“I’m not your gay best friend.” Perspectives, page 6
Real Housewives of NJ
Fair Trade Wallyball
A&E, page 11
Sports, page 14
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Pacemaker Winner
Radnor, Pa . Radnor, Pa.
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Vol L, Issue 17 Vol.Vol LI, Issue 21 LIII, Issue 7
!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ A generation lost, a second to follow? %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor
In a matter of months, millions of people suffering from HIV/AIDS on the continent of Africa, as well as other struggling countries throughout the world, could die due to the budget cuts being debated in Congress right now. On Tuesday, Oct. 18, Sister Barbara Staley, a member of the Cabrini Sisters, urged students and faculty from all areas of the college to join her in advocating to senators and congresspeople not to cut funding for poor people suffering from disease in Africa. She traveled to advocate in Washington, D.C. from St. Philip’s, Swaziland, a country the size of New Jersey. Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world--roughly 40 percent. Swaziland also suffers from the highest rate of tuberculosis. Just as the Cabrini Sisters were set to leave Swaziland in 1990, “the three letter plague hit. And that three letter plague is AIDS,” Staley said. “Everything has been absolutely torn and weakened in Swaziland. It is my life because that is what drives and directs every Swazi.”
Since 2004, Staley and Sister Diane Dalle Molle have run a hostel for children of all ages orphaned from the epidemic of AIDS. Currently, they educate and care for nearly 450 children and care for 3,000 suffering from HIV/AIDS. The Swazi people to be affected by the potential U.S. budget cuts are unaware of the proposals being made in Congress, let alone the impact it will have on their lives should the proposals be passed. These people are illiterate, uneducated and unaware of life outside of their own chiefdom, according to Staley. Less than one percent of the United States’ federal budget goes toward international aid, an amount many consider insignificant to our economy, yet incredibly vital for those who will be hugely impacted--the people who can least afford it. Staley is calling for students and faculty to advocate against the cuts that could slash AIDS relief and food aid up to 50 percent. Staley spoke to five Engagements with the Common Good classes that are focused on Swaziland and HIV/AIDS. “Let none of us get involved in doing charity work. What most people call charity work is ‘Gee, I
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* SUBBMITTED BY CABRINI MINISTRIES IN SWAZILAND support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'* )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* Future foreign aid budget cuts pose a threat to children living at the Cabrini Ministry hostel in Swaziland, 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* possibly wiping out a second generation of Swazis. %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* give you something so I feel goodand “No human can be illegal” at the rally. it and you have a right to it, so reason have not been getting. If about myself because I’m giv- <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* I’m only doing what I am sup- I work in a soup kitchen, that’s ing you something,’” Staley said.H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 posed to do. I am not any better “You know what? If I give you :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* because I helped give you what SWAZILAND, page 2 something it is because you needchange and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. you have a right to but for some 9/"* R)'-%$* 2$##3%-'>* +($#* V"&'* C/"&'"(* 6)&* ),&$* -%* )''"%.)%2"* ),$%1&-."* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&8* D(8* ;-#-* !"T)3,F* 2$$(.-%)'$(* $+* ]-&O)%-2* #-%-&'(>* $+* D'8* 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* '$* ()-&"* /"(* I$-2"* +$(* '/"* undocumented. :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* `aAbF=* !"T)3,* &)-.8* :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* `@* O"(2"%'* )("* T3"('$* gets those feelings of depression. They’re BY BRANDON DESIDERIO normal. But, when someone’s actually Staff Writer
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Suicide survivor educates, stomps stigma
depressed, the difference is that they can’t !$##%&'()*+',
Young adults often have to deal with pressure from all sides: family, friends, school and work. Stress may even occur from their most favored free-time activities. Because of the often demanding +$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* NOELLE WESTFALL nature of others, and the added pressure E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* STAFF WRITER of life changes at this crucial moment NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 in their lives, many students find them:\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* selves faced with a depressed day here, 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* a depressed day there. But, sometimes, $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* those days turn into weeks - and a seriAmerican Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W*'* 5\!D* )6)("%"&&* )%.* ous condition develops. )%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 “There’s a difference between depresthe force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* sion and just feeling depressed,” Jordan '/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* W*1/'-%1* 4(")&'* 2)%2"(F* Burnham, 22, said to a packed Widener :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* Lecture Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 11 on &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 behalf of Cabrini’s Active Minds chapter eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* and the Counseling and Psychological sophomore accounting major and cochair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* Services department. According to SUBMITTED BY THERESA PAESANI C)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* Burnham, depression is a frustrating, 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* Jordan Burnham, 22, talks about himself and his struggles with depression to a packed sudden onslaught of negative thoughts, ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in lecture hall on Tuesday, Oct. 11 on behalf of Cabrini’s Active Minds chapter. often with self-harm in mind. “Everyone
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even figure out what caused their depression.” Burnham was diagnosed with depression at the age of 16. A star athlete of his suburban high school at that time, he admitted to originally being skeptical about the diagnosis. “I figured depression’s a cold. I told myself, ‘It’ll go away in a couple of weeks.’” As Burnham proved throughout the evening, however, it was not that simple. What seemed to him like an unimportant diagnosis ultimately led to his attempted suicide. It all started before his move to the area, when he made the transition from public to private school. “At private school, I was accepted for who I was,” Burnham said. But public school didn’t provide that security. “In public school, I was made fun
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page 5
2 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Editorial: Fair Trade awareness helps to reap global benefits October is Fair Trade month, not just at Cabrini College, but also all over the world. What is Fair Trade? Well, according to fairtrade.usa.org, it is just that: fair. Fair Trade products are ones that “come from farmers who are justly compensated.” As consumers, we have immense purchasing powers. Our purchases can change the world. This is why just purely being aware of Fair Trade is really important. If we know the importance, we can make a miniscule shopping decision that can make a huge difference. As Cabrini students, most of us live in suburbia, where we just go to the local supermarket and can choose from a plethora of goods and hardly think twice about it. Most of these goods go through the typical distribution process. However, a few select goods, such as certain coffee, chocolcate and banana brands have gone through the Fair Trade process. Supporting Fair Trade is as easy as just looking at the packaging and buying a different kind of coffee, for example. And you know what? It’s really good. It’s really good for a reason. High quality is a standard set by many Fair Trade producers. Fair Trade is not a charity; it’s a productive way of doing business. Fair Trade USA states on their website, “we help farmers in developing countries build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities. We teach disadvantaged communities how to use the free market to their advantage.” In other words, it’s not a Band-Aid or a temporary solution; it’s a justifiable way of life. Farmers who are interested in
producing Fair Trade products form cooperatives. The cooperative then becomes vital to the community. Just as any other company would do, there are various positions a worker can hold in the cooperative and standards
which their performance must match. The cooperative funds a community; members look out for each other. Houses are built and improved and children get the opportunity to attend and stay in school.
According to Fair Trade USA, “Through direct, equitable trade, farming and working families are able to eat better, keep their kids in school, improve health and housing and invest in the future.” As consumers and just everyday
Pending budget cuts threaten millions SWAZILAND,
page 1
great but I am not better because I am helping people eat. I am only doing what I have a moral imperative to do because everyone has the right to eat.” Cabrini Missions’ annual budget is $750,000, spending on average $1,200 on each child. Staley and Dalle Molle are committed to raising that money through private donors and PEPFAR. Both sisters sometimes doubt what they are actually doing to help those in Swaziland but their determination has raised $5 million in the past six years. The missionaries do not depend on any one source of
aid because any donor is a risk but at this point in history, 60 percent of that money is from the U.S. Agency for International Development. While they are looking for other means for funds and other safety nets, the budget cuts will highly impact their work. PEPFAR this year alone will donate $550,000 to the Cabrini Ministries. The money that is poured into the country is “a pure diamond,” according to Staley. “They have no clue what that money is to them and they don’t need to have a clue if it is helping them live.” With many examples of countries losing a generation and surviving in history, “there
is no place in history that ever shows a peoples surviving the loss of two generations,” Staley said. “Swaziland is on the cusp of losing another generation and I don’t know what that means for the people or any of us.” The Democrat and Republican members of the 12-member deficit-cutting panel, each with equal strength, have until Thanksgiving to come up with come up with a plan to submit for up-or-down House and Senate votes in December. Should the super committee decide to cut international aid to reach their $1.2 trillion goal in the next decade, Staley is determined to continue the work she said
God willed her to do. “Please, don’t let there be another orphan in this country. We are living in a country that one half of its children are orphans,” Staley said. “I know the patients and their families and I know they are not some ‘kind-of-human’ person, but they are real people that I truly love,” Staley said. “If we lose funding for medicine, I’ve lost their lives and even worse than that, we’ve lost another generation of Swazis. And then we will have all the more orphans.”
citizens, why wouldn’t we want to help our fellow man with these basic things? Especially when it is as easy as just looking to see what kind of chocolate bar you buy? Fair Trade is an area of social justice that Cabrini is at the forefront with in terms of education and offering Fair Trade products. The Loquitur editorial staff is thankful that as students, we have had the opportunity to learn and make a difference. From participating in the Fair Trade Wallyball Tournament to being served Fair Trade banana splits in the Marketplace, Cabrini students have so many opportunities to learn and participate in this important cause. The Catholic Relief Services Ambassadors do a fantastic job of spreading campus awareness. The Loquitur editorial staff encourages students to remember all of the hard work that has gone into this month on campus and apply that to our purchasing decisions. Choices can start in our own bookstore by purchasing our new line of Fair Trade clothing Fair Trade is special because it’s an area where all of us can actually make an immediate difference. Cabrini is paving the way for colleges and universities across the country to adopt Fair Trade products as part of the campus community. As global citizens, all we have to do is say yes. Say yes to buying and advocating for Fair Trade and say yes to having an immediate positive impact on the life of our brothers and sisters across the world.
