Jon’s Bar and Grille
The Hunger Games
Page 9 Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Pacemaker Winner
Radnor, Pa.
Radnor, Pa.
Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17
Vol. LIII, Issue 21
!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$ERIC GIBBLE ASST. NEWS EDITOR ERG722@CABRINI.EDU
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* SUBMITTED BY TONY DURSO undocumented. :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* The Cabrini men’s basketball team prepares for the national championship game against the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater on Saturday, March 17. Cabrini narrowly lost to the `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$*
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Warhawks, 63-60 to end the Cavalier’s run to the championship.
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head coach Marcus Kahn said. “It was a forward Chris Davis, slowly clawed their tale of two games, two halves. We played way back into the game. a good game but we didn’t play a good Davis didn’t have as much of a factor C5T* as he usually does, averagNOELLE WESTFALL game.” +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* in the game E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER The Cavaliers men’s basketball team Powered by senior leadership, the Cavs ing 22.6 points per game during the sea66@CABRINI .EDU watched theirNW dream season end a win jumped)%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 off to a hot start. After both teams son. The player that really turned the tide :\'Y&* %-2"*problems, +$(* C5T* E$)(.* &/$6*was &3OO$('* +$(* guard Quardell Young, who short of a National Championship, falling saw early shooting an 11-0'$*run freshman 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater by Cabrini opened the score up to 21-10. came off the bench and netted six points $+* '/"* Q",)>* '$* 4"%"W &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* Warhawks in<$(* theR-+"* 20122)%2"(* NCAA6),7* Division III *'*9/"* The Cavaliers would stretch the margin in short order to trim the Cavs’ lead to American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* '$*in4"%"W 5\!D* National Championship game, 63-60, on to 12 points with6),7".* 2:16 left the *'* half and )6)("%"&&* eight. )%.* )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 Saturday, March 17, at the Salem Civic entered the break with a 31-21 lead. “That hurt us,” Kahn said. “That was the the force cancer had on their lives and the impact Center in Salem, Va. At the 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* start of the second half, things tide turning when [Young] ended up being '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* -&* the 23(("%',>* *1/'-%1* 2)%2"(F* It was just the second loss of the season appeared to be6/$* going same W way for 4(")&'* five-for-six from the floor. That’s when we :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* for the Cavs, who hadn’t lost in 22 games. Cabrini. A couple of early baskets widened went onto our heels.” &""* O($1("&&* #)."* loss '$6)(.&* )%.* /)I"* Their only other was ("&")(2/* an overtime the-'*lead6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 to 12 and after a steal and tip-in by That’s when Davis started to return to eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* defeat on Dec. 30, 2011 to Centre College. sophomore center Jon Miller, the lead hit the spotlight. Despite finishing with just sophomore accounting -'Y&*mark -#O$(')%'* 4"2)3&"* Cabrini’s two losses this major season and were cochair by a itsof highest at 18.'$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 12 points in the game, he hit two straight C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* combined five points. The game changed greatly from there. three-pointers to cap a 26-8 run for UWW 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* '6$* “Obviously disappointing,” fourth-year The Warhawks, led by All-American senior &#$7-%1* and tie the game with 3:19 to play.
BY KEVIN DURSO Asst. Sports Editor
;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(*
Another two points and a pair of free throws by Davis put the Warhawks in front by four with less than a minute to play. But Cabrini erased most of that lead on a three-point play by senior guard John Boyd. Boyd led the team with 18 points. “We practice that play in practice every day,” Boyd said. “I just took a bad shot. We had a great run. We came up one game short but we’ve got a lot to be proud of.” A layup by senior forward Alex Edmunds gave the Warhawks a threepoint lead and set up the final play of the game. Cabrini needed a three to tie. Boyd’s three-point attempt fell short and despite grabbing an offensive rebound with under BASKETBALL,
page 16
2 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Food for Thought ‘Food for Life’ teaches benefits of plant-based diet BY SEAN COLLINS Asst. News Editor
Editorial: Cherish the spirit, not just the victories If you were on campus this past weekend, you can probably still feel the electric current that was pumping through those watching the men’s basketball team on their historic trip to the final round of the NCAA Division III Tournament in Salem, Va. The immense excitement as well as the incredible pride felt by all those participating in the events down in Salem as well as watching here at Cabrini, was palpable and unforgettable. Here on The Loquitur, we want to encourage the Cabrini community to remember that level of school spirit and to keep it going. Although the action of the weekend took place down in Va., those who watched the live stream in the Widener Lecture Hall and those who saw the videos of the reaction in Widener after the buzzer beating victory by the Cavaliers can attest that there has probably never been more sense of excitement over being from or associated with Cabrini College. Those of us Loquitur editors who were in attendance to watch the stream can say that we have never been more proud or excited to be Cavaliers, during both nights, whether the outcome was win or lose. For us proud fans, it isn’t about whether we won or lost but how good it felt to have excitement on campus and be united with spirit. To come together with the community, including fellow students, faculty, staff and friends of the school and bond over a common goal of winning a championship, as well as being recognized by the media and having them portray this environment of pride and spirit to the Philadelphia area, is something we want to remember but also see continue. Whether or not we are fortunate enough to have an athletic team going to the national championship to root for we can keep that sense of pride up. The editorial in the last issue of The
Loquitur discussed how we as a college can be very proud of our hardworking athletes, despite not being a big name Division I athletic school. While we do have much to be proud of in that department, we, as an editorial staff, would like to stress that we can have that school spirit for Cabrini in general, every day. Obviously we are not Penn State or a school of that caliber when it comes to number of students and athletic programs. We do not have the sheer number of students to make this campus a buzzing city within itself. But does that mean we cannot have the same sense of community that a school of that sort does? Why not? So what if we do not have football games in the fall? We do have exciting athletics, all year, a passionate faculty/ staff and students who are committed to making Cabrini a certain kind of college experience, a special, unique one that we can all be excited about. Here is why we believe we can carry that sense of school spirit all year and possibly even more than other places: Cabrini is a community where everyone counts; everyone is called to participate and make this place better. You are not a number; you are a face with a name. There is nothing wrong with a big institution, but at Cabrini you can be guaranteed that you were chosen to participate in and make this community stronger. That is something to be celebrated all year during your tenure here. The Loquitur editorial staff would like to congratulate the Cabrini men’s basketball team on their incredible run in the NCAA tournament but mostly for igniting and re-invigorating our sense of pride in being Cavaliers. Now, it is our turn, each person who is called to be a member of this community, to live it everyday and keep the spirit alive.
The ‘Food for Life’ event on March 19 in the Mansion continued the Healthy Monday program with a focus on a a plant-based diet. The event was hosted by Sheryl Wolff, a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. At the start of the presentation, Wolff explained the several benefits to a plant-based diet. “A plant-based diet is an excellent way of maintaining or even losing weight without counting calories,” Wolff said. Wolff prepared meals during the event. First on the menu was black bean soup. “It is essential to rinse and drain the rice before you start cooking,” Wolff said. “This is to get rid of excess salt.” The soup was all-organic and contained three simple ingredients: black beans, salsa and vegetable broth. They were then boiled and mixed in a vegetable mixer. “This is a great, healthy dish,” Wolff said. “It can be prepared in less than twenty minutes time.” Wolff went on to explain other benefits of a plant-based diet, including reducing the risk for obesity, diabetes, providing increased energy and even cancer prevention. Two key elements of the diet presented at the event were low fat and high fiber. The topic of the importance of buying and eating organics was also featured.
“Whatever I can use that is organic, I do,” Wolff said. “A lot of fruits and vegetables are worth paying extra for organic.” Wolff also went on to explain that while eating organic is good for your body, purchasing organics is also beneficial. By doing so, one can help promote the sales of the smaller farmers in third-world countries. Wolff explained healthier substitutes to cooking ingredients too. “Veggie broth is a healthier substitute for cooking oil,” Wolff said. “A lot of people use vegetable or olive oil to sauté their foods. However, just one tablespoon of olive oil is fourteen grams of fat.” However, Wolff explained that not all fats are as horrible as we may think. “About 25 to 35 grams of fat per day is the right amount for maintaining or losing weight,” Wolff said. Besides substitutes for cooking oil, Wolff went on to show the audience a few cooking substitutes that are also healthier choices. “These are easy ways to keep the diet low fat and at the same time not starve yourself,” Wolff said. At the end of the event, Wolff made a shake. The ingredients included a banana, grapes, pears and kale. Wolff said kale is actually a type of seaweed; it is rare but available at supermarkets such Whole Foods and Wegman’s. As with the black bean soup dish, samples were given to the audience. Both of the recipes are available on the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s website at SFC35@CABRINI.EDU
Sheryl Wolff, a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, pours a health drink during her ‘Food for Life’ event.
