Jan. 31, 2013 issue 15 Loquitur

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Thursday Jan. 31, 2013 VOL . LIV, ISSUE 15




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‘Now is the time’ for compassion without compromise C


ongress and President Obama are proposing immigration reform. After a decade of fighting, it may happen. We are happy that progress is beginning, but we believe that what both the President and Congress propose is missing important points. We agree more with what the Justice for Immigrants Campaign proposes, which adds compassion to the equation, supporting reform that:

1. Provides a path to citizenship for undocumented persons in the country. 2. Preserves family unity as a cornerstone of our national immigration system. 3. Provides legal paths for low-skilled immigrant workers to come and work in the United States. 4. Restores due process protections to our immigration enforcement policies. 5. Addresses the root causes (push factors) of migration, such as persecution and economic disparity. True immigration reform may be on the horizon – if President Obama takes a more critical approach to some of the issues being proposed. In his speech at Del Sol High School in Las Vegas, Nevada, Obama cited four main points his administration will focus on to carry out his vision: continued border security strength, a sharper crackdown on employers that hire undocumented workers, the creation of a path to citizenship, and an overall reworking of our lapsed legal immigration system. It’s meaningful that his speech took place at a high school in Nevada, a state in which over a quarter of the population is Latino, according to Las Vegas’ local NBC affiliate. The news outlet also cited a 2011 Pew Hispanic Center study that found 7.2 percent of Nevada’s residents are undocumented immigrants – a larger percentage than any other state. On top of it, however, the high school location serves as an acknowledgement that immigration most affects our youth – individuals who are often marked “illegal” or “alien” without the recognition that, more often than not, these youths came to the U.S. as infants or toddlers; that, without their parents’ treacherous journey to America, which was their only true chance at pursuing the American dream due to a failing immigration system, these children would have been trapped in the same cyclical poverty their parents tried so hard to escape. Clearly the location for Obama’s speech was chosen to reach those who this initiative most represents. But it’s been a long time coming. The DREAM Act, which could have provided permanent residency to undocumented immigrants if they met certain criteria like actively working towards a high school or college diploma, was first proposed in 2001. A federal version was never passed – but a state version was passed in California in 2011 and, the day after Obama’s reelection, Maryland passed their version of the DREAM Act. IMMIGRATION, PAGE 2




We are the


2012-2013 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Brandon Desiderio MANAGING EDITOR Laura Gallagher CREATIVE EDITOR Jessica Regina Johnson-Petty ENGAGEMENT EDITOR Beatrice McQuiston MULTIMEDIA EDITOR MaryKate McCann NEWS EDITOR Robert Riches SPORTS EDITOR Kevin Durso LIFESTYLES EDITORS Jenay Smith Jessica Regina Johnson-Petty PERSPECTIVES EDITOR Lia Ferrante

Immigration reform is priority

PHOTO EDITOR Kaitlyn Kohler ADVISER Jerome Zurek

Mission The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini Communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. The newspaper and website provide a forum of free expression. All members of the college community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the student editors.

Letters to the Editor The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. They should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be emailed to loquitur@cabrini.edu.





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Progress has been slow for the undocumented over the past twelve years, with the bill being brought to the House and Senate several times but falling just short of the votes necessary for its passing – often with criticism from Republicans that immigration would have to be more strictly enforced for it to pass, which Obama has clearly listened to and incorporated into his vision for immigration reform. The problem, as Suzy Khim of the Washington Post notes, is that something like stricter border enforcement is already a reality. The 2007 immigration reform bill passed under the Bush administration aimed for 105 radar and camera towers to be built along the U.S. border – but that number’s now exceeded 300. As for border patrol agents, the 2007 bill called for 20,000 total – since FY 2011, however, that number has exceeded 21,400. In the wake of Obama’s long-awaited comprehensive immigration reform proposal, we at the Loquitur believe that this message of reform must not be lost in the illusory call for stricter enforcement. While it’s crucial that our border patrol be maintained, the continued growth of its policing should not be the priority. That was the idea

behind 2007’s reform – now it’s time for our idea of reform to evolve. As Mother Cabrini herself wrote in a letter to immigrants of Latin American and the Caribbean, “I know the wants of every one of you. I will take a great interest in you and keep you close to my heart – you may be sure of this.” She devoted her life to immigrants and their struggles, herself an Italian immigrant who later became a U.S. citizen – and then the first U.S. citizen canonized as a Catholic saint. We must strive to further her work and keep immigrants close to our own hearts and recognize the many factors in their migration, not just messily accommodate for our misgivings. We must be unwilling to compromise on our brothers’ and sisters’ inclusion. The New York State Youth Leadership Council criticized Obama’s projected reform proposal exactly for its attempt to gather more votes by compromising with conservatives, saying that they “expect our elected officials to be more creative than repackaging old and obsolete discussions and ideas in the name of a new bipartisan framework, especially in a year when both Republicans and Democrats alike have witnessed the

power of the immigrant vote. “ According to an impreMedia-Latino Decisions poll, Obama had won about 75 percent of Latino votes in the nation, largely, analysts say, due to his stance on immigration reform. The path to resolution must focus on the very Americans who aren’t recognized as citizens; this is about Americans who are faced daily with slurs, with hatred, because they chose a life of promise over a life of poverty; this is about impoverished communities across the border which leave their citizens jobless, left with the option to pursue their dreams for something better, or to stay put and hope for the best. As a country, we must look to the horizon, joining our hands with those who now, more than ever, deserve to be regarded as American as ourselves. As Cabrinians, we must remember our duty to uphold Mother Cabrini’s courageous work for America’s immigrant population over a century ago. Immigration reform is intrinsic to our community, to our identity. We must uphold the values of our college’s namesake and advocate on behalf of the immigrants among all of us – on behalf of the immigrants in all of us.


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Public Safety no longer on desk in residence halls

New proposal calls for increased response time, student work-study jobs Desk Assistant Details to create a work-study position known as a


Public Safety has not left the residence

Cabrini College has recently made the decision to not have public safety sit overnight at the desks in the residence halls anymore. Instead, they will be patrolling campus. “They [Public Safety] didn’t get pulled out of the residence halls,� Susan Kramer, director of Residence Life, said. “The change is that they will be doing rounds of the building constantly.� For years Cabrini College’s public safety has sat at the desk in the residence halls from midnight to 6 a.m. every night. Public safety would sign students in and assure that only residents and their guests are coming in and out of the building. The question everyone wants to know is what is going to happen to keep the residence halls safe?

“They [Public Safety] didn’t get pulled out of the residence halls. The change is that they will be doing rounds of the building constantly.� SUSAN KRAMER

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r 4VQFSWJTPS 4VTBO ,SBNFS LSBNFS!DBCSJOJ FEV r /VNCFS PG TUVEFOUT EFTJSFE GPS UIJT QPTJUJPO r ǔF %FTL "TTJTUBOU JT BO JOUFHSBM NFNCFS PG UIF %FQBSUNFOU PG 3FTJEFODF -JGF responsible for helping to facilitate a welcoming, caring, healthy and safe environment, and promoting community. As the first contact to residents, visitors, and persons in and outside of the community, the Desk Assistant must demonstrate professionalism and customer service at all times, while also responding quickly and effectively in emergency situations.

halls; they will just not be sitting at the desks. Public Safety will now have officers doing continual tours of each building and one officer on each side of campus on road patrol. The idea is that the response time, in the case of an incident, will be significantly less. In the past, the officer at desk would have to wait for an officer to back him up and cover the desk while he responds to something in the hall. Now the officer that is continually touring each building can respond right away to an incident without waiting for backup. As of press time, Public Safety has not commented on the situation. On the other hand, Kramer has spoken about the interim plan and the plan moving forward to keep the halls safe. Residence Life has a working plan to help with the loss of personnel at the desks. Resident Assistants otherwise known as “RAs� sit at a desk Sundays through Wednesdays from 8 p.m. to midnight, and Thursdays through Saturdays 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Resident Assistants are also on duty in each residence hall. This means in addition to an RA at desk, there will be another RA that will be doing continual rounds of each building every hour at the top of the hour. This is only the temporary plan as Residence Life is working on a resolution