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The Loquitur
2011-2012 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Hancq DEPUTY EDITOR Sarah Luckert MANAGING EDITOR Melanie Greenberg NEWS EDITOR James Crowell NEWS EDITOR Ransom Cozzillio
PHOTO EDITOR Jenay Smith COPY EDITOR Jesse Gaunce COPY EDITOR Carol Dwyer ADVISER Jerome Zurek
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 3
Green Team strives for greener campus BY KRISTINE SEMPTIMPHELTER Staff Writer A friendly community green team activist group stands up for going greenawareness on and off campus. The committee, made up of students, faculty and staff, met on Sunday, Oct. 9 to reflect on nature and the duty to care for God’s creation and protect the poor and vulnerable. The prayer walk took place behind Iadarola Center on campus. The trail was a 10-minute walk through nature reflecting on the sounds, sights and feelings of nature. Samantha Ysais, sophomore English and secondary education major and cochair of the Green Team, was among the 11 group members who walked along the trail. “I am a big activist of environmental awareness and how it directly affects everyone,” Ysais said. Jake Gaspari, sophomore undecided, first became involved when his sister showed an interest in going green. Gaspari said his goal is to help reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. “It feels good to be an activist at the college,” Gaspari said. “It’s taking small steps that will ultimately make the big change.” Gaspari has been a member of the Green Team for the past year. “The Green Team wants to promote awareness of global warming, as well as promote awareness of locally grown produce,” Gaspari said. After the nature walk, the committee met in Grace Hall to further discuss care for nature and the duty as Catholics to protect the poor and vulnerable. The discussion was lead by Dr. Carrie Nielsen, chairman of the Green Team. Nielsen discussed how the Cabrini community could take small steps for a greener campus. One small step is eating local produce. A few members of the Green Team community picked local apples to share and
eat with the committee. Nielsen asked the members to eat the apples mindlessly. “What do you notice about this apple that you would not have noticed before?” Nielsen asked the committee members. Many of the members noticed the different smell and taste of the apple. Looking at the bigger picture, if everyone was as mindless to nature as they were to the apples, Nielson made a point, that Mother Nature could be cared for just as mindlessly. On campus, the Green Team made an effort to create awareness of the St. Francis Pledge to care for creation and the poor. Students and faculty members of the community signed a pledge to pray, learn, assess, act and advocate for God’s creation. “Cabrini should be more green,” Alyssa Grenyer, sophomore elementary education major, said. “I am using recycled PostIt notes and taking shorter showers.” Grenyer is among the many Cabrini students who are beginning to advocate for a greener community. Amy Amadio, sophomore education major, is all for going green. “I hope to see Cabrini go green in more ways than one,” Amadio said. “I’m big on using recycled pens.” Amanda DiDomenico, sophomore elementary and special education major, was another student who stopped by to sign the pledge. “It feels important to go green,” DiDomenico said. “I recycle all the time.” KRS52@CABRINI.EDU
Green Team Meetings are monthly during the fall semester in the Wolfington Center from from 3:15‑4:30 p.m. on the following dates: Monday, Oct. 10 Monday, Nov. 14 Monday, Dec. 12
Above: Samantha Ysais, sophomore English and secondary education major and Jake Gaspari, sophomore undecided, are advocates of going green and members of the Green Team. Below: Alyssa Grenyer, sophomore elementary education major, and Amy Amadio, sophomore education major, sign the St. Francis Pledge to care for creation and the poor.
Students learn importance of financial literacy BY ROBERT RICHES Staff Writer Save early, save often. That was the message a Lincoln Financial Group retirement consultant had when he discussed steps college students and faculty should take to build up retirement portfolios. Timothy Cawley presented to a group of interested students and faculty the benefits of investing money into retirement at the “Financial Well-Being” seminar, part of the college’s Live and Learn series, in the Mansion on Monday, Oct. 10. The event featured door prizes such as gift cards and piggy banks, as well as an informative presentation. “It’s crucial to have enough money to live,” Cawley said. “A lot of people realize that the chances of living past 85 years old are greater than expected.” The chances of living to 85 years old are 50 percent for males, and even greater for females. Because of this statistic, Cawley advises to save as much as possible and start early. For many people in the college community, retirement is something not even taken into consideration yet. However,
Cawley advises to start saving as early as possible. The longer one saves, the more money they can retire with. Cawley started out in education, but always had an interest in finance. With help from a friend at Lincoln Financial Group, Cawley was able to secure the job. Cawley spoke for approximately an hour, and the students in attendance took
“If your employer offers the ability to match what you contribute to retirement, it is important to take advantage of that,” Cawley said. “That’s basically free money that your employer is putting on the table, and it would be foolish to not take it.” Cawley also discussed the importance of saving up loose change. He used the example of buying coffee during the work
“It’s crucial to have enough money to live.” TIMOTHY CAWLEY
some valuable lessons out of the presentation. “Financial literacy is becoming one of the most valuable assets a student needs,” Jaiquann Beckham, junior education major, said. “Today, I learned a lot about the benefits of saving for retirement at a young age,” Zach Logan, freshman finance and marketing major, said. “I also learned how compound interest quickly adds up.” One of Cawley’s major discussion points was matching employer contributions to retirement accounts.
week. He illustrated that spending $2 every day over a five-day work week results in spending $10. Over the course of a year, that totals to $520, which turns into $20,800 in a 40-year period of time. A simple adjustment, such as cutting back on the amount of coffee purchased in a work week, would save up so much more in the long run. Cawley also discussed investment risk and illustrated risk as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid were stocks, and at the base were cash and stable value. In between
were bonds, and balance between stocks and bonds. The pyramid illustrated that investment in stocks carries a high risk, but a greater potential return. The base of the pyramid carries a low risk, but a lower potential return. Everyone in attendance also received a retirement calculator. These nifty little tools allow you to see how much money you will have over 20 and 30 years by calculating what percentage of your annual income you save. Several of the students in attendance may be interested in working in the world of finance someday, and Cawley had some advice as to how they could start out. “Several financial groups, such as Lincoln, have mentoring programs for college graduates,” Cawley said. “These programs are a great way to start out.” The greatest bit of advice that Cawley offered to young people is brief but important. “Start saving early and always be consistent with your savings,” Cawley said. RTR29@CABRINI.EDU
4 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
U.S. urge inspectors to release classified intel to isolate Iran
SEPTA train hits car on tracks in Delco A Norristown highspeed line train struck a car in Haverford Township on Thursday, Oct. 13. A total of 24 passen‑ gers were injured. Police stated that the driver of the car was drunk and made a wrong turn on the railroad track. Brian Manning, 24, was charged with driving under the influence.
The Obama administration is now pressing United Nations nuclear inspectors to release classified intelligence information showing that Iran is experimenting with nuclear weapons. There is an evident American effort to isolate and increase pressure on Iran after accusing them of a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States. China and Russia have resisted further sanctions. Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 15, 2011
People take pictures during a dedication ceremony at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the National Mall, Sunday, Oct. 16, 2011, in Washington, D.C.
Treatment of brain trama is studied
Luxury carmakers adjust their values
Ca. inmates end 3-week hunger strike
Thousands honor MLK at new memorial
New research is being done to treat psychological lapses from traumatic brain injuries for the troops who suffered in Iraq and Afghanistan. The research has been helpful but is not receiving any scientific support from the government. So far there are two types of treatment for injuries: one focuses on memory, while the other on social skills. The treatments are being studied to provide full rehabilitation and overall functioning for the patients.
People want bigger, faster and more stylish vehicles. With new environmental regulations in place, luxury carmakers are trying to instill a more possible set of values. Now vehicles are being downsized and made into hybrids or 4-cylinder vehicles to save the earth. Dealers are now examining how many people actually downsize for a smaller car when they could still get a bigger vehicle for the same price.
Harsh conditions of prolonged isolation led to the three-week eating strike of prisoners through‑ out the state of California. Policies are now being reviewed for placing inmates in security units. “Most importantly, the depart‑ ment had agreed to review the cases of all prisoners already in isolation because of validate gang affiliation,” Carol Strickman, a lawyer from Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, said.
Dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial was attended by thousands in Washington, DC. Obama credited King for paving his way to presidency. King’s children recited his famous speech to teach the new generation. 1.5 million people were estimated to have visited the 30-foot statue of King.
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 11, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 13, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 13, 2011
Read the original story on NYTimes.com | Oct. 16, 2011 Victoria Tarver Staff Writer vt65@cabrini.edu
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Oct. 20
Friday, Oct. 21
Think Pink Celebration Show support by wearing pink and enjoy a “pinkalicious” lunch menu from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Marketplace.
Cabrini Swin Clinic For $10 per session, anyone can come and learn to swim at this clinic held from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Dixon center.
Pilates for Pink class Come donate $5 to Komen for the Cure and get “Save the Boo-bies” T’s on sale from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Dixon Center Gym.
Haunted Trip to Bates Motel CAP Board is hosting a Haunted trip to the Bates Motel attractions at Arasapha Farms. En‑ ter at your own risk. The trip is $15 and leaves at 6 p.m. from Founder’s Lobby.
Sunday, Oct. 23 Mass Celebrate mass in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of St. Joseph from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Violinist Richard Amoroso There will be a free violinist performance in the Mansion from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Saturday, Oct. 22 Sports See page 16 for a list of Cavalier games and times.
Monday, Oct. 24
Tuesday, Oct. 25
King of Prussia Job Fair Bring 30 resumes to this job fair featuring a va‑ riety of industries, held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Dolce Valley Forge Hotel.
Active Minds Meeting Active minds will have their meeting this month in the Iadarola Center, Room 101e from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Come find out about mental health issues and help reduce the stigma that sometimes surrounds these issues and keeps people from seeking the help they may need.
Ghost Hunter Come explore the possibility of paranormal life on campus from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. starting in Grace Hall. Students will use his equipment to tour Grace Hall and the Woodcrest Mansion.
