all of this


Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. Building upon an unfunded !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* business plan hatched in last 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* year’s ECG 200: People, Planet :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* and Profit class, a group of stu("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 dents formed Cabrini’s first Stu<$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* dents in Free Enterprise club in '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* order to create a sustainable fuJ-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* ture for the orphans and vulneralso present. able children in Swaziland. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* Their program to create sus!"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* tainable business growth and inBaptist Church in Wayne. come for children residing at the :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* hostel in St. Philip’s by making president,” Norton said to the group. and selling Fair Trade bracelets DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* has seen great early success. It 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* represents a proof of concept on )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 SIFE’s original model. D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* “When we do something, there (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* SUBMITTED BY DR. ERIN MCLAUGHLIN is often an argument; do we teach #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* somebody how to fish, or do we Swazi children at the hostel in St. Phillip’s are taught to make bracelets, that are sold globally, for fair wages. support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. give them a fish? You know what? :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* We do both. Because both are aside from school,” Pat Schnei-2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* work. and Swazi’s Crafts for Care, Ilic necessary,” Sister Barbara Staley, der, senior marketing major and%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= Receiving those wages mo- appreciates both the change she member of the Cabrini Sisters, president of SIFE, said. “To have 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* tivated the Swazi youth to build is affecting and the hands-on disaid. “We are taught to provide someone like her come was extraand “No human can be illegal” at the rally. upon their craft making for fur- mension to the normal business direct service through Catholic motivation.” ther profits. classroom experience. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* social teaching but must create a Students last semester raisedH%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 Bracelets identical to those “I think the students are learnstructural level to build upon.” over $1,400 by making and sell- :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* sold by Cabrini students, card- ing how to apply business conAfter a 2010 faculty immering hemp bracelets, as well as raf-change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. board journals and scarves are cepts and how those concepts sion trip aimed toward estabfling Easter baskets. This money 9/"* someR)'-%$* of the 2$##3%-'>* crafts being sold. people in need,” +($#* V"&'* could C/"&'"(*affect 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* lishing a sustained partnership was used to supply the Swazi),$%1&-."* “People have been generous McLaughlin said. “How it could C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* between Cabrini College and youth with materials and also pay#-%-&'(>* and it’s$+*just that there change the lives of people in D'8*awesome 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* the Cabrini Ministries, Dr. Erin the children fair wages for theirundocumented. is no middle-man taking away need, and the power of that? The the profits of what they have difference between serving food :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* been!"T)3,* making,” Dijana junior in a soup kitchen and )("* actually ef`aAbF=* &)-.8* :b@*Ilic, O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* T3"('$* marketing major, said. “They get fectively changing the life of an all that money directly back into individual and I think that is the their funds so they can live off of greatest thing they will get out of !$##%&'()*+', ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 it.” this experience.” Although not able to become Ultimately, Staley credits the Fair Trade certified yet, Global Cabrini students and their busiGifts in Wayne, Pa. has agreed to ness plan for helping her and the sell the crafts. Students involved Swazi youth spur development with SIFE also sold bracelets to and break new ground in terms +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* NOELLE WESTFALL the Board of Trustees, raising ap- of sustainability and successful E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER proximately $400 this past week- futures. NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 end. “The things that you guys have :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* The partnership and projects taken on are the things that we 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* are not only benefiting the mis- dream of and want to do, but we $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* sion in Swaziland, but also chang- don’t have the capacity or the enAmerican Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* ing the lives of those becoming ergy or the will to do it to make it )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 aware and involved at Cabrini. happen. You’re helping to make it the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* “You don’t get many chances happen for us,” Staley said. '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* to directly help someone living in “It’s an ongoing process and :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* a third-world country,” Ilic said. it’s just amazing that you can &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 “Helping people, especially those impact someone’s life half-way eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* who have lost parents, which is across the world,” Ilic said. sophomore accounting major and co­chair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* unimaginable to most of us here, C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* MELANIE GREENBERG / MANAGING EDITOR is so rewarding.” MMG65@CABRINI.EDU 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* As one of the original students Marketing majors Dijana Ilic, junior, Pat Schneider, senior, and Davinder Singh, senior, SIFE club members. ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in responsible for the business plan RJC72@CABRINI.EDU ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(* '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* '$* 4"%"W*'* 9/"*

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2 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Editorial: Step outside your confort zone, educate yourself

As college students, we are all at a crossroad in life. The future is a question mark, but in order to try and ensure job opportunities, we are told we must take the right classes, get good grades and have multiple internships/co-ops while balancing finances, possibly holding down jobs and trying to find some time to enjoy our friends and social life. We, the Loquitur editorial staff, wish to advise Cabrini students to add another criteria to that already intimating list and as hard as it might be, it could really go a long way. Going outside of our respective comfort zones is something that Cabrini encourages in many ways and in every department. For example, as journalists, we are learning the art of storytelling. In order to tell stories, we have to pay attention to things outside our comfort zones. Just this past Monday, an entire senior social work class went to study Occupy Philadelphia. While all of the ECG courses push students into new and significant experiences, many de-

partments also try to introduce students to diverse populations. Students across every major at Cabrini learn about issues that are affecting the world at large. Whether they are political, social or economic, they are all incredibly important and we are blessed with faculty who are very passionate about helping us learn about the challenges of the world outside Cabrini. However, as students, our challenge is to take that knowledge and search for more. We can’t be satisfied with only learning about what we get in the classroom. Teachers can only fit so much into a period; the rest is up to us. Obviously, Cabrini students do incredible work with the many communities and institutions that have partnerships with the college. We try to live up to the motto of the college of “doing something extraordinary,” by how we act inside these walls and out, especially when we are working with those different than ourselves. Rising to these challenges make us extraordinary.

While our work is helpful and important, we should be forming a life-long habit of concerning ourselves with the world. Specifically, many of us on the editorial staff are told quite frequently that it is a concern for our generation that we focus way too much time and energy on things that are insignificant in contrast to the major issues of today. It’s not easy to develop a deep concern for topics that are really hard to understand. It’s much more entertaining and comfortable to commit ourselves to things we already know and love, but life-changing events and issues are rarely easy to understand. Cabrini offers so many amazing opportunities to gain this important type of knowledge outside of the classroom. Did you attend the domestic violence forum on campus? Did you participate in or take notice of any of the Fair Trade events that have occurred this month? Do you attend these types of events or research similar topics purely for class or for extra credit?

Letter to the Editor: BY MARY JACOBS

Every now and then, I pick up The Loquitur and amuse myself with the perspectives articles. I should find it more amusing that an article published in the 7th issue this year was written on “Pro-life,” and opposing the crazy idea that a woman should be given the right to choose what she does with her body. Most amusing though, this article is written by a male, who if I may point out, will never be pregnant. Of course we are all entitled to an opinion, but the broad assumptions made by this perspective piece are a bit embarrassing; “no one seriously denies that abortion is killing something,” and “no one can

deny that this something is human.” Who is this “no one” you speak of? I can give you hundreds of thousands of American women who will look you in the eyes and say that no, in fact, this collection of tissue inside of my body, that could not continue to grow without my body, is not a human and to get an abortion is the not the killing of anything. We must remember that we are all here in college, speaking from privilege. With each of us developing opinions it is easy to forget that most of us come from backgrounds of working homes, strong neighborhoods and values. I am making these assumptions based on our college’s demographic. Also, this is the correct

Either way, if you did attend, no matter the reason, that’s very good for you but don’t just go because you have to; go because you are interested and you care, as an educated person. As global citizens, it is crucial for us to pay attention because attention goes a long way. This time last year, Sudan was facing a potential genocide. There are many reasons why the genocide was avoided, but the fact that so many Americans paid attention forced the government to care and that definitely played an important part. As mentioned earlier, as college students, we are at a crossroads. Well, so is our world, especially the United States. That is why we are of the demographic that needs to pay attention the most. We are the future and we can pave the way for a better future. However, we can’t shape the future if we don’t pay attention to the present.

A pro-choice response

way to make generalizations in writing, by recognizing that you are about to generalize and make an assumption. I know that if personally, I got pregnant, I could very well keep a child. I have a family that would support me and house me; I would even probably be able to finish school. The reality is most families are not like mine, or ours, if you will. Many teenagers in America were not given the proper education on sexual responsibility with schools in America teaching abstinence only; our youth is completely unprepared and uneducated. They often do not have the financial support or the emotional support that we from privilege are often given. We must, instead of outlawing a much

needed service that would in turn cause extreme negative side effects (back alley abortions, higher suicide rates, higher crime rates, etc.) We must start from the ground up teaching safe sex, and holding our schools accountable for better or worse. Abortions in America need to stay legalized, war needs to end, we must stop the mass slaughter of innocent animals and we must abolish the death penalty. Honestly, I think I am more “pro-life” than most who declare the title. M.JACOBS504@GMAIL.COM

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The Loquitur

2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR James Crowell NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio


PHOTO EDITOR Jenay Smith COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

The Loquitur | 3

A walk to remember: AIDS walk 2011

Tech Connection


Staff Writer

A sea of people in red washed up on the legendary Philadelphia Art Museum steps as the 25thannual AIDS Walk and Run was in full swing on Sunday, Oct. 16. For 25 years, people from all over the greater Philadelphia area and beyond came to step up to the challenge of completing an 8K walk down Kelly Drive and returned on Martin Luther King Drive Sunday morning. Nearly 15,000 people walked and raised a total of $350,000 for the cause. The walk also marked 30 years since AIDS was discovered. “As a nation and as a city, these are statistics that we should find alarming,” Robb Reichard, executive director of the AIDS Fund, said according to a press release given by the fund. “We want to educate the entire community about the epidemic and its current state and offer perspective of how the disease has changed over the past 30 years.” The walk also had quilts set up by the National Art Project neatly laid out across the front steps of the Art Museum. Started by the NAMES Project in June of 1987, each panel on the quilts represented a person who has died of AIDS in the Philadelphia area. Each quilt measures six feet long, which represents the size of a coffin and the AIDS Walk Fund used 44,000 panels. The friends and family members of the victims on the panels made the quilts. Cari Feiler Bender, public relations consultant and president of relief communications, said the quilts were a “great personal way to show how much AIDS affects us all and are great conversation starters.” Bender also said the quilts embodies something that “people don’t want to necessarily


As NASA shifts focus, will space travel continue?


