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Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Radnor, Pa . Radnor, Pa.
Pacemaker Winner
Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LIII, Issue 6
Poetry slam !"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ winners inspires students, faculty %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$ERIC GIBBLE
extraordinary poets
graced theNational college Mall campus Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the in with theirof works in Slam Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support comprehensive Poetry on Oct. 4 sponsored by immigration reform. the English department. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0 *)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* Amber Rose Johnson, 18, 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* made her creative presence :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 known in the Holy Spirit began to'/$&"* take <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>*Library #"#4"(&*and 6"("* )#$%1* her audience on a journey '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* through her most thoughtJ-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* provoking works. Her works also present. were that'/"&"* the students L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$*issues '()%&O$('* 1($3O&* help but)'*relate to, !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%*could )2'-I"*not 2$%1("1)%'* C"%'(),* such as stories of struggle, Baptist Church in Wayne. domestic violence, and :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&*love 4"2$#"* the school. president,” Norton said to the group. This was Johnson’s Cabrini DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* debut and she loved every 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* minute of it. The National )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 Youth Slam Poetry winner of D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* 2011 and Out Loud Winner of (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* 2010)%.* is also an Advisor of/"(* the #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* National Advisory Committee support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. on the Violence O($4,"#&* Against :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* Women and a freshman at 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* Tuft’s University in Medford, %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= ALL PHOTOS BY BRANDON DESIDERIO / STAFF WRITER Mass. Johnson discovered 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* poetry from a close family “I believe in healthy capitalism, a healthy workforce. This is choking our whole economy,” Theresa Brown Gold, the sole artist and mastermind and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. member dear to her heart. behind the Art Social Inquiry project, said. Occupy Philly began on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 9 a.m. and has shown no <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* signs of slowing down. “I’ve gotten into Spoken H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 Word from my sister,” Johnson :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* said. “She first started it and change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. then 6)&* introduced me to the 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* culture and appreciated the ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* emotion can+$(* find'/"* in #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* raw '$* ()-&"* /"(*you I$-2"* Slam Poetry. So then I started undocumented. Australia. The protests are unit- is affected by this is it getting :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* Inquiry project, said. “I believe writing and then soon I startBY BRANDON DESIDERIO ed around the common theme acknowledged,” Zaspel, 28, said.`aAbF=* in healthy a healthy ed sharing.” Staff Writer !"T)3,*capitalism, &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$*
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7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= of corporate greed and income “For years, these same problems ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D inequality. The recent events in have affected minorities, and I’m
Philly marches in protest Frustrated and upset citizens the Middle East, referred to as the here to remind people of that.” ,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 have gathered in peaceful pro- Arab Spring, have been linked A number of organizations, test in front of Philadelphia’s City largely in part to this sudden both nonprofit and private, were Hall. They are angry about the string of protests, as well as the in attendance at Occupy Philly extent of Wall Street greed and 15-M Movement in Spain. from the beginning, including government inaction to protect Occupy Philly officially began Philadelphia Jobs with Justice. the average American. on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 9 a.m. and “We’re really excited to be here,” +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* WESTFALL The event, NOELLE referred to as has shown no signs of slowing one of their representatives said. E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER Occupy Philly, is just one emerg- down since. The gathered crowds “We’re here to represent the 99 NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 ing branch of the larger Occupy during the first few hours signi- percent, and especially for those :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* Wall Street protest in New York fied the diversity of issues being workers that are earning mini9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* City. While there is no central advocated for, with signs ranging mum wage.” $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* issue to the nationwide protest, from support of the unemployed, Another organization, known American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* the general mission of the move- the uninsured and the indebted, simply as Art Social Inquiry, held )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 ment, as Occupy Wall Street’s to those calling for immigration a mini-exhibit of portraits that the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* website states, is “to restore and healthcare reform. Alongside represented victims of medi'/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* democracy in America.” these specific issues were more cal bankruptcy and subsequent :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* The main issues of the protest ubiquitous signs, such as Lori death, as well as the medical &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 are the bank bailouts, student Zaspel’s “Revolution is not a one- workers that benefit from the eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* debt and rising income inequal- time event,” a famous quote by indebtedness. “I’m just here sophomore accounting major and cochair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* ity. The Occupy movement has poet and activist Audre Lorde. to bear witness and tell stories C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* already spread internationally, “I think something that really of real people,” Theresa Brown 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* with like-minded protests also has been forgotten is that only Gold, the sole artist and mas;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in present in Canada, England and now that all of the middle class termind behind the Art Social
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workforce. This is choking our Slam Poetry is performed whole economy.” aloud where poets express Joe Davis, 56, was seen holdtheir feelings on certain !$##%&'()*+', ing a sign that simply said, “Stop issues. It is also a competition the Bullshit!” A handicapped in which the poets perform social worker, Davis commented alone or in teams before an on the Occupy protests. “There audience, whom serve as the comes a time when choking is no judges. The poetry is judged longer comfortable,” Davis said. on enthusiasm, expression “And that time, I think, is now. and persuasion. The audience People are tired of being lied to is instructed to give a numeriand having things shoved down cal score (scale of 1 to 10) by their throat that they don’t like.” the end of the night based on When asked what she hoped the poet’s content and perforto gain from the demonstration, mance. Zandra Price, a retired librarian, Johnson seems to conresponded by saying, “To make nect with her audience well other Americans more aware. considering she’s won two This country is being ruled by national poetry awards at the the rich.” age of 18. The gathered crowds by noon Don’t think all the fame were very diverse, both in age has gone to her head though. and gender as well as nationalThe potential educational ity and ethnicity. Daniel Watson, reform activist, Johnson sees
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page 2
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2 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
Editorial: We are the ‘99 percent’, this is why we protest The Occupy Wall Street protests made their debut in Philadelphia last week. This is a movement of a generation, similar to the Arab Spring and European summer. While people of all ages have attended and spoken out, the young people, the future leaders of the United States, are at the forefront. Many bystanders are puzzled by the protest. It is unclear to many what the protestors are trying to achieve. A partial explanation to this is that there are many complaints and messages that are trying to be conveyed. However, there is a unifying theme that needs to not only be heard, but also understood and acted upon by our government officials. It is the slogan of the protest and what unifies all of the participants: “We are the 99 percent.” It is the “1 percent” of this country that is holding the wealth and doing even better than ever, as many of the Wall Street CEO’s received raises last year, while the “99 percent” is hurting in today’s economy. If there is anything the Occupy
protestors are trying to vanquish ,it is greed. Greed is largely to blame for the fall of the economy and still appears to be an issue, even though you would think lessons would have been learned. While they may have different personal opinions, political views and economic situations, the protestors want fundamental change to make life better for the “99 percent” of the United States. The point is that the current economy only works for “1 percent” of the population of this country. Is this fair? Absolutely not. Are any of us average citizens in that “1 percent”? Not really. As college students, specifically Cabrini students, we are privileged. Obviously, some much more than others depending on family backgrounds and financial situations, but as a whole, Cabrini students are privileged. While you may need student loans to attend college, we are privileged in the fact that we are receiving a private, liberal arts education in a community where we are all considered individuals and unique students. So many people
are unable to get this opportunity to receive an education. Despite this, we are still part of the “99 percent”. No matter how financially secure our families might be, when we graduate from Cabrini, whether this year or four years from now, most of us will be expected to take care of ourselves. This means finding not only good-paying jobs, but also jobs that are secure, so we can afford a place to live, and for some of us, to pay off our student loans. There are definitely jobs out there. In a tough economy, it is up to everyone to push hard and expand themselves. It is clear we are not going to just be handed opportunities and the Loquitur editorial staff recognizes that is not the message of Occupy; they are not asking to just be handed wealth. Instead, they want opportunity. They want everything this country is supposed to be built on and the chance to make something out of yourself. We understand it is not the same world our parents grew up
in. That is obvious on so many levels. The Loquitur staff does not think the goal of the protest is to make life the same as it was back then. Those days are not coming back. While the young generation is at the head of the movement, people of all ages are involved and getting vocal about their experiences and expectations. Older people have lost their homes, jobs and retirement funds. As always, healthcare and education costs are immense issues. We have all been affected. The editorial in this week’s Philadelphia Inquirer raises the point that to really produce change, the protests will need to move from the streets to congressional town hall meetings and ultimately to the voting booth in 2012. The participants in the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya can serve as examples that protesting can be effective, but real change requires commitment and follow-through. This is why it is vital that we advocate for enlightenment. Educate yourself about the situation, what has
happened in the economy and how we can actually improve. Then, take that with you to the voting booth. There are many controversial opinions among the protestors. There have been various pictures in the media of slogans and signs that try and disband capitalism and government. While everyone is going to have differing political opinions, the Loquitur editorial staff believes the goal of Occupy is not to classify the people into democrat, republican, liberal or conservative. We are united, as a country, as a majority, as students, workers, children and parents for a common good. Do our political affiliations really matter? We are all American and we all want opportunity. We want answers and solutions, not more doubt and greed. We want to be able to trust that our government will have the best interest of the majority at heart.
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Occupy Wall Street hits home in Philly PROTEST,
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a 25-year-old programmer, was seen holding a sign that said, “When did Socialism become a dirty word?” When asked why he was attending the protest, Watson said, “I’m not affiliated with any organization. I’ve got a good job, I’ve got healthcare... I just want to see it trickle down.”