Read the original story on Philly.com | Oct. 13, 2011
Philadelphia school police not policed Police officers for the Philadelphia School District have found to be in trouble with the law. More than 12 school police officers have been arrested on drug, assault, theft and other charges in recent years, either before they were employed by the district or while they were on active duty at local schools. One reason the district often does not flag cases against its officers is that some of them have been put in a pre-trial diversion program under the supervision of the probation department. Read the original story on Philly.com | Oct. 11, 2011
Art exhibit visualizes self awareness, identity Cabrini College will host “Permission,” an art display by Laura Velez, that aims to look at identity, self-awareness and mental perceptions. The exhibit will run from Oct. 22 until Nov. 20 on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library. Velez teaches drawing at the Fairmount Art Center and her artwork has won several local and national awards. Read the original story on Cabrini.edu | Oct. 16, 2011
Victoria Tarver Staff Writer vt65@cabrini.edu
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 5
College sets sights on Fair Trade certification BY VICTORIA TARVER
Staff Writer
Cabrini is striving to officially become labeled as a Fair Trade University. Their process started last spring. Currently there is a Fair Trade committee writing a letter of support to be signed by President Dr. Marie George. Fair Trade helps people in impoverished and developing countries to get a fair price for their products. For Cabrini’s campus, Fair Trade is a marketbased approach that gives producers in developing nations fair prices, safe working conditions and community resources so that they can live healthy, sustainable lives. The school is trying to educate the campus on Fair Trade through campus-wide events like Wallyball, ECG courses and Fair Trade tasting events. During the month of October, there are Fair Trade banana splits and other items sold. “Cabrini will begin offering a sequence of ECG courses (200 and 300) on Fair Trade beginning in the spring of 2012,” Erin McLaughlin, assistant professor of business administration, said. There are five criteria that need to be followed to become a certified Fair Trade campus. The first is to form a committee, which was already formed on campus, chaired by Stephen Eberle, acting director of the Wolfingon Center. Sodexo, Cabrini’s dining services,
Bookstore Employee Valerie Golden explains fair trade attire offered in the school store to Kate Freyvogel. Such products, along with coffee, chocolate, bananas and others are offered at Cabrini. has also joined with other campus groups for Fair Trade initiatives. Events held on campus normally have Fair Trade products available. This falls under the second requirement. Drew Niemann is the general manager of Cabrini’s dining services. He stated that Fair Trade is very important and is lasting at Cabrini. This issue is very important to the college and Sodexo’s missions. There are many places on
campus that have Fair Trade items. Along with the food, the book store and athletics are also using Fair Trade products. Dining Services offer coffee, sugar, chocolate, honey, some rice, black pepper, bananas (when available) Honest Tea and tea bags, Niemann said. “So far there has not been Fair Trade Resolution and Fair Trade Procurement Policy developed,” McLaughlin said. Dr. Mary Laver, former direc-
tor of International Partnerships, wrote in an email: “The one big task left to accomplish is number four, a formal resolution and procurement policy. But in order to reflect the input of ALL of the campus, the FT Committee (facilitated by Stephen Eberle) is doing two things before writing up any kind of resolution or proposing a policy: First is making a special effort to promote Fair Trade awareness at FT events this year, like the FT Wallyball tourna-
ment, and various ‘FT tasting’ events and ‘FT banana splits.’” “The second part is making special short presentations to as many departments and organizations on campus as possible, to ask each of them what they would like to suggest or contribute to the “FTU” process. For example, a department or organization might commit to having a certain number of event-items like t-shirts being Fair Trade,” Laver wrote. There are also two new 200 and 300 level ECG courses being offered in the spring 2012 semester. McLaughlin as well as Laver, Mary Harris, Keith Brown (a professor at St. Joseph’s University) have received a CRS grant, to look at the impact of those courses. The point of Cabrini officially becoming a Fair Trade university is to promote the values and benefits of Fair Trade and contribute to the growth of the global Fair Trade Movement. Cabrini was the first college to sign with Catholic Relief Services to support issues like Fair Trade and other global issues. “What’s most important is that students understand exactly what Fair Trade is and who it is affecting, before students purchase the products and support the cause,” Niemann said. JRJ56@CABRINI.EDU
Survivor discusses dangers of depression BURNHAM,
page 1
of for talking ‘too proper’ and dressing ‘too preppy.’ I was told that I acted ‘too white.’” Around that time, Burnham said, his sister received a full academic scholarship to Penn State and moved to college. His father’s career was also under transition - an interview was scheduled for a new job in King of Prussia. Burnham was given a tough decision. “I remember asking myself, ‘Do I stay with my mom in Pittsburgh until she gets a job in the Philly area, or do I move to Upper Merion with my dad?’” Burnham knew that the transition would be difficult. On top of it, his sister’s absence meant that his “depressing, lonely thoughts” concerning school had to be kept to himself. “I didn’t know that I could go to a counselor without a serious problem to be discussed,” Burnham said. His freshman year in high school was the first time that he ever tried to please others just to fit in. “I drank because that was the one time that a guy was allowed to feel without feeling judged; I would drink to express my thoughts and emotions.” Diagnosed with depression as a sophomore, Burnham remembered his feelings during that crucial period. “I said to myself, ‘There is no reason for me to go see a therapist. How could some older white lady therapist understand a 16-yearold black male?’” He admitted to feeling cautious about the therapy sessions, and said that, for anyone seeking help, it often takes several therapists before they find someone they feel entirely comfortable opening up to.
He also recounted the pressure of having a sister that was the valedictorian of her graduating class in high school. “I would tell myself, ‘If I’m not as good as my sister, I’m not of value to this family.’” Burnham struggled through his junior year of high school. Halfway through, he also cheated on his then-girlfriend. Because of this and previous events, he started questioning what life would be like if he wasn’t there. A little while later, his parents checked him into a mental hospital. “I always expected a guy in a straitjacket, screaming something crazy, like, ‘Flavor Flayv!’” Burnham said, the audience responding with laughter. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought,” Burnham continued, “but everyone else was going through worse issues than me.” He felt both mentally and emotionally safeguarded in the hospital. It was an awakening experience for him. “There were things that I could tell strangers in a mental hospital, but I couldn’t tell those same things to people that I’d been best friends with for years.” After having been released from the hospital, however, Burnham’s life took a turn for the worse. While his parents were away, he threw a party and the police were called. He was caught drinking underage. “No one in my immediate family drank,” Burnham said. Shortly after the incident, his dad found a duffel bag of alcohol in the trunk of his car. Burnham recalled that being the night of his suicide attempt. “At the time, the part of me that was going through depression, that’s what part of me that I wanted to die.”
He jumped from the ninth-story window of his apartment in an attempt to end his life. Burnham had an estimated 40 percent chance at surviving the fall. He considers it a miracle that he did. Among the many bones of his body that broke from the fall were his left fibula, tibia and pelvis, in addition to severe internal bleeding. “It was an impulsive act,” Burnham said. “I didn’t write a note, I didn’t leave a letter. Even on the car ride home that night I didn’t know it would be the night that I would try to kill myself.” When he came-to in the hospital, he was told that he had been completely sober and alone during the attempt. “I remember the second I entered high school, I couldn’t wait to be the big man on campus,” Burnham said. “Yeah, I went to prom, but in a wheelchair. Yeah, I was able to get my diploma, but I walked up to receive it with a walker.” This past Sept. 28 was the four-year anniversary of his
suicide attempt. According to Burnham, 7 out of 10 individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs in college have a serious mental health problem. Although he hasn’t fully recovered and admits to still suffering from depression, Burnham has since become an international public speaker on the topics of mental health issues and suicide prevention for Active Minds. His work has garnered him a number of prestigious awards and significant media attention, including features in Sports Illustrated, USA Today and People Magazine. He has also made appearances on Dr. Phil, CNN, Good Morning America and The Early Show. “At the end of tonight,” Burnham concluded, “I don’t want you all to just focus on my story. I want you to think over the entire mental health spectrum.” BTD28@CABRINI.EDU
6 The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Why College athletes should
receive money in college NICHOLAS RAYNER Staff Writer
A student athlete is someone who gets an education and also chooses to represent their school in athletic competitions. Every year, millions of dollars are produced from college athletes because of their great athletic performances. Any high-profile student athlete produces large amounts of publicity for the school. If schools paid student athletes it would corrupt college sports and everything they stand for. Even though they don’t get cash, I believe these athletes do get paid because they get a free college education, free accessories and a great chance to make a lot of money in the near future. Getting a college education is priceless. A college education is a foundation that will put you on the road to success for the rest of your life. Millions of people would love to go to college, but simply can’t afford it. This is why I feel that some of these student athletes just don’t appreciate and capitalize on the opportunities that are presented to them. Even though these athletes produce a lot of money for the school and don’t get to see any of it, I believe they get their paychecks when they go to class and learn. Getting a free education is something these kids should take advantage of. This is why I just never understood why some student athletes leave school early. The whole point of college is to get a great education. College is not a sports- development league. I always thought that a student ath-
lete should have to graduate from school before being allowed to go pro. The reason is these individuals made a commitment when they chose to go to that college. That commitment was to be a student athlete. Some of these student athletes just don’t realize what that title actually means. To them, college is another step in their quest to go pro in the sport they play. I hope one day we see college athletes having to keep their word and graduate from school first before leaving. Even though student athletes don’t get paid, they do get many accessories that regular students don’t get. First, you get a free room to live in while you go to col-
lege. This is a major accessory because you don’t have to pay room fees or find a room to live in. Student athletes also get free meals to eat whenever they want. The reason for this is because they are on a school sports team, that means the coaches need them to eat the right foods so they can reach their full athletic potential. Unlike regular students, student athletes receive free clothes because the college wants them to represent the school wherever they go. Every school wants the public to acknowledge their student athletes, and by giving them clothes to wear with school logos on it, they will know were this person goes to school. Student athletes have the benefits
of getting free medical care whenever they need it and free prescriptions. I feel that these accessories cover all the needs of college athletes. This is why these athletes don’t need to get paid; they already have everything they need to make it through college College athletes don’t make much while in school, but college does set them up to make a lot of money when they get out. This is why colleges shouldn’t pay student athletes. These students are getting paid with an education that will set them up in the future to succeed. These talented individuals have to realize everything the college is giving them. They might not like the fact that they make millions for the school by playing sports, without seeing a penny of it. But they need to realize that the college is developing all of their talents, on the court and in the classroom. Colleges shouldn’t have to pay athletes to compete for them; it should be the athlete’s privilege to represent the school . Paying college athletes would simply take away from the great atmosphere that college sports give us. This is what makes college athletics great, these kids playing hard for their schools, and trying to make a name for themselves.