Participants in this year’s AIDS walk congregate around the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 2011 marks the 25th year of the AIDS walk and 30 years since AIDS was discovered in Sub-Saharan Africa. talk about.” Bender also went on to say how the walk is huge step for a change. “One person can make a difference and it also encourages others to do the same. The statistics are alarming with one in five people infected not even knowing that they have HIV. With this walk, the participants are showing that it’s good to use cleaner needles, it’s good to use condoms, it’s good to get tested.” Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks and breaks down a person’s immune system. When the immune system breaks down, then the body loses its ability to fight off the virus and contamination. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the deadly disease that people with HIV advance to if tests show that the immune system has been severely injured by the virus. HIV can be transmitted from person to person

with specific bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids or breast milk from an infected person. There are 30,000 people living with HIV in the greater Philadelphia area according to the Philadelphia Department of Health, and Philadelphians are infected at five times the national rate, more than 50 percent higher than the residents of New York City. The AIDS Fund started out with a run that began at 8 a.m. with the walk following at 9 a.m. Along with the Philadelphians, Cabrini College’s sorority and fraternity came out for the great cause. Sophomore early childhood education major Alyssa Grenyer was not only there for the walk but to also get a great feel for the City of Brotherly Love. “I really enjoyed the walk because I got to get an outside experience of Philadelphia,” Grenyer said. “It’s such a beautiful city and I loved spending the day with my

sisters that I don’t normally see.” Along the walk were signs showing a certain event that occurred each year. Years from 1980 to 2011 were shown all throughout Kelly Drive and people were stunned by the statistics. The walk ended on a remarkable note with a cheery crowd greeting the walkers as they got to the finish line. The next AIDS Walk will be held next year on Oct. 21 and Bender finds this one is going to be just as good as the first. “I’ve done this walk eight times and every year it gets better,” Bender said. “When it first started, only 300 people showed up and we only raised $33,000. So you can see that one person, in which case the first 300 people made a change and that’s what we’re seeking for and this is what the AIDS fund is all about.” ANJ34@CABRINI.EDU

Grad studies welcomes new Dean BY KRISTINE SEMPTIMPHELTER

Staff Writer

For every undergraduate student that walks on campus, there are one and a half graduate students on campus. Martha Combs, the college’s new Dean of Graduate Studies, began her work at the college ready to share her passion for learning and eagerness for higher education. Combs has been in education for over 40 years. She began teaching in the 1960’s and taught for 15 years with children as young as kindergarteners to sixth grade students, as well as working as a curriculum specialist. Her pasMartha Combs sion for teaching grew to wanting to share her eagerness for others to learn. After receiving her doctoral degree, Combs was faced with a decision to become a principal at an elementary school or going into higher education. She began working with adults; helping them think about their work and how to better themselves, their education and their classrooms.

“Change is difficult,” Combs said. “Especially while in a classroom. You always have bodies who need something.” Combs then decided that she wanted to continue working in higher education. “I thought it was challenging to help people think about their work and to think about how to improve what was happening for students.” She began her work within higher education at Oklahoma State University where she stayed for six years. For the next 15 years, Combs worked at the University of Nevada, working with masters students as well as doctoral students and people who were trying to explore their teaching. Working with people who were advancing their studies became a passion for Combs, instead of an everyday job. In 2004, a friend of Combs’ working in Wisconsin asked Combs and her family to begin working to open the first doctoral program at Marian University. Like Cabrini, Marian is a small Catholic institution with a strong scene of what is socially just in the world. There Combs worked just with doctoral students. “It makes you step back and think about what motivates adults,” Combs said. “Especially people who are changing careers

or making plans to change careers.” Combs strives to help students meet their goals to succeed in their careers, which is the heart of graduate education. Combs refers to these students as “stewards” of education. Students who are doing advanced work are learning to take care of the fields for which they are working. After leaving Marian, Combs took another position near St. Lewis, Ill., where she only stayed for a short time period. Combs became hungry for the mission of social justice and became anxious for a position similar to the morals of Marian. During November and December of 2010, Combs came across a position at Cabrini College, where she was instantly intrigued because of the social justice message. It became clear to Combs that like Marian, Cabrini had a strong sense of justice. The challenges Combs faces is by thinking about what is it that people in the world around us need. “How can we match our skills to the needs of people in the region.” Combs said, “Bringing together faculty to find out more about their skills and what they have to offer ,and in some cases it will mean reinventing ourselves.”

When space shuttle Atlantis touched down for the final time at Kennedy Space Center, it signified the official end of NASA’s space shuttle program. The moment Atlantis landed also marked when uncertainty started over the future of human spaceflight into the 21st century and beyond. The United States has always been committed to the advancement of technology. It is entrenched in America’s psyche. The idea that nature can be harnessed and brought under control using scientific ideas and methods served as a catalyst for the inventions and innovations that have shaped our world and our society. However, in today’s economic climate and self-centered culture, there is a sense that continued space exploration is not important enough to contemplate in the minds of average Americans. The NASA authorization Act of 2010, signed by President Barack Obama, authorizes $58 billion for NASA programs through 2013. The law “supports an overall growth in science, aeronautics and space technology and defines a long-term goal for human spaceflight to expand a permanent human presence beyond low Earth orbit.” The act is a significant step in the right direction. The act also describes the Space Launch System (SLS), the replacement for the space shuttle program. The SLS will use transformed Ares I and Ares V vehicles to launch cargo and people into space. There have been thousands of technologies that were pioneered during NASA’s quest for understanding space. Memory foam, cordless tools, smoke detectors, scratchresistant lenses and computer microchips are all examples of inventions that we routinely use in our day-to-day lives. Without the space program, none of these would exist, neither would many medical treatments credited to space travel. It is a human need to explore beyond what we know and hold to be true. To push human technological progress forward into and beyond this century, as a global society we must continue to explore space, seek out new scientific frontiers and to borrow a star trek reference, ‘to boldly go where no one has gone before.’ JFC46@CABRINI.EDU


4 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011




REGION & CAMPUS Life and death hang in the balance

Occupy movement united under one thread: anger Not everyone marches in the same “contentious lockstep” but anger over a multitude of issues is uniting marchers of the Occupy movement. Many have been searching for jobs for months and have lost their homes from foreclosures and they want their lives back. Some have been arrested for their protesting but they will not stop fighting because they want to get their point across. mct Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 17, 2011

Traffic signs warn drivers to stay in their cars because of exotic animals on the loose near Zanesville, Ohio on Wednesday, Oct. 19.

Authorities kill exotic animals on the loose

Gadhafi was fugitive during his last days

Rifts between Murdochs surface

A couple that owned a 73-acre private reserve let out 56 exotic animals. The couples were animal lovers but also had a history of runins with the authorities. The owner said previously that he shot himself after letting the creatures out. The creatures were hunted down and shot by the Muskingum County sheriff’s deputies and other law enforcement officials due to the potential safety concerns.

Col. Moammar Gadhafi spent his last day after 42 years of absolute power in Libya surviving on rice and pasta. Throughout the siege, Mansour Dhao Ibrahim, the leader of the feared People’s Guard, always counseled the Colonel to leave power or the country. With the 2012 Libyan national election coming up soon, the country faces the certainty that even in death the colonel had hurt them.

Rupert and James Murdoch were seen fighting due to the disclosure of the widespread phone hacking at News Corporation’s British newspaper division. Their disagreement was about the clashing visions of young technocratic student of modern management and a traditionalist who rules by instinct and conviction. They were seen reassuring each other as they walked sideby-side through central London.

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 19, 2011

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 22, 2011

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 18, 2011

Wireless users will get alerts on excess use All cell phone carriers will be required to send alerts when customers are in danger of being charged extra on their account. The carriers and the Federal Communications Commission make this possible under an agreement. The agreement will start within a year. “I appreciate the mobile phone companies’ willingness to work with my administration,” President Obama said in a statement.

