Feb.16, 2012 Issue 17 Loquitur

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Women’s Basketball clinches playoff birth

vintage cupcakes reviewed

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Page 10 Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009


Radnor, Pa.


Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17


Radnor, Pa.

Pacemaker Winner


Vol. LIII, Issue 17

!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ Contraception edict%--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$on horizon? BY SARAH LUCKERT Deputy Editor

The Obama Administration’s recent contraception ruling will have an effect on Cabrini College-provided health insurance. In January, the United States Department of Health and Human Services announced that health insurance policies must include free contraceptives as part of basic preventive services. Health insurance policies will have to include contraception for all women, without charging a copay or deductible. It is anticipated both students and employees will be affected by the final decision when it is made. Many religious institutions, including Catholic colleges, do not want to offer contraception because of faith-based reasons even though not all of their employees share the same religious beliefs. The Institute of Medicine aided in the development of the mandate by concluding birth control is necessary in ensuring “women’s health and well-being.” A recent attempt at a compromise offered by the Obama Adminstration said it could be the insurance companies and not the religiously-affiliated institutions that will be offering the contraception. Yet

“Getting contraception should be a choice,” Annakaye Anderson, junior psychology major, said. “There are so many ERIC GIBBLE pros to having contraception available. ASST. NEWS EDITOR It is understandable why Catholics don’t ERG722@CABRINI.EDU want this to be available but more people Hundreds of thousands of people at the in need to berallied educated on National the other Mall uses of Washington D.C. on Sunday, it.”March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. According to the college nurse, Susan !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0 *)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* Fitzgerald, the ruling may or may not 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* affect the health insurance purchased by :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* students through the college. Fitzgerald ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 said the number of students that actually <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&*purchase )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* insurance is small. '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* “With ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* )%.* only about 60 orH%-I"(&-'>* so students J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* on the health insurance plan and being also present. a Catholic institution we do not have to L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* offer '6$* contraception,” Fitzgerald said. This !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%*not )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* may or may change. Baptist Church in Wayne. Cherise Carn, freshman education :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>*major, $%* '/"* #),,*“I&-%2"* /)&*colleges 4"2$#"* MCT said, thinkP4)#)* Catholic president,” Norton said to the group. especially should be able to decide whethThe health insurance that Cabrini College provides may be affected by new policy. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#*conR$&* er or not they want to give out birth 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* trol.” She said that her reason was based )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 employees will still receive the contracep- ministry, said, “Choice is wonderful and I on religious freedom. D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* tion benefits. Catholic bishops rejected don’t think government should eliminate The ruling has already gone through (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* the compromise offer. it.” numerous changes and many more are to #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"*women 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* Currently religious institutions are askOne side of the argument states be expected. support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. ing for a yearlong delay to discuss possible now have a choice to get contraception “There will most likely end up being a :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* immunity, whereas employers of church- and it is a choice they can solely make. At '/)'* compromise,” Ian Scott, religiousO($4,"#&* studies 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* es whom have religious employees are the same time, choice is being taken away professor, said. %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= exempt from the mandate already. from certain religious institutions that do 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* Father Carl Janecki, director of campus not want to offer the option. SKL37@CABRINI.EDU

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and “No human can be illegal” at the rally.

<()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* 7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* +,5.(&:26(1&32+ in December, a new idea/"(* sparked. BY MELANIE undocumented. GREENBERG “Stephen always said eating different Managing Editor :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= foods from different places helps us get `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("*other ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$* to know cultures,” De La Torre said. ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D Any student looking for something to “We can understand what they eat regu-

Students get a taste of new cultures

do off-campus only needs to stop by the larly due to what they have available by Wolfington Center on the third floor of !$##%&'()*+', eating their authentic cuisine.” Founder’s Hall. Each month, staff memThe excursion trips do not limit bers of the Wolf Center look for new ways the experiences to foods; a trip to the to get Cabrini students involved in the Philadelphia Mosaic Gardens, a folk art community outside of Radnor. environment, gallery space and nonprofit Stephen Eberle, interim director of the organization that showcases the work of +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* Wolfington Center, and missioner Roxanne mosaicist Isaiah Zagar, is in the works for NOELLE WESTFALL E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER De La Torre have developed a new pro- later this month. NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 gram called “Cabrini in the Community,” Students who have never been involved :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* +$(*students to different cultural in Wolfington Center events have shown to &3OO$('* introduce 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* experiences in the surrounding areas. interest in the new food experiences. $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* “Since I’m new [to Cabrini] this year, “I think eating a meal together is a great American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.*why students didn’t leave bonding experience and tends to make I wondered )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 campus and travel into Philadelphia or people a lot more comfortable with each the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* Norristown,” De La Torre said. “I was con- other,” Alicia Totten, freshman graphic '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* stantly2)%2"(F* wanting to go to the city and see design major, said. “I love the trips with the :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* new things.” Wolfington Center because I meet people &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 Eberle and De La Torre developed I otherwise probably wouldn’t meet, or at eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* excursion trips during the fall semester. least not until later.” MELANIE GREENBERG / MANAGING EDITOR sophomore accounting major and co­chair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"*After '/-&*taking 4"2)3&"* the Wolfington Center student C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* workers to an authentic Mexican restauA sample of spicy sushi from H Mart in Upper Darby that students were able to try. 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".*rant CULTURE, page 2 &#$7-%1* '6$* in Norristown as a thank-you dinner ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377


;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(*

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2 | The Loquitur

Thursday,Feb. 16, 2012

‘Wolf’ ventures out CULTURE,


Editorial: Choice is contested key for contraception, religion The Obama administration is calling for health insurance companies to offer birth control without copay. Many religious leaders are up in arms and say that the government is intruding into matters of conscience. On the other side, Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky said last week, “Women’s health care should not depend on who the boss is.” Well, try telling that to the Catholic bishops or to some other Christian organizations. They feel that if the boss is God, well then it certainly makes a difference. To some, sexual activity is a personal choice independent of any other factor. To others, it is a commitment to God. Getting both sides to agree, as we have seen, is almost downright impossible. All we know is that it is possible that our Catholic college, Cabrini, and other religious institutions, at some point may have to offer birth control at no additional cost to students and employees under the health insurance plans. We understand that one’s faith and conscience should be free of government interference. After all, a guiding principle for our forefathers was separation of church and state. Some see this move by President Obama as disregarding the rights of private organizations to make decisions based on their religious beliefs. However, if this rule were to be enacted and Cabrini’s health insurance had to offer no-copay birth control, people who oppose the provision can take comfort in the fact that birth control will not be forced on individuals. It is still a personal choice. Obviously, there are differences between public and religious colleges and universities. For us students, it seems clear that our campus is not able to sell any form of contraceptive, such as condoms or free pills, while some public schools in Pennsylvania and all throughout the country even sell Plan B, the morning-after pill, out of vending machines. We understand that any institution that is religiously affiliated does not

want to present the image of supporting pre-marital sex, as it is a sin according to the Church, period. Many believe that selling condoms or offering free contraceptives would send the wrong message to young, impressionable students. They have a right to feel this way, but perhaps it is time to understand that most people of our generation are going to make their own decisions regarding sex regardless of religion. Therefore, if a school cares about protecting, maybe it is time to start providing. The Catholic Church is about protecting life, all life, from the moment of conception until death; the implication is that abortion is a mortal sin. While premarital sex and the use of contraceptives are both considered a sin, most Catholics would agree they are minor compared to abortion. If college students are going to engage in sex anyway, which many are, we believe a Catholic institution should do everything in its power to show students that abortion is not the answer. Maybe that’s a backwards way of thinking, but maybe at the same time it isn’t. According to an article published in the New York Times on Jan. 29 by Denise Grady, “surveys have found that 98 percent of sexually active Catholic women, as in the general population, have used contraceptives.” Because this is an election year, it is important to note where the different candidates stand on this issue. Mitt Romney believes this is an attack on religious freedom and it would not stand during his presidency. Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum do not believe health insurance should cover birth control and they both propose outlawing certain contraceptives. It is possible that this proposition may not even ever become reality for places such as Cabrini. However, do not expect it to go away because it will just be one of many controversial issues in this coming election.

