Feb. 21, 2019 issue 08 Loquitur

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THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019

Berks County family detention center remains open despite protest BY CHRISSY MCCOLLUM News Editor In Leesport, Pennsylvania, a detention center for immigrants and their families is still running, despite protests to shut the facility down. The Berks County Family Residential Center is one of three detention centers still open in the United States. The Karnes County Residential Center in Karnes, Texas, is operated by the GEO Group and has 532 beds. The South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas, is operated by CCA and contains 2,400 beds. Berks County center, operated by Berks County through a contract with ICE, is the smallest of the three and has 96 beds. John Michael Cotignola-Pickensis is an Advocacy Programs Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. Each month, a group of people from a variety of churches, advocacy programs and schools (including Cabrini) join together at the Berks detention center for a vigil that helps bring awareness to the issue and reassure the detained families through song and prayer that they are not alone and people are fighting for their freedom. “Shutdown Berks Interfaith Witness is a grassroots organization that started around 2014 and focuses on the families inside the Berks County family detention center,” Cotignola-Pickensis said. “These are people that do not look like me - a white male, but they are people running for their lives, typically from Central America.” Ayannah Mcilwain is a senior philosophy major at Cabrini. She first heard about Berks detention center and the vigils Cabrini participates in through her ECG 300 class taught by Abel Rodriguez. “The reason I wanted to attend the vigil at Berks was to be a part of something bigger than myself,” Mcilwain said. “The center is so close to Cabrini and my home and I had no idea that it existed. I wanted to get more information on what these people are going through and help them in any way I could, even if it was just offering my prayers and support.” The purpose of the center is to house low-level, non-criminal families who are being mandatorily detained during removal proceedings in a family-friendly, shelter-like setting. According to the Juvenile and Family Residential Management Unit of Berks County, families are provided with ongoing medical and mental-health care as well as other supportive services and school age children are taught by state certified educators. “Since the beginning, we have argued that the center does not follow the Flores Agreement because there have been children who have been in there for more than 20 days, which is the agreement,” Cotignola-Pickensis said. “There are children who have been in there for over a year. It’s obvious the Flores Settlement is not being followed at Berks, which is something we have brought up a lot, but is not a deal breaker for some reason.” After everyone participating in the vigil gathered and settled down, silence filled the outside of the center. In the distance, you could see a father in the courtyard playing with his young son, riding a tricycle. “I felt a wave of emotion when I saw the family outside because it made everything so real to me,” Mcilwain said. “I thought about the people that drive by the center everyday on their way to their home and their families and how the people inside don’t know if they will ever have that freedom again.”

The Berks County detention center had its license revoked by the state of Pennsylvania on Feb. 21, 2016, but continued to operate after losing its license. “Ultimately, we are asking Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf for an Emergency Removal Order - or ERO. That would effectively shut down the center and put a hold on any immigrants being placed into the center,” Cotignola-Pickensis said.




“[Gov. Wolf ] is able to do that legally if it is proven that the families inside the center are at risk. He continues to say that he cannot legally do that because there is not enough evidence to prove that there are forms of abuse going on. The unfortunate thing is that there is documentation of abuse on the Department of Human Services’ website. A former guard was fired for rape, so we know there have been forms of abuse.”

“Politics is a selfish game. No matter how good a politician seems on the outside, you need to pay attention to their actions for they will show what they truly stand for,” Mcilwain said. “The fact that the governor of the state that I grew up in is supporting the detainment of families by not taking the necessary steps to shut the center down is honestly disappointing.” The parents and children, most of whom are seeking asylum, have reported physical abuse, verbal abuse and medical neglect inside the detention center. Treatment such as this is not only inhumane, but also traumatic for those enduring it in hopes for a better future. “We wonder what it takes to issue an ERO, if not rape,” Cotignola-Pickensis said. A 2017 report from the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security noted that after three surprise visits, the family detention facility was “clean, well-organized, and efficiently run.” The report also concluded that “ICE was satisfactorily addressing the inherent challenges of providing medical care and language services and ensuring the safety of families in detention.” ICE officials defend Berks as a “humane alternative to maintain family unity.” “I was shocked when I stood across from the building. The outside looks like it is a part of the nursing home across the street, you would never know it was there unless someone told you,” Mcilwain said. Over time, the population and makeup at the Berks detention center have shifted. The majority of the beds used to be filled by mothers and their children, but today they house around 20 families, mostly all fathers and children. These families were fleeing violence from their homes of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras - often referred to as the “Northern Triangle” - and coming to America seeking asylum. Asylum seekers are different than migrants who illegally enter the country in hopes to stay. Immigrants who come to America seeking asylum are typically running from domestic abuse or gang violence that was occurring in their home country. Other migrants whose lives are not in danger may want to come to America in hopes of a better life for their families and more opportunities for work. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions told immigration judges they could no longer grant asylum to the majority of migrants who come here trying to escape dangerous situations. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2015, 84,182 people applied for asylum and 15,999 were granted asylum status. U.S. immigration law does not set a limit on the number of people granted asylum each year, but the president does set a limit on refugees. In 2019, the refugee admission limit is 30,000 - which is 15,000 fewer than 2018. “The first step [we hope to take] would be to get inside the center. The second step would be to get legal representation from legitimate lawyers who would not take advantage of the families or our organization - and the third step would be to get them removed from the detention center and into a community setting so their court case can be heard in hopes of the end result being asylum status,” Cotignola-Pickensis said. CHRISSYMCCOLLUM@GMAIL.COM





THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019

The truth behind our environment; Climate change myths vs. facts



MYTHS Climatechangedoesnot affectme...