Desk Assistant. A Desk Assistant will sit at the desks in the residence halls signing residents in seven days a week from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Desk Assistant is another opportunity for a leadership position on campus. Desk Assistants will go through a formal training similar to Resident Assistants but not as intense. Their trainings will be the basics about safety, who to call and when, as well as some confrontational skills. When this Desk Assistant position is put into action what change will it bring to the residence halls? There will also be an increase in the frequency residents will see RAs and have a chance to interact with them and build community in the residence halls. An RA’s job is to build community and this will be easier once this system is put in place. The idea is that with a student-run desk system students will feel more comfortable. Having a student’s face at the desk instead of public safety, can build more community. Cabrini is not the first school to do this as many schools nationwide have student-run desk systems. However, it is still a concept that is foreign to the College. NCC36@CABRINI.EDU

Students embark on annual ski trip BY HEATHER LAPERGOLA Asst. News Editor

As the winter winds pick up, so does the start of the second semester at Cabrini as well as the events the College has to offer. Sunday, Jan. 27, the Student Engagement and Leadership (SEaL) office partnered with Outdoor Recreation and held their annual Ski Trip. “I had already tried snowboarding in high school. That was painful and I don’t ever want to try skiing. But I’ve never been snow-tubing, so I decided to go to give it a try,� Caitlin Canfield, trip attendee, said. “I’m glad I did. It was a lot of fun.� “My favorite part was going down the hills, spinning and bonding with my friends,� Canfield said. Caitlin also works in the SEaL office so when asked how the trip went from the perspective of the office she said,“ From what I heard, everyone had fun, and on the ride back, everyone was asleep so they must’ve had fun.� Twenty-two people were in attendance as busses to Blue Mountain left at 8 a.m. that morning. Anne Filippone, director of SEaL, commented that this was the third or fourth year they’ve held the Ski Trip and that it is usually just as successful as it was this time around. Both SEaL and Recreation host events like the Ski Trip throughout the year. The next few upcoming Outdoor Recreation events JODMVEF BOPUIFS 4LJ USJQ UP #MVF .PVOUBJO PO CPUI 'FC BOE BU 7:30 a.m. SEaL’s closest upcoming events are Bingo on Feb. 12 and Quizzo on Feb. 15. HML37@CABRINI.EDU


Junior business administration major Adriana Rizzutto and junior biology major John Eddings at the Ski Trip on Jan. 27.

Can Feinstein’s weapons ban work? BY DYLAN HILEMAN Guest Writer

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and 16 other Senators introduced legislation in January known officially by its short title as the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. The legislation specifically targets what Sen. Feinstein calls “military-style assault weapons.� The bill begins with what is one of the most controversial parts: “to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited,� which is a nod to the Supreme Court after an identical opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008). The key parts of the legislation are a reaffirmation of the weapons traditionally banned in the United States and many new ones specifically listed; a new ban on any ammunition device capable of feeding more than ten rounds and bans on weapon accessories ranging from rocket and grenade launchers to forward pistol grips and threaded barrels which make it possible for flash suppressors and silencers to be affixed. While the bill makes the import, sale, manufacture, transfer and possession of such firearms illegal, it is important to know that the legislation says the rules do not apply to any weapon lawfully obtained when the bill goes into effect (provided grandfathered weapons are locked up and accessible solely to the owner), any that has been rendered inoperable or is recognized as an antique, or any weapon that is operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action. As a California native, tough gun laws are not unfamiliar. Senator Feinstein’s own backyard has anti-gun laws as deep as some cities going as far as banning toy guns, but none of those stopped California from just falling victim to a school shooting in Kern County. The best solution will come from a mixed bag of public domain weapons knowledge, community preparedness, and better access to quality mental health care. Dylan Hileman is a junior double majoring in political science and philosophy. Hailing from Long Beach, Calif., Dylan has interned for Congressman Pat Meehan, and plans on applying to law school after graduation. Prior to his time at Cabrini, he was a distinguished cadet officer at Valley Forge Military College.



Thursday Mass



Poster Sale

No scheduled events

JAN. 31

FEB. 1

FEB. 2

Students, faculty, staff and the outside community are all welcome to come together as one and celebrate Mass.

Beyond the Wall will be on campus for their semesterly poster sale featuring a wide variety of dorm posters.

No events are scheduled on campus. Take the day to hang out with friends, catch up on homework, or anything!




Bruckmann Memorial Chapel, 8:30 a.m.



Downton Abbey Party


Jazzman’s Cafe, 10:30 a.m.




CIT Relax and Lead

Active Minds Meeting

FEB. 3

FEB. 4

FEB. 5

FEB. 6

Watch season three of Downton Abbey while everyone else is watching the Super Bowl.

Students, faculty, staff and the outside community are all welcome to come together as one and celebrate Mass.

This week’s Cavaliers in Transition installment is Finding your Mission and Authentic Motivation.

Join Active Minds for conversation about increasing awareness of mental health issues.

Holy Spirit Library, 6 p.m.

Bruckmann Memorial Chapel, 12:30 p.m.

Holy Spirit Library, 6:30 p.m.

Founder’s Hall 352, 4:30 p.m.

THURSDAYBRIEFING Governors persue reliance on sales tax

Obama signs $50.5B Sandy bill

Republican governors are aggressively persuing proposals that would cut personal and corporate income taxes while increasing sales and consumption taxes. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Lousiana and Gov. Dave Heineman of Nebraska are pushing to repeal income taxes altogether and increase sales taxes to offset that through higher sales taxes. Republicans argue that sales taxes lift economic growth; however, Democrats argue that only the wealthy are rewarded. Read the original story at NYTimes.com | Jan. 24, 2013

President Barack Obama signed a $50.5 billion aid bill for victims of Superstorm Sandy shortly after arriving from a visit to Nevada. Congress gave the bill final approval on Monday evening. Congress debated for over three months on approving the bill, with some unrelated money even being taken out of the bill. 3FBE UIF PSJHJOBM TUPSZ BU 1IJMMZ DPN ] +BO

Senators agree on immigration overhaul A group of bipartisan senators have reached an agreement on an overhaul of the American immigration system. The agreement includes a path to citizenship for over 11 million immigrants as well as ensurance that immigrants leave at the expiration of their visas. The plan calls for eight Senators to address what is wrong with the current immigration system in one big measure instead of several smaller measures. The plan would allow most immigrants to apply for residency, but only after certain measures for border enforcement can be achieved. Read the original story at NYTimes.com | Jan. 27, 2013

Death toll surpasses 200 in Brazil nightclub fire A band’s pyrotechnic ignited a fire at the Kiss nightclub in Santa Maria, Brazil, killing BOE JOKVSJOH BT PG QSFTT UJNF 4FDVSJUZ HVBSET BU UIF DMVC XFSF BMMFHFE UP IBWF blocked the exits, which intensified panic and contributed to the death toll. The fire allegedly started after the band’s pyrotechnic ignited a foam ceiling. Santa Maria is a major Brazilian college town and a majority of the victims were between 18 and 30 years old. Read the original story at NYTimes.com | Jan. 27, 2013

Royalties decrease during era of music streaming sites GOOGLE MAPS

Location of the Kiss Nightclub in Santa Maria, Brazil where over 200 people were killed in a fire that ignited when a performer’s pyrotechnic display ignited the ceiling.