The Loquitur
2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio NEWS EDITOR James Crowell
COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 3
Direction more important than destination BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor Making the move to Swaziland in Africa from Bowling Green, Ky., took nearly five years of planning, praying and preparing. Ben, Beth and 2-year-old Mikayla Kickert spent 72 hours traveling from the comfortable, quiet suburban lives they knew to live in the oppressively hot and snakefilled country of Swaziland in July 2011. “When we began looking to live overseas, we wanted to be a part of restorative work that was driven by community needs and assets,” Ben Kickert wrote in his blog. “We also wanted to head to a place where we could be shaped as individuals and a family. We certainly found both. Here at Cabrini, we are in one of the most forgotten areas of the country; all of our work is dedicated to serving the needs geographically around us.” Kickert visited Cabrini College on a month-long tour back to the United States to speak with faculty and students about the work being done at the Cabrini Mission is St. Philip’s, Swaziland. The Cabrini Missionary Sisters have been serving in St. Philip’s for nearly 40 years. Before the AIDS pandemic broke, the main focus was skill training. In Swaziland, 31 percent, roughly one out of every three people is HIV positive. The sisters now work on healthcare, prevention and education. “We had intentionally avoided researching any opportunities in the lowveld because of the environment,” Kickert said. “However, when Cabrini offered us the positions, we realized that even if the location was not right, the place was perfect. It offered housing, paid a modest salary, was a safe place to raise a family, and provided the opportunity to live immersed in Swazi
Beth, Mikayla and Ben Kickert have committed two and a half years to the Cabrini Missionary Sisters in St. Philip’s, Swaziland but expect to stay five to 10 years. culture. Most importantly, it was a place where good work was being done that we could be a part of and the skills we brought were exactly what they needed.” Earning a bachelor’s degree in religious studies and mass communication at Western Kentucky University and a master’s degree with honors in biblical studies from Asbury Seminary, Kickert has experience in many various and eclectic areas. Kickert’s curiosity about the world came from the lack of diversity in his high school. When entering college, he realized the importance of learning more about different cultures and religions. His curiosity pushed him to branch out and make lifelong friends who would change his point of view.
“I found a really good friend in the religious studies department who worked with, and I’ll use his term, the ‘African American’ ministry on campus and I developed a relationship where I could ask him whatever I wanted, as ridiculous as it was, and he could do the same with me,” Kickert said. “We stepped on each other’s toes and we probably offended each other more times than I can count, but we both stepped away from that with a certain intentionality and understanding.” With a commitment of two and a half years, Kickert expects to stay in Swaziland for five to 10 years. He believes there is a need to be interconnected in our world and becoming a global citizen is a decision that was easy for him to make.
“I’ve always immersed myself in crazy and disconnected things, but that’s made me more aware, it’s made me more comfortable in a variety of settings, and it’s made me more conscious of asking questions that I’ve never asked before,” Kickert said. Kickert discussed the difficulty of accepting short-term-service volunteers because of the costs to actually house and supervise an untrained volunteer. Accepting volunteers may not help the organization in the way needed but it could give the participant a new perspective by traveling and living in solidarity. According to an article on, for some, global citizenship can be exercised at home through engagement in global issues or with different cultures in a local setting. For others, experiencing the culture and people of different countries firsthand is the true meaning of being a global citizen. “It’s just a whole different set of questions and different realities you live with and different things that you struggle with,” Kickert said of living internationally. The direction of Kickert’s life has been far from a straight line to his current destination but each of his experiences has molded him into the person he is today. “I think when we’re in college, we picture one thing happening but in reality the way we get there and the reality of what our job is, is often much more multifaceted than what we imagined,” Kickert said. “I believe that direction is much more important than destination. It’s more important that you’re moving someplace positive than you’re moving to a specific place.” MMG65@CABRINI.EDU
4 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
U.S. remains uncertain in nuclear assessment of Iran
Future of Pa. turnpike features all-electronic tolling, no booths
Despite beliefs voiced by North American spy agencies that Iran’s nuclear bomb program ended in 2003, the United States faces a hard task of assessing alleged new government intelligence acquired in 2010 that speaks to the contrary. Leaked communications between Iranian officials appear to show that the country’s leaders have chosen to revive their nuclear efforts, leading to sanctions and threats voiced in opposition to Iran by the U.S. and European countries. MCT
Read the original story on | March 17, 2012
Iranian Revolutionary guards fire Shahab 3 missiles during a war game southeast of Tehran, on Nov. 2, 2006. Recent leaked communications regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions have renewed U.S. concerns of a nuclear war.
Specifics of soldier’s tours in Afghanistan call attention to war
Russian tabloid icon posed to reignite protests
Mexican earthquake no threat to Obama’s daughter
Will passwords be made obsolete in the near future?
The reported killings of 16 Afghanistan civilians by Staff Sgt. Robert Bales last week has put the effects of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq into a larger perspective. A military survey released in 2011 discovered that there is declining morale amongst soldiers deployed to Afghanistan repeatedly, in addition to a higher instance of mental health problems.
Kseniya Sobchak, a 30-yearold Russian reality television star, has taken up the reins of resistance in the politically “anti-liberal” climate of Putin’s Russia. As the “unlikely” opposition to Putin, Sobchak has emerged unexpectedly as a leader of change, going so far as to host fellow protest leaders on her new political talk show last week before its timely cancellation.
Malia Obama, the U.S. President’s older daughter, was not affected by the earthquake on Tuesday, March 20. The 7.6-magnitude quake shook central and southern Mexico in the late afternoon. Kristina Schake, communications director to Michelle Obama, said in a statement that Malia was on a school trip in Mexico when the earthquake struck and she was never in danger.
A division of the Defense Department called Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa for short, is planning to fund research towards the development of software that will determine simply by typing patterns that you are the person you claim to be.
Read the original story on | March 17, 2012
Read the original story on | March 17, 2012
Read the original story on | March 20, 2012
Read the original story on | March 17, 2012
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, March 22 Mass
Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Friday, March 23 Mass
Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 24 Sports
See page 14 for a list of all Cavalier games and times.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike is planning to have all-electronic tolling in the next five years. However, there will be a 76 percent surcharge for motorists who don’t use E-ZPass devices. The turnpike will demolish all toll booths and instead charge drivers as they pass at highway speed under overhead gantries equipped with electronic readers and cameras. According to the turnpike officials, all-electronic tolling would improve safety, reduce travel time and reduce air pollution. Read the original story on | March 12, 2012
Rutgers student claims innocence, gets sentenced in web-cam spying case Dharun Ravi, a 20-yearold student from Rutgers University, pled innocent in response to allegations of his involvement in his Fall 2010 roommate’s sudden suicide. Ravi was convicted on all 15 counts brought against him due to his spying on his thenroommate, Tyler Clementi, through his web-cam while Clementi was having sex with another man. In addition to the invasion of privacy, Ravi was charged with bias intimidation, sharing the video of Clementi with his friends through Twitter. Ravi’s sentencing is set for May 21 before Judge Glenn Berman. Read the original story on | March 17, 2012
Castellano takes new VP role
Sunday, March 25 Academy of Vocal Arts
All are welcome to attend a free performance by resident artists from Philadelphia’s Academy of Vocal Arts from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Mansion.
Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday, March 26 Mass
Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Active Minds Meeting
Active minds will have their monthly meeting the Iadarola Center, Room 101e from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come find out about mental health issues and help reduce the stigma that sometimes surrounds these issues.