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On Tuesday, Eberle and De La Torre took five students to Upper Darby to taste Asian cuisine. The un-Americanized Asian dishes proved to be an experience for freshman exercise science major Ryan Luquet, who participated in last month’s Ethiopian excursion trip. “Eating the Ethiopian food was a different experience because there are no utensils, you use your hands to eat, which is not something that we always find appropriate here,” Luquet said. “Ethiopian food uses a lot of beef and spices, while Asian food has a lot of seafood. It just shows that two cultures can have completely different ideas when it comes to a meal, mainly based on their geography.” Food has brought together different groups of people to learn more about not only the global culture found in our backyard, but also the different types of people living only across campus. “The food has been great every time but I definitely liked the atmosphere at Era, the Ethiopian place, much better,” Totten said. “It was very small and cozy

with a mural on the wall and definitely allowed us to get much more comfortable with each other. We actually spent a long time talking even after our meal was over.” Based on their knowledge of Philadelphia and the holidays that may be occurring that month, Eberle and De La Torre choose authentic restaurants to take students to broaden their taste buds and global knowledge about other cultures. The two are hoping to do an Irish cuisine night for March but are really looking for the overall cultural experience of folk and Irish history. “We are hoping to draw the students involved in the dinners to get them to experience the non-food excursions to experience the great cultural areas nearby,” De La Torre said. “It’s great having students we know and are involved in our programs but we really enjoy getting new people involved and introduced to their own peers.” For more information on how to participate in these events, contact Roxanne De La Torre at roxanne.delatorre@cabrini.edu MMG65@CABRINI.EDU


DiBartolo, Greenberg, De La Torre, Totten, Eberle and Luquet enjoy a new dining experience.


Eberle uses chopsticks like a professional while sharing his knowledge of sushi with first-time sushi eaters.

The Loquitur

2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio NEWS EDITOR James Crowell


COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012


The Loquitur | 3

Blogs aim for accuracy, challenge traditional media BY KEVIN DURSO Asst. Sports Editor It’s something that can be done from anywhere in the world. Anybody can post to the web in their name and claim that they are the source. Yet, bloggers can’t get on the same wavelength as reporters. Why? Accuracy. Twice in a matter of weeks, stories were reported via internet and social media by sources falsely or prematurely. The better known of the two is the death of famous Penn State football coach Joe Paterno. On Saturday, Jan. 28, Paterno was reported to have passed away when he was actually still alive and while Paterno did pass away the next morning, there was plenty of trouble caused by the false news. Onward State, the news website that reported Paterno’s death, apologized for the false report and its managing editor, Devon Edwards, resigned from his position immediately. “In this day and age, getting it first often conflicts with getting it right, but our intention was never to fall into that chasm,” Edwards said in a statement posted to the website. “All I can do now is promise that in the future, we will exercise caution, restraint and humility.” Another incident happened nearly a month earlier, when several local Phillies blogs reported of a near trade between the Phillies and New York Mets for superstar third baseman David Wright. The reports were fueled by a false Twitter account that was tweeting step-by-step progressions toward a deal. Rumors are rumors, but stating fact is another thing. Sports is one of the hot topics for bloggers because things happen a lot and they

happen fast. But that makes the stakes much higher for mistakes to be made. “Blogs can get a bad name when some try so hard to be first,” Kyle Scott, editor of Crossing Broad, said. “They fail to check the facts, or post something that is more of a rumor disguised as fact.” “The infusion of Twitter into the newsroom has made being first almost more important than being correct,” Drew Cohen, editor of Buzz on Broad, said. “People are very quick to press the tweet button the minute they get news.” Scott and Cohen run two of the most popular sports blogs in the Philadelphia

Phillies-related blog, said that he writes strictly on the Phillies because it is the team he most closely follows and that his schedule allows him to follow the team more than others in the city. While all three bloggers run under the radar as blogs, several people would already call these “blogs” sources for their news on Philadelphia sports. “I thought that I would be able to provide some off-beat news and commentary,” Scott said. “While that’s still the goal and tone of the site, I understand that our readership is fairly sizable and many folks do come to the site for their sports news.”

“People are very quick to press the tweet button the minute they get news.” DREW COHEN

area. Recently, they joined forces in a partnership between the sites. Scott said that he still views these blogs as competition, but, upon announcing a new advertising plan on his blog, stated that the partnership has its benefits. “So while I’m competing with those sites, there’s also a mutually beneficial relationship there,” Scott said. Both Scott and Cohen focus on an entire region of sports, posting breaking news stories and satirical comedies on the happenings of Philadelphia sports. But what about those blogging about one team? Frank Klose, a religious studies professor at Cabrini and founder of Philliedelphia, a

Scott makes clear that he doesn’t want his blog to be stereotyped as an “online diary.” He also said that he believes news sites and blogs are starting to cross fields. “I call Crossing Broad a ‘blog,’ but there are still many people who think of a blog as like an online diary, which is rarely the case,” Scott said. “Many of the best sites out there for news and information, in my opinion, are probably closer to being blogs than they are mainstream news outlets. So I really think the lines are blurring, and it’s almost an issue of semantics.” Several sports blogs are sometimes seen as the voice of the fans, that one fan has the courage to write down what many others are thinking. These Philly

sports bloggers agree, but feel that their job description contains much more than that. “The job of reporting is to speak to the fans, which is something that has been lost in journalism today,” Cohen said. “Our job is to find out and post the information you want to know about. If we run our site strictly off of what we believe is newsworthy, we are not doing our job.” “Until recently, there were only very few people in a position to relay information to the world,” Scott said. “Those people had to be unbiased, or at least pretend to be, because they were speaking to such a wide swath of humanity and often presented the only chance for the masses to get the story.” Scott has an interesting take on how journalism has changed and his idea of what future sports writing could be isn’t farfetched at all. It certainly brings into mind what future journalists will be writing about and how they will be writing about in the not so distant future. “The problem was that everyone has biases, whether they are political or personal or people they like or don’t like,” Scott said. “Even though reporters tried their very best to remain impartial, biases inevitably snuck into reporting.” “In today’s world that’s all changed,” Scott said. “The Internet has allowed for so many niche sites that I think it’s not only acceptable to outwardly tell readers about your biases or fandom, as is usually the issue in sports writing, but it’s also encouraged. With so many options, people can get multiple angles on the same story and in each case they can consider the source and form their own opinion.” KAD323@CABRINI.EDU

Game show celebrates Black History month, heritage BY JENAY SMITH Photo Editor The Student Diversity Office sponsored a trivia game show on Feb. 7 that focused on questions about African American history in honor of Black History Month. Those who attended seemed to believe the trivia game was a smashing hit. “I wanted to have a fun way to celebrate black history, have people be able to hear some of our history and learn things that we may not get a chance to hear in a classroom,” Stephanie Reed, director of the Student Diversity Office, said. The events started off slow but towards the middle of the game, contestants and crowd alike were full of life. Jason Williams, freshman business administration major, said the best part of the event was when he won. He added that having fun and being given the chance to talk about black history was the highlight of the event. “The best part about it was coming out having fun and actually having an opportunity to talk about Black History topics and having the opportunity to win money and win prizes,” said Williams. The event had participants from multiple races and students were there to support their legacies. “I came out today to support my race and my heritage because Black History is a big part of my family and my race,” Williams said. “I think it was really fun and the students looked like they were having a good time,” Amber LaJeunesse, assistant direc-


Students pose for a photo during Student Diversity’s Black History Trivia Game Show on Feb. 7 in Jazzman’s Cafe. tor of the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership, said. “It was a fun way to learn a little bit of information but also be competitive and have a good time.” Next year, Student Diversity hopes to bring back Black History Month Trivia along with bigger and better prizes. “I probably will bring [this] back next year,” Reed said. “Given the turnout that

we had this time, I would hope that next year we have an even bigger turnout and maybe offer even bigger prizes.” Black History trivia was a success and everyone who attended had a ton of fun. For some, this game show held a deeper meaning. “I was taught as a young man by my grandfather and my mom that your history

is the best part about you so don’t ever turn away from that,” Williams said. JMS587@CABRINI.EDU


4 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012





Queen of Pop passes away in L.A.