I’m NOT your gay best friend BRANDON DESIDERIO Staff Writer
Queens, divas, twinks - gather ‘round; it’s time for us to have a little discussion about perpetuating the gay male stereotype. Leave your Pink sweatshirts and body glitter by the door, ‘cause you’re in for one helluva ride. Somewhere between the massive HIV/AIDS pandemic of the mid-1980s and the initial airing of the pilot episode of “Queer As Folk” in 2000, the “G” of the GLBT community has evolved to mean more than just “fudge-packer” or “sissy boy.” In today’s world, being gay comes with a hefty price tag - that price tag being, of course, physical flawlessness. Now, I’d be lying to you if I said that I didn’t have my own moments of vanity, let alone if I said that I didn’t appreciate a well-groomed man. But, as I’ll elaborate on throughout this article, the level of upkeep and preening that’s currently the norm among gay men is extremely ridiculous. Before I go any further, I’d like to put this into perspective. During the AIDS outbreak, the GLBT community became something more of a single unit; one big happy family, if you will. Since the stigma surrounding AIDS bore the face of a hypersexual, homosexual male, the community as a whole was affected by the resulting phobias. Since gays weren’t often depicted in the media at this time, the stereotypes surrounding them weren’t as readily apparent as they are today. Fast-forward to 2011, and it’s hard to escape the stereo-
typical, “Hey gurrrl, hey!” when you’re talking to people. As if painted across your face is that six-letter expletive that gay men, for the most part, take offense at. Myself unincluded. A disconnect has risen between ‘gay’ and ‘human’ that has never been seen before in our modern, gay-friendly society. Much like the make-up ads and housewife-centered campaigns that corporations have been spoon-feeding women now for centuries, telling them to look their best at
“Personally, I’m not the type of person that makes his orientation known to anyone and everyone. I don’t broadcast my personal life as if it’s everyone’s business. “ all times and to be submissive, to never rise to the level of their husbands - be it in intellect, strength or “manliness” - the modern homosexual is told to be flamboyant, blonde, and toned. The inclusion of gays in the media in recent years hasn’t been any help in the matter, of course. As I mentioned previously, the Showtime series “Queer As Folk” was a fore-runner for the world of the ‘modern
gay.’ It depicted a group of five gay males, each of whom slept around at varying levels of consistency. Some of them maintained long-term, monogamous relationships, but ultimately the show’s characters stand as a stereotypical group of gays that someone would expect to be the poster children of HIV/AIDS. They headed to clubs almost nightly, struggled to maintain both a professional job and their private, sexual lives, and ‘the other F word’ was frequently shouted at them with harmful intent. In today’s world, though, where do you see the unorthodox gay? Where is the man that is neither obsessed with sleeping around, nor subject to one too many “twinkletoes” jokes? Where are the men that don’t take offense at the utterance of ‘that other F word’ by default, and who instead view their sexuality as merely one aspect of themselves? When I look at the gay culture of today’s world, I always expect to see a less-tanned face, a less-sexualized and less-manicured individual - someone that truly embraces their sexual orientation, but does so without giving in to the media biases and cliches. Personally, I’m not the type of person that makes his orientation known to anyone and everyone. I don’t broadcast my personal life as if it’s everyone’s business. It’s my mission in life to steer clear of these stereotypes, and to open others’ eyes to the fact that this ‘gay world’ has more than just millions of flamboyant, outspoken boys in it. There should be a point in the lives of gay men where they stop allowing themselves to be the typecast gay best friend. It’s time that we take back the word “gay” and make it stand for something more than just “an effeminate and obnoxious guy that sleeps with men.” btd28@cabrini.edu
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur 7
NBA Lockout Still In Effect
First two Weeks of Regular Season...
The current NBA lockout is putting the 2011-2012 NBA regular season on hold until negotiations between owners and players are agreed upon. For the second time in only 13 years, the NBA will experience a shortened season. On Oct. 10, the NBA owners and players union met for more than seven hours to try to come to terms on reaching a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA), but in the end they were unable to make an agreement. This forced David Stern to cancel the first two weeks of the regular season. The Players’ Union consists of Los Angeles Lakers guard Derek Fisher as the president, Milwaukee Bucks guard Keyon Dooling as the first vice president, Miami Heat sharp shooter James Jones as the secretary-treasurer and a list of five other vice presidents which include New Orleans Hornets all - star point guard Chris Paul. For those of you who don’t know or just aren’t aware, the NBA Players Union represents all NBA players in many ways, such as, negotiating the terms of a collective bargaining agreement with the NBA, which governs all aspects of players’ employment. The Players Union also ensures that the NBA and its teams meet their obligations under the collective bargaining agreement. Therefore, as a whole, the NBA Players Union protects all NBA players and makes sure they are being treated equally and fairly and receiving the appropriate treatment from their managers and owners around the league. That treatment mainly consists of the players making sure that they are being paid enough money throughout the season. As of right now, the players union doesn’t agree with the current CBA, which in turn results in the NBA’s version of a “player lockout.” As of right now, the rest of the 82 game season doesn’t look too hopeful for NBA players, owners and fans. Stern told the New York Times that he and the players union remain very, very far apart on virtually all issues. He expressed sadness about how this situation has escalated in the months that have passed. Fisher and the rest of the Players’ Union have expressed to the media on so many occasions that they believe they simply just have not met a fair deal with the NBA yet, and until they do, the players will hold their ground and remain in the lockout. With the players and owners yet to come to an agreement with a deadline in sight, it is very unlikely that the 2011-2012 season will exist. Stern expressed that he is “doubtful” about having all 82 games this season.
It is very hard for me to sit back and watch this all play out like it is. I am a huge NBA fan and basketball fan in general and it is very frustrating to think that the NBA may not have a season this year. To be completely honest, I will be very, very disappointed if the NBA cancels or reduces any more games this season. The last time this sort of the thing happened was in the 1998-1999 season when the NBA lost some games due to a work stoppage. It reduced the regular season to 50 games instead of 82. I was only about 7 at that time so it’s hard for me to quite remember the effect it had on young basketball fans. On the other hand, I am old enough to realize this go-round that the current lockout is affecting basketball fans across the United States, just like me. The more and more research I do about this topic, the
more and more I wonder if the NBA players are right about their decision to have a lockout or if they are just being plain stubborn and greedy about the issue. How much more money do they want? How much more money could they possibly need? Are they being selfish? I’m not them, so I will never know how it feels to be in the situation that they are in. But my thinking is this: if these NBA players love the game as much as they say they do, how is a tiny paycut going to affect a player whose check is already over eight digits? Maybe I’m the one being selfish by thinking like this, but all I want is to see the best players in the world go at it and compete for a whole season, is that really too much to ask? cjf62@cabrini.edu
A life and death controversy SEAN COLLINS Staff Writer
You might have heard about a horrible incident that took place in New York a few years ago. It was the tragic story of a poor man who was trampled to death at Christmas time at a Wal-Mart store. It seems the poor guy got a temp job at Wal-Mart and was given the task of manning the door for one of those “Doors Open at Five a.m” pre-Christmas sales. Everybody was trying to buy an Xbox 360 and there weren’t too many around. Most of that crowd didn’t even slow down after the death. They were heading straight for those Xboxes. As heartbreaking as this story is, I think it perfectly describes how our modern society seems to value material things and personal convenience over anything else –
even life. A human life. No discussion about human life causes a bigger debate than abortion. Everybody is in favor of human life – except when the human life is a baby before it is born. We all feel angry hearing that our fellow Americans, who were only looking out for themselves, allowed a poor man to be trampled to death in a Wal-Mart. Yet, since 1973, here in America, over 45 million human lives have been taken by abortion. On average, women give at least three reasons for choosing abortion: 3/4 say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about 3/4 say they cannot afford a child; and 1/2 say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner . What this tells us is that the overwhelming number of abortions in America are committed for reasons that are far from life or death, except for the certain deaths
of these babies. As a society, we all oppose murder. Murder is the taking of an innocent human life. No one seriously denies that abortion is killing something. We just use euphemisms like “terminating the pregnancy.” No one denies that a life has ended. After all, ending the life is the whole goal of the procedure. No one can deny that this something is human. Just check the DNA. Just check the fingerprints. It isn’t the DNA of a white seal. It’s a human. (Besides, you can go to jail for killing a white seal). So, we know it’s killing, and we know it’s human. I haven’t heard anyone claim that an unborn baby isn’t innocent. In America each year, we kill 1.2 million babies, while other couples hope desperately for the chance to adopt a child. All this happens in the country founded on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I’m just glad my life didn’t interfere with someone else’s pursuit of happiness!
My hope is that more and more people will see the hypocrisy of how we kill our own young while pretending we care so much for individual’s rights. If we will not allow an innocent human the right to its first breath because it is inconvenient, how are we any better than the crowd that tramples Jimytai Damour on our way to the Xboxes?
8 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Admissions Counselor traces roots back to Philadelphia BY SHAE MCPHERSON Staff Writer Lindsey Scott, 22-year old recent graduate of Gettysburg College, has traced her hometown roots back to Philadelphia to work as an admissions counselor in the Office of Admissions. Scott’s role as an admissions counselor is to help prospective students learn everything they need to know about Cabrini College and guide them through the admissions process. Scott covers territories from Central and North Jersey to Delaware. Scott’s job also requires a great amount of traveling in which she attends college fairs at high schools and provides students and guidance counselors with a basic knowledge of the school and the admissions process. “My job is to spread the word of Cabrini for students I am responsible for,” Scott said. She is accustomed to traveling therefore the travel aspect of the job is nothing new. She studied abroad in Seville, Spain for five months and volunteered in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. “The experience was a little bit of a culture shock but it was amazing,” Scott said. Scott attends information sessions hosted by the college for prospective students and families to tour the campus and get a first-hand look at the Cabrini College community. She also reviews prospective students’ applications and determines whether or not students are accepted. “I actually accepted my first student last week,” Scott said. “It’s kind of weird having the power to do that, but it’s nice seeing your hard work pay off when you see students apply and end up coming to the college.” “Lindsey brings new life to the admissions office,” Saleem Brown, assistant director of admissions at Cabrini College, said. Scott graduated May 2011 from Gettysburg College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in globalization studies and a Spanish minor. While attending Gettysburg, Scott worked in the Admissions Office as an intern and tour guide beginning her sophomore year. Coming from an admissions atmosphere at Gettysburg College, Scott knew her future profession would be working in admissions somewhere after graduating college. “It was an easy transition working on a college campus but kind of weird not being a student,” Scott said. Scott enjoys working and making connections with people. “Each time of the year is different and I never get bored,” Scott said. Scott was born and raised outside of Philadelphia in Gwynedd Valley, about 13 miles from Cabrini. Before graduating from school, Scott applied to several jobs in the Philadelphia area and she received a phone call from the director of admissions two days before graduation, informing Scott that she received the admissions position. “That really made my graduation exciting,” Scott said. When comparing the two schools, Gettysburg and Cabrini,” Scott said, “Both schools are very similar and very welcoming.”
Right: Scott, pictured with Greta Mitchell and Felicia Neuber, attended Cabrini Night at the Phillies Above: Lindsey Scott is the new admissions counselor at Cabrini. SUBMITTED BY LINDSEY SCOTT
“Lindsey is a very energetic, adorable and intelligent young woman who brings a lot to the department,” Alison Janowski, receptionist in the Office of Admissions at Cabrini College, said. When Scott isn’t aiding prospective students with admissions information, she is working out at the gym, shopping, watching “Modern Family,” spending time with her friends and family or cheering on Chase Utley and the Phillies. Scott’s next focus in life is to take her GRE’s (Graduate Record Examinations) for graduate school and continue to represent Cabrini College as an admissions counselor.
