THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Do drinking and sexual assault go hand-in-hand?
MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the univeristy community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the student editors.
According to the 2017 NSDUH, about 7.4 million Americans between the ages of 12 and 20 report current alcohol consumption. The NSDUH describes that this statistic displays that 20 percent of this age group’s population is consuming alcohol illegally. *The Loquitur Editorial staff would like to make it clear that we all stand with anyone who has ever been sexually assaulted. A lot of pressure is put on adolescents when it comes to sexual activities, drinking and other risky behaviors. According to the 2017 the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more commonly known as NSDUH, about 7.4 million Americans between the ages of 12 and 20 report current alcohol consumption. The NSDUH describes that this statistic displays that 20 percent of this age group’s population is consuming alcohol illegally. Going away to college is a lot of students’ first time without being under the guidance of their parents or guardians. Drinking is very common on college campuses, especially among first-year college students. Students are experimenting with a lot of new and different experiences and they are all thrown on them at one time. According to the National Greek Life Statistics, more than eight hundred universities in the United States and Canada participate in Greek Life. Although Greek Life is known to bring a lot of positive impact on campuses, it is also known to bring a lot of hardships to them as well. One of those hardships is sexual assault - which, according to many people, in a lot of cases, being under the influence of alcohol is one of the largest contributing factors to sexual assault on college
campuses. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Sexual Assault, at least one-half of all violent crimes involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim, or both. A lot of times in cases of sexual assault, you hear the assaulter claiming that the victim “wanted it” or, in other words, gave consent. Alcohol can blur one’s judgment, decision making, and memory. A person’s drunken consent is not legal consent. In situations like the Brett Kavanaugh case, it was often brought up that Kavanaugh was a big drinker in high school and college. Whether or not Kavanaugh is proven guilty, he was immediately stigmatized for drinking in high school and college. A good majority of high school and college students consume alcohol at one point or another. Although, this does not mean that all of those people should be associated as someone who would sexually assault someone. There should be absolutely no excuses when it comes to sexual assault. “He was drunk” or “she was drunk,” shouldn’t apply. Drinking and sexual assault don’t correlate with each other in any setting. Drinking is never an excuse for sexual assault, and it shouldn’t be looked at as one.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. They should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be e-mailed to loquitur@
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
The candidates running for Pennsylvania Senate and Governor in the Midterm Elections BY BRIELLE TOFF AND CHRISSY MCCOLLUM News Editors
LOUIS BARLETTA Barletta is pro-life and has supported a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. He is also known to vocally defend Israel and the Jewish community. Barletta believes that law-abiding Americans do have the right to keep and bear arms, and he introduced legislation to make overstaying a visa a criminal offense. He has also pushed to exempt volunteer firefighters.
BOB CASEY Casey has worked to limit the spread of IED components in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He also supports renegotiating NAFTA. Casey has fought for family-friendly workplaces, to make early childhood care more affordable for low-income families. He has also supported Pell Grants, and the Perkins Loan program. Casey supported the United States participation in the Paris Climate Accord. He has also backed bills that hindered Russian and Iranian attempts to destabilize Iraq and Syria.
DALE R. KERNS Kerns is pro-life but does believe that each state should make the decision on whether they want to legalize abortion. He wants to fight for a system that addresses’ addiction as a medical problem, rather than a criminal problem. Kerns would like to abolish the Department of Education, but he will propose funding that allows parents to attach their tax dollars to their children which would allow students to go to whichever school district they
NEAL TAYLOR GALE Gale is a strong believer that a person’s reproductive rights must remain a choice, and he wants to make voter registration as accessible as possible for all citizens. If elected, he would like to push back on the privatization of the penal system nationwide, and he will support the legalization of marijuana for medical, recreational and commercial manufacturing use.
SCOTT WAGNER Wagner’s mission is to create jobs in PA and take fewer taxes from resident’s paychecks. He also hopes to eliminate property taxes. Wagner is pro-life and supports LGBTQ+ rights. Wagner believes the 2nd amendment is our constitutional right and should not be altered and hopes to establish a statewide medical marijuana program.
TOM WOLF Wolf is the current Governor of PA. He has vetoed the most extreme anti-choice bill in the country. He has fought for the protection of those discriminated against due to sexual orientation or gender identity and has signed a bill to legalize medical marijuana. Wolf is fighting to end mass incarceration. Wolf signed Libre’s Law which increases penalties for animal cruelty in Pennsylvania.
KENNETH KRAWCHUK Krawchuk is pro-option. Krawchuk hopes to end parole for violent crimes and is very against the death penalty. He also wants the war on drugs to end and marijuana to be decriminalized, not legalized, and he is also working to reduce the drinking age. He does not support gun control laws. Krawchuck would like to eliminate the government spawned utilities.
PAUL GLOVER Glover is pro-life and believes anyone in love should have the right to marry. He wants victimless defenses to be decriminalized and marijuana to be legalized. Glover also hopes to end slave labor, the drug war, racial profiling and the death penalty. He believes responsible gun ownership should not be infringed upon and that collaborations with ICE should be stopped.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Taking a look at the Cabrini 2020 Roadmap BY DYLAN ASHCRAFT Staff Writer “The Cabrini 2020 Roadmap positions Cabrini University to be a first-choice destination for a variety of learners who will experience a transformational Education of the Heart through rigorous academics, leadership development and hands-on work solving complex social problems.” The Cabrini 2020 Roadmap is a plan to build, bolster and endorse the school in a short, yet carefully laid out way. The Roadmap has been moving along steadily since it’s initial inception; with significant progress having been made in regards to the core concepts of the map. The core concepts being; adult education, graduate programs, high-impact practices, international programs, infrastructure, community, traditional undergraduate and transfer students. All have been heavily improved since Cabrini President Donald Taylor first mentioned the Roadmap in 2015. The one thing that has seen a lot of progress through the Roadmap has been infrastructure, with a variety of
An overview of Cabrini’s three phase master plan
construction taking place on campus. The first renovation was the Dixon Center addition, “The Nerney Pavilion.” Following it will be the new residence hall, as well as a new parking structure. Construction of these two structures started as of June 2018. Following those two will be what the Cabrini Master Plan refers to as stage three, a brand new student center near Dixon as well as a new parking structure in the south area of campus. Enrollment has been steadily increasing in the undergraduate field over the last five years which has correlated with the 2020 Roadmap in order to ensure diversification, sustainable growth and expanded outreach. Which is a goal of the plan, as listed in the initial advertising of the Roadmap, where the 2020 outcomes regarding traditional undergraduate were “increased enrollment of qualified undergraduate students; improved retention from fall to spring, and spring to fall; expanded student diversity; leading to classification as an HispanGRAPHIC FROM CABRINI ic-serving Institution.” Graduate Admissions has also been affected by the Cabrini University’s Strategic Plan should be done by 2020 Roadmap in the way that members of the correlating office have been actively involved in strategic planning to the next plan, everything we do is mission based. And increased enrollment. that’s what gets me fired up. And that’s what I really love “We want to have a strong program so that there is a about the institution, and I think Cabrini is different from trickle from undergraduate to graduate,” Diane Green- other institutions who talk a good game, but they don’t wood, Director of Cabrini Graduate Admissions, said. match what they’re talking,” Brian Eury, acting President Greenwood also spoke about how under President of Cabrini University, said. Donald Taylor, the Graduate Admissions office has deAs time progresses towards 2020, more and more of veloped “creative ways to engage graduate population” the Roadmap will steadily continue on as planned. From such as pamphlets being delivered to local businesses in new buildings to higher admissions, Cabrini will certainly Wayne as well as an event happening on December 4th. grow. The event, the Cabrini Undergraduate Fair, will certainly work on bridging a gap between undergraduate and graduate students. “The most exciting thing, and the most thing I get jazzed up about or passionate about is the mission. The charism of the missionary sisters, the mission of the University an education of the heart. That drive, that’s the central core to ASHCRAFTPRODUCTIONS@GMAIL.COM everything we do here on campus. The Roadmap to 2020,
Cabrini Public Safety holds first active shooter drill BY ABIGAIL SCARDELLETTI Distribution Manager The Cabrini University Public Safety team conducted its first active shooter drill on Cabrini’s campus during the month of October 2018. The public safety department had been preparing for such an event for months and had many training sessions throughout August and September to prepare faculty, staff, and students for a drill and essentially, a potential active shooter. The drill included the public safety department, the Radnor Police Department and Tredyffrin Police Department going around campus make sure doors were locked, as well as various reactions of the community to see what could be improved for future situations. At 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 Cabrini faculty, staff and students reacted to a siren on the PA system, desktop alerts on the Cabrini computer system, email and text alerts informing them that the campus was officially conducting a lockdown drill. The drill lasted about 12 minutes and was calm to the extent that the campus community reacted as they were supposed to. The all-clear text and email alert was sent out at approximately 10:32 a.m. During those 12 minutes, students, faculty and staff all reacted differently, depending on where they were at the time. Throughout campus, lights were being shut off, doors locked and various objects were being shoved in front of the locked doors. Some students slept through the drill or were off campus, while others got stuck in less opportune, but safe places, such as bathrooms in their residence halls. Some students who were off campus at the time did not see the text or email alerts until later on in the day. “I knew it was going to happen, but it was very un-
expected.” Samantha Cavaliere, senior criminology, psychology and sociology major, said. Cavaliere was tutoring in Cabrini’s Writing Center at the time and thanks to the preparation she was given by public safety and the Writing Center professional staff, Rachel Edwards and Rebecca Steffy, was able to react properly as soon as she got the text that Cabrini was going into a lock down. She quickly looked at the email she received about what to do, then locked the doors, turned out the lights and hid in the closet with the rest of the office to wait for the all-clear text from E-2 Campus. Rachel Edwards, the Writing Center Coordinator, heard the siren because her office window was open and was impressed at how Cavaliere was able to help and do most of what needed to be down to lock down the Writing Center. Edwards was also impressed at how it seemed to go very well overall. Teresita Viveros-Ledezma was also on campus during the lockdown drill as she was in her accounting class on the third floor of Founder’s Hall, which is near the middle of campus and one of the more populated buildings during week. “[We] went to the corner of the room and pushed something against the door,” Vivoros-Ledezma, sophomore finance major, said. Vivoros-Ledezma reacted in her class with her fellow classmates as some phones went off due to the text alert or friends from other places on campus informing them of the various alerts. The Radnor and Tredyffrin Police departments were not available for comment at the time this article was written. If you are not signed up for E-2 Campus email or text alerts and would like to be, please visit the Public Safety tab on Cabrini University’s website at: cabrini. edu. ABIGAILSCARDELLETTI@GMAIL.COM