Music streaming services such as Spotify and Pandora allow users to trim down the amount of money spent on music; however, the amount an artist gets in royalties is trimmed down as well. The average musician may earn seven to 10 cents per every DFOU EPXOMPBE GSPN UIF J5VOFT TUPSF BOE FWFO MFTT GPS CFJOH QMBZFE PO 4QPUJGZ or Pandora. Artists receice fractions of a cent each time a song is played on Spotify or Pandora; however, this royalty is paid every time a user clicks on a song and has the potential to quickly accrue. According to executives in the music industry, Spotify pays UP DFOUT JO SPZBMUJFT PO JUT QBJE TFSWJDFT BOE VQ UP QFSDFOU MFTT GPS JUT GSFF UJFS Music lawyers believe that royalties from streaming services can increase if these services can become mainstream.. Read the original story at NYTimes.com | Jan. 28, 2013

BY ROBERT RICHES News Editor 353 Ćž$"#3*/* &%6




Search Retreat provides chance for self-exploration BY RYAN MCLAUGHLIN Asst. News Editor

When life seems like such a routine sometimes and you don’t have time to take a step back and reconnect yourself, a retreat can be the perfect answer for you. “I think it’s a great experience for students especially if students are looking for a niche to fit in at Cabrini or looking to expand their group of friends,� Stephanie Salinis, campus minister, said. “The idea would be, at the end of the retreat, the students would have a better

We talk about going on retreat to strengthen your relationships with God, other people including family and friends and with creation as well. THE REV. CARL JANICKI

sense of themselves, a better sense of themselves in relationships,� the Rev. Carl Janicki said. “We talk about going on retreat to strengthen your relationships with God, other people including family and friends and with creation as well.� The Search Retreat will take place from Friday, Feb. 15 to Sunday, Feb. 17. It will be held two hours away off campus in the Poconos at “Country Place.� There are no previous requirements to go on the retreat but the Campus Ministry does require a $20 (mostly commitment) fee to attend. A retreat is more then just a break from everyday life. College is a time where students ask many questions about life and faith. “I want to go to deepen my faith and grow in what I’ve already grown in so tremendously at Campus Ministry,� Jennifer Persia, junior elementary and special education major and peer minister, said. “I want to take the time and look into myself and see how I deal with my faith related to other people.� Past retreats have been very successful as well. Father Carl mentioned that the positive

impact of the retreats lasts. After talking with others who have been on past retreats, all had very good words to put in about how in one way or another it affected their lives in a positive light. No matter how dedicated you are to your faith, a retreat can be a perfect chance to brush off the cobwebs and reconnect yourself with God, new friends and maybe a new sense for ones self. To sign up for the Search Retreat, applications can be found on the third floor of Founder’s Hall at the Campus Ministry desk. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, Feb. 6. 3.. ƞ$"#3*/* &%6


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LEADStrong helps students hone leadership skills BY ALEXA MILANO Asst. News Editor

Cabrini’s LEADStrong program offers students the opportunity to hone in on their leadership abilities and skills and to “contribute positively to the various communities in which they serve,� director of the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership, Anne Filippone and one of the faculty members on the LEADStrong committee, said. According to the LEADStrong web-page, the LEADStrong program covers topics such as self-awareness, resume writing, conflict resolution and group dynamics. “All students should gain a better understanding of who they are and why they approach situations in a particular way,� Filippone said. LEADStrong offers around six or seven programs each month through March. Programs titled such as “Interviewing 101,� “Leading from within,� “Living a value driven life� and “What do you mean I can’t do everything?� are offered to help students really hone in on the specific aspects of their leadership skills they want to enhance. “The qualities that I can learn from the program I can use for my future endeavors and career options,� sophomore LEADStrong participant, Jillian Megna, said. LEADStrong is specifically designed for students who hold leadership positions

on campus. “Students must attend workshops to earn a total of 20 workshop points, complete the Student Leadership Practices Inventory, 10 hours of service, and they must hold a leadership role within a student group and another approved group,� Filippone said. There is a committee of staff and faculty members on that plan the programs for the semester. The committee consists of 12 members including Susan Kramer of the Residence Life department, Stephanie Salinis from Campus Ministry, Andy West from Athletics and Recreation, Richie Gebauer from the First Year Experience and notable others. “We also get a great deal of feedback from others, both on campus and off,� Filippone said. “And [we] participate in a consortium of local colleges and universities focused on leadership education.� LEADStrong is open to all undergraduate students and although it is a certificate program, it’s free of charge. Although LEADStrong is program that is only two years old, the committee is looking forward to gaining more participants in the upcoming semester. “I’m looking forward to getting new members and having the reputation of LEADStrong grow on campus,�Amber LaJeunesse, assistant director of the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership and a current LEADStrong committee member said. “The more students we have a part


of the program, the more the students will get out of it.� LEADStrong’s opening workshop is on Friday, Feb. 1 in the Iadarola Center from 3:30-5:30. If anyone is interested in registering, visit LEADStrong’s website at bit.ly/ oNWY3t.

CAP Board event pumps students up for Super Bowl BY GREGORY SMITH Asst. News Editor

As the Super Bowl draws near, football fans from all over campus came together to get in the spirit of the sport. On Saturday, Jan. 26, 20 students from across campus came to Widener Lecture Hall to watch a variety of movies revolving around the sport of football. This gave students the chance to take time to relax and get in the spirit of the sport before the biggest game of the year, while also enjoying some delicious wings. “I think that having this event was a good idea because it’s the week before the Super Bowl,â€? junior criminology and sociology major Jim Brooks said. “It gets people excited and in the spirit of the sport of football.â€? There was also the chance to win prizes. Each student was given a raffle ticket and the student of those numbers were asked a question about football, giving them the chance to win a gift card to a location of their choice, adding a little competition to an otherwise relaxing evening. As the last movie ended and people began to leave, it was easy to tell it was a successful night and that everyone enjoyed themselves. CAP Board member Lindsey Wainwright expressed her feelings on the night. “We were hoping for a bigger turnout, but we’re happy with how things went,â€? Wainwright said. “I was glad that everyone enjoyed themselves and that tonight helped to set the mood for the Super Bowl next weekend.â€? (4 Ćž$"#3*/* &%6



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A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity awaits... Mixing educational studies and being able to explore the country at the same time is an experience that no one should hesitate to sign up for. This is why I think studying abroad is beneficial for all students to experience. I have always been inspired to broaden my global perspective of the world and to challenge myself to learn about other cultures. As a communication major and business minor, I hope to connect my practical/economicoriented interests with my humanitarian interests when I study abroad in the fall as part of the Semester at Sea program. With my academic focus, I hope that this program will support my desire to do something worthwhile BY BEATRICE MCQUISTON with my education and steer me away from a narrow Engagement Editor career of consumer capitalism. My education will set a foundation for the rest of my life and I wish to be challenged as much as I can during my fours years of liberal arts education at Cabrini College. I want to be successful in life, but success to me is not only doing something useful, but also doing something meaningful to impact the world. Semester at Sea is a multiple-country study abroad program open to students of all majors emphasizing comparative academics, hands-on field experiences and meaningful engagement in the global community by exploring different countries in a semester-long timespan. We do not live in a bubble and our world does not simply revolve around our

own country and the American culture that I have grown up in. The idea about learning and experiencing a new place in the world will hopefully make me a better communicator. This will allow me to become more relatable to other cultures and not as naïve as I am right now. If I alter my global perspective so that I have authentic curiosity and consideration for countries other than my own, I will make myself more marketable in my field and grow as a world communicator. Semester at Sea will help me in my journey to better my understanding of the world. I wish to live with intention and do something worthwhile with my communication studies and to expand my global perspective.