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 17, 2011

Friday, Oct. 28

Reception and Artist Talk: Laura Velez A free reception will be held for Laura Velez’s exhibit, “PERMISSION: A Collective,” running Oct. 22 through Nov. 20. There will be an artist talk at 5:30 p.m. in the Grace & Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery in the Library

Freak Week: Halloween Movie Marathon Come join the brave and Halloween-lovers for a Freak Week movie marathon for free in the Widener Lecture Hall from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Sunday, Oct. 30

Monday, Oct. 31

Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Graduate Registration Begins Graduate student registration for Spring Semester 2012 starts.

Freak Week: Haunted Mansion CAP Board will guide you through the haunted mansion. The entry fee is $3 and will be donated to the American Cancer Society. It starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Woodcrest Mansion.

For registration information, visit www.cabrini.edu/Registrar.

Women still cannot get top spots Read the original story on Philly.com | Oct. 23, 2011

Teresa Bryce Bazemore was a lawyer and noticed how men were working less and getting more recognition, more advancement, and more opportunities. She started the “Women on Boards.” For 11 years nothing has changed with local female leaders trying to get their voices across about how this issue is not fair. Read the original story on

Art exhibit comes to Cabrini Philly.com | Oct. 23, 2011

THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Oct. 27

Willie Cooper was awaiting a jury’s decision from being convicted of strangling his brother’s girlfriend to death. He was waiting if he would be sentenced to death. The biblical passage “an eye for an eye” was cited by the lawyer that told jurors that the ancient edict called for the death penalty only in the killing of a pregnant woman.

Saturday, Oct. 29 Sports See page 16 for a list of Cavalier games and times.

Tuesday, Nov. 1 BINGO night

SEaL will host 12 rounds of BINGO in Jazzman’s Café from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Laura Velez at Cabrini College presents a drawing, painting, and sculpture exhibit that looks at identity, self-awareness and mental perceptions. She uses wax, wood mirrors, paper and acrylic paint to represent her “trajectory of the past, present and the space in between.” She is an extroadinary lady who has received awards for her art including the Angels and Eagles Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA). Read the original story on Cabrini.edu | Oct. 16, 2011

Lia Ferrante Staff Writer lf375@cabrini.edu James Crowell News Editor


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

The Loquitur | 5

King Of Prussia Mall embraces electric cars BY SEAN COLLINS

Staff Writer


Above: A new electric car parking spot lies empty outside of Nordstroms department store, ready to be occupied. Below: The pair of charging stations sit idle next to their respective parking spots.

The King of Prussia Mall has recently introduced a pair of parking spots specifically for owners of electric cars. The parking lot offers built-in charging stations for environment-friendly, battery-operated cars. This step is not only convenient and green, but it also won’t cost the drivers a penny. These days, everybody is trying to go green, and the King of Prussia Mall is no exception. “We are pleased to offer shoppers access to convenient charging stations, while continuing our commitment to sustainability,” Robert Hart, general manager for the King of Prussia Mall, said. “The volume and diversity of our retailer offerings attracts customers from all over the region,” Hart said. “Those with electric cars can now visit King of Prussia Mall and shop with ease, while reducing their carbon foot print, confident that their cars will be recharged for the return ride home.” A ribbon cutting ceremony was held in honor of the opening on Friday, Oct. 14. The parking lot is located on the upper level of the parking deck of the Plaza in front of Nordstrom. There are two more parking lots to come that will be built on the Court’s upper level deck. “If electricity comes from a sustainable source, then it’s the best thing for the environment,” Dr. Caroline Nielsen, assistant biology professor and head of the Green Team, said. Nielsen went on to say that the major problem with electric cars is that the electricity has to come from somewhere. Unfortunately, most of it seems to be coming from coal and other fossil fuels that can still harm the environment. Some students, however, have mixed feelings of the idea of electric cars at the mall. “Here’s the deal about electric cars: they don’t burn anything, produce fumes, or use up our oil reserves by themselves,”

Nick Murphy, graduate student and English secondary education major, said. “The problem is, of course, that electricity still has to be produced somehow, and that’s usually with a lot of natural gas or petroleum. So if you’re powering your car with electricity produced by plant burning oil, how exactly are you saving the environment?” “The primary purpose of electric cars, hybrids, and the infrastructure/manufacture thereof is eco-snobs’ bragging rights,” Murphy said. “People don’t buy these cars to save money (the cost, even with government subsidies, vastly outweighs any potential fuel savings). They don’t buy them to save the environment. If they cared that much, they’d bike or bus or something. However, eco-snobs love the attention they get from all the sheep baaing “oooo… a Prius” or “oooo… an electric car! You must really love the environment. So basically, hybrid’s and electric’s primary purpose is to impress women.” “We live in a capitalist society,” John Flager, graduate student and English secondary education major, said. “No company just works for the cause anymore. They have an agenda. While I do believe that they have good intentions, I don’t believe the good of the environment is the only reason they’re doing this.” “This really is a turning point to help the environment,” Nielsen said. Nielsen also said that if charging stations increase like this, so will the number of electric cars along the highways. “This is really more of a start than a big step,” Nielsen said. “This encourages a technology that offers an opportunity for the future. But the important question is where is all that electricity coming from? It’s a certain step along a very long path, but it is certainly not the end point.” SFC35@CABRINI.EDU

Washington Center offers unique opportunities BY SHAE MCPHERSON Staff Writer Students attended the discussion, held at the Iadarola Center lecture hall on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 3 p.m. to learn about potential internships, academic seminars and intern abroad programs the Washington Center offers. “Students have been attending The Washington Center since 1985 and I’ve built a relationship with them within the last 10 years,” Dr. James Hedtke, professor and chair of the history and political science department and liaison between The Washington Center and Cabrini College, said. Hedtke has grown very fond of The Washington Center ever since his daughter acquired a internship there. “She had a great experience and since then, I decided to formalize this relationship,” Dr. Hedtke said. Patricia Guidetti, marketing manager of Academic Seminars at The Washington Center, has been working there for a year and this is the second time she has been at Cabrini College. She was the individual who led

The Washington Center discussion at Cabrini College. One of Guidetti’s responsibilities as a marketing manager is to put internship and academic seminars together and travel to various colleges around the nation. During the discussion, Guidetti said, “1,600 students attend The Washington Center a year and 56 percent of college graduates from

in Washington, D.C. and selected cities abroad, the internship programs consists of a work experience tailored to the students interests, academic coursework and civic and leadership programming. The Washington Center enables students to gain experience needed for entry-level employment and to prepare for

which I strongly believed in as well and took the opportunity to be involved.” “I am very interested in politics,” Morgan Hudson, junior business administration major, said. “I love everything about Washington D.C. and I’m going to do everything to get my foot in the door.” The Washington Center is

“I’m going to do everything to get my foot in the door.” MORGAN HUDSON

the class of 2010 held at least one job after their experience at The Washington Center.” The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars is a leading nonprofit educational institution headquarted in Washington D.C. It provides undergraduates, graduate students and professionals, from the U.S. and abroad, academic seminars on special topics and internship-centered academic terms. Offered primarily

lives of achievement, engagement and leadership. “I love it because The Washington Center is a very great opportunity and the premise is to make a difference and help students experience things first-hand and not just read about it in textbooks,” Guidetti said. When asked about how she began to work at The Washington Center, Guidetti said, “I read the job description about the pillars of The Washington Center

all about getting the chance to experience the real world from the inside and in doing so, students have the opportunity to change their lives tremendously. Students will develop marketable skills and will be connected to people and institutions that can open up doors to a fulfilling and meaningful career. At the conclusion of the discussion, Guidetti answered students’ questions pertaining to The Washington Center and said,

“The Washington Center is very inspiring and you will be able to see Washington D.C. from a different perspective that will allow you to appreciate it more than you normally would.” SAM384@CABRINI.EDU

6 The Loquitur


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Zombies are going to end the world as we know it. When I make this statement, I either end up having a long, in-depth conversation about the reasons behind my belief that brain-eating, undead walkers are going to take over the planet, or I am told I am insane and should get a hobby. Now, whether or not you believe in zombies (which we would never refer to them as such due to the horror movie rules), crazies, walkers or the infected, if the Center for Disease Control has a plan, you should too.


s. Sure d a o r k he bac ’re stuck in t e k a T en you scape the ways. h h w g i t h u g to e e. ous b . Get to ru ff the n n i o i t p y m a o t m v e ral areas. te r t a .S r o a g s m r s n t e o Many peo m re or the w h t e o e o r s f u o y o a mall whe s p y d m g n n y a i s e k i u h r a d e essentia le believe heading t o ea. Wron m h t y l h l t i a l g to a groce s are easi w ic ly found ry ble becau . Fleeing to popul traffic , you’re bas i a s s t e k e t h d a o e n e a c b r reas is th e a perso rilliant ies, there outb e worst i n is bitte are more d n e , a possithe sprea corners to smartest i d is quick h d i e d a e e s a o attacks . On r are not by round. Isolated far . In citwhen run ly pack essentials m surprise. s are the . You nee nin d to be q food, reli g from a herd of h uick a abl un throw som e footwear, medic gry, decaying droo nd agile ati lers. Wate e family p r, hotos in y on and if you’re wear bec ause with sentimen our bag. P t al the fear o ack a cha them. f being ea nge of un , derten, you’l and am n u g l probabl a e y need . Steal nds. Now, b s n o p a e u t with w multiple ro noises. Blun f l e s r t rm you at can shoo ck to loud ype objects A g in . tt u P . es n one th e undead flo her lethal-t u are cayour loved o l il , k n to ed o ar i p t is re ot about . Be p muni cause thes hat yo s and w meone we care e so t f o k e d c e ea h h a b e c th . p a basis a bullet into wary ives, m round. Only aponize. l with on a daily ea n d to k e av , h s e t w e em objec t to carry a not something over-w infected, save th es t m o o ec n b e a n o e o are gr carrying. D But if that loved less monster. Pro in ra b a g in m o bec ble of of an a es m p ti from the fate of In . ed ct m being infe tect yourself fro s but try not to st co l al at f el rs you d as apocalypse, save ou could be use Y . rs o iv rv su er no . Climb piss off the oth the group. Trust in ” y u g u at h “t e m o a ec b f b o u u o e y ildings. G p, not down. Zom shap e bait if th in d n u o w et to the t bies cann y-looking op and de ot climb one with a shad s or scale t r o y t h e staircas ast. F . em th ff O e. it e b .







MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor mmg65@cabrini.edu


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Putting the SEXY in


To all you girls really stressing over a last minute Halloween costume, stop. We all know what the easy and ofttaken solution to your costume dilemma is. There is no shame (necessarily) in the “easy” way out anymore. I just feel that someone had to call it out. So go ahead, stop worrying, don’t run and buy a mask, just slutty it up. Why bother with an elaborate costume plan when looking good on All-Hallows-Eve is three-step simple. Pick something, anything. Random professions tend to work well; dress up as that. Then remove half those clothes. Done. Like magic a costume is born. For example: let’s say you want to dress up as a doctor. Get a lab coat and stethoscope, don’t wear pants and add “sexy” to the front of the costume name. Now you’re a “sexy doctor,” a perfectly acceptable Halloween costume. Come to think of it, there are less and less popular girl costume ideas that don’t throw the word “sexy” in front of them. Most of us are so numbed to it that the existence of a “sexy pineapple” or “sexy kiwi” costume wouldn’t even surprise us. Those costumes do exist by the way.

The Loquitur 7

HALLOWEEN Look, I’m not saying that these costumes are the worst cultural blight out there. In fact, as a college-aged, straight male, I can’t exactly oppose this kind of attire. (And for all the girls out there who don’t do this and/or spend a lot of time on an elaborate costume, no offense intended). But given the mess that many guys go through planning for Halloween, something had to be said. We dudes don’t have it quite as easy. I’d go out on a limb and say most of us aren’t gung-ho about dressing up. It’s dressing up for god’s sake. Besides, in order to be sufficiently funny/cool we generally need a costume that is either cumbersome, too hot, too cold, has an annoying mask, or some combination therein. Nonetheless, we need costumes because, one, girls expect us to have costumes (and good ones) and, two, the only parties at this time of year are of the costumed variety. So dress we must, and often not in a flattering or comfortable way. I’m not positive about this, but I tend to doubt most people would appreciate if I dressed up like a power ranger, sans-pants and called myself a “sexy power ranger.”

You girls on the other hand, are free to go out looking good (for the party setting) and not worrying about how to drink through a mask or if the banana costume is on straight. Given that, maybe you can understand my mixed emotion when I see a girl wearing cat ears, a black bra and short black shorts as a “costume.” Sexy though it may be, if this wasn’t Oct. 31 you wouldn’t be dressed as “cat woman.” You’d be dressed as a stripper, with cat ears. It’s not to say that all this is a bad thing. This newfound method of costume creation is easy and you’d be hard-pressed to find too much opposition to it without our age-group. I’m not here to bash “sexy” costumes per se. We just need to stop the charade. If I have to wear something goofy and annoying, can we at least stop pretending that you girls are stumped for an easy costume? Please and thanks.


Halloween trick or treat ?


Every year, children all across the country get dressed up for one night as their favorite super heroes and princesses and wander around town asking for candy. Sounds a little shady if you ask me. And as they grow up, they start doing this ritualized begging without the supervision of our parents. In the world we live in now, with so much attention placed on the kidnapping, abuse and exploitation of children, do we really think it’s safe to let young kids roam about town in the search of free food? I remember when I was younger, my parents always made sure to check my candy before I started my Halloween feast. Any wrappers that were already open or candies that looked a little suspicious, they would take and throw away. I thought my father was doing this just to be a pain because he wanted a cut of my hard earned loot. Turns out they weren’t kidding when they said they were looking to make sure

nothing was wrong with the candy. In the neighborhood I grew up in, there was a lot of very strange people living around me. I was lucky enough to have parents who were smart enough to look out for me. But what about the kids whose parents didn’t check their candy or the kids who grew up in even worse neighborhoods than I did?

and ensuring all of the candy is safe. As much as this takes a little bit of the thrill of the hunt on Halloween, I think it’s a great idea. After all, the whole point of Halloween is to get candy so who cares how they get it, right? Then what happens after children graduate from trick-or-treating? In the ear-

“Do we really think it’s safe to let young kids roam about town in the search of free food?” What’s to stop some freak show from slipping drugs into a candy bar? Many areas are adopting a new form of trick-or-treating that helps kids stay a little bit safer. Neighborhoods are holding trick-or-treat sessions during the day or in a large park where it is easier to supervise what goes on. This helps eliminate the threat of children running around town at night and potentially getting hurt as well

ly years of high school, kids tend to think they are too cool to go around and ask for candy so they decide to just get dressed up and get drunk with their friends. Halloween then turns from the strange ritual of begging strangers for candy to the strange ritual of girls dressing up like sluts. Another shady situation, in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about getting dressed up for Halloween and looking like a cute

cat or devil, but I think we have to make sure people don’t go overboard. When a high school or college girl thinks about their costume, the first thought that runs through their mind is usually, “what can I wear that has the least amount of material and will get me the most attention?” Stores that sell Halloween costumes for women don’t even sell ones that aren’t slutty. The names of these costumes are things like “Sexy Kitty” and even taking innocent characters such as Minnie Mouse and turning it into “Hot Minnie Mouse.” Guys and girls then parade around town, not in hopes of free candy but in hopes for a little extra attention from their fellow party animals. Halloween may have started off as harmless ceremonies to ward off evil spirits or ghosts, but now it has turned into an excuse to beg for candy or dress like a skank. It has always been one of my favorite holidays, but I feel some of the traditions need to be a little re-evaluated. elm53@cabrini.edu


8 | The Loquitur

Fre Wee Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011

The Scariest Time of the year on the BY CHELBI MIMS Features Editor In light of the haunted legend of the campus, CAP Board developed “Freak Week,” this annual week of events during Halloween is based on the history of Cabrini and Halloween. Legend is ghost haunt campus becuase of the the forbidden love of the wealthy daughter, living in the mansion, and stable boy. The daughter of the house fell in love with one of the stable boys and got pregnant. When her father found out about this, he forbid her from seeing the stable boy and banished the boy from their home. He was so mortified with the news that he hung himself in the stables in Grace Hall. When she heard about the news of his death, she jumped out of the second-floor balcony, killing herself and her unborn baby. This year’s “Freak Week” includes a week of Halloween related events. Friday Oct. 21 : a haunted trip to Bates Motel, a top scare zone

that scares guest with pyromanics and special effects. Monday, Oct. 24: a Ghost Hunter explored the mansion for paranormal activity. He started with a presentation in Grace Hall. Then students used his equipment to tour Grace Hall and the Woodcrest Mansion to explore ghost activity. Tuesday, Oct. 25 : WYBF hosted Spooky Scavenger Hunt. Groups wandered around campus to hunt for clues for VIP prizes Wednesday, Oct. 26: students enjoyed a dinner for $5 in the Mansion and uncovered the mystery of the crime in Capture the Clue Mystery Dinner. Tonight, dance the night away and raise money for the American Cancer Society during the Boo-B Dance. Also, cheer on the fall sports teams heading into the CSAC playoffs and enjoy performances by the cheerleaders, Cabrini College dance team and the Cabrini steppers at the Blue and White Halloween Havoc. On Friday, Oct. 28, join CAP Board for a scary movie marathon in Widener Lecture Hall.

On Sunday, Oct. 30,wander through the spaces of the Mansion for the haunted mansion tour. Entry fee is $3 and will be donated to the American Cancer Society. CAM376@CABRINI.EDU

Top Left: Members of CAP Board prepare to scare students for the haunted mansion tour. Submitted by: CAP Board Top Right: Students mingle during last years Capture the Clue Mystery Dinner Submitted by: CAP Board Center: The Mansion is notorius for ghost and demon sightings. Submitted by: Cabrini Archives Center Right : During ghost hunters many tactics were used to call on ghost Taken by: Mark Amorim Center Right: Bates Motel MCT Far Right : Junior, Nick Casey and freshman Melanie Felkner operate the ouija board Taken by Mark Amorim


Tuesday Oct 25.

Wednesday Oct 26.

Ghost Hunters

Spooky Scavenger Hunt

Capture the Clue Mystery Dinner

Ghost hunters return to campus to explore paranormal life.

Scavenger Hunt through the campus sponsored by Cabrini’s radio station, 89.1 WYBF-FM.