Philadelphia Gas Works to be sold off by city

Whitney Houston, successful pop superstar, died on Saturday, Feb. 11 in Beverly Hills, Calif. She was 48 years old. Paramedics spent close to 20 minutes trying to revive Houston, the authorities said. There was no immediate word on the cause of her death. Houston was staying at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Saturday to attend a pre-Grammy party. Houston emerged in the 1980s as a great R&B voice, only to have it deteriorate through years of cocaine use and an abusive marriage. Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Feb. 11, 2012

Mayor Michael Nutter announced plans to sell the country’s largest city-owned gas utility after a study by Lazard Fréres & Co. L.L.C. released yesterday, Feb. 13, revealed that selling PGW to a private entity would be good for the city. The sale of PGW has been an idea that was bounced around by previous mayoral administrations.


A small memorial for Whitney Houston is seen Monday, Feb. 13, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Houston died on Saturday, Feb. 11 in Los Angeles at the age of 48.

Austerity measures come after greek riots

Concerns of social safety nets continue to be an issue

Cuts in military spending are part of Obama’s budget plan

Many voter registration rolls are inaccurate

The Greek Parliament voted early on Monday, Feb. 13 to approve another package of austerity measures in exchange for new loans to keep Greece from defaulting on its debt. These measures come after violent protests left dozens of buildings on fire in Athens. The new austerity measures include 150,000 government layoffs by 2015. Unemployment in Greece is at 21 percent and rising.

Government safety nets were created to keep Americans from falling below the poverty line but many poor households no longer receive a majority of government benefits due to shortfalls in the system. The share of benefits flowing to the least affluent households, the bottom fifth, has declined from 54 percent in 1979 to 36 percent in 2007, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis published last year.

President Obama’s final budget request of his term indicates that Obama wants a second term. Obama’s plan calls for tax increases on the rich and cuts in military, both to reduce deficits and to pay for priorities like education, public works, research and clean energy. The budget request for the 2013 fiscal year, starting Oct. 1, shows that Obama wants to switch from short-term budget fixes to longterm solutions.

According to a report released Tuesday, Feb. 14 by the Pew Center on the States, the nation’s voter registration rolls are incredibly inaccurate. The report said that about 1.8 million dead people are listed as active voters. “Part of the problem is that it is difficult for us to be proactive,” Linda Lamone, Maryland’s administrator of elections, said.

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Feb. 12, 2012

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Feb. 11, 2012

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Feb. 14, 2012

Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Feb. 13, 2012

Read the original story on philly.edu | Feb. 14, 2012

Cabrini will host 2012 Science Olympiad More than 1,600 young scientists will present their inventions and test their science knowledge in 47 events at the 2012 Southeastern Pennsylvania Science Olympiad Regional Competition on Monday, March 5. Students from 79 schools in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties will compete for medals in two age groups (grades 6-9 and grades 9-12). Last year, 70 schools competed in the regional Olympiad at Cabrini. Read the original story on Cabrini.edu | Feb. 13, 2012

THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Feb. 16 Go Red for Heart Health

Wear something red to show your support and enjoy a delicious heart-healthy lunch from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the Cavs Corner.

Opening Reception: “Reduction”

Everyone is invited to the free opening reception for an art exhibition by Christine Palnik at the Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery in the Holy Spirit Library at 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 19 Mass

Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 17 Cupcake Wars

CAP Board invites everyone to take part in a new game at Cabrini: Cupcake Wars. Teams will have a limited amount of time to decorate cupcakes and the audience will vote on the best one; all while enjoying delicious cupcakes. The war will take place in the Cavs Corner from 8:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 20 Job Search Boot Camp

The Co-op & Career Services center is offering a workshop that will focus on resume and cover letter writing. Faculty will teach students what essential components to include, how to format your resume and answer any questions. Free pizza and soda will be provided to those who attend. Come to room 150 in Grace Hall at 5:00 p.m. to take part.

Saturday, Feb. 18 Sports

See page 16 for a list of all Cavalier games and times.

Tuesday, Feb. 21 Founder’s Day

Held every year, this day honors the birthday of the college’s founder, Sister Ursula Infante, MSC (1897-2001).

BeYOUtiful Fashion Show

The student-run Body Image Coalition will host their third annual fashion show on from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. People of all shapes and sizes will proudly strut the runway.

PATCO rail ridership increases, traffic in New Jersey decreases PATCO rail ridership reached an 11-year high last year, while vehicle traffic fell to an 11-year low on the four toll bridges operated by the Delaware River Port Authority. Higher bridge tolls, rising gasoline prices and a depressed economy all helped account for the shift, transportation experts said. Read the original story on Philly.com | Feb. 14, 2012

BY JAMES CROWELL News Editor jfc46@cabrini.edu


Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

The Loquitur | 5

Glow-in-the-dark dodgeball lights up Dixon Center BY KASSIA BERNOSKY Asst. Features Editor What do you get when you combine black lights and dodgeball? An insanely awesome glow-in-the-dark dodgeball game is what. The Glow-in-theDark Dodgeball Tournament took place on Wednesday, Feb. 8. Seven student teams came out to compete in the first event of Glow Week 2012, hosted by the Campus Activities and Programming Board, known as CAP board. A similar event was held last semester by CAP Board. It was very popular and involved a lot of student participation. This semester, CAP Board brought the event back with a black light twist. “I like the idea of the blacklight version of the game,” Lindsey Wainwright, junior accounting major, said. The seven teams that competed included SEaLish, LOD, Team Bru-shawn, Team Swag, Team Soccer, Team Beast and Team Heat. The tournament was set up as a round robin. Teams selected to play against each other were separated into brackets. CAP Board brought in a professional DJ to play music, supply black lighting and glow-in-thedark dodgeballs for the tournament. “I liked the DJ,” Wainwright said. “It was a nice addition to the game.”

The lights went out, glow sticks were cracked and the competition began. One by one, teams were dropping like flies. Then it came down to two teams, Team Soccer and Team Bru-shawn. In the end Team Soccer took the crown. “The final throw-down between the two teams and the music put on a nice vibe,” Charlie Platia, sophomore graphic design major, said. KAB463@CABRINI.EDU


Above: Students get ready to play CAP board’s Glow-In-The Dark Dodgeball Tournament on Feb. 8

Below: One team prepares to play dodgeball.


6 The Loquitur

Thursday, Feb. 14, 2011

It’s the most disgusting time of the year… So it’s that time of year again, where hacking, coughing and blowing your nose is the norm. Along with December through March being bitterly cold comes the joys of being grossly ill. Maybe it is all your stress finally catching up with you or perhaps, in your drunken state, you forgot to put on a jacket before heading out to a party; whatever it is, you’re sick. Being sick is frowned upon by our professors, parents and especially the person we sit behind in class due to the fact that for the next two weeks, they will have to hear us complain, cough and blow our nose. Gross. However have no fear. We are here to assist in your well-being and pretty soon, breathing out of your nose won’t seem too out of reach. So if you have to question if Nyquil should be part of your daily diet or if your nose will forever look like Rudolph’s, pay close attention to these helpful tips.


Load up on super foods. Put down those French fries and focus on foods that will help improve your immune system during these harsh times. Lean meats, fish, fruits, veggies and whole grains all help improve your immune system.

2. Hydrate with hot and cold drinks. Wash down your

super foods with throat-soothing drinks. Hot tea can help sooth a sore throat and remember to drink plenty of water.


Sleep. As great as watching bad daytime television is, sleep is key for recovery. Sleeping will help you get better and you won’t be infecting anyone else during the day. Sleeping with a cold can be rather difficult, especially when you can’t breath. Try taking a decongestant with a sleep aid, like Tylenol PM.

4. Feel better with exercise. If your symptoms are sniffles and a sore

throat exercising can be a great way to open up your air passages and get your blood pumping. However, if your symptoms are below the neck, like achy muscles or fever, then you should take time off and not prolong the illness.

5. Have proper hygiene. Please wash your hands and cover

your mouth. The only thing worse than being sick is spreading your nasty illness to others. Use plenty of Purell and Clorox wipes.

6. BY KELSEY ALVINO Perspectives Editor KMA69@GMAIL.COM

Take a hot shower. A warm shower can relax your muscles and open your airwaves, bringing you relief from aches and pains.

