Nov. 17, 2011 Issue 11 Loquitur

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‘occupy This’

Home Opener Victory

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Page 16 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009


Radnor, Pa . Radnor, Pa.

Penn state backlash hits home


Pacemaker Winner Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LIII, Issue 11

Life-saving music!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ comes to Cabrini

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Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* SARAH LUCKERT / DEPUTY EDITOR #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. The Mwamba Children’s Chior, consisting of orphans and underprivileged children from Uganda, performed in the Grace Hall Atrium as a part of ,)6&* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* the college’s annual Cabrini Day celebrations. As the centerpiece of Spirit:V-'/$3'* Week, thisW*X-%1* year’s'/"* theme was'/)'* Orphans & Vulnerable Children. O($4,"#&* 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* want the best for our kids,” LarryH%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 their education, Cabrini stands education Cabrini offers will Sokolowski, father of Megan :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* alone with maintaining merit continue to work hard to make BY KELSEY ALVINO Sokolowski, junior communica-change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. scholarships as is. the price of college affordable to Perspectives Editor tion major, and a perspective stu- 9/"*Cabrini will maintain merit R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* everyone. C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* dent Caitlin Sokolowski, said. scholarship awards at current “It may be bittersweet for the ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* BY CHELBI MIMS “This guarantees pricing that levels. In addition, the college seniors but in the end, it’s for #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* Features Editor helps us to help our kids achieveundocumented. will work with its students to the greater common good, which their goals and stay in the col- :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* keep Cabrini affordable for them. is the mission of the college,” Cabrini is now one of five cur- lege of their choice,” Sokolowski`aAbF=*“I!"T)3,* thought was Quiana Volney, senior)("* marketing &)-.8*the :b@*news O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* T3"('$*

Tragedy and scandal struck Penn State University last week amid allegations and a federal investigation of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who was indicted on 40 counts of sexual abuse of young boys between 1994 and 2009 with at least 10 potential victims coming forward. The indictments, which came after a three year grand jury investigation, brought to light a host of possible cover-ups within the athletic department and led to the firing of 45-year head football coach Joe Paterno and the forced resignation of school President Graham B. Spanier. The shadow of this molestation case that descended on Happy Valley last week precipitated student riots and a nation media onslaught the backlash of which is being heard and felt across the country. Cabrini has seen the effects of this wide-reaching scandal hit both students and faculty alike, prompting a town hall forum in the Iadarola Center rent colleges across the United said. “This guaranteed pricLecture Hall on Thursday, Nov. States to dramatically reduce the ing and tuition roll back shows 10. Hosted by Dr. Paul Wright price of tuition rates. The Board how responsive Cabrini is to the ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 and Dr. Michelle Filling, assisof Trustees of Cabrini College has needs of their students and partant professors of English, the authorized a 12.5 percent reduc- ents. Thanks Cabrini for making forum aimed to further inform tion in undergraduate tuition it easier for our kids to achieve students and to clear the air and fees, effective fall 2012. their goals.” regarding the ongoing probThis announcement, made on Not only has tuition gone lems at Penn State. Thursday, Nov. 10, will have a down by 12.5 percent making +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* NOELLE WESTFALL The hour-long meeting major impact on the current state the price of private education E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER touched on the origins and of the college community. $29,000 but now current and NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 timeline of the known allega“Cabrini College is finan- perspective students have been :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* tions, as the faculty and stucially strong and students will promised that their families can 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* dent responses at Penn State, continue to experience the same plan for college costs through $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* the legal precedents in play, extraordinary programs and fac- May 2015 not reaching above American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* and the current and possible ulty,” Cabrini President Marie $30,000. )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 future ramifications on the Angelella George said. “The Board of Trustees the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* University. This plan for affordability will believes strongly that this is the '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* Many in the Cabrini athhelp families despite the current right thing to do - for students :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* letic department weighed in economic struggles that many and for the College as a whole &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 on the nature of the supposed college students face. - as we seek to live our mission eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* crimes of Jerry Sandusky, the “I am pleased to see in these of providing an Education of the sophomore accounting major and co­chair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* tough economic times, finally Heart,” George said. C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* an institution of higher learnAlthough Cabrini is one of five 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* PENN STATE, page 14 ing realizes that we as parents colleges reducing the price of

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College cuts undergraduate tuition, falls below 30K 7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D


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great,” LeAnna Sierra, freshman major, said. undecided, said. “I was actuAlthough the price of Cabrini ally thinking about transferring is dropping, the community and !$##%&'()*+', because of the cost of the school classrooms will remain the same. and this news makes it easier for “When I first heard the news, me to stay.” I thought that many things onThe college will continue vig- campus would change but now orously on its path to strengthen that I know everything will and add programs and faculty for remain the same and tuition is both undergraduate and gradu- lower its amazing news,” Gregory ate programs, move forward as Robinson, sophomore political scheduled with implementation science major, said. of Board-approved strategic and With small class sizes and percampus master plans and con- sonal attention in the classroom tinue providing undergraduate as a selling point for Cabrini perand graduate students with a spective students, only an estivalues-based education that pre- mated 25 more applications will pares them for successful lives be selected for the growing class and careers., George said. of 2016, keeping the class size More than 98 percent of stu- around 350 students. dents receive need-based financial aid or merit scholarships KMA69@CABRINI.EDU from Cabrini. This decrease in tuition and new system will CAM376@CABRINI.EDU assure students that the private

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2 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

Editorial: Priority: football or children?


Cabrini College president Marie Angelella George addresses perspective students and their families about the reduction in tuition planned for Fall 2012. Undergraduate tuition and fees will remain below $30,000 through May 2015.

Editorial: Core values upheld through cutting tuition, maintaining scholarships Total student loan debt exceeded total credit card debt in September 2010. By the end of 2011, student loan debt is likely to top $1 trillion, according to Tamar Lewin of The New York Times. In this time of economic crisis, The Board of Trustees of Cabrini College have authorized a 12.5 percent reduction in undergraduate tuition and fees, effective fall 2012. The plan for affordability will increase access for the families Cabrini has served in the past and will continue through May 2015, keeping tuition and fees under $30,000. CNN Money released a report of five colleges cutting tuition this year by at least 10 percent. Cabrini is the only college that will cut tuition and maintain merit scholarships and awards at current levels. At a time when public colleges in Pennsylvania are all being forced to raise tuition next year, this is truly incredible. President Marie Angelella George assured students in a written statement that these cuts will not affect the future strategic and master plans. Programs for undergraduate students as well as graduate students will continue to be strengthened and added, as well as maintaining valuebased education. Meaning, Cabrini’s campus will continued to be improved as per the plan and students can continue to look forward to all of the great things in store for Cabrini. When hearing the word “cuts,” a person generally imagines a plan to save money due to financial problems. Cabrini guarantees financial strength and instead is aiming to please and assist current and perspective students by focusing more on the mission of the college. As a college seeking to provide “Education of the Heart,” cutting tuition seems only right. Our mission and course curriculum focus heavily on social justice.

Social justice should start at the core of our education. The Loquitur editorial staff would like to applaud and thank the Board for this bold move and standing up for the core values of this college. Cabrini does not want to gain an abundance of students by cutting tuition. The administration believes that a few years ago, Cabrini actually had more students than the college could comfortably accommodate. In turn, the tuition cuts will create a more selective admissions process in order to find the ideal Cabrini students. Returning students in the fall of 2011 were able to experience the changes made to campus including a renovated dining hall, a beach volleyball court and picnic tables. While recent graduates may have felt as though they missed out on the new and improved campus, changes are being made each year to better the college and increase interest. Senior students will not be able to take advantage of the tuition cuts. The Loquitur editorial staff, composed of juniors and seniors, feels the tuition cut is the right thing to do for students, current and future. There is always going to be a class that will miss out on something new. The best way to look at it is if Cabrini can increase their reputation through a tuition cut and gain even more of the right kinds of students, the value of every single one of our degrees will increase. As alumni, we will have the opportunity to proudly state that our college did right by the students and families by focusing on their financial needs. It is a testament to the kind of people that make up this special community. We couldn’t be more honored to be Cavaliers.

Last week seemed like a whirlwind of emotions and news with the allegations against former Penn State defensive coach Jerry Sandusky. As college students, we feel a special connection to the Penn State community. We know how it feels to have pride in our school, maybe not as intensely as Penn Sate does because after all, it is Penn State, but we can imagine the betrayal and heartache felt by students, administration and alumni. Unfortunately, it seems that this scandal is just beginning. Every day brings more horrid details. While the rioting by Penn State students wasn’t necessarily a positive reflection on the student body, imagine being in their shoes. The school you love so much, the money you or your parents are pouring out for a degree that could now be looked down upon; everything is in jeopardy. You worked so hard to get where you are, to possibly get into your “dream school,” just to learn that your tuition dollars are helping to pay the salaries of corruption. Adults must do everything in their power to protect children, the most vulnerable members of society, and arguably, the most important. Children are the future. They are our pride and joy and our hope for a better tomorrow. Anyone who allowed innocent children to be abused, so as not to damage the reputation of a football program, is at an extreme fault. The Loquitur editorial staff has to wonder, where are our priorities in life? When did it become more important to protect a football program than to protect the most vulnerable members of society? Do athletics trump our inherent obligation to protect inno-

cent youth? Absolutely not. We all know money makes the world go ‘round. It’s no exception when it comes to colleges and universities. In a school with the size and dominance of Penn State, athletics is the largest source of revenue. Athletic programs, mainly football, directly affect the amount of donations from alumni. While we know all this to be true and we understand that this is certainly a risky business, schools have to draw the line between being a “football school” and an academic institution committed to higher education. Education above all. This is where we, as Cabrini students, have the utmost gratitude for the Cabrini experience. Cabrini believes in an education of the mind and the heart. We can see it in the administration, athletics, student body, faculty and visitors that come to campus. Cabrini defines the “Education of the Heart,” as being “dedicated to academic excellence, leadership development and commitment to social justice.” It is without a doubt that athletics can make for an incredible college experience, for players and fans alike. However, nothing is more important than protecting human life and dignity, especially that of children. The Loquitur editorial staff applauds the members of the Penn State community who have chosen to commit themselves to pray for the victims, fundraising for organizations dedicated to ending child abuse and the rebuilding of their community. Penn State will be strong once again. The strong, moral and educated will put the university on their shoulders in order to rise from the corruption and continue on the path to academic excellence and community. We are…with you.

