Fall Fasion Preview
Cyberbully on Campus?
A&E, page 11
Perspectives, page 6
Cabrini Night at the Phillies Sports, page 16 Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Radnor, Pa . Radnor, Pa.
Pacemaker Winner
www.theloquitur.com www.theloquitur.com
Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17 Vol. LIII, Issue 3
!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$ERIC GIBBLE ASST. NEWS EDITOR ERG722@CABRINI.EDU
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. ransom cozzillio / news editor :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* Cabrini students were recently evacuated from Dixon House (above) due to a mold infestation. 66 Dixonpresident,” Norton said to the group. House residents were quickly moved into other campus housing.
Do something!"#$%&%' extraordinarily... moldy */01)&/* *2)"3',0/
react to it. “I was informed by Sue Kramer in a letter on Tuesday night,” said Leader. “It stated that I had to move all my The college responded to a serious things by that night because my new problem of mold in Dixon House (House roommate was moving in Wednesday. I two) by requiring all the residents to move was so confused and stressed out because immediately. Sophomores who resided in I didn’t have time to move everything bethe house had to evacuate by Friday, Sept. fore she got there and I knew this for a 16 due to the infestation of mold. The fact.” Her new roommate, junior education Residence Life office made it clear that students were to move quickly into new major Aubree Oswald, felt the same way residences but the way they supplied the and felt bad about barging into a room information to all those affected campus that wasn’t originally hers. Oswald was moved multiple times throughout the wide was questionable. All around campus, students heard the week. “I just didn’t know where to move evnews from various sources and the news spread like wildfire. Upperclassmen were erything and the people who were movalso affected by the abrupt change. Many ing into my old room were moving at the didn’t want the “refugees” taking resi- same time as I was moving out, which dence in their rooms. One upperclassmen was a sight to see,” Oswald said. ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 Students who lived in Dixon House that greeted a new guest in her room in McManus House (House four) was junior were not too happy with the decision. This included Tim McCann, sophomore criminology major Janel Leader. She was “irritated” by the sudden history major, Christine Guthrie, sophochange because she didn’t have time to more exercise science major and StephaBY ALLIE JETER Staff Writer
DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* in mold-&*and it smelled so bad,” Guthrie nie Toomey sophomore undecided #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* major. 23(("%'* &>&'"#* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* McCann was support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. moved to Infante House said. “Also our air conditioner’s control system caked-on mold. It was just (House three) and:V-'/$3'* had an easy move in '/)'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* )("* had -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* disgusting. It just makes me sick just unlike Guthrie 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* and Toomey. Guthrie and%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= Toomey had been moved thinking about it.” three times since arriving on campus. Guthrie also had to deal with mold 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* “We originally moved to Dixon House growing in other places. “When I took and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. and then the mold <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* hit and then they placed down my posters from my room in House us in house six,” Guthrie said. “But then two, the wall had like bubbles in it. It was H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 they moved us to a:\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* room that was suppos- just awful.” edly made for three people but it couldn’t McCann had friends tell him about the change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. moldV"&'* in their rooms. “The of my even hold any of our stuff much2$##3%-'>* less Steph +($#* 9/"* R)'-%$* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$*corner -%* )''"%.)%2"* room had!"T)3,F* black mold in it and$+* I thought [Toomey] and ),$%1&-."* I. Our parents complained C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* 2$$(.-%)'$(* ]-&O)%-2* my roommate and I were only+$(* ones and were pretty#-%-&'(>* upset about the 51%"&* situationC/3(2/F* $+* D'8* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(*the I$-2"* '/"* so then they finally moved us to the apart- dealing with it but people down my hall undocumented. had it bad too,” McCann said. “They told ments.” :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* me how was growing and making them “We also had to move our stuff `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8*twice :b@* O"(2"%'* )("*it;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$* and they really rushed us to leave,” Toom- sick. I’m just glad everyone moved out ey said. “I’m just glad facilities helped us before it got out of control.” Non-students were also hit hard by this time.” !$##%&'()*+', Adding to the stress was the health of the mold evacuations and the new living the students. Toomey and Guthrie both accommodations. Roxanne De La Torre, suffered from allergic reactions to the Cabrini’s Mission Corps Missioner and mold in their room. “The vents in our room were covered MOLD, page 3
7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D
!"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. /0&1(,+.&23&(45.-(6'( Cabrini embraces a switch to single-stream recycling
+$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* Within the past two years, J.P The college’s Green Team, JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* Mascaro & Sons has adopted the which consists of both student Staff Writer )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 single stream recycling. They and faculty members, has a recythe force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* found that the pickup has been cling committee. They have two '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* Cabrini College is continuing easier. However, they do not do goals that are ideal to campus :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* the effort to be a a single-stream the sorting onsite. wide recycling. &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 recycling institution. The col“We have been using the sin“Our short-term goal is to get eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* lege’s hauling company, J. P. gle-stream for at least two years signs on every bin that already sophomore accounting major and cochair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* Mascaro & Sons, changed to a now. We send all of you guys’ exists,” Dr. Carrie Nielsen, asC)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* single-stream system. The Green [Cabrini’s] recycling to Rapid Re- sistant professor of biology and 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* Team is working diligently to as- cycling where it is sorted. Cabrini environmental science and chair ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in sure that this new system insures did just add cardboard dispense to of the Green Team, said during ?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* an increase in the recycling rates the pick up,” Karen Thompson, the first Green meeting of the year ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 here at the college. office manager at Mascaro, said. on Monday, Sept. 12 in the Wolf),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* /$&'* Q",)>* <$(* '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* '$* 4"%"W*'* 9/"* surpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* C)%2"(* D$2-"'>8* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* +($#* NOELLE WESTFALL STAFF WRITER
ington Center. Nielsen speaks of the signs that were designed to be placed on bins so people know what goes in them. Many students do not recycle because they do not know what to recycle, but they do not do so because of the inconvenience. “I do recycle at home. I would here if it were convenient. If there was at least one bin in every restroom I would recycle here too,” Shanae Savage, sophomore business marketing major, said.
“The long-term goal is to get bins or at least reusable recycling bags for students to carry to larger containers in residence halls,” said Nielson. The Green Team continues their recycling mission by having Cabrini participate in Recyclemania. Susan Grover, assistant to the president of the college, and Cindy Ross, catalogue specialist, serve as co-chair of the recyclingRECYCLING, page 3
2 The Loquitur
Editorial: In light of the evacuation of the Dixon House last week, the Loquitur editorial staff would like to reflect on what it means to be a resident student. Living in a residence hall may not always be easy, but if definitely can be one of the best parts of a college education. It is without a doubt that resident students have a different experience than commuter students. The residence halls provide an incredible sense of community that just cannot be compared to any other aspect of college life. Not only is it great to be able to live under the same roof as all of your friends and classmates, residence halls also provide the opportunity for personal growth. Learning how to co-exist peacefully with all different kinds of people is an attribute that can assist anyone greatly later on in adult life. While most students really appreciate the opportunity to live away from home, it is not always easy. Roommate issues, violations of privacy, disturbances due to noise and crude behavior are common issues at every college around the country. These problems are to be expected and luckily members of the Residence Life staff, from directors to area coordinators and student resident assistants, are trained to help resident students solve problems and enjoy their time in the hall. There is a certain trust that is necessary between Residence Life and students and their families. The Loquitur editorial staff feels like that trust has been broken here at Cabrini through the evacuation of the Dixon House. As many of us Loquitur editors know through our communication with the student body and student ambassador program, the residence halls are a major interest for perspective families on tours. Parents, as well as the hundreds of students who take out loans
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
Loquitur staff requests respect on behalf of resident students
to attend college, want to make sure their money is going to be well spent and they will be accommodated comfortably and safely. Families and residents alike trust that their new residence is being well maintained. Here is where the trust has been broken. According to the Student Handbook, “The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to change or modify a student’s housing assignment as necessary.” While there was an emergency at hand, students were left without answers to their questions. Those required to fit strangers into their lives should have been given a fairer warning than five hours. We should have been respected. The 66 displaced students, predominately sophomores, did not deserve a forced evacuation due to the mold infesting Dixon House. They did not deserve to have to say goodbye to their friends and roommates to go live with complete strangers. They certainly did not deserve to be herded about campus, some multiple times, due to lack of planning and health violations. The students living in houses, West and CAC were required to take a majority of the displaced underclassmen in. Upperclassmen did not deserve to have to re-arrange their own comfortable rooms. Those who are 21 did not deserve to have to take 19 year olds into their on-campus apartments so as to ruin the adult atmosphere they have been awaiting throughout their college tenure. Why did these students not deserve any of this? Because the mold in the Dixon House is not a new issue. Yes, there were unprecedented amounts of rain due to Hurricane Irene. However, this recent rainfall did not cause the mold. The rain simply aggravated an already existing condition, which should have been taken care of a long time ago. Students living in Dixon last year had to have mold scraped out of their ventilation systems.
Upperclassmen were never told there was an emergency situation. Obviously, this situation is nothing to be proud of, but Residence Life did not disclose any information about what was happening to the students who were expected to take in new roommates. They did not even so much as provide the names of the new roommates to upperclassmen. “Residence Life is dedicated to promoting a secure and welcoming living learning community that provides an enjoyable experience, valuing individuals as engaged and socially responsible members of their community,” the Student Handbook states. While the inconvenience was enough to burden students, the health risks are another aspect being taken into consideration. Risks of mold include: skin rash, eye irritation, headaches, fatigue, sore throat, shortness of breath (experienced heavily by students with asthma), runny nose or sinuses and nosebleeds according to WebMD. Students were put at risk and yet we have no answers as to why. Residence Life declined to comment. Residence Life put their own negligence on the back of the students, the very same students who pay to live here and the very same students who contribute to the Cabrini community. While we understand we are currently residing on Cabrini property and Cabrini reserves the rights to handle their property as they so choose, The Loquitur editorial staff wants Residence Life to remember, these are our temporary homes. As resident students, we ask to be given the same respect that Cabrini strives to instill in us. We, the hardworking students and we, the children of sacrificing parents, are trusting that you will.