Thursday, Feb. 14, 2011


The Loquitur 7

Apple, Foxconn and the iEconomy BY JAMES CROWELL NEWS EDITOR

There is a good chance that you have one in your pocket. But have you ever considered how many people have died making it? Most high-tech consumer goods of our modern age come from multinational companies that often design their products in the U.S., but manufacture them overseas in places like China or Japan. Apple is well-known as an innovator in how it markets and sells its iPads, iPhones, iPods and Macs. Recently, however, Apple has made headlines due to unsafe and inhumane working conditions at Foxconn factories in China. It is unconscionable to allow human rights violations to take place. Every human being deserves respect, regardless of their socioeconomic background. By controlling the vertical supply chain, Apple has almost complete dominance over where and how it’s consumer electronics are built. In the 12 years since debuting the iPod, Apple has grown from a successful computer company to a corperate behemoth that can cause a world-wide shortage of semiconductors or LED screens just due to its intense consumer demand. Now Apple has one key aspect to its success: a true and absolute understanding of global manufac-

turing. The unstoppable nature of Apple is due to the driving force behind all businesses on Earth: the mandate by stockholders to make money. The drive to continuously improve its profits has resulted in allowing venders to make shortcuts and subject workers to slave-labor wages and inhumane conditions, all in the quest for extra profit. A large explosion tore through a Foxconn factory in Chengdu, China on a Friday evening in May 2011. Four people died and 18 were injured. The factory was building iPads at the time. Luckily, more were not hurt since a large number of workers were in the cafeteria at the time of the violent explosion. This explosion exemplifies the horrid working conditions that workers deal with all of the time. Employees at Foxconn factories work excessive overtime and live in crowded dorms according to a New York Times article published on Jan. 25. Some say they stand so long that their legs swell until they can hardly walk. It is unacceptable to treat others like this. How can officials turn


their backs on such clear human rights violations? This kind of behavior should be beyond humanity. What may be the saddest and most morally reprehensible part of this whole situation is that Apple has ignored these transgressions of human morality. Knowing Apple’s structure, they must know of the deplorable working conditions in China. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. By writing and contacting Apple and voicing an opinion on the matter, it is not impossible to enact change. Changing how an enormous company handles its af-

fairs is not as daunting as it seems. For instance, Verizon dropped a charge that would have billed their customers a proposed two dollar ‘convenience charge’ after much public outcry on Twitter and other social media. Humanity is at a crossroads in many respects. How we treat our poorest and most vulnerable in society reflects on everyone. By petitioning Apple and raising awareness of the situation in Foxconn factories, we can truly make this world a better place. JFC46@CABRINI.EDU

Ricky Rubio is the next NBA superstar BY NICHOLAS STAFF WRITER

I am a huge fan of Ricky Rubio. I’ve been following him since he was a 14-year-old playing professional basketball. I was always amazed by Rubio’s talent and the fact that he was a teenager playing against grown men. Basketball just comes easy to this kid. When he has the ball in his hands he always makes the right plays. Rubio has great knowledge for the game at such a young age. Although Rubio has had success in Europe, many NBA experts predicted that Rubio’s game wouldn’t adjust to the NBA. Many analysts have said that Rubio’s inconsistent shooting and lack of defense would make him an automatic bust. After watching the first half of the season, many of these people find themselves contradicting their opinions.

Rubio excites fans and players by his ball handling skills and passing abilities. Rubio has great foot speed and quick crossovers that make it impossible to guard him one-on-one. Rubio has a chance to become one of the great point guards the game has ever seen. His ability to create plays and hit big shots has made him successful already. At only 21, Rubio is still growing physically and maturing as a young man. Rubio’s short tenure in the league is already paying dividends in NBA profits. Rubio has one of the top selling jerseys in the league and he’s currently one of the top vote getters for the all-star game. Rubio has also re-energized the Minnesota Timberwolves fan base and his teams play. The Timberwolves had only two sellouts at home all of last season

and ranked 24th in league attendance. This year, with Rubio, the TWolves have already sold out three games and currently rank 14th in attendance. The T-Wolves have already sold 8,000 tickets for the season, which is the highest since the 2006 season. Rubio’s presence on the court has made his team a lot better. The T-Wolves are currently fighting for a playoff spot and are a much improved team offensively. Rubio has done a great job managing the offense and scoring the ball in his rookie season. Just recently the NBA named Rubio Rookie of The Month for games that started Dec. 25 to Jan. 31. Rubio is a young player who has accomplished


so much already, it will be interesting to see how his career will play out.


8 | The Loquitur


Thursday, Feb 16, 2012

Fashion with ‘Muse’ BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY Asst. A&E Editor

Creating her twist of old school and vintage apparel, Musulynn “Muse” Massaley, freshman biology major, styles herself effortlessly. Hailing from Liberia to Maryland, she now blesses Radnor with her presence, Muse’s style is beyond international. You would think that one with such a unique closet would spend a heavy load of her budget on her attire but she does not. There are times when Massaley prepares her outfit at night to get a jump start on the next day. Ultimately, Massaley does not take long to get dressed. Picturing that mental closet that she has stored, she simply plays off of her mood. When shopping at home, thrift shops are Massaley’s best friend. Since coming to school and not being familiar with the area, she has found herself shopping at more commercial locations like Forever 21 and Love Culture. She will not spill all of her fashion secrets. She purchased two pairs of perfect pumps from her favorite bargain website for under $50 including shipping and handling. Her style varies but is always casually chic. Sent from home, Massaley wears a traditional Liberian printed cloth dress pinned up to give a more modern look. A pink and black-checkered skirt with a unique pattern and favorable soft mate-

rial is paired with a black casual blazer along with a white leotard. Massaley accessorizes with a vintage necklace with a locket that she describes as a “cool pendent.” Digging deep through multiple thrift stores, a lacey suit was found at two separate shops. Massaley combines a colorful rainbow blazer and very thin material red pumps with pearls. She found the blazer in the garage while cleaning with her aunt. White pleated linen shorts, a floral button-down shirt and a royal blue sweater is worn as a simple casual outfit. Her pewter glitter pump adds glamour to the outfit that she describes as her “Dorothy shoe.” Favoring blazers, trousers and heels, Massaley takes style on campus to a new level. “Since Cabrini is on a hill, I can’t really wear heels like that,” Massaley said in an interview while on “Small Talk with Chelbi & jR.” Because of her style, along with her bubbly personality, this girl cannot be missed. One of her favorite transformations to any ordinary outfit is a nice blazer. “Fashion is expressive. It’s your personal style that you bring out,” Massaley said. “Your fashion should express yourself. It should say something about yourself whenever you dress.” JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU



Thursday, Feb 16 , 2012

The Loquitur | 9

Video games leisure or obsession? BY ROB RICHES Asst. Sports Editor For many students at Cabrini, or any other educational institution worldwide, video games have always provided a nice source of excitement, entertainment and relaxation. This can be said whether or not video games are played on an older console, such as a Nintendo Entertainment System, or a newer console, such as the Xbox 360, or played with the rugged-looking eightbit graphics of older times to the stunning high-definition graphics shown on Xbox 360 games. Video games have always been an entertaining release from the pressures of the outside world. “My gaming experience started when I was 4 years old and I’ve been playing ever since,” Camden County College (NJ) student Sean Mahoney said via Facebook message. Mahoney studies video game design. Similar to books and movies, video games can be grouped into various categories. These categories can range from shooter games like Duck Hunt, to sports games, such as the Madden series, to roleplaying games, such as the Final Fantasy series. Anybody who has picked up a video game controller to play has their preferences as to what categories they like. One gamer may exclusively play sports games, while another may enjoy sports games and shooter games. “After a long day in class, I love to come back to my room and turn on some music and play video games,” Abiu Santos, junior


Guitar Hero and Call of Duty are two very popular video games for young adults. business major, said. One thing that all video gamers do have in common, though, is that they all have a favorite game, just as anyone has a favorite ice cream flavor. One game that they play may stick out over any other game and making the choice as to which game is their favorite may even be a difficult one. Depending on the gamer, a favorite game may vary at times, and they may even have more than one. “My favorite games are Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Megaman, Guitar Hero and Borderlands,” Camden County College student Troy Carvale said. The following video games that Carvale enjoys playing cover a wide array of categories; just one example of how diverse video gamers may be. However, Carvale’s favorite games are not necessarily the favorite games of other gamers.