Boot Camp, not your average fitness workout BY MANDY TOTH Staff Writer Fitness classes are a great way to stay in shape and they are offered in the Dixon Center gym every day of the week. They are free for students and some are offered for course credit. Zumba and P90x were the popular fitness classes last year, but boot camp has created buzz throughout much of the Cabrini community. “My friends and I make it a habit to come weekly because not only are we losing weight, but we are also having fun,” Kayla Tindal, junior criminology major, said. Boot camp is enjoyable, creative and has intense workouts which feature strength training, cardio, conditioning exercises and core development. “I take boot camp as a dancer and fitness staff attendant at the gym. I really enjoy learning from professionals how to have a healthy, toned and working body,” Jenna
LoMenzo, sophomore early elementary and special education major, said. Boot camp is held every Tuesday night in the dance and yoga room from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m and the class meets once a week. “I started attending boot camp because I heard such great things and saw amazing body image results from the class in my peers,” Jillian Koren, junior education major, said. Boot camp focuses on a full body workout. They begin class with running half a mile on the track ,which is equalivant to five laps, then procede to sets of suicides, jumps, ball abs, lunges and sprints to help them with their abs, arms and legs. “Our instructor Dave really works hard to help us lose weight, become more fit, learn how to workout properly and what workouts work best for areas like legs, arms and abs,” LoMenzo said. “It is a really nice environment. Nobody laughs at each other, we all laugh and really enjoy something most
people dread which is working out,” LoMenzo said. As a fitness class instructor, Dave also teaches spinning class. He was recently hired as a trainer to condition and strengthen the men’s basketball team for their upcoming season. “Dave is awesome! He is so encouraging and I literally use his techniques and workouts when I'm working out alone,” LoMenzo said. Dave encourages students to use his free service at the Dixon Center because you will see results and feel so much better about your body. “It's truly a great way to have fun while working out and you get to see the results in the end paying off,” LoMenzo said. “For those who have a hard time motivating yourself this class will motivate you because you won't ever want to miss a class.”
Boot camp consists of cardio, strength and body building in a weekly hour session. Many students attend boot camp weekly to stay in shape and remain healthy. The majority of students that attend boot camp weekly also attend many of the other fitness classes, including zumba and pilates, offered at Dixon Center.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 9
Above: President Marie George and husband Fran George pictured with Tom and Jill Nerney during the reception.
Right: The Cabrini chorus performed a couple of songs during the reception.
Woodcrest society reception honors donors BY JENAY SMITH Photo Editor Donors to the college were overwhelmed with warm greetings and appreciation at the mansion doors. Name tags were thoughtfully placed in the hands of the donors along with wide smiles from students. Many reunions and greetings were welcomed upon entering the Mansion. "The Inaugural Woodcrest Society Reception was very friendly, warm and exhibited the Cabrini hospitality," Sharon Loman, the vice president of the office of institutional advancement, said. “I don’t think I could of asked for anything more.” Held on Thursday, Oct. 6, the evening of the Inagural Woodcrest Society Reception started off with a few remarks by Loman who showed her gratitude to the donors for all they had done. Following Loman's thanks was a reflection by Jenay Smith, sophomore communications major. Smith’s reflection was based on a poem by Stephen Crane, “A Man Said to the Universe.” She added her own reflection of the poem and incorporated the generosity of the donors. “I promise you they were blown away by your reflection,” Loman said to Smith after the presentation of the reflection. “The highlight truly was hearing your reflection and the fact that you gave it so much thought.” There were many who attended the reception including donors, friends, faculty, students and alumni. The few students who attended the reception were very pleased to be included in the appreciation reception.
“It’s a good feeling because we’re giving back to them,” Rachael Conte, freshman undecided, said. “It shows we’re appreciating them. We can’t give back the money but by doing this it shows us giving back to them,” Conte said. The donors at the event had nothing but admirable things to say about Cabrini and the evening they had. Joanne Kovacs Balshi, honorary doctorate class of '69 and former Board Chair, explained that she loves Cabrini; they were some of the best years of her life.
“I think the event was about the students. I think it was about alumni and friends of the school donating to the students,” ELONA LAKURIQI, ANNUAL FUND COORDINATOR
The guests were also presented with a performance by the Cabrini College chorus. “We’re having a blast,” Balshi said. “The musical rendition is over the top.”
How To:
Survive a Haunted House
BY MELANIE GREENBERG Managing Editor With Halloween around the corner, it is time for you and your friends to venture into haunted houses, watch scary movies, carve pumpkins and come up with ridiculous Halloween costumes. Loquitur is here to provide you with a complete guide to survive your haunted house experience. First, don’t drink water before you enter. The chances of peeing your pants are higher when you are afraid and surprised. Many creatures and monsters will be jumping out of the darkness, so go in with an empty stomach. Next, do not punch the actors. Scream as loud as you would like, but filing a police report is no fun. Fake blood is great, but real blood ruins all the fun! The guys with the chain saw always goes after the person covering their eyes. Try to look unafraid and laugh in their face if you feel the need to cry. If you are likely to get lost in the maze, always use the buddy system. Nothing is worse than being alone in a room surrounded by Freddy and Jason, so hold on tight to that significant other. Remember to have fun and take in the moment.
The chorus performed a couple selections to top off the event. After the During the reception many performance many people were greeted and people raved over the reunited with one another. chorus and thought they did a fantastic job. In the future, Institutional Advancement is planning on having more students involved in the Woodcrest Society Reception. “I think the event was about the students. I think it was about alumni and friends of the school donating to the students,” Elona Lakuriqi, annual fund coordinator, said. “It just shows that money goes to the students.” Institutional Advancement interns, Jaiquann Beckham, junior special education major, and Pat Schneider, senior marketing major, were able to network with friends and alumni of Cabrini. “This is only my second year at Cabrini I’m delighted to be here because I get to see the people whose generosity helps make our students education possible,” Anne Skleder, provost and vice president of academic affairs, said. “It's also wonderful to see students performing and doing reflections and seeing exactly how this investment pays off in our students' interest.”
1. Don’t drink water before you enter.
2. Do not punch the actors. 3. Always use the buddy system. 4. Don’t look afraid or mortified. This is a time to make memories and have adventures with your friends; dont spend the entire time panicking. The most important part is to enjoy the adventure. Everyone knows the terror is fake, but don’t ruin it for the other participants; try to enjoy being afraid just for one night.
5. Have fun and take in the moment.
6. Enjoy the adventure.
10 | The Loquitur
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Wing Bowl heats up campus TICKETstub
CAROL DWYER / copy editor
Right: Team FooNetwork gets ready to taste their own buffalo sauce concoction. Below: Team Wingits covers their wings in the sauce they created. Center: Team 3 uses the team effort approach to cover their wings in the sauce they made. Bottom Left: CAP Board provided a variety of different ingredients to build their buffalo wing sauce. Bottom Right: Team WingItOn comes together before the contest began.
Eat Pray Love A Knight’s Tale Titanic DIANA CAMPEGGIO / a&e editor
Big Fish Charade Bright Star
Application of the Week:
My Secret Folder
Are you fed up with people always snooping into your phone? If so, My Secret Folder is perfect for you. This app keeps all your personal pictures, private notes, passwords and personal contacts out of sight from your family and friends. The icon might seem like a folder with apps in it, which basically fools some people into believing that they can see the content hidden there. For the nosy people that tap on the folder, a screen appears requiring them to type in your passcode to enter the application. The password form then acts like a security camera by taking a picture of any person who attempts to log in to the app. The images are viewable on the app’s settings panel right by the GPS location of the attempt, letting you know the date and time the intruder was trying to login to your secret folder without your permission. Not only can you view a list of intruders, you can clear the list any time you wish. A part of the app that is very
clever is the Decoy Mode. You can set a passcode in Decoy Mode, which allows you to login to your secret folder, but what you can see is a restricted folder, with no settings panel and no files and folders shown. The folder is completely empty, which you can use just in case people like your mother or girlfriend were livid that you wouldn’t show them. All the settings are wellarranged, which makes it easy to change your settings. Introduced this past September by Bright Artificial Intelligence Ltd, My Secret Folder has been given four and a half stars on iTunes. The app works in 34 different languages, such as English, Spanish, Dutch, German, etc. My Secret Folder is compatible for the iPod Touch, iPhone and the iPad. My Secret Folder is a $0.99 lifestyle app, and ranked No.11 in the iTunes app store.
Grab your tickets for this feisty-female artist in this very intimate venue. See if this 80’s pop hit maker still has what it takes!
Think you can handle it? Come to this wine tasting sponsored by the Wine School of Philadelphia. It’ll be the most intense wine tasting of your life!
Join these Florida natives for a show that is guaranteed to get your head banging. Rock out with this group of punk-rock misfits in good ol’ Philadelphia.
The Keswick Theatre (291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside), $65, 8 p.m.
Wine School of Philadelphia (127 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia), $52.99, 7:30 p.m.
Electric Factory (421 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia), $31, 7 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 11
Real Housewives reunion showdown Team Guidice
Team Manzo
BY KELSEY ALVINO Perspectives Editor
Teresa Guidice, author of the controversial cookbook FABULICIOUS!, and wife of the infamous Juicy Joe is known for flipping tables and getting into arguments with her “Real Housewives of New Jersey” co-stars. Guidice’s outgoing personality has always been responsible for stirring the pot of drama in the show. 1. For being friends with Caroline and Jacqueline for ten years, they obviously are aware of the jokes that she makes so whatever she said in her cookbook should be taken lightly. All Teresa said about Christopher Manzo’s “stripper carwash” was that she wouldn’t allow her kids to participate in something like that, not that she was making fun of it or saying it was a bad idea. 2. Teresa is a good person who turned into the villain of season three because there has to be some kind of drama. With Danielle Staub no longer present, someone must fill her place has the person we love to hate. 3. Host Andy Cohen was taking sides during the entire reunion show. Although Cohen claims he was not, questioning Teresa’s financial situation, which he knew was not allowed to be discussed, was inappropriate on his half. The reunion show was all about the bashing of Teresa and he helped fuel the fire. 4. Obviously something has to be wrong if Caroline’s own sister, Dina, won’t speak to her. Dina has tweeted that Teresa has not influenced her to not speak to Caroline. Dina has a history of removing bad people from her life and now Caroline is no longer in it. 5. Teresa has always had her crazy moments from flipping the table to chasing Danielle through the Brownstone. That is what we love about her. Caroline needs to stop thinking she knows it all and get a sense of humor. Let’s be honest, we all know people who only watch the show to see what Teresa does next.
vs. Tensions continue at housewives reunion The Real Housewives of New Jersey season three just concluded part one of the reunion show. From the first question, host Andy Cohen asked, the arguments began. It was very clear that Teresa Giudice and Caroline Manzo had not repaired their relationship since the cookbook fiasco in the season finale. If anything, tensions are worse bringing both families into the battle. Melissa Gorga and Kathy Wakile played into the argument by adding their interpretations of each situation. Part two of the reunion show airs Sunday, Oct. 23 on Bravo.