By this, he said, he means that he wants to see everyone else have equal opportunities and resources. Anna Farino, a 21-year-old web design major at the Art Institute of Philadelphia, provided a young voice to the demonstration. “I’m here against student debt,” Farino said, noting that in total she has $80,000 in
loans that she’ll have to start paying off later next year. “I’m not guaranteed a job when I get out. It’d be nice if there would be a government bailout for the people instead of for big business.” “It ain’t just corporate greed,” a man that referred to himself as Mike from South Philly said. “We need friction to stop the wheels that make these issues continue
to spin.” The demonstrations in total have provided an open forum for further discussion of hot-button issues, ranging from immigration to foreign aid. No word has been given yet on how long these protests will last. However, as Zaspel pointed out, “If this is just a protest, then why are there so many people
involved? This is an international movement. This is more than just a cry for attention.” A list of many of the topics being protested, which are going to be voted on and formed into a “unified common demand of the people” by the Sovereign People’s Movement, can be found on
The Loquitur
2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR James Crowell NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio
PHOTO EDITOR Jenay Smith COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 3
Library welcomes students, showcases changes BY ROBERT RICHES Staff Writer The Holy Spirit Library welcomed the campus community during its annual Open House on Friday, Sept. 30. It was a day to introduce itself to new students, to showcase the new changes made over the summer and to honor Saint Jerome, the patron saint of libraries. Refreshments were served, free Frisbees were handed out and the fish that serve as the unofficial mascots of the library were named. It was a day celebrated by students, workers and even studentworkers at the library. “I love working here,” Colleen Biehl, sophomore early education/special education major, said. “It’s not an intimidating place. The art gallery and new flatscreen TVs are also very nice.” The day started off with an emotional tree-planting in honor of Corey Salazar, a Cabrini graduate from the class of 2002, who had been working in the library for several years. Salazar had passed away over the summer after a two-month long battle with a brain tumor. After the tree planting, the open house was underway. The fish in the bowl immediately outside the library entrance were
Lawral Wornek are excited as well. “I’m excited about the flatscreens and the ‘Monday Night Football’ in the basement,” Wornek said. While upper-class students were able to see the changes made from last year, first-year students did not get to witness the changes. Anitra Davis, freshman nursing major, is one of these students, but she does have a good first impression of the library’s new look. “I like that I can always type RYAN SANKEY / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER a paper at almost any time if I The Holy Spirit Library welcomed all to see changes for the new year by need to,” Davis said. hosting their annual open house Sept. 30. For the Holy Spirit Library, this was a nice way to intronamed Truman Capote, Bonnie, “The new desk is more wel- duce the new improvements Clyde, John, Paul, George, Ringo coming to students than the old that it made over the summer, and Nelly. Cake and apple cider desk,” Roberta Jacquet, library as well as explore the Catholic were served. director, said. “The old straight roots of the college. Over the summer, the library desk was almost like a barrier Despite the emotional start, made some new and exciting between us and the students.” the Holy Spirit Library’s open changes. The art gallery on the Several students have taken house was a success for those third floor made some new addi- note of these new changes as involved. It was a tremendous tions. More books and movies well. way for anybody to check out were ordered to add to the col“I like the new desk, it is pretty the new and exciting features, lection. Several flatscreen tele- nice,” Kevin Gallagher, junior his- learn a thing or two about St. vision sets equipped with cable tory major, said. “The flatscreens Jerome and for students and were added on the main floor are pretty nice too.” library workers to get to know and basement, with the baseWhile students are excited each other. ment boasting a 55-inch set. The about changes for another year “I love the opportunity library will even host “Monday at the Holy Spirit Library, they are to work with the students,” Night Football” viewing parties. not the only ones excited. Library Wornek said. A new front desk was added to be employees, such as systems and more visually pleasing. emerging technologies librarian RTR29@CABRINI.EDU
Students make pillowcases, fight cancer BY JESSICA JOHNSON-PETTY
Staff Writer
Pillowcases to fight cancer allowed students and faculty to assist ConKerr Cancer to exceed the goal of 6,000 pillowcases made in the Philadelphia area as they stitched from their heart on Wednesday, Sept. 28 in the Grace Hall boardroom. A Case for Smiles started with Cindy Kerr, founder of ConKerr Cancer, making pillowcases for her son Ryan who was diagnosed with bone cancer in the knee at the age of 12. “I would make fun pillow cases for Ryan; hamburgers, soccer, Halloween, for a year each time he went into the hospital,” Kerr said. “Then I started to make them for the rest of the kids on the floor at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). When Ryan relapsed, friends joined in and we made more.” ConKerr Cancer was on Martha Stewart in 2008, and now has 115 chapters and associated with 250 hospitals international. “We have a no white policy,” Kerr said. “The purpose of the fun colorful pillowcases is to break up the monotony in the hospital.” September was Childhood Cancer month. With 44,000 children battling cancer in North America, the goal for the organization for this month is to make 44,000 pillowcases, at least one for each child in treatment.
Dr. Courtney Smith, assistant professor of history and political science, brought ConKerr Cancer to the college. Smith’s mother works at Saint Luke Orthodox Church where some members are helping hands for ConKerr Cancer. “After my mother told me about ConKerr Cancer, I thought that this will be a great service opportunity to bring to Cabrini,” Smith said. ConKerr brought sewing machines and Christmas-themed fabric for Cabrini students and faculty the opportunity to make pillowcases for children battling cancer. Alyssa Neilson, former employee of the college’s admissions office and volunteer for ConKerr Cancer, is now on board for the cause. “I read about it in the newspaper and I was touched. Cindy is a remarkable woman,” Neilson said. Current faculty and students lent a hand in sewing pillowcases. This was the first time that some used a sewing machine, but that did not stop Dr. Andrew Owen, assistant professor of sociology, from attempting to sew a pillowcase together. Owen quickly learned how to create a pillowcase and eventually starting teaching others how to create one. He created many pillowcases for the cause. Owen said it was something that
Experienced and beginner sewers came together to help fight cancer by brightening others lives, one pillow case at a time. he knew he needed to do. “How could I not,” Owen said. Lacie Dobet, freshman undecided major, felt the need to be there as well. She knew that her time and effort would not go in vain. “This is a really good cause. All the children should not have to go through what they do. It’s the least that I could do. It’s just something nice that could be done,” Dobet said. While some knew that they just could not allow the opportunity pass by, Eric Streicher, freshman undecided major, sewed pillowcases because the cause touched his heart on a personal
level. “I found out that my dad was diagnosed with cancer last May. I knew that this is something nice I could do for kids with cancer,” Streicher said. A total of 60 cases were sewn during the event, meaning 60 more children’s spirits will be lifted because of the pillows made on campus. “I feel better about myself knowing that some kid somewhere will feel better,” Streicher said. JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU
Tech Connection
Apple founder remembered as visionary, innovator The world lost one of the greatest minds of a generation last week. Steve Jobs, former CEO and co-founder of Apple, Inc., passed away on Oct. 5 after a seven-year battle with a rare type of pancreatic cancer. He was 56. Jobs had an unprecedented impact on how people related to and interacted with technology. Without Jobs, there would be no computer mouse, no iPod, no iPhone, no iPad, no Macintosh computer and no rivalry between Macs and PCs. The concept of a graphical user interface with fonts, folders and windows was popularized by Jobs, so if you have ever used a computer with a mouse, you have Jobs to thank. The whole paradigm of a “personal” computer may never have been created if Jobs and Steve Wozniak did not tinker with hand-built computer parts in their garage in Los Altos, Calif., in 1976. Jobs affected our modern culture to such an extent that there were public remembrances from Bill Gates, Google’s Sergey Brin, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Disney CEO Bob Iger. President Barack Obama gave a statement via The White House Blog, saying, “Steve was among the greatest of American innovators: brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world and talented enough to do it.” A biography of Jobs is slated to release on Oct. 24 and Sony Pictures just bought the film rights to a feature film about the visionary: but to see the true, human impact Jobs had on humanity in the past 30 years, one had only look as far as an Apple retail store. Across the world, tributes to Jobs’ life and legacy were left outside of store displays in cities and towns all around the world, from Tokyo to Los Angeles to New York City. Often, Post-It notes were left on windows of Apple stores with condolences and messages for Jobs. The most profound legacy that Jobs left our world is that he made technology easy to use. The touch interface on the iPhone for instance allows you to call, text or email anyone and everyone you want without needing to read a manual. Jobs enabled a whole generation to embrace touchscreens so that it is commonplace. Following Jobs’ death, Apple Inc. is inviting those who want to share their thoughts, memories and condolences to email JFC46@CABRINI.EDU
4 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
REGION & CAMPUS Philly protests move to the suburbs
Memorandum makes legal case to kill a US citizen
The Occupy Wall Street movement and series of portests that have swept through New York and Philadelphia, are now moving to the suburbs. A protest in Doylestown is planned for Thursday, Oct. 13 and over 1000 other such events are scheduled to take place around the country in the coming weeks.
The Obama administration drafted a legal memo last year which allowed the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, but opened the door to the killing of an American citizen without a trial. Despite an executive order banning assassinations and protections in the U.S. Bill of Rights, the 50-page document was drawn up by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel around June 2010. Read the original story on | Oct. 8, 2011
Former governor and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney walks through a crowd of his supporters during his campaign stop at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, Friday, October 7, 2011.
Romney’s stance on issues questioned
Prostate screenings U.N. uncovers called into question torture by Afghans
U.S. Economy seems to idle
On the campain trail, Mitt Romney fended off questions from rivals about the true consistency of his conservatism. Romney spoke about the economy at the Values Voter Summit, a gathering of social conservative activists, while reiterating at his critics that his faith, Mormonism, is a cult instead of a respected religion. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and others called into question Romney’s credentials.
Prostate cancer screenings may now have a different approach to weeding out the cause of death for one in six men. According to the United States Preventive Services Task Force, healthy men should no longer receive a blood test to screen for prostate cancer because the test does not save lives and often leads to more tests and treatments.
Amid fears that the economy could slip back into recession, jobs are being added unevenly and at a slow rate. European debt crisis fears are coming across the Atlantic Ocean that could cause a ripple effect on our economy. The Labor Department said Friday that American employers added 103,000 net new jobs.
Read the original story on | Oct. 6, 2011
Read the original story on | Oct. 8, 2011
The Afghan Intelligence Service and the Afghan National Police were found to have conducted widespread, ‘systematic torture’ according to a United Nations report released recently. NATO officials said they were working with the United Nations and the Afghan government to “improve detention operations” and “establish safeguards.” The report does not assess whether American officials knew of the abuses. Read the original story on | Oct. 10, 2011
Read the original story on | Oct. 7, 2011 James Crowell News Editor
Washington Center Internship Discussion
A representative from The Washington Center will be on campus to discuss the center’s program from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Iadarola Center Lecture Hall. Serving as a clearing house for internships with the U.S. government and other institutions, the center allows students to spend an entire semester in Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Dr. James Hedtke at jhedtke@ or you can visit
Sunday, Oct. 16 Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 14 Dean’s Fall Holiday There will be no classes and college offices will be closed all day due to the Dean’s Fall Holiday. Classes will resume Monday, Oct. 17.