FACTS Climatechangeaffectsus all but, we will not adapt. Plants,animalsand other organismsneed the properclimateto be able to survive.


A few degreesof changedoes not really matter...

Weare at a point in our lives wherethe safetynet of two degreesis no longersafe. Degreechangecan have a drasticchange on the world.

Notall scientistsbelievethatclimate changeexists...

Accordingto The WashingtonPost, more than 97 percentof climatescientistsagree that climatechangeis happeningand that humansare causingit.



The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the student editors.

A warmer planetwi forusinthelong

Althoughthe US is not necessarilyaffected negativelyby warmclimate,countriesthat are closerto the equatorare.

Animalsandhum easilyadaptto cha

Only somelivingorganismsare able to adapt at the speedthat climatechangeis occurmg.

Climatecomputer modelsare buttheycanmeananything ...

Climatemodelsare accurate,eventhe ones starting50 years ago.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. They should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be e-mailed to loquitur@ cabrini.edu

CarbonDioxideis good for plants,so the more of it, the better ...

Withmore CO2,temperatures will rise and rain patternswill be inconsistent.

D rJ

Loquitur Media




THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019



International Venezuelan student speaks about her home country’s crisis


Alissa Lovera BY KATHRYN TAYLOR Assistant Social Media Manager

Editor’s note: Venezuela is currently in the midst of a controversy over who its president is. Nicolas Maduro was elected last year for a second term. Recently, Juan Guaidó, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, has been recognized by some as interim president. The situation is complicated, but President Trump has declared support for Guaidó over Maduro. A current Cabrini student, Alissa Lovera, is from Venezuela and Loquitur interviewed her to get her point of view.

“This is not easy to put into words,” Alissa Lovera, freshman digital communication and social media major, said. “I despise Maduro to put it in the more honest and blunt way.” Alissa Lovera grew up in Venezuela and moved to Uruguay in December of 2015. She moved to Uruguay to continue her university education after she felt she could not continue studying in Venezuela due to the political and socioeconomic crisis. After two years spent in Uruguay, she left to come to the United States to continue her higher education because she was struggling in Uruguay to find a good job. More than three million Venezuelans have left the country over the past few years. This is due to public health plummeting, insufficient goods and lack of power. On Jan. 23, Juan Guaido announced himself as president to challenge the current president of six years, Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela is currently in the worst humanitarian crisis that has occurred in a while. “This is a condition we as Venezuelans never expected to be in,” Lovera said. Before Maduro became President, Hugo Chavez was in the presidency. Lovera said Chavez was full of hate to anyone who was not his supporter, often calling them names and being hostile. “He (Maduro) is basically doing absolutely nothing for the people he claims his government is for,” Lovera said. Lovera says the majority of Venezuelans feel as though Maduro should not remain president due to the economy collapsing under his presidency last term. Although Maduro won the recent election, Lovera said Venezuelans said the election was unfair because Maduro won due to many

of his opponents being jailed or having escaped the country in fear of being imprisoned “The situation in Venezuela is now terrible. There are no medicines in hospitals and there is no food in the supermarkets. A minimum salary is not enough to buy even 5 percent of the first necessity items which we call ‘cesta básica,’” Lovera said.

“I myself have been a victim of government repression in pacific protests, being attacked by National Guards with the use of - not tear gas - mustard gas. I saw how my friends got killed just to have their phones stolen... I saw how the value of human life was less than the value of the money.” -ALISSA LOVERA Venezuelan money is practically worthless and everything costs millions due to the devaluation of their currency and the hyperinflation estimated at over one million percent. People die every day out of lack of medicine to treat their diseases and the low-income class is literally starving to death. There is a shortage of medicines in Venezuela and people often exchange them via social media for food or other items. There are no medicines in the hospitals to treat patients, people are dying every day because of the health crisis. Lovera said

people in Venezuela are starving because food production is being shut down due to government expropriation of the private industry, which collapsed due to poor management. Lovera saw how the media that wasn’t controlled by the government and opposed it, was shut down. She said she saw how slowly food started to disappear from shelves, how they began to make lines to be able to buy milk and toilet paper, how the money they made working lost all its value because of the hyper-inflation and economic crisis. The National Assembly, a group of representatives of the nation, insisted that the election was unfair due to those circumstances and Maduro is a “usurper.” President Trump is siding with the national assembly and agrees, Juan Guaido should be the official president. Juan Guaido has been involved in the resistance against the Chavez and Maduro regime since it has begun. He was a young Venezuelan who grew up watching his country decay in every level and who wants things to change. Lovera said there is a new generation of Venezuelans who are aware of themselves and collective potential as a nation. They want Venezuela to be a great country where they can all live because they love their country. “I believe in Juan Guaido because I know where he comes from and because he is doing things the right way. He is very brave to face the dictatorship the way he is doing it,” Lovera said. She compares him to Leopoldo Lopez who was sent to prison for going against the regime. Like many others, Lovera believes Guaido can help make a difference. CONTINUE READING ONLINE