The Loquitur is Cabrini College’s weekly, student-produced campus newspaper. It is the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off. Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has over 4,500 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis. Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters should be less than 500 words. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and annoymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@googlegroups.com or to the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
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The Loquitur
2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR James Crowell NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio
PHOTO EDITOR Jenay Smith COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
The Loquitur 3
Mold spreads in Dixon House, forces residents out MOLD, page 1 a volunteer at the Wolfington Center was also forced to move. “The housing changes have been a little abrupt and it has been difficult because me and the other missioner Katherine had to move as well,” Torre said. “We lived in the Infante house [three] and now we’ve moved off campus to Havertown, so it’s been a transition for us and it has been difficult.” “We found out the night before we had to move. So they gave us five hours to move all of our stuff out of the house,” Torre said. Many resident assistants declined to answer any questions saying it was “their policy to not answer any questions about residential problems.” On the Tuesday Sept. 20, Susan M. Kramer, Director of Residence Life office forwarded an email from the Dean of Cabrini College George Stroud explaining the cause of the mold. It states, “To Students and Families of Students Residing in Dixon House, Due to mold colonies detected in Dixon House, 66 students, almost all of them sophomores, will be relocated to other residence halls on Wednesday, Sept. 14. Residence Life will provide students with a list of rooms available, and will accommodate requests as best they can.
The mold is due to an unprecedented amount of rain over the past six weeks, including Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee; the house’s HVAC system was unable to cope with this amount of moisture. Students first reported the issue late last month, and while housekeeping responded immediately to clean affected areas, continuing rain exacerbated the problem. Cabrini’s Facilities Department called in a remediation specialist who confirmed the presence of mold, and brought in a certified industrial hygienist consultant, who will test the house and determine how best to address the issue. As always, the safety and concern of Cabrini students is our priority. Students will be relocated until the issue is resolved.” The future of Dixon House remains uncertain. There has, as of yet, been no word on when it will reopen. Despite the confusion and difficulty for all those effected, some do not see this a mark against Cabrini. “I still love Cabrini,” Torre said. “I mean I’ve been only been here for three weeks and just started this job and just started my service here.” Torre still wishes she was living on campus again and doesn’t want the move to “hinder work with the students and being available for them.” Residence life declined to comment.
submitted by matt juliano
A student’s guitar was found to have mold growing on it in Dixon House.
Comcast Newsmakers film on cabrini’s campus ROBERT RICHES Staff Writer On the first Friday of every month, Comcast comes in and borrows Cabrini’s video facilities for the taping of their show, Comcast Newsmakers. Comcast tapes several five minute interviews with figures such as Neil Brecher, chairman of the RiverCity festival, Warren Kampf, a Pennsylvania state representative, as well as many other guests. For those unfamiliar with the program, Newsmakers is a daily segment that airs on CNN Headline News at 24 and 54 minutes past the hour. It has been using Cabrini’s video production facilities for over 10 years and for several reasons. “Newsmakers is local and targets areas such as Delaware County, Chester County and Montgomery County,” said Mike Miller, who was directing the
production. “We do not like to make our guests travel very far, and Cabrini is ideal because of its neutrality to these areas,” said Miller as well. Miller also voiced his pleasure with Cabrini’s production equipment, saying that Cabrini “[is] best with equipment, it is all up-to-date.” In addition to Miller, various Newsmakers crew members are pleased with Cabrini’s video facilities. Another aspect that made Cabrini’s facilities ideal for Comcast are the students that are available to help them out. “Students are a great resource,” Miller said. “We can start them with Comcast, and even get them to work with us for future productions.” Danielle McLaughlin, a senior communications major, is one student who does work with Comcast, and has been working with them for a year. Her main jobs have been to operate a cam-
era, work with graphics, set up and strike sets. “[Working with] Comcast has given me a real world perspective on how news shows are run,” McLaughlin said. “It’s cool to be working with professionals and treated like a professional.” McLaughlin also described her tenure with Comcast as “good experience,” as well as “good for networking and connections.” Comcast Newsmakers anchor Jill Horner, who has been a professional in the television field for over a decade, enjoys the opportunities to be working with students. She describes her expe-
riences with students as a “positive” one. “Every student has been wellprepared and a pleasure to work with,” Horner said. “It is a positive experience to work with the students.” Neil Brecher, chairman of the RiverCity Festival, which is to be held in Philadelphia in October, was also interviewed for a Newsmakers segment. Brecher was treated with the utmost respect by the Newsmakers staff, and they were very reasonable and accommodating for him. The 5-minute interview in the middle of the day was also very conve-
nient, as he was able to be in and out of the studio in a very brief span of time. The basic idea behind the Newsmakers program is to give viewers the opportunity to listen to what representatives of nonprofit organizations as well as government officials have to say. Issues discussed on Newsmakers typically have a significant merit on viewer’s everyday lives. “The 5-minute format instead of sound bites gives viewers a chance to deeply explore issues” said Horner. RTR29@CABRINI.EDU
Green team leads campus recycling effort RECYCLING, page 1
committee. Grover described the completion as, “a sociable competition among colleges in North America & Canada to inspire recycling on campuses. We also hope to promote greater recycling efforts for faculty, staff and students by providing information, resources and tools to make recycling easy, fun and habitual.“ Student and faculty are already responding well to the single stream recycling. Madison Milano, freshman, was re-
cruited for the recycling committee during Monday’s meeting because of her excitement and ideas for other recycling techniques and her knowledge of the single stream system. Grover stated, “It’s a win-win situation because it is easier to recycle when you don’t have to sort. Participation is easier and therefore larger, especially since a greater variety of paper types can be recycled like phone books or common household paper. It all gets mixed together.” JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU
photos by mct
4 The Loquitur
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
Mormon Temple to be built in center city
Libyan women hope to maintain power
The construction of a Mormon temple between 18th and Vine Streets will begin in the spring of 2012. Being Pennsylvania’s first temple built for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it will share Logan Square in Center City with the Barnes Foundation museum, the Free Library, and the Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
On Feb. 15, a protest was held in Benghazi, Libya by the female relatives of massacred Abu Salim prisoners. Libyan women have begun to rise to power from all corners of life: Hweida Shibadi, a family lawyer and Aisha Gdour, a school psychologist. These female rebels struggle to keep hold of their power.
Read the original story on Philly.com | Sept. 18, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Sept. 12, 2011
US grapples with homosexuality in school In recent months, the debate on how to approach homosexuality in the classroom has become more heated. Particularly under scrutiny is Michelle Bachmann’s (R, MN.) Congressional district, in which anti-gay bullying has been overlooked in favor of teachers maintaining neutrality where sexual orientation is concerned. The Minnesota Family Council opposes any positive representation of homosexuality in the schools.
Cancer killed by immune system?
Windows 8: a lastminute ploy to attract developers
U.S. Embassy in Kabul Under Attack by the Taliban
An experimental new treatment may be the cure-all for cancer. Conducted by Dr. Carl June of the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania, the experiment involved three patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia, all of whom lacked further chemotherapy. Two of them have gone into remission successfully, while the third has gone into partial remission.
In order to jump in on the pioneering software race, Microsoft has announced this week that they plan to release Windows 8, which will include compatibility with Samsung smartphones and tablets. They have adopted a “touchfirst” philosophy with this new business model, claiming that, whether an individual is using a tablet, smartphone, or PC with functioning keyboard, the touchscreen technology will be equally available and adaptable.
The capital of Afghanistan experienced several attacks, most notably a five-hour-long assault on the U.S. Embassy. The Taliban’s siege, which utilized guerilla tactics, is said to have been a demonstration to instill doubt about the government’s ability to keep its citizens from harm, rather than a murderous crusade.
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Sept. 13, 20
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Sept. 12, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Sept. 12, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Sept. 13, 2011 Brandon Desiderio Staff Writer btd28@cabrini.edu
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Sept 22 Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, Sept 25 Family Weekend Visit www.cabrini.edu/familyweekend for a full list of events, games and activities. Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 11 a.m. to noon.
Friday, Sept 23 Family Weekend Visit www.cabrini.edu/familyweekend for a full list of events, games and activities.
Monday, Sept 26 Make-It Monday Cooking Demonstration
Learn about Healthy Grains and about healthier options in the kitchen with our extraordinary Dining Services’ chefs and enjoy a tasty sample at the end from noon to 12:30 p.m.
Downingtown’s STEM Academy Cultivates Innovators The STEM Academy in Downingtown, Pa. opened its doors for the first time. A magnet high school, its specialized curriculum includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics, each representing a corresponding initial in the school’s name. Students are able to choose their area of study during their junior and senior years. In addition to the curriculum of college-level and advanced high school courses, however, they must also work in internships with local businesses and partake in community service projects. Read the original story on Philly.com | Sept.18, 2011
Saturday, Sept 24 Family Weekend Visit www.cabrini.edu/familyweekend for a full list of events, games and activities.
Tuesday, Sept 27 Sports See page 14 for a list of all Cavalier games and times.