Left: Teresa Guidice’s cookbook “Fabulicious” stirred up trouble in season three because of her comments about her co-stars. Bottom: The “Real Housewives of New Jersey” now include Teresa Gudices sister-in-law Melissa Gorga and her cousin Kathy Wakile.
Caroline Manzo, owner of the Brownstone and mother of three is known for her motherly advice she gives throughout the show. Usually, Manzo keeps herself out of the drama unless for some reason her family is brought into the mix. 1. Caroline Manzo is a mother first. She will always be there to back up her children when people like Teresa bash them in their books. She won’t, however, leave them alone when a fight breaks out during a Christening. 2. Caroline is not a liar. During the reunion Jacqueline Laurita was tweeting during the show backing up everything that she was saying. When the screen was split between Caroline and Teresa, it was obvious who was not telling the truth. 3. In an interview, Caroline stated that she wasn’t even friends with Teresa and that she should have listened to her heart when she wanted to have her out of her life. 4. Caroline had to apologize to Melissa Gorga and Kathy Wakile because she explained how Teresa convinced her to hate them. Teresa also tried to convince Melissa to not be on the show because of her large forehead. 5. Teresa is constantly lying about everything. She didn’t know how much she was in debt for and she continues to cover up her problems with smiles. She lied about wanting to make up with her brother when it just proves the jealousy she has towards Melissa.
BlogRoll: Crossing Broad
BY LAURA HANCQ Editor-in-Chief Do you bleed green, red or orange for any of the Philadelphia sports teams? If so, you need to be reading Crossing Broad, the best sports blog in the City of Brotherly Love. Kyle Scott, writer of the blog, flat-out knows his stuff. Seriously, this man knows Philadelphia sports, including the players, personnel, and most importantly, the fans, inside and out. But that’s not all. The guy is hysterically funny. It might seem really hard to mix humor with sports, especially in Philadelphia where we take our teams as life or death, but Scott is the master. He isn’t some thirdparty like ESPN. He is a die-hard Philadelphia fan that writes for the other hardcore fans in the language we speak. This isn’t the kind of reporting you’re going to find in the Inquirer. He breaks Philly sports news faster than Cliff Lee’s fastball and he does it in true Philadelphia style, otherwise known as a balance between sarcasm and serious emotion. On Crossing Broad, yes, you will get game recaps but you’re going to get the inside scoop on pretty much anything you could imagine related to our teams. I would have to say my favorite segments of the site include “Shut Up Wheels,” which highlights all of the wonderful announcing faux pas by the incredibly “talented” Phillies’ announcers, and the now passé “Morning Carts,” which tracked former Flyer Jeff Carter through his various rendezvouses. The site also features tickets and plenty of awesome links and advertisements. Of course the man has to make money, so he sells some ad-space, but I promise you, they are all relevant to fans. You can find links to the kinds of T-shirts and merchandise you won’t see sold in stores. You can like Crossing Broad on Facebook and you can follow Crossing Broad on Twitter. Go ahead and tweet him and many times he’ll actually tweet back, which as a fan who he has tweeted back to, it’s awesome to know your feedback and opinions are important. LCH23@CABRINI.EDU
Back from the grave to celebrate some of his most priced works, which were written right here in Philadelphia. Join Poe as he reads from some of his most haunted works.
Your admission gets you $3 craft beers all night, a witch hat and witch craft stamp card. Collect six stamps and enter into a drawing to win a prize package from participating bars.
Part of his “Back to Bass” tour, Sting celebrates 25 years as a solo artist. Grab those tickets before they sell out!
Laurel Hill Cemetery (3822 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia), $25 registration required, 6 p.m.
East Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, $6.66 admission plus drinks prices, 21+, 6-10 p.m.
The Tower Theatre (South 69th St. Upper Darby), prices vary, 21+, 8 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment
12 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
WEEKLY REVIEW Female-fronted rock band returns with mixed reviews BY ALLIE JETER Staff Writer In past years, more female-fronted rock bands have dominated the music scene. But no other band stands out more than Arkansas natives Evanescence. Founded in 1995 by Amy Lee and Ben Moody, the band wasn’t a household name until the release of their 2003 first full-length album, “Fallen.” After a sophomore album dud and various number one hits, the two-time Grammy-award-winning group went into hibernation for five years until recently. Their most anticipated third studio self-titled album hit the iTunes library with full force on Oct. 11. Before fame became a way of life for the duo, they both were youth camp members in Little Rock, Ak. Moody heard Lee playing on the piano and singing to Meatloaf’s classic hit, “I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That).” When Moody heard Lee, it was all history from there. Both Lee and Moody recorded two EP’s together, one called “Evanescence EP” in 1998 and “The Whisper EP” in 1999. All the albums were given out at each venue where they performed. The band members included friends John LeCompt, Rocky Gray and Will Boyd. In early 2003, they signed to their first record label, Wind-Up Records, and began working on their first album. “Fall-
After taking a 5-year hiatus, Evanescence’s self-titled album takes the rock world by storm.
en” spent 43 weeks on the Billboard Top10, was certified seven-time platinum and sold more than 15 million copies worldwide. The album was listed on the Billboard 200 for a whopping 104 weeks and was one in eight albums in history to spend at least a year on the Billboard charts. With sold-out concert and endorsement deals from companies like Nintendo, Evanescence was at the top of their game. Unfortunately, the band couldn’t hold things together. On Oct. 23, 2003, Ben Moody left the group because of “creative
differences.” Although the band suffered a great loss, Evanescence gained a new member and new sounds for the group. Sophomore album “The Open Door” came and went with a number one hit but earned the band ‘s top rank on the Billboard 200 chart. The band was making great progress until suddenly, on May 4, 2007, LeCompt was fired from the band and drummer, Gray, quit. For the second time, the record label had to audition two more members for the group. Drummer Will Hunt and guitarist Troy
McLawhorn auditioned and are currently in the group. Fast forward to 2009, Lee announced on the band’s website that they were writing a new album after five years of being on hiatus. On June 12, 2011, Lee stated on her Twitter account that the release date for their new self-titled album would be Oct. 4. Unfortunately, MTV News reported that the release date had to be pushed back to Oct. 11. The setback didn’t stop the band from releasing their first single off the album, “What You Want.” Besides “What You Want,” the album features many other songs such as “Oceans,” “My Heart is Broken” and “Lost in Paradise.” The album doesn’t just talk about one emotion, but reflects many. “What You Want” is a heavy rock anthem that tells a story about a relationship that just isn’t working out despite the love that that is joining the two lovers together. The love ballad “Lost in Paradise” is compared to the song “Joga” by Icelandic recording artist Bjork. The song was inspired by Lee’s love for the band Evanescence. Evanescence’s self-titled CD has audiences raving and the album so far has gotten mixed reviews for only being out for a couple days. As the week continues, so do the listeners. If you love Evanescence, you’re going to love this album. So stick your headphones in and get lost in the music. AMF324@CABRINI.EDU
‘Footloose’ remake drives today’s youth to cut loose BY CAROL DWYER Copy Editor Many movies are getting hit by the remake trend and often the remake is disappointing in comparison to its original. That’s why the remake of a long-time favorite wasn’t appealing at first. It was hard to imagine anyone other than Kevin Bacon as outsider Ren McCormick standing up against no-singing and no-dancing town laws. However, as the trailers continued to air, this particular remake started to grow on me. It didn’t disappoint, and others sitting nearby in the audience were dancing in their seats to the opening music. The 2011 “Footloose” remake stirs up nostalgia for fans of the original, recreating various scenes fairly close to the mark. Anyone who has seen the original “Footloose” will recognize similar fancy footwork at the start and during the prom when it really gets going. Familiar dance moves aren’t the only constant between the original “Footloose” and its remake. As bad boy, rebel, new-intown Ren, Kenny Wormald is a mirror image of the original film’s star as he shakes up life in sedate Bomont. Wearing his leather jacket collar up, driving fast in a familiar yellow VW Beetle and blaring Quiet Riot’s metal hit, “Bang Your Head,” he is deemed as trouble by authority. Wormald
does well taking the lead to wake up a sleepy law-heavy town and bring back the dancing. Ariel Moore, played in the original by Lori Singer, is now played by Julianne Hough. The overall background story to Ariel remains the same: her older brother Bobby is killed, along with others, in a car accident following a party. She’s a preacher’s daughter, tired of the overbearing laws the accident prompted, and acts wild in disapproval of her father. Dennis Quaid takes on the roles of preacher and father, once played by John Lithgow. Sometimes, the differences come down to timely cultural details in the updated story. For example, while Ren teaches his new friend Willard how to dance, the music plays on an iPod instead of a Walkman or bulky radio. The story may be the same, however it isn’t set in the ‘80s. Ren persuades the township representatives, saying, “This is our time,” and the remake itself is set to reflect pop culture of his generation. The accident that took the lives of Ariel’s older brother and his friends was merely talked about in the original; this time, a flashback leading into the accident is used. This added detail for the new “Footloose” reflects today’s movies filled with horrible crashes, graphic injuries or worse, explosions; overall more violence. After all, this is the era in which we’ve seen the “Final
Destination” and “Saw” series; it’s just more graphic these days. Today’s Ariel dresses skimpier in some scenes than that of the original character. Again, not being set in the ‘80s, the remake is updated for today’s culture and to match what other blockbusters have: more gore, for certain genres, and showing more skin. However, the look of both films is similar, as both versions reflect the times during which they were made. The original, from 1984, has the ‘80s sound, that cassette tape sound. The remake, although it includes Hip-Hop and digital technology, also features some of the same ‘80s tunes that the original “Footloose” had. Let’s face it; it wouldn’t be “Footloose” without that Kenny Loggins movie theme song. Other updated aspects include music genres, dance moves and more diverse and modern-looking characters. Ariel’s boyfriend, Chuck Cranston, also offers up a different and surprising sort of challenge to Ren. Hip-Hop is used in the remake and may be disapproved of by some adults. Dance moves have street style featured in other recent dance movies (“Step Up,” “Honey,” “Save the Last Dance”). Willard’s girlfriend, Rusty, was played by Sarah Jessica Parker in the original, while in the remake, they are a couple in an inter-racial relationship. The preacher’s wife, Vi, originally
Julianne Hough and Kenny Wormald give new life to this favorite cast.