In the midst of record freezing temperatures, Trump misses global warming BY HAYLEY THOMPSON Assistant Visual Editor While large parts of the country were suffering from record-setting low temperatures and lots of snow on Jan. 20, President Trump took to Twitter to address his concerns. His tweet began by advising U.S. citizens to be careful and to stay inside their homes during the brutal cold. Trump finished off his tweet by saying, “Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!” Like many others, it seems that Trump may be confused about what global warming actually is. Global warming is the continuous increase in the overall global temperature of the atmosphere. An increase in global temperature is not, and never will be, a good thing. If the rise in temperature is constant and endless, it will be life threatening. Increasing global temperatures does not mean that people will experience nice, warm weather. Every living being on this Earth will experience the effects of global warming. “This is the only Earth. Where do you plan on going?” Senior biology major Gabby Moon said. Dr. Caroline Nielsen, the associate professor of biology and environmental science, says that an increase in global temperature will cause plenty of health effects like reduced air quality, natural disasters and climate-sensitive diseases. As National Geographic states, hurricanes and other very powerful storms are likely to become even stronger, as well as floods and droughts becoming way more common due to global warming. All ecosystems around the world will begin to permanently change for the worst. “Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year,” Dr. Nielsen said. “Children will experience the greatest health consequences.” Trump has been tweeting about global warming in a comedic, mocking way for years. It dates back as far as 2012 with a tweet of his saying, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” Eight days later, President Trump addressed global warming on Twitter again with this tweet:

Donald J. Trump O @realDonaldTrump · Jan28 V Inthebeautiful Midwest , windchill temperatures arereaching minus60degrees , thecoldesteverrecorded . Incomingdays,expected to getevencolder.People can'tlastoutsideevenforminutes . Whatthehellis goingonwithGlobal Warning? Please comebackfast, weneedyou! President Trump wishing for global warming to return.


The President of the United States frequently debunking and mocking global warming poses a major threat to the chances of awareness being spread on this rising issue. As reported by National Geographic, the global average surface temperature has heightened by over 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one of the many lasting effects of global warming. You may still be wondering why large parts of the country are experiencing brutal cold weather if global warming is actually a thing. Well, the answer to that question is the difference between weather and climate. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, weather is the day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere. Climate is the average weather condition over a period of time. Many things can affect weather on any given day but that does not change the overall climate of an area. The record-breaking freezing temperatures that most of the U.S. experienced late January does not mean that global warming is gone, slowing down or going backwards. As stated in an article by Climate Kids, an informational website for kids by NASA, this condition is called Arctic Oscillation. Arctic Oscillation is the alternating movement of air between the north and south. Sometimes the air pressure keeps the really cold air in the Arctic and other times the freezing temperatures travel. No matter how cold the local temperatures may be, global warming is certainly still a worldly concern.




THURSDAY,FEB. 21, 2019

Behind a screen or in person, bullying is bullying BY JUSTIN BARNES Lifestyles Editor

Name calling, harassment and other forms of bullying are already a big challenge with today’s youth. However, with smart phones, the internet and social media, bullying has been taken to new levels. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 59 percent of teens claim to have experienced at least one of six different types of online abuse. The primary forms of abuse people face online are name-calling and the spreading of false rumors. About 42 percent of teens on the Pew study reported being called offensive names either online or over the phone and 32 percent of those teens reported false rumors being spread.

Misery loves company Licensed esthetician and makeup artist Lauren Basile has experienced cyberbullying before and describes it as “disgusting.” A former friend of her best friend constantly stalked her friend’s social media by creating fake accounts and following her followers/friends, including Basile.


Cyberbullying is a dangerous form of bullying that can prove damning to both the victim and the bully. Since she comes from a big family, Basile has some followers who know someone in her family despite not actually meeting them. This led her to accept the girl’s friend request. When her best friend objected, Basile unfriended the girl. That did not stop the girl from somehow getting into Basile’s email, changing her password and hacking into her social media account. While there, she deleted almost everything Basile had and replaced them with very explicit and sexual images involving prostitution. To make matters worse, the girl direct-messaged Basile’s friends and say hurtful things to them. Luckily for Basile, her friends knew something was not right so instead of automatically assuming she hurt them on purpose, they asked if she was OK and showed her the messages that were sent from her account. Basile was shocked to see what had happened and was scared for her family, specifically her brothers, whom she is very protective of. “If their friends saw that, or they saw that, it would go right back to my parents, bringing shame onto my family,” Basile said. “When it comes to my family, I would put on a m---------ing war.” Basile was glad her brothers did not see her social media page but was more grateful that her friends just asked what was going on. She is very close to her friends and describes their relationship with each other as a sisterhood. “We always empower each other, we’re always there to support each other…I have a group chat with them and

they tell me everything,” Basile said. “I’m so happy they didn’t believe that because I really don’t know what the f--- I would do without them.” Even after Basile deleted everything and made new accounts with different names, the cyberbully kept coming after her with fake accounts and constantly apologizing to her. This forced Basile to deactivate her Facebook and Instagram accounts. Basile wants to enhance her career in social media at Cabrini, but she is worried the cyberbully will come back because she has more to lose now. Especially in the case of her family, job and potential employers who may reject employment if they see graphic and profane pictures or posts on her social media. “Not only are you shaming my family, you’re blocking my income,” Basile said. While she feels bad for the cyberbully, Basile said she knew what she was doing and had no excuse to hurt others. Especially since her best friend, despite having a horrible childhood herself, has made a successful and happy life for herself.

Money Isn’t Everything Pew’s research claims cyberbullying also varies based on income as 24 percent of teens whose family has a household income of $30,000 faced more cyberbullying than the 12 percent whose families have a household income of $75,000. Farina disagrees with this, claiming that middle and high school students do not know how much money their parents are making. Other factors included looking into where students live, their zip codes, even how many bathrooms a person had to determine someone’s socioeconomic status. “I really don’t think that income has an impact upon bullying because bullying rises above that,” Dr. Farina said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, they will find something to make fun of you for.”