Benefits of Studying Abroad -Gain new perspective of the world -Increase language skills -Improve and learn decision-making and problem-solving skills -Learn research methods and ethics -Test your interests -Make new contacts and form lasting connections BMM77@CABRINI.EDU

The Ugly Truth : Studying Abroad “For American students to be competitive in today’s globalized world, international experience is critically important,” Ann Stock, assistant secretary of State for educational and cultural affairs, said in a press release. “Young people who study abroad gain the global skills necessary to create solutions to 21st-century challenges.” It’s true, Americans are BY NICOLE CAPIZZI studying abroad in record Asst. Lifestyles Editor numbers and they are not going abroad for the degrees, they’re going abroad to enhance their degrees and to enhance what would be their assets to future employers. Today, study abroad is a world-wide phenomenon. Its purpose is to provide students with real-world opportunities for educational and personal growth. With so many benefits, however, it is interesting to note the unique challenges a study abroad experience poses. Many people see study abroad as a largely extraordinary opportunity, centered on language and cultural immersion. What people don’t see is that there is a “right” way to do it. The study abroad experience can be part of both the intellectual and personal development of a student, but also of his or her general understanding of how the world works. An international understanding comes only when the student feels disoriented. A true study abroad experience should make you think deeply about assumptions. Many American universities have committed to international education by establishing overseas campuses. The problem is that overseas campuses don’t allow students to fully immerse themselves in another culture. Most students just go to Europe, study at American universities, hang out with American students in London, Rome, Madrid, Paris, stayed connected on Facebook and come back having had a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience, but not a radically rethought picture of the world. This is the “Americanized” way of studying abroad. Only practicing English with people from your own country will

not help in the long term. Another issue is foreign-language proficiency. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? “Bilingual.” What do you call someone who speaks only one language? “American.” As lame as this joke may be, it does reflect a very real

“What do you call someone who speaks two languages? ‘Bilingual.’ What do you call someone who speaks only one language? ‘American.’”

perception of Americans. America is a melting pot of all cultures, races and religions. Despite our vast richness of such a linguistic background, we have had a quick assimilation into English. The pattern of such a language shift has been documented to last no more than three generations. Consequently, grandchildren of today’s new immigrants will hardly speak the language of their ancestors. Not only that, but many countries have made English-language education compulsory. In Germany, for example, students are required to study English in grade school. Yet, for some reason, the very suggestion of similar mandatory foreign language education programs gives rise to a sort of nationalist fury. Hence, this assimilation, in conjunction with little bilingual education is one troublesome aspect for American students studying abroad. In stark contrast, Europeans often speak two or more languages. Of course, there are obvious reasons for this. It would be easy to run into five or more different languages

in a single week spent traveling around Europe. The U.S. is the size of Europe, but I don’t speak New Yorker, Minnesotan, or Californian. Becoming bilingual simply by experience obviously isn’t so easy in America, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t receive or apply ourselves to the study of foreign languages. Many, but not all study abroad programs require your level in the foreign language to be above third-year college level. Americans who hang out with other Americans abroad, do so because they are too afraid to look like fools by saying or pronouncing something wrong. So instead, they hang out with each other, rather than meeting the locals. Frankly, this is a good tourist experience and in that case, modern “study abroad” should really be renamed “vacation abroad… for college credits.” Another interesting point worth mentioning is today’s communication technologies in the cross-cultural experiences of students. The Internet allows study abroad students to live vicariously through social media, and thus diminishing the experience considerably. Obviously, the fundamental purpose of communication technology is to build bridges between people from every corner of the world. Online applications like Skype make it easy to speak to our friends and family internationally. The problem occurs when students spend too much time communicating online that it consumes hours that could otherwise be spent traveling. It’s really an extension of the problem of study abroad students hanging out in groups from home, speaking English, listening to music from the States, watching US TV shows, etc. In small doses, this is fine. The Internet allows us to keep in contact with the people we know and love, but excessive Internet usage negates the purpose of traveling and living abroad. Admittedly, many factors have contributed to the perception of today’s study abroad experience. At the same time, I do not underestimate the wonderful benefits of studying abroad, and I fully intend on experiencing my own taste of it. By bringing to light the underlying complexities that come along with it, hopefully students can see study abroad for what it is instead of a vacation abroad. NAC82@CABRINI.EDU


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Texting & driving: a deadly message

BY NICK CIPOLLONE Asst. Sports Editor

While driving down the highway you go to answer a text. You take your eyes off the road for a few seconds and drift into oncoming traffic. You get in a head-on collision with an oncoming car and kill a man driving the car. Did you know the man that was killed had three children and his girlfriend in the car with him? Try saying you’re sorry to them. Think before it’s too late. Please put the phone down and just drive the car. The risk that you’re putting other drivers and yourself in is not worth a few minutes you don’t text your mom or girlfriend

back. They can wait. Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do. You have to completely take your eyes off of the road and type a message; this makes it 23 times more likely to get in an accident. Is it really worth the risk? A compact car, like a 2013 Honda Civic, weighs 2,815 pounds and has the capability of going 100 mph. Even if you are only going 55 mph, you travel the length of a football field in five seconds. Those five seconds are the minimal amount of time that your attention is taken away from the road when you text and drive.

With 82 percent of Americans ages 16-17 owning a cell phone, the temptation is there for new drivers. What is even more shocking is that 77 percent of young drivers are confident that they can safely text while driving. In addition, 55 percent say that it is easy to text and drive, but the facts show that 13 percent of drivers ages 18-20 who have been in an accident were either talking or texting on their cell phone at the time of the crash. The increase in texting while driving could have

“Only 39 out of 50 states passed laws to prohibit text messaging while driving.”

something to do with young drivers identifying with their parents. Forty-eight percent of young drivers see their parents drive while talking on a cell phone; this has a direct correlation to young drivers talking on their phone with 52 percent of them doing so. This correlation can be backed by social learning theory, which states that people are susceptible to modeling concepts based off observations. Putting it simply, young adults can be learning these bad habits from their parents by seeing them texting or talking on the phone while driving. In a society of constant contact and the need of constant stimuli, new drivers, as well as experienced drivers, will feel compelled to answer a text or phone call while driving. With 23 percent or 1.3 million car crashes a year, involving cell phones, something needs to be done to prevent or limit people from texting while driving. A law

needs to be passed nationwide so that people will associate texting while driving as a crime and there will be consequences if they do it. Only 39 out of 50 states passed laws to prohibit text messaging while driving. There have already been steps in the right direction with television ads showing the dangers of texting while driving. They are powerful and portray real instances of events that have occurred because of people texting and driving. These are good to get the word out there and people can see what really happens. But more needs to be done to make people realize the dangers that they put themselves in every time they take their eyes off the road. There are a few techniques to help parents monitor their children while they are driving. Some examples are a drive cam that provides real-time video, AT&T Drive Mode App for Android and teens and parents can take a text-free-driving pledge online at textinganddrivingsafety. com. What can you do to better educate yourself on what to do and what not to do while driving.


Follow ollow multiple anti-texting and driving awareness Twitter accounts such as: @RayLaHood, @DistractionGov, @NHTSAgov, @DriveSafety. You can also read blogs such as FromReidsDad.org, RookieDriver.wordpress.com, ctdrive.blogspot.com, EndDD.org.

Asleep at the wheel: bad luck or a crime?

s l d d , y f o

h t n n c , h e


BY MARYKATE MCCANN Multimedia Editor

Getting dressed. Yes I said it; I am guilty of getting dressed while driving. But can they prove that’s what I was doing if I got in an accident? My guess is only if I’m not fully dressed. I take my eyes off the road here and there and I admit it. Act like you aren’t guilty of it as well. Whether it is changing the radio, putting on makeup, turning on the AC, making a phone call or drinking your coffee, I know you get distracted for at least a split second while driving. Drinking while driving. Texting while driving. You are deciding before you get behind the wheel if you are too drunk to drive. You are deciding if that person who pops up on your phone is important enough to answer right away or can wait for the next red light. These are the most popular illegal crimes broken that have serious consequences. “Crimes usually involve a volitional act to do something the law forbids, such as drink, text and speed,” Bill Fitzpatrick, deputy state attorney for the district of New Jersey, said. What about sleeping while driving? Is it a crime? Or is it just poor judgment? “What would be considered being ‘too drowsy ?’ ” Adam Sodl, criminology major, said. “It’s not punishable and you can’t prove it. That’s why they call it an accident.” “If there is a crime, the government always needs to prove the defendant’s conduct beyond a reasonable doubt,” Fitzpatrick said. There have been times where I felt like I just drank two glasses of wine - while being perfectly sober. Having multiple jobs, athletic practices and classroom work overload leaves me with less energy to do things I normally do, want to do or even have to do. I have fallen asleep at the wheel two times. Let’s just say thank God for the “wake up bumps” on the side of the road. Sleep-deprivation causes drivers to be less attentive and be slower

at decision-making. Being awake for a certain amount of hours leads to a decrease in performance. It is needed to regenerate the brain and function with a normal behavior. “Falling asleep is more of an act of negligence which is not criminal,” Fitzpatrick said. “But if you negligently harm someone you can be civilly liable to pay for the harm you caused.” MM3585@CABRINI.EDU

Sleeping at the Wheel Facts

-Adults between 18-29 are much more likely to drive while drowsy compared to other age groups -Men are more likely than women to drive while drowsy (56 percent vs. 45 percent) and are almost twice as likely as women to fall asleep while driving (22 percent vs. 12 percent).