Tuesday, March 27 Mass
Celebrate mass in Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Gene Castellano, Vice President for marketing and communications, has been named Vice President for Advancement and External Relations at Cabrini College. Read the original story on | March 13, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 5
Local DA wins Ivy Young Willis award BY RANSOM COZZILLIO News Editor With a commitment to social justice and all those who carry that mantle, Cabrini College honored the Montgomery County District Attorney with an award and guest speaking opportunity for their exemplary work in the field of justice and the community. Risa Vetri Ferman, District Attorney of Montgomery County, was awarded the 19th annual Ivy Young Willis Award and spoke at a ceremony held at the Woodcrest Mansion on Risa Ferman Thursday, March 15. The Ivy Young Willis Award and the accompanying guest speech, is given each year by the History and Political Science departments in recognition of a woman who has had a meaningful effect or made an important contribution their community. “It’s so meaningful to all of us to have everyone here each year during this presentation and speech,” Dr. Marie Angelella George, President of Cabrini College, said of the ceremony. “It’s certainly a testament to the importance of this award, which has had a lasting effect on the college, community and the recipient.” Ferman was selected for the award based on her numerous contributions to the community as a prosecutor and district attorney as well as her many social justice-focused initiatives she has enacted while in that office which tie deeply with the social justice curriculum proffered by Cabrini College. “Cabrini College is so focused on social justice, they make that such a core part of their curriculum, whatever the subject matter, their focus on justice in our community is always paramount,”
Ferman said. “It’s for that reason that this award means so much to me, because it dovetails so perfectly with what has been a priority for me.” As the first female district attorney in Montgomery County history, Ferman has championed numerous causes and programs such as establishing an elder care unit for crimes against the elderly, co-founding the Montgomery County Child Advocacy Project to provide free legal services aimed toward children and serving as a state Supreme Court appointee on the criminal procedures and rules
“It’s about more than just the tests you go through on a daily basis. For me, it’s about how you can take what you do and make the community better, bring justice to all the people.” RISA VETRI FERMAN
committee. We needed to change the way we treated children when dealing with crimes and investigations. There were deficiencies and inefficiencies in how kids who were involved in investigations and crim-
inal situations were handled. We worked to make this process easier for them, Ferman explained. But there is more to the Ivy Young Willis Award, and her work, than a collection of bestowed titles and programs. There are the underlying causes for which they stand. These causes, and those they seek to help or protect, serve as pillars on which a community is, in part, built. By supporting and furthering the interests of these pillars, Ferman, like all previous recipients of the award, is committed to improving the community for all. “It’s about more than just the tests you go through on a daily basis,” Ferman said. “For me, it’s about how you can take what you do and make the community better, bring justice to all the people.” She noted that, despite actualizing her social justice values so effectively from her position as a district attorney, the desire to effect positive changes in the community and for others has always been present. “I have had incredible blessings and luck in my life and I feel like I have the obligation to give back and find ways to do that in a meaningful way,” Ferman said. “For me, the meaningful way is to take my role in the criminal justice system and branch out, thinking outside the box and better protect the people in the community.” The Ivy Young Willis Award and the guest speakers it honors continue to positively represent the school and its commitment to social justice. By striving for justice, especially for those who have been marginalized before, Ferman continues the rich tradition of the award, Cabrini College’s commitment to social justice and those that work to its benefit. “Not only does she seek justice, but she lives out social justice and I think her life and work come together perfectly for this award,” Dr. Darryl Mace, associate professor of history and political science, said.
Future bright for Cavs BY ROB RICHES Asst. Sports Editor While the Cavalier’s men’s basketball team endured a heartbreaking loss at the hands of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks, they still enjoyed a historical run in the process. The team, under the fearless leadership of fourth-year head coach Marcus Kahn, went to the NCAA Division III National Semi-Finals and National Finals for the first time in their history. “It was a good season,” Kahn said. “It’s always fun to go on a run like that.” In addition to their first-ever appearances in the Final Four and National Final, the Cavs also went undefeated in the Colonial States Athletic Conference for the first time since the 1995-96 season, with a record of 18-0. In addition, the team only lost one game in the regular season, an early-season overtime loss to Centre College. After a thrilling 96-85 win over the Keystone College Giants to seal their third consecutive CSAC title, the Cavs traveled from the Nerney Field House to places such as Middlebury, Vt. and Salem, Va., in search of their first-ever national title. “We may have fell short in the national championship, but that doesn’t take anything away from what we did this season,” senior guard John Boyd said. This was Boyd’s last game as a Cavalier, as well as the final game in a Cavalier uniform for fellow senior guards Greg Zabel and Cory Lemons. The Cavaliers may have lost instrumental players on the team in Boyd, Lemons and Zabel but they still have younger players on the team that could lead them to another appearance in the big dance. “We keep Aaron [Walton-Moss,] Jeremy [Knowles] and A.J. [Williams],” Kahn said. “We got a good, strong nucleus to build around and if we fill-in with recruiting, we should be alright to make that next run happen.” After last season’s exit in the third round of the Division III Tournament, the Cavaliers entered this season with many expectations. In the eyes of many, they have shattered these expectations. A. Bartlett Giamatti, former commissioner of Major League Baseball, once famously quipped, “It breaks your heart…it is designed to break your heart.” For the Cavalier players, families and fans, Giamatti’s words unfortunately ring true. However, next year’s returning players will come in with painful memories of this loss, as well as aspirations to bring home their first national title. While this year’s team was nothing short of phenomenal to watch, next year’s squad may even be more incredible. “I think the top five ranking that we had for a lot of the year was legitimate… and this weekend legitimizes it all,” Kahn said.
6 The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2011
Keeping Up with the Cavs:
the Final Four experience PHOTOS BY TONY DURSO
BY KEVIN DURSO Asst. Sports Editor It’s called March Madness for a reason. Anything and everything can happen in college basketball. When the Cabrini men’s basketball team started their season back in mid-November, there were certain expectations that the team carried. Coming off of two consecutive CSAC championships, the team was favored to win their third straight in 2012. Somewhere along the way, the team realized their goals would set the bar higher than any season in the school’s history. Fourth-year head coach Marcus Kahn knew his team could go deep in tournament play. From the start, they had Salem, Va., on their minds. A 9-0 start saw its first blemish come in a holiday tournament at Centre College in Kentucky, as an overtime loss ended Cabrini’s bid for an undefeated season. From that point on, the Cavs took down opponent after opponent for 15 straight games to close out the regular season at 24-1. Two games later, the Cavaliers were back in the NCAA Division III Tournament and won the CSAC Champions. That’s where this story really begins. Cabrini players had the sense that this season was turning into something special as they finished their regular season on an extensive winning streak. Senior stars Cory Lemons and John Boyd had a national championship on their mind.
Two wins in hosted games in the first and second round put Cabrini in their second straight Sweet 16. One win put them in the Elite 8, the farthest the team had ever reached in a tournament in school history. The next night, the Cavaliers were Salem bound. Last weekend proved to be the high of all highs and the low of all lows for a season. There is not a single person that can com-
title game in school history. And while those in Salem roared and this magical team saluted the fans that traveled with them, there were hundreds of Cabrini fans back on campus roaring at a viewing party. March Madness had hit the entire campus of Cabrini College with full force. Those fans had even more to cheer about a night later, as
each other the whole way and how they took the entire campus and brought them together to watch history in the making. Personally, I found that this whole experience was about living out your dreams and living in the moment. Everyone who traveled to Salem, watched the games on campus or was a part of just one game this season, will remember this team.