played by Dianne Wiest, had a more old-fashioned hair style and attire; Andie MacDowell steps into this role with an altogether modernized look. As for Chuck’s challenge, let’s just say that a little more is involved in it this time around for Ren. More characters take part, adding to the danger of the activity in which Ren proves he isn’t afraid. The two main characters and their stories are easily related to, as anyone can say they went through that “misunderstood-byadults” phase. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t come from a big city and land in a small town like Ren. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a
preacher’s kid like Ariel. Their generation and what they love is misunderstood, criticized and outlawed by their elders and the police. In real life, the younger generation’s pop culture is often disapproved by members of older generations as well. That may be why a remake in this case holds up, simply having that “I can relate to that” factor. It speaks to the clash that happens between people who are even just one generation apart. To find out more about the cast and trivia of the well-loved original and its high-energy remake, check out IMDB. CD466@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 13
It’s time to give the
Flyers attention
man and sophomore years but moved to Conshohocken, Pa., her junior year. As for her approach off the field, teammates and friends have nothing but great things to say about ‘DJ M Eddy.’ “She showed up to our school fundraising soccer dance with a crazy amount of music equipment and was surprisingly good at djing,” Katie Smith, junior education major and back on the soccer team, said. “I love music and want to share it with everyone else,” Edwards said. “In high school, a teacher noticed my passion and recommend I DJ for events at the high school; from there I took interest.” The Cabrini women’s soccer team has three more games in regular conference play following their 0-0 draw with GwyneddMercy College on Saturday, Oct. 15. They hope to keep moving forward as they finish up their season. “We have been focused and determined to win the CSAC championship since the first day of practice,” Edwards said. “We are going to play our game and leave it all on the field.”
My fellow Philadelphia sports fans, take a look around the City of Brotherly Love. The Eagles are 2-4 heading into the bye week. The Phillies are watching the World Series matchup between Texas and St. Louis from their couches. The Sixers, and the entire NBA for that matter, are being locked out. The Flyers, on the other hand, have been hearing cheers from their fans since they defeated the defending Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins on opening night. With wins in four of their first five games, the Flyers may be the city’s brightest hope right now. Correct me if I’m wrong but hockey is one of the four major sports in America. The Flyers were within two wins of a Stanley Cup title in 2010, yet they always seem to take a backseat to the other teams in the city. With such a strong start this season, will people start to take notice? I sure hope so. The Flyers certainly made headlines by trading away Mike Richards and Jeff Carter over the summer. With players like Ilya Bryzgalov, Wayne Simmonds and Sean Couturier now on the roster, the Flyers still have a strong chance to rise through the Eastern Conference standings. Besides the changes general manager Paul Holmgren made in the offseason, the team still boasts extraordinary talent. James van Riemsdyk and Claude Giroux, both under the age of 25, are two of the league’s finest young players. If you ask me, Giroux is poised to become one of the league’s top forwards within the next few years. Heck, his skill set should make you want to watch him now, if you have the chance. Hockey has been a fixture in Philadelphia since its inception in 1967 and the 2011-12 campaign should not change that perception. I’ve always felt that hockey is the most exciting and fast-paced sport in North America. Philly has an already strong Flyers following but I would love to see the fans come out in full force right now. The main point I’m trying to get across is that the “rebuilt” Flyers are the most exciting sports team in our city right now. Even if hockey hasn’t peaked your interest in the past, give it a shot now. The Eagles are performing at a sub-par level and the Phillies and 76ers just aren’t in the picture. This Flyers team has the passion and youth needed to succeed. Hopefully this start is what the Flyers need to alert others that they can be Philadelphia’s No. 1 team. I’ve bled orange for my whole life and I only wish that others will start to follow this team more closely this season.
More to life than soccer for ‘DJ M Eddy’ BY MARYKATE MCCANN Staff Writer ‘DJ M Eddy,’ better known as elementary education major Maddy Edwards, is the last one who can prevent her opponents from scoring and the first one to be killing it on the turntables. Edwards started her soccer career at the age of 5 and has been going at it ever since. Not only did she play soccer, but she has played basketball, lacrosse and track and field as well. Experiencing different sports helped her find her love for the game of soccer. “I can’t wait for the MLS playoff season,” Edwards said. “My favorite soccer player is Hope Solo. She is an amazing athlete and most of all an amazing goalkeeper.” Edwards remembers how she originally discovered Cabrini College. “One day I received an email from Coach Ken [Prothero] and became interested in visiting the campus,” Edwards said. “From there, I knew this place was for me.” Outside of school, the Dixon Center and of course, disc jockeying, she coaches a soccer team called Barcelona. With Barcelona,
she educates 9-year-old girls on how to play the game of soccer while teaching them the basics and improving their skills. On top of all that, she babysits an 8-year-old autistic boy who has changed the way she looks at the world. “I am a very big advocate for kids with autism,” Edwards said. “I work with his family to organize their fundraiser, ‘Team Louis,’ to find a cure for autism.” Edwards’ parents have been there for her since day one. “They have given up so much to give my brother and I great lives and to ensure I was getting the right skills and coaching,” Edwards said. Assistant soccer coach Jess Huda described Edwards as one of the most versatile players she knows. Huda has been with the Cavaliers as an assistant coach for 11 years. “Since freshman year, Maddy has played literally every position on the field,” Huda said. As a freshman, Edwards recorded nine points with four goals and one assist. She received CSAC Honorable Mention and was an All-Academic honoree. Edwards lived on campus her fresh-
14 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
A decade after graduating, Moose takes
command of Cavaliers golf program
BY BEATRICE MCQUISTON Staff Writer Brian Moose never thought he would be back working at Cabrini after graduating in 2001. Ten years later, he is now the new head golf coach for the Cavaliers. Moose first became involved in the sport by his father and grandfather. “I remember the first nine holes I played with my grandfather,” Moose said. “I thought the golf cart was by far BRIAN MOOSE the coolest thing I had ever seen and wasn’t all that interested in the golf.” He started to take golf more seriously when he started playing with his father. “I would watch golf on TV every chance I could and really tried to imitate the golf swings that I saw on TV,” Moose said. “I
would hit golf balls at a local park in town and have to go and pick them up when I was finished.” Moose’s father has since watched him play in tournaments and even caddied for him. “I am really looking forward to have my father come out and see the team and how my golf career has progressed,” Moose said. Moose has been the first assistant golf professional at Rivercrest Golf Club & Preserve in Phoenixville, Pa., since 2008. Among his duties are organizing clubs and match play tournaments, running the club’s junior golf program and teaching golf lessons. Moose was also the assistant caddie master at Rivercrest prior to his current position. Moose graduated in 2001 with a degree in elementary education. He competed on the Cavaliers golf team in 2000-01 and was named to the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) All-Conference Team in 2001. The program was in its initial phase when he played for the team.
“I remember walking into Dr. [Tony] Verde’s office and asking him if we had a golf team and that I would like to play,” Moose said. Verde is a professor of exercise science and health promotion as well as the team’s assistant coach. Moose really enjoyed the competition tremendously but mostly the camaraderie that he developed with his teammates during those two years. “It is an honor to come back to Cabrini as the head golf coach,” Moose said. “I had been looking for a golf coaching job for the past six months off and on but not too seriously.” Over the summer Moose applied for a coaching position in the area only to find out a day after he sent his resume in that the job had been given away to another candidate. A few days later, Moose looked online to see if anything else was posted and saw a job posting for Cabrini. “It seems funny how things work out sometimes,” Moose said. Moose has many goals going into his first season here at Cabrini. His biggest
goal for the golf team is that they become better players and individuals through their experiences while on the golf team. He also really wants to continue the success the team has seen the past few seasons with winning CSAC’s and making nationals. “I want the team to reach the next level and make the cut at nationals,” Moose said. “Who knows? We will see what we can do from there.” As far as this season goes, Moose is really looking forward to what the Cabrini golf team can accomplish together. The team looks to have potential with a young team but the experience coming from upperclass players Chris Sarvadi, Rob Bass and Pat Rooney looks promising. “It is going to be fun to watch these three improve and lead our new guys and once they gain some experience this fall I feel like we will be ready to go for the spring season,” Moose said.
Students and faculty participated in the fifth annual Fair Trade wallyball tournament in the Dixon Center from Oct. 17 to Oct. 19. As in past years, the tournament featured 16 teams.
Students play wallyball to promote Fair Trade BY NICK LAROSA Sports Editor For the fifth year in a row, students and faculty members gathered in the Dixon Center to help raise awareness for Fair Trade. A Fair Trade wallyball tournament featuring 16 teams took place from Monday, Oct. 17 to Wednesday, Oct. 19, giving participants the chance to showcase their athletic skills while also promoting Fair Trade. Wallyball is similar to volleyball except for the fact that it is played on a squash court and players are able to bounce the ball off of the walls. “It’s a great tournament,” Orlin Jespersen, assistant director of recreation, said. “We always get a really good response and a lot of interest. It seems like everyone is really competitive.” Jespersen recalls Cabrini looking for a way to combine fair trade products and athletics. Because the squash courts at the Dixon Center provide players with a lot of space, wallyball seemed like the perfect option for an intramural sport. “We realized that we could play an intramural typeleague and we started looking at different fun, fast-paced things that we could play and volleyball came to mind,” Jespersen said. “Wallyball with the squash courts was easy
to do because there wasn’t any type of issue with the space and it has worked out really well.” The success of wallyball has made the October tournament a fixture at Cabrini. Even though some people are unfamiliar with the rules, the event is very laid back and welcomes students and faculty members to join together.