Deliverers of

“This is a prime example of the middle class being pushed aside. And those poor children - it will be impossible for bus companies to get the same quality of workers for cheaper.” RICH ZELINKSI




precious cargo STRIKE for their rights


Protesters marched the streets, picketed and kept warm by the bonfire on the first day of the strike.



hen shipping a fragile package, people seem to go the extra mile to make sure it’s carefully wrapped so no damage is done on its way to the next destination. If people go that far and pay extra money for the safety of a package, wouldn’t you think people would go the complete extreme when it comes to the most pressure cargo of all - their children? Over 8,000 New York City bus drivers have entered their third week of strike this week as New York City’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is still rejecting any negotiations. More than 100,000 children are left to find different means of transportation to school. Many parents feel abandoned by the drivers. However, those drivers, marching in picket lines in the freezing weather, also feel abandoned: by their city and their mayor. All of those drivers who are currently out of work are men and women with families of their own, now suffering and faced with unemployment; some drivers are close to receiving their pensions. Rich Zelinksi, 54, a New York City

bus driver for 20 years in Staten Island, is anxious about the strike. “We are not striking with the intention of abandoning children,” Zelinski said. “Nobody is benefiting here. We are just trying to get by. I have three children, a mortgage and bills to pay. This is taking food off my family’s table.” Mayor Bloomberg plans to sell the bus companies off to the lowest bidder in order to hire drivers for lower salaries and who are less qualified in order to save the city money. The problem is, no one truly knows if that money (which will not be much, considering the city will have to pay laid-off drivers unemployment) will even go to education. In 1979, a 13-week strike took place after bus drivers asked for job security, which created the Mollen Agreement. The agreement ensured uninterrupted and secure bus service until Bloomberg terminated the policy. Besides unemployed drivers, children’s safety is the number one factor in the turmoil. “We are subject to many tests and qualifications,” Zelinski said. “Just to name a few, we have random drug tests, passenger endorsements on our licenses... we are fingerprinted and go through vigorous training and test-

ing.” The only upside to all of this mess is that cab companies have seen a skyrocket in business within the past couple of weeks. The strike seems to affect not only the drivers and children, but it threatens the entire working class throughout not just New York but also the United States. “It just goes to show how vulnerable everyone is,” Zelinski said. “This is a prime example of the middle class being pushed aside. And those poor children - it will be impossible for bus companies to get the same quality of workers for cheaper.” Questions are all up in the air: what happens to those close to their pension? What about drivers who are retired now? What about the children? School bus workers are fighting not for a raise, but for job security. Both the workers and the mayor are not budging and at the end of the day it is the thousands of children who are suffering and whose safety can be tragically jeopardized.





I am the Frisky Feather

Do you know that feather that sits on the top of the Cavalier’s hat? ‘Tis I! I have a voice. You can find me on the gym floor, many offices around campus, in Cav’s Corner, the Holy Spirit Library, Jazzman’s, SEaL, The RAC, and my favorite: on top of Captain Calvin’s head. As I travel around campus, I listen to many of your questions and stories. I must admit, most of them are pretty embarrassing, but I have never heard a question or story only once. This means, what you are going through my Fluffy Feather Heads, others have also been through! Each week I will answer your questions. Anything you want to know! From advice about relationships, friendships, sexuality, or simply deciphering Cabrini lingo! One place you can always find me? Anywhere with the Loquitur. In this column. The left hand side of page 10 is my home. I also reside online at theloquitur. com So get to know me. Write to me anonymously or through a question to @LOQwitter on Twitter with #FriskyFeather! Let me ask you this… What is your relationship status? Are you single, or taken? Well next week we will get pretty personal!


We will meet again,


Thursday Jan. 31

Events off campus escapes

POSTER SALE Come to the biannual poster sale and spice up your dorm room or grab a gift for a friend.

10:30 A.M.





The band Walk the Moon will hit the stage at TLA with supporting act Pacific Air.

Lloyd Cole is a pop, punk and rock artist. He is a solo artist who established himself as one of the more articulate songwriters of the post punk rock era.

8 P.M.

7 P.M.

Feb. 1

Feb. 2


Sunday Feb. 3

Monday Feb. 4



Feb. 5

Jan. 6

COLONIAL CHEESESTEAK TOUR Go on a walking tour of Philadelphia learning about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin and experience Philly’s culinary identity.




Watch thousands of bees construct a honeycomb sculpture designed by artist Hilary Berseth.

Hockey time! The SEaL office is sponsoring a trip to the Flyers Game. Vans leave at 6p.m.

Glow in the Dark open night mic sponsored by CAP Board. Join them for a relaxed night of performances.

10:30 A.M.

11:00 A.M .TO 6:00 P.M.

5:30 P.M. - 8 P.M 8 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.





The hook-up culture on campus Hookups on Cabrini’s campus are frequent, and many people accept the culture of hooking up even if they don’t participate in it. BY JENNIFER CANNON Asst. Lifestyles Editor

Monday mornings for many students not only involve being cranky and going to class, but checking in with friends to see who hooked up with whom that weekend. Whether you are the one sharing your stories or just listening as a bystander, everyone knows that college can be a whirlwind of hookups. Defining what a hookup is can be different for everybody. “Anything from making out to other stuff but not sex,” sophomore Brittany Dougherty said. However, senior Rachel Waters says it can include sex. “It’s any kind of intimate physical contact.” Basically, hookups can be making out, touching, oral sex or sexual intercourse. Everyone has their own perception of what a hookup is and simply ask for clarification just in case you’re thinking two different things. Hookups on Cabrini’s campus are frequent, and many people accept the culture of hooking up even if they don’t participate in it. “I don’t see anything wrong with occasionally hooking up,” Dougherty said, “but I don’t think a person should hook up with multiple people in one weekend.” It’s not uncommon for hookups to occur between people that didn’t know each other previously. “Sometimes I know of them, just not personally,” Dougherty said. But often, especially if alcohol is involved, senior Michelle Caruso said, “It’s more common for me to hook up with random people.” There is no protocol for hooking up which means things can get awkward very quickly. “I only ask for their number if I liked hooking up with them,” Caruso said, “But I would never ignore someone I hooked up with because it’s rude.” Other people, however, will admit to never speaking to the person again and seeing nothing wrong with it. More often than not, hookups may continue for a few weekends and end when one of the people loses interest. It’s possible for feeling to develop during this time and that

is when people end up bitter and hurt. “If you think every boy you are hooking up with wants to marry you, then you are making a mistake,” Caruso said. Not every hookup ends on a bad note. “If you hooked up because you are close and had chemistry, then it can turn into a beautiful relationship,” Caruso said. If both people become committed and true to each other, it’s possible for the occasional hookup to become a long-term and loving relationship. The question is, does everyone who hooks up want to get tied down in a relationship? Or are they perfectly content being free to be with whomever they want? “When I hook up with people, it’s just for fun. I only hope for a relationship out of it if I hook up with them multiple times,” junior Caitlyn Ricardo said. “Most of the guys on campus who are willing to rush into a hookup quickly aren’t the ones who are looking for anything serious,” Dougherty said. “I was looking for a relationship or something that could eventually become something more than the drunken Saturday night fling every weekend,” senior Sarah Waters said, who is now in a relationship with someone that began as a hookup. The hookup culture may follow you after graduation, because bars and clubs continue to breed random hookups for as long as you attend them. TV and other media don’t discourage hookups outside of college especially with popular shows such as Sex and the City or movies like Knocked Up. It seems normal for single adults to participate in the hookup culture just as much as college students. Hooking up is nothing to be looked down upon and it certainly isn’t a vital part of college if you don’t want it to be. Allowing yourself to take part is your own choice and is fine as long as you are being conscientious and smart about hooking up. “Hooking up is fun,” Dougherty said, “but relationships can change your life.” *Names have been changed to protect those interviewed. JMC463@CABRINI.EDU

Health Fanatic...