“There is not a single person that can complain about how far this team made it this season.” plain about how far this team made it this season. But there is not a single person that can tell you the bitter end doesn’t sting. On the morning of Friday, March 16, two buses loaded with Cabrini students, alumni, parents and friends of the men’s team made the trek to Salem, ready for much more than a one-and-done trip to Salem. There was nothing quite like watching junior Jeremy Knowles’ game-winning threepointer as it swished through the basket. There was nothing quite like watching this team that had won the heart of the entire campus mobbing each other at center court after reaching their first
Cabrini opened up an 18-point lead with 13 minutes remaining in the second half of the National Championship Game. Those 13 minutes were all that stood between Cabrini and a national title. The old cliché is “it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” Unfortunately, the Cavaliers slowly lost the momentum of the game, slipped closer and closer to a tie only to watch their lead vanish and their opponent, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks, take the National Championship. The loss was devastating but this story is about so much more than wins and losses. It’s about the bond of a team that backed
By the time it was all over, I and the many students that were in Salem had felt the sting because we felt just as much a part of that team as the players. Getting to know these players was a touching experience and one that I and many students will remember forever. I hear it all the time when I watch sportswriters and reporters cover professional teams. They will constantly remark that the ones that hit the cusp of championships are such great groups to be around. I can tell you it is a true statement because I have now lived it. Not a single member of this team, players and coaches alike,
missed the opportunity to greet the Cabrini fans that had gathered into a small reception room in the Salem Civic Center after both games. They enjoyed and appreciated our support. We simply enjoyed the ride. There is something special about any sports team that can win over a large group. For every champion in professional sports, an entire city normally is bonded to them forever in a special way. That’s what this team did. They made believers out of the entire campus and gave us a season to remember. The final result might not be what we wanted here on campus, but don’t take anything away from these players. They have set the tone for future seasons and put Cabrini basketball on the map. This year’s team is losing three seniors, meaning several of the players who fell just short of a national title will be back next season. And now that they and the entire campus know what they are capable of, they should have plenty of support and attention next season. So, congratulations to the Cabrini men’s basketball team on a great season. We can’t wait to see what next season brings.
Thursday, March 22, 2011
The Loquitur 7
Hipsters, How Original
BY KELSEY ALVINO Perspectives Editor Herds of people wearing non prescription glasses, combat boots with dress pants and their superior sense of authority: more commonly known as “the hipster.” Perhaps you’ve been under a rock and have missed this hipster phenomenon; lucky you. In this case, you might not be able to spot a hipster. Let us help you out. Let me paint a mental picture. While you’re ordering your morning coffee, a hipster is usually the guy or girl behind you wearing thick-brimmed glasses, updating their Tumblr on their iPhone complaining that there are no environmentally friendly cups. God forbid. Hipsters always seem angry (maybe it’s because they are missing the lower half of their pants…must you cut them?) or as they would say, enlightened. Hipsters talk about the most outrageous topics trying to one up each other using useless information they learned at their local community college art department. Their conversations are enough to tell me an “alternative way of living” is what they’re going for. But their clothing really needs some work. In your ingenious effort to be as different as possible, hipsters all look the same. Buy a thermal in the right size and wise up unless you want your clothing collection to help you fit in at a soup kitchen. We can contribute one positive to the hipsters; they ride their bikes everywhere. Hipsters in the suburbs, we congratulate you- that’s dedication. Hipsters on bikes, hipsters on skateboards, hipsters all carpooling to the same Starbucksnice work, but it doesn’t get you off the hook. If you’re currently a hipster ask yourself one thing: why? Your undying need to be different and go against “normal society” is a tad cliché. Grow up; get a job and find clothes that match.
Deputy Editor
8 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Cav-Crew ignites Salem Va.
“I followed closely all year because I used to play for the team and what Coach Kahn has done with the program the past few years is incredible.”
“The trip was an awesome experience and it’s something I will never forget.” Jill Koren, junior education major
Mike Marchitto, junior exericse science major
“It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to watch our own school play in the national championship.” Michelle Attansio, junior graphic design major
“This trip meant so much to me and being a part of the women’s team made it that much more special.” Melissa Kudzmans, junior education major
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 9
Going to extraordinary measures BY STAR SOLER Staff Writer Three college freshmen are taking the phrase “Do Something Extraordinary” to a whole new level. Freshman Allison D’Angelo, psychology and social work major, Maura Lemke, undeclared, and John McMannus, a psychology, criminology and sociology major, made the decision to do something that goes beyond what they usually do here at the college. McMannus saw a flyer hanging up in Jazzmans that caught his attention. The flyer was about a man who had a brain injury when he was a young boy. Now, at the age of 23, he was looking for someone to talk to. McMannus showed the flyer to Lemke and D’Angelo and the three decided it was something they wanted to do. The students later found out that the person who put up the flyer is a grad student at the college. McMannus then called the phone number on the flyer and made plans to meet the young man. Sam Snyder had a brain injury at the age of 10. His brother asked him if he would like to go fishing and although Sam said no, he decided he wanted to go after his brother
had already left. Snyder got onto his bike to go meet his brother and was hit by a car, resulting in a brain injury that left him in a short coma. The flyer that was hanging up in Jazzmans said that Snyder’s family was trying to find people to spend time with him, because he was suffering from depression and needed to work on his social skills. The flyer also said that it was more like a job, because it was a paid position. The three students however, chose not to accept the reward. They met Snyder’s parents first, because Snyder’s mom wanted to make sure that they were were committed to spending time with him. D’Angelo, McMannus and Lemke then met Snyder’s brother and then Snyder. D’Angelo, Lemke and McMannus went to see Snyder twice and he had the experience of coming to campus as well. Snyder experienced Cabrini’s Battle of the Chefs event in Cav’s Corner and got to play basketball at the Dixon Center. “He’s really good at basketball.” McMannus said. “He made all three pointers,” D’Angelo said. “He also likes rock- climbing.” “He did a lot of traveling for programs and to try to find a good doctor, so when he got back here he lost most of his friends
because he really wasn’t around,” Lemke said. “He’s really funny, he likes to make jokes.” Snyder is now finishing his GED, works for his church, at a gym and helps fans to their seats during Eagles games. He also works with his dad, who is a dentist. Although Snyder knows he has to work hard, his mom and his doctor help him keep a schedule to make sure he has time for fun, too. During his free time, Snyder likes to watch television crime shows. D’Angelo, Lemke and McMannus said they chose not to accept the reward before they even met Snyder and his family. The three students agreed that the time spent with Snyder was enjoyable and didn’t feel like a job. “We just went to hang out with him,” Snyder said. They plan to keep in touch with McMannus as the semester goes on and although the flyer described it as a paid position, the three students still chose not to take the money. “He’s real sweet, his heart’s in the right place,” D’Angelo said.
How To:
Paint Newspaper Nails
BY LIA FERRANTE Staff Writer Do you have a favorite newspaper article that you would want to see on your nails for everyone to see? By having this new fashion statement broadcasted on your body, you will be sure to get your friends buzzing. Pinterest has numerous photos and how-to stepby-step posters that make easy-to-achieve having newspaper nails. In addition, many blogs around the Internet have been discussing this new nail design. The newspaper nail design is quick and easy to assemble and it takes just as long as if you were just painting your nails a simple color. This design will make your nails pop and stand out from all other nail designs that anyone has ever done. The steps are selfexplanatory for anyone to achieve. There are basic necessities that will be needed before starting to paint your nails. You will need a nail file, a basecoat and topcoat of nail polish, a light color nail polish, which is either a white or cream color, small strips of any newspaper article that you prefer, a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a small glass dish for easy assembling. The hardest part of the newspaper design is being able to have the newspaper print stick to your nails the way you would like. First, find a font style from the article that you like the best and
what you think will look good on your nails. When you find the article and font style that you think is best, make sure you cut out small strips of the article big enough to fit your whole nail. After cutting out the strips of newspaper, paint your nails with a basecoat and allow them to dry completely. After they are dry, paint your nails with two or more coats of the color of your choice and allow them to dry completely. Once the nails are completely dry, add rubbing alcohol into a small dish. Dip each of your fingers into the dish for 10-15 seconds to allow the alcohol to absorb into your nail. As soon as you take your nail out of the rubbing alcohol, take a strip of the newspaper that you previously cut out and press onto your nail firmly. This will allow the font of the article to be pressed onto your nail. Don’t just take off the newspaper article off your nail quickly. Rub off the article by rolling your finger until the strip of paper comes off completely. For the end result, paint your nails with a topcoat for a great shine and strength for your nails. If it doesn’t come out perfectly the first time, make sure you keep practicing at it to make it better for the next time. Newspaper nails are the new fashion statement for women who love reading the newspaper and want to show it off on their nails.
1) Cut small strips of the newspaper that will fit your entire nail. 2.) Paint your nails with a basecoat. 3.) Add a bit of rubbing alcohol into a small glass dish. Dip your finger one at a time into the dish for about 10-15 seconds. 4. ) Grab a piece of the newspaper and press it onto your nails firmly. 5.) Finish off by painting on a top coat.