New Jersey examines clean energy programs New clean energy programs over a four-year period beginning in 2013 are coming to the garden state. A decision that could dramatically reshape New Jersey’s aggressive policies to reduce energy consumption and to promote cleaner sources of electricity, such as solar and wind will be coming soon. The first four-year funding level was approved for the program for 2001-2004, which amounted to roughly $482 million -- less than half of the $1.2 billion budget for 20092012. Read the original story on | Oct. 11, 2011
Art exhibit comes to campus
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Oct. 13
Read the original story on | Oct. 11, 2011
Saturday, Oct. 15 Sports See page 16 for a list of Cavalier games and times.
Trip to Addams Family on Broadway CAP Board has a trip to Broadway once a semester. This semester, students can sign up in SEaL to see “The Addams Family” from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. in New York City, N.Y.
Monday, Oct. 17
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament Learn about Fair Trade and cheer on your favorite teams as they play fair and trade fair at the first day of the fifth annual Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament in the Dixon Center Squash Court from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament Learn about Fair Trade and cheer on your favorite teams as they play fair and trade fair at the second day of the fifth annual Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament in the Dixon Center Squash Court from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Date Rape or Drunk Sex? At 7:30 p.m. in Grace Hall, students will learn a lesson on a difficult topic from a local lawyer.
BINGO night
SEaL will host 12 rounds of BINGO in Jazzman’s Café from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Cabrini College will host “Permission,” an art display by Laura Velez, that aims to look at identity, self-awareness and mental perceptions. The exhibit will run from Oct. 22 until Nov. 20 on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library. Velez teaches drawing at the Fairmount Art Center and her artwork has won several local and national awards including the Angels and Eagles Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Read the original story on | Oct. 7, 2011
Ransom Cozzillio News Editor
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 5
Tree planting memorializes late alumnus BY BRANDON DESIDERIO Staff Writer The life of ‘02 alumnus Corey Salazar, who had been working in the Holy Spirit Library since 2004, was examined and reflected upon by current students and faculty with a tree-planting ceremony dedicated in his honor. Diagnosed with brain cancer in June, Salazar died of the disease on Aug. 5. Among the attendees were his fiancee, Kathleen Grant, a fellow Cabrini alumna of the class of 2007, as well as his brother Richard. Several students, faculty and staff who had known Salazar spoke at the ceremony, held on Sept. 30, including philosophy department chair Dr. Sharon Schwarze, who taught Salazar while he was an undergraduate. “Corey was not a quiet introvert,” Schwarze said. The crowd laughed in response. She spoke of her frequent “motherly” conversations with Salazar, which she said he would pretend to listen to. “He was usually practicing the ‘core value of community,’” Schwarze continued, making light of the present situation. More laughter. “We all have to take Corey’s lesson to heart and realize that we all can make the world a little bit better,” Schwarze concluded, stepping from the podium. Aside
A European Larch tree was planted in front of Founder’s Hall to honor alumnus Corey Salazar. from his lighthearted personality, Salazar was known for his generous spirit, having contributed a lot of his time to volunteer work and other acts of goodwill. The tree that was planted in Salazar’s memory, as Dr. Marie Angelella George explained during the beginning of the ceremony, is what is known as a European Larch. “It is said to house the blessed
ones,” George said. “In Siberia, a group of seven or more trees is considered holy.” As a symbol of Salazar’s passing, the Larch was chosen due to the belief that spirits climb them toward heaven, as they are considered the “World Tree.” “Corey’s soul, in all respects, is a beautiful soul,” George said. “Ask Corey any question, and you’d get
more information than you ever needed,” Dr. Bobbi Jacquet, the library director for Holy Spirit Library, said. In addition to his love of reading history, as she addressed, Salazar would also talk about the vast assortment of trees on Cabrini’s campus whenever someone would come in and comment on how beautiful the campus was, as well as show off the campus tree map. Both Grant and Richard Salazar said they wanted to thank the Cabrini community for holding the tree-planting ceremony in honor of Corey’s recent passing, as well as his integral role in the college’s identity and mission from the heart. Richard, who introduced himself simply as Rick, particularly wanted to signify the fact that he and his brother were raised by a strong woman. Their mother, Diane O’Connor Salazar, was a research chemist and raised her sons entirely on her own after divorcing her husband while they were still young. Diane herself had battled cancer and Corey had been her primary caregiver up until her death in 1998. “There’s a story of St. Jerome taking a thorn out of a lion’s paw,” Jacquet mentioned after the ceremony. “I think that is particularly significant, since, at the end, Corey and Kathleen had cats.” BTD28@CABRINI.EDU
Preview: Philadelphia AIDS Walk BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor Over 30,000 people in the Delaware Valley are living with HIV/AIDS. Oct. 16 marks the 25-year anniversary of the Aids Walk Run Philly, presented by Merck. Doubling as a walk-a-thon and 5K Run, the walk is annually held on the third Sunday in October. Beginning on the steps of the Art Museum, walkers take Kelly Drive and end on Martin Luther King Drive. The 8.4-mile walk takes between two and three hours to finish. Runners begin at 8 a.m. and opening ceremonies begin at 8:30 a.m. Before the walk actually begins at 9 a.m., there are warm-ups, including yoga sessions. For those who may get tired throughout the course of the walk, there are pit stops with portable restrooms as well as poopout buses. The poop-out buses travel along the route and pick up tired walkers. One in five Americans infected with HIV don’t know it. Nearly 15,000 people will join the fight to raise money for HIV prevention education, public awareness and HIV care services in the Greater Philadelphia region. The 25th Annual AIDS Walk Philly will be co-hosted by “Project Runway” season eight runner-up, Mondo Guerra. Guerra, known for his colorful and wacky designs spoke about being HIV positive for the first time during his time on the show and even created a pattern reflecting his status as HIV positive. Since speaking on the show, he continues to speak at events sharing his story of life with HIV. Mondo joins “Project Runway” alum Jack Mackenroth on Living Positive by Design, which encourages people with the disease to maintain a positive outlook on life while effectively working with their doctors to manage their disease. For walkers who raise a minimum of
$45 in donations, a t-shirt is awarded. Those who raise over $500 in donations receive hooded sweatshirts. Since 1987, thousands of fundraising walkers have gathered each year to participate in the region’s largest annual HIV/ AIDS public awareness and fundraising event. The first year raised $33,000 with Philadelphia’s gay and lesbian community center, Penguin’s Place, organizing the walk. The AIDS Fund supports HIV/AIDS education, prevention and services in the Delaware Valley Region by raising dollars and increasing public awareness about the impact of HIV on our communities. AIDS Fund produced a series of videos to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in Philadelphia and the U.S., featuring community members living with HIV and/or providing critical HIV/AIDS services in the Delaware Valley. “AIDS in Philly: AIDS Fund Responds” serves as an introduction to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Philadelphia and explores how AIDS Fund is working to raise awareness and funding for local HIV/ AIDS service organizations. Free rapid HIV tests will be provided on-site and will take 20 minutes to inform participants of their status. Beyond the walk, the 30 partner organizations also hold GayBINGO!, Blacktie GayBINGO! and Workplace Giving Campaigns. Each year, on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, AIDS Fund holds an event to remember those we have lost to the AIDS epidemic and honoring those still living with HIV/AIDS. To learn more about how to participate in the AIDS Walk Philly event on Oct. 16, go to To join Cabrini College’s team, search number 4299 and register as a walker.
6 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
One Hundred to One
Have you ever wondered why certain people are taunted, teased, bullied, abused, abandoned, talked down to and ostracized by society? I thought about this plenty of times in my life, however I never really knew what I could do about it. There are enough support groups and people to talk to but there aren’t many things that are done to raise awareness. So now, I’m trying to raise awareness by using something I’m very passionate about: film. This school semester in my video documentary class, I decided I’m going to film a project that I called “One Hundred to One.” Basically, I’m making an attempt to meet 100 people of all different diverse backgrounds, and document these meetings by video. I’m going to sit down and have a conversation with 100 people one at a time, and learn as much about them as I can. The purpose of this documentary is to prove that two of society’s biggest issues are misjudgment and miscommunication. By learning as much as I can about different types of people, I’m helping to prove that just because someone is different by appearance, race, gender or ethnicity doesn’t mean that they’re much different than the majority. Sometimes the reason why people are misjudged and misunderstood is because nobody takes the opportunity to understand them, which is what I’m going to attempt to do. Just because someone is different, it doesn’t give anyone the right to discriminate against them. Although it’s impossible to form 100 relationships and keep in touch with all hundred people, sometimes someone just needs to know that they’re understood and
society’s biggest issues misjudgment and miscommunication
that despite the way people make them feel, they’re not as different as they think. They still eat, sleep, breathe and bleed the same way everyone around them does. Another purpose of this project is to try and build a community. Imagine how much more we could accomplish without hatred keeping us apart? Hopefully when my documentary is filmed and made public, it will inspire people to do the same as I’m going to do. With any luck, people will see that not everyone is as different as it may appear. I’m hoping that my documentary will mo-
everything they have to the table and contribute to forming a strong community, a lot more can be accomplished. Every person’s ideas, every person’s strengths coming together to form one community can make a huge different. All we need is understanding and communication. Judging someone you don’t know, or someone you hardly know, by the way they act, dress, walk or speak, is more harmful than you may think. However, it happens to everyone. It happens to me and it may happen to you. You might even be the one doing the judging.