You want more health tips? Follow Huffington Post on Twitter: @HealthyLiving Fanatic Challenge We all know it’s flu season. So the next time you make your hot tea and reach for the sugar make a sweeter choice. Purchase Stevia In The Raw and add it to your tea. See how you like it.

No it’s not artificial…it’s all-natural! Dietary supplements are something many people use. The use of Stevia In The Raw is fairly new to the U.S. Stevia is an all-natural sugar substitute that comes from the “sweet leaf” plant that grows in tropical and subtropical regions. This natural sweetener can be found in a powder as well as liquid form. What can you use Stevia for? This can be used to sweeten a number of things like sauces. Its most popular use is in drinks like iced tea. You can also use Stevia to replace sugar in any recipe. It is also 300 times more potent than table sugar so you can use less of it. So start sweetening your tooth with Stevia!

Tweet us @Loqwitter #loqHF and tell us: what did (or didn’t) you like?

Don’t stop here! If you have any questions or health products you would like us to feature be a CAV and send us an email at loquiturnewspaper@gmail.com or tweet us @Loqwitter. Remember no health product is to extreme for the Health Fanatic.




Television Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 5 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26

“__ the Boss?” Elly May Clampett’s pa Monty or Arsenio Leaves out One of the Seven Dwarfs Ted of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” Setting for “Heidi” __ Patrick Harris Corncob Susan of “L.A. Law” Rather and Aykroyd Aware of the shenanigans of Dutch cheese “__ Acres” Long river in Africa Actress Moore “The Treasure of the Sierra __”; Humphrey Bogart movie 28 Fashion designer __ Cassini 29 Adams or Falco 30 “The __ of Katie Elder”; film for John Wayne 32 Premium cable channel 35 “The Adventures of Rin-__-Tin” 36 Diner where Alice worked 37 Cain’s victim 38 “The __ I”; movie for Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray 40 “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s __” 41 Drug addicts 42 Richard of “Home Improvement” 43 “Mike Hammer, Private __”

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. MICHAEL JORDAN

44 “The __-bitsy spider went up...”

DOWN 1 “The __ Nine Yards”; Bruce Willis movie 2 Series for Elisha Cuthbert 3 Bullring shouts 4 Stallone, to friends 5 Namesakes of singer Mitchell 6 Actor __ Jannings 7 Use a shovel 10 Series for Jami Gertz 11 “Garden __”; movie for Zach Braff and Natalie Portman 12 “Major __” 13 Actor Berry 15 “My __ Is Earl” 17 Silver or Howard 19 Evans or Robertson 20 “Coffee, Tea __?” 22 Urgent 23 Hair mousses, for example 25 Ameche and Rickles 26 “How I __ Your Mother” 27 French farewell 30 “The Sixth __”; movie for Haley Joel Osment 31 “The New Adventures of __ Christine” 33 Comedian/actor/violinist Jack __ 34 “Grand __ Opry” 36 “Little House on the Prairie” role 37 Rat-__-tat; knocking sound 39 “__ whiz!” 40 Glide down snowy slopes




Keys brings fire to court, finds success with Lady Cavs BY SE’QUIA BAILEY Asst. Perspectives Editor

No. 44 is a very familiar number on the Cabrini women’s basketball team. Sophomore forward Amber Keys is known on the court as a fire-starter who will do whatever it takes to grab a rebound and put it back up for a basket. But there is a softer side to this strong player who has more of a story than points on a scoreboard could ever tell. Much like many ballplayers, Keys defines her career in basketball as what seems like “forever.” When she was younger, Keys dreamt of playing college basketball and going straight to the WNBA. But Keys explained that at some point it became a faint dream that she never thought would be possible. “A woman that I admire and will never forget is my third grade teacher, Mrs. Quinn,” Keys said. “She inspired me to change my dreams which ultimately altered my outlook on life.” At this point in her life Keys realized that she wanted to change her dreams and become a teacher. Keys is currently a elementary education & special education double major. Keys as always enjoyed school because

of the memories and relationships she has built with her teachers. She wants to inspire her students, saying “they are not limited to their circumstance.” Her drive is simply based on exceeding the expectations of what society says she or anyone else can and can not do because of status. “I don’t have anything to prove to anyone because I am capable of doing,” Keys said. She is very closely inspired and pushed by her family to work hard and go for her dreams. “My granny is my best friend,” Keys said. “I always know that she will always be there and she has been there. She has seen and helped me through my lowest and weakest moments, and for that I am grateful.” She hopes to be a great role model for her youngest sister, Riley. Much like any role model she just wants her little sister to look up to her and be proud. Keys aspires to never have to know what it means to struggle. She is motivated not only by the support of friends, family and teammates but she is motivated by long-term goals. Head coach Kate Pearson describes Keys as providing “great spark” and a lot of “energy” to the team.


Sophomore forward Amber Keys (No. 44) is averaging 10 points and 7 rebounds per game in 19 games this season. “She has carried us through a couple of games,” Pearson said. Although she is a star on the court Keys has come to the realization that “even though I am blessed with the skills to play basketball, it is not the most important thing in life.” Commitment to her team, basketball, family and schoolwork is what Keys wants the fans to see about her. Because the ultimate happiness for her in this lifetime is to be as great a leader and role model as those who have guided and directed her in

the path that she has chosen to take. SNB45@CABRINI.EDU


Stats and Standings Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball



Cabrini College 14-5 (10-2 CSAC) Immaculata University 10-8 (9-2 CSAC) Keystone College 12-7 (9-3 CSAC) Gwynedd-Mercy College 9-9 (8-3 CSAC) Neumann University 8-10 (7-4 CSAC) Centenary College 10-10 (7-6 CSAC) Marywood University 6-13 (5-7 CSAC) Rosemont College 8-12 (3-10 CSAC) Baptist Bible College 4-15 (2-10 CSAC) Cairn University 1-17 (0-13 CSAC)


Cabrini College 17-3 (11-0 CSAC) Marywood University 12-7 (9-1 CSAC) Gwynedd-Mercy College 12-7 (8-2 CSAC) Rosemont College 13-7 (9-3 CSAC) Neumann University 9-10 (7-3 CSAC) Keystone College 11-7 (5-5 CSAC) Immaculata University 7-12 (5-5 CSAC) Centenary College 6-13 (4-6 CSAC) Baptist Bible College 4-13 (3-7 CSAC) Notre Dame of Maryland 1-15 (1-9 CSAC) Cedar Crest College 2-18 (1-11 CSAC) Cairn University 0-18 (0-11 CSAC)



Fran Rafferty - 253 A.J. Williams - 235 Jeremy Knowles - 229


Goran Dulac - 117 Fran Rafferty - 91


Aaron Walton-Moss - 46 A.J. Williams - 45


Arron Walton-Moss - 14.1 Fran Rafferty - 13.3 A.J. Williams - 12.4


Arron Walton-Moss - 8.4 Goran Dulac - 6.2 Fran Rafferty - 4.8


Aaron Walton-Moss - 4.6 A.J. Williams - 2.4 Jeremy Knowles - 2.3 AS OF TUESDAY, JAN. 29