The Hunger Games premiere BY BEATRICE MCQUISTON Asst. Perpective Editor Suzanne Collins’ series, “The Hunger Games” has become a new sensation among young adult readers. The first book was published in 2008 and the next two quickly followed. The series has now been on many bestseller lists, including The New York Times. It is written in first-person narrative and is based on 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a futuristic world in the country called Panem. The government, working in a central city called the Capitol, holds power. “The Hunger Games,” is about a yearly event on television where the Capitol picks one boy and one girl, aged 12 to 18, from one of the 12 districts for a huge televised battle where the participants have to fight for the death and only one person will survive. The story is very interesting and has just the right amount of drama and nail biting suspense. The author’s amazing characterization technique brings you in and enables readers to become attached to and passionate for the individual characters in the books. After I read the first, I quickly went out and bought the next two and read them. Each book connects and flows with the next, creating one continual story. After reading all three, I realized why the stories have become so popular. There is a bit of fantasy and drama, the characters are highly developed, relatable and finally the author includes a love triangle with the main character Katniss and two male leads with a lot of twists of dramatic competition. It’s no wonder that the series is gaining fans every day. The novel is sure to be a blockbuster hit. The storywriting of these books, along with the love triangle, reminds me a lot of the “Twilight” series. The two series are both easy and entertaining reads. In addition, both novels possess fantasy and imaginative characters that are fun to read about. I also remember how passionate the fans became over the “Twilight” love triangle. You were either Team Jacob or Team Edward. Being a “Hunger Games” fan, it’s difficult to avoid the same obnoxious fanfare. This new obsession is now replacing the old. “The Hunger Games” will surely be the new “Twilight.”
Arts & Entertainment
10 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
MELANIE GREENBERG / managing editor
The Hunger Games The Room Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Known for their deicious cheesesteaks, Jon’s Bar and Grille also offers over 80 bottled beers.
Craft beer and comedy legend BY LAURA GALLAGHER Asst. A&E Editor Looking for a new place to eat in Philly? Jon’s Bar and Grille is the perfect place to go. It’s a laid-back atmosphere with great food and a wide variety of craft beer on tap and bottled. They are known for their delicious cheesesteaks made from fresh steak that is cooked to order. Jon’s is the only bar on South Street that has two floors along with outdoor seating for when it’s nice outside. The entire building can seat up to 140 people and there are a total of 10 flat screens to watch different sporting events. If you like premium craft beer, Jon’s is a great place to try. They have 20 beers on tap including 10 favorite beers and 10 seasonal/speciality beers. Along with the draft beer, there are a total of 80 bottled beers. “The atmosphere is comfortable, you can come however you are and it’s very casual,” Donna Sarkisian, owner/manager, said. They also feature something called “craft beer flights.” This includes a beer sampling of four draft beers. The draft list changes and if there is something of interest, you need to act fast. There is a Facebook page for the release dates of the different selections. During the holidays, if you need a party catered, Jon’s is the perfect place to do so. They have appetizer trays, sandwich trays, entrees and dessert trays. If you go to Jon’s to eat their cheesesteaks and cheeseburgers, Sarkisian says they are the best items on the menu. Every Wednesday at 7 p.m., they have a “Quizzo night.” It is a live trivia game that is played in teams. The object is to answer the most trivia ques-
Experience the Belgian-born musician Gotye aka Wouter ‘Wally’ De Backer.
Tower Theater, (19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby), $35, 8 p.m.
tions correctly. Quizzo is a Philadelphia tradition that started in 1995. This game has become popular at different bars / restaurants across the country. You can even win prizes including t-shirts. If you can’t stay and hang out, you can always take out beer to go. You can mix and match any specialty beer into a six-pack. This also makes a great gift for beer lovers. Jon’s is a family-friendly place to go. Children are welcome and there is a kid’s menu if needed. There are also highchairs available and a family-accessible bathroom. Larry Fine, one of “The Three Stooges,” born at 606 South 3rd Street, used to live in the building that is Jon’s Bar & Grille. They want to remember Fine’s legacy as one of the best entertainers in America, which is why his face is on their logo. There is $7 Parking at EZ Park, located diagonally across from Jon’s. They offer discount parking Sunday-Thursday. Enter after 2 p.m. and park until 4 a.m. ADDRESS: 300 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215) 592 - 1390 Monday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.
Life as We Know It Letters to Juliet Sundays at Tiffany’s
Application of the Week: Evernote Hello BY JENY VARUGHESE A& E Editor Ever have trouble remembering important details? If so, Evernote Hello is the perfect app to download. This new and improved app allows users to keep track of everything from contact lists to important events all in one place. Evernote Hello lets you capture and save all photos of recent contacts you met in a picture montage. Also, you can add details about your initial contact information. With the release of Evernote Hello, there is no need for business cards or a Rolodex. Evernote Hello allows easy storage of all your business contact information. After downloading the app, fill in your contact information to share with others. Evernote Hello lets you input a customized message for others to see as well. The purpose behind Evernote Hello is to interact with people you meet. If you are not comfortable handing your phone over to the other party, you can easily enter their contact information. When entering information,
Welcome the reunion of the band Van Halen with their original frontman David Lee Roth. They will be performing songs from their new hit album “A Different Kind of Truth,” as well as their other big hits. Boardwalk Hall, (2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City), $29.50 - $149.50, 7:30 p.m.
Evernote Hello allows the person to input their name, take a snapshot and add related contact information that they wish to share. If the person enters their e-mail address, Evernote Hello sends them an email with your contact information. Evernote Hello saves the information in a chronological order based on initial contact rather than in alphabetical order. This app also lets you pull information from your address book and add it into Evernote Hello. Evernote Hello syncs to your Evernote account to see all related notes. Although you can access the information on Evernote, in order to make changes, you need to access the information on Evernote Hello. Evernote Hello is an easy-touse application with a simple and clean dashboard. Evernote Hello is available for a free download on the app store and Android market as well as Blackberry devices. JAV83@CABRINI.EDU
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Enjoy laughs, music and the last days of Jesus of Nazareth when going to see the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Harriton High School, (600 N. Ithan Ave., Bryn Mawr), $10, 7 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 11
Spring blockbusters BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY Asst. A&E Editor
Top 6 action-packed movie releases
Project X
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax
That party that no one will forget is told in the story of three high school seniors who want to make a name for themselves. The perfect way is to be the host of the party that will never be forgotten. This party becomes so big that parents and police are warned of “Project X” as word spreads like wild fire. (Released: March 2)
Brought to you by the mastermind of “Despicable Me” and the magical imagination of Dr. Seuss, is the tale of a creature who has hope to find the girl of his dreams. Along the way, he finds the desire to uncover the mystery of “The Lorax.” (Released: March 2)
A Thousand Words
Silent House
Eddie Murphy acts as fast-talking agent, Jack McCall. His talking begins to interfere with his relationships with his family, friends and job. A new-age guru takes away his speech giving him only a thousand words left to say with a tree as a reminder. Before this last leaf falls, he needs to learn to listen or his fate will be determined.
This horror movie tells the story of a young woman, who finds her self trapped in the family lake house in a random location. She panics as she learns that she has no connection with the outside world and things just get beyond weird. This film is based on the Uruguayan entry for the 84th Academy Awards, “La Casa Muda.”
(Released: March 9)
(Released: March 9)
21 Jump Street
The Hunger Games
Schmidt and Jenko join the police force ready to leave their childish behavior behind. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star in this action-comedy, digging deep into drug deals. They realize that the high school’s issues are occurring in the force. (Release date: March 16)
A sister must keep her promise and volunteers on behalf of her younger sister to participate in the Hunger Games. Tributes fight to the death and only one can win. This “game” is in result of a punishment enforced by the government. Based on the bestselling novel written by Suzanne Collins and directed by Gary Ross, the book comes to the big screen.