The Loquitur

2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR James Crowell NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio


PHOTO EDITOR Jenay Smith COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

Above: Perspective students gather in the Widner Lecture Hall for a student panel disscussion on student life. Far Right: A perspective student and family member walk along a path on the commons. Far Bottom: Familes gather in the Nerney Field House for a brown bag lunch. Middle Bottom: Perspective students and their families hear about the communcaition department. Top Bottom: The romance languages and literatures department hosts perspective students during their open house session.


The Loquitur | 3



4 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011





Occupy Wall Street vows to reclaim park

Cabrini reduces tuition, maintains merit scholarships The college’s Board of Trustees authorized a 12.5 percent reduction in undergraduate tuition and fees, effective fall 2012 through May 2015. To learn more, visit

Early in the morning on Nov. 15, Zuccotti park was cleared by police due to “health and safety conditions” according to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Home to the Occupy Wall Street movement, the park was the site where many were arrested trying to remain there, including reporters for The Associated Press.

Read the original story on | Nov. 11, 2011 mct

Read the original story on | Nov. 15, 2011

New York police officers move to remove all of the Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park in New York City on Tuesday, Nov. 15.

U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear health care case

Student support waning for President Obama

The highest court in the country agreed to hear a challenge to President Obama’s 2010 health care overhaul law. This challenge now sets the stage for arguments by March 2012 and a final decision in late June as the 2012 presidential campaign enters its crucial final months. The Supreme Court now must determine not only constitutionality of the law, but the balance of the law as well.

In Nevada, Emma Guerrero volunteeerd for Barack Obama’s presidental campaign and although she does not blame his administration for her state’s 13.4 percent unemployment rate, she says she cannot help get him elected for a second term. Her sentiments now reflect many of the former volunteers that now say they do not have the drive or ambition to campaign for Obama in 2012.

Read the original story on | Nov. 14, 2011

Read the original story on | Nov. 14, 2011

Syrian refugees erect temporary camps in Turkey

Congressional supercommittee now down to the wire The congressional supercommittee on deficit reduction now has less than a week to reach a compromise or a series of automatic cuts will take place, spliting evenly between military and civilian programs. Although the cuts would not take effect until 2013, some worry that such a failure could lead to a substantial stock market slide and loss of investor confidence. Read the original story on | Nov. 13, 2011

The Turkish government has said that the refugee camps are a “temporary residence” for the country’s guests, but the nature of their constructon does not indicate such. There are paved roads and cobblestones sidewalks that link the camps and electrical lighting is present throughout the “temporary” camp. Read the original story on | Nov. 14, 2011

First-year Registration Begins

First-year priority student registration for Spring Semester 2012 starts.

RA Info Session

The Office of Residence Life is seeking students to be a Resident Assistant for the 20122013 academic year. Come to the RAC from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for more infomation.

Sunday, Nov. 20 Cabrini Theatre presents “And Then They Came For Me”

“And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank” is presented in the Grace Hall theatre from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.


Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 18 Cabrini Theatre presents “And Then They Came For Me”

“And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank” is presented in the Grace Hall theatre from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 21 Monday Mile Walk

From 11:30 a.m. to noon in the Marketplace, come join Jess Huda for a mile walk, meeting at the Health Hut in the Marketplace. Walk the most Monday miles this fall and win a $50 gift card.

In an interview with Bob Costas, Jerry Sandusky said that he showered with young boys, but never molested any of them. The former Pennsylvania State University coach talked with Costas on NBC News’ “Rock Center With Brian Williams” during the Monday, Nov. 14 broadcast. In a rebroadcast of an 1987 interview, Sandusky joked that he started the organization because he enjoyed “being around children.” Read the original story on | Nov. 15, 2011

Young victim able to identify shooter

THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Nov. 17

Sandusky admits on Rock Center he’d ‘horse around’ with boys

Saturday, Nov. 19 Cabrini Theatre presents “And Then They Came For Me”

“And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank” is presented in the Grace Hall theatre from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 22 Active Minds Meeting Active minds will have their meeting this month in the Iadarola Center, Room 101e from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Come find out about mental health issues and help reduce the stigma that sometimes surrounds these issues and keeps people from seeking the help they may need.

A 10-year-old boy was caught in crossfire in Philadelphia’s Tacony section late on Nov. 14. The shooter was described as an African American male, roughly 20 years old, 5-foot 8-inches tall and wearing a black hat, a gray sweatshirt with a hoodie and blue jeans. The boy was standing on the corner of Marsden Street and Unruh Avenue around 8:15 p.m. when he saw the man in an alley near the 6700 block of Marsden. Read the original story on | Nov. 15, 2011

By James Crowell News Editor

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011


The Loquitur | 5

Red Cross hosts blood drive, encourages donation BY SEAN COLLINS Staff Writer Students were offered a opportunity to make a contribution to those in need during this semester’s blood drive on Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. The Cabrini community eagerly showed their intent to help save lives through their donations. “I know I’m helping out others,” Elena Cruz, sophomore English major, said. “I’ve been giving blood every year since I was 18-years-old.” Others graciously stepped out of their comfort zones and decided to help out the cause by giving blood. One such volunteer was Devin McKenna. McKenna graduated from Cabrini in 2005 and decided to come back for this particular event. “I have never given blood before,” McKenna said. “I’m doing this because I know it is a good way to help people and that it can be hard to find someone’s exact type. I’m definitely a little nervous, but I hear it helps to look away.” The volunteers encouraged other students to give blood whenever the opportunity is available to them. “It’s not nearly as bad as most people make it out to be,” Cruz said. “It really is a good cause.” “There is no other way to obtain blood other than through donations,” Sue Fitzgerald, coordinator of Student Health Services and school nurse, said. “Giving blood is a really easy way to have an impact

people. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only 37 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood and less than 10 percent do so annually. Fitzgerald said all of the units of blood collected at the blood drive will stay local and are not shipped outside of the region. “The human body is constantly making new blood all the time,” Fitzgerald said. “There is no real benefit to your health from giving blood. Unless of course you count the real sense of accomplishment you feel afterwards.” SFC35@CABRINI.EDU

Upcoming Blood Drives in the Area: SUBMITTED BY LAUREN SLIVA

A student donates blood to the American Red Cross for individuals in need on Oct. 29, 2010. Every blood donation saves three lives and since college students tend to have the healthiest blood, they are urged to donate as often as they can. on others’ lives.” “It’s more important than most people think,” Anders Aronson, junior exercise science major, said. “I know that if any of my family members were ever put in a situation where they needed blood, I would want to be the one to give it to them.” Aronson also said that there is a lack of volunteers who donate to this most worthy cause. “It is such a rewarding experience to know you can help people like this,”

Aronson said. “There is a brief wooziness afterwards, but it is completely worth it. It’s important and it’s very relevant. Besides, your body reproduces blood every 90 days, so it’s not unhealthy.” Fitzgerald said blood cannot be duplicated and doctors cannot make it, so by donating blood, you are saving lives. The average life span of a red blood cell is four months. Because of this, you can give blood every 56 days. Just one donation alone can save the lives of up to three

• Upper Darby Educational AssociationBeverly Hills Blood Drive WHEN: Monday, Nov. 21, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: Beverly Hills Middle School 1400 Garrett Rd Upper Darby, Pa. To sign up, go to • 4th Annual Philadelphia Eagles Blood Drive

WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 3, 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. WHERE: Lincoln Financial Field SCA Club Level 1 Philadelphia Way Philadelphia, Pa. To sign up, go to

6 The Loquitur BY RANSOM COZZILLIO News Editor

Last week I finally visited Occupy Philadelphia, and it did not disappoint. Having long derided the “Occupy” movement from the sidelines, I was intrigued by the prospect of getting some time on the ground with disillusioned iconoclasts. It’s no secret that since inception I have not been a fan of this ragtag band of economic protesters, and the accumulated hangers-on. To me, their lack of a concerted focus message seemed more like a tantrum than a crusade. Besides, my current understanding of economics, unfortunate though they may sometimes be, does not mesh well with “demands.” The opportunity to see it all in person, however, offered a new lease on the movement. Now I could talk to these people on the street, in the tent and put human faces to this cacophonous mob. I say this with all honesty, I was willing and open to having my mind changed there, or at least adjusted from “opposed” to “understanding.” That, however, did not happen. My notions were re-inforced by the people I met there and things I saw there. It is disjointed, there is no focus other than a very broad sense of dissatisfaction, and the people that seemed to speak the loudest also seemed to know the least about what they were speaking. Nowhere was this more evident than in the signs and slogans carried proudly by “Occupy.”


Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

Occupy this... Shouldn’t the signs you hoist in selfrepresentation be written to express how you really feel? If so, then my opposition to “Occupy” needs go no further than the signage: “Bailout my student loans” – Why? While I understand the animosity many in debt feel towards banks that were bailed out, there is a simple principle being missed: pragmatism. Is it a shame that the US government had to bail out banks that failed? Yes, ideally that would not have happened. However, if the US government refuses to, suddenly your movement has a few million (conservatively) more voices. That may sound useful, but a few million more jobless and homeless doesn’t. On the other hand, if the government cut your student loans, that you took to buy a service that you actually used…you see where I’m going with this. ”Kill the rich! Kill Wall Street!” – Aside from being both morbid and French-Revolution-y, this shows a grand lack of continuity in thought. Yes, we get it, you don’t like the rich and how much money they control. But if you’re mad at rich people for being rich, why limit it to the Wall Street bankers? They at least have done something to earn their wealth (namely go to school for years and practice their craft at an elite level consistently). Shouldn’t this message instead be

aimed at lottery winners and trust fund babies who have done nothing to earn their keep? Besides, in a country where the wealthiest 10 percent of people pay a whopping 68 percent of the federal income tax and the bottom 50 percent pay just 13 percent, shouldn’t the poorer want the richer around to foot that bill? Especially when eliminating the wealthy won’t suddenly make the middle/lower class billionaires; there’s a reason the blue collar workers of the country aren’t managing multi-billion dollar hedge funds. Who counts as rich anyway? The wealthiest 10% begins at $111000 a year per household. Sure that’s good money, but presumably a husband and wife that drive taxi cabs for a living could make that number. Are they really the villains here? “Fracking is Genocide” – and the wheels start to come off. It doesn’t help this was plastered across a 15- foot- wide banner. Yes, fracking (the process of shooting a liquid chemical mix into the earth to extract natural gas) is bad for the environment. But genocide? That’s more than a step too far. “Down with Capitalism!” – and the wheels are off completely. Never mind that the man carrying this sign was also carrying a large Starbucks coffee (not cheap) and wearing $100 (estimated) Sperry shoes. The very existence of this sign

demonstrates a fantastic lack of awareness both in history and in the economy. The last time a large country tried to bypass capitalism (Soviet Union) they wound up unable to get their hands on amenities like toilet paper and burning money instead of firewood because it was cheaper. Not to mention one of the benefits of capitalism and free markets is they allow you access to the paper and markers used to make that sign at competitive prices. It may not be perfect, but, to paraphrase Winston Churchill: it’s the worst system conceivable, except for every other system out there. Now, I realize that signs are not exactly detailed elaborations of anyone’s true ideology (at least I hope not). But at the same time, it’s the short message you’ve chosen to represent yourself, that gives it some gravitas at least. I make an effort to be informed and understand my beliefs and causes, I apologize if I hope for the same from my occupying mobs. I don’t hate the people of the “Occupy” movement; I met some admirable protesters that day. In fact, the nature of their protest and the raw emotion they show towards their belief is admirable. If only they knew or understood what they believed. RJC72@CABRINI.EDU

Free condoms for school students? BY VICTORIA TARVER Staff Writer

There’s always been a debate on whether condoms should be given out to college and high school students. Some agree and plenty disagree. When it comes to my opinion, I think it’s a great idea. First, young women today are becoming pregnant at even younger ages than before. It used to be a problem when 18 year olds were getting pregnant. Now it has gotten to the point that “16 and Pregnant” was created to try to show young girls that it’s not as easy raising a baby as these girls think it might be.Teens who cannot afford to buy condoms or feel uncomfortable buying them themselves could just get them from school. This is easier for them and will prevent diseases from being spread. I know a lot of people don’t agree with this, but if you really think about it, just handing out a simple form of protection could save someone’s life. Condoms should be handed out in school because regardless if the condoms are given out or not, kids are having sex anyway. So why not take a precaution and prevent STIs and pregnancy. A lot of parents say that it’s a bad idea giving them out because they are basically condoning that it’s okay to have sex. On the other hand, I think that if they don’t there could be a bad outcome and then the parent would have wished that they did. If I were a parent, I would rather have the condoms distributed because it’s better to be safe than sorry. At least you know that when the kids are having sex, they will have protection to help them in the long run. To get on a deeper note, condoms being distributed can also reduce the numbers of unwanted abortions that teens get because they’re not ready for a child or simply they just don’t want to keep the baby. I also think that handing out condoms might make teens more comfortable with asking any questions that they have about sex. In an article I read on an HIV website, it stated before 2002 globally, an estimated 11.8 million young people aged 15-24 were living with HIV. That was nine years ago, so now it’s probably even worse (UCSF 2011). Now it’s 2011. So just think about how many more teens are being affected by this. To be on the safe side, the condoms should be given out. People should not be focused on whether it is bad or not, instead, they should

• An estimated one in five Americans has genital herpes infection, and up to 90 percent of them don’t know it. ( 2011) • One out of every four sexually active teens has an STI, and one in two sexually active youth will contract an STI by age 25. (, 2011) • 10,000 teens are infected by STIs per day, one every eight seconds! (, 2011) • One third of all new HIV infections are among people aged 1524.(AVERT.ORG, 2011)

focus on safety. There is a very high chance that if you do not use protection your health will probably be affected one way or the other. I would rather be safe than sorry and hand them out. It’s better to know that teens are having sex with protection, instead of knowing they’re having sex without it and putting themselves at a serious risk. VT65@CABRINI.EDU

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011



Do Your Words Cut

Bitch, faggot, nigger: Words cut deep “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” This is the greatest lie that I have ever heard, and any human being could ever tell. Words cut deeper than a knife with salt tearing into your flesh. There are words that are thrown around like they have no meaning at all. Words that mean nothing: bitch, faggot, and nigga. The truth is, mankind has made words that are X-rated, acceptable to society’s standards. What troubles me most is our campus has sunk to the negative levels of the world. “My bitch is BAD.” “My main bitch.” versus “You’re a bitch.” Is there a difference in what you are saying? This word is a crazy double standard. When a female is referred to as a bitch it is deemed acceptable as long as there is a “Bad” attached to it or it is used as a term of endearment. It is also more acceptable if a female calls a female this but not if a male says it. Truth is, not one human being is capable of being a female dog, so it is not appropriate for anyone to be referred to as one. It is not a compliment, nor is it a term of endearment. It is an insult when a male says it to another male, when a male says it to a female, and it needs to always be considered an insult when it is used female to female. It is disrespectful. I am guilty of using this word to add insult to injury. I am also guilty of cutting this word out of my vocabulary. “That is so gay!” “Cut that faggot mess out!” versus “I can not stand faggots!” Is there a difference in what you are saying? I had to learn the hard way that this word is not acceptable. Here’s the story. One day I went shopping with a group of


friends. I said, “You’re such a faggot.” The problem was, my friend that I said it to was homosexual. The moment that the words left my lips, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I didn’t know if I should cry, throw up, hug him, run or beg for forgiveness. So I stood there. I just stood there. I stood there and looked him into his face, in his eyes and felt his pain. I felt that pain each time that he was called it. I felt the guilt. I felt ashamed. I was disgusted in myself and wondered how anyone could ever be satisfied with bringing someone so much pain with one word. It was the last time that I ever used that word. Then when I consider the origin of the word, I feel worse.

I will admit, I have used it as what I considered a compliment, and have received it as such as well. The whole “that’s my nigga” phrase is one that is thrown around lightly and looked at as if one were saying, “I love you,” or in replace of “friend.” But let us consider the real meaning, the origin of the word. In the English language, the word nigger originated from the Latin root of the word niger, meaning black. This term was used as the slaves were brought over and were referred to as just that. No name used. The term was continued to be used as one of the most demeaning racial slurs in the English language. It was ironically flipped, somehow, into something positive. Some black people call each other that, some white people call each other that and even black people if they are “cool enough” with them, and everyone in between Each time you use niggA or niggER, remember that by using “A” or “ER” is just the same. That when you say, “That’s my nigga,” you are saying “That’s my contemptible, inferior, ignorant person.” I too am guilty of using this negative word as if the meaning is positive. I also cut this word out of my vocabulary. Here’s the challenge: we can only do as much as we want to do in order to change the world around us. We claim that the world is sexist, discriminatory and racist. Many of our peers believe that our very own campus is. What are we doing as individuals to change it? What are we doing as an institution to demolish the negative words’ existence?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This is the greatest lie that I have ever heard, and any human being could ever tell.” A fable is told that in Europe, when witches were being burned, homosexuals were to be brought to death as well. People were required to bring forth a “bundle of sticks” to burn at their feet as the witches and homosexual males were hung. I once was guilty of using this negative word as if it had a neutral meaning. I am also guilty of cutting this word out of my vocabulary. “Wassup my nigga!” versus “Those niggers!” Is there a difference in what you are saying? Nigga has been deemed as socially acceptable for the majority of minorities. This word is now used as a term of endearment.


Are you ... a pancake face?