Cyberbullying on race and gender: is there a difference? While boys and girls have equal chances of being cyberbullied, girls are more likely to be victims of cyberbullying as a poll conducted by Pew has shown that 39 percent of girls have experienced the spreading of false rumors compared to 26 percent of boys. Additionally, 29 percent of girls have received unwanted explicit photos compared to 20 percent of boys. Assistant criminology professor Dr. Katie Farina said that the fact that girls are supposedly more likely to become victims of bullying is part of a phenomenon called the “Mean Girls Phenomenon.” According to her, girls seem to be the same when bullying online and in person. Farina said that boys are more likely to be bullied than girls, especially in person, because in-person bullying has a physical component and boys are socialized to be aggressive. When it comes to cyberbullying, Farina said that there’s little difference between the rate boys and girls experience it because there’s no physical notion. “The intention of cyberbullying is to be embarrassing,” Farina said. “It’s to cause embarrassment and feelings of unease. So, I think that levels the playing field between boys and girls.” Farina also pointed out that girls are more likely to be verbally assaulted and girls are more likely to cyberbully and be cyberbullied because of the verbal component as well as how they bully. In society, people are socialized to expect certain behaviors that are considered normal and when someone seeks to break out of those norms, it is a cause for ridicule. According to Farina, sexual orientation and sexual minority status are major causes because we live in a heteronormative society where people are taught that the only normal relationship is between a man and a woman. “Whenever you see someone who is stepping outside of that norm, it’s a cause to ‘other’ them and to be like ‘I’m not like them,’” Farina said. “So to prove the world that I’m not like them, I have to make fun of them.” There have been many stories where people were cyberbullied because of their sexual orientation which pushed them to self-harm and suicide. Case in point; former Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi’s roommate secretly recorded him making out with his boyfriend and uploaded it to the internet which pushed Clementi to suicide. When it comes to explicit images, boys are more likely to send them. According to Farina, it is technically considered child pornography since it consists of sending sexual pictures of people under the age of 18. Girls who cyberbullied are more likely to be the same in person as they are online such as being negative, gossipy and attacking a girl’s looks, reputation and attitude since they’ve been socialized on what is considered “pretty.” This was especially the case with Basile’s friends since the messages they got called them out for their looks. She despised those messages too because she claimed that her friends are incredibly gorgeous.


The only difference between bullying and cyberbullying is that cyberbullying is behind a screen.

What can be done? Many school officials, tech companies and lawyers have begun taking measures to end cyberbullying by enacting laws to prevent cyberbullying, implementing policies that punish students responsible, and tech companies bringing out tools to help prevent it. However, teens feel that dissatisfied with current efforts. According to a poll conducted by Pew, 59 percent of teens feel that parents are the only ones that are really making an effort to end cyberbullying and 79 percent claimed that elected officials and politicians were only doing a fair or poor job. Basile agrees with this since she and her best friend went to the police regarding her cyberbully and very little was done about it. The first officer she talked to neglected it claiming it was simple high school drama. The other officer attempted to look into it but there was little he could do since the cyber laws were different and the cyberbully’s usage of fake numbers made tracing her very difficult. Basile also thinks that there needs to be more done in terms of curbing cyberbullying such as having more laws and making things more traceable. Especially in the case of her cyberbully who used manipulation and played the victim. “When a serial killer kills and he leaves evidence behind, you trace it back to that person,” Basile said.

Behind a screen or in person; it doesn’t matter Cyberbullying is just as harmful if not worse than in-person bullying and should be treated as such. Since it has led to serious problems including self-harm and suicide, most agree that there should be more done to curtail it. Additionally, such people believe that having a rough past does not give anyone an excuse to make others miserable. “I surpass everything,” Basile said. “That b---- had nothing better else to do other than try to destroy me, but she failed. I’m still here, I work full time, I go to school full time and I’m living my best life.”



THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019


Student-directed capstone project spreads awareness about hate crimes and homophobia BY SIERRA DOTSON Assistant News Editor

like this are important to show the world why we do kind of live looking over our shoulders.” “This show has such a powerful impact. Deciding on ‘The Laramie Project’ was not a care-free decision. We knew from the get-go we wanted to do something politically driven,” Berardi said. “It’s a great way to wrap

one death can have a ripple effect that impacts everyone involved. Shepard’s murder not only affected his family, but left a permanent scar on the community. It also Johnny Myers and Joe Berardi are two senior brought national attention to the lack of laws in the students. Berardi is a history and writing double country protecting the LGBT+ community against hate major while Myers is a writing major with a minor in crimes. theater. As part of their senior capstone “My hope is that the audience will be experience, they joined forces to inspired to do good in the world around co-direct a staged reading of excerpts them, be an advocate, be an ally, and from “The Laramie Project.” stand up when they see instances of “Johnny and I are both very injustice,” Myers said. “We also want this politically savvy,” Berardi said. “We’re to reflect what we did here during our very aware of what’s going on in the time as Cabrini students. We’ve spent current political climate and we feel a lot of time in this theater and are very like this piece, even though it was established in the English department so written in the early 2000s is still very this is really our last hoorah.” relevant to things happening in our “The Laramie Project” is not a society today.” production that relies on elaborate sets or “The Laramie Project” is a play eccentric musical numbers. Instead, the that brings a documentary to life sheer passion delivered by the cast is what on stage, taking place during the gives the production its vivid color. The aftermath of Matthew Shepard’s emotion in each reading painted a clear murder. Matte Shepard, an openlypicture of each location. Even if one had gay university student, was murdered never been to Wyoming, the immersive in Laramie, Wyoming, by two young description of the Laramie night sky men. Hundreds of interviews were was enough to send chills through each conducted in the town of Laramie, member of the audience. capturing the diverse thoughts “I first saw ‘The Laramie Project’ back and emotions of the townspeople when I was a student at Cabrini,” Justin in regards to not only the death of Sillner, transfer admissions counselor and Shepherd, but many also spoke on Cabrini alumnus, said. “We did one for SIERRA DOTSON/ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR their mixed opinions on homosexuality. Prior to the premiere, Berardi and Myers have been working hard on The Laramie the 10-year anniversary of Shepard’s death. “Watching a show like this as Still amazing, still a wonderful production.” Project since July. someone who is gay, it’s crazy because this is something that can actually happen,” Francesca up everything we’ve done with theater and it’s such an SIERRADOTSON820@GMAIL.COM Maslin, junior writing major, said. “Yeah, me and my empowering story that’s relevant to the times and very girlfriend get looks sometimes, but to think that it could close to our hearts.” ever escalate to that sort of violence, it’s scary. Stories What this production does well is demonstrate how