“I love to play anything of the Disgaea series,” sophomore Spanish/secondary education major Adrienne Warder said. Another crucial element to video gaming is the console that games are played on. Many gamers are loyal to Nintendo consoles, such as the Wii and the DS, while other gamers enjoy the Sony consoles, such as the PlayStation or the Microsoft Xbox. “I play the Xbox 360 the most,” freshman English and psychology major Justin Sellers said. “I play a lot of action and shooter games.” While many gamers like to stay loyal to one company, there are also plenty of others who like to mix up the consoles that they play on. “I have a PlayStation 2 and an Xbox 360 at home,” Katie Dunlap, sophomore English major said. Another concept that helps differenti-

ate video gamers is the amount of time spent gaming. Some gamers spend a lot of hours in a day, while others play very minimally. “I usually play about two to three hours a day, with an hour’s minimum,” Carvale said. “If I’m on a kick with a certain game, I’ll play for maybe up to 20 hours. But if I just play to waste time, it’s about 9-12 hours,” Sellers said. While video gamers take a lot of benefits from gaming, there are several problems as well. Typically, it may be a problem with grades. “I have not had much problems at all, except for my GPA going down,” Justin Leng, sophomore pre-pharmacy major, said. Many video gamers also enjoy playing video games online. Although they do not require a gaming console, a wide variety of games are available. “The great thing about online video gaming is that they are mostly free and you can go from a football game to a shooting game in a matter of minutes,” Santos said. Video games may have their share of problems, but at the end of the day, they still provide for a major source of today’s entertainment. Video games are an excellent way to unify people all over the world. “A tip to gamers: keep your mind open to new games, because once a favorite series of yours is finished, you’re going to want something new,” Mahoney said.


How To:

Keep safe and survive a blizzard BY NICHOLAS RAYNER Staff Writer Although this winter has not produced much snow or cold weather, you should always be prepared for blizzards and snow storms. The proper clothes should always be in your closet, a large food supply should be kept in the room or house and activities like board games should be available for use. A blizzard is handled differently by everyone. Some areas are accustomed to receiving blizzard conditions while others receive these storms once every few years. Regardless of where you live, a blizzard can be frightening and make it very hard to travel. If a blizzard is heading your way, the following tips will be helpful in surviving the storm. The first step is to plan ahead. You should always know in advance that a blizzard is coming so prepare yourself with the proper accessories to survive the storm. You should buy water and non-perishable food. I would also suggest buying batteries in case you lose power. Make sure you have shovels,

salt, and gas for your snowblower. You should also make adjustments to your plans that day so you don’t have to travel. Next, do not go outside until the storm has ended. Staying indoors during the blizzard is vital for your health and safety. A blizzard produces dangerous conditions that can harm you in several ways. Nothing is more important than your life; there is no reason to leave your shelter during the blizzard. Also, you should find activities to keep yourself occupied. Since you are going to be stuck indoors, it’s important to find activities that can keep you busy. If you still have power, you can watch television or go on your computer. If you lose your power, play around with your cell phone, play cards or a board game. You can always sleep or do your school work to kill time. Listening to the radio is important so that you can stay updated on the storm. Have a first aid kit and food available. Having an emergency kit available is a good idea because you never know what can happen during a blizzard. Your

emergency kit should include a bottle of water, fruit snacks, granola bars, bandages, a flashlight, a pain reliever, such as aspirin, and a cell phone. Placing snacks on top of your first aid kit is a smart idea just in case you are trapped in that area for a long time. After the blizzard has ended, clean up. A blizzard creates a lot of snow so that means there is much work to do. The best way to clean up snow is to get a group of people and work together on getting rid of it. This will reduce the workload on everyone. Another good tip is to buy a snowblower. Prices of snowblowers range from $50 to $60 but it saves you time and the trouble and pain that comes with shoveling. You may also want to go in with a couple of neighbors and then purchase the snowblower. These five steps are a few of many steps that prepare you for any blizzard. The most important step is to stay safe.


1.Plan ahead 2.Don’t go outside

until the storm ends.

3. Find activities inside.

4. Have a first aid kit and food.

5. Clean up after the storm.

Arts & Entertainment

10 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

Vintage taste for your sweet tooth


CAROL DWYER / copy editor

Good Life - OneRepublic Shake it Out - Florence + The Machine The One That Got Away - Katy Perry

JESSE GAUNCE / copy editor

Shoot To Thrill - AC/DC Alive - Pearl Jam Cosmos Rockin - Queen + Paul Rogers


Brown Betty’s offer a variety of desserts including chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and vanilla cupcakes with banana icing.

BY KRISTINE SEMPTIMPHELTER Asst. Perspectives Editor Looking to give that special someone a tasty treat made especially for them? Brown Betty Dessert Boutique has a variety of tasty treats for all different occasions. Whether you’re building an order for a room full of students, or catching a tasty treat on your way home from work, Betty is sure to have the right dessert for you. This delicious bakery currently has two locations in the Philadelphia area with generously sized cupcakes in all different flavors, styles and tastes. Pricing of each cupcake is moderate. Ranging from $3 - $5, every flavor is worth its price. Brown Betty’s modern vintage bakery bakes cakes and cupcakes daily. Each cupcake and cake is uniquely frosted by hand. Brown Betty only uses the finest of ingredients for that mouthwatering taste. Cakes are prepared specifically to your own liking. Your cake is baked to your ordering specifications and baked on time so it is moist and rich. Located at Liberty Place, the bakery is just a few blocks walk from Market Street, easily accessible from the subway. Brown Betty specializes in desserts for weddings and all special occasions. Customized wedding cakes range from full three tiers cake to individual cupcakes shaped

into one large cake. These cupcake cakes have become popular in many modern weddings. The bakery also keeps a unique cupcake menu throughout the week. On Thursday’s, you can enjoy Sallie’s fruitfilled sour cream cupcake. This tasty treat is a vanilla pound cake with a buttercream frosting. You can find Betty’s Buttermilk and Jean’s Road Trip any day of the week while supplies last. While enjoying these tasty treats, storeowners recommend that you wait until the cakes are room temperature before enjoying. If you have enough tolerance to hold the frosting on your tongue, it will just sort of seep over your taste buds, blanketing them in sweet heaven. Brown Betty employees are extremely knowledgeable of what they are selling. If you’re willing to try something other than your personal favorite, a Brown Betty employee will be able to point you in the right direction. There is no limit to the different flavors of cupcakes. Pineapple with buttercream, strawberry with pound cake, all the different varieties give you something new to try. Because the cupcakes are usually made-to-order, walk-in purchases only last until they are sold out. This quaint little bakery is inviting to all ages and taste buds. With the variety of cupcakes you’ll be sure to find something that makes your taste buds tingle.


The only downfall to Brown Betty’s is its hidden location. The bakery is hidden off the road and inside a plaza in a corner unit away from pedestrians wandering eyes. This location only holds a few dozen cupcakes a day. Another downfall to the small bakery style is the lack of seating space. Although the idea is an order-and-go type bakery, those that want to sit and taste a few options, have limited seating space. The benefit to the location is the abundance of cupcakes due to its unknown location. More left over for those who do know about this dessert haven. A prospective location is under wraps for this upcoming year. Hopefully this location will mimic its main bakery qualities as well as added curbside appeal.


ADDRESS: 1625 Market Street 1st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Hours: Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday: Closed

Application of the Week: Pulse BY MARYKATE MCCANN Staff Writer Are you looking for a fun and easy way to read about the news in your area, the country or around the world? Allow me to introduce you to the Pulse News Reader app. It supplies news about entertainment, sports, food, celebrity drama and anything else you might be interested in. You can get educated about all kinds of news in the palm of your hands. When you first open the app, it gives you a visual representation with pictures of different news with a small text headline attached. By clicking on the spoke-wheel on the top left corner, you can browse the catalog and add different sources. You can choose a pack of technology, gaming, politics and science, or just browse their catalog. Based on what you choose, you are able to arrange them to your best interests. It can vary from sports and The Wall Street Journal to food recipes and MTV news. Pulse can also update itself about traditional sources, favorite blogs and social networks.