BY KELSEY ALVINO Perspectives Editor

Recently I was called a “pancake face” by an intoxicated boy. I was rather confused by this statement, however at the time I simply laughed it off. But when I got back to my room I did what any college student would do after being called something “slang.” I used my reliable source, What I found was shocking. Indeed, I had been insulted. For those of you who are as clueless as I am to these terms I’ll give you a quick lesson. “Pancake face: woman or man who wears too much makeup. Looks as if you could write your name on their face.” Ouch. I was rather irritated and confused. Many of my classmates and peers know most days of the week you can find me looking as

if I just got out of bed and ran to class. Hair a mess, matching socks, if I’m lucky, and no makeup on my face is a usual occurrence for me on any school day. However, after analyzing pictures of my “going out” photos, I will admit there is a huge difference from how my face looks during the day and how it appears at night. So perhaps my night time makeup did fall under the “pancake” category. I did some valid research to make sure I understood the time and place for certain looks. By doing this, hopefully everyone can live in a “pancake face” free world. You don’t need to be a makeup artist to make yourself look good, but here are some guidelines for avoiding insult and

looking great, day and night. To class or work: Looking good without really trying, or just making it look like you didn’t try. Of course, you don’t want people to assume makeup is essential to you everyday but a little can go a long way. Do: Apply some simple eyeliner, one coat of mascara, and a small amount of bronzer to avoid looking deathly pale from your hangover all weekend. Don’t: Wear bright unnatural shades of eyeshadow during the day. It looks like you let your little sister try to make you look like a Bratz doll. When going out: It is okay to go a little over the top and have fun; chances are you won’t see any of those people again anyway. Do: The smokey eye is a

popular way go to. However, if you don’t know how to do this, consult a friend who does, or go to MAC and act as if you’ll buy their product and they do it for you. Despite the inconvenience of this, it’s worth it. Do it yourself without knowing how and you’ll go out looking like a chimney sweep or Taylor Momsen. Gross. Don’t: Wear your concealer as your lipstick (Jennifer Lopez, early 2000’s) or match your eye shadow to your dress or lipstick. (“dirty phase,” Christina Aguilera) Everyone is naturally beautiful but sometimes makeup can help you out. Remember the time and place and hopefully you won’t get insulted. KMA69@CABRINI.EDU

The Loquitur 7

Still... an


The NBA lockout has put a damper on athletes, owners and fans. It is hurting the economy and athletes want an agreement made before it is too late for the season to begin. NBA superstars such as Kobe Bryant, Deron Williams and Amare Stoudimire have all looked into or signed deals with foreignleague teams. Solid role players such as J.R Smith, Rudy Fernandez, Wilson Chandler, Kenyon Martin, Ty Lawson and Andre Kirelinko have all been playing overseas since the respective seasons have started. Rookies drafted this year are also out of work. I bet a lot of those young adults are mad they didn’t stay in college to play basketball and finish out getting a degree. What happens if the lockout really doesn’t end? How will the kids live or attempt to pay to go back to college? Why is it so hard for millionaires to just split the money down 50-50? Why are they being so difficult when everyone should be happy and making money? It’s not like they are penny- pinching or broke. The players have been making more money for a long time so maybe it is time for them to give more to the owners. But then again, the players are the ones bringing the fans out and selling the jerseys. Personally, I am fed up with this whole lockout. I know many other fans around the world feel the same way. There is no reason why they can’t make an agreement. I feel as if they need to stop being stingy and just agree on a deal. People want to see basketball and fans are getting angry. This is putting people out of work in many places. The fans want to see the Kobe Bryant, Derrick Rose and the LeBron James superstars put on a show. We already have the whole month of November cancelled and that is entirely too much. They plan on making a deal and having the first game of the shortened season on Dec. 15, but if there isn’t a deal made by then, you should just erase any ideas you have of seeing the NBA at all this year. AMF324@CABRINI.EDU


8 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

Dancing on the way to the top BY LAURA GALLAGHER Staff Writer To some people, dancing is a leisurely activity to do with your friends or at an event. For Kimberly Perry, junior psychology major, it’s a lifestyle. She began her dancing career in the third grade at 9 years old. “I started to find dance fun. It was a good stress release,” Perry said. Throughout her life, Perry has performed in many recitals and competitions as a dancer. Her strongest form of dance is contemporary jazz. Perry went to Dreyfoos School of Arts, a performing and visual arts high school, in West Palm Beach, Fl. Perry was a musical theater major during her freshman and sophomore years. Along with dancing, Perry can sing and act, making her a "triple threat." In her last two years of high school, she switched her major to dance. “My mom originally did not want me to switch to the dance department in high school, so I secretly auditioned behind her back and was accepted,” Perry said. “At the end of the day, she was very proud of my accomplishments.” Going to a school of the arts, specifically in dance, developed struggles of body image. There was no required weight to be in the dance program but there was a lot of pressure on the students. Perry always stayed focused and positive during dance and confident in her body image. “One of my teachers said to me, ‘if you ever get hungry

stick a piece of gum in your mouth,” Perry said. No matter how intense the pressure became, Perry always did her best and exuded pure talent. “I just didn’t listen to it, I knew I was as good of a dancer as any other girl.” At age 17, she was accepted to Joffrey’s summer intensive, which was a two-week-long dance program.

“I was very privileged to work with her as she is one of the most beautiful and talented lyrical dancers.” DR. MICHELLE FILLING

“Pretty much all we did was eat, sleep and dance.” Perry said. They offered for her to come back for another year but she needed to prepare for college. Upon arrival to Cabrini, Perry knew she wanted to continue dancing. She joined the Cabrini dance team as an incoming freshman not knowing what to expect. “It’s more laid-back than what I am used to but I’ve made a lot of good friends that have become family,” Perry

said. “We all push each other every day. We have different strengths and weaknesses.” “Kim always wants the team to be the best so she is always pushing us to achieve new moves and more challenging routines,” fellow teammate Theresa Agro, junior education major, said. Former dance coach Dr. Michelle Filling also noticed Perry’s passion for dancing. “Kim seems like she is most at home when she is dancing,” Filling said. When she would go to the studio for rehearsal, Perry would already be choreographing a dance, for herself, as well as dancing to music. “I was very privileged to be able to work with her as she is one of the most beautiful and talented lyrical dancers,” Filling said. Perry choreographed a dance as a freshman and is now teaching it to the team. The team is also taping a dance and sending a video to West Chester University to see if it will be accepted for their winter showcase. “George Balanchine, a famous choreographer, once said that he didn't want dancers who want to dance, he wants dancers who have to dance; and, that truly describes Kim,” Filling said. Dance is her calling and I suspect she will have a successful dance career long beyond her years at Cabrini.”


Talen Cava

From beat boxing students engage


Perry has been dancing since the third grade. She attended a performing arts high school and is now a member of the Cabrini dance team.

Beat boxing keeps teen grounded BY VICTORIA TARVER Staff Writer Sitting on the steps of Lanshe House with friends developing raps and beatboxing is how Sam Cummer, sophomore undecided, spends his time outside of the classroom. “I love to freestyle with Sam because his beats make the freestyle seem so real,” Adrian Prawl, junior psychology major, said. For those unaware, beat boxing is a form of music in which a person makes drum beats and sense beats from their mouth. Cummer started beat boxing at a very young age. He started beat boxing due to his love of hip-hop and R&B. “While listening to the bombastic sound of people driving cars with huge speakers, I just started trying to reproduce the beat,” Cummer said. “When I first started, I wasn’t very impressive but I loved it so I didn’t want to stop.” Cummer remembers when he tried his first song. "It must have been sometime around 1996 or 1997, when I first tried to mimic The Notorious B.I.G.'s Hypnotize,”

Cummer said. The song turned out to be dull, but to him, it was the start of something great. Some of his motivation to start beat boxing came from watching Michael Winslow, in the movie “Police Academy," as well as the great beat boxer Doug E. Fresh, who along with Slick Rick, has always been one of his favorite old-school rap artists. Sam used to play the drums and imitate beats with his childhood friend Joey Silvestri and his little brother. “I remember one day when my friend was trying to correct my interpretation of a beat, I got a bit defensive and refused to switch my style up,” Cummer said. “Maybe that's why I'm good at it today. Either that or I should have taken his advice because I might already be famous today, but we'll really never know.” Many people influenced Cummer but he said no one taught him how to beat box but himself. Cummer spent countless hours learning beat boxing and perfecting his skills. Cummer kept his talents hidden until last year’s spring “Cabrini’s Got Talent” event. Last year, Cummer was the winner of “Cabrini’s Got Talent” for beat boxing.

“During the competition, I didn’t even expect to win,” Cummer said. He competed against the Cabrini College Dance Team and Alyssa Griener, sophomore education major. “I think the dance team did great but Sam was amazing, I was so happy he won,” Theresa Agro, junior education major and dance team captain, said. “Cabrini’s Got Talent” was the first show that he performed at, and with his luck, he won on his first try. Although Cummer is known as one of the greatest beat boxers on campus, he is not able to recreate every beat. “I'm not much of a singer and the notes are hard to hit, but when I listen to a song multiple times, I can try my hardest to get the beat,” Cummer said There are a few songs that people request often for him to play such as, Lil Wayne's "A Milli," 2Pac's "Ambitionz Az A Ridah," Special Ed's "I Got It Made," Craig Mack's "Flavor In Ya Ear," and Waka Flocka's "No Hands." “The best beat boxing I've ever done would have to have been while I was alone,” Cummer said. “That's when I'll start making stuff up.” Many people influenced Cummer to

perform at Cabrini’s Got Talent. “I wanted Sam to perform because he is extremely talented and people should know of his talents,” Jaiquann Beckham, junior education major, said. Cummer does not know if he wants to perform again on campus or perform at off -campus venues. “The reason I won the contest was the fact that my talent was out of the box and original,” Cummer said “Sam was comfortable on the stage and went into the competition with no fear,” Peter Morrison, senior education major, said. Cummer enjoys beat boxing not because he is good at it but because it is something that relieves stress and brings him enjoyment. “I like performing for any crowd that wants to see me and will enjoy my talent," Cummer said. "I am not a judgmental guy and I appreciate anybody who can appreciate what I'm doing.”



Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

The Loquitur | 9

Living a double Life Amateur musicians juggle school and music

nted aliers

to rock n’ roll, Cabrini e in performing arts


Christian Lamb, Patrick West, and David Muss, make up the band Under Eternal Skies, which was formed Fall 2010.

In Fall 2009, Lamb decided not to go Berklee College of Music and attended Cabrini because of its small class sizes and serene campus. Lamb did not want to give up on his music career so in Fall 2010, he met other musicians and formed the band. “Five minutes to showtime.” A phrase any musician is excited to hear as they know Lamb admitted for a while his grades were suffering from all the time spent in the they are sharing the joy of their music with an audience. band but he eventually found ways to manage his time. Two aspiring musical talents attend Cabrini during the day and mold a band at night “It was a Motley Crue for sure, but we are dedicated in our mission to one day get in West Residence Hall. signed by a record label,” Lamb said. Patrick West, junior information systems major, lead on drums and Christian Lamb, Under Eternal Skies has been a band for little more than a year and has had West as junior communication major, guitarist, are in the process of building their band, Under their drummer since day one. Eternal Skies, learning music and staying on top of their school work. “Keeping band chemistry is the hardest becuase everyone has to have the same Trying to become a professional musician takes years of dedication, hard, honest mindset; I have full respect toward my band mates,” West said. work and striving to get your name to the public. Trying to make it through college meets Heaven At Night, West’s other band, was formed earlier this month. The band conthe same standards. The band struggles with focusing on becoming big in the music sists of two members: West on drums and sophomore communication major Matt industry and completing their school work. Juliano plays the acoustic guitar. Each story from the musicians are different. They all “I love playing drums in both bands and don’t care found themselves at Cabrini for different reasons but were about using my free time away from school to try and joined together by the bond of music. get noticed as a musician,” West said. The band has yet West wants to see where his music career takes him, to play a show. but chose Cabrini as a security blanket. West chose not to The musically-talented West also helps with the attend Rowan University for a music degree because he weekly mass at Cabrini, by playing the drums. didn’t know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life It takes more than having good music for a band to and wanted to broaden his horizon. get noticed. West takes time with Juliano to manage West began playing drums at age 13, and now works with their band's facebook page in an effort to put his music Under Eternal Skies, a hard rock/metal band, and Heaven out there and get noticed. CHRISTAIN LAMB at Night, an alternative acoustic band and the campus minHeaven At Night has 69 “likes” on Facebook. istry band. “Social media is a way serious artists try to get noticed “It’s hard but it’s all about managing time wisely,” West said. and to get their songs recorded, to sound better and be clearer,” West said. Although it’s hard to schedule both school and band practice, he has had very little Although Under Eternal Skies lost two vocalists, the members in the band have kept problems with managing his time. their heads high and are up for any tryouts for a lead vocalist. Lamb, the founder of Under Eternal Skies, was not as keen with pursuing music as “When the band gets a little more well-known by the campus, I want to start creating his profession. merchandise such as t-shirts, in hopes of promoting the band,” Lamb said. Lamb wanted to be like his father, Stephan Lamb, an accomplished jazz guitarist who Lamb works the Under Eternal Skies Facebook page and also their YouTube videos. attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, Ma. After being introduced to music by his West and Lamb are both extremely passionate about music and are in favor of turning father at age 11, Lamb picked up a fender Stratocaster guitar to learn a few chords, and pro if they were ever signed. For now, school comes first. Music is their love but is a very was not able to make the chords ring out harmoniously. He became discouraged and close second on their priority list. gave up music for three years. At age 14, Lamb was rifling through his older sister’s CD collection and came across the Nirvana CD “In Utero.” Nirvana’s lead singer, Kurt Cobain became Lamb’s role model after listening to this CD, and from that day he self-taught himself how to play the guitar. JDD54@CABRINI.EDU


“We are dedicated in our mission to one day get signed by a record label.”

Arts & Entertainment

10 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

DJ Sataira Cabrini’s own aspiring DJ


SARAH LUCKERT / deputy editor

BY KEVIN DURSO Staff Writer Every one of us, at one point or another, has taken control of the music at a social gathering, whether it means changing CD’s or just managing what plays from an iPod. But how many of us would take that to the next level and do the same thing in front of people we don’t know? Junior Krysten Bittner, graphic design major, is what you might like to call Cabrini’s own personal DJ. She has served as the disc jockey for several recent dances, including the Halloween BOO-B Dance held on Thursday, Oct. 27. Bittner said she decided to attend Cabrini because it “looked like a scene from the ‘Harry Potter’ movies.” In landing the job of working Cabrini dances as a DJ, she said she “decided to show off one night in the downstairs lounge of my dorm.” “That is when I met the lacrosse team and the guys there asked me if I would be willing to DJ for them,” Bittner said. “I said ‘of course.’ I was actually hoping to get into DJing here at the school anyway.” Bittner first became interested in DJing at the age of 17. “I was riding in a car with my parents when my mother mentioned something about being a DJ for a career as a high school and college student,” Bittner said. “I looked into the idea after that and my father decided I was looking into it enough that it would be beneficial for me to have all the equipment.” Bittner got her first set of equipment, featuring speakers, a sound board and lights for her 18th birthday. Soon after, she started taking notice of other DJs at social gatherings around her. “There was a homecoming dance where I kind of stalked the DJ,” Bittner said. “He turned to me and asked why I was so intent at looking at the equipment. I told him I was trying to become a DJ and he gave me his card. I set up an interview that week with his DJ company.” Since then, Bittner has been working on perfecting her skills as a DJ and even though she said she is still learning, she has great visions for the future. “I think DJing will always be something I will be trying to do mostly because I am a girl,” Bittner said. “How often do you see a girl DJ? I hope to one day get into some major clubs and be able to travel around for work. I love seeing new places. I wouldn’t even mind going over to Europe one day and DJing there.” In working several different dances on Cabrini’s campus, Bittner treats them the same as any other event. “I usually play what I want to hear as if I were attending a dance,” Bittner said. “If you come in the early hours of the dance you may hear my favorite songs.” “I love some old and newer music,” Bittner said. “I truly think that is what makes it a better dance. If I am having fun, it means everyone else will have fun.” Bittner described the recent Halloween dance she worked and how she managed to choose songs

The Hole Pleasantville Chicago JAMES CROWELL / news editor

Armageddon Inception Being John Malkovich

Application of the Week: American Eagle



Krysten Bittner, graphic design major, has been acting as Cabrini’s own resident DJ.

as the event progressed. “At the Halloween dance, I made the playlist as I went,” Bittner said. “I don’t always have set music. I do have a lot of iTunes playlists to help me remember songs, but not a set one for each dance. If I did that, then life would just be boring; same songs every time. A playlist builds itself as the dance goes sometimes. I look for queues in the people and listen to the requests, though there are quite a few songs that I don’t always know.” Bittner has recently been contacted by several clubs interested in hiring her. As she advances in her work as a DJ, she appreciates feedback on her music selections and being informed on what people want to hear. People interested in Bittner’s work or song selection can check out DJ Sataira on Facebook. She thinks that being a better DJ would also mean “being prepared with everyone’s music.” No matter where being a DJ takes her, Bittner’s main goal for the job is making sure those who attend have just as much fun as she does. “Of course I enjoy doing it,” Bittner said. “It’s a time where I can dance too. Who doesn’t want to dance to all their favorite music?”



American Eagle has just come out with a new app that allows shoppers to access their accounts to receive rewards and special offers based on their spending. With this app, you can shop whenever you wish from your iPhone or iPod. If you are in an American Eagle store or Aerie store, you can use this app to scan items to keep track of purchases and what the totals will be with the discounts offered through the app, as well as in stores. This app also offers a store locator and you can directly contact the store though the app. You will receive updates and text messages for special discounts that they offer at random times throughout the year. While shopping, you can scan items and add them to a wishlist or share them with friends through text, email or Facebook. Shop for friends or yourself with the “AE Holiday Gift Guide.” This awesome feature offers a “shake up and style mixer.” It creates different looks for you if you don’t know what you are looking for. New trends are sent to the phone as they hit stores.



There is a “trend of the week” and “looks to live in” section, which updates the weekly trends so that you are always up to date on what is new. Customer reviews rave that this is a great and easy to use app. Since it offers great discounts to shoppers, it is widely praised for being a huge money saver. The app is free. For frequent shoppers, this is a great app to download because it saves shoppers a ton of money every time they shop. No matter when you are shopping with this app, there will be a discount, if not many discounts, that can be used. This app does send alerts but not so many that it becomes irritating. There is also the option to turn off alerts so you won’t receive them. You can simply go to the app when you are shopping and get the discounts that way. Overall, this is a great app for anyone who loves to shop and especially loves American Eagle.




This blues icon still has what it takes to put on a great, show-stealing performance. His highenergy guitar and tortured vocals set him apart as the Chicago blues king.

See these hip-hop kings come together for a concert of epic proportions. This rap-duo is almost guanteed to put on a fantastic performance.