The lock down text and email alert was sent out at approcimately 10:20 a.m.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Changes to Cabrini academic departments BY MELISSA CASEY Staff Writer Changes are being made throughout several Cabrini University departments this semester. These changes include department name changes along with the addition of new majors and minors. The business department, the newly named health and exercise sciences department and the communications department have added new majors and minors offered to students. Effective this school year, the information science and technology department changed its title to computer and information sciences. “Last year when our new dean came in, Dr. Thompson, he sort of approached me with the idea,” Dr. Tom Albrecht, chair of the CIS department, said. The department wanted to have a more appropriate name including computer sciences to give more background to the major. The CIS department was not the only one with the new department name. The exercise science and health promotion department recently changed their department name to health and exercise sciences and added three new majors, public health, nutrition and health science. “I think it is a great step enhancing the department and will attract more students
to the department because of the new and upcoming majors they added,” Taylor Dimmerling, sophomore exercise science and health promotion major, said. “If the three new majors were available when I was a freshman, I would have enrolled in health science.” The exercise science and health promotion has been around for 21 years at Cabri-
Survivors of sexual assault took to social media in response to President Donald Trump’s tweet, which questioned the actions of victims of sexual assault, on Sept. 21, 2018. In doing so, this created #WhyIDidntReport. Approximately 7 out of 10 victims do not report their assault, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Additionally, it is common for victims of sexual assault to wait years to report their assault. Trump’s tweet was in response to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who came forward to report Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who is now confirmed to the supreme court as of Oct. 6, 2018, for sexually assaulting her when she was a minor. Immediately following Trump’s tweet, sexual assault survivors of various backgrounds began to reveal personal accounts of reasoning for not reporting their assault. College students and adults in the workplace are beginning to speak out on social media platform as a result of #WhyIDidntReport. Mackenzie Harris, who is an alumna of Cabrini University, posted her #WhyIDidntReport account on Sept. 23, 2018, to her social media. “#WhyIDidntReport because... I was involved in college and I didn’t want to be misrepresented and mislabeled. Because...I thought it was my fault. Because...I didn’t want it to define me and rather it made me resent things I used to love. It took me 6 years to say anything,” Harris said. According to Business Insider, shame, guilt, embarrassment, denial and disgust flood the minds of victims of sexual assault. These are followed by a sense of fear. Fear of losing a job, losing
become an athletic trainer,” Dr. Maria Elena Hallion, chair of the health and exercise sciences department, said. The department wants to get the word out about going for a master’s in athletic training. The business analytics minor was officially introduced as a minor at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. The minor analyzes data, company data and connecting the data. It asks the why question, for example, why did you do this and why does it connect. “Right now, we analyze the Cabrini bus fleet, basically we want to know how much they run, who they serve and how they can improve,” Dr. Mark Roesch, finance and business management professor, said. Recently, the communications department added an event management minor. Event management is the application of project management to large scale events such as festivals, weddings, conferences, concerts and conventions. The new additions and name changes to the three departments can benefit them when having future and current students enroll in them. It gives more options to the programs and more in-depth information about the departments for current and inMELISSACASEY101@GMAIL.COM
Cabrini University is constantly enhancing it’s academic departments.
#WhyIDidntReport takes over social media BY BROOKE FERTIG Staff Writer
ni. The health science major used to be a track in the biology major. The department created the new majors first and when thinking of the new department name, incorperating words from both majors to rename the new health and exercise sciences department. “Right now people can do exercise and health promotion and then go to school to
friends, losing colleagues, losing privacy and even losing safety in their life. This is what keeps survivors from reporting their attackers and the attack. Abbey Joiner attended Savannah College of Art and Design, where she majored in illustration and graphic design. “I don’t owe anyone my #WhyIDidntReport story because I’m still trying to pretend it didn’t happen but that doesn’t make it any less valid or any less okay,” Joiner said. According to the New York Times, women will pay for the mess of the Kavanaugh confirmation. Ford received death threats and was forced to leave her family home after she testified regarding her account of the sexual assault. Additionally, she moved her sons in with friends so they could continue their education. After Ford testified, President Donald Trump mocked her testimony while at a rally in Mississippi, which resulted in uproarious laughter and applause from the crowd. Ben Struble is a recent marketing graduate from Eastern University. Struble says he believes Ford’s testimony, but he says it is a lose-lose situation for the country. “Say he’s innocent-if he is, then these women who are speaking out against him probably, for their own agenda, are ruining a good man’s life and future and career... Say he’s guilty-then we’re allowing a man who doesn’t respect women who are actually assuring and abusing women, to make some of the biggest decisions that this country has to make,” Struble said. “It’s a lose-lose situation.”
Climate change calls for us to change BY ANGELINA CAPOZZI Staff Writer Global warming may just be something we think about when we hear it, then forget about it later. Currently, dangerous levels are coming if we do not develop a tool to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. A rise in temperature by 1.5 degrees celsius is projected which is well above pre-industrial temperatures. This means more severe rain, snow events, a rise in sea levels, damage to agriculture and displacement of people. These changes will throw society into mayhem with more disasters then ever before. Senior at Cabrini University Theresa Mignogna, who takes the environmental science bio perspectives class, said “we need to make a change now, because if we keep disrespecting our planet, we may never be able to recover.” Fixing the issue is not a cheap job. It costs $1,000 to take out a single ton of CO2 from the atmosphere. Although this job would be cheaper now then in the future, we have yet to take action. The question “how” is still raised; how do people help this issue? Engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Howard Herzog wrote a book titled “Carbon Capture,” where he explains that it’s more of a hope then reality for the improvement of the environment. He says the best way to help the problem is to not release CO2 into the atmosphere. This idea of not releasing is possible but would mean burning biomass to make electricity. Currently one percent of the U.S. electricity is made by burning biomass. It is very expensive and requires crops, using the crops raising food prices. For it to be economical, the biomass would have to be crop waste or special crops like switchgrass. Switchgrass would not raise prices of food because it is not in demand. Another way to reduce greenhouse gases is grow more forests. Growing more trees would absorb more of the CO2. The problem with this is there is not enough space and land to make it possible. People need to reduce 40-50 percent of emission use by 2030 to not have this huge issue with global warming. This would mean a carbon-neutral world with no added greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 2050. This is very unlikely unless people develop a tool to reduce the gases. “I am not sure what the answer is for our future, but any chances we have to lower carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the greenhouse gases we must take and complete fully,” said Mignogna. “We also need a better educational system regarding global warming. If we cannot educate, we have no hope of saving our planet.” ANEGLINAMCAPOZZI@GMAIL.COM
A rise in temperature by 1.5 degrees celsius is projected which is well above pre-industrial temperatures.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
How I dealt with the loss of my mom
My mom and I when I was a baby BY ALEXANDRA MONTEIRO Staff Writer
Before I started my freshman year of college at Cabrini University, my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer. The day the doctor told me in late July, my heart dropped. I hadn’t even moved onto campus, yet I knew I was going to have a different experience from everyone else. It was hard seeing other students move into their dorms with their parents while I moved in my stuff by myself. My roommates’ moms helped me make my bed and get situated, but it wasn’t the same as having my mom and dad with me. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time during my first semester of college. I met some
of my best friends here and I was able to establish some independence for myself, it was just a little more difficult to concentrate on my school work and be in college knowing that my mom was in the hospital going through something. I managed to make my home and school life work pretty well; every two weeks I would go home over the weekend to visit my mom in the hospital and help out my dad with the house. It wasn’t the ideal college life but it was working… at least until February. In the first week of February two days after my birthday, my dad called me at eight in the morning and told me my mom was unresponsive. I felt myself go into panic mode where I couldn’t breathe. It seemed like forever,
but it hadn’t even been one minute until he said that she was gone. When I heard those words, actually felt my heart collapse. I took that one phone call to completely ruin my life. Everything was completely thrown off balance. I thought I had it all figured out, where I was going to go to school while I watched my mom get better. I remembered the last time I visited her I told her I would see her in two weeks. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. I stayed home for two weeks after my mom’s funeral and finally decided to go back and attempt to finish my semester. However, I had no motivation to do work and catch up. The only thing that really kept me going was a voice in my head telling me that my mom would want me to be in school. But everyday was difficult trying to catch up with my full schedule of classes. It is often times difficult for students to battle the loss of a parent along with your school work. According to Purdue University, “40 percent of college students are grieving a death within the last two years, and the number of students with chronically or terminally ill parents is not tracked.” It’s easier to cope with a traumatic loss when you take time to focus on yourself. Because I had school work to concentrate and catch up on, it
kept me distracted in a way where I didn’t have to always think about what was going on at home. There isn’t a day that has gone by where I don’t think about my mom. I remember the last time I saw her and the last words I spoke to her. I often think about how I wasn’t able to actually say goodbye and how different my life could be if this never happened. I know I don’t have all the answers of how to deal with a loss but I do know it was better for me personally by reaching out to someone like my professors and my friends that just so happen to be my roommates. The one thing I learned about going through this was that I did not have to face it alone. It’s still painful, knowing that my mom would never see me walk at my graduation, but it’s less difficult knowing I do have people in my corner rooting for me and supporting me. I also found out the more I reached out and was willing to open up, the more help and understanding I got from my professors. They were very helpful with getting me back on my feet and even supported me during the funeral. It is important to reach out during with whatever were going through. There days that were harder than others but with time
My mom and I at graduation and acceptance, I truly believe the pain will not hurt as much as it did previous days. Hopefully, those who have gone through something similar as this can find comfort in knowing they’re not alone in this type of situation.