Is it ok in 2019 to say you met on Tinder?

Television shows bring awareness to social justice issues BY MELISSA CASEY Staff Writer

BY ANGELINA CAPOZZI Assistant News Editor

Looking for love or just looking for a hookup? Either way, is it okay to use Tinder as your source? With 10 million active users, Tinder gets the reputation as the “hookup app.” “I think Tinder is mainly used for hookups but can turn into relationships,” Brittany Yates, sophomore education major, said. “Personally, I would tell my guy friends that I met my girlfriend on Tinder,” Luis Reyes, criminology and Spanish major, said. “From a guys perspective, that does not bother me.” “I met my boyfriend on Tinder, but I knew him because he is friends with my older brother,” Kailey Currao, secondary education major, said. “Because we had that connection, I trusted him more.” One of the issues with Tinder that has come up in studies is that millennials do not want to tell their parents they met on Tinder. Millennials

feel embarrassed about this and when their parents were their age, they did not have the abilities of the internet. The internet now connects people in new ways so there is more online dating. Trust is another reason some parents may want their child to stay away from online dating sites like Tinder. “My mom would be very mad if I told her I met a guy on Tinder,” Deja Gillis, sophomore exercise science major, said. “She would be highly concerned about my safety and would not allow it.” “I personally would tell my parents because I would want to see their reaction,” Kim Bengi, an undeclared sophomore, said. Meeting a guy on Tinder that you really like either by accident or on purpose does happen.

Many television shows make a connection to the social justice issues happening in America such as DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, immigration and asylum. DACA, immigration and asylum are not the only social justice issues television shows portray. “Shameless” demonstrates mental illness and how people deal with the illnesses such as bipolar, OCD, anxiety and addictions. “The Fosters” illustrates on important topics such as how America’s immigration system tears families apart. Cabrini University is similar to these shows and matches such shows by teaching the values shown and educating their community and beyond. Cabrini’s mission statement dedicates to a commitment of social justice along with academic excellence and leadership




development. Cabrini is committed to ensuring that students, faculty and staff in the community feel safe while welcoming all faiths, cultures and backgrounds. Students who watch the two-hit shows, “Shameless” and “The Fosters” have noticed how the two television shows relate serious social justice issues such as DACA, immigration, asylum and mental illness. In season five, episode 10 of “The Fosters,” Ximena looks for sanctuary in a church when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE, comes looking for her since she spoke out at a rally and said she is undocumented. The eighth episode of season nine of “Shameless” mentions how Santiago’s family was seeking asylum, but Santiago’s father was sent to a detention center. “Watching the ‘Fosters’ and seeing the awareness of social justice issues the show brings is important because they are raising points that need to be addressed in society,” Lauren Buck, elementary and special education major, said. There are many episodes of the two television shows that bring awareness to the social justice issues, but those two episodes are the ones that stood out to most to the viewers. CONTINUE READING ONLINE


“The Fosters” discussed immigration in a couple of episodes.




THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019

A happy place; how to find one, and how it benefits you BY MELISSA CASEY Staff Writer

Having a happy place can be very important to a person. It can be a vacation spot, a local café, the gym, a library, the list could go on and on. For me, my happy place is SoulCycle. SoulCycle is an indoor cycling place where you ride to the beat of music for 45 minutes or 60 minutes. WHAT A HAPPY PLACE MEANS

Being at your happy place gives you a chance to relax, unwind, power down your phone and get away from the madness that could be affecting your mental health. It is somewhere you can escape, feel happy and be at peace with no intrusions of any sort. It is not always easy to find a place that makes you feel at ease and distract from the stress of life. To find a happy place, you need to have an open-mind and be willing to try new things. It is always good to experience new things alone, so you know if the place or activity you are doing brings you peace of mind and become stress-free.