If you have or know someone with a sweet tooth or love to bake, is a great blog to follow. Run by Rosie in Toronto, Canada, Sweetapolita was launched in 2010. The inspiration for Sweetapolita came to Rosie from her desire to share her passion for baking, photography and decorating. Sweetapolita contains recipes on everything sweet from simple recipes for beginners to more crafty ideas for the experienced and adventurous bakers. This is the place where Rosie showcases her enthusiasm for the art of baking. Sweetapolita has the perfect recipe for any occasion. This blog features candy recipes for small get-togethers to fancier cake recipes for a special occasion. The recipes and directions are simple and easy to follow. All of the photos that go along with each of the blog posts are of professional quality making the readers crave the delicious treats illustrated by Rosie’s pictures. These delicious recipes and enticing pictures will keep you coming back for more ideas for your next event. Aside from the recipes available on the blog, the shop tab on Sweetapolita lets you buy equipment Rosie uses to make her baked goods. The inspire tab on the blog takes you directly to Rosie’s Pinterest page where she showcases pictures of her delicious treats along with others’ on her pin board for more great ideas. Sweetapolita also links to other similar recipe blogs. One of my favorite sections of the blog is the recipes tab. This section has a recipe index, which is showcased using subsections for different recipes; underneath are links to several different recipes to choose from. The amazing recipes on Sweetapolita will be a huge hit for your next party. For more information or to find the perfect recipe for you, visit
(Release date: March 23)
Join the Rosario Toledo Company as they premier “Del Primer Paso.”
Put your Family Guy knowledge to the test when competing at the Family Guy Quizzo event hosted by the folks at
Welcome back the Broadway classic “West Side Story,” a musical which 50 years ago changed the course of Broadway forever.
Christ Church Neighborhood House, (20 N. American St., Philadelphia), $18 - $25
Drinker’s West, (3900 Chestnut St., Philadelphia), Free, 8 p.m.
The Academy of Music, (Broad St. & Locust St., Philadelphia), $20 - $100, 1:00 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
12 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Young vocalist leads grunge revival band
The Pretty Reckless band, an American alternative rockband, native to New York features such talents as Taylor Momsen. The bands extended play “Light Me Up” reached No. 4 on iTunes chart.
BY ALEXANDRIA JETER Asst. A&E Editor When you think of famous rock stars that have graced the musical world, you would think of artists who are over the age of 21, right? Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and others began their musical careers early. It’s unheard of to hear of a front man, or should I say woman, in the music business becoming famous at the age of 16. Who is this young girl, you ask? Taylor Momsen, front woman for the band, The Pretty Reckless. “Hit Me Like A Man,” is the band’s new EP, which sums up fans’ enjoyment of their last album, “Light Me Up.” The EP features the live version of the song “Make Me Wanna Die.” The song sent the grunge band into stardom by making it to No. 1 on the UK charts. The New York natives consists of Momsen on vocals and rhythm guitar, Ben Philips on lead guitar and back-
ing vocals, Mark Damon on bass and Jamie Perkins on drums. Momsen worked with several producers before she met her current producer, Kato Khandwala. The band went through a number of changes including people leaving and going like a bad one night stand. But the group has withstood the many one night stands and found some long-time relationships with music. Signed to Interscope Records, The Pretty Reckless have had many triumphs along their rein of grunginess. “Light Me Up” reached the No. 4 spot on the iTunes charts. Also, in 2010, the band was nominated the Virgin Media Music Award in the best newcomer and best group categories. “Hit me like a man, love me like a woman,” is what Momsen cries to her fans in the chorus of the song by the same name. It’s no surprise that the lead singer has put such a controversial lyric in a song since she’s known for attention-getting style. The downright filthy lyrics are delivered by a raspy, bad-girl rocker who just sounded like
she was in the midst of a week-long booze binge. The chorus goes, “So hit me like a man and love me like a woman. Buried and sad, look me in the eyes, I want it. One will give you hell, one will give you heaven. Hit me like a man, love me like a woman. Love me like a woman.” The song “Under the Water” illustrates a tune with dynamics that make The Pretty Reckless shine. The lyrics go, “Lay my head, under the water. Lay my head, under the sea. Excuse me sir, am I your daughter? Won’t you take me back, take me back and see?” Even though the album only offers five songs including two lives songs, the album is a lasting taste of what The Pretty Reckless brings to the table. The rawness and roughness that Momsen brings makes the band thrive.
Game offers new additions for fans BY NICOLAS RAYNER Staff Writer MLB The Show 2012 is a great game. The cover features Red Sox first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. The release date of the game was March 6, 2012. If you like baseball, you will love to play MLB The Show. The Show is a great way to play with your favorite players and teams. The graphics in this game are unbelievable. From the stadiums, to the players’ features and team uniforms, MLB The Show has it covered. MLB The Show makes it feel like you are watching a real baseball game. MLB The Show is considered to be a great video game franchise. This year is no different. The Show continues to impress its fans by releasing another fantastic addition. Players look real, with graphics that capture their personalities and emotions all throughout the game. New additions, like pitcher’s and catcher’s reactions to hits, add a different element to The Show. Another addition is ball movement. When the ball is hit in play it will be unpredictable and will have rotation on it that can make it harder on the players to field. In years past, a hit ball would have no rotation, making it a lot easier to catch. My experience with this new mode has been a tough adjustment because a ball can elevate and sink at any-
time making it hard to make a play. Another addition To MLB The Show is the new pitching control mode called “pulse pitching.” Unlike previous games with the pitching meter, there is now a pulse circle that appears on the screen and shrinks as the ball travels to the plate. As the game becomes more intense, your pulse will rise. You have to time your pitches when the circle is at its smallest to gain the most power and accuracy. It’s an easier way to pitch and it makes every at-bat faster. The pulse mode provides a quicker pace to the game. MLB The Show also features a 3D mode for all systems that can be used for everything. The 3D mode allows you to play the game and see all the different angles it can offer. MLB The Show 2012 has all of the same game modes as previous games, such as a franchise, career and Road to The Show. The only new game mode, Diamond Dynasty, allows you to create your own team by using custom made players, role players and superstars. The way you put together your roster is by baseball card packs you earn through your profile. You unlock card packs by achieving a certain amount of points you earn from milestones achieved by playing different game modes. What makes Diamond Dynasty different from other games modes is that you’re
MLB The Show released on March 6 featuring Red Sox first baseman Adrian Gonzalez.
able to take your card collection, go online and trade with other game players. This is something new that has never been featured in any other mode. Being able to trade your cards online adds a different element that attracts more online users to the game. MLB The Show is a great game. I highly recommend buying it because you will gain a lot of knowledge about baseball
by playing. You will also get a variety of modes to play in that will interest anyone. If you never played a baseball game but you are a fan, you should definitely buy MLB The Show 2012 because it will impact your views on video games forever.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 13
Senior makes impression on teammates with leadership BY KEVIN DURSO Asst. Sports Editor Senior leadership is an important part to any winning team. That’s where senior attack Jacky McDermott of the Cavaliers women’s lacrosse team comes in. One of four seniors on the Lady Cavs in 2012, McDermott is looking to improve on a strong career with Cabrini, which includes two CSAC championships. Hailing from Secane, Pa., McDermott has been a fixture of the past four Cabrini teams, posting 72 career points entering the 2012 season. Still, McDermott’s focus is getting her teammates opportunities to score. “I’m very unselfish,” McDermott said. “I like to assist my players instead of shooting the ball. I like to help my team out before I help myself out.” Having played lacrosse since second grade, McDermott wants to keep the sport in her future by coaching but also has other goals at Cabrini. She is an elementary and early childhood education major and wants to have a career working with children. As a freshman, McDermott posted a career-high 24 goals and 32 points in 17 games in the 2009 season. Last
season, she scored 10 goals and added 15 assists for a total of 25 points in 12 games. As a senior member of the women’s lacrosse team, McDermott’s teammates look to her for leadership. With McDermott entering her final season, her teammates are trying to prepare for what games will be like after she graduates. “She’s one of the best influences we’ve had,” sophomore defenseman Ali May said. “It’s going to be really hard not having her next year. I’m not looking forward to that at all.” McDermott enjoys time with her friends and teammates off the field during her free time. But whether it’s on or off the field, McDermott values her teammates. Providing an encouraging lift to her teammates, no matter what the game situation may be, is just another one of McDermott’s best qualities. “She really helps all of the freshmen out,” sophomore attack Kellie Manoppello said. “She wants everyone to succeed and do their best. Even when they’re not having their best game, she’ll try to pick you up and get you to do what you need to do.” After being part of two championship games in her
freshman and sophomore seasons, McDermott has hopes of returning to another title game after an early exit in the CSAC playoffs in her junior year last season. The Lady Cavs lost to Gwynedd-Mercy College in the CSAC semifinal last season. “We’re trying to get back to the championship,” McDermott said. “We won in my freshman and sophomore year, so hopefully we can get back out there and get that championship back.” Three games into the 2012 season, McDermott has one goal and one assist. The Lady Cavs are 2-2 so far this season. McDermott said she has enjoyed her time playing for Cabrini and says that the best part of playing here is her teammates. Having left a great influence on her teammates, she has loved being able to make such great friends on the team during her career. “All the girls on my team the past four years have all been my best friends,” McDermott said. “It’s an awesome experience. We always have good girls and it’s always so much fun.” KAD323@CABRINI.EDU
OFF THE FIELD WITH JACKY MCDERMOTT 1. What is your favorite food?