Sharing stories is so easy with quick links from the menu button. The opportunity to experience the news you want from options you can choose from are endless. Once news interests are selected the rest is a piece of cake. Just tap on an article to see a clean, legible view of the news story. Even on a small screen, all your content is in one place. You may come across a story you enjoyed reading and would like to save it to read later. In that case, sync them with Instapaper and you will always have easy access to them. Pulse was founded by two graduate students, Ankit Gupta and Akshay Kothari, in May 2010. Their inspiration came from their Institute of Design course at Stanford. Trying to read about the news on their mobile devices was frustrating and disappointing. Pulse is available for free download on iTunes and Andriod market.





Enjoy the sounds of Ralph Peterson featuring the Curtis Brothers, snacks, light, supper options, cocktails, wine and beer.

Q102 radio station broadcasts live from Club 27. Enjoy dancing, music and drinks. There are three floors and five bars. Must be 18 to enter and 21 to drink.

Spend an afternoon ice skating. It’s fun for all ages and experience levels. Bring three friends for a special pricing deal.

Phiiladelphia Museum of Art, (26th St. & BenFranklin Parkway, Philadelphia), general admission prices, 5 p.m.

Club 27, (21 Bank St., Philadelphia), $2 - $10, 9 p.m.

Ice Works, (3100 W. Duttons Mill Rd., Aston), $10, $1 skate rentals , 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Arts & Entertainment

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

The Loquitur | 11

Play showcases memories of war BlogRoll: College Fashion



The Marple Newtown Players performed“Necessary Targets” in the basement of Swarthmore United Methodist Church.

BY BRANDON DESIDERIO Asst. News Editor Stories of strife and unimaginable unity such as what is made apparent in “Necessary Targets,” often go unnoticed. The Marple Newtown Players ran the last showing of their production of “Necessary Targets” on Saturday, Feb. 4. A local non-profit organization of the greater Main Line area, the “MN” in the group’s name has its origins in the Marple Newtown Township where they were originally founded over 65 years ago. “Necessary Targets” itself has its roots in such works as “The Vagina Monologues” and “The Good Body,” with its playwright being none other than Eve Ensler herself. Ensler is most famous for “The Vagina Monologues,” which showcases the nature of her work well. An activist most notably for women’s rights, as well as a feminist, Ensler encapsulates the spirit of womankind and, largely, humankind; her works stand as truthful and raw testimony to innumerable social issues throughout the world. The MN Players performed Ensler’s “Necessary Targets” in the modest basement of Swarthmore United Methodist Church, the new location of all of their performances. With an all-female cast limited in scope to seven, the storyline consists of two American women traveling to Bosnia in order to help several refugee women cope with their memories of

war as well as their personal sufferings. The American women themselves portray two opposing sides of humankind, with one being a young, determined writer named Melissa, who is in search of utilizing the women’s personal stories as fodder for a story. Her companion is a middleaged psychiatrist referred to simply as J.S. The distance in age between the two women exemplifies a rift in their own relations with one another, each with their own conflicting approaches to how best to treat the war-torn women. With famous women such as Anjelica Huston and Meryl Streep having read the play at a benefit in the United States, along with a similar performance held in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, headed by the likes of Glenn Close and Marisa Tomei, it becomes clear to realize how monumental the work is. The MN Players’ own cast, albeit less renowned, had an unarguably comparable spring of talent on their side. Cathy Gibbons Mostek, an actress and model, embodied the role of J.S. to its fullest, with her passion raw and immutable; similarly, Jennifer Vick, a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s BFA program and the second leading lady, took on the guise of misguided and naive Melissa effortlessly, making the role both memorable and realistic. Comprising the equally-talented and emotionally-captivating ensemble of war refugees and generally world-weary women

were Susan Mattson (Jelena), who recently appeared in a production of “String of Pearls” at Allens Lane Theater Cindy Nagle Walton (Zlata), a Lansdowne resident, Erin Carr (Nuna), holder of a BFA in acting from NYU-Tisch School of the Arts, Elizabeth Hall (Seada), a graduate of East Stroudsburg University with a degree in theater and last but most certainly not least, Dani Kennedy (Azra), a 20-year community theater veteran whose performance ranked as the funniest, yet most heartfelt and poignant of the night. The stories presented through the various refugees range from tales of domestic abuse, to gut-wrenching desperation for an ultimate “end,” to the focal issue that has more or less affected all of the women since the war began; something which can only be explained as an unseen yet vital plot twist. Perhaps it was the stage’s barrenness and simplicity that allowed the testimonies of these women to shine through these talented actresses, or perhaps it was Ensler’s own personalized vision for the production and its relation to her own visit in then-Yugoslavia and the women she met there. Regardless, the production proved to be worth seeing, with the cast well-chosen and thoroughly invested in their imagined viewpoints of life and loss.


If you enjoy reading about fashion and want to know what the latest trends are, College Fashion is the place to be. This is a blog created by college students for college students. This blog, run by Zephyr Basine, was created specifically for college students in 2007. It features everything from tips on fashion, relationships, lifestyle, trends, shopping, beauty products and other topics related to college life. College Fashion started out as a personal blog and has now turned into an online fashion magazine. Students from different colleges across the United States write the contents of the blog. It is evident from the contents of College Fashion that Basine has a fantastic staff of writers that love what they do and know about fashion. Whether you want to know about new fashion trends or vintage fashion, which are still in style, College Fashion covers it all. As college students, we have to live on a budget and this blog is the perfect place to research how to buy designer quality products for an affordable price. Did you fall in love with a certain celebrity style outfit and absolutely have to have that ensemble? This blog will tell you where to get that cute outfit for a price range that fits your personal budget. College fashion also features D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) projects, make up tutorials and other fun projects. The shopping tab on this blog is a great tool. It is updated regularly based on the latest fashion trends and you can always find yourself shopping at a reputable site. This section of the blog provides its readers with links to designer clothes as well as affordable clothes. What I like most about this blog is being able to find out where I can find clothes for an affordable price and reading tips on how to decorate dorm rooms while having fun with it.





There will be a variety of different activities that reflect on 200 years of the American Presidency. Programs include How To Be President 101, Behind Every Great President and many others.

This workshop will teach you a step-by-step process of how murals are painted. Each person will create his/her own mural design to take home as a finished piece.

The National Constitution Center, (525 Arch St., Philadelphia), free, all day event

Main Line Art Center, (746 Panmure Rd., Haverford), $78, 4:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.


Learn about Fair Trade coffee including the ethics courtesy of Fair Trade Philadelphia while enjoying free samples from local coffee shops including Mugshots and Grindcore House. Parkway Central Library, (1901 Vine St., Philadelphia), free, 6 p.m.

Arts & Entertainment

12 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012


New Van Halen album evokes old sound BY JESSE GAUNCE Copy Editor Van Halen fans, rejoice. After years of waiting, you can finally “Jump” out of your seats for David Lee Roth (vocals), Eddie (guitar), Wolfgang (bass) and Alex (drums) Van Halen once again. The legendary rock icons have finally put out a brand new album entitled “A Different Kind of Truth,” which is the band’s first new album since “Van Halen III,” dropped in 1998. This is also the first album that features Wolfgang Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen’s son, on bass. Before I continue, for those who don’t know, all of the members of the band besides Roth are related and named the band after their real last name, Van Halen. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. “A Different Kind of Truth” was released on Feb. 7 and has been well-received by critics. USA Today even went as far as to say that the album “is the true kick in the butt that arena rock desperately needed,” despite missing former bassist and backing vocal extraordinaire Michael Anthony, now with Chickenfoot. Roth’s voice has never sounded better. In fact, the entire band sounds great on basically every song. In a recent interview, Roth described the songs on the new album as “sort of a collaboration with Van Halen’s past.” Riffs from some of the songs date back to 1970s and 1980s.