Though the marathon is sold out, you can still bundle up, grab a folding chair and support those who are running. Run begins and ends a 22nd St. and Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

Hershey Theatre (15 E. Caracas Ave, Hershey), $40-70, 8 p.m.

Boardwalk Hall (2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City), $59.50 and up, 7:30 p.m.

Pennsylvania Convention Center (1101 Arch St., Philadelphia), free to watch, all day.

Arts & Entertainment

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

The Loquitur | 11

Touching hearts by lifting voices

BlogRoll: Fantasy Football Geek Blog



Left: Grace, one of the children in the choir, with King Saah, senior graphic design major, who played soccer with the children earlier in the day. Top Right: The Mwamba children’s choir performs in the Grace Hall Atrium in front of students and faculty. Bottom Right: Dr. Adeline Bethany, Cabrini’s choir director, hosts Barnabus, Esther and Chariy who are members of the Mwamba children’s choir.

BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY Staff Writer The beauty of smiles, chills and tears of joy were brought to those who were blessed by the singing and dancing of the Ugandan Mwamba Children’s Choir. These children came out with happiness and passion, rejoicing in everything. While they have little to nothing, they have each other and a reason to sing. It all started with 8-year-old Omega Lwakatale, as she snuck maize and rice to one of her friends whose father died from cholera. This was hard for her father, and pastor in Kampala, Ponsiano Lwakatale to deal with because the family of 15 had 50 kilograms of rice to survive off of for a month. Vonya Womack, assistant professor of business administration, introduced the choir and continued to tell this story. When Omega’s father went to go discipline her, Omega asked, “If you beat me for giving to the needy, can you still be a pastor?” This eye-opening question lead to the es-

tablishment of the organization that helps orphans and widows in Kampala and Mwamba. The children’s choir travels the world for a mission. Most of these children have come from homes that have no parents, a single parent or both parents who could not afford to raise them. For the parents who have passed on, many did so as a result of one of the top three major causes in the land: cholera, malaria or AIDS. They have found a home in what is not referred to as an orphanage but a “family center.” At the family center, they are provided with food, shelter, clothes and life. “We believe music is life,” said Enoch, the pianist of the choir. Mwamba brought life to the air. Having the ability to sing in eight different languages, the choir travels to bring awareness of the existence of orphans and underprivileged children in Uganda. These children need to go to school and the cost of high school is $18 a month. Insurance for the children’s health services cost $216 a year. The program, which teaches


the children about God and faith, cost $15 a month. “This performance was an eye-opener,” Alana Fazio, sophomore early childhood education major, said. “They were so happy when they hardly have anything. It makes me feel blessed for what I do have.” Bringing Cabrini Day to a close, Grace, Patience, Lydia, Peace, Baron, Charity, Sam, Susan, Miriam and George were the children who sang with love and joy in their hearts. “It was touching,” Morgan Williams, freshman communication major, said. “It shows that the simple things like singing and dancing can have people in tears. It’s amazing how strongly they got their message across the way they did.” As the children closed with their final song “Africa,” the crowd clapped, stood and cried. There was not a face without a smile or eyes without tears. The hearts of the audience were touched. There will not be a single person who will forget what they felt when they witnessed Mwamba. JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU


Every fall, my friends and I put together our annual fantasy football league. The league gets very intense and competitive. It is a struggle to get a win every game. Since our league is so close in every area, I always try to find ways to get the competitive edge. “The Fantasy Football Geek Blog,” co-founded by Matt and Brandon (last names not listed), is a great resource to find out about fantasy football. I was impressed immediately after signing up with the information I was receiving from the creators of the blog, as well as other members. This blog is free to sign up for and you have access to unlimited resources about fantasy football. The blog gives a great fantasy draft preview that is as accurate as any out there. What I like about the draft preview is reading everyone’s questions and concerns about their draft. Another feature this blog offers is a weekly waiver wire form, which summarizes the best available players for each position and gives you the percentage of people who have picked that player up. This blog has several sources that provide you with more about football. All you have to do is click on one of the topics at the top of the web page and it will connect you to those websites. You can use this blog to find information about other players, stats or any other information you need to know about football. You can also connect with other fantasy blogs and get the latest information. The blog also has a page that compares all the fantasy football leagues. This page tells you the differences between them and what leagues are free and cost money. This is a great source for people looking to start a league for the first time. This blog provides a widerange of information about fantasy football for anyone looking to get involved in the activity. For more information about the blog, check out the website, “” NAL42@CABRINI.EDU




Though a little far away, these two bands can certainly pack a house and put on a high-energy show. Enjoy some great ska music from some awesome musicians.

Dock Street celebrates the release of some of their new brews with great food and some tunes provided by folk-band “On the Water.”

Based on the movie “Billy Elliot,” this musical is set in a small town and is about how a young boy’s dreams came true.

Chameleon Club (223 N. Water St., Lancaster), $21-23, 5:30 p.m.

Dock Street Pub (701 S. 50th St., Philadelphia), free, 6 p.m.

Kimmel Center, (260 South Broad Street on the Avenue of the Arts, Philadelphia), starting at $20, 7:30 p.m.


Arts & Entertainment

12 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011



With a whole new season of killers presented early in the season and plotline changes, Dexter’s 6th season is gaining mixed reviews from audiences. Dexter airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. on Showtime.

Dexter takes on another season with epic changes

BY STARLENE SOLER Staff Writer SPOILER ALERT: Dexter Morgan, played by Michael C. Hall, is the best blood spatter analyst in Miami and also happens to be the world’s best serial killer. The sixth season of Dexter aired on Oct. 11 introducing two new killers for Dexter to hunt. This season, unlike some seasons in the past, introduces the killers early and shows you exactly who they are. Season six also has different themes that are introduced to viewers for the first time. One reoccurring theme that seems to be shown in the early episodes is religion. The two killers seem to be relating their kills to religion. Dexter also makes a new friend, Brother Sam, and even Dexter wonders whether or not he should start to believe in

something greater than himself. Another reoccurring theme is the reference dating back to the Ice Truck Killer. Although the show has hinted that the Ice Truck Killer is somehow going to be related to this season, it’s not clear exactly how yet. Overall, the series has been just fair; however, there have been some mixed reviews. Some people aren’t entirely thrilled that the killer has been introduced so close to the beginning of the season, and would rather try and figure out who the killer is for themselves, kind of like the first season with the Ice Truck Killer. Although there were hints as to who the killer could be, it isn’t made clear until the scene where the doll with the ribbons tied around it is next to Rudy (Brian’s) hand. Another popular change in this season is Debra Morgan’s new position as lieutenant. This gives the chase a whole different

view. Because the viewers are so used to seeing Deb, played by Jennifer Carpenter, in the streets and in the middle of the action, it’s different to see her cooped up in an office behind a desk filing through paper work. Seeing Deb take down suspects were some of the most comical and exciting scenes in the show. Some wonder if it’s possible that Deb will eventually back down from her position as lieutenant and end up giving the job to Batista, David Zayas, who the position was originally for in the first place. This would put Deb back in the streets and into the action, making her one of the best detectives on the streets of Miami once again. One thing that might have caught the audience off guard was Quinn’s proposal to Deb, leading to their break-up. This was good and bad on a few different levels. The break-up goes well with the fact

that Deb made lieutenant, but doesn’t go well with the hopes of seeing Deb going back to detective. Quinn and Deb went well together because they were both great detectives that were passionate about their jobs, and even more passionate about their relationship. Unfortunately for Quinn, he didn’t realize that Deb isn’t the type of person that likes change. In the season with the Ice Truck Killer, (season one) Rudy proposed to Deb and then tried to kill her minutes later, so it makes perfect sense that Deb doesn’t exactly want to say yes when she is proposed to for a second time. The season looks promising and seems to be going in a good direction, giving audiences the impression that Dexter season six will be a good one. SBS74@CABRINI.EDU

Jack’s Mannequin album brings new life BY RANSOM COZZILLIO News Editor Grow or fail; true of both life and music. For people, we stagnate, stick in spots and stop moving forward. For bands, they lose interest, from fans, from themselves, with each stationary step. Growth is the grand key, and with their newest album, “People and Things,” Jack’s Mannequin proves they both understand and live that key through their music. Since their debut album “The Mixed Tape” in 2005, Jack’s Mannequin has sung a life in three parts: “Everything in Transit,” was a fast-paced, upbeat revelry in youth; “The Glass Passenger,” was a sobering examination of life’s impermanence, stemming in no small part from lead singer/ songwriter Andrew McMahon’s battle with Leukemia. The band’s latest effort, “People and Things,” is an exploration

of the next step in life. The manic ups and downs of unbridled youth are gone, replaced now by the stark sobriety of adulthood. That new focus is echoed by a greater feeling of self-reflection throughout the album. With the varied melodies, crisp vocals and haunting piano tracks that Jack’s Mannequin has become known for, “People and Things” adroitly confronts our awkward growth into the more permanent and unforgiving adulthood without bogging down in the complex undertones, whereas previous albums lost cohesion at times, a sense of album-wide focus and clarity of theme, coupled with the aforementioned varying melodies, unifies this effort beyond a mere collection of pianopop songs. The album opens on a high note with the fast-paced, upbeat “My Racing Thoughts,” which explores the excitement of meet-