“Sometimes the reason why people are misjudged and misunderstood is because nobody takes the opportunity to understand them” tivate them to try and meet people that are different than they are and choose not to judge them, but to understand them. With a little research, I’m going to try and find an organization to donate to. I’m going to attempt to collect a donation of $1 from each person I meet and explain to them that their donation is going to go to an organization that needs their help. By doing this, I’m going to give each person the feeling that they are making a difference just as I am trying to do with this project. Every person has different traits and qualities that make them different, and if they all choose to come together and bring
Unfortunately, no one’s perfect. We all have different perceptions of what is enjoyable and what’s boring, what’s cool and what’s lame and what’s fun and what’s not so fun. In the midst of all this judging, we sometimes don’t recognize a person that is truly unique. Sometimes it’s because they just don’t care what anyone else has to say about them; they do what they want and we should applaud that. We as people have a bad habit of agreeing with society, even when society is wrong. Just because society doesn’t agree with certain ways, doesn’t mean that you need to disagree as
well. There are people in this world that try to change who they are to satisfy society, but unfortunately all these people are really doing is covering up who they truly are. In some parts of the world, left-handedness is considered evil. In our country that’s obviously not the case. So in places where that is the case, people are judged just by which hand is their dominant hand. In many parts of the world the gay, bisexual and transgendered communities are also mistreated. Some people feel that it’s wrong to like someome of the same sex and therefore you should be treated like less than a human being, however regardless of what gender a person is attracted to, that person still has the same feelings and emotions as the next person does. Years ago, people were still being mistreated for their skin color. The African American community was discriminated against in ways that are unimaginable, and the way they were treated was absolutely unacceptable, but why does skin color make people so much different? If you think that skin color, left-handedness, sexual orientation and other traits that make people different are all unacceptable, then think about how difficult our lives would be if everyone were the same. If every person had the exact same traits and qualities, working together would be so much more difficult because all of our ideas would be the same. We need different ideas, we need different characteristics, we need understanding and we need to keep an open mind. SBS74@CABRINI.EDU
Homelessness can be prevented
A crack - cocaine dependency makes it difficult for 42 year-old Curtis Walker to keep a job, pay rent, or maintain stable relationships. Consequently, George—who also suffers from arthritis, heart problems, and seizures—has spent several years living on the streets. During these years, he has slept under park benches, covering himself with discarded newspapers to stay warm and hidden. On colder nights he might venture into an emergency shelter, which offered heat, but which also required him to engage in the “one-eyed sleep,” a state of half-alertness prompted by the fear of having one’s possessions stolen. George has also been severely beaten both in the shelters and in the city parks. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.
No food or drink for days. No bedroom to keep your belongings. No bathroom to shower. No house to call home. These are human beings that live among us, in our town, cities and streets. I was given the opportunity to visit homeless shelters in Philadelphia and volunteer my time and efforts to get to know these people for who they really are. These are not people who have chosen to live on the street. They have gone through tragedies such as loss of a family member, loss of a house or mental illness. There is a solution for these men and women. The surrounding communities are a major factor in helping them overcome these hard times. Shelters such as Our Brother’s Place is an emergency shelter and supportive services for over 300 of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable homeless population. It provides shelter for 150 men each night as well as a day program for 200 men. Another safe haven is Project Home. The goal of Project Home is to empower people to break the cycle of homeless-
ness, address the structural causes of poverty and attain their fullest potential as member of society. Their work is rooted in their conviction of the dignity of each people and the belief that all are entitled to decent, affordable housing and quality education, employment and healthcare. Project Home relies on the outreach of the community for their efforts and volunteers. The misunderstanding about homelessness is that they are people who refuse to get a job. Homelessness looms even for those who have jobs. Every man, woman and child who has to lie his or her head down on a sidewalk is flesh and blood, has a mind, feelings, hopes and fears that are real. When you lose a job, or work long hours and still cant make ends meet, you not only lose your freedom, but you put yourself in danger of living in inclimate weather or the dangers of living on the street. Despite the increase in homelessness, the public today does not seem to view it as a compelling social problem. In the 1980s
and early 1990s, when fighting homelessness had become a popular cause, many cities built emergency shelters and supportive housing. But after Congress cut the budget for homeless services in the late 1990s, cities were not able to keep up with the requests for assistance. An effective strategy to help the homeless is to get more shelters to provide supportive services for homeless individuals and families. A shelter such as Our Brother’s Place helps rebuild the individual and empowers them to break the cycle of homelessness. Giving them the basic skills such as learning how to read and write will encourage them to be able to live on their own. Skills such as learning how to prepare and write a resume could change a person’s life forever. The immediate results such as a smile on someone’s face is rewarding, but the long-term goal of preventing homelessness across the world is the greatest reward of all. KRS52@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
Growing Up as a Triplet
Growing up as a triplet is a blessing. I get to be surrounded by my two best friends all the time and get to witness them grow up as the beautiful women they are. My life wouldn’t make sense without them. We grew up in the tourist town of Wildwood Crest, N.J. all of our lives. My mother, Lisa Ferrante, and father, Emilio Ferrante, were shocked when hearing they were going to be receiving triplet daughters on the cold and windy night of Halloween. My mother had just deivered her first child 14 months earlier with my brother, Emilio Ferrante Jr., so life was anything but easy. The Ferrante family was growing in just a little over a year. Since day one we have never left each other’s side. That all changed once high school graduation was heading our way and filling out college applications was our main priority. All our lives we have been attached to the hip. We always had the same group of friends and being in the same classes. For college years, we wanted a change. The three of us have always been really close. We always tell each other everything and we are also really close with our parents and our brother. Our big Italian family is perfect in my eyes and I am so blessed to be a part of it. Going away to college separately definitely made each one of us appreciate each other more and going home is always the best feeling in the world. Being surrounded by the people who know me the most and seeing my family together again is breathtaking and I miss it every day while I am up here. When deciding
The Loquitur | 7
She’s always putting a smile on my face and we are always giggling and joking with each other. She’s my other half. Danielle Ferrante, sophomore accounting and finance major, attends Eastern University and I get to see her basically every single day. She is my fraternal twin. I love knowing she is only a walk down the way and we have gotten a lot closer being so close in distance to each other. She gives the best advice anyone could ever have. She is constantly being positive and I really appreciate everything she does for me. Danielle and I visit my sister Marissa on the weekends a lot by train. I love going to different schools because I get to meet each one of my sisters’ friends and get to experience their environment at school. It’s also a fun getaway to visit them. Our parents and brother are always in constant contact with us and we get to see them every two weeks, which is perfect. I appreciate having my sisters every day. There isn’t a day that goes by I am not thinking about them and wishing they were here SUBMITTED BY LIA FERRANTE STAFF WRITER to witness me grow and where to go to college, we all wanted to be in the same watch my future blossom at area but go to different schools. The area of Rad- school. Every time we get to see each other it is one of the nor caught our eye because of the mall being so close, happiest days of my life. College life is allowing me to the schools around here were small and we grow up and become an individual; but I will never let go had a lot of our extended family near us. of the amazing bond I have with two other extraordinary Marissa Ferrante, sophomore business major, attends women who share the same blood and birthday as me. Immaculata University and loves every minute of it. She is my identical twin and we know each other’s thoughts and emotions and we are constantly talking to each other. LF375@CABRINI.EDU
Should you be afraid to cheer for your favorite team? JUSTIN D'ANDREA Staff Writer
I thought there was only one way to get into a brawl in the city and that is by wearing different colors than the home team. After hearing recent national reports of brutality being taken place in sport complexes, I know now that sportsmanship is a concept that even grown men cannot understand. How many more times must blood be spilled in American sports stadiums? A fan should not feel uncomfortable going to a road game wearing the visitors’ colors. There have been no fan riots in the U.S., like the riot in the Stanley Cup Finals when the Canucks lost against the Bruins, but would you ever imagine that a fan could get shot in America for wearing the wrong shirt? One incident of fan violence that was extremely disturbing to me was when violence marred a weekend preseason game in August, when the San Francisco 49ers played a game against the archrival Oakland Raiders. Three people were hospitalized after two men were found shot in the parking lot at around 8 p.m., and another man was beaten unconscious in a bathroom inside the sta-
dium between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. The following day, the 49ers strengthened security at home games, including banning tailgating after kickoff and warning fans that rowdy behavior won’t be tolerated. The team is even considering canceling future preseason games with the Raiders. Another recent incident that took place in the San Francisco Bay area nearly five months before the violence at Candlestick Park was the beating San Francisco Giants fan Bryan Stow took from two Los Angeles Dodgers fans. The teams’ neighborhood rivalries could be a factor in the violence, but changes have to be made before fans behave like gladiators in the colosseum. The violence in sports is not only to be blamed on the fans but also the players. I can remember accounts of violence taking place during Georgetown’s goodwill basketball tour in China, and its ugly on-court brawl. Fans were always under the impression their biggest risk at a game was a foul ball, not foul play. Why should fans be afraid to cheer for their favorite team? I am a person that takes pride in my favorite teams, and made the stupid decision of wearing a Pittsburgh Panthers
jersey when I was going to a Rutgers football game. During the second quarter, I was harassed for 10 minutes by three middle-aged men. I was 13 at the time, I can only imagine what would have happened if I was in my twenties. There is no easy answer to solve fan violence but there are some precautions that can be taken. Teams need to hire more staff members, more police officers, have a zero tolerance policy for fan harassment and possibly get rid of alcohol in stadiums. “This is a family outing, for residents and visitors and people who want to see the game; not for people to look for people they don’t like, then saying bad words, then getting into it,” Ed Lee, the mayor of San Francisco, said. This is a message that all sports fans need to understand. We need to get back to respecting our opponents and stop creating problems.
8 | The Loquitur
The Cabrini Steppers performed with faculty and staff , including President Marie George last year. The steppers trained an entire year for the performance which included a wide turnout by the student body.
New Leadership for Cabrini Steppers BY BREANNA STANLEY Staff Writer After the Cabrini Steppers did an amazing job last spring, they went ahead and hired step coach Desmond Baker. “The stepping coach is great. He takes a lot of load off of me,” Quiana Volney, senior business administration major and president and founder of Steppers club, said. Volney attended a Cabrini College versus Eastern University basketball game during her sophomore year and noticed during halftime three different groups came out. However, the group that caught her eye was the Eastern Steppers. The Eastern Steppers team hyped up the crowd and got them excited, making Volney want to do the same thing with Cabrini. Volney proceeded with the interest, collected the paper work she needed, found those who were interested and created the Cabrini Steppers club. “I wanted to create involvement on campus including spirit, but we hope to branch out this year,” Volney said. During the year, Cabrini Steppers perform several
There are easy and cheap ways to decorate your dorm room for Halloween. You can make your very own spider web for your door. Purchase spooky, cotton spider webs from any Halloween store at a very low cost. Just stretch the spider web to cover your door and put plastics spiders on it to make it extra realistic. One of the most inexpensive items to buy for your dorm room are black and orange streamers. They are fun to hang from your ceiling and provide extra color to your dorm room. You can also use the streamers to make
Desmond Baker, Cabrini Steppers coach, and member of alpha fraternity, hopes to use his skills to assist the steppers.