“Some teams get competitive but the philosophy is fair play and good sportsmanship.” Orlin Jespersen
“It’s novel that not everyone knows how to play it because then people don’t come in expecting that others are going to be experts,” Jespersen said. As competitive as the matches are, promoting the rights of human beings and Fair Trade is what the event is truly about. “Right now we’re trying to become a Fair Trade campus,” Rasha Sharhan, CRS Fair Trade ambassador, said. “We’ve been having the wallyball tournament for five
years and the whole idea of it is just promoting Fair Trade.” Outside of the wallyball tournament, the campus has been setting up tables around campus encouraging students to buy Fair Trade clothing. Last week, the Marketplace made banana splits to promote Fair Trade awareness. October is Fair Trade awarenss month. After reciting a Fair Trade pledge, students were officially granted the right to participate in the tournament. Each team played with four players on the court and the series ended once a team reached 21 points. “It was an amazing experience and my teammates were amazing,” Jesse Oyola, freshman business major, said. “It was really fun and it’s great that everything was for a good cause,” Avery Chapman, junior business major, said. “Everybody played hard today.” Oyola and Chapman were just two of the many students who participated in the tournament on Tuesday, Oct. 18. While the issue of Fair Trade was what the wallyball tournament wanted to get across to people, the teamwork of the 16 teams cannot go unnoticed. “Some teams get competitive but the philosophy is fair play and good sportsmanship,” Jespersen said. “This is what intramurals are about because you have teams coming together to play and have fun.” NAL42@CABRINI.EDU
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
The Loquitur | 15
Strong defense guides Cavs to 0-0 draw with GMC BY KEVIN DURSO Staff Writer The women’s soccer team battled Gwynedd-Mercy College to a scoreless draw on Saturday, Oct. 15, in a CSAC match at Edith Robb Dixon Field. The draw is the second of the season for the Lady Cavs and their first against a CSAC opponent. The tie brings Cabrini’s overall record to 8-4-2 and their record in the CSAC standings to 6-1-1. Despite being held scoreless, the Lady Cavs played a solid game, managing several scoring chances throughout the match. The only thing missing was a goal. “We do everything right,” 10th-year head coach Ken Prothero said. “We possess, we play good balls and we earn corner kicks and free kicks. We’re just not getting the ball in the net.” The tie snapped a five-game winning streak for the Lady Cavs. However, their unbeaten streak was extended to six games. Among the scoring chances were 13 corner kicks for Cabrini. The Lady Cavs also registered six shots on goal, all of which were stopped by Gwynedd-Mercy’s senior goalkeeper Abby Reed. Among the shot leaders for Cabrini were senior forward/midfielder Kara Hinkelmon and freshman midfield-
er Melissa Scanzano. Each had four of Cabrini’s 19 shots in the match. Cabrini outshot Gwynedd-Mercy 19-7. “We all just need to work together,” Hinkelmon said. “Everyone’s got to step up, do their job and work together as a team.” Junior goalkeeper Maddy Edwards stopped all three shots on goal by Gwynedd-Mercy. It was her eighth shutout of the season. “I do the best to support my team,” Edwards said. “If it comes down to me, I do what I can.” In this battle of wills, neither team seemed to find a total advantage. While the Lady Cavs led the play for much of the first half, the Griffins most dangerous threat came at the closing stages of the first half. The second half featured a similar end, but in Cabrini’s favor this time. A similar late scoring threat nearly paid off, but the Lady Cavs were unable to score. After 90 minutes of tense game play, both sides faced double-overtime. After two 10-minute sessions of extra time, both teams settled for a scoreless draw. In front of a crowd of 143 people, the tension of the match was felt in the stands as well as on the field. “You try and stay calm,” Hinkelmon said. “You’re still playing the game and you have plenty more opportunities.” Including Senior Night against Immaculata University
on Wednesday, Oct. 19, there are three remaining games on the Lady Cavs’ schedule, all against CSAC opponents, before the CSAC playoffs begin on Oct. 31. “It puts us under more pressure in terms of the last three games,” Prothero said. “If we want a bye in the first week, we’re going to have to come up big against some good competition.” Even with the draw, the team can take away several positives. The team’s ability to create scoring chances was evident throughout the match. Despite the tie, the team remains among the top teams in the CSAC conference. After play on Oct. 15, the Lady Cavs were in third place in the conference, just three conference points out of first. They trail Centenary College and Neumann University in the CSAC standings. Regardless of the standings, the team goal remains focused on a strong playoff run. The Lady Cavs are working toward their first CSAC title since 2009. “Even through a tie and losses we come together,” senior forward Sammy Thompson said. “We’re going to find a way to win eventually. We just have to keep working together.”
Despite taking 19 shots, the women’s soccer team played to a 0-0 tie with Gwynedd-Mercy College on Satuday, Oct. 15. The Cavaliers now hold a 6-1-1 record in conference play.
Sports Blurbals Eagles get much-needed win against Redskins The Philadelphia Eagles improved their record to 2-4 heading into a bye week by defeating the Washington Redskins 20-13 on Sunday, Oct. 16. The Eagles defense finally stopped the run by holding the Redskins to 42 rushing yards. Kurt Coleman returned to the defense and was a presence as he had three interceptions. LeSean McCoy had a career high 28 carries for 126 yards and a touchdown. Michael Vick, who got banged up in this win, was still able to throw for 237 yards and a touchdown. Redskins Quarterback Rex Grossman was pulled after throwing 4 interceptions and was replaced by backup John Beck, who passed for 117 yards in the game.
LSU ranked No. 1 in BCS standings On Sunday, Oct. 16, the first BCS standings were issued and LSU was on top. Alabama was second followed by Oklahoma and Oklahoma St. This is the first time since 2000 that the top four teams are only from two conferences. The game everyone is anticipating between LSU and Alabama takes place on Saturday, Nov. 5 in Tuscaloosa, Al. This game will potentially decide which team will play for the national championship. Oklahoma and Oklahoma St. also meet in late November, a matchup that will have a big impact on the BCS. Boise State, who is ranked fifth, sits in a good position because they will have the most to gain as the top four teams prepare to play one another. The SEC Conference has produced the last five national champions.
Dan Wheldon dies in Indy Race Dan Wheldon, the 2011 Indianapolis 500 winner, died in a horrific crash at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Sunday, Oct. 16. Wheldon was 33 and had won the 2005 Indy series and had an impressive resume that consisted of two Indianapolis 500 victories. The crash occurred on lap 11 when there was a 15-car pile up. The race was canceled after the crash and the drivers decided to pay tribute to Wheldon with a fivelap salute to their fellow driver. An autopsy determined that Wheldon died of blunt trauma to the head.
Rangers advance to second consecutive World Series The Texas Rangers advanced to their second consecutive World Series with a 15-5 win over the Detroit Tigers on Saturday, Oct. 15. The Rangers were down 2-0 in the third inning when they exploded for 9 runs. Michael Young hit two doubles in the inning and Nelson Cruz’s home run stunned the Tigers. Cruz was selected as the ALCS MVP with his record-setting series. He set records by hitting six home runs and driving in 13 runs in the series. The Rangers became the first American League team to repeat as league champions since the Yankees did it four times in a row, from 1998-2001. The World Series begins Wednesday night in St. Louis as the Rangers look for their first World Series title in Franchise History. BY NICK RAYNER / STAFF WRITER
16 | The Loquitur
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Lady Cavs cruise to win over
Cedar Crest in team effort
The women’s field hockey team defeated Cedar Crest College on Thursday, Oct. 13 by a score of 7-1. The rain held off for the Cavs, which helped the team to get their energy level up for their first night home game. They came out for the game ready to win and they did exactly that. “Our team is really positive on and off the field,” sophomore forward Chelsea Prichett said. “We were ready for the win.” The players started off with great pressure and strong movement. From the first whistle, the Lady Cavaliers dominated the play of ball. The fans were actively cheering on the players and helped keep their positive momentum going. The Cavs took a 1-0 lead 13 minutes into the first half after a goal from Lindsey Atzert. After the first goal, the team was ready to keep going strong with no letting up. They had great communication with each other and made sure everyone was playing together. With the first goal came four more, making the score 5-0 going into half time. “We played really well tonight, our passing and communication really helped,” sophomore midfielder Erin
McLaughlin said. The Cavaliers kept the intensity up going into the second half and started the same way they did at the beginning of the game. The energy and positive attitude showed in the way the game went. The players on the sideline were really supportive of the players on the field and helped to make sure everyone’s head was up.
“It was a great opportunity for the whole team to contribute.” Jackie Neary
“We were able to use everyone on our team tonight, which was great because we have such a big squad,” senior forward Lauren Alessi said. “The team had fun tonight.” The Lady Cavaliers never gave up and always were the first to the ball. Just six minutes into the second half, Cabrini scored their sixth goal of the game. Even though
the team was switching players in and out of the lineup, the team’s momentum never changed. Head coach Jackie Neary kept the ladies positive throughout the whole game and did her best to give everyone a fair shot to play. “It was a great opportunity for the whole team to contribute to the win,” Neary said. “I am really looking forward to the next couple of conference games.” The players never lost their team unity during the game. Cabrini continued to connect on passes and work together as a team. “With this being our only night game of the season, we really wanted to make it a memorable one,” sophomore back Samantha LaMaina said. The Cavaliers ended the game strong with a score of 12-1 shot advantage over Cedar Crest. The team enjoyed a tailgate with family and friends following the 7-1 win. The women’s field hockey team will play three more regular season games this season and will face the College of New Jersey on Thursday, Oct. 20 in Ewing, N.J. “We are really excited for the rest of the season and are working hard to dominate the CSAC,” LaMaina said.
ABOVE LEFT: Cavaliers forward Kate Solewin moves across centerfield with the ball during Cabrini’s 7-1 victory over Cedar Crest College. ABOVE RIGHT: With Cedar Crest forward Lauren Salge nearby, Cabrini back Rachel Antuzzi attempts to gain possession of the ball and pass it to a teammate.
Cavalier Athletic Calendar Thursday, Oct. 20
Friday, Oct. 21
Field Hockey @ The College of New Jersey 7:30 p.m.
Women’s Tennis vs. Marywood University (Semifinal - Easton, Pa.) 1 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 23 Golf @ Immaculata University Invitational (Day One) 12:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 24 Golf @ Immaculata University Invitational (Day Two) 9 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 22 Field Hockey @ Marywood University 11 a.m. Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Cabrini College Invitational 11 a.m.
Women’s Swimming @ University of Scranton and FDU-Florham 1 p.m. Women’s Soccer @ Marywood University 1:30 p.m.
Men’s Soccer vs. Rosemont College noon
Women’s Tennis Final (Easton, Pa.) 2 p.m.
Men’s Swimming @ University of Scranton and FDU-Florham 1 p.m.
Volleyball vs. Immaculata University 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 25 Men’s Soccer @ Philadelphia Biblical University 3:30 p.m. Women’s Soccer @ Rosemont College 4 p.m. Volleyball vs. Haverford College 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 26 No Events