Cosmo’s new cover girl Tess Holliday and what she means to a fellow plus-sized women
Body shaming has become a hot button issue in today’s society
For my entire life, I’ve been fat. Hearing me say that invokes such a strong reaction, doesn’t it? We think “fat” is a terrible forbidden word because society conditioned us that way. You would rather I call myself chubby or curvy or plus-sized or chunky or any other plethora of euphemisms. But now, I don’t see it that way. It’s simply a word that describes my body and not my character, worth or even my health. Since the magazine
Cosmopolitan featured plussized model Tess Holliday on their UK cover for their October issue, many people would like to dispute my previous comment. People all over the internet are claiming having Holliday on the cover “glorifying obesity” and “being a bad influence on health.” Even celebrities like Piers Morgan shared this sentiment on his social media. Even people on my facebook claim this! Society isn’t glorifying obesity by putting a size 22 model on a magazine cover. The diet industry makes $66 billion dollars each year, because the majority of peo-
ple don’t want to be seen as “fat.” Every clothing store, aside from those specifically for plus-sized customers, only makes clothes designed for people with narrow body types. Most celebrities we see have thin waists and slim legs. I could go on and on with how often the ideal of thinness is present and glorified in society. The fact is, nobody is out there saying to themselves, “Damn, I should really put on 70 pounds to become so much better looking and accepted by society!” Years ago, I would have never considered buying a two piece bathing suit. But now thanks to the support of the Body Positivity movement and seeing people like Tess in Magazines, I feel more confident in wearing what I want. Women have their size scruitinized more than men. There’s little to no outrage about magazine covers that featured men such as Kevin James, Rick Ross, or James Corden. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say “I’m worried about Jack Black’s health and I don’t think he should be in movies and on television looking like he does. What would my kids think?” Of course, weight based stigma effects all genders. It just seems to be more prevalent towards
women. But you know what I have heard people say? People have told me I shouldn’t dance or perform on stage because of my weight. Perhaps I should try to wear more flattering clothes and make myself look smaller. If I had a good personality and wore makeup, someone would look past the size I wear. I thought that way when I was younger and unaware of the Body Positivity Movement. It’s thanks to people like Holliday that I now feel encouraged to wear what I want and not be ashamed for taking up the space that I do. My health, Tess Holliday’s AMY GILETTE/ STAFF WRITER health, and anyone else’s in I now have the confidence to none of your concern. Think wear a bathing suit because of about the last time you saw a women like Tess holiday thin person you didn’t know eating something fried or sugary. Were you going to say anything identify in different communities about their health? Then you and abilities. Holliday’s appearshouldn’t say something like that ance on the cover of Cosmo to any person. isn’t about glorifying obesity, it’s In an interview with Holliday about glorifying the person you in 2017, she stated that “visibil- are and not conforming to what ity is important, it’s important to society thinks you should be. look at a magazine or go online and see somebody who looks like you, because that’s what literally saves lives.” She also menAMYGILETTEMEDIA@GMAIL.COM tions how she wishes to see more women of color and people who
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Living with type one diabetes and the impact it has on me in college
At the age of one I became very sick. I was losing weight every day and becoming very dehydrated. When I was taken to the hospital, the doctors told my parents that if they had waited any longer, I would not be here today. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes that was caused by a virus that attacked my pancre-
be some side effects. Diabetics must take more breaks than the average person to maintain blood glucose levels and insulin intake. I spent hours upon hours practicing the game that I fell in love with. Working out every day for a minimum of two hours, and eating the right food to maximize my performance. I put a lacrosse stick in my hand every chance I could. As a high school freshman, I played varsity which hasn’t been done at my high school in MICHELLE GUERIN/ VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR a very long time. By my sophoArcher and his teammates preparing to start a lacrosse game more year I was starting, which continued throughout my high school career. At the end of my as, completely shutting it down and just give up on life. I am junior year I started to receive and changing my life forever. proud to say that instead, I have college offers, ranging from diviDiabetes affects every part of my accomplished dreams and done sion one to division three. life including school, sports and things that most people can only I chose to attend Cabrini leisure time. imagine. I have lived my life to University, a top 10 program Growing up, I never felt nor- the very fullest, treating every with everything that I was lookmal; I was always the odd man day like it’s my last. ing for in a school. Once I got out, constantly going to the docI have dreamed of playing here I realized that I was alone. tor and never finding time to college lacrosse since I started I’m the only one who knows how hang out with friends. Imagine playing the game. Throughout to take care of me. growing up like me and being high school, I was told I would Ever since I have been here at told that you would live a short- never make it. Despite all the Cabrini, I have never felt better er life than the average person. negative comments, I contin- and I have grown as person. How would you live your life? ued to pursue my dream. I started to have many people There have been so many Everybody needs exercise, but in my life, including friends and times where I wanted to quit for a diabetic like me there can family coming up to me with
questions and asking for advice. I continue to tell each person that no matter what situation you are in, no matter what struggles you are faced with, if you have a dream, take control of your destiny. When it comes to my diabetes I have had multiple near-death experiences, some of which that resulted in me staying in the hospital for days at a time. These experiences made me realize that living a “good life” is not about money, fame, success or status; it’s about doing things that make you happy and surrounding yourself with people who support you and your goals. Time passes so quickly that you forget to focus on the little things that are essential to completing the puzzle pieces of your life. One must realize that you have total control over your situation, whatever it may be. Cancel the negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts to achieve a “good life.”
Latinx culture meets Cabrini; Pura Vida helps shed light on my culture you to sign in. After you signed in, you would see a big map of the whole world. They encouraged each student to pin where they were from or their ancestors. It warmed my heart when I put my pins on Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. I felt a sense of pride. I thought about my
Students Standing in line to enjoy the latin dishes BY ALLIYAH MADURO Social Media Manager
Your eyes are closed as you walk into this room. Your ears hear the fast music and the laughter of everyone around you. The aroma of rice and beans creeps into your nose. You picture your abuelita and the rest of your family welcoming you in. Once you take a step closer, you open your eyes and then realize you are in Grace Hall. Being a third year college student, you would think we would get used to being away from family and your Latino traditions. We spend about four and a half months away from home and we find ourselves adjusting to what is around us. In a Hispanic household you would be woken up by salsa music at 7 a.m. That is the cue for “it’s cleaning day”. While we are in
college there are times we can’t do that. We have roommates and neighbors. As much as we would love to blast our Latino music and roots everyday, we are mindful of others. Students pinning their countries. Pura Vida hosted a Latin Festival in Grace Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 17th. The event leaders greeted you in and asked
“I thought of Puerto Rico and how they built themselves up after the hurricane.”