The steppers practice weekly in the Dixon Center to perfect their skills and learn new choreography.
shows in Grace Hall, but the best show they have ever presented was last spring. Over 50 people came out to support the steppers. The faculty and staff also joined in on the performance. Dr. Christine Lysionek, vice president for student development, said that she would fund a coach because of their great performance. After hearing the great news, Volney went on a hunt to look for a stepping coach. After getting the word out there, Volney’s cousin, who is a line brother in Alpha Pi Alpha, showed interest. After talking and connecting with Volney, he was then hired. “Everything was sealed before school started. He is great and has great experience,” Volney said. Desmond Baker, the new Cabrini Steppers coach, attended Rowan University and continued his career in teaching. He is now an English teacher in a Philadelphia public school. Baker attended the involvement fair where he met all the new prospective steppers. Over 30 students signed up, which is more than last year. “Stepping is not just all about steps, it also is dancing. Des helps us become better steppers and dancers,” Volney said.
How To: Decorate for Halloween BY LIA FERRANTE Staff Writer
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
a curtain by taping them to the top of the window and cutting them to your desired length. Purchasing cheap tombstones to hang up on the walls of your room and hanging a skeleton from your door will be a great way to scare your friends when they least expect it. Also you can buy orange lights to hang around your room to give it that Halloween glow. The best way to get into the Halloween spirit is purchasing a big “Happy Halloween” poster that covers the front of your door. It will be a constant reminder to enjoy the holiday. LF375@CABRINI.EDU
They are going to begin stepping at the women’s basketball games and start participating in community service around the area. The next big show will be in the spring again. A big component of this step team is that it is being funded. If everything goes smoothly, Dr. Dennis will create a scholarship for students involved and interested in being apart of the Cabrini Steppers club. “It has been one blessing after another. I thank God everyday for it,” Volney said. The steppers are a part of Cabrini student diversity and celebrated their one-year anniversary Sept. 3. Tryouts were held Friday, Sept. 30 and the results were released Monday, Oct. 2. Many new women joined the Cabrini Steppers. The team will then sit down and discuss their class schedules finding out what time is best for everyone to meet. “We are all looking forward to start fresh this year and to see the club grow in hopes to find a new president for when I graduate in the spring,” Volney said.
1. Make your very own spider web for your door.
2. Hang black and orange streamers over your
3. Purchase cheap tombstones to hang up on
the walls of your room.
4. Hang a skeleton from your door to scare
your friends when they come to your room.
5. Purchase a big “Happy Halloween” poster.
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 9
Coffee vs Energy Drinks MCT
BY LIA FERRANTE Staff Writer Energy drinks. Good for our society or the worst drink out there on the market? On college campuses, they are especially popular to students while staying up late when coffee is just not enough. According to on health issues, “Energy drinks are merely the latest incarnation in humanity's use of herbal stimulants to sharpen and control our society’s awareness, mood and activity level.” “Students are always buying energy drinks during every hour of the day as well as coffee,” a Jazzman’s worker said. At Jazzman’s, the most popular energy drink offered is Red Bull. It comes in either sugar-free or regular. The drinks are low in calories and contain many positive side effects for staying up late, similar to coffee. In the marketplace, energy drinks are not offered, however coffee is very popular for students during their meals. Red Bull has been tested to be able to increase performance and concentration, improve vigilance, stimulate metabolism and make the individual feel more energetic, which improves the person’s overall well-being. Red Bull also contains harmful
side effects that can damage a person’s body. It can lead to an irregular heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. The water in Red Bull comes from alpine water of the best quality, which comes from the Austrian and Swiss Alps, while the sugar is produced from sugar beet. "I have to drink at least one Red Bull a day. It keeps me awake and alert all day, especially when I am up all night with my roommates or studying," Adrian Prawl, junior psychology major, said.
basic metabolic rate and can help relax muscle tension. Negative side effects from too much caffeine can cause an individual to form a habit. People who drink it on a regular basis and suddenly stop drinking it for a day or two can experience a horrific withdrawal. Drinking coffee regularly can also cause damage to appearance and health. It can lead to developing yellow teeth and cavities, especially if large amounts of sugar are added to the drink.
“Energy drinks are merely the latest incarnation in humanity’s use of herbal stimulants” POTS DAM.EDU ON HEALTH ISSUES
Besides Red Bull, students utilize the popular coffee options on campus for a wake-up call in the middle of the day or simply just to stay up for that late-night homework session. Positive side effects from coffee are that it relieves mental and physical fatigue and increases mental alertness. It has an increase in heart rate, blood pressure,
An important factor that all students should be aware of is the danger of mixing alcohol with energy drinks. "Energy drinks have a lot of stimulants in them like ginseng and taurine, while alcohol is a depressant, so by mixing the two you're sending mixed messages to your nervous system which can cause cardiac related problems," posted by pots
Express Yourself on health issues. “I drink red bulls and coffee a lot especially when I know I have a huge test the next day and have to stay up all night to prepare,” Ali May, sophomore accounting and finance major, said. The smart idea when consuming energy drinks daily is to drink in moderation. It is never a smart decision to consume too much of one product, “Drinking more than one energy drink a week makes me get terrible headaches,” Samantha LaMaina, sophomore special education major, said. From all the side effects from drinking coffee and Red Bull some students would ask themselves, what is the point? They do help you stay up for those last-minute and late-night study sessions. If you have to pull an all-nighter, get a good night’s sleep the night before and eat healthy foods. Having solid time management skills as well as striving to get your studying done earlier in the day can help avoid the allnighter situation. Your health is so much more important than staying up late and damaging your body. LF375@CABRINI.EDU
Your thoughts about energy drinks?
“I drink them on Tuesdays and Thursdays because they give me the ‘pick me up’ type of feeling.”
“No, I do not drink energy drinks. I think they’re unhealthy, over-priced and unnecessary to drink to obtain energy.”
“My friend had a Monster energy drink and passed out during a game. After that I stayed away from them.”
”I used to drink them before work because I had to wake up early. When I didn’t have coffee I would drink them.”
-Rachael Conte, freshman undeclared major
-Brett Kinney, junior marketing major
-Becca Miles, freshman undeclared major
-Lilly Hatheway, freshman unde-
clared major
Arts & Entertainment
10 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
CHELBI MIMS / features editor
The Lion King 3D The Parent Trap Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
MELANIE GREENBERG / managing editor
Cupcakes Gourmet offers a variety of different cupcakes, ranging from classic favorites to seasonal flavors.
Cupcakes Gourmet
tasty treats for fall
BY LAURA GALLAGHER Staff Writer Looking to indulge in a delicious treat this fall? Cupcakes Gourmet, located in Frazer, Pa., has an assorted mix of cupcakes that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Cupcakes Gourmet opened in 2007 to share great food with friends, family and the community. Their classic line of cupcakes features swirls of American buttercream and cream cheese frosting in different flavors, covered in gourmet toppings. Employees of Cupcakes Gourmet are there to ensure that the customers will leave happy and satisfied. “I love the quality of the cupcakes,” Liz Raymundo, sales clerk and baker, said. “We have the finest ingredients so you can taste the difference.” The birth of Cupcakes Gourmet started when Maki Evans, president and founder, had found out terrible news. Her daughter Chloe was born and doctors thought she had a rare eye cancer. Her eye cleared up and she ended up being a healthy baby. Evans was so happy she baked 100 cupcakes to celebrate such a joyful occasion. From there, people began commenting on how delicious her cupcakes tasted and Cupcakes Gourmet eventually blossomed. Their classic line flavors include milk chocolate, red velvet, peanut butter, classic vanilla, lovely lemon, café mocha, vanilla chocolate, strawberry shortcake, carrot cake, chocolate vanilla, coconut, cinnamon swirl and strawberry lemonade. There is also a cupcake of the month that can be found on the bakery’s website or Facebook page. Cupcakes Gourmet also has a ganache line
that has the signature cupcakes with a dollop of sweet buttercream hand-dipped in rich Belgian milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate ganache. The flavors are dark chocolate vanilla, triple chocolate, white chocolate raspberry, peanut butter cup, dark chocolate orange, white chocolate vanilla, dark chocolate mint, white chocolate almond and black & white. Cupcake Mini’s are a smaller treat to indulge in that will give the yummy flavor with less calories. One of these cupcakes equals about 100 calories, so you don’t have to feel guilty about tasting a few. There are a variety of different collections you can try or order them by the dozen. It’s $12 for a half dozen mini’s or $24 for a dozen. You can customize your cupcakes with logos, pictures and monograms. They host cupcakedecorating parties that allow you to pick cakes, frostings and toppings to decorate at home. This can be used for birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, girls’ night out, family night and team building. Cupcakes Gourmet is a great way to make any event or special occasion in your life a delightful treat. If you need to order cupcakes in advance, you can order up to two dozen cupcakes giving a two to three days notice. For orders of more than two dozen give as much notice as possible, a minimum of one week.
Cupcakes Gourmet 288 Lancaster Ave. Frazer, PA 19355 (610) - 688 - 3144 LCG39@CABRINI.EDU
Left: Ganache-covered dark chocolate mint and classic red velvet cupcakes, Right: Pumpkin spice cupcakes
Forgetting Sarah Marshall 50/50 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Application of the Week:
BY KASSIA BERNOSKY Staff Writer Now you can get the iHeartRadio music player on your smartphone! This app makes it possible to listen to your favorite radio station and custom stations anywhere in the country at anytime. The iHeartRadio app is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone 7. And guess what? It’s free! Just like the online music player, listeners can search music and create playlists based on their music taste. Custom stations can give you all of your favorite songs all in one station. The only difference is you no longer need a computer. iHeartRadio goes with you on your smartphone so you can listen in, anytime and anyplace. This app provides users with 11 million song choices to customize playlists to their personal music preferences. It also connects with 800 of the top radio stations throughout the country for commercial-free listening for one year. Connect to radio stations like Z100 in New York, Q102 in Philadelphia, Radio 104.5 in
Philadelphia and KIIS FM in Los Angeles. Listen to the hottest artists of today like Adele, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Lil’ Wayne and many more. You can search by song title, genre and artist. When you find a station or artist that you just can’t get enough of, simply add it to favorites to listen again and again. Not only can you listen to your favorite radio station and customized playlists in HD quality, you can watch videos and share your favorite music and artists with friends via Facebook and Twitter. This feature makes the iHeartRadio app different from other media players where it’s all music. The only complaint about this app is that it is very much linked through Facebook, so those who are not a part of the Facebook community can’t use the app.