Enjoy a meal in the Mansion while you uncover the mystery.

Thursday Oct 27.

Friday Oct 28.

Sunday Oct 30.

BOO-B Dance and Halloween Havoc

Halloween Movie Marathon

Haunted Mansion

Dance the night away to raise money for American Cancer Society.

Watch scary movies in Widener Lecture Hall.

Wander through the spaces of the Mansion you’ve never been and feel the history in the building.


eak ek Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011

The Loquitur | 9

haunted campus of cabrini college

Express Yourself


What is the scariest movie you have seen?

“Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

“The Shining”


“The Uninvited”

-Anthony Girolamo, senior finance major

-Paige Robins, sophomore English major

-King Saah, senior graphic design major

-Kim Carlson, senior political science major

Arts & Entertainment

10 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011


LAURA HANCQ / editor-in-chief

Bridesmaids Rudy Finding Nemo

Cabrini students embarked on a rainy bus trip to New York City to see “The Addams Family.”

Cabrini takes on Broadway BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY Staff Writer The air exploded in excitement as the audience joined in with the classic snaps of the “Addams Family” theme song. The tight quarters of the mezzanine in the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre and the rainy day was overshadowed by the eagerness of both being in New York and specifically being a part of the Broadway production of “The Addams Family.” “‘The Addams Family’ theme song is so great because everyone is familiar with the tune, even if they aren’t familiar with the show itself,” Nichole Capizzi, freshman double major in marketing and communications, said. “The audience all joined in the snapping in the opening number.” Before the opening number, the commute made an impact. The rain did not stop the students and family on Oct. 14 on the bus for New York from displaying their enthusiasm. A vote took place of which movie to watch for the bus ride there. “Addams Family Values” gained the majority of the votes from most on the bus. This set the mood for the trip. Melanie Felkner, freshman special education major, enjoyed the movie playing because it got her even more ready for the show. Felkner, who usually goes to New York with her parents, found it “definitely more fun” being with her friends to see a Broadway show, walking around the city, shopping and visiting great places like the Stardust Restaurant and M&M world. Lilly Hatheway, freshman honors student, who also spent her time with her friends, had a ball. Spending over an hour in the five-story Forever 21, she basked over the ability to walk around, see different stores and simply enjoy herself prior to the show. After the whole group divvied into sub-divisions, the Cabrini entourage all gathered in the

lounge area of the mezzanine. There, everyone was more-than ready for the show. Samantha Shea, sophomore criminology major, and Theresa Paesani, sophomore graphic design major, were analyzing the environment with an eye for theater. Both are the students in charge of the college’s very own stage crew. As they read through the playbill, they took note of who was starring, what was different from the original production and what understudies where filling in for the night. Also taking note of the cast was Hathaway. “I thought that Wednesday did a really good job. I was surprised because she was the understudy,” Hathaway said. “It made me wonder what the real actor was like.” Shea was disappointed to see that Wednesday’s hair was not in the iconic “Wednesday pigtails” and the actress adourned short hair. Her short hair “was to demonstrate her maturity,” Paesani said. The music, the dancing and the acting were very impressive. There was not a bored face in the audience. With the changing of scenery to include the city of New York, playful use of puppets and helpless romance stories, the twist of “The Addams Family” kept the audience engaged with suspense, laughter and compassion. All of the actors gave a dynamic show. While they all were impressive, the grandma had the most votes for favorite character. Felkner described her as hilarious especially at the dinner table when the guests came to visit. Hathaway said that the grandmother was a “comic relief.” With Wednesday falling in love, Gomez and Morticia Addams are forced to cope with their daughter growing up and issues stirring of their own and Pugsley has become saddened because his sister no longer tortures him. The play was strong and entertaining through the very last scene. JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU


Left: Samantha Shea holds up the musical’s playbill. Right: Nicole Capizzi and Madison Milano ride the bus.


JENY VARUGHESE / a&e editor

Enchanted A Walk to Remember The Little Mermaid

Application of the Week: The New iOS 5 Update


In recent weeks, Apple has released a new update called iOS 5. Now, the iPhone does so much more than it could before. You now have your own personal notification screen that you can access by just sliding your finger down your touch screen. You can keep track of all your notifications in one convenient location with the notification center. You get all kinds of notifications on your iOS device: new email, text, friend requests, and more. New notifications appear briefly at the top of your screen, without interrupting what you are doing. The lock screen displays notifications so you can act on them with just a swipe. Remember when you could only use your text tones that came with the iPhone? Now you can have your favorite song play when you receive a text message. You can now access the camera from the lock screen, snap a picture with the volume-up button and add grid lines to compose shots. There is also a new way to text iPhone-to-iPhone users; you can now iMessage. The screen will turn blue when you are texting


another iPhone user and it will notify you when your message is delivered. Also, at the bottom of the screen, you can see if they are responding back to you or not. iMessage lets you send text, photos, videos, locations and contacts to any iOS 5 users over Wi-Fi or 3G. There is also a new app called Newsstand, which puts all your newspapers and magazine subscriptions in one place, and lets you shop for more with a tap. Organize your life in smart, location-aware to-do lists using the new reminders app. You can now tweet from Safari, photos, camera, YouTube or maps with system-wide Twitter integration. Organize photos into albums, enhance with a tap, crop and rotate, and remove red-eye without leaving the photos app. Read clutter-free web articles with the reader. Safari reader displays web articles without ads or clutter so you can read without distraction. The reading lists also allow you to save interesting articles to peruse later. iOS 5 has its own independence. With iOS, you no longer need a computer to own an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. You can activate or set up your device wirelessly, right out of the box. This new Apple update has opened the door for what the iPhone can do and now it seems anything is possible. TLM366@CABRINI.EDU




Grab your flashlight and head down the the Laurel Hill Cemetery for a frightful tour. Tours will guide you through the dim-lit pathways and across the forest of tombs and sculptures.

This is a different kind of Halloween Party. This costume party benefits The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, where you can be a “hero” for a family stationed in the house.

After a several-year hiatus and a brand new record, Evanescence is back in the area and ready to put on a great rock show.

Laurel Hill Cemetery (3822 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia), $20, 7-9:30 p.m.

City Tap House (3925 Walnut St, Philadelphia), $10, 9 p.m.

House of Blues Atlantic City (801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City), $35, 7 p.m.


Arts & Entertainment

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

The Loquitur | 11

Halloween Costumes

on a tight budget

BY KELSEY ALVINO Prespectives Editor

wearing a grecian dress and accessories such as gladiator sandals and large jewelry.

Halloween is just a few days away. Do you have your costume ready? If not, it is time to start planning your costume! Halloween is a favorite holiday for many people. Not only is it an excuse to dress up, it is also a great time to get creative. Some people may feel the panic of having the best costume, especially when you’ve already heard what great ideas everyone else has already come up with. Check out some of these simple costume ideas, hopefully they will get your creative wheels turning.

Bag of Jelly Beans

Medusa Create snake braids like those of the mythological Medusa. If you have long hair, separate it into ponytails and braid them. For short hair, just pin up ends (or use hair extensions).Wrap braids into a bun; pin, and weave in small snakes. Use bobby pins to secure larger snakes. Complete the look by

One large clear plastic trash bag, scissors, duct tape, two packages of round multicolored party balloons, enough to fill up the “bag,” and one long strip of colorful fabric or ribbon to top off the look. You will need some materials to pull off this creative look. Blow up the balloons to about twice the size of your fist; smaller is better to get the jelly bean look. Cut two holes in the bottom of the trash bag just wide enough for the thickest part of your legs to fit through. Reinforce the edges of holes with duct tape so it will not rip throughout the night. Step into the bag and pull it up. The bottom of the bag should ride near the top of your hips. Then cut armholes in both side of the bag, large enough for your shoulders to stick out. Keeping slack in the waist so there is room for the balloons, gather extra material around neck and trim away until you have about eight inches left. Take off the bag and reinforce armholes with duct tape.

Bunch of Grapes This creative look is similar to the jelly beans but it will only cost a few bucks and will take about 10 minutes to make. Dress in all green or brown to look like the “stem” of the grapes. Blow up a number of purple balloons and attach them to your body with safety pins (obviously at the knot end) and you’re good to go.

Picnic Another easy creative idea that will not cost a

lot of money is to be a Picnic. It sounds strage, but it is creative and almost guaranteed there will not be another costume similar to yours. Use a plastic red and white checked tablecloth (or just red if you can’t find the “classic look”). Cut a hole in the middle for the head. Then glue plastic plates and picnic-type food (plastic food, play food) on the plates.

Where’s Waldo? Another easy, cheap costume is “Where’s Waldo?” It’s not only fun, but easy to emulate this elusive character. Put on your blue jeans and slip on some brown shoes. Next, find a red-and-white striped turtleneck, or t-shirt, black glasses and a hat. You can awkwardly walk into people’s photos and when your friends can’t find you at the end of the night, it might turn out into an ironic game.