Students pinning where there places of birth are on the map
A variety of Latin dishes. grandfather and the journey he made from Dominican Republic to the United States. I thought of my entire family and the fun parties we would throw. After I put my pin in, I looked at the map and was immediately amazed at how many Latin countries were pinned. Next to the map there were cultural instruments and photographs of the some of the Latin countries. I joined the food line my friends. I was so excited to consume Hispanic food because it had been so long. As I went up each server asked me, “Would you like this?” Let’s just say that by the end of the line my plate was full. They served dishes from Ecuador, Puerto Rico and Mexico. As I sat down with my friends they would ask me “Hey what’s this?” and I was very glad to share
it with them. As I ate, I observed everyone in the room. They were so comfortable and happy. You would see students and faculty dressed in their cultural outfits. When the music got louder you would see the dance floor filled with people doing cultural dances, dancing with people they did not know and sharing a smile. This event made me think about my two countries while we are in school getting caught up with tons of homework. This event helped Latino students create a community within Cabrini. It made us reflect on culture, stories, family and traditions. It was a platform where we were able to share our culture with our friends.
THURSDAY,OCT. 25, 2018
Why I support Black Lives Matter BY MATTHEW DEMARIA Staff Writer
Growing up, my hero was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I learned about the Civil Rights Movement and his impact during the 1950s and 60s. After learning a little about him I wanted to know more, so I wrote a research paper on Dr. King and Malcolm X. These two held completely different philosophies on how to change America. Dr. King was a man who wanted to make a change but in a peaceful way. Malcolm X, in contrast, followed the philosophy of “by any means necessary.” What truly got me passionate about the Black Lives Matter Movement, was my growing awareness of police brutality in
America. Police brutality made me feel frustrated and I felt the need to stand up. The background of America is based on making the white man successful. I am here to say I do not stand for it and demand equality. There have been too many occurrences where a white police officer kills an AfricanAmerican man or woman, and no punishment is seen for them. These cops abuse their power, and absolutely nothing happens to them. This is because America was built on treating AfricanAmericans like they are not human. This is why I stand up f o r t h e African-American community and why I support Black Lives Matter. Like I said, I have always stood with the AfricanAmerican community because
I have always believed that they deserve more then what they get from America. The moment in my life where I had to speak up was the death of Eric Garner. A black man selling cigarettes to make extra money for his family, was then choked to death by a police officer. I remember thinking to myself how much force that officer had to put upon that man to choke him so long and hard he could not breathe anymore. I was furious with America. This also completely changed my view of police officers in America. When Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the national anthem in front of the country on national television, I was observing everyone’s reaction. When I noticed a lot of white people were boycotting the NFL and said Kaepernick was
BSU March that took place last year
being disrespectful, I stepped back and tried to inform people: he is protesting as peaceful as possible. I continue to stand up for Kaepernick and preach to this country that police brutality is not okay, and that it is a huge
problem in this country. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
The key to an easy life is having a best friend BY KATIE DAVIS Staff Writer
Being a good friend is not about knowing your friends favorite color, favorite food or favorite number. Being a good friend, has a much deeper meaning than that. I am sure we have all had friendships that have faded or friendships that randomly started, due to school or a club, but we all have those few special friendships. That special group of friends you know you will have for the rest of your life. That group of friends that have been there for you at your lowest and only want to see you at your highest. In order to have a good friendship you have to learn how to
be a good friend. Being a good friend, means that sometimes you have to pick up the weight off someone else’s shoulders and carry it on your own, until they have the strength to carry it themselves. Friendship is a lot of work. You have to go through the ups and downs, boyfriends and girlfriends, cries and laughs, in order to have a strong friendship. You cannot just walk away from that person when things get a little tough. You have to sit down and work it out. Sometimes you have to do things you do not want to do, but you have to do in order to keep your friend happy. If they feel like they are going to fail a test, study with them. If they are going through a tough time, be there
to cry it out with them. Being a friend means that another person will never have to go through life alone. You have to be there for them, even when they cannot be there for themselves. Never let your friends give up on themselves. Make sure they know their worth. Do not compete with each other, go through it together. Be supportive of each other. Tell each other how proud you are of all their accomplishments. Be there for them through their firsts. Their first break up, first love, first car, first house, first child, etc. Friends were put in our lives to make life a little easier than it actually is. Having a friend means you never have to be afraid to go
through life without guidance. Your friends will be there through your worst and best decisions. Listen to your friends, because sometimes your friends know you better than you know yourself. They know when you are sad, angry or have had enough. Your friends pick up your signs, way before you do. Friendship is a two-way street. Both people have to put in equal amount of work. Some days you will have to put in 95 percent of the work, not because the other person is not trying but because the other person needs someone to try for them. Life is only going to get harder but your friends are the ones that will make you stronger, so that life will become easier. Even on days where you are in
Katie posed with her roommate
your worst mood, sometimes you have to fake a smile and put your friend’s problems first.
“What? You have four sisters?”: What it’s like growing up in a family of five girls
Aslinn and her sister on their first day of school BY AISLINN WALSH Staff Writer
Being the oldest in a family of five girls, I’ve heard a wide range of comments from, “Wow, you guys practically have your own basketball team!” or “Are you guys part of a high school
mission trip?” Yes, there are five of us. And no, we don’t have any brothers. I wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Growing up, there truly never was a dull moment. When we were younger, we got pretty creative in ways to entertain each
other, like having “drag” races with bikes on the street. We held competitions who could throw a tennis ball over the roof first, made movies and competed in soccer games against each other. One time, we built teepees and had a cookout in our backyard, complete with a campfire. As we got older, my dad started to enlist us to help him with projects around the house. Since there is an eight-year difference between my youngest sister and me, it made home repairs way easier. My dad-now had four or five people working at once. We got the jobs done pretty efficiently and learned so many home improvement skills. We mowed the lawn, weed whacked, removed tree stumps, worked on plumbing, painted our living room, did demolition and the coolest project that we did was we reroof the shed in
our backyard. It took us several sweaty weekends but we got the job done and learned some valuable construction skills, like shingling. During my senior year of high school, I was the only one who had a license so I frequently drove them to and from functions. Now for many, driving siblings around town seems like a chore. I honestly found it to be quite the opposite. In fact, some of my fondest memories of my senior year are from when I drove my sister around. We laughed until our stomachs hurt, vented to each other, shared frustrations over other drivers and argued over what we should name the car. It was quite a monumental day when we got a hold of an AUX cord. This meant that we could extend our kitchen dance parties into the car. In Pennsylvania, newly licensed drivers receive a junior
license before getting a senior license, which they typically receive upon turning 18. Under the junior license, you cannot take more than one non- family member in the car with you while driving alone. We also joked about getting pulled over for having too many passengers in the car under a junior license. We couldn’t get in trouble because we were all family members and had we each had seat in the car. There are still a few more years to go until all five of us can drive. CONTINUE READING ONLINE ALLTHINGSBOOKS@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Break out the pink: October is breast cancer awareness month BY AMY KODRICH Staff Writer
Breast cancer awareness month Oct. is breast cancer awareness month, “a worldwide annual campaign involving thousands of organizations, to highlight the importance of breast awareness, education and research.” As young women it is never too soon to be educated on a topic that is the most common form of cancer in women. About one in eight women, 12.4 percent, will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Many different organizations have been created to help fund for breast cancer research as well as bring awareness to women. Some organizations include Susan G. Koman For the Cure, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Breast Cancer Action and Living Beyond Breast Cancer. “Two of my neighbors both had it and it came back all over their body and unfortunately passed away,” junior Amanda Earl said. “One was like my second mother, so it had a huge impact on my life and I was very close with her son and it still today affects him.”
we always have some sort of pink day,” assistant director of the department of athletics and recreation, Jess Huda, said. They will be handing out pamphlets to help educate women on how to take care of your breast as well as self examination. The first pamphlet informs you what to do if you do find a lump on your breast and what actions to take. It also mentions who’s at risk for breast cancer and how to decrease those risks. The second pamphlet gives you the steps of how to
About one in eight women, 12.4 percent, will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
in the spring,” Huda said.
Start reducing your risk now Its been proven that the more alcohol someone drinks, they are at a 20 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer than non-drinkers. Being overweight or obese also affects the risk of breast cancer. The older you get the more prone you are to breast cancer. It is very rare to get breast cancer at a young age, however, more than 250,000 women living in the United States today were diagnosed with it under age 40. “Part of reducing your risk for breast cancer is maintaining a healthy lifestyle...don’t smoke, don’t drink too much alcohol, exercise, eat well and know your family history and then early detection is key. Especially if you have a family history,” Cabrini nurse Susan Fitzgerald said.
Cabrini helps spread awareness Think Pink Day is a day dedicated to promoting awareness of breast cancer at Cabrini. This year it was hosted on Sept. 18 in Cavs Corner during lunch time. The offices of Health Services and Athletics and Recreation were spreading awareness and handing out health information. “I’ve been doing it [Think Pink Day] since I’ve started working here and that’s been 12 years ago and every year
self-exam your breast at home. Women should check for at least 10 minutes once a month. When checking at home you should examine how they feel as well as how they look. “Usually every team does a cancer game...our women’s soccer team just did our pink game...but for sports that aren’t playing in the fall, basketball will do a cancer game in February and lacrosse will do something
Breast cancer awareness ribbon.
iOS 12 update has gone viral only to meet mixed reactions
Is fashion the new trend? Fashion Nova is for sure.