Hosted by the Hotel Palomar, this scavenger hunt uses iPhone and Android to hunt down everything from monuments to famous eateries.
Join the town of Chestnut Hill as it transforms into Hogsmeade Village. Enjoy some of your favorite wizard activites, including The Philadephia Brotherly Love Quidditch Tournament.
Square 1682’s at the Hotel Palomar hosts its second annual cheesesteak block party that benefits Philadelphia Academies.
Hotel Palomar (117 S. 17th St., Philadelphia), free, Starts 8 p.m., ends noon on 10/17.
Chestnut Hill College (9601 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia), free, times vary.
Blocks on Sansom between 16th & 17th St., $20 (including cheesesteak samples), 3-5 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 11
The Everywhereist BY JUSTIN D’ANDREA Staff Writer
AKardashian Affair:
Kim’s Fairytale Wedding
If you didn’t get an invite to Kim Kardashian’s wedding, don’t worry! The E! Channel aired the long awaited “Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event.” The show focused on the drama of getting every detail perfect leading up to the day Kim Kardashain and Kris Humphries wed. Khloe Kardashian, Kim’s sister, was very hesitant about the two getting married. Khloe had a conversation with Kris saying she doesn’t think his intentions are pure. She goes on to say marrying Kim is very opportunistic for him. This causes tension between the two sisters throughout the show. As the wedding day approached, Kim and Kris started to get annoyed with each other, especially on the night before they said their I-do’s at their rehearsal dinner. Kim was talking to her friend, asking if it’s normal to hate her groom-to-be. “Every last thing annoys me,” Kim said. The duo soon patched things up when Bruce and Kris Jenner made their speeches. “This wedding is about love...and let’s just enjoy every moment,” Kim realized. When Kim’s brother, Rob, was trying on his tuxedo, Kim got emotional because he looked so much like their late father, Robert Kardashian. Later on, Kim sobbed to her stepdad Bruce Jenner about how much she missed her father. She needed a grasp of reality to remember that her wedding day is not about the minor details of the wedding,
but the union of her and Kris and the love of their families. Bruce has been a father figure throughout her life and he comforts her and is more than happy about walking her down the aisle. On the big day, the black and white themed ceremony looked fabulous. Walking down the aisle, Kim dripped in diamonds and a custom-made Vera Wang dress. One piece of jewelry included a massive diamond bracelet featuring two K’s knotted together which Kris gave to her before she walked down the aisle. What really stole the show was Mason, Kourtney’s son, who scampered down the aisle as the little ring bearer. Kim and Kris stood at the alter as the pastor read their vows that they wrote for each other. “It was the cutest thing ever! Seeing this really makes me feel so much better,” the initially skeptical Khloe reflected later on. “If this is what Kris does for her, oh my God, I’m all for it!” After the wedding, Kim and Kris danced to their first song, “Angels,” by Robin Thicke, who actually sang the song live. The reception was filled with good food, laughter and dancing. You can’t expect to watch the Kardashians without drama, but in the end, Kim’s wedding was filled with the love of her family and friends. Hopefully these two will have a long, healthy marriage. I’m sure Kim and Kris will live happily ever after, and with their own reality show on E! to document everything along the way.
Are you a traveler, blog freelancer or a snack enthusiast? If so, The Everywhereist is the perfect blog to get an inside perspective on how an average person feels about restaurants, customs of foreign countries and the average lifestyle. When the creator, Geraldine DeRuiter, was laid off from her job, she began following her husband, SEOMoz Chief Executive Rand Fishkin, on his business adventures. She decided to blog about her experiences. The Everwhereist is not your average travel blog; DeRuiter discusses everything from superfluous travel items to obnoxious airplane passengers. The Everywhereist is mentioned as one of the best 25 blogs in 2011 by Time magazine. DeRuiter lets readers in on how it feels to be away from home and how to make every trip you embark on a successful one. The core idea of the blog was to be a love letter to her husband. She wanted to help him remember the places they have been to and the memories they have created along the way. The blog offers advice on many different areas, including remedies on how to treat bug bites, how to catch a taxi in Bulgaria and must-see attractions in and outside of the United States. It is quite apparent that DeRuiter loves what she does, and who could blame her? Her blogging career is like having an extremely long back-packing journey through Europe. The Everywhereist has a guest post archive as well, and she provides opportunities for others to give their opinion about their travels. DeRuiter also answers readers’ questions. The blog is wonderful because it gives a positive view on how to do something spontaneous and write about how much you are loving life. “Yes, it’s a travel blog. But at its core, it’s a love letter to my husband,” DeRuiter writes in her blog description. “A big, long, cuss-filled love letter. The kind he’d appreciate. The only kind I’m able to write.”
This all-star comedic cast is sure to make you laugh in your seats. Early birds who show up before 7 p.m., get the added benefit of a free beer and a free bag of popcorn.
This American punk rock band from Los Angeles, Ca. crashes the Philly scene and puts on a highenergy show in this intimate venue.
Conscious Poetry showcases spoken word poetry and experience this poetry live. After the show, interact with artists and speak with them directly about their work.
The Trocadero Theatre (1003 Arch St., Philadelphia), $10, +21, doors open 6:30 p.m., 8 p.m.
Theatre Of The Living Arts (334 South St, Philadelphia), $25, 7 p.m.
African American Museum (701 Arch St., Philadelphia), free, 6 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
12 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
Not your WEEKLY REVIEW average cancer flick Jay-Z protege hits music scene by storm BY DIANA CAMPEGGIO A&E Editor
I am always looking for a movie that invokes many sincere emotions and that is something that is difficult to find. Something that makes you shed a tear is good, but I want to have a deeper emotional attachment to the film, especially for $17.50 a pop. Though I knew that “50/50” would be good, I didn’t know how fantastic of a film it would actually be. Stories about cancer are usually filled with the same PrimetimeT.V.-tear-jerking drama that inch their way into every cancer film (think “A Walk to Remember” or any soap opera that ever aired.) But this movie is different. It’s hilarious and light-hearted. I’m not saying you would be holding back tears, because you surely will be, but it’s a modern twist on the journey of this young man. The film follows the true story of Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who, at the age 27, is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that affects his spinal column. With an off-kilter support group of best friend Kyle (Seth Rogen), girlfriend Rachel (Bryce Dallas Howard), attractive newbie-therapist Katherine (Anna Kendrick) and an overbearing mother (Anjelica Huston), Adam must quickly learn how to appreciate his life and the people that surround him. The movie’s title explains Adam’s chances of survival, 50/50, and as Kyle states in the film, “if you were a casino game, you’d have the best odds.” Gordon-Levitt’s performance in this film is outstanding. From the comedic, to the more sentimental scenes, he continues to commit to the role and you empathize with him throughout each and every moment of his treatment. Gordon-Levitt is most notable from the 90’s sitcom, “3rd Rock From the Sun,” but has come a long way from that typecast and with every one of his films, he continues to impress audiences. Based on a true story, the onscreen connection between Gordon-Levitt and Rogen is a lovely thing. As usual, Rogen stars as the comic, slightly vulgar, relief, but as the plot furthers, the depth in his character is truly revealed. He lets his guard down and you begin to see his fear of losing a great friend. Kyle suffers from demanding optimism and though he seems uninterested in Adam’s process, you learn what Kyle is really about. Adam deals with another issue. That attractively awkward therapist mentioned above, they are completely attracted to each other. At the bare minimum, this is a story about a journey to health but what this film is really about is learning who is important in your life when times get rough.
With minimal radio support, four years of performing, three critically-acclaimed mixtapes and one false start launching an album, J. Cole finally released his debut album. One day later, critics were raving. Rapper J. Cole made his chart debut in-style as his “Cole World: The Sideline Story” arrived at No. 1 on the U.S. album roll this week, beating out Adele and Blink-182. The Jay-Z-protégé’s album debuted with 218,000 albums sold for the week ending Oct. 2. It’s the biggest solo debut of the year to date. Before his debut album, he was already an underground sensation. He had three incredible mixtapes, “The Warm Up,” “The Come Up,” and “Friday Night Lights,” that got him recognized by Jay-Z. Although these mixtapes were not as good as his album, they showed what he was capable of doing. “Just want to say THANK YOU,” J. Cole said on Twitter after finding out the success of his debut album. “Thanks to y’all, we shook the game up. No chart topping single, just 2 years of hard work, great music and real
ass fans #1 album. Thanks to every fan that held me down, every friend, every blog, magazine, tv, radio station, dj’s and pd’s, I feel like we ALL won.” He is one of my favorite artists in the game right now because he raps and speaks from the heart. In every song he writes, there is a meaning behind every verse. He raps about real life situations that everyone can relate to on his road to success. But what really makes his songs are the beats behind the lyrics. All of the songs on his album have amazing beats to go along with the lyrics. And the combination of the two produce an inspirational sound. He is also one of the only hiphop artists with a college degree. He graduated from St. John’s University in New York City. He also produces his own music. Producing music in not only difficult but it is time consuming. In being able to do so, it shows that he truly is a great musical talent. Along with producing, he also has a star-studded cast alongside him featuring Drake, Trey Songz, Missy Elliot and of course, Jay-Z. His debut single, “Who Dat,” hit the charts last summer, which gave listeners a preview of what the album would be like. De-
“Cole World: The Sidelime Story” is the biggest solo debute this year.
spite that single not being on the album, he had three hits, “Lights Please,” “In the Morning” and “Work Out,” that ensured his place in the rap and hip-hop music industry. These songs speak volumes to what he is capable of when he gets in the studio and ensures that he is no one-hitwonder. On Wednesday, Oct. 12, J. Cole has a concert at the Electric Factory. Tickets are ranging from
$28.50 to $50. As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait and that seemed to be the case for J. Cole. He was the first artist signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation label when it was founded two years ago.