White house adviser headlines domestic violence symposium Lynn Rosenthal, the White House adviser on violence against women, will be a speaker at the domestic and dating violence education symposium on Tuesday, Oct. 4. The symposium will help participants identify and address domestic violence. Read the original story on Cabrini.edu | Sept. 2, 2011
Brandon Desiderio Staff Writer btd28@cabrini.edu
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
The Loquitur 5
Campus prepares for Family Weekend 2011 BY VICTORIA TARVER Staff Writer Family Weekend will be held at Cabrini from Friday, Sept. 23 to Sunday, Sept. 25. With the anticipation of many activities, Cabrini students, parents, friends and alumni look forward for this fall event each year. There will be many activities that the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership has created for those in attendance to enjoy. Activities from lacrosse, volleyball, bingo and an ice cream social will be offered. Family weekends have been a huge success; it brings everyone together and gives students an opportunity to make new friends. It also gives parents an opportunity to connect with the faculty so they can get to know each other. Some of the highlights include a clue mystery dinner in the Mansion Saturday night from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. Families can come enjoy dinner while searching for clues during a performance. There will also be a family movie shown in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 8 p.m. The featured movie will be “Cars 2,” appropriate for the whole family to enjoy. If you like to fly kites you can join in on Cabrini’s Kite Festival which isfun for families with children less than 10 years of age. The kites are free for everyone to try out. While supplies last, there will be snacks offered for those who participate. There also will be face painting, a balloon artist and a moon bounce. The kite festival and other festivities will take place on Edith Robb Dixon Field. While you’re down at the field you can join the men and women soccer teams. For a free soccer clinic, you can learn the
submitted by cabrini college
The Mummers perform at last year’s family weekend and will make an appearance again this year. basic soccer moves to become the perfect soccer player. There will be no registration necessary for those activities. Sophomore John Eddings was pleased with his first family weekend last year. “Last year’s family fun weekend was very interesting for my family and I,” Eddings said. “I didn’t know what to expect because I was an incoming freshman at Cabrini but the whole weekend turned out to be great. Taking pictures in the big chair was one of my best memories that I took from the weekend, I got to enjoy that with my friends. I also think my parents and family enjoyed spending the weekend with me because they got to see a little more of what Cabrini College
was about and its history.” A ride into town will be offered in a special form of transportation for this year. SEaL has rented a trolley that transports you from the school to downtown Wayne and Jenkins Arboretum. Students can take this chance to explore the town. The Mummers will be performing for entertainment. The honors convocation will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. The yearly ceremony awards the students who made the Dean’s list and the President’s list. During the ceremony the students will be recognized for their achievements in academics, volunteer services and athletics. President Marie George will give a speech to the students and par-
ents as well. Sophomore major Leslie Lange is also a student who attended Family Weekend last year. “I thought overall, that last year’s family fun weekend was good,” Lange said. “I loved the first day the most because there was not only food but a big inflatable chair to take pictures on, and that was my favorite activity.” “I honestly think that some parents had more fun than others during the weekend. Overall this event was a pretty big success. My favorite memories of that weekend are how proud my 10-year-old brother was of me. It made him want to be like his big sister and go to a school so involved and welcoming when it is time for him to go on to a high-
er education, if he so chooses,” Lange said. “For once he finally looked at me more as a big sister rather than just another parental figure that is nagging him to get his homework done or to brush his teeth. I would like for the school to bring the big chair back out this year, and hopefully the rain will hold off.” Family weekend caught the eye of sophomore education major David Watson. “I had the chance to have my family come out and visit me for a whole weekend and see exactly why I chose Cabrini College and have some quality of time with them after living away from home for a month,” Watson said. “Last year’s family weekend was a lot of fun and an enjoyable experience for both parents and students. My favorite part was probably the ice cream social and seeing ‘Toy Story’ with my family.” The weekend holds many options and opportunities for students, family, friends and the faculty. Family weekend will be a good experience for parents to be able to see what Cabrini students, sports teams and the entire college community is up to. “I’m curious to see how the trolley is going to be like, how big it is, and how fast it is going to be because I keep hearing about it,” Watson said. Family weekend will be held Sept. 23-25. “I would strongly recommend that students invite their families to come out to this year’s family weekend so there parents can see what Cabrini is all about,” Watson said. VT65@CABRINI.EDU
CTL’s Welcome Back Celebration draws crowd KRISTINE SEMPTIMPHELTER Staff Writer The Welcome Back Celebration was held on Thursday, Sept. 8, in the Iadarola Center, hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). The event featured colorful calendars and schedules, which students could decorate while enjoying tasty treats and candy. The Center for Teaching and Learning hosted the event with hopes of having students return to the CTL and for new students to understand where the center is located and what services they have to offer. The Center for Teaching and Learning, also known as the CTL, offers free academic assistance for all students through peer tutoring and academic resources. The event took place for over four hours in the Iadarola lobby, starting at 10 a.m. and ending around 2 p.m. After finishing class or before going to their next class students dropped in for a quick snack and to strike up a conversation with fellow students and teachers, such as Darla Nagy, adjunct instructor of math-
ematics, who told said was offering extra credit to her students if they attended the event. Senior Elisabeth Kelly was at the welcome back celebration decorating a schedule for herself and her friends who were unable to attend that day. “Decorating a schedule at the welcome back celebration is something I do every year,” Kelly said. Terrell Knight, math major and CTL math tutor, said he was tutoring at the event and saw many students coming and going between classes. Many people were utilizing the sources offered. The Welcome Back Celebration is one of three events that the CTL will host this year. A mid-semester celebration will be held this semester as well as an end-semester celebration. Sophomore Jake Gaspari was another student who was decorating a calendar. “I like the CTL, they are helpful and if you are confused with a teacher they help you understand what you are learning.” KRS52@CABRINI.EDU
kristine semptimphelter/staff wirter
Matt Slutz (pictured above), and Cabrini’s CTL welcomes students in Iadarola Center
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
The Loquitur 6
Cabrini B*tch, go to class BY JAMIE SANTORO Guest Writer I will be the first to admit that I used to love “Gossip Girl” on The CW. One, there was Blake Lively or as I like to call her, Mrs. Santoro. Two, when it focused on the technologically obsessed teens and the brilliant, taunting “Gossip Girl” it really worked. Note, that is a TV show. Never have I ever thought, Wow, Cabrini really needs a gossip girl. Enter Cabrini Bitch. For those of you who are legally deaf, blind and stupid, Cabrini Bitch is an anonymous Twitter account that has been around for a while but in the past few weeks has become very active. Before I get too deep into detail I want to say that overall, I have no problem with this concept. Like I said I think it’s unnecessary and immature but let the kids have their fun, eh? I say that because the rest of this article is going to sound... how should I put this... um, bitchy. Anyway lets start at her (I’m assuming) description. According to the bitch herself, “Saying what’s on everyone’s mind... No one else has the balls to. xoxo” Sounds good to me, only problem is being a bitch at Cabrini is not something revolutionary. It isn’t uncommon. Not being a bitch at Cabrini is the crazy thing. For every saint like Lindsay Anderson, there are twenty more huge bitches like me and everyone I associate myself with (Dear friends, you’re all bitches and I wouldn’t have it any other way). Also I would be totally for this whole thing if she held up her promise stated in her description. To illustrate this point I look to her tweets. Only a few hours before I started writing this she tweeted, “Cabrini. We needed more parking before we needed a new caf. Just saying!” Okay, when it is three in the morning and I am just getting back from Wawa I’m not thinking how great it is that it takes two hours to park. I curse very loudly about it. From the tweets I have seen, 95 percent are things I or one of my friends have said on multiple occasions. The only exception are the few tweets that are incredibly mean and basically anonymous cyber-bullying. To me, mean isn’t bad. Like the Bitch promises, she is saying what is on everyones mind. If your going to be mean, be mean. But don’t half ass it. Be mean and funny. Cabrini Bitch is weak. Not to mention how she states basically how huge her balls are yet she’s hiding behind her computer with an anonymous Twitter. The other thing that bothers me is how captivated everyone is by her. There are some students on this campus with a future in the FBI based on the psychological profiles I have heard in the past week. You know she is a nobody with too much free time (seriously does she take
classes? How does she have the time?) and needs mucho attention. I do not care to know who she is. Wow, I can’t believe I got that out. Of course I want to know who she is. Not to shake her hand or punch her, I just think it’s going to be funny. I wouldn’t want to be known as the girl (middle-aged man?) who anonymously tweeted vaguely mean and not very funny things about the campus. You see “Gossip Girl” did it right. She was vicious and loved a good pun (okay the puns got old). She was a wordsmith that shaped her community. Call me when Cabrini Bitch gets meaner. Or funnier. Until then I’m sticking with white girl problems. XOXO, Jamie. asantoro1223@gmail.com
Let’s NOT get together BY KELSEY ALVINO Perspectives Editor
Summer break, for most of us are spent in our home towns, finding jobs and counting down the days when we finally get to go back to school. This summer I was fortunate enough to work at a minor league ball park., where the tremendous amount of knowledge I gained was sometimes triumphed by the most uncomfortable and awkward run-ins ever experienced. Who knew so many people loved going to minor league baseball games? Not me. I was especially unaware of this when I signed my life away to become an intern. Where the inside look at game production and set up stopped, the real intern work began with selling merchandise and ushering in the crowd. This is where the magnificently, awkward encounters were almost guaranteed to happen, every game. It is also where the lie of the summer was born, the four most disingenuous words “we should get together.” As I took my bag of merchandise out into the crowd I would carefully scan each section, praying I was free to relax for the rest of the night and some high school peer would not be lurking around the corner waiting for me to pass their section. My heart would stop and I would feel the blood rushing to my head when I would here my name being shouted. Just go sit down and watch the game. What is wrong with you? Facebook me like a normal person if you want to awkwardly say hi after not seeing me for three years.I would see a girl or guy about my age walking towards me with a smile or semi excited look on their face as he or she approached me. I naturally pretended I did not see the person coming
until they were about two feet away. Great let the fun begin. Its almost human nature, when seeing someone you clearly wish you didn’t that a few things happen. Your voice gets higher, you plaster a ridiculous smile on your face and my personal favorite, the awkward greeting motion of “do we hug?” occurs. Classic. This familiar face would walk towards me and
“I’m working, I have
no interest in talking to you and you make me extremely
uncomfortable.” Kelsey Alvino
wouldn’t you guess it seemed to always be someone you felt extra uncomfortable around, or someone you seriously screwed up with. Let it be an ex boyfriend, old best friend, that girl who always seemed to bug you or that teacher who deliberately called on you when your hand was down. Yes, they were all there and apparently all love minor league baseball. Our conversation would go on for about five minutes before someone yelled that he or she could not see the game. This was a life saver I would always bank on.