On Monday, Sept.17, Apple released the new iOS 12 update for users as far back from the 5th iPhone generation to the newest version of the phone. The update came out with many new features for smartphone users including: new Facetime, iMessage and application features. These new elements have left many intrigued. New animojis for carriers, new emojis, as well as a new setting that allow users to keep track of the amount of time they’re on their phones. Many called this system update the next big step for Apple. Many iPhone users have been waiting for this day to come. Although most of the world was waiting for this, some other users are not as fond of the update. “I want to know how to make my phone go back to the old version cause this one sucks,” Breana Roberts, a shopper in the King of Prussia Mall, said. When the update was released, many users downloaded it. Apple users all around the world began to talk about the features that were displayed and many confused consumers had questions for Apple and their providers. When the new system came out, older generations of the iPhone weren’t able to apply the update to their phone. Many people became upset due to being told their phone would be compatable. After some time, every iPhone user was able to gain access to iOS 12 for their devices. “I have the iPhone 5s and I was able to get the update but I had to wait a little while after everyone,” Gabby Sanchez, a current employee in King of Prussia,
said. “My network even went down when I did the update but I had wifi so it was all good.” The update caused many concerns throughout the process of being downloaded due to many speculations and opinions of iOS updates. The features that came with updating the phones was necessary, to be said by many users of Apple. “This was something I know we have all been waiting for,” Sherry Wilson, a current student at Montgomery County Community College said. Many users who download the update have seemed to really appreciate it for what it came out to be. Many Apple users believe it is something new and refreshing for there phones, as well as themselves. The update not only gave them new access to some new features, it also allowed them to maintain some privacy and security concerns for the users who tend to worry about privacy issues when using devices such as the iPhone, or any Apple product. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
iPhone screen with new update. JG.64.GLOVER@GMAIL.COM
Fashion Nova is a hot topic around the world. The Fashion Nova website launched in 2013. Most of the brands sales are made online, but a few stores are located in California. They have five retail locations in southern California, according to their site. The brand is always on the lookout for the newest and best styles. Fashion Nova is known for their quality clothing that is very affordable for a lot of people. It is known as the top online fashion store for women. Online you can shop for club dresses, bodysuits, skirts, jeans and much more. Being that most of the brands clothing is sold online, their shipping is consistant and gets delivered quickly. “I like their exclusive styles for a reasonable price,” loyal Fashion Nova customer Ashley Miller said. “Shipping is good and effective.” The brand is known to fit true to size. This keeps their customers happy because who really wants to keep returning for clothes not fitting properly? Fashion Nova is known to be very loyal to their customers. The team posts their customers on social media rocking their newly purchased Fashion Nova gear. The team also tends to comment under customers photos telling them how great they look in their clothes. The brand has 13.4 million followers on Instagram. Fashion Nova is active on social media sites including Facebook,
Instagram and Pinterest. Fashion Nova recently dropped a men’s line known as Fashion Nova men on June 13, 2018. This came about because Fashion Nova was already very successful with women’s clothing sales and the founders decided to try out a men’s line, after many requests online. At first, they dropped the line to see what would happen, but it led to more when fashion Nova men the Instagram page racked up almost 250,000 followers in just a few days. “I think Fashion Nova men speaks for all the males who are on social media who see women buying nice clothes all the time but feel as though they deserve the opportunity to have the same quality clothes,” junior exercise science major Nicholas Louis said. “Which is why this line is good, because it brings a fresh new style to male communities.” This line, like the women’s line, is good quality clothing at an affordable price. Fashion Nova men offer customers jeans, sweaters, sweatpants, hoodies and much more. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
Clothes hanging on a circular rack.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
“Venom” takes a bite out of the box office as critics and audiences clash BY JUSTIN BARNES Lifestyles Editor
There have been several instances where movie critics and audiences disagree on films. Now, the latest Sonyproduced Marvel movie has been added to growing list of movies that divide critics and audiences.
that merging man and symbiote together can allow humanity to survive on other worlds. Thus, he begins experimenting on San Francisco’s vagrants to make that goal a reality. However, these tests prove unsuccessful resulting in the deaths of all his test subjects and one of the symbiotes.
History The Spider-Man villain turned anti-hero, Venom, is regarded by many to be one of Spider-Man’s greatest villains, as well as one of the best comic book villains. Venom has an IGN ranking of #22 on their list of the top 100 comic villains of all time. The result of disgraced journalist Eddie Brock bonding with an alien symbiote that previously latched onto Spider-Man himself, Venom has been showcased in many comics, TV shows and video games over the years. There have also been many different iterations of the character with several other Marvel characters becoming hosts for the Venom symbiote. Venom made his live-action film debut in Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man 3” with Topher Grace portraying Brock. However, many people were disappointed with Grace’s performance claiming that it was “a wasted opportunity and cheap scheme to get people excited for the sequel.” Grace even admitted that he wasn’t sure why he was cast as Venom in the first place. In March 2017, it was announced that Sony was making a Venom movie that would be the first of a shared universe comprised of other characters they had the rights for. Sony also hopes to have this film connect to the universe of Spider-Man: Homecoming. In addition, Sony revealed that Ruben Fleischer was assigned to direct the film and Tom Hardy was cast as Brock as well as the voice and motion capture for Venom.
Plot Based on the comic series “Venom: Lethal Protector,” “Venom” follows Brock as he investigates the Life Foundation and it’s notorious CEO Carlton Drake, played by Riz Ahmed, after discovering that he’s been accused of conducting illegal experiments that result in people dying. Having recently acquired alien symbiotes from one of his company’s deep space explorations, Drake believes that Earth is on the brink of ecological collapse and
Tom Hardy portrays a Jekyll and Hyde duo in “Venom” While investigating Drake’s laboratories with the help of Dr. Dora Skirth, played by Jenny Slate, Brock comes across the symbiote named Venom and it bonds with him granting him superhuman strength and immense power. With the Life Foundation hunting him down and a rage-fueled, bloodthirsty creature attached to him, Brock must learn to work with the symbiote and control the powers he finds scary, yet intoxicating, if they are to survive.
Critics vs. Audiences In the days leading up to “Venom’s” release on Friday, Oct. 5, it received negative reviews from critics with many criticizing its tone and pacing as well as earning a score of 32 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. However, audiences seemed to disagree as the film broke a box office record for best October opening weekend, pulling in a domestic total of $80.03 million and surpassing “A Star is Born” which opened on the same weekend and grossed $42.6 million domestically. “Venom” has since made $205.2 million worldwide and has won audiences over earning an 89 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and a solid B+ from Cinemascore. Venom fan Mack Mattson is very excited to see “Venom” and has been waiting for this movie ever since it was announced. While he isn’t a comic book fan, he’s been a fan of Venom for a while and was excited to hear that Venom would be starring in his own film. However, Mattson is concerned that the film won’t live up to his expectations and be as bad as “Suicide Squad.” Despite that, he is very much looking forward to seeing the movie, Venom in action and Hardy’s performance. “If he [Tom Hardy] can do a great job as Bane, then no doubt he will be better than Topher Grace,” Mattson said. Cabrini junior Scott Tierney is also excited for Venom having been a fan of the antihero for years. He’s also confident that Hardy’s performance as Brock would be good due to his past performances. Despite hearing mixed reactions about the quality of the film, Tierney is still excited to see “Venom” hoping that it’ll lead to an introduction one of Venom’s greatest enemies in future sequels. “While it may not be great, I hope it does well enough to get a sequel that may be better,” Tierney said. “I would love to see if it sets the stage for a Carnage spin-off.” Despite reviews dwindling his excitement, Tierney is still psyched to see Venom in action as well as Hardy’s performance. However, he feels the movie would’ve been better if it had an R rating but has hopes that an R-rated cut will eventually be released. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
The lifespan of tv shows: how long should they go? BY AMY KODRICH Staff Writer
Long lived TV shows
current topics. They keep their audience entertained which is ultimately what keeps a show alive. “The Big Bang Theory” has announced that they are ending the show after 12 seasons, and social media isn’t afraid to speak their mind. People were excited that the show is coming to an end, despite how popular the show was. People were getting bored and were annoyed when a new seasons was announced. “I’ve never watched ‘The Simpsons...’ but for me overall, I like the drama to a certain point, after that I won’t really follow it because it’s so long,” sophomore Riddhi Parmar said. “If it just continues I’ll just quit watching it.”