Spoken word poet addresses domestic violence POETRY page 1
reform activist, Johnson sees herself always having poetry in her life. “Spoken Word is always going to be a part of my life and definitely in the work I want to get into,” Johnson said. “There’s always a place where you can use Spoken Word.” “The beautiful thing about poetry is that you can write about whatever you want so we can be teaching about education and find a way to incorporate poetry in our profession.” Along with Johnson, 22-year-old Slam Poet newcomer and best friend, Selena Maria Johnson, also shared her works during the evening. “I started writing poetry as a hobby,” Selena Johnson said. “It was something I was interested at the time. I went out to open mics and I kept writing and writing. I also built the confidence to share and then I just fell into it.” Selena Johnson expressed her inspiration to be her friend Amber. “Anything you see can be a form of inspiration,” Amber said. “A song you hear, on a certain day and at a certain time can be an inspiration. It can also be a conversation you had and definitely hearing other poets and seeing their struggles and how they processed the poem could be an inspiration.” The two poets have great support systems such as family and friends. Their family and friends always want them to share their poems and always attend their performances. Amy Persichetti, English professor, was excited about inviting Amber Johnson who brought something different to the college. “I met Amber at the National Summit for Gender-Based Violence in Washington,
Nationally acclaimed poet Amber Rose Johnson with friend and fellow poet Selena Johnson
D.C.,” Persichetti said. “She did the recitation of the Andrea Gibson’s ‘Say Yes’ and she’s so magnificent that I thought, ‘Oh we need to bring her here.’” Persichetti would like to begin a Slam Poetry club on the campus. “I would really like a student poetry group and I would put this challenge up anywhere on the campus,” Persichetti said. “I want to create a culture where poetry is a really important thing.” The night concluded with a question and answer period from the audience and when the night was over, everyone grew a new liking for poetry. When asked what advice would they give to young people who want to get into poetry and how to be sucessful in it, the main answer was to always, always write.
“Don’t be discouraged by someone else’s writing,” Amber Johnson said. “The beautiful thing about poetry is that no matter how eloquent you say something, there’s always someone in the audience that can always relate to what you’re talking about. If you’re talking about something you care about, if you’re talking about love, if you’re talking about anger, you know what all those emotions are. If you’re completely honest in your poetry, you can have someone relate to that.” “Keep writing,” Selena Johnson said. “The lesson I’ve learned a little too late is that I wish that I’d known before. Poetry is always a work in progress. Art is always a work in progress. No poem is finished, only forgotten.” ANJ34@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 13
Mourning the 2011 Phillies
Devoted to her sport, Gordon excels with Cavs BY SEAN COLLINS Staff Writer Maura Gordon is a Cabrini senior who has made quite a name for herself as an athlete. She is a midfielder on the field hockey team and wears jersey No. 7. Gordon, originally from Lilitz, Pa., attended Lancaster Catholic High School. You may have seen her as Student Athlete of the Week on last month. Her first major sports achievement here was when she was named to the Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC) First Team in 2008. Later that same year, she was also named CSAC Player of the Week. Her junior year, Gordon was named president of Cabrini’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee (or CSAAC). With her senior year near its midway point, Gordon tallied her 100th career point against Delaware Valley College on Monday, Oct. 10. Through 71 career games, she has 42 goals as a member of the Cavaliers. Gordon has an individualized major in both business and psychology, focused on an exercise facility for children with special needs. She plans on using the experience she gains from this major to one day play a role assisting in the Special Olympics. She currently has a job as a trainer at the fitness
center in the Dixon Center and hopes to continue training after she graduates and integrate that into a future career. Gordon has learned to manage her time well and is quite clear on her priorities. “I don’t play any other sports other than field hockey,” Gordon said. “Outside of that, it’s my family, then my friends, then school and my job at the fitness center.”
“She is really an inspiration to every one of us on the team.” Stephanie Campanaro
She feels Cabrini was a natural fit for her. She initially chose Cabrini because of its small school setting. She then decided to stay on campus after making strong friendships with her fellow teammates and playing under the leadership of her team’s coach Jackie Neary. “Jackie is pretty much the reason I stayed here,” Gordon said. Her favorite memories here include winning the conference championship her
sophomore year. She also says she will cherish the friendships she has made with both students and faculty. Gordon also recalls a few times in her student-athlete career when she wasn’t sure if she would make it to where she is today. However, she was able to see it through and attain her goals. One focal point that kept her on course was field hockey, the sport she loves so much. “I went through times when I definitely struggled,” Gordon said. “I didn’t always think what I wanted to do was completely possible. But coming to Cabrini opened more than enough doors for me and just really made me realize that what I wanted to do was very possible for me and I could achieve it. All I had to do was try hard enough.” “Maura is an awesome friend and an awesome teammate,” fellow senior teammate Stephanie Campanaro said. “I really look up to her and I try to emulate her. What she wants to do with her major is great. She is really an inspiration to every one of us on the team.”
As much as it pains me to say this, it’s time to talk about it. The Philadelphia Phillies, otherwise known as the best team in baseball for the 2011 season, have been eliminated from the postseason by failing to beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS. Dreams of repeating the euphoria of the 2008 World Series have been shattered. The 2011 National League Pennant will fly in either St. Louis or Milwaukee. Pictures have circulated on the Internet of the Phanatic’s attempts to hurl himself off the Ben Franklin Bridge. Hardcore fans have been left feeling confused and heartbroken. Why did this happen? How does the best team in baseball, a team with over 100 wins and multiple aces, fail to advance out of the divisional playoff round? I wish I knew. Of course, we all have our theories. Honestly though, throwing specific players or personnel under the proverbial bus, or “rally trolley,” such as the one the Phillies paraded around Philadelphia in before NLDS home games isn’t going to help. As a devastated fan, I believe I have come full circle in my mourning and have completed the five stages of the grieving process, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. I encourage you, my fellow phaithful, to do the same. Denial was clearly evident throughout the NLDS and upon the shutout loss that ended it all. Thoughts such as, “Is this really happening?” and “Is Cliff Lee not the magical unicorn we once knew and loved?” were common. Anger shortly followed. Bargaining was a short-lived stage as thoughts such as, “well maybe we could live without a World Series title, if we could just get that damn pennant,” passed while depression was not quick to leave. Baseball is dependable. While you might not watch it every single night, you know it’s always there. The Phillies are a teddy-bear baby-blankey combo. You might not cuddle with them every night, but you love them all the same. Acceptance. This is where I am. Depression hasn’t fully left because I miss my Phightins terribly already. I want to be parading down Broad Street in a drunken stupor hugging complete strangers and crying at the sight of Cliff Lee hoisting the Commissioner’s Trophy. But you know what? It wasn’t in the cards. Too soon? As the old adage says, there’s no crying in baseball. And now we know why. There’s always next season. As my good buddy Hunter Pence once said, “Good season, let’s go eat.”
14 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
Intramurals bring community, athletics together BY KEVIN DURSO Staff Writer One of the things that make sports such great entertainment is rivalries and the competitive nature behind them. But all of us remember what it was like to spend summer nights playing touch football in the streets or hitting the local sandlot. We are not all athletes. However, there may still be a way for the sports lover, who never made it to the level of Division III athletics on campus, to say they are part of a team. One of the ways Cabrini is allowing students to get involved is through intramural sports. Intramural sports are offered every week, with some running on schedules like any other team sport. Others are part of free play, which is about just that: playing for fun. “Intramurals are opportunities for students to continue in sports and activities that they may have done in the past on a competitive level or are looking to stay active,” Orlin Jespersen, intramurals coordinator, said. “They are also ways for groups to be social. It runs on both ends of the spectrum.” Among the sports offered as Cabrini intramurals this fall are flag football, volleyball, soccer and softball. While flag football has received the greatest response so far, the other sports are worth a look as well.
“We have good participation in flag football,” Jespersen said. “It’s probably the most teams we’ve had in a couple of years.” Jespersen noted eight teams in a men’s flag football league on campus but also talked about a project within flag football he’s been working on. “I’d still like to see a women’s or powderpuff league get off the ground but I haven’t gotten much response to that,” Jespersen said. Intramural sports are for those who may feel they don’t have the type of athletic ability, or are just looking to play a sport for fun. Jespersen lists several differences between intramurals and Division III sports. “The varsity programs have more of a time commitment,” Jespersen said. “If they are in-season, they are busy with their sport six days a week.” Jespersen also cited coaches, equipment and the competition as other features that distinguish intramurals from Division III sports. However, he gave many reasons as to why intramurals are for everyone. “Intramurals is at the other end of the spectrum where it is just Cabrini students playing each other,” Jespersen said. “It is a great way for groups of friends to get involved, say if you want to represent a residence hall or another group on campus.” Even with several sports already underway this season, it is never too late to sign up. Students can visit www.cabri- for information on how to sign up. If there are any doubts about what it is like for other students playing intramurals, look no further than a few of the students already involved. “The kind of experience that I had with intramural sports is thrilling,” Ryan Bunda, senior criminology major, said. “I played football all throughout high school and even though flag football is not the same, playing under the lights still gives it such a great feeling and brings back the memories.” “The benefit of playing these sports is the fun of friendly competition and it feels good playing the sports I love,” Justin Lutteroty, senior marketing major, said. “Intramural sports have been a great experience throughout my time here at Cabrini.” Everyone has an athlete in them and with the strong bond of community being what drives Cabrini to be extraordinary, this is just one of the many ways to add that sense of community to your academics. “It gives people a chance to stay active,” Jespersen said. “It also adds that sense of community. It gives people a way to be competitive while still having fun by going out and just playing.”
Sophomore goalkeeper Eric Nowicki recorded a shutout for Cabrini against Immaculata University on Saturday, Oct. 8.