Finally an excuse to part ways, without having to tell the truth like: I’m working, I have no interest in talking to you and you make me extremely uncomfortable. Walk away quickly I would always say in my head.However, I would always blurt out the biggest and most re-occuring lie I would tell all summer. It was great to see you, we should get together. Why I said this? I have no idea. Even worse why did they agree? Was it to make the person feel as if I really cherished the time we had together, that I would never want to relive? Or to maybe make myself feel better about deliberately trying to avoid them? I am not totally sure. It’s a lie told all the time, it was great to see you, let’s get together, I’ve missed you. All lies but why was I always sucked into actually following though with these ridiculous plans of meeting up with people I have not seen in three years. As a result of this terrible lie I continued to tell different people throughout the summer I had to suffer through four uncomfortable lunches at Panera Bread, all with different people. I could go into each insignificant detail but I’ll give you the main idea of all the conversations. Tears of boredom almost streaming down my face being consumed with useless information such as how wonderful his or her summer is, how great studying abroad is and my personal favorite, my new girlfriend goes to UPENN. Well that’s just fantastic. You can’t avoid everyone you screw up with, unfortunately. However, when you see someone that you would rather run away from then go up and talk to, either say, “ hi” and continue with your day or go in the opposite direction as fast as humanly possible. But never under any circumstance mutter one of the biggest lies ever, “we should get together.” KMA69@GMAIL.COM
7 The Loquitur
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
Watching sports with my dad: a special experience BY JESSE GAUNCE Copy Editor
As I’ve gotten older, some of the simpler things in life have become pretty important. The one thing that has become the most important as the years have gone by is watching sports with my dad and there isn’t anything I can think of that could be better. Whether or not the games are on TV or we go to one in person, it’s always a great experience. Ever since I can remember, we have watched almost every major regular season, playoff and championship game in every sport from the St. Louis Rams victory in Super Bowl XXXIV to the Bruins winning the Stanley Cup in June. Every football Sunday, we isolate ourselves from the world. Needless to say my mom hates it. At 7:05 p.m. during baseball season, Red Sox games are on at least half of the four TVs we have in our house every night. We have even skipped out on family gatherings and faked being sick numerous times to get out of other events to watch a game that was important to us. It’s okay, you can tell me I’m insane. Even before I learned how to speak, I was an allaround sports fan. My dad has home videos of him and my mom trying to get my attention while football, basketball and hockey games have been on and I never moved an inch in any of the videos. Despite my automatic interest in three of the four major American sports, I was never a baseball fan until Oct. 2003 when I jumped on the Red Sox bandwagon. My dad was certainly more than welcoming. Up until Game 3 of the 2003 American League Divi-
sion Series between the Oakland A’s and the Red Sox, my dad watched baseball by himself and he hated it. I ended up watching Game 3 with him and saw Red Sox fan-favorite Trot Nixon hit a walk-off home run in extra innings. That one home run sent my dad into complete pandemonium. I had never seen anything like it and I thought to myself “Hey, that was pretty cool. I think I’ll watch the next game.”
long forgotten up until 2010. My dad had shunned the Bruins and the NHL for a number of years because like many die-hard hockey fans in Boston, he felt betrayed by cheap Bruins ownership and thought NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman was and still is a number of choice words I can’t include. I asked him to watch a few of the playoff games with me during the spring of 2010 and it turned out to be one of the best questions I ever asked him. Despite the embarrassing series loss to the Flyers, he was a hockey fan again. Watching all the championship games our teams have won have been pretty special, but nothing could have been more special than watching the Bruins win the Stanley Cup simply because he got back into hockey because of me. Instead of just me getting excited and getting loud over a big hit, save or goal, he was getting just as excited. I couldn’t have been happier. This year will be a little different because school is in full swing and I actually decided to stay on campus on the weekends. Even though I won’t be able to watch a lot of the baseball playoffs or a lot of the Bruins and Celtics games (if the NBA even has a season), I still will go home on Sunday mornings during football season to watch all the Patriots games with my dad. Watching games without him won’t be as fun, but at least he learned how to text in complete sentences.
I didn’t just watch Game 4, I watched every single Red Sox playoff game since that day in 2003. Despite all the sports we have watched together, hockey, my favorite sport, was something that my dad had
Lack of healthcare; Individuals, families not to blame BY CAROL DWYER Copy Editor
I came across a Yahoo! News story about the Sept. 12 Tea Party Debate and a discussion regarding the uninsured. The headline and opening sentence of writer Rachel Rose Hartman’s story, entitled “Audience at tea party debate cheers leaving uninsured to die,” caught my attention. The issue of being uninsured hits close to home for me, as it does for many others. That’s what stopped and made me think, “That’s ridiculous! Why would they cheer about leaving the uninsured to die?” Not to mention laugh. According to Hartman’s article, the reaction followed a question by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, aimed at Election 2012 GOP candidate Ron Paul’s ideas regarding health care. In particular, the question was about whether or not government should aid individuals to get health insurance. However, the bottom line to me is that government should not force us to be insured. People can’t afford this kind of expense out-of-pocket, and unfortunately, many companies aren’t providing top-notch health plans these days. As a college student, I also see first-hand that student health insurance doesn’t cover everything. It’s limited when compared to full-time employment at a compa-
ny that has all the works: medical, dental and optical if you’re lucky. In my family, I have heard about one relative’s employer dropping dental or optical, or health insurance altogether. So that relative has to get covered through his or her spouse. The economy continues to force companies to cut back and often in the worse ways for the individual. There are so many big problems that just can’t be put on the individual’s shoulders, or on the shoulders of the average family. These problems, such as lack of health care, just trickle down to them from higher up in the economic crisis. Given that, it isn’t the individual’s fault. Forcing individuals to be insured or else pay a fine, or endure another penalty, is no different than flat out blaming them for their situation. Of course, I don’t feel that the government should do absolutely nothing; that seems to be what comes across as some politicians wanting the uninsured to die. The government simply has to work with health industry leaders, but without the end result of telling the public what insurance plan, company, doctor, etc. It seems to be an impossible issue to find a really great solution for everyone, no matter what their situation. However, one thing is certain. Any one of us can end up as part of the uninsured population at some point in our lives, for a short or long period of time. It’s definitely no laughing matter for
that reason. I believe the idea that people can die earlier as a result of no health insurance. For example, if someone has a serious health issue he or she is facing, and lack of insurance causes a problem to go untreated. That tends to lead me into a problem with collecting social security disability, if he or she can’t work. I’ve heard many instances of people with multiple serious health problems applying for these benefits, only to be turned down. The reason is supposedly to discourage them; again, not the individual’s fault. It’s one thing to turn someone down if he or she has a minor health problem, or something temporary, that doesn’t interfere
with employment. Of course, these particular benefits also shouldn’t go to people who try to abuse the system. Yet for people plagued with multiple serious health problems to get turned down, it’s crazy. People apply for benefits and are required to include full documentation of their illnesses; how does so much documentation lead to a denial of benefits? Turning them down only puts off dire health care, potentially closer to death. That is just one specific part of the health issue that needs some kind of reform. To make matters worse, such people are faced with the ongoing political issue of how to fix
health care. Many solutions don’t seem to be right for everyone, and laughter at a political debate over such a serious matter is insensitive. I say this no matter what political party moves in favor of health insurance plans that don’t work for everyone. If the Democrats come up with an unfavorable health insurance plan, that’s one issue I can’t agree with them on; the same goes for the Republicans, Tea Party, etc. I vote based on other equally important issues, and it ends up coming down to what side I agree with on the most issues. cd466@cabrini.edu
8 The Loquitur
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
Reed hopes to develop many clubs through the Office of Student Diversity Initiatives.
Taking talents to new places
Reed, pictured with Quiana Volney, senior business administration major, recently spent the weekend with first-year students and student leaders at the First-Year Experience Retreat.
Stephanie Reed, former director of Co-op and Career services, embarks on new journey as director of student diversity BY SHAE MCPHERSON Staff Writer After spending three years at Cabrini College, Stephanie Reed has become the new director of Student Diversity Initiatives. Reed is in her early thirties and was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa. She received her bachelor’s degree from Johnson C. Smith University in psychology and furthered her education in graduate school to receive her master of art of higher education administration at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Before entering her new job as director of Student Diversity Initiatives, Reed worked as the assistant director of Cabrini College’s Cooperative Education and Career Services. During her time in the co-op office she managed the internship program, processed paper work, approved student jobs and did administrative work. Reed described the co-op office as being a very comfortable and familyoriented environment. “I am really looking forward to taking on the responsibility of being the student diversity director. The goal is to get to the next level and gain more professional experience,” Reed said The main purpose and goal of the Office of Student Diversity Initiatives is to strive to empower and bring together students of all backgrounds and walks of life. It welcomes differences in race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and geographic origin.“I want the Office of Student Diversity to
evolve as the student body evolves.” Reed said. A very important goal of hers while working in the office of student diversity is “to promote a climate of inclusivity amongst the students on campus.” There are many clubs and organizations that are ad-
“I want to promote a climate of inclusivity amongst the students on campus.” STEPHANIE REED
vised by the Office of Student Diversity such as the Black Student Union, La Raza, Sanctuary and the International Club. Reed is the adviser for each of these clubs and organizations and is extremely eager to help the students of these clubs and organizations grow as leaders and she wants them to gain exposure to a variety of different things that they may have never experienced. Janae Kane, senior double major in psychology and social work, is the president of the Black Student Union and wants Black Student Union to become a bigger organization that is integrated with Cabrini’s community. When asked about Reed and Student Diversity Initiatives, Kane said, “I am very fond of Stephanie Reed and I am excited about the direction the clubs and organizations
are going in." The Office of Student Diversity initiatives also welcomes students who have ideas of new clubs and organizations such as Gregory Robinson, sophomore double major in political science and business. Robinson is the founder of the Fashion Club, which is a relatively new club to the office of student diversity. The club hopes to put on fashion shows and fashion trivia. Robinson hopes Cabrini will recognize the new club as an innovative and official club. “I am looking forward to working with Stephanie Reed and I am excited for a fresh outlook on a new year,” Robinson said. Reed, a family-oriented woman with two young children says, “Wherever I end up in my career I want to work in an environment where my family is welcome.” Reed is looking forward to implementing new ideas within the Office of Student Diversity such as innovative things that involve social and multimedia that appeal to students. Reed has many asipirations and ideas as the new director of Student Diversity Initiatives. “My overall goal is to allow all students of different backgrounds to feel comfortable to come to my office to speak to me because I care about the issues some students are facing,” Reed said. With new responsibilities and a new job, Reed is looking forward to an exciting and eventful year ahead of her. SAM384@CABRINI.EDU
Transforming students into leaders BY JENAY SMITH Photo Editor
LEADStrong, a new program on campus is focused on building leadership skills. “It’s a comprehensive leadership program that pulls together all the various leadership programs that we’ve had in the past,” Anne Filippone, director of the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership, said. This program was built to help students focus on their top five strengths and develop how they use their strengths from day to day. The program is split up into three components: training, education and development. Each component has its own requirements that will be stretched out over a two-year period. “Some students may finish sooner and others may take a little longer”, Filippone said. During the course of the two years students will take part in a series of surveys, group discussions, workshops, conferences, speakers, lectures, networking, service experiences and teambuilding activities. LEADStrong is based off of the social change model of leadership development, which, Filippone adds, goes well with the social justice mission of Cabrini College. There are many different offices across campus with student leadership roles that are teaming up in this leadership program. The LEADStrong program will also allow students with busy schedules the opportunity to build up their leadership strengths without taking them away from their responsibilities. “In the past when we have had leadership programs we have tried to get everything in in one semester or one academic year,” Filippone said. “Then we’ve had students who said I just can’t do it. I have too much going on and they end up leaving the program. So we felt like it was really important to create something that’s flexible and that would work with students’ schedules. We feel really good about that.”