“The Simpsons” is celebrating 30 years on air, with new episodes airing in September. The show has become an international success, making it the longest aired show in history starting back in 1989. It is ground-breaking for a show to last as long as “The Simpsons,” when so many shows cannot get passed two season. However, more TV shows are starting to follow in their footsteps. For example, “Law and Order: SVU” has been on for 20 seasons and “Grey’s Anatomy” has been on for 15 seasons. This begs the question, is the general audience excited for another season or are people bored? “The Simpsons” is good at creating episodes that appeal to the audience, touching on PIXABAY
How and why do they stay on for so long? The reasons theses shows have continued to be on TV for so long is because of the international success they have. Shows leave a huge impact on their audience that makes them coming back for more. With drama shows, they’ll end on a cliff hanger and draw the audience in, wanting to see what will happen next. “I think it’s great when a show is on
for so long because it really lets the writers get creative to keep fans captivated,” sophomore Olivia Young said. “I think shows that run for that long stay on partly due to the fact that they grow such large fan bases. ‘The Simpsons’ is a funny show that gets everyone who watches it to laugh and has a character for every type of person. The writers have gotten highly creative with it and I think that’s why it’s been so successful.” The audience get attached to characters and keep wanting more. In “Grey’s Anatomy,” there are many characters with different stories. There is always a character you can relate too or a character everyone woes over. “They introduce new topics and themes that are interesting that bring in a new audience and keep it going,” sophomore Gillian Copestick said. Most TV shows don’t usually last more than nine seasons. The average TV show runs between 7-9 seasons. Most of the shows that have this many seasons are over. Once you get over ten seasons the list starts to decrease.
1999 - PRESENT Law and Order SVU Family Guy
2003 - PRESENT
2005 - PRESENT American Dad! Grey's Anatomy Criminal Minds Supernatural htrps; // en.
Life span on TV shows from start to present.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Voting: it is more important than you think BY GRIFFIN HAYS Staff Writer
Register to vote pins given out by Cabrini vote. Every year, millions of people turn 18 and earn the right to vote. As of 2018, the millennial and post millennial generations now have the most eligible voters in America. So, why do they have the worst voter turnout out of everyone? In the 2016 presidential election, only 46 percent of eligible voters between 18 and 29 years old turned in a ballot. For comparison, the Silent/Greatest generation (ages 71+) had a 72 percent turnout. However, now is a better time than ever for that to change. 2018 is a midterm year, referring to the middle of a president’s term in office. This means that a third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives are up for re-election. As a result, lots of changes could be coming and student turnout could have a huge influence on the results. “If you want something done, you have to go get it and the best way to get it is to go vote,” Wolfington
Center employee Nia Alvarez-Mapp said. “They want your vote, you want your issues to be heard and it just works that way but people don’t understand that anymore.” Voter Registration week, the brainchild of AlvarezMapp, ran from Oct. 1 through Oct. 5. The Wolfington Center had tables set up at Cav’s Corner as well as various spots around campus all week. “Since the midterm election is an important election and everything since 2016 has been a bit more messy, I just felt that we should take aim more at the grasp of it and make the system better for everyone by helping to understand the importance of voting,” Alvarez-Mapp said. With today’s politics, it may be more important than ever to get people to vote. It does not seem like one vote means very much, but people joining together with a common goal make change happen. That’s where
students come in. “Students are the next generation,” Alyssa Kuryluk, a sophomore criminology and sociology double major, said. “They’re the ones that need to be PIXABAY voting and making their voice heard because they’re the ones that get affected by any decisions that those in power make.” But students are not the only ones who can speak up, anyone can and should. “It’s our decision who we want to represent us and make big decisions for us,” Matt McCuen, sophomore political science major, said. If not registered to vote already, there are plenty of ways to do it. Registration can be online, depending on the state, as well as in the Wolfington Center. “Come talk to us, we won’t bite I promise,” AlvarezMapp said.
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Cabrini Vote encourage students to register to vote.
Opioids: it doesn’t affect just you, it affects everyone around you BY MELANIE HART Staff Writer
As of now, there is no gap in the opioid use. This epidemic transverse all economic and racial divides. It has gotten to the point where it doesn’t matter where you are from or education you have. It affects all people. Whether it started with injury, depression or simple peer pressure, opioids see no difference between any of them. Opioids can vary from prescription medication to heroin. There is way too many medications to list that fall under opioids. When it does come to prescription medicine, opioids are used for relaxing and taking pain away from the body. They are more known as a narcotic pain medication. Usually, people do not just start with heroin, they get addicted to opioid painkillers and then it often leads to heroin abuse. From MELANIE HART/STAFF WRITER, it says that three out of Prescribed pills from family doctor. four people that were addicted to heroin were introduced to opioids through painkillers. Most of the people dying from painkiller overdose are women. The percentage of deaths from painkillers increased more than 400 percent among women whereas it is 265 percent for men.
“I believe it is frightening. We are losing close to 200 people a day to drug-related deaths. Think about that for a moment. If an airplane full of passengers crashed once daily, with everyone on board not surviving, what would you think?” Dr. Pat Brown said. Dr. Pat Brown is a professor at Cabrini University and he teaches ECG 200 Rethinking Addiction. “This is a horrific amount of people dying every day and we aren’t including death by alcoholrelated causes in that number,” Brown said. Most people do not get their opioid painkillers from doctors. It was found through a study that 60 percent get them off of friends and family members for free. “So we don’t really talk to my uncle much because he was addicted for most of his life. But when my parents would talk to him or my cousin he was always on edge and aggressive,” Julianna Pierce said. “Most of my mom’s side was addicted to drugs or alcohol.” Pierce is a sophomore at Cabrini University. Her uncle was addicted to opioid drugs for most of the time she has known him. “He had probably been addicted for probably 10+ years. He’s clean now and probably has been for a couple years,” Pierce said. For some, it does not have to be a family member. You could be coworkers and see that something is off in someone. Nicole Cassey, a sophomore at Cabrini University, worked with someone that was addicted to opioids for a while. “They were addicted for five years, they are clean now and have been for three years,” Cassey said. “We worked together so I noticed when they just weren’t all there and
Variety of different medications. we became good friends so after they became clean I noticed a whole new person and I realized why.” Sadly, some people can not even tell you about a family member or coworker that is clean. They have unfortunately passed away from overdosing on these opioid painkillers. It is not too late to go and get help. There are several resources all around to help you get over your addiction.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 2018
Tired of uploading photos? Diagnosis: Image Overload BY JUSTIN BARNES Lifestyles Editor
Smartphone cameras are being used 24/7 by millions of people every day. A 2015 report from Gigaom found that the average smartphone user has about 630 photos on their phone. According to PEW Research Center, 24 percent of teens in the United States are reported to be “almost constantly” on their phones. In addition, The Wall Street Journal revealed results from a survey conducted back in 2014 that revealed the most popular social networking apps are visual ones including Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Since photo sharing apps have become increasingly popular, people’s relationships with photographs have changed. Now, people have become so addicted to uploading images that they just upload them on a whim, making it nearly impossible to remember what they uploaded. “Image overload” has reportedly occurred during times of general frustration, low anxiety and some
Uploading images can put stress on individuals
form of exhaustion due to a need for upkeep of public image. Psychologist Linda Henkel of Fairfield University conducted a study that showcased something she called “the photo-taking impairment effect.” In this study, students visited an art museum with only a few of them carrying cameras. Henkel found that the students with cameras remembered very few objects that they saw compared to the other students who simply looked at them. On the other hand, a different study found that people who took their time with setting up their images such as zooming in didn’t have their memory impaired at all. Chair and associate professor of psychology, Dr. Melissa Terlecki believes that a part of what causes such symptoms is people’s desire to maintain a certain image and appear perfect or the way they want their friends or family to see them as. “We may be obsessed with perfection and evaluation by others and the process of having to do that is time consuming,” Terlecki said. “I think that we’re obsessed with portraying ourselves a certain way rather than focusing on ourselves.” Terlecki also adds that people may want to be in touch with other people and portray themselves in a way that will attract their interest and care. She also points out that, depending on the generation, social media may be the main cause as to why people are constantly on their phones because they’re constantly trying to connect with one another. Terlecki agrees with the fact that constant photo taking can cause memory impairment of what was photographed because taking the picture and posting it online costs cognitive resources. If those resources are devoted on perfecting the post, people aren’t focused on the experience which will prevent them from living in the moment. Sophomore early childhood education and special education major Gillian Copestick is an avid user of social media and checks her favorite social media sites, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook around 20-30 times a day.
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Constantly taking photos can cause individuals to forget what they photographed “It’s a way for me to connect with my friends and family, especially the ones I can’t see every day,” Copestick said. “It’s also how kids in my generation stay up to date with a lot of different things.” Copestick also feels an urge to post on social media constantly because it allows her to express herself and sometimes, she feels that if she doesn’t make a post after a certain period of time, people will unfollow her. However, Copestick claims that she gets exhausted and asks herself why she posts all the time, even when she doesn’t have to or need to. In addition, she admits that there are times where taking pictures has prevented her from being in the moment. “I noticed I started taking pictures on vacations or at a concert and I was so absorbed on capturing the moment on my phone that I didn’t capture the moment live with my own eyes and ears,” Copestick said.
What will you be for Halloween?