Martin, Lockbaum lead Cavs to win over Immaculata BY COREY FRIZZERA Staff Writer The Cabrini men’s soccer team defeated CSAC opponent Immaculata University 2-0 to end its three-game losing skid on Saturday, Oct. 8. Goals by freshman back Christian Martin, sophomore back Brett Lockbaum and stellar play by the back four sealed the deal for the Cavs. “The back four played very well together, starting with CJ moving to center back,” sophomore goalkeeper Eric Nowicki said. The game’s shot totals were very lopsided in this contest. Cabrini had a total of 18 shots against the Mighty Macs while Immaculata managed just three shots against the Cavs. “We held Immaculata to no shots on goal, which was very relaxing and less nerve-racking for me,” Nowicki said. “I really think we were just fed up with how closely the
last few games ended and wanted to prove something out there today,” Lockbaum said. “If we keep it up, things should start to shape up for the team.” From the moment the whistle blew, it was very evident in the opening minutes that Cabrini was more determined and wanted it more than the Mighty Macs of Immaculata. The Cavs were on the attack in the first half, ripping off 10 shots, five of which were on goal. Cabrini came out with the same type of attitude in the second half, taking eight more shots with three on goal. In minute 38, Martin scored his first collegiate goal with a perfect pass from sophomore midfielder Taylor Scarpino. In minute 55, the Cavs struck again. Lockbaum ripped his fourth goal of the season past Immaculata goalkeeper Chris Raudabaugh and was assisted on the goal by senior forward Eric Collins. The back four of Cabrini came up big in the win. Seniors Anthony Girolamo and Kyle Johnson, sophomore
C.J. Doherty and Martin played stellar defense on Saturday and prevented Immaculata from taking any shots on goal and really protected Nowicki. “The defense really stepped up today and if we continue to play like we did then we can finish the season on a high point,” Doherty said. The win evens the Cavs’ record to 6-6-1 overall and 2-2 in their conference with just 6 games remaining in the 2011 season. Cabrini finishes the season with four away games and five of their six contests are against CSAC opponents. The Cavaliers visit Baptist Bible College on Saturday, Oct. 15. Baptist Bible currently holds a 6-5-1 record this season.
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
The Loquitur | 15
ABOVE: Junior Meg Ryan sets the ball during the third set of Cabrini’s 3-0 victory over Marywood University. LEFT: Alexis Doss (No. 4) jumps in the air as she spikes the ball over the net.
Volleyball knocks off CSAC rival Marywood BY KEVIN DURSO Staff Writer The women’s volleyball team defeated Marywood University in straight sets, 3-0, in a CSAC match played at the Nerney Field House on Saturday, Oct. 8. With the win, the Lady Cavs remain undefeated against CSAC opponents for the 2011 season. Cabrini played two matches on Saturday, the first of which was a road contest against Eastern University. The team fell to Eastern in straight sets, ending their five-game winning streak. Despite the setback, the team returned home for the match against Marywood ready to return to their winning ways. “Playing Eastern [Saturday] morning definitely helped us play better today,” Danielle Carrozza, junior outside hitter, said. “We have five more CSAC games and we’re really confident.” The Lady Cavs’ overall record improved
to 13-9 with the win. In addition to being undefeated against CSAC opponents, they are also a perfect 6-0 when playing at home. This match was much closer than the score indicates. Despite taking the match in straight sets, Marywood challenged Cabrini in every set of the match. In the first set, after jumping out to a 9-3 lead, Marywood trimmed the lead down to 16-15, before Cabrini rebounded to take the set, 25-19. The second set lacked that kind of close drama but featured some tense moments. The Lady Cavs led the whole way but saw the set get closer as it progressed, with scores of 17-13 and 21-16 forcing them to keep focused. They were able to take the second set by a score of 25-18. In the third and final set of the match, Cabrini once again held the lead the entire way and started to pull away as the win got closer. After storming out to a 9-2 lead, the Lady Cavs boosted that lead to 17-8, before
pulling away in the closing stages to win the deciding set by a score of 25-14. Throughout the match, the Cavaliers showed very strong net presence and kept many balls that looked unplayable off the ground, giving them many second chances for points. “We have a lot of hitters that can swing hard against the block,” Carrozza said. “We just put everything that we have at practice into the games and it usually works out for us.” Another attribute of their net presence was the powerful shots of the front line. For much of the match, Cabrini overpowered Marywood’s defense with great shots, but also knew when to put just enough on the ball to get it to fall on Marywood’s side of the court. For much of the match, the Lady Cavs showed how great teams find a way to work together. Constant communication was the key to yet another Cabrini win, as the Lady Cavs were vocal for the whole
match. “We have to keep up the intensity and hustle and communicate,” Meg Ryan, junior opposite-side hitter, said. “We just have fun. We try not to be too serious.” Before playing their doubleheader matches, Cabrini had been idle for over a week, with their last match being a 3-1 win over Neumann University on Sept. 29. Cabrini’s successful run has them working toward yet another CSAC title. After winning titles in 2009 and 2010, the team is setting their sights on yet another championship. “We want home-court advantage during the playoffs,” fifth-year head coach Eric Schaefer said. “We’ve got to keep taking care of business during the season.”
Sports Blurbals Vick throws four picks as Eagles fall to Buffalo The Philadelphia Eagles continued to struggle as they lost to the Buffalo Bills on Sunday, Oct. 9 by a score of 31-24. The Eagles are now 1-4 and all the pre-season talk about winning a Super Bowl seems distant. Michael Vick threw four interceptions in the game, including two to Bills linebacker Nick Barnett. Barnett returned one of the picks 31 yards for a touchdown in the second quarter. Fred Jackson led the way for the Bills with 196 total yards and a touchdown. The Eagles trailed at halftime 21-7 but made a comeback in the second half, falling short by one touchdown. Eagles wide receiver Jason Avant had 9 receptions for 139 yards and running back LeSean McCoy rushed for 80 yards and scored once.
Dempsey’s goal gives U.S. coach Klinsmann first win Clint Dempsey scored in minute 36 and goalkeeper Tim Howard made several key saves as the U.S. defeated Honduras on Saturday, Oct. 8. This gave new coach, Jurgen Klinsmann, his first win as the United States national coach. Since Klinsmann replaced Bob Bradley on July 29 after the CONCACAF Gold Cup, the Americans had tied Mexico and lost to Costa Rica and Belgium. There are high expectations for Klinsmann and it remains to be seen if the U.S. team can live up to them. Klinsmann was the former national coach for Germany but after finishing third at the 2006 World Cup, he was forced to resign.
Texas Rangers take 2-0 lead in ALCS The Texas Rangers took a 2-0 lead in the ALCS after defeating the Detroit Tigers 7-3 on Monday, Oct. 10. Right fielder Nelson Cruz put his name in the record books when he hit a walk-off grand slam in the 11th inning to give the Rangers the win. Cruz also homered in the seventh inning of the game to tie the score at 3-3. Trailing by two runs early on, Detroit’s Ryan Raburn hit a three-run homer in the third inning to give the Tigers a lead that they would hold on to until the seventh inning. Max Scherzer pitched six innings for Detroit while Rangers starter Derek Holland was charged with three earned runs in less than three innings of work.
Rodgers leads Packers to comeback win over Falcons The Green Bay Packers scored 25 unanswered points to defeat the Atlanta Falcons 25-14 on Sunday, Oct. 9, in Atlanta, Ga. Once again, Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers had a great game, leading the defending champs with 396 yards and two touchdowns. The first half was a struggle for the Packers as they were held without a touchdown. They settled for two field goals by Mason Crosby but still trailed 14-6 at halftime. Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan passed for only 167 yards and had two interceptions. With the win, the Packers are now 5-0 on the year. BY NICK RAYNER / STAFF WRITER
16 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011
Lady Cavs defeat College of
Notre Dame, pick up win No. 11 BY MARYKATE MCCANN Staff Writer Women’s tennis shut out the College of Notre Dame on Friday, Oct. 7 by a score of 9-0. The win improved the Cavaliers to 11-0 overall and 8-0 in the CSAC. For this match, head coach John Magee decided to adjust the doubles line-up for the Cavaliers. Sophomores Katie Kennedy and Adriana Scotto paired up for an 8-4 win. Senior Alexis DiCamillo teamed with freshman Samantha Trumbo for a shutout of 8-0. In the No. 3 doubles spot, senior Michelle Lettmann and sophomore Victoria Nastala recorded an 8-1 victory. “The match went really well for us,” DiCamillo, senior human resource management major, said. “We stayed focused and enjoyed the competition that will help us in our upcoming CSAC matches.” In singles play, all six players posted victories. In the No. 1 spot, Kennedy took home a 6-1, 6-1 victory. In 2010,
Kennedy claimed CSAC Second Team honors in singles play at the No. 1 position. DiCamillo fought her way to a 6-4 first set and 6-2 score for the second set. Last year, DiCamillo earned CSAC First Team honors in singles play.
“We just have to keep our intensity level up and just play our game.” Adriana Scotto
weeks,” Scotto, sophomore undeclared, said. “As a team we just have to keep our intensity level up and just play our game.” After a 5-4 loss to Marywood University on Monday, Oct. 10, the team has three matches left, two of which are on the road. Their match against Gwynedd-Mercy College, a 12-0 team, will be their toughest remaining match. The final three games of the season will decide the Lady Cavs’ seeding for the CSAC playoffs. “We really want to win the CSAC [championship] this year,” Kennedy, sophomore communication major, said. “We bond really well together as a team,” Scotto said. “We are all really close friends and that is important when it comes to influencing our success as a whole.”
Following DiCamillo, Lettmann won the No. 3 match 6-2, 6-0. The four and five singles matches were played by Scotto and Trumbo; both players finished with 6-0, 6-0 victories. “There is going to be a lot of pressure the next two
ABOVE LEFT: The women’s tennis team huddles together prior to facing the College of Notre Dame. ABOVE RIGHT: Senior Michelle Lettmann prepares to serve the ball to her opponent during the Lady Cavs’ 9-0 win on Friday, Oct. 7.
Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, Oct. 13
Friday, Oct. 14
Women’s Tennis vs. Philadelphia University 3:30 p.m.
No Events
Field Hockey vs. Cedar Crest College 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 15 Volleyball @ Cedar Crest College 10 a.m. and vs. Wesley College 12 p.m. (Allentown, Pa.) Women’s Soccer vs. Gwynedd-Mercy College 12 p.m.
Field Hockey @ Keystone College 2 p.m. Men’s Soccer @ Baptist Bible College 3 p.m. Women’s Tennis @ Gwynedd-Mercy College 4 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 16
Monday, Oct. 17
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Wednesday, Oct. 19
No Events
Women’s Tennis @ Richard Stockton College 4 p.m.
Golf @ Centenary College Invitational
Women’s Soccer vs. Immaculata University 4 p.m.
Field Hockey vs. College of Notre Dame 3:30 p.m. Men’s Soccer @ Franklin & Marshall College 7 p.m. Volleyball @ Centenary College 7 p.m.
Volleyball vs. Gwynedd-Mercy College 7 p.m.