4. What professional sports teams do you root for?
- Pizza.
- The Philadelphia 76ers, Flyers and Eagles.
2. What is your favorite kind of music?
5. Who is your favorite professional athlete?
- Country.
- It used to be Allen Iverson but currently LeBron James (Miami Heat forward).
3. Who are some of your favorite artists? - Blake Shelton, Zac Brown Band, Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert.
6. In terms of personality, how do you think your teammates and coaches would describe you?
- I’m a goofball. I’m very sarcastic and I definitely keep things interesting.
14 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Golf team looks to defend title BY ANTHONY FOLEY Staff Writer
Senior Chris Sarvadi and the Cabrini men’s golf team will try to defend their CSAC title in 2012.
The Cabrini men’s golf team grew as a whole throughout the past season. In 2011, the team won the CSAC championship after placing better than six other teams in their conference. The team had a brief run in the NCAA Divison III golf championship last season thanks to two veterans in Mike Ryan and Chris Sarvadi, senior captain, as well as two great additions in sophomores Rob Bass and Pat Rooney. “The team experience has been great and I really had fun with the team,” Sarvadi said. “I want to go out as a senior as a great leader and leave with some lifetime friends. That is what life is all about in reality, so if I leave here with anything, it is friends and memories.” Mid-season addition Greg Verde helped the team to another CSAC win and a trip to nationals. This year, without Ryan, Savardi, Bass and Rooney will need to step it up a notch along with the new additions to the team. “We were voted favorites to win the CSAC and I see that as a target on our backs,” Sarvardi said. “We have a young team but we are very talented and I can see this team winning a few events this year and hopefully the CSAC.” Bass led the team with a 76 average, while Savardi averaged a 78. Their team started the spring season with the Spring Break Quad on Thursday, March 8, with Brian Moose as their head coach. Moose was appointed head coach in 2011. Sarvardi said that his favorite memory was “making it to the national championship twice and shooting 73 in both opening rounds.” He said he has been “lucky” to have great teammates during his years playing for Cabrini. The sophomore members of the team are also looking to add to their success. They have their sights set on another run at the CSAC title. “Basically, our No. 1 goal for this sea-
son is to pick up where we left off last year and win the CSAC again,” Rooney said. “Last year we had an extremely experienced team and we were able to dominate the CSAC.” Rooney credited several of the freshmen joining the team this season as players that could make an impact on the team. “We have some young guns that will be staples for this program for the next few years,” Rooney said. “Teddy Nebiolo, Joe McCarthy and Tommy Breslin are all promising freshman who we expect big things out of this year and the years to come.” With Sarvardi being the only senior on the team, Moose wants to give him a good sendoff. “As far as our goals for the season, we are dedicated to winning the CSAC conference and making it to nationals,” Moose said. “It would be a great way to send off [senior Chris] Sarvadi.” Moose also has other goals for his team. In trying to build his players into better golfers, he is committed to making them learn how to manage the game. “One other goal I have for the team and each individual is for them to be able to walk away from each match as a better golfer,” Moose said. “That does not mean a better ball striker or putter but being able to manage their golf game as a whole better and make decisions better on the golf course.” With a small roster, Cabrini needs several golfers to make those good decisions, especially if they are to compete for another CSAC title. “I think everyone needs to step up,” Moose said. “We are a thin group and don’t have many bodies to rely on this spring, so we need four people to play solid every match. If we get that, we could have a really great year.”
Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, March 22
Friday, March 23
No Events
Men’s Tennis @ Baptist Bible College 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 24 Softball vs. Cedar Crest College 11 a.m. (doubleheader)
Women’s Lacrosse vs. The College of New Jersey 12 p.m.
Men’s Tennis vs. Immaculata University 12 p.m.
Men’s Lacrosse vs. Shenandoah University 3 p.m.
Sunday, March 25
Monday, March 26
Tuesday, March 27
Wednesday, March 28
No Events
No Events
Golf vs. Cabrini College Spring Invite 11 a.m.
Men’s Lacrosse @ Marywood University 3:30 p.m.
Women’s Lacrosse vs. Rosemont College 3:30 p.m.
For up-to-date scores, schedules and statistics, please visit or scan this code:
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Loquitur | 15
Is Peyton Manning Denver’s savior?
Junior pitcher Marcelle Crist has a 4-3 record and a 6.23 ERA through seven games this season for the Cavaliers.
Softball splits Friday doubleheader In home opener, Cavs lose first game, win second against Mighty Macs BY ROB RICHES Asst. Sports Editor The Cavaliers softball team shared both games of a doubleheader with the Immaculata University Mighty Macs, losing the first game 4-2 and winning the second 4-3, at Cabrini Field on Friday, March 16. The doubleheader was the first two games of Colonial States Athletic Association play for the Cavaliers, putting them at 1-1 as well as an overall record of 4-6. It was also their first contest of the season on their home field. “We had a strong defensive showing and good teamwork,” head coach Lisa McGregor said. The Cavs opened up the scoring early, after senior shortstop Sammy Thompson scored off of a single by senior first baseman Angela Shookster in the bottom of the first inning. However, they were not able to enjoy the early lead for much longer. In the top of the third inning, Mighty Macs freshman designated player Marleaha Himmons doubled to center field, scoring junior shortstop Holly Schell and freshman pinch-runner Dana Disney. Himmons’ double allowed the Mighty Macs to take a 2-1 lead. After taking their first lead of the game, the Mighty Macs would not look back. In the next inning, Schell singled to center field, scoring freshman pinch-runner Jessica DeCastro. Schell then proceeded to advance to second base and stole third base. After freshman Cavalier catcher Rebecca Miles
overthrew a pitch-out attempt to third base, Schell scored, making the score 4-1 in favor of the Mighty Macs. At the end of the fourth inning, junior Cavalier pitcher Missy Miller was put on the mound in relief of fellow junior pitcher Marcelle Crist. Crist, the starter, allowed four runs on nine hits and struck out three batters. Miller allowed just two hits in three innings of work. “I’d just stay calm and focus on every pitch,” Miller said. “I try to take it one pitch at a time and not think too much.” The fifth and sixth innings went by smoothly, with both teams recording one hit apiece. In the seventh inning, the Cavaliers were set up for some last-inning drama. The Cavaliers recorded three hits, and loaded the bases up. Miller scored off of a single by junior centerfielder Lindsay Atzert. With two outs and the bases loaded, senior third baseman Ryan McDonough grounded out to pitcher Meagan Fitzgerald, ending the game. “We had a good initial showing with our bats before they faded,” McGregor said. Fitzgerald pitched a complete game for the Mighty Macs and allowed two runs on seven hits, striking out five batters and walking one. Shortly thereafter, the second game started with two sophomores getting the start on the mound - Bethany Feinberg for the Cavs and Danielle Palmisano for the Mighty Macs. No runs were scored until the bottom of the third inning, when Atzert and junior
outfielder Taylor McGarvey scored off of a single by Shookster. However, just as in the first game, the Cavaliers did not get to enjoy the lead for too long. In the top of the fourth inning, the Mighty Macs added two runs of their own. Himmons walked and scored off of a home run courtesy of Palmisano. After several innings of a tied game, the Cavaliers added two more runs in the bottom of the sixth inning. Shookster singled to right field and Crist stepped in to pinchrun for her. Miles, the next batter, slugged a home run and gave the Cavs a two-run lead. In the top of the seventh inning, the Mighty Macs were threatening to take another lead, loading the bases up. Feinberg was able to record just one out before being pulled in favor of Miller. Miller hit Himmons with a pitch, scoring Disney. However, Palmisano flew out to centerfield, ending the game and sealing the win for the Cavs. Feinberg recorded the win after allowing three runs on four hits, striking out one batter and walking five. Miller recorded a twoout save. Feinberg was saddled with the loss, after allowing four runs on seven hits, one strikeout and three walks. The Cavs had to face last-inning drama twice in one day, providing for a highly interesting home opener. “We were hoping for our bats to come around more efficiently and string hits together,” McGregor said.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the “Where Will Peyton Manning Go?” saga has finally ended. After a few weeks of nonstop speculation, Manning, the legendary Indianapolis Colts quarterback, signed a five-year, $96 million deal with the Denver Broncos and was introduced to the Denver media at a press conference on Tuesday, March 20. The move in itself instantly makes the Broncos the favorite in the AFC West regardless of what other moves they make in free agency, and they could challenge the AFC’s top competition, which, to me, are New England and Baltimore, for a Super Bowl berth. Manning is exactly the dynamic offensive player the Broncos need to make them an upper-echelon team. While it is totally understandable to put Manning’s health into question considering he’s had a plethora of surgeries in the last few years, ask yourself this: would you rather have a recovering Peyton Manning throwing to a talented group of wide receivers or the revolving quarterback door that the Oakland Raiders and Kansas City Chiefs employ and an interception-happy Philip Rivers? I’ll take Manning at 50 percent over any quarterback in a division so lacking in talent any day of the year. At first, I wasn’t a supporter of Manning going to Denver for a few reasons. First, Manning played all of his home games indoors and didn’t have to go play in cold weather very often. In Denver, he’s going to be playing in cold weather and in very thin air for the majority of the next five seasons, assuming he lasts through the contract. Second, I felt he had a greater chance to win a title if he had joined a team like Arizona or San Francisco just because the NFC as a whole is weaker. Finally, there’s Tim Tebow, although now we’ve found out he won’t be there much longer. Some people argue Tebow should stay and learn under Manning, which could be a great learning experience for everyone’s favorite holy roller. Others want to see him in the spotlight in some other city and routinely have 10-26, 88-yard game in which 60 of them come in the fourth quarter, which is fine, because that’s why Denver is shopping him around in favor of their real Lord and Savior. Either way, Manning is the Broncos’ answer for the present and future. JTG45@CABRINI.EDU
Have an opinion about this column? Feel free to send Jesse a tweet (@jessegaunce).