Going out of state for college
A fall favorite holiday is Halloween. When October first hit, the internet decided that it was now spooky season. Halloween means free candy, dressing up as our favorite characters and watching scary movies all month long. Halloween is not only celebrated in North America, Halloween is celebrated all over the world. In America children and adults dress up on Halloween, and people knock on neighbors doors asking for candy. This holiday is not only for kids. There is no such thing as being too old to trick or treat, everyone is allowed. On Cabrini’s campus, students were talking about plans for Halloween and whether or not they were going to dress up. Some students discussed just putting on a mask, while other female students described the outfits they saw on Fashion Nova. “There is no age limit to wearing a costume. I dress up for Halloween whenever I feel the need too,” Saran Keita, freshman biology major, said. Keita will be Catwoman for Halloween this year. “Halloween allows you to be creative,” Jason Coladonato, sophomore English major, said. Coladonato dresses up for Halloween each year as Michael Myers, who is his favorite movie character. Coladonato agreed that when he has kids he would still continue dressing up.
At a small university like Cabrini, most students come from within 100 miles or so. For them, the thought of moving miles away for college is something they would never dream of. However, like any school, Cabrini has a number of students that come here from all over the country. No matter why they are here, it is a life changing experience. Not having family and friends 10 minutes away or getting to go home every other weekend wears on students. Simply put, people often don’t think about it because they do not think they could handle it. “It’s definitely hard accepting that you’re a long way away from home,” Nick Vass, a senior information technology major from Orange, California said. “It’s hard meeting new friends in a completely new place.” There are many things that out-ofstate students have to adjust to and a common one is culture shock. People are different everywhere, in everything from mannerisms to popular foods. When someone up and moves across the country, certain things will take some getting used to. “I call people ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir,’ it is a southern thing and it’s something I do that you don’t see very often in the north,” Mignon Toppino, a junior religious studies major from Metairie, Louisiana, said. “Sometimes, we get so busy in our day-to-day routine that we
Jason Coladonato wearing his Michael Myers mask “It is never too late, I’ll go with my kids,” Coladonato said. There is a couple on campus that agreed on being the Mr. and Mrs. Incredible from The Incredibles. “The husband and wife always fight. We always get in arguments but still have love for each other,” Victor Conteh, freshman information technology major, said. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
forget to slow down and do little things like say ‘hi’ to people.” That last bit seems to be a common theme among out-of-state students. “Everyone seems a little more rushed here than back home,” Vass said. His hometown of Orange, California is a suburb of Los Angeles, so when he says that people here seem rushed it carries some weight to it. But going beyond cultural differences, even the geographical changes can be difficult to adjust to. Climate changes dramatically, and going from coast to coast the environment can change completely. Just take it from Ivan Varela, a junior criminal justice major from Tucson, Arizona. “Back home it’s pretty much a desert,” Varela said. “It’s a lot more humid here and way greener than it is there.” It is hard going to college far away from home. College is tough enough for students who have family right there to support them, and another thing entirely for those who do not. Whatever their reason is for moving away, it is not impossible to pull off. “Missing out on things like birthdays and family gatherings is really hard,” Varela said. “But in the long run, I know it’s worth it.”
THURSDAY, O CT. 25, 2018
Bond between cross country team members is irreplaceable Sports Source: Is Markelle Fultz starting a mistake? BY JIM KELLY Sports Editor
Brett Brown’s decision to start Markelle Fultz over JJ Redick has gained a lot of attention nationally. Basketball analysts have disagreed with the move by Brown, but it is a move that had to be done. Fultz is the number one pick from a year ago that had a historically confusing rookie season. The investment of the number one pick in the draft is a huge decision by any organization. The only way Fultz can learn is in game situation and playing through adversity. No one knows what really happened to Fultz, but two games into the season and Fultz looks like a whole new player compared to last season. His shots look a lot smoother, and his aggression to shoot jumpshots is an encouraging sign for all Sixer fans. It is clear that the Sixers need that third star to overcome the Celtics in the postseason. The Celtics have too much depth throughout their lineup. Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid are the two centerpieces of this franchise, but Fultz could be the third star. The Sixers drafted him hoping he would be that star player, and he has been a disappointment thus far. But better things are on the way for Fultz as he continues to progress every game. The whole fan base is behind him, and want to see him succeed because he is the difference between a potential finals trip and losing to the Celtics in five games for the second consecutive season. After being called a bust by just about every sports analyst, I know Fultz can be the player we drafted at the number one overall pick. There have been glimpses of Fultz’s talent, like when he pulled up for his first career three-pointer or when he showcased his athleticism in the preseason with a ridiculous chase-down block. The Sixers are in prime position to reach the finals for the first time since 2001 this year, and it all rests on the shoulders of Markelle Fultz.
Cabrini’s men and women’s cross country teams wrapped up their regular season on Oct. 13. They will participate at the inaugural Atlantic East Conference championships on Oct. 27 at Marywood University, right outside of Scranton. Since there are only 17 members on the men’s and women’s team, they have the same coaches, Brian Sudgen and Jose Rodriguez. Head coach Brian Sudgen notes that the practices are held six days a week, Monday through Saturday at 7 a.m. The workouts can include anything from long distance runs and weight training. The workouts vary between the men’s and women’s teams. Many of the teams’ members are training to break personal records and compete against others in meets. One would think that it would foster a competitive and ruthless environment, but this not the case. Since there is a total of 17 runners, the team has formed a close family-like bond. They have gotten especially close to each other by traveling together on the weekends to meets all over eastern Pennsylvania. Freshman chemistry major Morgan Fazzini remarked that the team members are very supportive of each other during the meets and they cheer each other on. She was impressed by how welcoming and friendly they were with her when she arrived, despite joining later in the season.
Senior marketing major Andrew Sennett expressed that the team was not always as close with each other. Since his freshman year, building a strong team culture has been a labor of love for him and he is pleased to know his efforts have come to fruition. “When I got here my freshman year, the team was not very close,“ Sennett said. “So I made it a goal of mine to really start to build a team CONNOR TUSTIN/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF culture, and build an atmosphere where Members of the Men’s Cross Country team warm up before a race. everyone felt like they were close. Seeing how Freshman chemistry major “I am very nervous and the team has bonded throughout Morgan Fazzini also completed excited for playoffs since this the year has been great and I her personal best for the 6k is my first time running cross can’t wait to see it continue to finished up at 29:39.1 country in college,” Reeves said. grow even after I graduate.” Sophomore biology Shaiann “I do not know what to expect. It The warm and encouraging Lyde also set a new personal should be exciting because of all team spirit has led several record. She clocked in at 27:51.6 the team support though”. runners to set new personal for a 6k. Regardless of the records at meets. Recently, The team’s performance at the championship outcome, the they set several records Gettysburg College Invitational team’s bond and support will at the Gettysburg College left Coach Brian Sugden very continue to thrive. For Fazzini, Invitational. hopeful for the upcoming the bond she has formed with the Junior criminology major Luis Atlantic East Championship meet team has played an influential Reyes beat a personal record by at Marywood University. role in her formation as a runner. clocking in at 35:14.5 in the 8k. “Our last meet at Gettysburg “ I can not express how happy Freshman biology major was a great tuneup for the AEC I am I joined,” Fazzini said. “ I do Ariana Rivera also set a new Champions on October 27 at not see me ever quitting running. personal record for the 6k of Marywood,” Sugden said. “We’ll I was able to form a lifelong shaving 57 seconds off her continue to put the hard work in hobby and I am forever grateful previous personal record with a as we prepare ourselves to end for that.” time of 34:45.8. the season on a high note.” Sophomore business Junior graphic design management major Carmen major Melanie Reeves has Jones also took four minutes off mixed feelings about the her previous 6k personal record, championships but is optimistic finishing in at 33:54.2. about the meet. ALLTHINGSBOOKS@GMAIL.COM
Why are sports writers losing their jobs? BY JOSH SANCHEZ Staff Writer
Recently, ESPN and the New York Daily Times have cut half of its sports staff, recreating the newspaper landscape. Over the course of the past couple of years, many big name companies are cutting their staff because technology is increasing.
Technology is increasing One of the main reasons why sports writers are losing jobs is because technology has taken over the world. For example, with the advancement of cell phones and computers, people do not read the newspaper like they used to. David Howell, sports information director at Cabrini University, said “Students today do not read newspapers anymore, we do not ever see newspapers on campus. When
I was in graduate school in 2006, we were still getting the Wall Street Journal every day in the business department.” Over the past decade, the use for newspapers has gotten smaller and smaller. If you go on the NY Times their newspaper is now digital. Everything has become digital, with iPhones and Samsungs, the days of newspaper boys throwing your paper at the doorstep are over.
Anyone can Blog Now Besides technology increasing, with the addition of website creators like Wix and Wordpress, anyone can create their own website. There are a lot of small company websites that get basic bloggers that will write for little to no money. As long as the companies keep their staff small, their business will grow. “With the proliferation of websites, it gives people more
opportunity to be their own writers,” Howell said, “If you want to be a sports writer, start your own blog, create your own website, write for your college’s paper.” To grow in the sports industry do not get discouraged by the decline in sports writers, create your own page and use it for future employers. Take advantage of the new technology. Tyler Monahan is a sports writer for the Philadelphia Sixers sports blog, Liberty Ballers. “It’s definitely something that scares me as someone who wants to make a name for himself in sports journalism,” Monahan said. Monahan went on to explain how he sees the decline of sports journalism as a risk, but also a challenge to get his work get seen by as many people as possible. “This career is one that you have to put your all into, or you won’t get very far,” Monahan said.