Sophomore political science and business major Gregory Robinson applied for the LEADStrong program. “Hanging out in the SEaL office with all of the C.A.P board members, a year on S.G.A and coming back my sophomore year as a C.A.P board director, I was kind of encouraged by my fellow leaders and also by the director of SEaL.”Robinson said Robinson is most excited to see how the program prepares him for the real world and how it differs from all the other leadership programs he has been in before. He explained how a person learns from their own experiences but they can also learn from others experiences as well. LEADStrong is a comprehensive leadership program unlike anything Cabrini has ever had. Students across the board are expecting a lot out of this program. Students from any year can apply to the program. Some students like Robinson already wear many leadership hats on campus. Still they find the need to develop their skills and better their leadership abilities. The program is just getting off the ground and is expected to be a huge success. Applicants are anticipating to see where LEADStrong will take them. “I really can’t wait to improve my resume and interview skills,” Marcelle Crist, junior political science major, said. Their first assignment is to complete the Clifton strength finder assessment. Next year will determine how well LEADStrong lead Cabrini College’s student leaders. “You can spend a lot of time trying to improve your weaknesses and take something that you are really poor at and become maybe mediocre at it,” Filippone said. “Or you can look at what you’re really good at and start to focus a lot of attention around that and begin to excel in those areas.” JMS587@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
The Loquitur 9
Beware of the ‘freshman 15’ any year of college BY LIA FERRANTE Staff Writer
Gaining weight in college is extremely unforunate. There are many ways students can avoid weight gain and stay healthy. Adding on those extra pounds is an easy thing to do when greasy foods always look better than healthy ones. “Not all students gain weight in their first semester at college,” Susan Fitzgerald, Cabrini college nurse, said. When asked what the main causes of weight gain were Fitzgerald said, “Increase in calorie intake, eating more food continuously throughout the day, exercising less, and not having the supervision of someone watching your nutrition.” Fitzgerald said. To prevent students from gaining weight in college, students should exercise daily, have good portion control, avoid late night eating, watch out for empty calories and follow the new nutrition guideline. Eating healthy here isn't as difficult as it may seem to first-year students. “Each station offers something healthy for every student to enjoy,” Laurel Loss, supervisor of the dining hall, said. The Marketplace offers meatless Mondays, vegan food choices, gluten-free cereal, endless amounts of salad at the salad bar, a yogurt bar and a sandwich deli bar, which offers whole grain bread and vegetable wraps that are already pre-made. “If a student has a special preference of a food item they would like to see on the menu for the chef to make, the cafeteria offers a suggestion board for students to write down for the chef to look at,” Loss said. This allows students to be more involved in their choices that they would like to see in the cafeteria. “Come stop by right in front of the cafeteria for information on how to stay healthy by taking
surveys, reading brochures, watching chefs cook healthy meals, and join our mile walk on Monday,” Jennaellee Salazar, freshman education major, said. Healthy Mondays allow students to stay informed about how to not gain weight during college. "The green booth encourages students to be more educated about keeping their bodies healthy," Kiera Williams, freshman undecided major said, The Dixon Center is a great place for students to burn calories from fatty foods. Many fitness classes are offered in the Dixon Center. Students enjoy zumba, kickboxing, yoga, and boot camp to help them stay in shape. The Dixon Center has a fitness center and strength-training area, swimming pool, squash courts, an indoor track and a gym for basketball. “There is really no need for people to gain weight in college,” Christina Spadavecchia, junior communciation major, said. The Dixon Center is open from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends to accomdate students with busy schedules. “I make it a part of my daily routine to go to the gym,” Michelle Attansio, junior business major said. Intramural sports are also popular among students to stay active. Volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, soccer, kickball and intertube water polo are all offered. The main thing for all students to keep in mind when they are in the cafeteria is to make healthy choices. “Don’t gain weight and stay active,” Salazar said. ”Everyone here at Cabrini supports each other to stay healthy all year long.”
Portion control is a great way to balance out your meal in the Marketplace and Jazzmans.
How To:
Enhance your dorm room
BY MANDY TOTH Staff Writer
Now that you have moved all of your belongings into your dorm room it is time to begin decorating. Moving into a new room can be overwhelming and a little uncomfortable. But now it doesn’t have to be. There are ways to make your room feel more like home or your ‘home away from home’. Posters are vital to your room decor, you can get anything from the face of your favor-
ite musician to your favorite inspirational quote. Photographs are also a great add-on to that bland room because they are a way to share memories of your friends and family. To block out that bright sun waking you before your 11:05 a.m. class, try transforming decorative sheets into useful curtains. Adding personal art to your room is a great way to express yourself in an inexpensive manner. Wall stickers are also unique decorations that can be put anywhere in you room to add flavor or personality.
Step 1: Posters
Quotes from movies or your favorite musicians make for great posters.
Step 2: Photographs
Printing pictures help share memories around your room for all to see.
Step 3: Old Sheet Curtains Using colorful sheets as curtains is a great way to add originality to your room.
Step 4: Personal Art
Using your artwork or crafts is a great way to express yourself.
Step 5: Wall Stickers
Put them next to your bed to add flavor MCT
Arts & Entertainment
10 The Loquitur
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
LAURA HANCQ / editor-in-chief
You and I / Lady Gaga Stereo Hearts / Gym Class Heroes Someone Like You / Adele
Jake’s Wayback Burger serves up great burgers along West Lancaster Ave. in the heart of Wayne.
New burger joint in Wayne Serves it up Jake’s Wayback Burgers also serves housemade potato chips, all-beef hot dogs, marinated chicken sandwiches, turkey burgers, specialty Just off its grand opening, the friendly staff sandwiches and even fresh salads are available. at Jake’s Wayback Burgers wants to satisfy your If you are a milkshake lover, Jake’s Wayback taste buds on West Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. Burger is right for you. Jake’s has a multitude of The atmosphere at Jake’s Wayback Burgers different flavors of shakes including strawberry is extremely welcoming and lively and the staff banana, chocolate banana, orange cream, mint, is friendly when they bring chocolate mint and cofyour order to your table. The fee. With two different place exceeds the expectations milkshake sizes, prices of any run of the mill burger range from $2-$5. joint. The burgers are “The demographics are cooked to perfection, excellent here,” Ewin Jansen, juicy and tender and the owner of the restaurant, smothered with fresh said. He chose this location toppings. Their buns because of the large amount are toasted and golden, of college students and the the perfect bun for a economic status of the comgreat burger. munity. Jake’s Wayback BurgAfter taking a bite ers is an excellent pick for into my Big Jake (three OWNER EWIN JANSEN any college student because patty) burger, I was the prices are reasonable, no completely satisfied burger costs more than seven dollars. The menu is and amazed of the freshness from the bun, to the filled with American-comfort foods. toppings, to the perfectly cooked patties, to the Jake’s Wayback Burgers welcomes college stu- other bun. dents, including Cabrini, by giving them a 10 per“We have the best burger under the bun,” Jancent discount card. sen said. “We challenge anyone else to be better With a wide variety on the menu, even picky than us.” eaters won’t go hungry at this burger joint. They offer different sizes of burgers, depending on how hungry you are, and they range from one to three patties topped with your favorite condiments. Each month, they list a new “Burger of the Month” and “Shake of the Month” in order to switch up the menu. This month’s burger is the chicken parmesan burger, and the shake is Almond Joy. The toppings are endless. They are always fresh and the customer can choose from all sorts of condiments such as grilled onions, jalapenos, relish, sweet peppers, mushrooms and chili. All toppings cost 50 cents extra per topping. And don’t worry, JDD54@CABRINI.EDU they have bacon.
“We have the best burger under the bun. We challenge anyone else to be better than us.”
Rock N’ Roll / Shrillex Smoke on the Water / Deep Purple Good Life / One Republic
Application of the Week:
BY ANTHONY FOLEY Staff Writer Akinator is a great application that can read your mind and tell you who you are thinking about just by answering a couple of questions. This app allows you to think of a fictional or non-fictional character and the guru guesses your character based on questions he asks throughout the game. Akinator is available for a free download on the Android market, but $1.99 for iPhones in the app store. “I downloaded the app a couple of days ago and my roommates and I play on it every night. It’s so cool,” Stephanie Dubel, junior exercise science major, said. It was voted the No. 1 app in Japan, France and Russia. In the U.S., the application is rated with four out of five stars in the iTunes store. You can also change the atmosphere of the game’s background. The application is available for computers, with the same setup as the mobile devices. You can share your experience and give feedback to fellow users on Facebook and Twitter.
After downloading the app, the genie asks you a series of introductary question, including the gender and if they’re a famous person through either movies or television. Throughout the game, the application starts to ask more indepth questions such as “is your character the author of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’” or “is your character the designer of clothes?” From there, the genie guesses your intended person and you sit in amazement. If the genie guesses the incorrect answer, you are allowed to put the name of the character you were thinking of into the applications database. The Akinator application is a great app because it is simple and easy to use, but also provides hours of entertainment for your friends and family alike.
Two-day music festival featuring acts like Cage the Elephant, Pretty Lights, Girl Talk, Foster the People, The Shins and Kreayshawn. Sept. 23 - 24
Experience the extravagant clothing, dancing and music of the Indian culture. Highlights include classical dance performances, devotional and contemporary musical performance and more.
Help to raise money for Lung Cancer research! It’s a 3K walk with awards given to top fundraisers and trophies for the top three men and women in the 5K race.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park, $59.50 single-day pass, 10:30 a.m.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, free, 11-7 p.m.
Philadelphia Zoo, donations, 7 a.m. registration.
Arts & Entertainment
11 The Loquitur
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
BlogRoll: Design Sponge
2011 Fall Fashion Trends
If you are looking for a way to refresh your work attire this is the shoe to try. It makes any outfit look posh and is business appropriate. Heeled loafers have a feminine quality about them and the height works well with slacks and pencil skirts. Nine West has amazing heeled loafers at an affordable price that will keep you on trend!