Also, if you encounter some place that creates a memory, it will forever make you smile and feel happy. This can be a happy place for most people. HOW IT BENEFITS YOU

A happy place gives you the chance to be in your own little world, feel happy and helps you distress; whether it be with a good book, movie, a meal, exercising or being at a relaxing spot. You get to find out what really makes you happy and how beneficial it is to your life. A happy place can get you out of a bad mood in or a state of mind that makes you feel upset from just thinking about it. HOW I FOUND MY HAPPY PLACE

SoulCycle became my happy place on June 23, 2016. I was going into my senior year of high school when I first found out about SoulCycle. I was in a very tough spot going into my senior year. I felt lost and did not know where to go to escape everything that was making me feel overwhelmed at

the time. I was under so much stress of senior year, sports, family issues and self-love issues. I first found out about SoulCycle through a friend and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere of the place. After taking my first class, I instantly in a better and happier mood that no one could destroy. I have made so many memories throughout the three years I have been going to SoulCycle. Being there puts me at such ease and relives stress once or, sometimes twice a week. The instructors lead me through an experience that benefits my mind, body and soul. Having a class in a dark candlelit room gives me so much peace and allows me to become my best self in just 45 minutes. The motivational advice that is given from the instructors on how important we are and our mental health helps me grow into a better me. SoulCycle gives me a chance to escape from reality and be the happiest I can be. I have cried, laughed and

leave with a big smile on my face no matter what mood I’m in before I enter the studio. To have a community that pushes me to be my true and best self is something that cannot be beaten. It does not matter what fitness level you are or the experience you have with cycling, it gives people a chance to make new friendships, relationships and memories that will continue to grow from trying something new. I am forever inspired and thankful for the community SoulCycle has from the amount of happiness I am given from just once a week. It never hurts to try something new, it could bring you a great amount MELISSA CASSEY/STAFF WRTIER of happiness and the ability SoulCycle became my happy place to become stress free from whatever is going on in life. After taking my first class at the Ardmore studio, I never would have guessed how much MELISSACASEY101@GMAIL.COM SoulCycle would have changed my life for the better.

The mystery behind sodexo food, is it healthy? BY ALEX MAIORANA Staff Writer

Sodexo has been Cabrini’s food supplier for as long as I have attended the school. As a junior, I have become curious as to whether or not the food we eat is healthy. Over the course of the day the cafeteria offers three meals: breakfast, lunch and, of course, dinner. There are different eating options depending on the day and time you go to the cafeteria. There are, however, a few items that are always available. Some of those items include breakfast cereals, a salad bar and an assortment of breads. Nothing sounds too awfully unhealthy about any of those things and for the most part they are not. Before we can determine if anything else is healthy, we need to determine what is healthy food. THE STATS

On average an adult male needs to take in around 2,500-2,800 calories per day. An average woman needs 2,000-2,400 calories per day. Where the calories come from and what they are made of is just as important if not more so. Sodium and protein can also be a sign of a food’s quality. Sodium should be kept moderately low at around 1,500 milligrams per day. Based on the average 20 year old woman around 125 grams of protein should be consumed per day. The average 20 year old man should have around 155 grams per day. Using Sodexo’s app “Bite” students are able to see the nutrition facts for foods that are being served on any given day. This can be helpful, but could also be misleading. A normal apple is listed to be zero calories on the app. According to other sources an apple on average is 95 calories. While this is not grounds for distrusting the entire system it shows that there is certain to be false information elsewhere on the app.


The average meal in Sodexo usually consists of fries and mac and cheese A DAY AT THE CAFE

It’s Wednesday, Jan 30. Grilled kielbasa with peppers and onions is on the menu for breakfast, so are eggs and an unnamed item. Clearly, I cannot get every item and do all the math in one article. We’re going to assume I have the most amount of calories possible by only eating one thing at each meal. I choose the kielbasa. Assuming I am eating nothing else for breakfast, I’ve consumed a fine amount of calories at about 530 and 18 grams of protein. However, I’ve already also had 1630 milligrams of sodium. Not off to a great start, but on average a person consumes much more than 1600 milligrams per day. Having 1500 is just a healthier suggestion. I have a moderately active day up until lunch. Once again, there is one item unnamed. For lunch I eat a West African grilled chicken sandwich. I’ve eaten another 440 calories, 33 grams of protein and 720 milligrams of sodium.

Dinner comes around and I am eating two pieces of southern fried chicken. With that I am eating 640 calories, 61 grams of protein and 680 milligrams of sodium. The day’s total comes to 1650 calories, 112 grams of protein and a whopping 3030 milligrams of sodium. That doesn’t really seem bad, until you realize you haven’t had enough calories or protein. If you eat anymore you also keep racking up the already high amount of sodium. If we give Sodexo or the cafeteria the benefit of the doubt, we could say that there are options that could add up a little bit better than that. I will in this case seeing as there are a good amount of options. The cafeteria is clearly not the healthiest place to eat, but if you try, there is definitely a way to eat well here at school. If we were to ask if the healthy food here tastes good, that would have to be a whole other discussion. I am not a huge fan of the food, but I’ll probably be back tomorrow. ALEXMAIORANA98@GMAIL.COM


THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019


Cabrini athletics kicks off spring season BY GRIFFIN HAYS Assistant Sports Editor

Sports Source: Flyers final stretch of the season BY JAMES KELLY Sports Editor

About two months ago, the Philadelphia Flyers season seemed to be over as they were at the bottom of the Eastern conference. The Flyers were closer to the first pick in the upcoming draft than they were to the last playoff spot. However, that all changed when they decided to bring up goaltender Carter Hart from the minor league. The 20-year-old goalie had the best statistical minor league career in the history of the league. Hart was the number one goalie prospect and he has looked like it in his first couple months of professional play. Hart has brought the Flyers from the bottom of the conference to only six points out of a playoff spot. The Flyers as a unit have played amazing in front of a consistent goaltender in Hart. The trade deadline is quickly approaching and these next stretch of games are going to determine whether the Flyers are buyers or sellers. The upcoming Stadium Series game against the Pittsburgh Penguins is the last game prior to the trade deadline. The Flyers could be playing postseason hockey this year if they keep playing with the confidence they have had as of late. The players who struggled earlier in the season, such as defensemen Ivan Provorov and Shayne Gostisbehere and forward Nolan Patrick, are now playing with confidence. Patrick was the second overall in the 2017 draft. In his sophomore season, expectations were high for Patrick coming into the season, and he has been delivering as of late. The Flyers need a late season push to put them in the second wildcard spot. The Flyers are more than capable of making the playoffs, but it will all come down to what they do at the trade deadline.