Sports journalists overlook a football game
Social Media is increasing Other than websites and technology, the increase in social media has created an exhilarating change in modern day media. Instead of going on websites, we can go on social media, and find news in an instant.
THURSDAY, O CT. 25, 2018
Quarterfinals: Oct. 30th Semifinals: Nov. 1st Championship: Nov. 3rd
Women’s Soccer
Quarterfinals: Oct. 29th Semifinals: Oct. 31st Championship: Nov. 3rd
Quarterfinals: Oct. 30th Semifinals: Nov. 1st Championship: Nov. 3rd
Cross Country
Atlantic East Conference Championships: Oct. 27th @ 11am
Field Hockey
Quarterfinals: Oct. 29th Semifinals: Oct. 31st Championship: Nov. 3rd
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BY JIM KELLY Sports Editor
Add Jalen Richard is a must add player in all fantasy leagues, but especially in PPR formats. Marshawn Lynch has just been placed on injured reserve, and Richard seems to be the best guy to own in that Oakland offense. Doug Martin plans to cut into the backfield, but with Raiders playing from behind most of the time, Richard will be a great add. Cortland Sutton is going to see a lot more snaps moving forward. The rookie out of SMU has had a solid rookie season while not seeing a lot of time on the field. Demaryius Thomas could be traded in the coming days, which would certainly open the door for Sutton as a solid flex option.
Drop Corey Davis is a player that should be dropped in all leagues. After a one game explosion against the Eagles, Davis doesn’t have a single game over 70 yards. Davis only has two games over 10 points in PPR formats. There are much better options on the waiver wire, and the Titans offense doesn’t seem like it is going to get better any time soon. Jordan Reed had a strong start to the season as he scored week one against the Cardinals. However, since then he has been fairly quiet. Reed has been struggling to create a strong connection with his new quarterback, Alex Smith. If Reed is your tight end, I recommend attempting to trade for a more reliable one.
Watch Josh Gordon is a player that could potentially help win you a fantasy championship. Gordon has been playing about 87 percent of snaps the past two weeks since being traded from the Cleveland Browns. Gordon has overcome a minor hamstring injury, making him look like the receiver that once had back to back 200 yard games. Ronald Jones started the year as a healthy scratch for the first few weeks. Jones scored his first touchdown as a pro last week, as starting running back, Peyton Barber, went down with an injury. The door is now open for Jones to take the lead of that Tampa Bay backfield, as they spent a first round pick on him at last year’s draft. Jones will be given an opportunity to have relevance in fantasy, so he is definitely a player to watch in the coming weeks. JAMESEJKELLY@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, O CT. 25, 2018
Carson Wentz’s Audience of One Foundation integrates faith and service together BY AISLINN WALSH Staff Writer
a positive mark on a community or organization. Sophomore lacrosse and field hockey player Shannon Agnew believes that athletes and service work hand-in-hand to inspire people. “By performing acts of service,” Agnew said. “It makes people aware that athletes are just ordinary people who can do ordinary things like anyone else, and maybe will inspire someone to take on some service their self.” For other athletes, service is a worthwhile investment of time and rewarding experience. Kate Lannon, sophomore basketball player, found her experience as an orientation leader to be a rewarding decision. “This was an amazing feeling,” Lannon said. “To be some of the first people the freshman would meet and interact with on campus.
In 2017, the Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Carson Wentz, established the AO1 Foundation, which launched and funded three different service outreach programs. This included a food truck, sports facilities for children in Haiti and an outdoors camp for youth with physical illnesses.
Athletes and Community Service Wentz is joined by thousands of professional athletes nationwide who are actively involved with community service. Today, it is becoming a more common place for athletes to participate in community outreach, such as visiting children’s hospitals, running youth clinics, packaging meals for hurricane victims or promoting breast cancer awareness. Dr. Ray Ward, interim director of the Wolfington Center, noted that this change comes with the expectation that people desire athletes to be good role models in society. Community outreach and service is an excellent way for athletes to leave
Personal Motivation
Many athletes, such as Wentz, are simply driven to support people based on personal values or desires to reach organizations that they hold dear to them. For Wentz, his faith is a huge motivator in his service and community outreach programs. His foundation, AO1, seeks to instill human dignity and worth in people while building community and at the core of each of his outreach programs is spreading the Gospel message.
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Carson Wentz handing out food in South Philadelphia
His foundation also works with Mission of Hope: Haiti, a non-profit organization that INSTAGRAM nourishes children spiritually, physically and mentally. The organization provides over 91,000
meals a day, education for 9,000 students a day, healthcare and church service resources. Through the partnership with Mission of Hope: Haiti, the AO1 foundation seeks to aid in the development of Haitian children by providing a sports facility that will house competitive and recreational sports. AO1’s partnership seeks to aid the organization by funding a brand-new sports facility. In spring 2017, Wentz and several other players on the Eagles traveled to Haiti to aid in the construction of the facility. Upon completion, the building is expected to include basketball courts, weight room, track and soccer fields. It will also be the hub for recreational and competitive sports leagues. According to the AO1, the sports training program emphasizes character development, “to develop physical skills, foster teamwork, learn interpersonal abilities, grow in responsibility and learn discipline.” In addition, the program will incorporate mentorship and provide spiritual development opportunities. Stateside, the foundation offers a yearly outdoor summer camp, “Camp Conquerors,” in Wentz’s home state of North Dakota. The camp is designated for children who are underserved or who are dealing with serious medical issues. Campers are given exposure to the outdoors through a variety of activities like paddleboarding, archery or a ropes course. The aim at the program is to build community among peers, develop sports skills and learn more about the Christian faith. Since its inception in August 2018, the food truck, “Thy Kingdom Crumb,” gives out free food to people regardless of age, socioeconomic level and religion. This means that people from all walks of life, like families, college students and people experiencing homelessness and
Carson Wentz looking to pass outside the pocket many more, can all come together and share a free, hot meal. Why give out free food? According to AO1, “Thy Kingdom Crumb,” distributes food free of cost to “demonstrate the love of God and to infuse his hope by feeding people and uplifting communities.” The food truck can be found at community events like Eagles tailgates and non-profit events. Prior announcements to events will be posted on its Instagram page. Volunteer opportunities on the truck are limited to members of the food truck’s partner organization, Connect Church. They are working hand-in-hand with AO1 to make the vision of “Thy Kingdom Crumb” a reality.
Underlying Effect
If one of Wentz’s objectives is to strengthen communities, he is definitely on the right track. Dr. Ray Ward notes that service has a powerful effect on a community.
Cabrini club lacrosse looking for more success in its 11th year BY EVA SOLER Staff Writer
Cabrini University is known for having a great, widespread athletic department, but what people miss out on is the athletic clubs. One of the most fun and successful club teams is Cabrini’s club lacrosse. This club was formed back in 2007 by alumni Ryan Kaysen and Tom Hayes. The intentions were clear, that students who could not make the varsity team would still be able to play. Other players on the team now say that it’s more fun than anything, just to play a sport you love. Even if you have never even played lacrosse, you can give it a try in the club. After speaking to many members, they all agree that it’s about the friendships and the fun more than anything. The difference in the club from the school team is commitment. Senior accounting major and former president of club lacrosse Tyler Klitchko, recently backed down from his presidency of three years. “I joined the team because it gave me the opportunity to continue playing the game I loved but focus on school and get involved in other activities around campus,” Klitchko said. This club isn’t just fun and games. Since 2008, the team has been competing in the National College Lacrosse League (NCLL). “We received our first ever national ranking at 18 in the nation in 2018, and also had our first national tournament appearance in 2018 which we were chosen as a host site,” Klitchko said.
During the fall, practice is only once every two weeks, explains junior business major Grant Murray, newly succeeded president of the club. They’re hosting a tournament with several teams later in the fall. In the spring, they practice twice a week. They host a tournament at Cabrini called the Main Line Classic. This schedule compared to a varsity sport team is one of the reasons club lacrosse is so easy to be apart of. Dillon Staples, sophomore political science and economics major, also the vice president of the club lacrosse team said, “It does not at all interfere with my CABRINIRECREATION schedule.” Sophomore business management major, John Club lax huddles up before practice Rech said, “That is the best part about club lacrosse remain active and competitive. Lacrosse is a sport that is that the practices rarely interfere with people’s has helped me tremendously with the stress of college, schedules.” and has been a wonderful outlet,” Staples said. Most players join because they know it will be a bit easier on their schedule. The point is to have fun and play. “I joined because I was looking for a way to play competitively while also retaining the time to stay focused on my education,” Staples said. “The best part is getting to play the sport I love with a big group of funny guys.” It’s easy to join, too. If you see a player on campus, reach out to them and ask. Chances are they’ll invite you to a practice and it will go from there. You can get in touch online too, on their twitter. ESOLER714@GMAIL.COM “I would tell anyone who wants to join, to do it. It is not only a great way to get exercise, but also a way to
THURSDAY, O CT. 25, 2018
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