Brittany Sandone - 300 Amber Keys - 191


Colleen Stewart - 158 Amber Keys - 138


Laura Caron - 60 Brittany Sandone - 43


Brittany Sandone - 15.0 Amber Keys - 10.1 Annie Rivituso - 9.1

REBOUNDS PER GAME Colleen Stewart -7.9 Amber Keys - 7.3 Annie Rivituso - 6.4


Laura Caron - 3.0 Renee Deas - 2.3 Brittany Sandone - 2.2



Swimming drops meet at Swarthmore BY ANTHONY HYPOLITE Asst. Sports Editor

The Cabrini College swim team fell to Swarthmore on Saturday, Jan. 26. Despite valiant efforts from both the men’s and women’s team, the Cavs fell short again. The men’s team suffered an unfortunate loss with a score of 127-85, which also brought our record down to 4-9 for the season. The women’s team fell 119-74 with their record dropping to 1-13. Sophomore Evan Strickland continued his strong season with two wins on the day. Strickland’s first of the day was a 100-yard breaststroke with a time of 1:03.27. The second race he was in was a 100-yard butterfly in which he completed with a time of 54.88. The team excelled in the 50-yard freestyle coming up with second and third-place finishes in the event. Junior Keith Marr scored with a second-place time of 23.82. Right behind Marr was junior Tim McCann with a time of 26.03. Freshman Chris Ryan placed fourth. Right behind Chris was freshman Sean Tallon placing fifth in the competition. Sophomore Nick Platt placed fourth in the 100-yard freestyle and sophomore Cody Kunze finished that event in fifth. A race that included four swimmers - Platt, Strickland, Marr, and Ryan - had a led to a second place finish in the 200yard relay medley. The team finished with a time of 1:47.63. The women’s highlights included a fourth-place finish for Breaghann Smith in the 200-yard freestyle, a second and third-place finish for sophomore Becki Barrett and freshman Alexis Drew in the 100-yard backstroke and a fourth-place finish for junior Courtney Good in the 100-yard breaststroke. Smith finished the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 2:12.25. Barrett posted a time of 1:08.93 in the 100-yard backstroke with Drew finishing three seconds later. Good posted a time of 1:18.26 in the 100-yard breaststroke. The two teams return to the pool for a meet against Ocean County College on Saturday, Feb. 2, at 11 a.m. It is the final meet for the teams before competing in the AAMC Championships in a three-day tournament from Feb. 14 to Feb. 16. AJH98@CABRINI.EDU


Hoop Scoop Lady Cavs’ improvement has them soaring


BY BETHANY BIGENHO Asst. Sports Editor

The Lady Cavaliers are on a 12-game winning streak that they hope to continue through the remainder of the season. With a record of 17-3 the Cavaliers are well on their way to a successful season with only four games left in the regular season. “We knew it would take a lot of hard work to be the team we are today,” sophomore forward Megan Decker said. “Every time we step on the court, whether it’s at practice or a game, we work to make each other better. Our team is dedicated to winning. We have come a long way and were only halfway there. It’s no surprise that with the record they have, the team is feeling confident in team dynamics. Everything is clicking at the right time for the Lady Cavs lately. The team’s shooting and defense has improved immensely as the season has proceeded and rank among the conference’s best. “We have a strong defensive however offensively teams are intimidated by us because they don’t know who to really pay attention to,” senior forward Melissa Kudzmas said. “Offensively anyone can step up and score. We are well-rounded.” The games that are being won by the women’s teams are not by any means “nail biters.” The opposition is being blown out of the water by Cabrini.


In the midst of a 12-game winning streak, the Lady Cavs are in pursuit of their first CSAC championship since 2009. The impeccable shooting and defense that the women are putting forth is definitely showing their talent and how far they have come from past seasons. “We have really come together as a team this year, junior forward Colleen Stewart said. “Our chemistry has been beyond measurable but it is what we really needed. Our defense is what has won us games and we are really looking forward to our journey throughout the rest of the CSAC’s.” “Offense wins games, defense wins championships,” freshman forward Kristina Startare said.

We can look forward to what the Lady Cavs will accomplish in the last conference games and into the playoffs. It has been three seasons since the Lady Cavs claimed the CSAC title and with the way this team is rolling, the sky’s the limit for this group. The Lady Cavs return to the hardwood on Saturday, Feb. 2, when they face Centenary College at 1 p.m. BLB85@CABRINI.EDU

Back on top, Cavs can’t stop now BY KEVIN DURSO Sports Editor

When the Cavaliers’ 46-game home winning streak ended at the hands of conference foe Immaculata, it was evident this season’s Cavaliers team was not quite the same as the one that came within three points of a national championship one season ago. After losing to Keystone on Jan. 19, the Cavaliers had dropped two conference games on the season, both to the opponents they defeated in the CSAC tournament last season. Both games were hard-fought and came down to the wire. However, the Cavaliers have answered the call. What didn’t work in those two games this season appears to have found its way back into the Cavaliers gameplan and execution. With their 94-79 win over Keystone on Saturday, Jan. 26, the Cavs regained the top spot in the conference, breaking a tie with the Giants. But that is only half the battle. The Cavaliers have five games remaining on the season. Among the opponents: Immaculata, Gwynedd-Mercy and Rosemont - three very formidable opponents this season. With their sights set on a fourth-straight CSAC title and a return trip to the NCAA Tournament, the Cavs need to focus on



Aaron Walton-Moss, Jeremy Knowles and Fran Rafferty (pictured left to right) celebrate during Cabrini’s 94-79 win over Keystone College on Saturday, Jan. 26. staying atop the standings. With the team appearing to hit its stride at the right time, the Cavs are working towards a first-round bye and automatic berth in the CSAC semifinal. This is the team that sent everyone on a wild and crazy ride all the way to the cusp of a national title. This is the team that all Cabrini fans came to love. This is the team

that gives their all every night and causes trouble for all opponents. This year’s Cavs could be just as dangerous. But in order to make a similar run to last year’s quest for glory, they must keep their foot on the gas. KAD323@CABRINI.EDU




Rise to the Top

Cavs in first after downing Keystone

Phillies underdog status a good thing


The Cabrini College men’s basketball team reclaimed first place and finished their home stand with a 94-79 win over Keystone College. The weather did not have an effect, as the stands filled with parents, students and alumni at the Nerney Field House Saturday afternoon, Jan. 26. The Cavaliers were out for revenge after their last meeting with Keystone, played just a week earlier, ended in a 102-87 loss. The game was full of energy from the start. Keystone struck first with a three pointer. Cabrini struck back with a jumper and aggressive play to later tie the game at five after just two minutes of play. “We had a better energy today,” fifth-year head coach Marcus Kahn said, “compared to when we got off the bus at Keystone.” For the majority of the first half, Keystone controlled the pace of play and had the lead. But the Cavs had a good energy and continued to answer back with points of their own. Cabrini stayed within five points for most of the first half. Then Keystone got out to their largest lead in the first half with a score of 34-25. Cavs senior A.J. Williams made a three pointer which started Cabrini’s comeback as fellow senior Jeremy Knowles hit another unanswered three. Keystone got two points off of a foul. Then Knowles pulled up for another three pulling the Cavs within two. A missed jumper by Keystone led to another layup by Williams to tie the game at 36 with less than four minutes left in the first half. The lead went back and forth until the two teams tied at 40 and with 31 seconds left a layup by freshman Brad Fagan gave the Cavs a two-point lead. A free-throw from Keystone made the score 42-41 in favor of Cabrini at the end of the first half. “We had to make a few adjustments going