There may be snow on the ground, but spring sports are just around the corner. With several teams looking to make waves in the new Atlantic East Conference (AEC) in 2019, here’s everything there is to know heading into the season.

Men’s Lacrosse While the schedule may look different, the Cavaliers’ goal remains the same. Picked as the number one team in the AEC in the pre-season coaches’ poll, their expectations are pretty simple heading into 2019. “We expect to win every single game during the season and to be playing in Lincoln Financial Field come championship weekend,” Jordan Krug, senior attacker and two-time All-American, said. Krug, a marketing major, is a two-time first team AllCSAC (Colonial States Athletic Conference) recipient and the reigning CSAC Player of the Year. While they brought back their star, it isn’t just a one-man-

show. The Cavaliers also return all of their top five scorers from a year ago, including Krug, senior Timmy Brooks and junior Matt LoParo, both attackers. Men’s lacrosse opened the season on Feb. 16 with a 19-3 win over Haverford College.

Women’s Lacrosse Coming off of a CSAC title in 2018, the Cavs didn’t lose many players from last year’s team. Among the returners is senior Avery Murphy, who accounted for more than 100 points last year. They are bringing back one of their top defenders, senior Katie Kucia, and their top goalie, Devon Scharf. The Cavaliers come into the season holding the top spot in the AEC coaches’ poll, and open the season on Feb. 19 at Ursinus College.


The Diamond Cavs had their best season in their program’s short history in 2018, sporting a 20-19 win-loss record and reaching the CSAC playoffs. In 2019, they are looking to take the next step. They are led offensively by returning sophomores Mack McKisson and JD Barrett. McKisson won CSAC Rookie of the Year and was named to first team All-CSAC. Barrett was All-CSAC Honorable Mention. Baseball opened the season on Feb. 15, winning both games MICHELLE GUERIN/VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR of a double-header JD Barrett getting ready to drive the against the Catholic baseball University of America in

Washington, D.C.

Softball After finishing second in CSAC regular season a year ago, the Cavaliers went home from the playoffs after MICHELLE GUERIN/VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR two losses. For returning Jordan Krug looks to pass to an open teammate. players, that is enough motivation. the Cavaliers went 0-3 in the fall “The returnees saw that we portion of their schedule but will were picked fourth [in the AEC look to turn things around this coaches’ poll] and we know spring. that we need to show this new Women’s tennis resumes conference what we got,” Ally March 14 at Eastern University. Schell, junior right fielder and Men’s Golf business management major, said. “We can’t wait to start The men’s golf team is off conference play and show to a good start to the 2018-19 everyone that preseason polls campaign, taking five top-three mean nothing.” finishes in the fall portion of Softball opens the season in their schedule. Led by freshman Florida Feb. 24 against Northern Daniel Murphy, who took first at Vermont University-Johnson. the 2018 Atlantic East Fall Break Classic, they look to continue Men’s Tennis that momentum and claim a Men’s tennis won the CSAC in conference title. 2018, and will look to follow it up Men’s golf resumes March with an AEC title in 2019. Led by 25 at the Dickinson College junior CJ Lamantia, the Cavaliers Invitational. went 3-0 in the fall portion of Women’s Golf their schedule. Men’s tennis resumes March The women’s golf team is led 14 at home against Eastern by sophomore Abi Fricke and University. freshman Vic Monterosso and looks to gain momentum in the

Women’s Tennis

Women’s tennis went 6-9 in 2018, but with a large group of freshman, they believe that their best days are ahead. Led by junior Sydney Lynch,



How a pair of teammates and roommates juggle sports and friendship BY TROI PATRICK Assistant Perspectives Editor

Meet the girls Best friends Ashley Tutzauer and Brianna Blair compete, socialize and live together. Both women are early childhood education and special education majors and play several sports alongside each other. Blair, a sophomore, plays both soccer and basketball. Tutzauer, also a sophomore, plays soccer, basketball and lacrosse. Blair is a Havertown resident, while Tutzauer is from Toms River, New Jersey, over 80 miles away. Blair enjoys soccer the most as it comes very naturally to her. She has been playing the sport since she was a child and is quite good at it. Last year she started 17 matches and had a season high two shots against Lehman. She plays on the women’s soccer team and is a forward on the women’s basketball team. Tutzauer has a special love for basketball.

“I think I’ve been playing basketball since like right out of the womb,” Tutzauer said. “I was always in the gym shooting.” She comes from an athletic family with a basketball coach for a mom. She is currently a point guard for the women’s basketball team. She averages 10 minutes per game and 3.6 points per game. She is a goalkeeper and forward for the women’s soccer team and midfield for lacrosse.

Friendship Before fall of 2017, Ashley and Brianna were strangers. Now, they are nothing short of sisters. They initially met through a Cabrini Facebook group, but didn’t know they were more connected than they thought. Unbeknownst to them, Ashley’s cousin went to a school that Brianna’s dad taught in. The girls live on campus together in a triple with a fellow soccer teammate. They live in a house that is occupied by five other women’s basketball players, making it the unofficial “basketball house.” Living with

a friend can be difficult for some people, but Blair and Tutzauer love living together. Most of their time is spent together, growing their sisterly bond in more ways than one.