God’s Gift to Men/Women I have seen this, semi conceited costume done a few times. However, the look is a popular easy costume to create. “Me in a Box,” aka: “God’s gift to women” or “God’s gift to men.” Halloween is the one holiday where you can get away with (almost) anything, even a bad joke. To dress as “God’s gift to women” or “God’s gift to men” start by getting a large cardboard box and covering it in wrapping paper. Then step into the box tied with a bow or place a bow on your head. For the extreme, dramatic finish, be sure to create an oversized tag that reads, “To: All women,” “From: God.” or “To: All men,” “From: God”. Maybe this costume will spark some jokes but at the very least it will be simple to make.

Rock, Paper, Scissor A great group costume would be a Rock, Paper, Scissor. Take a trip to the craft store and grab some construction paper and foam and make each piece of this costume in a matter of an hour or two. KMS69@CABRINI.EDU

BlogRoll: Keiko Lynn


For me, I think it is always hard to find interesting, fashionforward blogs that offer an array of different information. When I look at a fashion blog, I not only want to see interesting fashions, but also cosmetic trends and hairstyle tutorials. I basically want everything about fashion all rolled up into a neat little URL, and I can finally say that I have found everything I wanted in Keiko Lynn’s self-titled blog. First of all, this woman is completely gorgeous. This 26-yearold clothing designer never offers an unoriginal look and every photograph seems completely genuine. She blogs often with photographs of what she’s wearing that day, which is always a fun and whimsical play on traditional pieces with a few showstoppers thrown into the mix. I think what I like most about this blog is that everything seems completely wearable. She isn’t doing anything that I couldn’t do with the items in my closet, she is just much more creative than I. Everything that Lynn posts is completely interesting and new. She has a way with clothes that puts many other generic fashion blogs to shame. Everything she posts has an aire of personality to it and she posts a range of different looks, from going out to more causal daytime outfits. A favorite feature of mine from Lynn’s blog is the Makeup Mondays column that as the name says, pops up every Monday. Her makeup posts range from dramatic smokey eyes to sweet and simple looks that can be worn during the day. She writes about some of her favorite products, such as an entire post dedicated to new and different lipstick colors and what to pair with them. She is also great at rocking a fantastic red lip. Another beloved section of her blog is the hair tutorials that give you step-by-step photos, and even videos on how to style your hair in the perfection that see does. The most useful section of Lynn’s blog is that she offers an immense link of other blogs and websites that offer styling advice, shopping hints and fashion tips. All in all, Lynn’s blog offers a more up-and-coming feel to the world of fashion blogging. DCC59@CABRINI.EDU





Grab a seat for this Halloween-themed movie event. Get $3 off your first drink and early birds get a free beer and bag of popcorn for getting there before 7 p.m.

See how some of Philadelphia’s most up-andcoming comedians can handle the stage and maybe grab that mic yourself.

This all-you-can-eat-and-drink blow out will celebrate everything Lousianna and their fantastic food. Live music, crowning of the Percy Pecan Queen and don’t forget the pecan pie.

The Trocadero Theatre (1003 Arch St., Philadelphia), $3, 6:30 p.m., 21+

Helium Comedy Club (2031 Sansom St., Philadelphia) $5, 8 p.m.

Percy Street Barbecue, (900 South St., Philadelphia), $50, 6 p.m.

Arts & Entertainment

12 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Penitentiary WEEKLY REVIEW guarantees Three haunted attractions all in one farm screams BY STARLENE SOLER Staff Writer Who doesn’t enjoy a good scare every once in a while? This year, Eastern State Penitentiary is celebrating their 20th anniversary of “Terror Behind the Walls.” “Terror Behind the Walls” is a Halloween attraction that takes place at the penitentiary every year. Actors dress in spooky costumes and roam the halls of the penitentiary at various “attractions” in different rooms of the prison. Many of them are dressed as deceased prison guards and prisoners, others just look zombie-like. The actors stand outside the prison and try to get the best possible scare out of people about to enter the attraction, as well as people just passing by. For some people, the terror begins before they even make it to the gate. There is a “ghost bus” that runs every half hour from the parking lot to the attraction. Each bus or trolley has a storyteller, usually dressed as a deceased prison guard. This year on Nov. 12, Eastern State Penitentiary will be celebrating their 20th anniversary. Hundreds of haunted house owners will be meeting at the penitentiary to put on a post-season performance of “Terror Behind the Walls.” Celebrities from multiple paranormal TV programs will also be there, telling guests their stories and experiences that occurred during their visit. Some of Eastern State’s most popular “characters” are also being brought back in honor of this anniversary. These characters are known to bring the most scare, giving visitors the best possible experience. Tickets to this event gain the buyer entry to six different haunted attractions: the Gauntlet, Lock Down, Infirmary, The Experiment (in 3D), Night Watch and Break Out. Another special event that takes place at the prison is Family Night. On Family Night, kids who are too frightened can yell “monster be good!” if they want to be left alone, and the actors must obey the child’s orders. Family Night at the penitentiary takes place every Sunday. Also on Sunday nights, students that show their school ID get $10 off their ticket if they go after 9 p.m. For those who don’t like wandering the halls of a haunted landmark late at night, there is a daytime tour of the prison. These tours, unlike the “Terror Behind the Walls” tours, take place all year-round. Eastern State Penitentiary was not only voted one of the most exciting haunted attractions in the country, but it is also one of America’s most historic prisons.



Arasapha Farms in Glen Mills, Pa. has one of America’s best-ranked haunted attractions known as the Bates Motel. At the farm, there are three attractions that patrons can enjoy. There is a haunted hayride through the woods, a haunted corn maze and the main attraction, the Bates Motel. Normally, the first attraction people encounter is the hayride. There are set stations that the tractor brings customers through and at each station there are impressive props that bring the horror to life. Not only are there terrifying and graphic props, but there are also actors dressed in costumes that come out from the woods to scare everyone further. The tractor also plays a soundtrack of songs, which changes upon the arrival at the different stations. At Arasapha, the actors are allowed to touch patrons, unlike at many other haunted attractions and this also adds to the experience. Not only are the actors coming out of the dark and startling everyone, but they also will touch and pull people to get the full fright out of them. There is also a stop that the tractor makes where actors come out with chainsaws (without the chains) that they actually put against the tractor and touch

people with. This stop got the most screams. After the hayride is over, you walk down a path that is lined with fenced-in corn stalks on either side. At the end of the path is the side of the Bates Motel. To the right is the entrance of the corn maze. At the beginning of the corn maze, a gruesome clown greets patrons. When entering the corn maze (which isn’t really a maze at all but actually a guided path through the corn stalks), patrons have to enter a dark tunnel that at first has plenty of space but then turns into a tight, dark space. Though it is hard to describe, it is basically a blown-up walkway that squeezes together and forces people to face the fear of darkness and claustrophobia at the same time. From there, it opens up to the first scene. New this year, the owners added a section where patrons have to walk through a tent full of clowns. The exit of the corn maze opens up to the general area and has easy access to the entrance of the Bates Motel. When entering the Bates Motel, there is an actor waiting to scare you and from there, you are contantly screaming. The building has twists and turns and it zigzags around corners and through rooms. There is even a part when customers go outside to a “gar-


Images of the Bates Motel conjure fear for those who enter the haunted farm.

den” area and though they might feel a sense of relief, that doesn’t last for long. Once back inside, the zig-zagging continues until the last room when actors chase everyone out. All in all, Arasapha is a fun and spooky environment. While waiting in line, there is music playing and there is a large movie screen projector that plays scenes from scary movies, footage from a “scare cam” and even a trivia game. There is also

a snack bar that serves food and drinks at affordable prices. Arasapha has pretty reasonable prices and they offer discounts on specific days. Also, there is always a coupon that is printable off their website. For all three attractions, they offer a combo ticket that is $30 on weekdays and $40 on weekends.


Ghost Hunters unlock Cabrini’s haunted past BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY Staff Writer Many have heard of the haunting of the Woodcrest Estate, specifically the Woodcrest Mansion. The Ghost Hunters took over and taught students how to find exactly what they were looking for, the spirits of Mary and Xavier, the prohibited young lovers. “Everyone had a ghost story,” Dwayne Claud, ghost hunter and demonologist, said. “But everyone is too scared to tell it, because they were scared of what people would say.” The night began in Grace Hall Atrium with approximately 200 hundred students gathered to hear the introductions. The audience was educated on three different ghost types: the dark shadows, the incubus and the possession. The dark shadow hovers on the ground in a black-colored shadow. Individuals as young as 5 have experienced seeing a face in a shadow. The incubus is a sexual demon. This type of spirit has been heard to whisper ‘give them penis’ after females have spoken. The possession takes over the body, changing voices and speeding up speech. There are different kinds of encounters that individuals have with ghosts. Each way is individual and unique. Ultimately, “there’s no way to explain it,” Claud said. By using ghost boxes, an audio set that scans frequencies that allowed them to ask questions, as well as other professional tools, students were sent on a mission. The mission was to find ghosts. They were encouraged to use their cameras with flashes, voice recorders and all senses to see, especially feel, if something paranormal took place.

When the lecture adjourned, the group split up into three groups. At this time, people who were not comfortable were told to leave and the head count dropped to approximately 135 participants. The walk from Grace Hall to the Mansion had people spooked. The women’s field hockey team stayed close together, friends were linked arm-in-arm, and people paced themselves to assure that they were not the last in the pack.