Let’s start by saying, every person who is interested in D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself), should follow Design Sponge. For me, it is an encyclopedia of information about anything and everything that is cute and hip. Her blog makes it hip to be crafty at home. This blog, run by Grace Bonney, encompasses everything that any self-proclaimed D.I.Y.-er needs to be inspired and educated. Everything from home décor, craft projects, travel and product guides give this site the content that continues to feel fresh and interesting even seven years later. It is apparent by the quality of the content that Bonney produces that she has a fantastic staff of writers that love what they do. Her site is a refuge for creativejunkies like myself, who are always looking for inspiration and ideas. For me, the most favored part of Design Sponge is the actual before and afters and D.I.Y. projects that she is always posting. Each week, she continues to post great step-by-steps for some great, easy projects to create in your own home. The before and after section is a perfect way to gain some well-needed inspiration for transforming all that old furniture and knick-knacks that have been lying around your life for the past 10 years. One of the most looked-forward to sections of Design Sponge has to be her Sneak Peak section. Once a week, Bonney publishes several posts that look into the homes of some of the most creative people around. These posts, rich with interesting photos and narrations, give a sneak peak into how artists, designers, stylists, etc. decorate their homes. Bonney, who bases Design Sponge out of Brooklyn, N.Y., not only runs a coherent, beautifully designed blog but has also released a “Design Sponge at Home” design book that encompasses her blog to a tee, including some of her most favored columns. The Design Sponge book tour and signing will be in Philadelphia on Dec. 1.
Chunky Sweaters
Red Hues
Emerald Hues
A lot of chunky, cozy sweaters appeared on the runway this fall. Layering chunky sweaters with slimmer pieces or a great pair of boots, is an effortless way to stay warm and on trend. H&M just launched a new collection for this fall/winter at affordable prices, but heavy sweaters can be found in many stores through the colder months. Bundle up.
From deep burgundy to cherry reds this hue is bound to make a bold statement. You can wear a little red dress or try rocking neutral colors with red accessories, such as a great pair of pumps or vibrant jewerly, for a great pop of color. No matter how you choose to wear this vibrant color you are sure to paint the town red.
Leather has made a comeback this fall. New styles and varieties are bound to hit the racks this fall, such as jackets, skirts, dresses and even tanks. Layering leather with more feminine pieces contrasts for that “hard and soft” look. Also, think about incorporating colors, such as mustard and orange, to spice up your wardrobe.
Many celebrities have been seen in this jewel-toned color such as Angelina Jolie, Mila Kunis and Taylor Swift. This color can add a sense of sophistication or give you a fun, fresh look. Try blending with neutrals or adorn a full-on green cocktail dress for a night on the town. Adding a splash of emerald green can spice up any outfit!
Capes have been around for decades, and they are back again. Capes look flattering on all shapes and sizes, especially when pairing it with skinny jeans. This jacket alternative can be very versatile. Dress it up by wearing it over a cocktail dress or bring it to your everyday wardrobe by wearing it over a cardigan. Capes can be low-key or used for a special occasion giving you lots of options.
Layering different textures like fur and leather is an easy way to incorporate plaid into your wardrobe. Using too much plaid can be overwhelming, especially on a petite woman, but pairing plaid with basic colors can boost your style for this year’s fall fashion. Think beyond that plaid button-up and grab a pair of plaid pants, skirts or even a suit jacket in this timeless pattern.
Lace is a way to create a classic and feminine outfit this fall. Lace can be worn in the office or can give you edginess while you are out with your friends. Think about layering with lace to give any basic outfit a hint of girlish charm. But lace doesn’t have to be feminine and cute; think of lace as an option for going out as well. Just turn up the volume and use lace to show a little necessary skin.
Heeled Loafers
Join Radio 104.5 for a night of some great alternative rock at this intimate venue.
These Chicago-natives bring a little bit of their hardcore rock spirit to the House of Blues.
State Street is closed to traffic for diners to stroll, shop and enjoy a beautiful night in Sept. Live entertainment, outdoor dinning and shopping calls for a great night.
The Trocadero, $24, 6 p.m.
The House of Blues, Atlantic City, $35, 7 p.m.
State Street in Media, P.a., free, 5-10 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
12 The Loquitur
First open mic night better than past years BY ALLIE JETER Staff Writer Musicians from Cabrini’s campus came together to showcase their talent on this semester’s first Open Mic Night hosted by CAP Board. Held on the lawn of the prestigious mansion, musicians expressed their emotion through the art of music. The hour-long event had talent that ranged from guitarists, to poetry and rap. Performers included Small Town Trio (three junior students), sophmore Matt Juliano, senior Neil Gogno, junior John Crouse and sophmore Sam Cummer. One of the musicians was junior business major John Crouse. It wasn’t his first time performing on stage and the music is a big influence in his life. “What made me so interested in music is when I heard the Beatles for the first time,” Crouse said. “My dad also gave me my first guitar when I was six years old and I’ve been hooked ever since.” Since then, Crouse has been playing in coffee shops, bars and restaurants around his hometown of Limerick and Radnor. He wants to join the ranks of musical geniuses, such as the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix. The audience loved the performances, especially rapper/beat-boxer Sam Cummer and rock guitarist Matt Juliano. Audience including sophomore social work major Nikia Bell, sophomore graphic design major Morgan Taylor and sophomore Spanish major Samantha Uhler couldn’t mutually decide on their favorite performer of the night. “I love Matt’s performance because I just love his voice,” Bell said. “He also plays the guitar really well. I’m surprised on how good he is.” When asked what they wanted to change about the event, they all agreed on the same thing. “CAP board needs to have this event again but inside,” Uhler said. “I keep getting bitten up by the bugs out here. I hate that. It’s so uncomfortable.” CAP Board was extremely happy with the turn-out of Open Mic Night. According to CAP Board, the next Open Mic they will aim for more performers. Everyone came out to support their favorite artists and with the new freshman class, there were a lot more people than previous years. CAP Board has several more Open Mic Night events during the semester including one in Oct. Even though they only had five performers and each performer could only perform two songs, the crowd enjoyed every minute of it. ANJ34@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
Sedaris transforms his satiric style BY DIANA CAMPEGGIO A&E Editor When I finally got my hands on David Sedaris’ newest book, “Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiality,” I was ultimately very confused, yet intrigued, by the concept of the book. Sedaris is known for his satirical stories about his awkward childhood and adolesence, his unique family and his experiences with his partner, Hugh, but not cute animals. To top it all off, the book was illustrated like a children’s book with a drawing for each chapter. However, upon reading the first several chapters of the book, you begin to realize what Sedaris is trying to accomplish here. And it sure is silly. If placed into a category, Sedaris’ book falls into short stories, but they seem to be more like fables with a severe twist. In the classic sense, fables have a moral sensibility about them. You know, the boy who cried wolf or the hare and the tortoise, these fables all have great, wholesome morals that end the story. But for Sedaris, his characters don’t learn lessons about a fan-
David Sedaris’ new book was released back in Sept. of last year. tasy life where everything works out in the end. They learn about real life. That sometimes you need to lie to make people happy, or that certain people are just going to piss you off no matter how hard you try to be friendly towards them. The creatures in this book take on human personalities and characteristics and they interact as people in Sedaris’ other books act. All illustrated by best-selling children
illustrator Ian Falconer. For me, I hear Sedaris’ little nasally voice narrating the entire book. Though the characters are different and strange, his style of writing holds up throughout. The writing is snappy and edgy (as well as wickedly funny), and he portrays his characters for the real people they are deep down inside. The Baboon hairstylist complains to his kitty client, “Sure
you did [write your own vows], but you probably had something to say, not like these marsh rabbits, carrying on that their love was like a tender sapling or some damn thing.” The creatures in this book provide an escape for Sedaris to talk about the people in his life, though he has never shied of doing this in previous stories that delve into the lives of his family and friends. But as you read, you get the sense the Baboon hairstylist in the first chapter is probably the person that cuts his hair. Sedaris also tries to put human issues into perspective with the content of this book. The squirrel and the chipmunk (who are lovingly illustrated on the cover of the book) are dating and from a different breed of rodent. Talk about scandalous. This book seems to be a way for him to spice up his writing career, and for me, it works completely. You understand that Sedaris is not serious, I mean, is he really ever completely serious about anything he writes? I think not. DCC59@CABRINI.EDU
Lifetime’s ‘Russian Dolls’ puts a spin on reality TV BY LESLIE LANGE Staff Writer Lifetime’s “Russian Dolls” is about eight Russian-American men and women living in Brighton Beach, New York. There is a lot of talk about “Russian Dolls,” which is a reality show that follows people from different generations in Brighton Beach. The show follows the lives of Diana, Anna, Anastasia, Eddie Zee, Albert, Marina, Renata, and Sveta and on many occasions has been called Liftetime’s “Jersey Shore.” This show is so much more than that. It is not just a bunch of young 20-somethings running around town and getting into mischief. It presents the clash of traditional values versus new American ways. The older generation, throughout episodes one to three, express to their children that they want their daughters to not only be taken care of by their potential spouses, but they must be Russians, and wealthy, as well. While they hold the notion that their RussianAmerican children should marry their own kind, they seem to defeat the reason they even came to this country in the first place. Then, their daughters who are on the show look bad just because they voice that their men must take care of them financially. She gets criticized by her mother because she is dating a Hispanic. There is the case of Anastasia, a pre-law student, who gets pushed around by her mother because Russians not only need to be successful, but they also have to be at the very top of their game. This is not just another show full of gossip, hook-ups and glamor. It is a multigenerational inside look into the differences between how a certain nationality grows up. Yes, the younger girls may act like they are full of themselves and yes, the men seem a
Lifetime’s new show ‘Russian Dolls’ shows the unpredictable lives of these Russian Americans living in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach. ‘Russian Dolls’ airs Thursdays 11:30 p.m. little egotistical. That is why this show is successful and controversial all at the same time. “Gossip is like the blood that runs in Russian women’s veins,” Eddie Zee said in esipode three, (which is true for the rest of the world as well). Gossip is what surrounds this Russian community and the community in Brighton Beach wants this taken off the air. “The entire point of this show is to ridicule our community — to make us look like stupid, sex-crazed partiers,” Ari Kagan, a journalist and neighborhood activist who hosts a TV show on the Russian Television Network of America, said.
Overall, the show is different in its kind. Not only are there the 20-year-olds that party and live for their social calendars, but there are the 30-year-olds and almost 40-yearolds that set a balance between unnecessary drama that seems to control other shows like Bravo’s “Real Housewives of New Jersey” and MTV’s “Jersey Shore.”