Busy days They describe their days as “packed” from morning to night. Sometimes they are so busy they hardly have time to sit down and enjoy a meal at the cafe. Most days start off early. On easier days, they hang out at The Bean in between classes. Because they share the same major they have most of their classes together. After class they have practice and tend to have a full schedule until one in the morning. Even though juggling academics and several sports is difficult, they have a positive outlook and make the best out of it. “I feel like we keep each other on track,” Blair said. “I write all of my practices down and color code each sport,”


Ashely Tutzauer and Brianna Blair post-game. Tutzauer said. They have plenty of friends on each team and see practice and games as fun. Their teammates are their family. The relationship they have with each other takes the intensity out of the sport. TROIMONEMUA@GMAIL.COM


THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 2019


In memory of a lacrosse player, friend, coach and Cavalier BY MICHELLE GUERIN Visual Managing Editor

The Cabrini men’s lacrosse team will be playing their 2019 season dedicated to strength, hard work, determination and for the legacy of John “Jake” Durkin. Durkin passed away unexpectedly on April 16, 2016 in Wayne, Pennsylvania, while enrolled as a transfer freshman at Cabrini University. Ever since then, Cabrini University’s community and Durkin’s hometown, Horsham, Pennsylvania, have been affected and put their best foot forward, on or off the lacrosse field. “Jake’s impact, even though here for three months, goes well beyond the three months of him being in the lacrosse program,” Steve Colfer, head coach of Cabrini men’s lacrosse, said. “Alumni knew his name, the athletes that played with Jake remember him, and even the incoming freshman know and respect his name. Jake will just always be a part of the program and it’s a reminder to be smart and to watch out for one another.” For a local middle school in Horsham, Pennsylvania, Durkin coached a team with many young athletes, including now, sophomore Brian Hood. While deciding where to go for college, Durkin had one of the many impacts on Hood’s decision to attend Cabrini in particular. “It was recently right after Jake passed, I decided to attend Cabrini,” Hood said. “Because Jake played at Cabrini, I felt like I had an opportunity and it sparked my interest. The first day I met with the coaches, one of the first questions I asked was if I could wear Jake’s jersey because knowing him on and off the field, I wanted to represent

him and the number the best I could. Jake was just always someone I looked up to and wanted to be like, so wearing his number was just a physical reminder that I play for him every time I put on my practice penny or my uniform.” Senior captain, Jordan Krug agreed when asked about the importance of how athletes dedicate games or seasons to loved ones or events like how many dedicate this season to Durkin. “Dedication gives extra motivation to the players,” Krug said. “In the past, my cousin passed during my sophomore season and having that dedication puts in perspective that stepping onto the field and having that opportunity, not everyone has. Some players get it cut short and aren’t as fortunate athletically. It’s a good way to put into perspective when having that mindset and it’s important to dedicate the plays to people we love and the people that care for us.” With the little time Durkin had as a Cabrini athlete, he taught important messages that have been passed among the team. “Jake was so energetic and so passionate about the sport that it made us really value the sport even more,” Krug said. “His memory teaches us that an opportunity that we have now can always be put into jeopardy at any moment so it’s just a constant reminder really.” Coaching Durkin for a few months, Colfer saw his spark immediately. “Jake was an energetic, dynamic, fun-loving young man who had a very bright future,” Colfer said. Wearing two hats and being an athlete while a coach, Durkin used his knowledge and coached

players that had the love for the sport he enjoyed and loved. In that position, Durkin knew what was best and how to teach young athletes how to be smart on the field. “When I met Jake my 8th-grade year, I never met anyone with that much IQ when it comes to Jake Durkin photo graphic the game,” Hood that donated and left messages, said. “He could honestly Hood was happy for the play the field no matter what community to come together in situation he was in, Jake was memory of a community-based just one step ahead of everyone person. else. As my friend, he was the “Reading through the guy anyone could go to for a GoFundMe and seeing all the problem. names I connected with and with This would have been people from my home and from Durkin’s senior year. To Cabrini, it was just amazing,” remember and give back to his Hood said. “I saw family and name, a GoFundMe page was friend’s names - half that created in his name to hopefully donated when I first looked were create a wall ball with his name people from home.” across. Within 23 hours of the link “The senior class brought being live and having the goal up the idea and set up the at $5,000, the bar was pushed GoFundMe page and presented with $520 extra raised by 120 it to the team as well as Jake’s people. The GoFundMe link parents after a practice,” Hood ended Feb 14 with $7,751. said. “As soon as the GoFundMe “I like to play the game. I was live, I shared the link on my like to push myself and my social media platforms and it teammates to the next level took off. I had a bunch of people during any and all opportunities direct message me and I also while representing Jake, just so personally shared the link and people were more than willing to he can look down and have him proud, makes it so much better,” share and share.” Hood said. “When we have that Scrolling through the names



wall ball, I know that will be another reminder for everyone to play with motivation and to push themselves harder and to give it our all. I still believe every senior picture Jake in their class and picture him here with them. I still think he is a part of the graduating class of 2019.” Durkin’s memory will live on forever, but for the upcoming season, starting strong for Dunkin is the expectation for everyone. “Jake was the one to get me to play the position I am in now,” Hood said. “I’m so happy that we are starting the season with the memory of Jake. I’m happy it’s adding more motivation to the team and I’m super excited for the season.”


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cabrinimlax Please help us in remembering our teammate Jake Durkin, who passed away in our 2016 season. All money raised will go to "The Wall" that will be built next to ERDF.The wall will read "In memory of Jake Durkin" Thank you to all who donate! Link in bio. k8_frey e_heis7

e_heis7 This is awesome

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