ing someone worthwhile, of finding stability in unstable times. This manic beginning belies the tone the album will take in later songs while affirming theme of newfound instability. Following that early high, “Television” and “Amy I” slow the album down and serve as two solemn accounts of dying relationships. Both songs make perfect use of McMahon’s haunting lyricism and soaring vocals, brining an immediately more serious, somber tone to the album. “Amy I” laments the cooling of prior love: “Another long winter trying to fight this freeze, waiting but the cold’s got a hold of me… Amy I, I never felt this kind of cold before…” And “Television” brings to bear the pain of living in a relationship that has long since soured: “You and I baby we’re a broken record, turn around we’re making sound but only for the noise, and what if I could live like

this but not forever…” As the album progresses, songs like “People, Running,” are more than just the central song on the track list; they serve as a thematic center for the album. In it, the band sings about the dizzying search for meaning in our transient lives. The quick, short melodies and tight verses mirror the songs frantic subject. “People and Things” winds down with sobering reflections such as “Restless Dream,” the penultimate track, an acoustic ode to lost friendship and the regrets that come with age. The regret is almost palpable as McMahon shows off his vocal acumen and sings: “It’s funny how the words we never say can turn into the only thoughts we know, but Austin’s just so very far away, and I cannot believe I let you go…” The album ends on “Casting Lines,” a grandiose counter for the preceding song; a rejoicing

of the links that hold us together and anchor us to what matters, even when time seems to tear it all apart. With this, “People and Things” ends on a high note after carrying the listener through new and often foreboding territory. “People and Things” represents the next step for a band that has already proved its mettle. Jack’s Mannequin hone their already admirable musical talents into a more refined package while widening their gaze and maturing as a band. In doing so, they dig new depths both for the band and the listener to explore. For those new to Jack’s Mannequin, it may not be as approachable or as emotive as their previous works. It lacks the unbridled exuberance of their first album, and the wearygravitas of their second, “Dark Blue” but it acquits itself well by offering a more rewarding experience from start to finish. RJC72@CABRINI.EDU

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011


The Loquitur | 13


Papelbon may be perfect fit for Phils


Once a rival, senior guard leads Cavaliers BY ANTHONY FOLEY Staff Writer Senior guard John Boyd is a marketing major at Cabrini College and hopes to have a job related to sales when he graduates. Boyd has a very busy life schedule with basketball and school work and likes to spend his free time with family and friends. “Being so busy with basketball really makes you realize how much you really miss family and friends,” Boyd said. “I try to give them all my free time.” Boyd first picked up a basketball and began shooting at the age of 4. He then simply fell in love with the game. Boyd attended Perkiomen Valley High School in Collegeville, Pa., where he went on to score 1000 points during his time there. Boyd was not done just yet; he wanted to take it to the next level of play. Boyd first attended one of Cabrini’s rival schools, Immaculata University, before coming here to play. “I really liked what Cabrini had to offer here academically with my major and with basketball,” Boyd said about his decision to transfer to Cabrini. “I knew they were a tough team in the conference with the best

shot [to win] and I wanted to be a part of that.” “My biggest accomplishments in basketball by far are my 1000 points back in high school but the one that is most important to me was the CSAC championship we won last year,” Boyd said. “I never won a championship before so it was a great feeling to enjoy with the team going on to the Sweet 16.” Two of Boyd’s teammates, Corey Frizzera and Jon Miller, stated how Boyd was a leader and a big part of the team’s success. “John is a leader because he pushes us every day in practice to work hard and he constantly reminds the team what the main goal is of the entire season, which is to win the CSAC championship and make it back to the NCAA tournament,” Frizzera, sophomore guard, said. “When he transferred from Immaculata, he brought a sense of energy and up-beat pace to our team.” Last season, Boyd averaged 12.4 points per game as well as 4.0 rebounds and 1.5 steals per game. He also recorded a careerhigh 31-point game against York (Pa.) College last December. “He is a great role player, he hits shots when we need him to,” Miller, sophomore

center, said. “Our offense is basically drive and kick and John always seems to have an open shot. Our goal this year is to make it to the Final Four and with John’s help and all of us playing as a team, I think we have a great shot.” Miller added that Boyd works well with everyone on the team and can always be counted on. “We have a great team chemistry on and off the court. We always stick together; that’s why we call ourselves ‘the unit,’” Miller said. “John is a great teammate and I consider him one of my best friends on the team,” Frizzera said. “We have a lot of similarities and like the same things. We play great together on the court.”


John Boyd - No. 24 Class year: Senior Major: Marketing Position: Guard 2010-11 Highlights: Started all 30 games and averaged 12.4 points per game

The signing of former Boston Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon sent shock waves around the city of Philadelphia on Monday, Nov. 14. While his mammoth $50 million contract was viewed by some as being too pricey, there are a number of reasons to justify the excessive dollar amount. For one, Papelbon’s stats are phenomenal. Just a week away from his 31st birthday, Papelbon brings over 200 career saves with him to the City of Brotherly Love. He has managed to notch 31 or more saves in six straight seasons and has posted sub-three ERAs in five of those campaigns. Papelbon has also been fairly solid in the playoffs with seven postseason saves to his name. He may have had a rough time in the 2009 American League Divisional Series against the Angels, but he won a World Series ring with Boston in 2007. In fact, he recorded the save in Game 4 to clinch Boston’s seventh World Series title. While his accolades speak for themselves, Papelbon’s personality is also something that could provide a spark to the Phillies roster, both on and off the field. While on the pitcher’s mound, Papelbon is fierce and can make opposing hitters uncomfortable. Past Phillies closers have not been as outgoing and theatrical as No. 58. Speaking of theatrics, Papelbon has been known to get himself into and out of jams on a nearnightly basis. He is one of those players that can get out of basesloaded dilemmas by striking out two batters or getting a clutch double play. Saves, strikeouts and theatrics – what more could you want from a closer? How about a determined winning attitude? Papelbon has that characteristic, too. In an interview with WPVI-TV in Philadelphia, Papelbon made it known he wants to be a champion again. “I came here to add to my ring collection,” Papelbon said. While some Phillies fans are already irked by the fact that the closer’s deal came out to be $50,000,058, with the extra $58 representing his jersey number, others understand that Papelbon is a completely different person than Ryan Madson. He may be viewed as being quirky but the important thing is that he came here with the desire to win. Say what you want about his personality or the fact that he is already over the age of 30. Jonathan Papelbon brings talent, experience and character to his new team in Philadelphia. NAL42@CABRINI.EDU


14 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011


Under the direction of head coach Kate Pearson, the women’s basketball team is prepared to improve upon last year’s 10-15 record. The team begins their season on Friday, Nov. 18.

Preview: Women’s basketball looking for strong season BY BREANNA STANLEY Staff Writer It is finally basketball season. The women’s basketball team will kick off their season on Friday, Nov. 18 against Greensboro College at the St. Mary’s College of Maryland tournament in St. Mary’s, Md. Last year, the Lady Cavaliers finished the season with a record of 10-15. The Lady Cavs had their first scrimmage on Thursday, Nov. 3 and fell short against Haverford College. With it being just a scrimmage, the Cavaliers were able to figure out exactly what they need to work on. It was the first time this season

that the team was able to play against people other than themselves. “We are fixing the mistakes we made in our scrimmage,” Laura Caron, senior guard/forward, said. “We are working hard to make sure our offense and defense is where it needs to be.” Caron, one of two seniors this year, is an important leader on the team. Being a captain, Caron has a lot of responsibilities and has to be the best role model she can. She hopes for the team to be close on and off the court, come to practice each and every day and work their hardest. After their first scrimmage against Haverford, they were able to get on the

court and correct any mistakes that were made. It really showed on Saturday, Nov. 12 when the team played their second scrimmage against Ursinus College and won. Sophomore guard Brittany Sandone was the leading scorer for the Lady Cavaliers in 2010-11, averaging 11.6 points per game. “I am really excited for this year,” Sandone said. “I feel we have an advantage because we have all our returning starters.” Sandone will be assisted by sophomore guard/forward Annie Rivituso and sophomore forward Colleen Stewart, both of

whom started at least 21 games for the Cavs last year. As for preparing for this weekend’s opening games, Sandone feels that head coach Kate Pearson’s workout plan, which consists of lifting, shooting, conditioning and speed and agility will help the team. After losing only one senior from last year’s team, Julie Bonomo, the team has only had to make minor adjustments. The Cavaliers are hoping to win the CSAC championship this year and move on to the Division III NCAA tournament.