Senior DeLeon Floyd (No. 50) slams for two points in the Cavaliers’ 94-79 win over Keystone College on Saturday, Jan. 26. into the second half,” Kahn said, “to get our guys ready mentally.” The second half started just as the first with both teams coming out with a lot of energy and the lead changing hands on almost every possession. But Cabrini soon took control of this game. Tied at 51, Cabrini scored 11 unanswered points giving them a 62-51 lead. The Cavaliers didn’t look back from there moving the ball around getting points in the paint with sophomore Aaron WaltonMoss and opening up three point shots for Knowles and junior Fran Rafferty. Cabrini pulled away to their biggest lead of the game of 19 with a score of 81-62 with a little over 5 minutes left in the game. Rafferty iced the scoring with a layup. Rafferty finished with 21 points and 5 rebounds. Walton-Moss added his third double-double of the season with 14 points and 14 rebounds and came up just three assists short of a triple-double with seven. Knowles had a career-high 29 points and went 11-for-1,9 a new career high in field goals made. He also tied a career high in

steals with 4. “It felt great to get in a rhythm,” Knowles said. “I tried to help my team out hitting shots when we needed them.” The Cavaliers are hitting the road to Neumann University looking to continue their three-game win streak and stay on top of the CSAC on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. NCC36@CABRINI.EDU


Super Bowl XLVII Preview Harbaugh brothers meet in big game, Ravens and Niners face off BY KEVIN DURSO Sports Editor

The last time two teams took the field on enemy turf and won in the conference championship was 1997. So with the feat being completed for the first time in 16 years, it was fitting that some history was made in the process. On Sunday, Jan. 20, the San Francisco 49ers, coached by Jim Harbaugh, defeated the topseeded Atlanta Falcons, 28-24, to advance to the Super Bowl. Just a few hours later, Jim’s brother, John, coached the Baltimore Ravens to a 28-13 victory over the defending AFC champions the New England Patriots. It is the first time in NFL history that two brothers will coach against one another in football’s biggest game. Rookie quarterback Colin

Kaepernick leads the 49ers in what will be his 10th career start. Despite his lack of experience, he has been among the best quarterbacks in the game in recent weeks. There are many targets for the rookie quarterback on offense. Running back Frank Gore is among the elite rushers in the game and tight end Vernon Davis is always a threat in the air. The Ravens’ offense starts with quarterback Joe Flacco. The Audabon, N.J. native and University of Delaware star defeated all-pro quarterbacks Peyton Manning and Tom Brady en route to the big game. Running back Ray Rice is a double threat in the backfield while Torrey Smith and Jacoby Jones are both dangerous targets for Flacco.


The Harbaugh brothers will coach against one another in Super Bowl XLVII on Sunday, Feb. 3. Meanwhile, one of the main storylines is that Ray Lewis’ final game will be Super Bowl XLVII. He announced that decision before the playoffs began. But since then, the goal has been about winning Lewis one more ring. The Ravens are clearly this year’s version of destiny. After missing a game-tying field goal in last season’s AFC title game, they have found redemption. The Niners also gained

redemption from last season. A muffed punt led to an overtime loss against the New York Giants in last season’s NFC Championship. So after falling just short of the biggest football game and sporting event in America just a year ago, the two teams meet in the 47th battle for the Lombardi Trophy. KAD323@CABRINI.EDU

The dawn of baseball season is just two weeks away and after a disappointing 2012 season for the Phillies, 2013 serves as a clean slate. The problem is that both experts and fans alike have frowned upon the Phillies’ offseason moves including veteran third baseman Michael Young, outfielders Ben Revere and Delmon Young, reliever Mike Adams and starter John Lannan. The moves the Phillies made are not bold. They did not acquire one of the Upton brothers, both playing for the rival Atlanta Braves now. They did not sign a second-tier outfielder like Angel Pagan, Cody Ross or Nick Swisher. For the first time in Ruben Amaro Jr.’s tenure as general manager, the Phillies didn’t make a splash. And that has earned them underdog status. And that may actually be beneficial to the team’s pending success in 2013. Think about why the Phillies failed in 2012. They lacked a bullpen. They weren’t healthy at all. Players struggled uncharacteristically. Take one of those off the list and the Phillies likely win one of the two wildcard spots last season. The Phillies did improve the bullpen with Adams. They bolstered the lineup in a different way. The approach is now on hitting for contact, not belting out home runs. Forget three runs on one swing and think more one-hit-at-a-time. It may not be the routine that Phillies fans became familiar with from 2007 to 2011 but it is the approach that the current state of the team must take. Small ball doesn’t work with home run hitters. That was the approach that doomed the Phillies in 2012. But with contact hitters like Michael Young and Revere, as well as a healthy Ryan Howard and Chase Utley, maybe things will click the way they did during the five-year division-title run. It is too soon to tell because paper doesn’t tell all. But as the team prepares to take the field in preparation for a new season, keep in mind that the Phillies, despite an 81-81 2012 season and lackluster offseason, shouldn’t be overlooked. KAD323@CABRINI.EDU

Have an opinion about this column? Feel free to send Kevin a tweet @KDursoPhilsNet.

It DOZEN Get Better Cavalier Calendar

Thursday, Jan. 31 No games

Lady Cavs hold off Alvernia, win 12th straight game

Friday, Feb. 1 No games

Saturday, Feb. 2 Men’s and Women’s Swimming vs. Ocean County College 11:00 a.m. Women’s Basketball at Centenary College 1:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball at Immaculata University 1:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 3 No games

Monday, Feb. 4 Men’s Basketball at Cairn University 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 5 No games

Wednesday, Feb. 6 Women’s Basketball vs. Gwynedd-Mercy 6:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Gwynedd-Mercy 8:00 p.m.


Senior forward Laura Caron (No. 11) scored eight points and added three rebounds in Cabrini’s 54-52 win over Alvernia University on Monday, Jan. 28. The win marked the 12th straight for the Lady Cavs. BY ANTHONY SESTITO Asst. Sports Editor

After 40 minutes of nail biting action, the Lady Cavs pulled out a huge win over Alvernia University, defeating the Lady Crusaders on Monday, Jan. 28. Cabrini extended its 11-game winning streak to 12, as they held on for a 54-52 win in front of the home crowd at the Nerney Field House. The Lady Cavs are now 17-3 overall this season. The Lady Cavs trailed in the game early but would go on a 12-0 run as they took the lead 14-5. Junior Annie Rivituso had an outstanding game, matching her career high with 16 points and posting nine rebounds. The Lady Crusaders wasted little time climbing back into the game. Alvernia worked quickly and cut the Lady Cavs lead down to two. But the Cavaliers turned things around quickly, establishing another sizable lead by going on another 12-0 run. Senior Laura Caron’s jump shot would help the Lady Cavs go in front by 14. But Alvernia wouldn’t exit the half on a cold spell. The Lady Crusaders played a hard 76 seconds to close the first half and a late three-pointer would cut Cabrini’s lead to 10 at the break,

30-20. Out of the half, the Lady Cavs came out looking fierce, adding eight unanswered points to take an 18-point lead, their largest of the game. But that margin was hardly insurmountable for the Lady Crusaders. They battled their way back to cut the lead to seven before Cabrini sophomore Megan Decker drained a three-pointer to bring the score to 48-38. Once again, the Lady Crusaders had an answer. They followed with a ninepoint run, cutting the Lady Cavs lead to one with 2:45 to play. Despite shooting just 44 percent from the free-throw line, the Lady Cavs added some much-needed insurance when Rivituso drained a pair of foul shots to extend the lead to three. Junior Brittany Sandone doubled the Lady Cavs’ lead shortly thereafter with a clutch three-pointer from the corner.

Even in the waning moments of the game, the Lady Crusaders kept Cabrini on its heels. With six seconds left and the final possession, Alvernia raced up the floor with a chance to tie. But a driving lay-up by Brittany Young was off target and the Lady Cavs had secured the victory. With their win streak still in tact, the Lady Cavs return to conference play after one final hiatus. The Lady Cavs will put an undefeated conference record on the line for the remainder of the season. After a matchup against Neumann University on Wednesday, Jan. 30, the Lady Cavs travel to face Centenary College on Saturday, Feb. 2, at 1 p.m. for their first of four remaining games in the regular season. ARS344@CABRINI.EDU


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