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Female Marines

Move To Front Line

e Marines are the most male dominated service in the league but it’s putting its foot in the right direction moving women into war- ghting units, starting with the infantry o ce school in Quantico, Va. and combat battalions which were once closed o to women. e reason for the big move is because of a large study being done on how women perform in mainly male units.

Read the oRiginal StoRy on Philly com | aPRil 24, 2012

Debt Collector is being accused on unexpected hospital visits

Patients at a local hospital in Minnesota waiting in the emergency got more than they bargain for after being threatened by a debt collector. e debt collector, belonging to the largest medical collectors of debt Accretive Health went to random rooms and demanded patients to pay before receiving treatments.

Read the oRiginal StoRy on nytimeS com | aPRil 24, 2012

Romney Produces Further Wins

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney a rms that has gotten another ve states under his belt and claims to the Republican presidential nomination after 43 primaries and caucuses. Romney states that he is going to campaign dynamically against President Barack Obama.

Read the oRiginal StoRy on nytimeS com | aPRil 25, 2012

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