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
The Loquitur 13
How would we have survived without the NFL? BY NICK LAROSA Sports Editor
Hinkelmon overcomes injury, succeeds in soccer BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor Kara Hinkelmon, First Team 2010 CSAC winner, started her senior year with one goal in mind: another title for Cabrini women’s soccer. After tearing her posterior cruciate ligament as a sophomore, the ligament connecting the shin and knee, Hinkelmon had to come back from injury with a positive attitude. “Coming back from an injury is always hard, but it gives you a push to work on building strength just to get back out there,” Hinkelmon, senior forward/midfielder, said. “The hardest part was being out so long but being a senior now, I look back and think everything happens for a reason.” After tearing her PCL, Hinkelmon was able to recuperate enough not only to experience a CSAC title, but also play in the final game. “With such a big team of new comers this year, I want them to experience what I did my sophomore year, winning the CSAC. It would be nice to leave here with another title under my belt,” Hinkelmon said. As a three-sport athlete throughout high school, Hinkelmon had no trouble adjusting to life as a student-athlete in college. In fact, it was one of the reasons she chose to attend
Cabrini. “I chose Cabrini because it is small and reminded me of my high school. My brother went here and I wanted to play soccer and basketball,” Hinkelmon said. Soccer and basketball were two sports Hinkelmon excelled in, ranking second for soccer with nine goals and three assists last season. After her injury, she decided to stick to soccer.
“It would be nice to leave here with another title under my belt.” KARA HINKELMON
“I enjoyed it better and just got this excitement watching my brother play,” Hinkelmon said. “It’s pretty much all I know. I grew up with it.” Hinkelmon takes her passion for athletics and exercise off of the field and into the classroom as an exercise science major. Her aspirations after graduation lead her south to
Florida. “I want to move to Florida because I would really like to help senior citizens and keep them healthy with exercise,” Hinkelmon said. “I want to continue to play soccer.” Teammates agree Hinkelmon’s role extends off the field. She is a great leader and there to help her teammates on and off the field,” Alex Tralie, junior forward, said. “During games especially. Her motivation and advice has always helped whenever we struggle.” “Kara has confidence and a powerful foot on the field; it intimidates opponents and gives us the strength to win,” Maddy Edwards, junior goalkeeper, said. “I know as a friend and teammate she presents leadership on and off the field. She pushes players to reach their potential.” Hinkelmon’s role as a senior does not make leadership an easy task to conquer, despite her experience and positive attitude. “Being a leader with so many transfers and freshmen is always tough,” Hinkelmon said. “You gotta show leadership on and off the field.”
Well, the second week of the NFL season has just concluded and I think I speak for everyone when I say we should all be giving thanks that our Sunday afternoons will still contain a healthy dosage of football. After a lockout lasting 132 days halted free agency and trade negotiations, July 25 saw the signing of a 10-year collective bargaining agreement, ensuring that football would be around in all its glory for the next decade. But what if after four months worth of negotiations a new deal was still not in place? What if the lockout never came to a close? Players would still be participating in individualized workouts unassociated with their teams. General Managers wouldn’t be able to establish the rosters of their dreams. And the fans would be suffering, unable to support their favorite teams. With Autumn just around the corner, Sunday afternoons without the NFL would be a gloomy site to all, especially to advertisers. Had the 2011 season been canceled, upwards of $12 billion in advertising revenue would be extinct. Clearly, the lockout would have been disastrous for the sport of football and all who follow it. Compared to hockey, baseball and basketball, the three other major sports in America, the loss of football would have signaled a fall of agony. Think for a second about how much of our weekend revolves around football. Sunday mornings are spent cooking food and preparing for the big afternoon tailgate at the stadium while the afternoons are enjoyed in either a reclining chair or an upper bowl seat at the stadium. It doesn’t matter where you are though; what does matter is who you are with and which team you are screaming at to score a touchdown. Just as team sports rely heavily on motivation and camaraderie, the art of being a football fan is not much different. Had the summer yielded worse results about the state of the NFL season, the passion we have already seen after two weeks would not be existent. Teams like the Lions, Redskins and Bills are all off to surprising 2-0 starts, igniting their respective fan bases with hope for a strong campaign. The defending Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers are also off to an undefeated start so far, spurring conversations about a possible repeat come playoff time. While it is still too early to make predictions, the important fact is that there will be a Super Bowl to look forward to come February. Ladies and gentlemen, football is back and here to stay. NAL42@CABRINI.EDU
14 The Loquitur
Volleyball defeats Rosemont, remains undefeated at home BY BEATRICE MCQUISTON Staff Writer The Lady Cavaliers volleyball team beat CSAC opponent Rosemont College by a score of 3-0 on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The players came out for the game ready to win and they did exactly that. The team’s energy and focus during warm-ups was a sign of the quick pace to come in the game. “We stayed focused all the way through,” sophomore Sophia Sokolovich said. At the beginning of the game, the Cavaliers started out strong with great energy and the cohesiveness of the team was apparent. The Lady Cavaliers dominated the beginning points of the game, breaking out to an early10-1 lead. “The team worked together to stay positive and motivated, especially because [Rosemont] was not as fast-paced as others,” senior Courtney Abel said. The first game went by with the blink of an eye as the Cavaliers spiked continuous points to rack up the first set win 25-6. After taking a quick time-out and water break, the Lady Cavaliers set out to make quick work of the second set. The Cavaliers looked strong with each passing point, powering their way to a 25-12 set win. Even though the score was a bit closer
in this set, the Cavaliers stayed positive through their mistakes. “The girls worked and played hard together,” junior opposite-side hitter Meg Ryan said. “This group of girls is a strong team.” Ryan added a number of hard spikes and finished with 10 kills. Sokolovich led the team with 16 digs while Abel led the team with 18 assists. As noted by the players, the love of the game is what brings this team so close together and helps them win match after match. In the third set the score was tied at one point. The Cavaliers held on and finished with a 25-15 victory in the final set. “It was hard for the girls to stay focused but they kept their intensity up,” head coach Eric Schaefer said. “When Rosemont pushed, they pushed back.” The Lebanon Valley College Dutchmen Quad Tournament, which took place on Sept. 16 and 17, acted as a challenge for the Lady Cavs. They ended with one victory and two losses. After falling to Lebanon Valley College and Mary Washington University, the Cavaliers ended the tournament on the right foot with a 3-0 victory over the City College of New York. Prior to the tournament, Sokolovich said to do well, the team needs to “stay
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
Senior Courtney Abel prepares to serve the ball during the Cavaliers’ Sept. 13 contest against Rosemont College. The Cavs won the game 3-0 to remain undefeated at home. focused in practices by working on passing well and connecting their sets with the hitters.” With the majority of the Cavaliers games against CSAC opponents, the tournament was a way for the team to prepare for the season’s second half. “The teams they are playing in the tournament will be harder competition, so to prepare we did a lot of hard and individual practices,” Schaefer said. Three of the Cavs last four games in
September are against CSAC opponents. The team plays at home against Philadelphia Biblical University on Saturday, Sept. 24 and Moravian College on Tuesday, Sept.27.
Falcons beat Eagles 35-31, Vick leaves with concussion
Thursday, Sept. 22 No games
Friday, Sept. 23 Women’s Tennis vs. Immaculata University 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 24 Women’s Soccer vs. Philadelphia Biblical University 12 p.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Keystone College 12 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Cross Country @ Philly Metro Meet 12:15 p.m. Volleyball vs. Philadelphia Biblical University 4 p.m. Men’s Soccer @ Widener University 7 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25
The Atlanta Falcons defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 35-31 in a back-and-forth affair on Sunday, Sept. 18. Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan put on a solid performance, throwing for 195 yards, four touchdowns and two interceptions. Despite not playing the entire game, Eagles quarterback Michael Vick threw for 242 yards, two touchdowns and one interception. Vick left midway through the game with a concussion and was replaced by second-year quarterback Mike Kafka.
Phillies clinch fifth straight National League East title The Philadelphia Phillies clinched their fifth straight National League East title with a decisive 9-2 win over the St. Louis Cardinals on Saturday, Sept. 17. Roy Oswalt pitched seven strong innings and Raul Ibanez hit a grand slam in the eighth inning to put the game out of reach. The Phillies will have home-field advantage throughout the postseason and the World Series should they make it that far.
Mariano Rivera breaks all-time saves record Yankees closer Mariano Rivera broke the all-time saves record on Monday, Sept. 19 in a 6-4 victory over the Minnesota Twins at Yankees Stadium in the Bronx. Former San Diego Padres closer Trevor Hoffman previously held the record with 601 saves. Rivera pitched a 1-2-3 ninth inning to claim the record.
How excited are you about the 2011 NFL season?
No games
Monday, Sep. 26
Golf @ Franklin & Marshall College Invitational 12:30 p.m.
“ I love the Eagles. I am pumped to cheer for them with friends and family.”
Tuesday, Sep. 27 Women’s Tennis @ Bryn Mawr College 3:30 p.m. Field Hockey @ at Misericordia University 4 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. Swarthmore College 4 p.m. Volleyball vs. Moravian College 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Sep. 28 Men’s Soccer vs. Alvernia University 4 p.m.
LAUREN MISKOFSKY SENIOR COMMUNICATION MAJOR “ I am looking forward to attending an Eagles game at Lincoln Financial Field and cheering my favorite team on.”