That being said, every track on this album is a testament to Van Halen’s classic, in-your-face sound and is put on display right away with the opening track and hitsingle, “Tattoo.” “Tattoo” kicks off with Roth and guitarist Eddie singing “tattoo, tattoo” with the guitar and drums coming in right after in the most riveting manner. The meaning of “Tattoo” is self-explanatory. When Roth starts off by singing “I got Elvis on my elbow. When I flex, Elvis talks,” you can tell right away where he’s going. Roth’s always-witty lyrics are meant to appeal to every and all generations simply because a plethora of teenagers and adults alike get tattoos or at the very least, like them. However, not all of the songs start off with that hard sound that you hear in “Tattoo.” Straying away from the hard rock aspect for about a minute or two, the song “Stay Frosty,” the 11th song on the album, starts off as an acoustic, bluesy-sounding song, which then turns into a bluesy hard rock song. The song gives fans a feeling of nostalgia because it features resemblance to “Ice Cream Man” off of their debut album “Van Halen.” Also, for anyone who thought Eddie’s best solos were behind him, listen to “Big River” and “Blood and Fire.” Believe me, you won’t be disappointed. Through all the trials and tribulations, from Roth leaving the band for a long pe-


Van Halen’s new album “A Different Kind of Truth” was released on Feb. 7.

riod of time in the 80s, to Eddie’s alcohol abuse, to Anthony’s departure, Van Halen has withstood the test of time and have given fans something to get excited about. If you’re a fan of Van Halen’s old stuff like I am, you will be pleasantly surprised by what this album provides.

To paraphrase USA Today, it truly is exactly what rock music needed. So for anyone who says rock is completely dead, Van Halen says otherwise. MMG65@CABRINI.EDU

“The Artist” takes audiences to silent film era in style BY CAROL DWYER Copy Editor Today’s generation of moviegoers were given a taste of Hollywood’s silent film era with Oscar nominee “The Artist.” The story focuses on the film industry’s long-ago transition into the “talkies,” causing different outcomes for acting talent of that time. Although it represents a time decades ago, the impact of changing technologies on people can easily be related to as well. Early on, George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is the big star resulting from his work on the big, yet silent screen. During a scene familiar to us today, the red carpet lined with the press flashing cameras at the star, a fan eagerly takes it all in. The fan’s name is Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo), whose chance encounter with Valentin brings fame her way. A fast-paced collage of publicity images fills the screen to reflect how quickly Miller rises to stardom as “talkies” begin. It’s the perfect parallel to the stars of today; their faces are everywhere even if they were unheard of a year earlier. Meanwhile, Valentin’s career is going downhill just as rapidly; his success in silent films created a loyalty to that era of acting. The cute little dog following him around seems to be the only constant in his life. As Miller continues to gain popularity with both the public and the press, a moment of betrayal happens to Valentin. Following his career’s demise and the betrayal, disaster also strikes in Valentin’s life. It’s only a matter of time as to whether or not everything can turn around for him and if his career will be renewed. Valentin’s career troubles due to a changing film industry parallel the hardships of people in today’s economy. This made for a character who audiences could really root for to overcome adversity and find new success. The acting by cast members throughout the film was outstanding. Even without Dujardin talking, it was obvious in the audience reactions at Bryn Mawr Film Institute that his character’s emotions were felt. Bejo, who audiences may recognize from “A Knight’s Tale” (2001), was delightful in the role of a star whose fame grows with the popularity of “talkies.” Along with Dujardin and Bejo,


Oscar nominated French drama film,“The Artist” plays a special tribute to the silent movie era of Hollywood.

“The Artist” also stars James Cromwell, John Goodman and Missi Pyle. Penelope Ann Miller stars as the wife of Valentin and his acting career, going out with silent films, causes distress in her as well. Cromwell is Clifton, whose livelihood is also affected by the silent film era fading to the industry’s changing times. The film’s human cast members were not the only ones in the spotlight; the dog, known as “Uggie,” has a Facebook fan base. Various scenes throughout the film emphasize the events taking place in the lives of Valentin and Miller. A silent film ad starring Valentin rests on the ground as people walk on it. Later, he gazes at a reflection of himself where an old tuxedo is worn by a mannequin in a store’s display window. These are just a few examples of how the imagery in “The Artist” does a great job with heightening feelings of failure and hope.

The costumes were glamorous, just like those seen throughout an old movie airing on TCM. In successful times, Valentin wore a tuxedo featuring long coattails; Miller’s outfits were similar to flapper dresses in that they were glitzy and great for dancing. Other details, such as hairstyles of both male and female characters, reflected the classy look of old Hollywood. According to IMDB, “The Artist” is nominated for Oscars in 10 award categories; that includes Dujardin for Best Actor and Bejo for Best Supporting Actress. Tune in to the 84th Annual Academy Awards on Feb. 26 to find out how “The Artist” fares among its competition for top honors in film.



Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

The Loquitur | 13


Lady Cavs senior leaves lasting impression on teammates BY VICTORIA TARVER Asst. Copy Editor Senior guard Jenn Casper can be described as energetic, fun, outgoing and determined. She is a business administration major and minors in marketing and finance. As far as her career is concerned, Casper hopes to land a job in the field of marketing. Casper has been playing basketball since the age of 4 and at Cabrini, she wears jersey No. 15. She attended Council Rock High School in Newtown, Pa., and in addition to basketball, Casper also played softball up until her junior year of high school. “[She] is a great asset to our team because she is a team-oriented player who works hard everyday in practice in order to make herself and her teammates better,” head coach Kate Pearson said in an email. “She gives it her all every day and leads by example.” Outside of school, her life is pretty normal. Casper hangs out with her friends and family in her free time and motivates herself to do well on the court and with everything else she does. She doesn’t have a favorite pro athlete but roots for the Flyers, Eagles and of course, the

Philadelphia 76ers. During Casper’s time at Cabrini, she’s made plenty of friends and has started new relationships. She’s become great friends with teammates Maggie McElroy, sophomore guard/forward and junior forward Melissa Kudzmas as well as Kristie Montano. “Teammates have a great deal of respect for her and definitely follow her lead,” Pearson said. “Casper has been a great contributor to our program because of her work ethic and her ability to step in and help our team in anyway necessary.” According to Casper, her teammates would describe her as being outgoing, strong and nice. Pearson has had nothing but great things to say about Casper’s leadership over the past two basketball seasons. “Though Casper has only been with the team for two years, she has had a great impact and I have developed a strong relationship with her that I look forward to continuing that relationship in the future,” Pearson said. “[She] has a great sense of pride to be a part of Cabrini and the women’s basketball family so I know she will be back after graduation to support her teammates and the program.”

Casper is the only senior on the women’s team and recently was honored for her service with the Lady Cavs on Saturday, Feb. 11, before a game against Philadelphia Biblical University. It’s hard for her because she has been playing basketball for so long and her time is soon coming to an end. ”It makes me sad to think about this being my last year,” Casper said. “I would like to stay involved with Cabrini after I graduate but I’m not sure if I would be able to as much as I want.” There are many obstacles and life-changing experiences after graduation. You learn to live on your own and take care of yourself. “I am scared and nervous about graduation because I do not know where I am going to be working or what I’ll be doing,” Casper said. “I just want a good job.”


OFF THE COURT WITH JENN CASPER 1. Outside of basketball and attending class, what things do you like to do in your free time? - Spend time with family and friends.

2. What are your favorite foods? - Cheesesteaks and chicken wings.

3. What types of music do you listen to? Which artists do you enjoy listening to?

- Hip hop and country. My favorite artist is Drake.

4. Which professional sports teams do you root for? - The Philadelphia Flyers, Eagles and Sixers.

5. How would your teammates describe you? - Outgoing, strong and nice.

6. Do you think basketball will still be in your future?

- I would like to but I’m not sure if I would be able to.