16 | The Loquitur
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Cabrini’s season ends with loss in championship game Friday, March 16: Cabrini defeats Illinois Wesleyan 81-78 BY KEVIN DURSO Asst. Sports Editor Junior guard Jeremy Knowles hit a go-ahead threepointer in the closing seconds to give the Cavaliers a place in the NCAA Division III National Championship game with an 81-78 win over the Illinois Wesleyan University Titans at the Salem Civic Center in Salem, Va., on Friday, March 16. The win advances the Cavaliers to their first national title game and puts them just a win away from the first national championship in school history. Playing on such a big stage may have led some to believe Cabrini would start the game slow like they had for several games before. Instead, both teams had early success from the floor but no one was more successful than senior guard John Boyd. Boyd hit six three-point shots in the first half and finished the half with 24 points. “The shots were just falling,” Boyd said. “I always shoot and I gain confidence after I make a couple. My coaches and teammates just kept telling me to keep shooting and relax. It’s just confidence.” “He hits a few shots like that, it just opens the defense up for us,” senior guard Cory Lemons said. “How it was working, it was going in. I was happy for him.” Boyd would finish with a career-high 34 points and tied a career-high with seven three-pointers. Lemons and sophomore forward Fran Rafferty each added 11 points. Cabrini shot 51 percent from the floor in the first half, a dominating percentage compared to the 41 percent that
the Titans were shooting. Still, the Cavalier lead was held to just three points at the break. The second half did not start the way the Cavs wanted. Their three-point lead evaporated quickly and before long, the Cavaliers had gone minutes without hitting a shot. Halfway through the second half, Cabrini found their championship dreams on life support, trailing by as much as nine with less than seven minutes to play. Despite being outshot and outrebounded in the second half, the Cavaliers were only more determined to prove themselves. “I think this game, similar to the last 32 for us, has been about no quit,” head coach Marcus Kahn said. “That’s the best thing about our team is that we just don’t know how to quit.” The Cavaliers went on a 9-2 run to close the lead to two in a matter of minutes and found themselves in a backand-forth run to the finish with the Titans. With the score tied at 76 with one minute to play, Jeremy Knowles jumped into the spotlight. Knowles was just 1-10 from the floor in the game and had just two points. But his layup with 35 seconds left gave the Cavs a twopoint lead. The Titans tied the score on a jumper by senior guard Stephen Rudnicki with 13 seconds left. That’s when the Cavs worked their magic and Knowles hit the biggest shot of his career. With 3.5 seconds left, Knowles drained a three-pointer from the corner to put the Cavs on top. The Titans’ desperation heave could not extend the game and the Cavaliers had moved on to the national title game.
“I had confidence in my shot even though I was struggling,” Knowles said. “I knew it was going in.” “The design of it was to spread everyone out as wide as we can, let [freshman forward] Aaron [Walton-Moss] or Cory [Lemons] have the ball and everybody else spot up around them,” Kahn said. “The play was actually designed to leave his hands and have the buzzer go off. We wanted to make sure we had the last shot at it.” In their road to the Final Four, Cabrini’s toughest challenge had come in the second round against Hobart College, a game that went to overtime. Kahn said it took a gritty team to win that night, a quality that was on full display during this game. “You get down nine, this team is beating you up inside, it would probably be an easy time to say ‘we had a good run this year,’” Kahn said. “We are gritty. We have an edge about us. That’s why we’re here.” Once again, it is the players that the fourth-year coach credits for the chance. “We’ve got good players who play together and play hard and know how to win,” Kahn said. And it is the players that know this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “It’s a dream come true,” Knowles said. “You never expect to be in this position that we are right now. Just enjoy it today and get ready for tomorrow.”
ABOVE LEFT: The Cabrini men’s basketball team huddles before the national championship game against the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. ABOVE RIGHT: Head coach Marcus Kahn walks off the court with Cabrini’s runner-up trophy after a 63-60 loss to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in the national championship game on Saturday, March 17.
Saturday, March 17: Cabrini falls to UW-Whitewater 63-60 CAVALIERS, page
three seconds left, freshman guard Aaron Walton-Moss sailed Cabrini’s last attempt well over the basket. With that, the dream was over. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks had won the national championship - the third in their school history - and Cabrini’s run to the title had come up short. The Cavaliers can still hold their heads high about the season. They set a school record, winning 31 games and finishing with a 31-2 record. They had a first team All-American for all of Division III basketball in senior guard Cory Lemons and had the Rookie of the Year in all of Division III
basketball in Walton-Moss. They also only lose three seniors this offseason in Lemons, Boyd and Greg Zabel. Star players Jeremy Knowles, A.J. Williams, Fran Rafferty and Walton-Moss will all be returning next season. Still, the Cabrini men feel they let this one slip away. “I’m just thankful to be here,” WaltonMoss said. “We had a very good season. There’s nothing to be mad about. I felt that we had the game won, it’s just our defense slacked at the end of the game. That’s what really let us down.” Even after a devastating loss, the leader of this team, who’s watched the success of the program he heads grow with each year he’s been a part of it, was still pleased with
the type of season his team had. “The run was incredible,” Kahn said. “I’m extremely thankful to be a part of it. The things these guys have done for this program is amazing.” Kahn said that being told his team couldn’t reach the achievements they have this season just fueled their run further. It is a run like this he hopes put the program in a better light and he credits much of that to his players. “We have good kids in this program and they make this program special; that puts this program on runs like we just made,” Kahn said. “All of the guys in our program would not be there if they were not first good people. And because we surround ourselves with them, it puts us on runs like
this. We’re going to continue to do what we do, and we will continue to make runs like it.” Still, the disappointment of being so close to the title was evident and while Kahn provided the words, the disappointment was clearly evident in the players as their dream season ended. “The stinger in all of it is pretty obvious. We were up 18 on the national champion in the second half and didn’t finish it,” Kahn said. “We’re a damn good team. I think hopefully now we’ve proven it.”