State College scandal evokes Cabrini response PENN STATE, PAGE 1

crimes of Jerry Sandusky, the possible university cover up that took place, as well as on Penn State and its students’ handling of the situation. “There are two words that come to mind for me: disturbing and unthinkable,” Jackie Neary, head coach of the women’s field hockey and lacrosse teams, said. “I really have a hard time wrapping my head around everything that’s going on there, it’s really frightening.” Neary reflected on how these allegations are made worse by implicating coaches, like Sandusky and mentors like Paterno: “Because I know when you’re a coach, a teacher, you’re someone that kids look up to,” Neary said. “As a mother and as a coach that’s what I see, and it’s

just unthinkable.” “There’s a lot going on with all this. We’re dealing with heresay at this point unfortunately, but if what Sandusky allegedly did is even remotely true, that would be one of the most heinous crimes imaginable,” Joe Giunta, director of athletics and recreation, said. On Nov. 8, 2011, Penn State, at the behest of its board of trustees, decided to fire Joe Paterno for his involvement in the scandal. It was speculated that while Paterno did report any allegations he received to his immediate superiors, as per his legal obligations, his lack of further action shone negatively on the university. It’s a public relations move for Penn State. They knew that with everything happening there and all the bad press that they had to

change something. Joe Paterno is an incredibly visible figure there and some of the blame was falling on him, so the board of trustees did a reasonable thing by firing him to look out for the overall image of the school, Steve Colfer, assistant athletic director and head coach of the men’s lacrosse team, said of Paterno’s ousting. “How everything happened, if it all played out the way we are hearing it, he needed to be fired,” Giunta said. “Even if Paterno filled all of his legal obligations the moral aspect leaves something to be desired.” After Paterno was fired late on Nov. 8, thousands of Penn State students rioted across the campus in protest and support of the coach. In the process, a news van was overturned and other property was damaged inciting

a media backlash against these students for their actions. “As far as the students rioting, when I saw that, it made me sick,” Giunta said. “I know it’s a small percentage of Penn State students who acted like that, but those that did should be ashamed. I think they have forgotten, they are not acting like they remember or respect what allegedly happened to these kids.” “As for those students, they are just looking at something that they hold in high regard when it happened,” Neary said. “I don’t think anyone wants to think badly about someone they hold in such high regard. That’s why it can be really important to just sit back and think before you react like this.” Looking back on how the scandal broke, many seem to look

negatively on the way in which the national media handled a story this big and this delicate. “The media has gotten out of control with 24/7 coverage of something like this,” Giunta said. “I think the media hangs people a little too soon and I think the public and society, that’s the only thing we have to go by… Unfortunately we don’t know these people to be able to say if we believe them or not.” The investigation of both Jerry Sandusky and Penn State University’s handling of his case are ongoing. Sandusky was arrested and released on $100,00 bail on Nov. 5, 2011 and is waiting to stand trial. RJC72@CABRINI.EDU RTR29@CABRINI.EDU


Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

The Loquitur | 15

Dance team spends time giving back to community BY KASSIA BERNOSKY Staff Writer The dance team volunteered at the Special Olympics for the second year in a row at Villanova University on Saturday, Nov 5. The team worked both the long-distance running event and the volleyball game. As a club sport, the dance team is required to do two community service projects a year. This event in particular holds a special place in the dancers’ hearts. “We spend time playing a sport with a bunch of children or adults that have special needs like Autism, Down syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis and many other forms of intellectual differences,” Jenna LoMenzo, sophomore elementary/special education major, said. “We dance with them, laugh with them and have an absolute blast doing something that means everything to these people. It means a lot to the dance team too because most of us on the team are special education or education majors.” “I love doing these kinds of events,” captain Lauren Bariglio, senior elementary/special education major, said.

“I actually got to cheer for some of the boys that I work with in our Council for Exceptional Children Club on campus. It was nice to see familiar faces who have struggled growing up due to their disabilities, doing something they enjoy and having fun.” The dance team also attends other events throughout the year that mean a lot to them. Every year the dancers look forward to performing at two Philadelphia Phillies games. In September, the team gets the opportunity to perform in front of thousands of people at Citizens Bank Park for the Cabrini Night at the Phillies tradition. Then, they are invited back in April to perform at the stadium once again. Being that many of the members are from the tri-state area, the Phillies certainly hold a place in their hearts. Getting the opportunity to perform during a Phillies game is very important and memorable for them since most of the dancers have been dancing and performing their entire lives. For them, it is a dream come true. “My whole life I never imagined I’d ever get the chance to dance at a baseball game in front of thousands of

people,” LoMenzo said. “It was amazing and I will never, ever forget that experience. Especially sharing it with girls I’d bend over backwards for any day.” Throughout the year, the dancers perform at smaller events but they’re just as important as any other performance. The team looks forward to dancing at festivals, professional competitions, home basketball games and a show at West Chester University. “One of our off-campus events is dancing at a show at West Chester University,” Bariglio said. “We look forward to this show every year because it gives the team an opportunity to perform on stage with lights, costumes and full makeup as well as in front of a different audience.” “The girls are amazing and we always have each other’s backs,” LoMenzo said. “Like any sisters we fight, laugh, eat and cry. We do everything together especially for the amount of time we spend together, which is a lot. In the end, nothing beats the smiles on our faces when we are dancing together.” KAB463@CABRINI.EDU

English to Swedish: A Hockey Writer’s Journey BY ROB RICHES Staff Writer As a writer for, the official website of the National Hockey League, as well as a writer for the Philadelphia Flyers and Los Angeles Kings websites, Bill Meltzer is a highly-respected journalist in the hockey community. In addition to his work for the NHL’s website, the Flyers and Kings, Meltzer also has another significant writing milestone under his belt. He wrote the English version of the book “Pelle Lindbergh: Behind the White Mask.” The book, a biography about late Flyers goaltender Pelle Lindbergh, was originally published in Sweden by respected Swedish hockey writer Thomas Tynander in 2006. Meltzer taught himself written Swedish and began a project to translate the book into English. “‘Behind the White Mask’ is basically half-translation and half-rewrite,” Meltzer said. “I spent three years, from 2006 to 2009 working on it.” After the book was published in Sweden, Meltzer set out on his quest to translate it. “I spent a year just working on translation,” Meltzer said. “I originally tried using a program to translate Swedish text into English.”

However, the translation program did not come without its flaws. “Several words did not translate very well at all,” Meltzer said. “For example, the word ‘gift’ in Swedish has two entirely different translations. It translates to either ‘poisoned’ or ‘married.’” Meltzer decided to utilize a fresh translation and teach himself Swedish, in order to make the project easier in the long run. But how did he do so? “I went out and purchased a Swedishto-English dictionary,” Meltzer said. “I then went online and looked at the sports sections of Swedish newspapers. If I saw a word that I did not recognize, I would underline it and look it up in the dictionary. I would do about 20 to 25 words a day and once I gained enough understanding of the sports sections, I would move on to other sections of the newspaper.” Once Meltzer gained a strong enough command of written Swedish, it was time to move on to the second phase of the “Behind the White Mask” project. “I spent the second year editing and rewriting the book,” Meltzer said. “I also conducted an additional 20 hours of interviews with former teammates, coaches and friends who still live in the [Philadelphia] area,” Meltzer said. After the edits, rewrites and interviews, it was time for Meltzer to work on the proj-


Hockey journalist Bill Meltzer wrote the English version of the book “Pelle Lindbergh: Behind the White Mask.” The book was released in the fall of 2009. ect’s third and final step. “I spent the third year re-editing the book as well as submission,” Meltzer said. Meltzer submitted “Behind the White Mask” to Middle Atlantic Press, who published it in the fall of 2009. “Behind the White Mask” outlines Lindbergh’s life in great detail, from his upbringing and boyhood in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, to his success with the Swedish national team, to the car crash that took his life in 1985 during the prime of his career. The three-year project definitely paid off and proved to be a learning experience for Meltzer as well as his readers. Meltzer was able to master a foreign language,

and English-speaking readers were able to learn about Lindbergh’s life and times from the project. While English and Swedish both have their differences, they have their similarities as well. “Swedish is not too different from English,” Meltzer said. “They are pretty similar when written. If you can understand even a little bit of German, you would be able to understand Swedish. However, spoken Swedish is a completely different game.”


Poll: Who will be the MVP for the Flyers this season?

BY ROB RICHES Staff Writer





“Claude Giroux”

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16 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

Cavs roll to 77-65 win over Fords

BY JESSE GAUNCE Copy Editor The Cabrini College men’s basketball team kicked off their 2011-2012 season with a 77-65 come-from-behind win over the Haverford College Fords on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at the Nerney Field House. The opening night victory marked the 29th consecutive win for the Cavaliers at home. Senior guard Cory Lemons led the way with 27 points, 10 rebounds and a gamehigh four steals. Lemons scored 19 of his points in the first half, keeping Cabrini from falling further behind. Haverford’s Cam Baker led the Fords in scoring with 24 points. The Fords went into halftime with a 38-32 lead. After the break, Haverford continued to press and had a 49-40 lead with a little under 15 minutes to play in the second half. That lead didn’t stand much longer, as the

resilient Cavaliers were not to be denied a victory on their home floor. Key buckets by junior guard Jeremy Knowles and sophomore forward Fran Rafferty gave Cabrini a 58-55 advantage in the game’s second half, a lead they would not relinquish. Rafferty had 16 points on the night and Knowles chipped in 10. Sophomore center Jon Miller picked up eight rebounds and junior center Goran Dulac scored eight points in 28 minutes of action. Cabrini kept the lead in check by going 8-8 from the free throw line in the final few minutes as well as answering any sort of run Haverford tried to make. Cabrini’s next game is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 26 against Widener University at Neumann University’s Mirenda Center at 2:15 p.m.


TOP: The men’s basketball team huddles together before the start of their game against the Haverford College Fords on Tuesday, Nov. 15. The game was the season opener for the Cavs. RIGHT: Junior guard A.J. Williams attempts a layup in the game’s first quarter.


Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, Nov. 17 Men’s and Women’s Swimming vs. Albright College 6 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 18 Women’s Basketball vs. Greensboro College (St. Mary’s College of Maryland Tournament - St. Mary’s, Md.) 7 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 19 Women’s Basketball vs. TBA (St. Mary’s College of Maryland Tournament - St. Mary’s, Md.) TBA

Sunday, Nov. 20

Monday, Nov. 21

Tuesday, Nov. 22

Wednesday, Nov. 23

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Women’s Basketball @ Alvernia University 7 p.m.

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