“Everyone had a ghost story, but everyone is too scared to tell it.” DWAYNE CLAUD, GHOST HUNTER AND DEMONOLOGIST

The groups split immediately. The five locations covered in the Mansion were the basement, boiler room and hallway, the foyer and the infamous balcony where Mary ‘jumped’ and the hallway on the third floor. There was a great amount of disappointment in the midst. People where taking the event as a joke. “It’s upsetting,” Alana Fazio, sophomore early childhood education major, said. “People don’t really care. I don’t think that anyone will experience things tonight because there are too many people and many don’t believe in it.” This held true. When the groups were

smaller, no larger than nine people, people experienced things. In larger groups where there was a majority of playing around, there was no sign of any activity. The basement and the foyer had the most activity for the night. Rachel Knaub, freshman graphic design major, and Katie Loynds, freshman undecided major, were ones in a smaller group who experienced a lot of activity. Knaub and Loynds described the ghost in the basement as a friendly, nice spirit that was not trying to bring any harm. Because someone gave the Ouija board negative energy, the hall of the basement was “alerted.” On the other hand, Peter Morrison, senior Spanish education major, was able to contact his grandfather through the spirit for about an hour-and-a-half. He started off by asking the spirit if it was anyone who once lived in the house. After a series of questions, Morrison learned that it was his grandfather. For proof, he asked about the spirit’s wife and daughter. Morrison recalled the spirit leading him to objects that began with the same letters as his kin’s first names. Before Morrison closed the conversation with the spirit, he felt a touch on his back that sent chills down his spine. He described it as “the weirdest feeling of my life.” After it was all said and done, the crowd slowly dispersed. While some people came alone, there was not a single person heading back to the residence halls or parked cars alone. “Kinda makes you think twice about what’s in your closet, doesn’t it?” Claud said. JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

The Loquitur | 13


The ups and downs

of Theo Epstein


Friendship crucial to goalie’s success BY KRISTINE SEMPTIMPHELTER Staff Writer Eric Nowicki, sophomore business administration major, is the starting goalkeeper for the Cavaliers men’s soccer team. Nowicki was named CSAC Player of The Week in November 2010 and also earned a CSAC Honorable Mention nomination. During his senior year at John Carroll School in Bel Air, Md., Nowicki began his search for his future college. Nowicki’s older brother Matt, 22, was attending Arcadia University at that time. Growing up, Eric had a desire to follow in his brother’s footsteps and play soccer in college. “I used to watch him play at Arcadia all the time,” Nowicki said. “I knew I wanted to play soccer in college too.” In his search for the right school, Nowicki originally had his eye on Eastern University. But after one visit to Cabrini’s campus, Nowicki knew Cabrini was where he wanted to go. “I was convinced after I saw the campus,” Nowicki said. Back at home in Maryland, Nowicki’s high school friend, Ryan Cerrato, was also searching for the perfect school. “It was really up in the air,” Cerrato said.

“But I knew I could trust Eric’s judgment.” After visiting, Nowicki was set on attending Cabrini and committed in early February 2010. He told his friend Cerrato how much he liked the campus and Cerrato immediately knew he could take what Nowicki had told him to heart.

“Eric is the vocal leader on the team. He’s definitely the loudest.” Ryan Cerrato

“Because of the snow storms at that time in Maryland, I was unable to visit the campus myself,” Cerrato said. Eventually, Cerrato determined that he wanted to go to Cabrini since his friend liked the campus. They hung out with the same friends in high school and continued to bring that friendship to Cabrini. But they weren’t always the best of friends. “I used to know Ryan as the kid with the goggles,” Nowicki said. Growing up, Nowicki and Cerrato played on opposing club teams. They grew up

as rivals but then became friends in high school. Once they decided they would be going to the same college, what was to stop them from being roommates? “It’s better to live with someone you know,” Nowicki said. Since their freshman year, they have lived in East Residence Hall along with a few other roommates and teammates. Since the pair has lived so close for the past two years, Cerrato has gotten to know Nowicki very well. “Eric is the vocal leader on the team,” Cerrato said. “He’s definitely the loudest on the team.” Nowicki is always ready to play and his position as goalkeeper allows him to be the eyes of the team and oversee everyone on the field. KRS52@CABRINI.EDU

Eric Nowicki - No. 1 Position: Goalkeeper Class year: Sophomore Major: Business Administration 2010 stats: 8-8-0, three shutouts 2011 stats: 9-7-1, one shutout

As a Red Sox fan, I feel as though I am totally in Theo Epstein’s debt for bringing in the right players for both World Series championships that Boston’s boys of summer have won in the last decade. While the euphoria of 2004 and 2007 can never be taken away from Red Sox Nation, it’s time for change. Epstein has done a lot of good and a lot of bad in his tenure as general manager of the Red Sox but I don’t think he is as good of a GM as a lot of people think. The good: he replenished a very anemic minor league system with tons of prospects that are either playing for the Sox now or are serviceable players elsewhere. He also had enough guts to trade franchise icon and fan-favorite Nomar Garciaparra to address glaring defensive issues that led to the 2004 World Series title. The bad: he has signed a lot of notable free agents to ridiculous contracts that just have not worked out. The list is too long, but trust me when I say he has an awful track record of free agent signings, save for David Ortiz, Bill Mueller, Johnny Damon and Adrian Beltre. The other reason I don’t think he was as good as people think is because he inherited a lot of good players from the Dan Duqette era who were essential in bringing both of the titles to Boston. Since 2009, they’ve blown it in the playoffs and the regular season and Epstein was criticized every year for not addressing the team’s pitching needs at the trade deadline. Obviously, a lot of this falls on the players themselves for not living up to their unnecessarily large contracts (Josh Beckett, John Lackey and Carl Crawford, to name a few) but Epstein is ultimately the one who brings these players in. (Note: Epstein did not make the Josh Beckett trade but did give him a contract extension at the start of the 2010 season). Epstein does not put the uniform on and run out onto the field every night but I’ve questioned his ability over the years to mentally evaluate players after all the drama with Manny Ramirez over the years, Edgar Renteria feeling isolated from his teammates in 2005 and the complacency that turned this year’s team into a collective locker room and on-field joke. Despite how I may feel personally about him, rational fans like myself realize that those titles wouldn’t have happened without Epstein. Thanks for everything, Theo. Good luck in Chicago.


14 | The Loquitur


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Cabrini falls

short in quest for CSAC title BY BREANNA STANLEY Staff Writer The women’s tennis team defeated Marywood Univeristy by a score of 5-4 in the semifinal round of the CSAC playoffs on Friday, Oct. 21. The Cavaliers then faced off against Gwynedd-Mercy College for the CSAC championship on Saturday, Oct. 22 and won by a score of 5-3. The semifinal and final rounds were held in Easton, Pa., at Northwood Racquet and Fitness Club. Katie Kennedy, sophomore communication major, won her singles matches against Marywood by identical 6-1 scores. Senior Michelle Lettmann, sophomore Adriana Scotto and sophomore Victoria Nastala also won their singles matches for the Cavs. Marywood took two of the three doubles competitions. The team of Lettmann and Nastala won their match by a 9-8 score. Alexis DiCamillo, senior human resource management major, fell short with a 2-6, 0-6 loss against Marywood. With their previous loss against Marywood two weeks earlier, the team was very satisfied with the end result this time around. As for the Gwynedd-Mercy match, the Cavaliers hoped they would be able to avoid their third loss in the CSAC final for the third time in the past four years. However, the Lady Cavs fell 5-3 as Gwynedd-Mercy claimed the CSAC title. In singles play, Kennedy, who played in the No. 1 spot, fell short to Rachel Fein of the Griffins. Gwynedd-Mercy would end up taking four of the six singles matches with the Cavaliers. The team of Nastala and Lettmann defeated Chelsea Jones and Caroline Lockwood by a score of 8-6.


The women’s tennis team posted a 13-3 record in the 2011 season. Despite advancing to the CSAC final for the third time in four years, Cabrini fell to Gwynedd-Mercy by a score of 5-3. Gwynedd and Cabrini were tied 3-3 when the Griffins took advantage of Cabrini. Cabrini freshman Samantha Trumbo lost her match 6-1, 6-4 and DiCamillo fell 0-6, 6-4, 6-1 in her singles match against Jessica Scarpello. The Griffins took home the title after Scarpello’s victory. “It was upsetting to lose but we made it to the finals. Second place is not bad for being underdogs in the tournament,” Kennedy said. While the game ended the Cavaliers’ season, Lettmann and DiCamillo both saw their collegiate tennis careers come to an end as well. Lettmann finished her four-year career with a 50-19 singles record while DiCamillo recorded 47 career singles

victories. Despite leaving tennis behind, DiCamillo still enjoyed her final season with the Cavaliers and expressed a lot of pride in her teammates. “Our season as a whole was amazing,” DiCamillo said. ““I am so lucky to have been a part of this year’s team. Those girls made my senior year the best ever.” “We will be losing two very strong seniors for next year,” Kennedy said. “Hopefully our coach can find some good recruits but no one can replace Alexis and Michelle.” Cabrini finished the 2011 season with an overall record of 13-3 as well as a CSAC record of 8-2. BMS75@CABRINI.EDU


