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Day of Silence raises campus awareness

SILENCE, page 1 e O ce of Student Diversity collaborated with the o ce of Student Diversity and SEaL to form a committee to plan the day and what it entailed.


“At rst while sitting at the table, I was upset because it seemed like people just wanted to ignore the fact that others who identify with the LGBT community don’t have a problem, or maybe they didn’t have two minutes to spare out their day to her some information that they may have been curious about,” Davis said.

It was clear that the day was to highlight the silence that LGBT people face in their day-to-day lives through the many vocal and silent allies.

“I want people to have the same experience I did and have the right to be out if they feel comfortable enough,” John Eddings, sophomore biology major, said.

From 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 20, those who vowed to be silent did so in honor of the LGBT community.

“During the day, I felt a little hesitant to put the tape on my mouth because I did not want people to stare at me but as the day progressed I gained more con dence,” Gleaves said.

Several students also decided to be vocal allies for the day.

“I choose to be a vocal ally I have friends and family who are a part of the LGBT community and it scares me the things they have to go through, but it annoys me even more that people refuse to recognize injustice when they

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