14 | The Loquitur

TOP: The Lady Cavs defeated Philadelphia Biblical University 79-63 on Senior Day, Saturday, Feb. 11. The victory earned the team a CSAC playoff berth. ABOVE LEFT: The women’s team wore pink “Play4Kay” t-shirts to raise awareness for cancer research. Donations benefited the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. RIGHT: Senior guard Jenn Casper prepares to shoot a free-throw against Philly Biblical. Casper, the team’s lone senior, finished with 11 points for the Cavs.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012


Lady Cavs clinch playoff berth with win BY AMANDA TOTH Asst. A&E Editor The Lady Cavaliers defeated the Philadelphia Biblical University Crimson Eagles on Saturday, Feb. 11, by a score of 79-63. The win clinched the Lady Cavs a spot in the CSAC tournament. They also brought their record to 9-6 in CSAC play and 11-13 overall. It was Senior Day at the Nerney Field House and senior forward/guard Jenn Casper was honored in a pre-game ceremony for her career achievements to the team. The Lady Cavs also participated in the Play4Kay initiative, wearing pink t-shirts

during shootaround. Play4Kay is a foundation that raises money for breast cancer research and is part of the Kay Yow Foundation. Cabrini is one of hundreds of schools involved in this great foundation. Seven times in the first half, Cabrini led by five. The close first half featured six ties, but Cabrini found themselves with a 39-35 lead at the break. The second half would be a different story. After the Lady Eagles trimmed Cabrini’s lead to one early in the second half, the Lady Cavs took off running on a 16-2 run. From there, they would coast to a 16-point win. Cabrini would outscore the Lady Eagles in the second half, 40-28. As a team, the

Lady Cavs shot 39.7 percent from the floor. Casper posted 11 points in her final regular season home game. Freshmen forwards Amber Keys and Megan Decker and sophomore guard Leithie Faison tied for a team-leading 12 points, leading a balanced scoring effort for the Lady Cavs. Defensively, the Lady Cavs were just as strong. Sophomore forward/guard Annie Rivituso posted five rebounds. Faison grabbed a team-high six boards. When asked how she thought the game went, Faison said she “kept her head in the game and played her hardest.” The Lady Cavs’ win is their fourth win in a row. After a six-game losing streak to end January, the Lady Cavs remain unbeaten

in the month of February. The Cavs have one more game in the regular season before they begin their quest for a CSAC title. They are scheduled to play a road game against GwyneddMercy College on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 6 p.m. The Lady Cavs will learn their firstround opponent then, as they prepare for their first tournament game. The CSAC tournament is scheduled to tip off on Monday, Feb. 20.


Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012


The Loquitur | 15

Former Cavaliers return to court Past members of the Cabrini men’s and women’s basketball teams returned to the Nerney Field House on Saturday, Feb. 11, to participate in pick-up alumni basketball games.


This is #Linsanity




Will the Phillies be better or worse in 2012? DAVID ALONSO HISTORY SOPHOMORE


They have been doing well for previous seasons.

Better because they didn’t do so well last season so they’ll have more motivation.



Better. Last year there were many injuries.

Worse because Ryan Howard is injured.



Better because I have faith [in them].

Better because of all the injuries last year. They will do better this year.

New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin is not your typical Harvard graduate. While alumni from the Ivy League school are looking for top-notch jobs in fields like medicine and law, Lin is playing professional basketball at Madison Square Garden. If this is the first you’re hearing of Lin or “Linsanity,” I’d recommend doing a quick Google search. Lin went undrafted after graduating from Harvard and was signed by the Golden State Warriors last season. He served as a reserve player and only averaged 2.6 points per game. New York signed Lin in the offseason but still saw him as a bench player, nothing special. All of that changed against the New Jersey Nets on Saturday, Feb. 4, when Lin was thrust into the team’s starting lineup because of injuries. In his first NBA start, Lin scored 25 points and helped the Knicks defeat New Jersey by a score of 99-92. With 25 points in a game, Lin earned himself another start and, all of a sudden, is the talk of the sports world. Just as Tim Tebow’s fourth quarter antics led to people hopping on the Denver Broncos bandwagon and “Tebowing” everywhere and anywhere, “Linsanity” is now the new trend in sports. On Twitter, the hashtag “Linsanity” leads to tweet after tweet of praise for the 23-yearold’s (brief) accomplishments. Sales are booming for his No. 17 Knicks jersey and the media can’t get enough of him. It’s also worth noting that Lin himself has acknowledged Tebow as someone who inspires him. Back to basketball now. After posting three straight games with at least 23 points, Lin outscored Kobe Bryant and compiled a whopping 38 points to help the Knicks defeat the Los Angeles Lakers. After four games, his 109 total points had become the most for a basketball player in his first four NBA starts since the 1976 NBA-ABA merger. In a world where Harvard graduates are more likely to become president than play professional basketball, Lin is a player worth watching. In addition to becoming the first Harvard grad to play in the NBA in over 50 years, he is also a Christian and the only United States-born Taiwanese or Chinese athlete in the NBA right now. When a bench player suddenly becomes a starter and puts up at least 20 points a night, it’s definitely a story worth following. This is #Linsanity. NAL42@CABRINI.EDU

Have an opinion about this column? Feel free to send Nick a tweet (@nlarosa62).


16 | The Loquitur

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

Zabel leads Cavs to 85-55 victory over Philly Biblical on Senior Day BY ALLIE JETER Asst. A&E Editor The Cabrini men’s basketball team defeated the Philadelphia Biblical University Crimson Eagles on Saturday, Feb. 11, by a score of 85-55. The team is now one win away from earning the school’s third perfect Colonial States Athletic Conference record. The men’s team has now won 43 consecutive CSAC games on their home court at the Nerney Field House. Saturday was Senior Day for the Cavaliers. Seniors Cory Lemons, John Boyd and Greg Zabel, all guards, received awards and were recognized for their achievements in the game of basketball. Zabel led the Cavs with 21 points and made seven of his 12 shots. “I thought the team played very well in that when we play against a team that isn’t the greatest we don’t play down to their competition and just go out and play and focus on us as a team getting better,” Zabel said. In addition to his career-high 21 points, Zabel also made two three-point shots and was a perfect five for five from the free-throw line. Sixteen of his points came in the second half of the game. Sophomore forward Fran Rafferty helped the team

score the first five points of the game. The Cavs went on a 12-0 run before the Crimson Eagles even scored a single point. “I thought we played a pretty good game,” Rafferty said. “It was sloppy at times but overall we did a lot of things right and walked away with the win.”

“We were able to do what we wanted on both ends of the floor.” Greg Zabel

Even when they had the lead, the Cavs didn’t take it for granted and extended the score to 46-29 at the half. As they started the second half, Boyd and Lemons followed Zabel’s lead. Boyd had four points, three rebounds and two steals while Lemons had five points, six rebounds, five assists and four steals. Rafferty ended the game with five points, four rebounds and three assists. “I was just looking to come out and play hard, hustle and do the little things that will win us games,” Rafferty

said. “[Greg Zabel] carried us offensively and as a team we really spread the ball out well and got everyone involved.” Junior guard A.J. Williams and freshman guard Aaron Walton-Moss each ended the game with 10 points. Junior forward Abraham Bah finished with seven points, including two points from an alley-oop that was set up by Rafferty. The seniors on the men’s roster have combined to go 47-7 over the last couple of years and have picked up two CSAC championships along the way. “I think we did showcase our athleticism,” Rafferty said. “We knew Philly Bible wasn’t a top team in the conference so we definitely tried to get out and put together a great 40 minutes. We played well and athletically we might be one of the more athletic teams in region. We like to run up and down the floor and that was on full display Saturday.” “I think [the win] showcased our team’s athletic abilities in that no matter who we play we go out and give 100 percent,” Zabel said. “We were able to do what we wanted on both ends of the floor. We could have executed much better but there is no question our athleticism was apparent.” ANJ34@CABRINI.EDU



ABOVE LEFT: Senior Greg Zabel prepares to shoot a field goal during Cabrini’s 85-55 victory over Philadelphia Biblical University on Saturday, Feb. 11. Zabel led the team with 21 points in the game. ABOVE RIGHT: From left to right, seniors John Boyd, Cory Lemons and Greg Zabel are recognized for their accomplishments prior to the start of the game.

Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, Feb. 16

Friday, Feb. 17

Saturday, Feb. 18

Men’s and Women’s Swimming @ AMCC Championships/James E. Longnecker Invite - day one 10 a.m.

Men’s and Women’s Swimming @ AMCC Championships/James E. Longnecker Invite - day two 10 a.m.

Men’s and Women’s Swimming @ AMCC Championships/James E. Longnecker Invite - day three 10 a.m.

Sunday, Feb. 19

Monday, Feb. 20

Tuesday, Feb. 21

Wednesday, Feb. 22

No Events

Women’s Basketball vs. Quarterfinals TBA

Men’s Basketball vs. Semifinals TBA

Women’s Basketball vs. Semifinals TBA

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