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

The Loquitur | 15

Men and women’s swimming teams ready to compete BY JENAY SMITH Photo Editor The men’s and women’s swim teams are genuinely excited about the season ahead and the responsibilities it brings. The first meets of the season for the swim teams were against the University of Scranton and Fairleigh Dickinson University on Saturday, Oct. 22. The men lost 6430 against Scranton but came back to beat Farleigh Dickinson 53-32. The women lost to both opponents by scores of 65-29 and 56-39, respectively. “I am incredibly excited about the season,” Tim McCann, sophomore history major, said. “I’m one of the older kids on the team now so I feel like I have more responsibility. It’s just a lot of fun to be here and it’s one of the things I love doing.” On the two teams, there are a combined nine freshmen this year. For the women’s side there are five, a number that includes Rebecca Barrett, a freshman political science major from Wilmington, Del. “Being a freshman on the team is pretty great,” Barrett said. “I got to meet a lot of new people and it’s nice coming in and having a family-like situation where you get to meet everyone and everyone is welcoming.” Although the first meet is important and exciting, the meet that seems to have most of the swimmers excited is the Grove City championships. Kimberly Crowther, sophomore special education and elementary education major, is particularly excited about the Grove City championships. “Last year it was the best meet that I have ever been to in my life,” Crowther said. This year, Crowther is ready to make it to the top 16 for breast stroke. The Grove City championship is made up of two conferences and every swim team they compete against participates as well. The meet is at the end of the year so they are eager to see how their young team will fare against all the other swim teams.

“This season is going to be a little tricky because we are a young team so we’re not looking to win a lot of meets,” McCann said. “It’s more of just getting our personal times down to where they need to be and staying in shape.” Many of the members from last year were seniors so the focus for this season is to build up the team. There is some hope according to Walter Jesuncosky, senior history major and sports management minor. “It’s a young team but it’s a lot of potential so it should be interesting,” Jesuncosky said. Jesuncosky is excited about competing especially because this is his first year back. He suffered from shoulder and knee injuries in the past, which prevented him from swimming. The injuries are still currently bothering him but since it’s his last year, he’s fighting until he finishes the season. The seniors on the team admit that they are going to feel some nostalgia after leaving the team. After this season they are most likely not going to swim as a sport but more of a hobby. This is why they are excited and want to push through any obstacle in their way and have a great year. One thing all the teammates can agree on is working hard in practice. “It’s a lot of hard work during practice,” Crowther said. “It’s a lot of time so you really need to put a lot of effort into it and work really hard during practice.” The swim team as a whole practices every night Monday through Friday. They also have morning practices on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A normal practice for them consists of some drills and some laps in the pool. “Swim as hard as you can in practice until you die pretty much,” Jesuncosky said jokingly. The members on the swim team this year are young but they are working hard to prove that a young team can still do well. JMS587@CABRINI.EDU


The men’s and women’s swim teams both began their 2011 seasons on Saturday, Oct. 22.

Financial Fanatics win 2011 wallyball tournament BY JESSE GAUNCE Copy Editor The fifth-annual Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament commenced on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at the Dixon Center with Financial Fanatics taking home the title by defeating the Monstars! two games to none in a bestof-three series. The event began with 16 teams and took place over the course of three days. Participants were able to choose their own teams consisting of three or four people. For those who are unaware, Fair Trade helps farmers build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities. Fair Trade products are goods that come from far-away farms where farmers and workers receive minimal compensation. Some students played for the competitive aspect and some played to raise awareness. “It was awesome playing in this tournament because of the fun competition but also for raising awareness in Fair Trade,” Brian Bell, senior criminology major and a member of the Monstars!, said. “Any time you can bring awareness to an issue that is not talked about much, it’s always good knowing you did something that could help that issue out.” Wallyball is almost the same game as

volleyball except players can use the walls. Other participants, like Ryan Bunda, senior criminology major, were encouraged by their professors to sign up and make a difference. This was Bunda’s first time participating in the event. “Our professor, Dr. [Kathleen] McKinley, wanted a team to represent the criminology/sociology department so she asked for people to sign up during class,” Bunda, a member of the Monstars!, said. “We just went out there to represent our department and for the good of the cause. This was the first year that I participated in the Wallyball Tournament. I actually had never even heard of wallyball until I came to Cabrini.” Although the only real prize of this tournament was bragging rights, students still had the desire to win and showed that through their in-game strategies. “We just tried to use our height and athletic advantages on teams and tried to capitalize on any disadvantages we saw in those teams,” Alexx Sites, senior human resources major and a member of the Financial Fanatics team, said. Sites was also happy to be involved in an event that promoted something many Cabrini students and faculty feel very strongly about. “It was a great cause and outcome to


From left to right: Adam Sodl, Connor Mulligan, Christian Angerame and Alexx Sites made up the 2011 Financial Fanatics team that won the 2011 Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament. have for Fair Trade,” Sites said. “I have done projects on Fair Trade for other classes but never did anything actively towards it. A lot of time the thought is ‘what can we do,’ and no one ever sees the understanding of how a wallyball tournament has an effect on Fair Trade. I believe a lot of our retailers

around the U.S. use unjust ways to make more money. It makes you think and do research before you buy their products.”



16 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011

Men’s soccer completes comeback, defeats Rosemont 2-1 on Senior Day BY ROB RICHES Staff Writer The Cavaliers men’s soccer team defeated Colonial States Athletic Conference rival Rosemont College 2-1 at Edith Robb Dixon Field on Saturday, Oct. 22. This game had strong playoff implications for the Cavs, who won three out of their last four games and entered the contest in third place in the CSAC. Rosemont entered the game tied with Keystone College for fourth place and is currently one of several “bubble” teams that may make the playoffs depending on how the next few games go. Winning would have been beneficial for both teams’ chances in the playoffs, something that gave the game an intense playoff-like atmosphere. “Today’s win is huge because it still leaves Rosemont behind us in the standings,” Glen Jaskelewicz, head coach, said. “If we lost, Rosemont would have leapfrogged over us for third place but because we won, we keep sole possession of third.” The first six teams in the CSAC make the playoffs. The first and second seed both get a bye in the first round of the playoffs and the third place team gets home field advantage. After Saturday’s game, the Cavaliers remain in third

place and with two games remaining against Philadelphia Biblical University (tied for fifth place) and Keystone College (tied for fourth place), the Cavs have the opportunity to take first place and secure a bye in the first round. The game against the Ravens got off to a rough start for the Cavaliers. At the 19-minute mark of the first half, junior defender Ryan McElroy scored to put Rosemont up by a score of 1-0. The Cavaliers had several chances to tie the game but were unable to do so and walked into halftime still down 1-0. However, they found their equalizer late in the game. At the 75-minute mark of the second half, sophomore back Brett Lockbaum established that the Cavs were not going to go down without a fight and scored to tie the game at one. Time expired 15 minutes later, sending the game into overtime. “Kyle Johnson made a beautiful pass to Christian Martin and Martin put up a great ball,” Lockbaum said. “It would’ve been just horrible if I didn’t finish that one off. I was at the right place at the right time.” The Cavaliers entered overtime with the intent to bury the Ravens and at the six-minute mark of overtime, did just that. Freshman midfielder George Lambritsios scored the

game-winning goal to give the Cavaliers the victory. “Jim Mattock passed it to Eric Collins and it luckily bounced out to the middle,” Lambritsios said. “I have to give credit to Mattock and Collins, they made that play happen. This game was very important and was a big win. It’s a step higher for us to make the playoffs.” The Cavaliers sophomore goalkeeper Eric Nowicki was solid as well, making four saves on five shots on goal. The saves he made were spectacular and a crucial reason why the game was as close as it was. Not only was this a big game in terms of the standings, this was also a big game because it was the last regular season home game for the senior players. Prior to the start of the game, Collins, Mattock, Johnson, Jake Neary, Jake Thomas and Anthony Girolamo, all seniors, were honored in an emotional ceremony on the field for their accomplishments and dedication to the men’s soccer program over the past four seasons. “This was [the seniors’] day, so it was nice to give something back to them,” Lambritsios said.




ABOVE LEFT: Cavalier midfielder George Lambritsios attempts to gain possession of the ball and move past Rosemont defender Tom Bottoms. ABOVE RIGHT: Cabrini back Jim Mattock runs down field with the ball against Rosemont on Saturday, Oct. 22. Mattock was one of six seniors honored for his dedication to the men’s soccer program before the game.

Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, Oct. 27

Friday, Oct. 28

Field Hockey vs. Alvernia University 6 p.m.

No Events

Sunday, Oct. 30

Monday, Oct. 31

No Events

Women’s Soccer Quarterfinals TBA

Saturday, Oct. 29 Volleyball @ Keystone College 1 p.m.

Men’s Soccer @ Keystone College 3:30 p.m.

Men’s and Women’s Swimming vs. Rowan University 1 p.m.

Men’s and Women’s Cross Country CSAC Championship TBA

Tuesday, Nov. 1

Wednesday, Nov. 2

Men’s Soccer Quarterfinals TBA

Field Hockey Semifinals TBA

Volleyball Quarterfinals TBA

Women’s Soccer vs. Semifinals TBA

Follow the Cavaliers in the CSAC playoffs by visiting www.CabriniAthletics.com or scanning this code:

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