CORY LEMONS JUNIOR PHILOSOPHY MAJOR “The lockout had us waiting forever. I am ready to see the Jets win the Super Bowl.” MCT
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
The Loquitur 15
Men’s tennis falls to Lebanon Valley College BY COREY FRIZZERA Staff Writer
Collins scores twice, leads Cavs to win over Eastern BY KEVIN DURSO Staff Writer The Cabrini men’s soccer team rallied from a first-half deficit to claim a 2-1 win over Eastern University on Saturday, Sept. 17, in front of a capacity crowd at Edith Robb Dixon Field. In a close, well-played match, both teams’ willpower and the crowd’s energy made this college athletics at its finest. Senior forward Eric Collins netted two goals in the second half, extending his teamleading goal total to five. Forward Matt Sabin assisted on Collins’ first goal, and midfielder Ryan Juhring assisted on his second. The crowd, vocal and energetic the entire game, exploded on both goals. “All I can say is to the fans, thank you very much,” seventh-year head coach Glen Jaskelewicz said. “We appreciate it. There were probably a thousand fans in the stands tonight and it was awesome.” The first half was hard-fought; full of back-and-forth action. However, Eastern was the only side to capitalize on a chance, as Eastern freshman forward Pablo Villeda opened the scoring in minute 30. That would
be the lone shot on goal in the first half, despite a few close chances for Cabrini in the closing moments of the first half. Cabrini returned from the break revitalized, and nearly tied the game in early stages of the second half. Collins got his first scoring chance there, but hit the post with his shot. Collins came back during minute 53 with his first goal of the game on an excellent set-up from Sabin. “After I hit the post, that would have been the biggest lift ever. A goal like that would have been huge,” Collins said. “But Matt [Sabin] took the ball down the end line and I was just in the right place at the right time.” Collins added his second goal later in minute 77. From there, tight defense was the key, as the Cavaliers were forced to stand tall late in the game. Eastern was awarded a corner kick with time winding down in the game. A leaping grab by sophomore goalkeeper Eric Nowicki sealed the Cavaliers’ 2-1 win. “We got our guys back, got our guys settled, got it cleared up,” Nowicki said. “We finally got a cross back in and I was able to grab it and seal the win.”
The 2-1 win is one of the highlights of Cabrini’s season, and was the perfect way to prepare for the start of CSAC matches starting Wednesday with the team’s match at home against Marywood. “It’s huge,” freshman defenseman Christian Martin said. “I thought we played excellent, and if we can keep playing the way we do, I feel like this win brought everyone closer together. I feel like we have a lot of good things coming for us.” Cabrini’s second half dominance was the key to their win, as they controlled the play with an aggressive style. Their determination was evident, and is the type of play that the team hopes to carry into conference play. But after downing their biggest rival in a comefrom-behind win, with a packed house cheering them on, victory was sweet for the Cavaliers. “There was not one doubt in anybody’s mind that we were losing that game,” Martin said. “That’s how we came out in the second half and that’s how we proved it.” KAD323@CABRINI.EDU
Cross Country eager to improve, hopes for strong season BY SEAN COLLINS Staff Writer Cabrini’s cross country team has a new look for 2011. The team is innovating new training methods to work on their goal for the season: to be better than they were last year. The team trains every morning, Monday through Thursday, at 7 a.m. The group meets later in the day to practice various workouts. Their training routine includes stretches, sit ups, pull workouts, crab walks and of course, long distance runs. Fridays are their only day off, and as junior runner Jeff Young puts it, serve as a great day to “carb- load” before big races. The team is fortunate to have a seasoned and experienced leader in coach Tom O’Hora. He has been coaching at Cabrini for 30 years and has had the privilege of leading the Cavaliers to 17 championships. O’Hora describes cross country as a non-glory tough sport; however, he also describes it as a
sport heavy in team work. “It’s one of the last sports that actually requires teamwork and working together,” O’Hora said. “Each person relies on their teammate.” When asked how the team trains, O’Hora has a simple response: hard. Each team member approaches training with some individuality. Even with some different running preparation, all Cabrini runners mix in various exercises and workouts to keep each other at the top of their performance. O’Hora makes them overcome some tough challenges to keep them at their best. One of these is what coach O’Hora likes to call kamikazes: practice workouts consisting of 45 minutes of continuous exercise and running. Coach O’Hora has great confidence in his runners, but stressed that the team is still in a rebuilding mode. While the team is still new, they are already training hard and working together. The team features several potential stars from each class year.
Great efforts are anticipated from freshmen Jesse Oyala and Ackeem Jones, from sophomore Joshua Sutterfield and junior Young. Speed and steady leadership will also be provided by team captain, junior Kate Freyvogel. You will see the students gather together in the morning when many of them eat breakfast as a group. Bonding early in the year is important for all of the runners , especially the freshmen. “It’s fulfilling to know your fellow teammates,” Freyvogel said. “Running isn’t easy, so it’s good to know you have people you can count on and trust.” This team has become closer through their love of the sport as well as their commitment to working together. A big part of this commitment entails preparation, no matter if the runners are practicing or getting ready for a big meet. Before a big run, they always preview the course, so they can know exactly where and how
long they will be running. As they train as a team, each individual focuses on their own unique goals as well. One example is Sutterfield, who trains by running all the workouts to the very best of his ability. “I want to run as best as I can and be better than last year,” Sutterfield said. Some teammates also have added other measures for success this year. Young wants to not only improve as a person but also interact with people and get to really know his fellow teammates. While very pleased with his runners, coach O’Hora welcomes any newcomers. “If you want to get in the best shape of your life, then this is the place to be,” O’Hora said. “It may be tough, but we all have fun.”
The Cabrini men’s tennis team fell to Lebanon Valley College on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Dixon Courts by a score of 9-0. After losses against Alvernia University and Penn State-Brandywine, the defeat at the hands of Lebanon Valley ended the team’s very brief fall season. The Cavs have a very talented group of players this season. Throughout the game against the Dutchmen, the Cavs never gave up and encouraged each other during the match. “The team is looking good,” sophomore John Giovanelli said. “We are hoping to finish first or second in our conference again with our whole starting line-up returning. It should be another good year.” Giovanelli and the rest of the team are very anxious to get back to playing again in the spring. Come March 21, the Cavs will play seven of their Spring 2012 matches against CSAC opponents. With their next game not coming until March against the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, they have a lot of time to work together and get used to how each player acts and thinks, both on and off the court. “This winter there will be a lot of off-season workouts to achieve our goal of winning the CSAC,” freshman Anthony DiCicco said. “We just need to capitalize throughout the match during critical points. If we do that, we will do fine.” DiCicco is the only freshmen on a team that includes five experienced seniors. With five returning seniors for the spring season, experience seems to favor the Cavs for their remaining games. DiCicco is very excited to train in this upcoming off-season. Senior Walter Jesuncosky was hopeful when talking about the spring seaon. “There is a lot of promise for the spring season,” Jesuncosky said. “We made our goal last year to make the playoffs. This year’s goal is to win it all.” Things are looking up for the Cavs despite the rough performance this fall season. The team’s three games, none of which were against CSAC opponents, will help the group to improve in time for their 13-game spring season. “It feels good to be playing on a contending team for the CSAC as a freshman,” DiCicco said. “Everyone on the team has been very nice and accepting of me. I feel like I have been on the team for years with these guys, not just a few weeks.” Under the direction of tenthyear head coach Rich Aldrete, the Cavs will use the next several months to come out strong in the spring. CJF62@CABRINI.EDU
16 The Loquitur
Carrying on the tradition: Cabrini Night at the Phillies BY: NICK LAROSA Sports Editor For one night only, the right field stands at Citizens Bank Park were full of bright blue t-shirts and knit caps instead of the usual sea of red Phillies apparel and rally towels. The sixth annual Cabrini Night at the Phillies game saw over 2,300 Cabrini College students, faculty and alumni cheering on the hometown Philadelphia Phillies. “Cabrini Night at the Phillies continues to be one of the most anticipated events of the fall semester for the Cabrini College community,” Dr. Marie Angelella George, president of Cabrini College, said. The Friday, Sept. 16 contest between the Phillies and St. Louis Cardinals was a memorable one for the Cabrini community, despite a 4-2 victory by the Cardinals. “This is the best night I’ve ever had in my life,” freshman Stephanie Parente said. Parente was just one of the many students who packed the upper deck bleachers in right field. As in past years, all first-year students received a complementary ticket for the game, allowing them to enjoy the night while surrounded by classmates and roommates. For some, the night at Citizens Bank Park was an entirely new experience. “This is actually my first Phillies game,” freshman Chelsea Frank said. “It’s been an amazing night and I’m having a lot of fun.” “This is my first-ever Phillies experience,” freshman Musulynn Massaley said. “It’s my first baseball game and
I’m very excited to be here. I’m definitely a Phillies fan now.” While the students enjoyed themselves in the stands during the game, many of the night’s big events took place behind home plate prior to the game’s start. The game’s ceremonial first pitch was thrown out by Mavrik Laxton, who was joined on the field by his mother Kimberly Wilkinson-Kahn and Edith Robb Dixon. Dixon and her late husband, Fitz Eugene Dixon, have been longtime benefactors of the college. Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard was on field before the game to catch Laxton’s first pitch despite not being in the starting lineup due to injury. The Cabrini chorus was able to perform the national anthem prior to the start of the game and the Cavalier cheerleaders posed for photos with Calvin the Cavalier, Cabrini’s mascot. In the top of the sixth inning, the Cabrini dance team had the honor of performing a routine on the playing field with the Phillie Phanatic. With students stretched across the right field stands and members of various school groups and clubs at field level, the entire campus was well-represented. “It’s wonderful that we have so many students in one place,” Dr. Anne Skleder, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said. “The choir did wonderful, the dance team did great and the cheerleaders did great.” As for the game, the Phillies and Cardinals matched up evenly and were locked in a 1-1 tie until the eighth inning. Phillies starter Vance Worley pitched six innings and allowed six hits while St. Louis starter Jaime Garcia pitched
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011
seven innings and finished with four strike-outs. After St. Louis catcher Yadier Molina hit a solo home run in the eighth inning to put the Cardinals ahead, the Phillies responded with a game-tying hit in the ninth inning. Howard hit a pinch-hit double in the bottom of the frame for the Phils, much to the crowd’s delight. Phillies catcher Carlos Ruiz drove in Michael Martinez, who pinch ran for Howard, in the game’s very next at-bat and sent Cabrini Night into extra innings. In the 11th inning, Adron Chambers and Tyler Greene came through with RBI hits to push the Cardinals out to a 4-2 lead, a lead that they would not relinquish. Despite the extra-inning loss by the Phils, the night was still a memorable one for everyone associated with Cabrini College. NAL42@CABRINI.EDU
Freshmen students Stephanie Parente and Chelsea Frank smile for the camera during Cabrini Night at the Phillies on Friday, Sept. 16.
Under the direction of Dr. Adeline Bethany, the Cabrini College choir performs the national anthem prior to the start of Cabrini Night at the Phillies.
Mavrik Laxton is joined by Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard after throwing out the game’s first pitch.
Phillies catcher Carlos Ruiz swings at a pitch in the ninth inning of the Phillies-Cardinals game on Friday, Sept. 16.